Phlebotomy exam

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Which of the following is a blood cell?


The most commonly used vein is the:

Median cubital

The Brain is part of the ___________system


What is the inflammation if the lining of a vein, accompanied by clotting of blood in the vein?


What kind of nurse is one who graduated from an accredited nursing program (typically with a bachelor's degree), passed a state exam for licensure, and is registered and licensed to practice by state authority?


There is a considerably less risk of creating a hematoma if ABGS are drawn from the artery.


How many valves does the heart have?


Alcohol pads or alcohol wipes should contain what perceht if isopropyl alcohol solution?


The point of the needle that has been cut on a slant for ease of entry is called, what?


Chronic liver infection


Which one of these items should not be found on a blood collection tray?


Chloride is an


T or F: All blood that runs though veins and arteries is blue before it hits oxygen


T or F: Anticoagulants have absolutely no effect of morphologica changes in the blood cells.


T/F: A utility tray is considered a "tool of the trade" when t comes to phlebotomy.


T/F: Glass slides are NOT commonly found in a phlebotomy drawing tray.


The Colon is part of the __________system.


After having blood drawn, a patient feels faint. Which of the following actions is not appropriate?

Get a glass of water.

What is a hereditary blood disease marked by greatly prdlonged blood coagulation time wtn the failure of clotting?


Malignant enlargement of lymph nodes, spleen, lymphoid tissue

Hodgkin's disease

When a specimen is said to be hemplysed, it is because

Red cells burst causing hemoglobin to be released into the serum

The Bronchus is part of the _____________system.


When selecting veins for venipuncture, try to avoid veins that are hard or cordlike because the/ may be, what?


Which of the following body fluids does not contain fibrinogen


Describe the contents of the light blue top tube

Sodium citrate

Process of killing all micro-organisms


What is the order of blood flow from the heart down?

Subclavian, Axillary, Basilic, Brachial, Palmar Digitalis

What branch of medicine deals with manual and operative procedures for the correction of deformities and defects, repair of injuries, and diagnosis and treatment and cure of certain diseases?


Patients are placed in isolation

To isolate the disease process in the patient's room, to protect the patient from outside pathogens, to prevent the spread of disease. All of the above.

Laboratory tests are ordered to determine the existence and monitor the progress of a diseasa


The lower chambers of the heart are called:


Valves are present in:


Gentamicin is an

a. Antibiotic

What coagulant is in a purple top tube


Insulin is a

a. Hormone

Hemoglobin is a

a. carrier molecule

Anemia is a

a. decreased red cell count

The infant's leg should be held securely with the phlebotomist's hand and arm, while the hand uses a pediatric lancet to perform a capillary heel stick.

a. nondominant b. dominant

What coagulant is in a red top tube

a. none of the above

What tube contains EDTA as an additive?

a. royal blue b. pink c. lavender

What are the upper two chambers of the heart?


What is also called the mitral valve and is an atrioventricular valve of the left side of the heart

bicuspid valve

The most commonly performed test requiring protection from light is a _________test.


Which of the following tests are performed first?

blood smear slide

When lead determinations are being made, what color top evacuated tube is drawn?


Microcollection containers are often referred to as because of their size and shape.


Arterial punctures can be performed in various sites, such as?

dorsalis pedis

Patients must not be permitted to do what, during a blood draw?


T/F: 0.5cc is a common syringe size in the lab.


T/F: 18-gauge IV catheter needles are commonly used during an outpatient procedure.


T/F: the CNA assists with specimen collecting and processing


T/F: using too small of a needle can cause a hematoma


What protects the phlebotomist from aerosol exposure?


Which evacuated tube has the special requirement of inversion for proper mixing?


Which department is concerned with women's health issues?


Nitrile gloves are

hard to tear

The chance of a is increased in an arterial puncture.


What occurs when an improperly placed needle results inblood escaping from a vein?


What is the medical abbreviation for hemoglobin?


What causes a blood specimen to be rejected by the laboratory?

improper labeling of tubes

When palpating the vein, use the tip of the finger.


Sclerosed or __________veins are often the result of inflammation and disease, or they occur in patients who have repeated punctures to veins.


Who helps people with physical or mental disabilities usirg the activities of everyday living to achieve maximum functioning?

occupational therapists

what is the study of the nature and cause of disease thrdugh clinial laboratory tests results?


When using the method of drawing, the phlebotomist can control the amount of pressure placed on the vein.


What establishes the basic meaning of a medical term?

word roots

A patient's blood may be drawn, on average, times a day.

а. 3

" an artery is accidentally punctured, the phlebotomist should apply pressure for minimum of how many minutes?

а. 5

A phlebotomist is ok the pediatric floor draeing the morning blood work. A bursr requested an extra blood test that requires additional blood to be drawn on the patient, becayse the patient has just returned from surgery. What should be the reply?

"Since I am drawing this patien's blood anyway, give me an add-request form" (follow hospital protocol)

Before doing a venipuncture, the Phlebotomist should tell the patient:

"This will be slightly painful"

A phlebotomist enters johnny's room and a parent is with the patient. The parent asks, "why do you have to draw more blood from my child?" The phlebotomist should reply,

"Your doctor needs to see how Johnny is doing today."

The medical suffix that means dilation is, what?


When performing an ABG, a local anesthetic solution of percent lidocaine is used to numb the site.


ABGS are typically collected in milliliter syringes depending on the amount of blood required.

1 to 5

A lithium heparin solution of units/milliliter is used to prevent the specimen needed for an ABG from clotting.


The most common multisample needle length used is what?

1- 1.5 inches

A tourniquet may stay on the patient for how many minutes?

1-2 minutes

The phlebotomist may use up to a inch blood collection needle when using the Saf-T Clik needle adaptor.


A butterfly infusion set contains a needle that is inches long and is made of stainless stee

1/2 - 3/4

Removal of over percent of an infant's blood can cause cardiac arrest.


The most common size syringe used for a routine venipurcture is a cc syringe


when you are using a butterfly infusion set the needle should be inserted into the vein at what degree angle?

10 to 15 degree

When warming an area for a capillary blood collection, a warm moist towel must be no hotter than degrees Fahrenheit.


Outpatients should remain sitting for minutes before attempting a venipuncture for certa n procedures.


When you are using the evacuated tube system, the needle should be inserted into the site at what degree angle?

15 - 30

The Penrose drain tubing, used as a tourniquet, is typically- inches in length and 1/2 to 1 inch wide.

18 to 20

The blood smear is performed immediately after wiping away the drop of blood capillary puncture.


On a butterfly infusion set draw, the tourniquet may be left in place until the draw is complete, long as the draw is accomplished within a ________minute wndow.


The phlebotomist, if there are no other options, may draw blood at least_________ inches below ar IV site once permission has been given by the patient's physician.


Evacuated tubes are made of either glass or plastic and are available in a range of sizes of millimeters.

2- 15

NCCLS guidelines state that an infant's heel puncture should not exceed mm in depth.


Specimens must be allowed to clot at room temperature for a minimum of _________minutes before centrifuging.


Which multidraw needle is required equipment for an evacuated tube system venipuncture?

20 gauge

If the patient experiences a hematoma, the phlebotomist should apply an ice pack for minutes on, minutes off when returning home.

20, 20

The most common gauge multisample need used by a phebotomist is, what?


The most commonly used needle is a gauge, inch for radial and brachial punctures.

22, 1

Any needle smaller than a _________gauge causes the red blood cells to lyse.


gauge butterfly infusion set with a 2- to 3-millimeter evacuated tube provides the best results for blood specimen collection from an infant.


What is the typical gauge and length of the needle of a butterfly infusion set?

23 gauge, 5/8 inch

Wrap the tourniquet around the patient's arm approximately inches above the venipuncture site.


Direct pressure to the venipuncture site should be applied for minutes.


After the spreader slide has been backed into the drop of blood, it should be lowered to a ________degree angle in order to quickly push the slide along the length of the stationary glass slide.


Patients that are on anticoagulant therapy or have bleedihg disorders must be monitored closely for a minimum of minutes after a blood draw.


The average adult has how many RBCS per cubic millimeter of blood?

4.5 to 5.0 million

After a venipuncture is performed, the bleeding should stop within minutes or the physician must be notified.


Immediately after a blood draw, additive tubes must be gently inverted_________ times.

5 - 8

Using a ______milliliter tube with a _________gauge needle may cause hemolysis during a butterfly infusion set draw.

5-, 23-

A patient should remove a bandage how long after a venipuncture?

5-10 minutes

Hypodermic needles for an ABG are inches in length.

5/8 to 1.5

What fingertip is the only one that should not be used for a capillary puncture?

5th - thumb

Instruct patients to not lift or carry anything heavy with the arm the venipuncture occurred on or approximately minutes.


7. In the prevention of erthroblastosis fetalis, a special injection of immune globulin, RHO-gam, can be given to an RH- mother how soon after delivery?

72 hours

Plasma makes up about 55% of the total blood volume ahd is approximately what percent water?


An individual belonging to what blood group can accept blood from all blood types?


What is the medical abbreviation for arterial blood gases?


Who is a registered nurse with a minimum of a masters degree in nursing who provides patient services?


Specimens that require centrifuging are spun down, and then the serum or plasma is pipetted off and transfered into a(n) _______tube.


Who administers anesthia to provide partial or complete loss of sensation prior to surgical procedures?


Irregularity in size of red blood cells



Are flexible and carry increased carbon dioxide levels and waste.

The upper chambers of the heart are called


What type of blood accounts for 12% of the U.S. population?


Which enzyme is not measure as an index of liver function?

CPK-creainine Phosphokinase

The Atrium is part of the _______________system.


The phlebotomistis in a patient's room who normally gets a daily CBC. Today this patient has a chemistry test ordered with no CBC. The phlebotomist should:

Check with the patient's nurse of physician.

Blood is transported through the body by the:

Circulatory system

The outer membrane of human red blood cells may also contain what kind of antigen? AKA Rh factor

D antigen

What anticoagulant tube should be used when drawing a Hematocrit?

EDTA - ethylene Diaminetracetic Acid

The innermost wail of a vein is the


If you fail to release the tourniquet, before you withdraw the needle from the vein, the patient may develop a:


The glucose tolerance test is a measure of which hormone?


All of the following are types of isolation, except:


Blood collected in an anticoagulant tube must be thoroughly:


Which of the following is not a layer of cross section of the vein?


The guidelines state which areas may be punctured and how deep the puncture may be on an infant heel stick.


Who has determined the criteria for meeting the qualificațions required for those who are to perform ABGS?


Which blood type is considered the universal donor?


Medical supply manufacturers have produced some innovative new products to accommodate the new regulations.


requires wearing protective apparel during the processing of a specimen.


Puncturing the calcaneous bone of an infant may not only be painful, but can cause what?


What is a catheter inserted into the peripheral venous system and then threaded into the centıal venous system?


Face gear is an example of, what?


What is an OSHA-required item, such as the gloves that a phlebotomist is required to wear when in contact with body fluids?


Blood leaves the heart to go to the lungs by the

Pulmonary artery

The left side of the heart:

Receives oxygenated blood from lungs

The heart is divided in half by:

The septum

Communicable diseases spread quickly from one person tb another.


Direct pressure should be applied to the site of venipuncture to prevent hematoma formation.


Everything you touch has germs on it


If you have a choice, take soap from dispenser rather thar using bar soap


T or F: An anticoagulant works by preventing the blood from clotting through the removing of or in the activating of one of the essential factors in coagulation


T or F: As a vital member of the clinical laboratory team, the Phlebotomist provides the link between :he patient and other health professionals.


T or F: In an in-patient setting, all patients should have on a patient identification bracelet.


T or F: The term "universal precautions" refer to an infection control method in which all human blood and other potentially infectious material is treated as if they were known to be infectious.


T or F: Used needles should never be resheathed or recapped.


T or F: Vacutainers are test tubes, sealed under vacuum by a pliable stopper; they may be punctured by the back end of a special needle held by its own adapter


T or F: When several quantitative blood examinations are to be carried out, it is best to collect severa milliliters of blood from a vein.


T/F : using a needle with too small a bore, using too large of an evacuated tube with a butterfly and forcing blood from a syringe into a tube all cause hemolysis?


Various color coded isolation cards are hung on doors to identify certain types of patient isolations.


When a patient has a communicable disease, isolation techniques should be used


You should wash your hands before and after contact with patient.


Blood smears that are improperly prepared will have a(n) distribution of cells, which will zive inaccurate test results.


When you insert a needle into a vein, which way should the bevel be placed?


A Creatinine clearance is done to index the functioning of what physiological system?


The Urethra is part of the __________system.


"Hitting" a during a venipuncture can cause permanent damage.

a nerve

If the patient has had seizure, he or she should stay in the area for at least and should te instructed not to operate a vehicle for at least

a. 15 minutes b. 30 minutes

Because of the danger of aspiration and suffocation, a bandage should not be used on a patie it who is less than year(s) old.

a. 2

If drawing blood from a venipuncture site with an IV has the nurse to turn the IV off for a minimum of _________minutes prior to the draw.

a. 2

It is recommended that pediatric-sized milliliter evacuated tubes be used with pediatric sized tube adapters.

a. 2

The phlebotomist must wash his or her hands thoroughly for a minimum of minutes be invasive procedures.

a. 3

A patient must be in a "steady state" for a minimum ofminutes before collection of ABGS.

a. 30

Blood cultures are often ordered in sets that may be performed at the same time from two different sites or can be collected apart.

a. 30 minutes

During the centrifuge process, specimens are spun down for minutes.

a. 5

A timed specimen is:

a. A specimen that has peak and trough before and after a drug is given and single blood specimen ordered to be drawn at a specific time.

Which of the following is practical to used when selecting a vein?

a. An elastic or flexible vein.


a. Are hard in texture and pump oxygenated blood

What skills are required of a phlebotomist?

a. CPR and AED certification b. ability to obtain blood samples C. ECG

A hematoma may be caused by

a. Failure to have the needle completely in the vein, failure to release the tourniquette betore withdrawing the needle, jerkng the needle from the vein, and failure to apply pressure to the wound after removal of the needle. All of the above.

What are the essential factors for capillary punctures:

a. Free flow of blood, gentle squeezing, large drops.

Blood smears for RBC morphology are most accurate when prepared from:

a. Fresh blood b. Capillary blood is usually obtained from: c. finger and heel

The right side of the heart:

a. Pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs

T or F: A patient has the right to refuse a laboratory procedure.

a. True

When using vacutainers, what provides the suction that pulls the blood into the tube?

a. Vacuum

Therapeutic drug monitoring is done at timed intervals after administration of the drug to determine:

a. absorption rate of the drug, b. drug distribution of the drug, and excretion of the drug.

VADS are inserted for what reasons?

a. administering fluids & medications b. monitoring pressures c. drawing blood

What is needed to perform an arterial puncture?

a. alcohol prep b. 0.5%-1% lidocaine c. plastic bag with ice

When you are operating a centrifuge, the tubes must remain stoppered to prevent, what?

a. alteration of the specimens pH b. formation of an aerosol c. splashing of the specimen

The noint of a needle that has been cut on a slant for ease of entry is called a

a. bevel

What pieces of equipment are required when performing a finger stick?

a. biohazardous waste container b. pen c. gloves

Which groups would require the use of a lancet for blood specimen collection? r

a. children b. elderly

What are all of the possible sites for a capillary puncture?

a. ears b. heels C. toes d. fingertips

If the physician has ordered a patient to be NPO, you must verify that he or she has NOT

a. eaten or drunk anything since midnight

T/F: using too small of a needle can cause a hematoma

a. false

What is released into the blood during the process of a capillary puncture and contaminates thhe blood sample?

a. interstitial fluid

Arterial blood is used for blood gases because its composition

a. is the same throughout the body

What are the risks of using a small gauge needle?

a. long draw time b. hemolysis C. hard-to-draw large quantities

What can be applied to the finger during a capillary puncture to ensure a steady flow of blood"

a. massaging b. firm pressure c. milking

What may also contain the same additive as evacuated tupes, and they are color coated in the same manner?

a. microcollection containers

When collecting blood specimens for a blood culture, inadvertent contamination can occur by

a. not allowing the antiseptic to dry b. using the wrong antiseptic C. not properly cleaning the site or blood culture botles

Clot activators and polymer gels are a special requirement for which color top evacuated tube?

a. red-gray b. green-black c. red-green collecting

An arm with a IV hookup should never be used for blood collection because:

a. the specimen will contain IV fluid & IV fluids will change the lab results

The technique is not recommended because it increases the risk of an accidental needle stick.

a. two-finger

Never a needle from the tube adapter or syringe prior to disposal.

a. unscrew b. recap C. bend

What should you do if an elderly patient tells you that their veins are fragile?

a. use pediatric evacuated tube set b. use butterfly infusion set C. use a syringe and small gauge needle

A child's blood vessel is smaller and harder to, what?

a. visualize b. palpitate

Anaphylactic shock is an immediate allergic reaction characterized by what?

acute respiratory distress, hypotension, edema, rash

Evacuated tubes are labeled with which of the following? a. hospital ID number b. patient's room number c. tracking labels d. all of the above

all of the above

The withdrawal of large quantities of blood over a long period of time can cause a pediatric patient to become, what?


Who administers anesthesia to provide partial or complete loss of sensation prior to surgical procedures?


The is the most frequent area used to perform venipuncture.

antecubital area

The most critical factor in collecting blood culture specimens is of the patient's skin.


The most effective method to stop bleeding and help preyent bruising is to:

apply pressure to the site. Inspect to see if bleeding has stopped. Apply a band-aid

What test provides physicians with information about the respiratory status and acid-base balance of a patient?

arterial blood gases

A reflectively contracted artery during an ABG can be caused by, what?


When you are performing a finger stick, the activity to be done first should be, what?

assemble and prepare equipment and supplies

Which is a step in the collection of an ABG?

assessing collateral circulation

Tube holders/adapters are

available in pediatric sizes

When you are performing a, a small incision is made in the patient's forearm, and the blood IS blotted at 30-second intervals.

bleeding time

Alcohol wipes should NOT be used for draws when testing what?

blood alcohol level

A ________specimen must be chilled after collection.

blood glass

Which of the following tests are performed first? a. blood glucose b. blood smear slide c. hematocrit d. hemoglobin

blood smear slide

Microhematocrit tubes without any anticoagulation have a band at one end.


In the order of draw, a gray top evacuated tube is drawn before a top evacuated tube.


Microhematocrit tubes are also known as, what?

capillary tubes

EDTA inhibits clotting of blood through it's action of:

capturing calcium

Who educates patients, treats and assesses patient response to therapy, and manages cardiopulmonary function?


What is a subspeciality of internal medicine dealing with the blood vessels and the heart?


Before perfoming a venipuncture in an inpatient setting, one should:

check the patient's identification

Microcollection tubes provide for all the following except: a. centrifugation of the capillary specimen b. easy measuring c. chilling d. storing


Cleanse the venipuncture site in a motion.


is used to seal the open end of microhematocrit tubes.

clay sealer tray

Which the most effective patient prep before performing a venipuncture?

cleanse with a 70% alcohol swab

What is one of the steps of performing an ABG?

cleansing the site with povidone-iodine

Who is generally required to have a high school diploma and some prior clinical training?

clinical laboratory clerical staff person

The word root with the combining vowel "thromb/o" refers to what?


The Allen test determines, what?

collateral circulation

What supplies blood to an area by more than one artery?

collateral cirçulation

The letter "o" or "i" used with a word root is called what?

combining vowel

What should be drawn in a lavender top evacuated tube?

complete blood counts

Needle phobias can be so intense that the patient may experience, what?o

convulsions, death, or fainting

Infection by a new of different micro-organisms

cross infection

In a capillary blood draw, a stick ensure a better bloo flow.


Ultraviolet light has what effect on the bilirubin molecule?

degrades the molecule

Destruction of as many harmful organisms


What unit is a specific amount of blood, approximately 1 pint, supplied by a volunteer as part of a blood bank procedure?

donor unit

A venipuncture needle is generally inserted so that the

entire bevel is directly into the patient's vein

CPK is an:


What numbers increase in allergic reactions and parasitic Infestations, and their primary functicn is in the defense of invading organisms?


Transferring blood from a syringe to a(n) poses a greater risk to the phlebotomist for accidental needle sticks than collection from an evacuated tube.

evacuated tube

What should not be used for the collection of ABGS because they alter the partial pressure of the gas in the blood sample?

evacuated tubes

What is a temporary connection between a vein and artery used for dialysis and for drawn blood

external AV shunt

If an antecubital vein cannot be located on either arm, check the wrists and hands. If a suitable site cannot be located, what other location may be drawn on with permission from the patient s physician?

feet & ankle veins

When you are performing an arterial blood gas collection, the site with the highest risk of infection is what artery?


When an artery has been effectively entered, a _________ of blood appears in the hub in the need


The Hepatitis B vaccine must be made available to emplovees under two circumstances:

following any infectous exposure incident & if they are exposed at least once a month

A phlebotomist may perform venipuncture on a patient with directly above their veins.


What is the most acceptable way for preparing blood slides?

from fresh blood at the patient's bedside

When handling routine specimens after the blood draw, additive tubes must be

gently inverted

What levels are higher than total proteins in capillary blood specimens?


Lithium iodoacetate is an additive found in a top evacuated tube.


Cytogenics testing is drawn in a top evacuated tube.


A facility providing an adequate supply of running water, soap and single use towels or hot ai drying machine is a:

hand washing facility

If the venipuncture needle has been inserted through the vein, blood seeps into the tissues causing a


Do not as a patient to vigorously open and close a fist prjor to a venipuncture, because this ciin contribute to , causing inaccurate test results.


___________is a relative increase in the number of red blood cells resulting from a decrease in the volume of plasma.


Destruction of the membrane of red blood cells and the liberation of hemoglobin, which diffus es into the surrounding fluid, is called


Destruction of the membrane of red blood cells and the liberation of hemoglobin, which diffuses into the surrounding fluid, is called _____________


What occurs when red blood cells rupture?


What is an arrest of bleeding or circulation?


Coagulation studies cannot be drawn from, what?

heparin lock

the evacuated tube is not filling with blood, the phlebotomist should check what?

i. that the tube is sealed properly into the needle b. that the tube has not lost its vacuum C. that the needle is in the correct position

"Antecubital" means, what?

in front of the elbow

The medical prefix "infra-" means, what?

inferior to

A phlebotomist enters a patient's room. Suddenly the patient gets up, walks into the bathroom and locks the door. Twenty minutes pass with the patient still in the bathroom and the phlebotomist should:

inform nurse on the unit that the patient won't come out of the bathroom

What is fluid between the tissues, surrounding a cell?

interstitial fluid

The first thing a phlebotomist should do when meeting alpatient for the first time is

introduce yourself and identify yourself as a phlebbtomist

What type of antiseptic should NOT be used when testing for blood-alcohol levels?

iodine preparations

When collecting a capillary specimen on an infant, what should always be remembered?

label specimens with the patient's name and other appropriate information

Whose responsibilities include the overseeing of all the business operations of the laboratory

laboratory manager

All of the following causes an arterial blood sample to render inaccurate results or to be rejected EXCEPT: a. improper chilling of specimen b. incorrect anticoagulation c. lack of air bubbles in the specimen d. air bubbles in the specimen

lack of air bubbles in the specimen

All of the following causes an arterial blood sample to rerder inaccurate results or to be rejected EXCEPT:

lack of air bubbles in the specimen

are small, sterile, single-use instruments used to purcture the capillaries of the skin.


As a matter of routine the phlebotomist should ask all patjents if they are allergic to antiseptic:, adhesives, and as a means of preventing allergic reactions.


What tube is NOT required to have a full draw?


top evacuated tubes are drawn for hematology studjes and are NEVER centrifuged.


Which of the following is NOT a method for temporarily marking a vein for venipuncture? a. leaving a small dot of ink with a pen b. leaving your finger over the vein c. referencing the vein with a mole d. positioning the corner of a clean alcohol prep bad in direct line with the vein

leaving a small dot of ink with a pen

What is a cancer or malignant condition in which there is a great increase in the number of white blood cells?


What is an abnormal decrease in WBCS?


When collecting a specimen for bilirubin testing, you must protect the specimen from, what?


In sustaining the order of draw, a top evacuated tube must be drawn before a lavender top evacuated tube.

light blue

PT tests are drawn using a top evacuated tube.

light blue

Sodium citrate is an additive in what tube?

light blue

What tube must be a full draw or rejection occurs?

light blue

Before performing any procedure on an inpatient, the phlebotomist should

look at the patient's ID bracelet

The standard for measuring the diameter of the of a needle is called the needle gauge.


What vein is usually large and well anchored and therefore the best first choice for a venipuncture?

median cubital

preventing conditions that allow pathogens to live, multiply and spread

medical asepsis

Who graduated with a two-year associates degree and completed several semesters of hands on clinical training?

medical laboratory technicians or clinical laboratory technicians

Who has a four-year degree in medical technology?

medical technologist or clinical laboratory scientist

What may also contain the same additive as evacuated tupes, and they are color coated in the same manner?

microcollection containers

The longitudinal imaginary line dividing the body into equal right and left parts is called, what?

midsagittal plane

What needle is most commonly used with the evacuated tube system because it has two shar ends, one beveled and the other covered with a rubber sheath?


What is the muscle layer of the heart?


Dorsal hand veins are excellent sites for drawing labs on, who?


A yellow top sterile evacuated tube is drawn after a top evacuated tube.


Who provides diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors and blood disorders?


Puncturing the bone during a heel stick on an infant can cause, what?


What is an inflammation of the bone marrow caused by alpathogenic organism?


When performing a capillary puncture, position the patient seated or lying down, with the side of the hand facing up.


What is a type of nonallergenic tape that can bê used if a patient is sensitive to adhesive?

paper tape

Who is a physician who practices, evaluates, or supervises diagnostic tests, using materials removed from living or deceased patients?


A capillary puncture should be made to the fingerprirt.


Who is a clinical employee whose primary responsibility is the collection of blood samples from patients?


patient's initials a. b. patient's social security number c. phlebotomist's initials d. patient's age

phlebotomist's initials

Who is a person who has been educated, trained, and state-licensed to practice the art and science of medicine?


Who is a health care professional who provides patient services ranging from physical examination to surgical procedures and works under the supervision of a physician?

physician's assistant

What is the best way to ensure that the centrifuge is balanced prior to spinning down your specimen for a STAT test?

place an empty tube filled with equal amounts of water opposite your specimen

How do you position a tourniquet when a patient's skin is fragile or tears easily?

place the tourniquet on top of the patient's shirt

What type of specimen is required when using a gray top evacuated tube?


What type of circulation is a division of systemic venous circulation?


If a patient is allergic to isopropyl alcohol, use what type þf antiseptic instead?


a. basilic b. cephalic C. median cubital d. radial


What color evacuated tube should not be inverted?


_____________top evacuated tubes drawn for blood banking are never inverted.


To obtain a serum specimen, a top evacuated tube must be used.


If a patient tells you he or she feels faint or starts to faint during a phlebotomy procedure, whit should you do first?

remove the tourniquet and withdraw the needle

What may be necessary to do if a patient is severely ill, drug-overdosed, or uncooperative, in order to obtain a blood specimen?


Toxicology profiles may be performed on blood from a top evacuated tube.

royal blue

The loose ends of a tourniquet should be the patient's arm, away from the venipuncture :site.

running up

Pulling the skin taut when inserting the needle for venipuncture accomplishes, what?

secures the vein for ease of insertion

What is the part of blood that has been removed from the body and allowed to clot for 30/6C minutes before centrifuging?


An incomplete, or ______________draw refers to an evacuated tube or syringe that does not contain the required amount of blood to perform the requested tests


An incomplete, or_, draw refers to an evacuated tube or syringe that does not contain the required amount of blood to perform the requested tests


Hypodermic needles are typically needles, used when performing syringe draws.


Procedures involving blood or other potentially infectious material shall be performed in such a manner as to minimize:

splashing and spraying

When you are performing a venipuncture, the patient can be in any position except for wich one?


When removing the stopper from a tube, be sure to pull it ___________

straight up

What branch of medicine deals with manual and operative procedures for the correction of deformities and defects, repair of injuries, and diagnosis and cure of certain diseases?


What is a common complication of blood collection and altransient loss of consciousness resulting from an inadequate blood flow to the brain.


What should be used when drawing blood from fragile velns?


a. the smear should be less than half the length of the slide D. once the slide has been made, you should blow on it to dry it quickly the feathered edge the most important area of the slide d. mark on the slide only with black ink

the feathered edge is the most important area of the slide

Ointments prescribed by a physician and applied can reduce an allergic rash reaction.


A is used to distend veins to facilitate venipuncture for intravenous injection.


The equipment needed for a finger stick includes all of the following EXCEPT: a. microcollection container b. biohazardous waste container c. tourniquet d. bandages


What are designed to temporarily reduce the flow of venous blood in the arm?


The outermost layer of a vein is called, what?

tunica adventitia

One of the most common blood-banking tests performed is a

type and cross match

What carries deoxygenated blood toward the heart?


A puncture of a vein for any reason is called, what?


The term obtaining blood from the vein is a


What is a small cavity or chamber of the heart or brain?


Capillary blood flow can be greatly increased when the site is, what?


If a proper venipuncture site cannot be attained, try doing what?

warming an area with moist heat

The total volume of blood drawn each day on a patient is determined by


When is it more appropriate to perform a venipuncture than a capillary puncture?

when a substantial vein can be located

The best way to learn to palpate veins is

with gloves on

A phlebotomist is drawing a patient who suddenly starts vomitting. The beedle is still in the patient's arm. What should the phlebotomist do?

withdraw needle, call for help, and assist the patient.

In the correct order of evacuated tube filling from a syringe draw, the first tube is


What color of evacuated tube is used for blood cultures?


The complete blood count is commonly referred to as


A(n) concentration is taken prior to the collection of a specimen for an ABG.


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