Photoshop Ch. 1-2 Quiz 1
How can you quickly zoom to 100%? Select all correct answers. *hint: try this out in Photoshop, don't just guess.
-Double-click the Zoom tool in the toolbox. -Choose View > 100% or, click 100% in either the Zoom tool or Hand tool options bar. -Choose View > Actual Pixels or, click Actual Pixels in either the Zoom tool or Hand tool options bar. -Enter 100% in the Status Bar and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS). -Press (CTRL/CMD) + (1)
Select all true statements about Adjustment Layers.
-they are non-destructive -can make tonal and color adjustments -can be hidden completely or partially using layer visibility and/or opacity -can be re-edited or modified at any time -can be applied to multiple layers or to individual layers
How many different clone sources can you sample when using the Clone Stamp tool?
5 (You can set up to five different sampling sources at a time in the Clone Source panel. To set another sampling point, click a different Clone Source button in the Clone Source panel.)
What magnification best represents an image's size on a web page?
Actual Pixels / 100%
Drawing a line along a tilted horizon in a photo with the "straighten tool" will rotate and crop the image, but this only works on horizontal lines, not vertical corrections.
Turning on a Panel can be accomplished under the "View" menu.
How do you sample a selection when using the Clone Stamp tool?
Hold down the control button while navigating for an area to sample. Click on area you want to clone then move it to where you would like to sample it.
How do you find a tool that isn't currently listed in the tools panel?
Look for a related tool with a small black triangle in the corner.
What is the keyboard shortcut to instantly hide or show Panels?
Choose the quickest method for zooming to exactly 173.27%
Type the value into the Navigator panel.
Hovering you cursor over a tool...
displays the name and keyboard shortcut for that tool
The _______ window displays the _______ file. If you close the ________ window, you close the file. (all three blanks are the same word)
A ______ contains a set of related controls that you select and use to work on your file. You can have many open, grouped, hidden, or separated, among other things.