Phrasal verbs Solutions pre-int

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make up with

She m____ __ with Tom after a quarrel. to become friends again помириться

fall out with someone

She has f____ o___ with John because he lied to her. to argue ссориться

come round

C____ r____ to my place when you have time. to visit навестить

turn into

Fiona t____ i____ an ogre at night. to become превратиться

give up

He g____ __ smoking last year. to stop (doing something) бросать

take off/put on

He t___ o___ his sunglasses and dived into the pool. снимать

come across

I c____ a____ this book in a big store yesterday. to find or meet встретить

give away

I didn't like my new dress, so I g____ it a____. give something to someone else for free отдать бесплатно

find out

I f___ o__ a lot from my grandma. to discover узнать

look after

I l____ a____ my little sister when my mum is away. to take care of заботиться, присматривать

look up to

I l_____ __ __ my older sister. to respect уважать

run into

I r__ into Mike on my way home. to meet by chance случайно встретить

take up

I t_____ u__ tennis recently. start a hobby

get over

I took me one year to g___ o___ the break up with my boyfriend. to recover from оправиться, пережить

put up with

I won't p___ __ with your rudness any longer! to tolerate терпеть

look forward to

I'm really l_____ f____ t_ summer! to think with pleasure about a future event ждать с нетерпением

fall apart

I've had this toy since I was a child, but now it's f____ a___. break into pieces разваливаться

look up

If you don't now a word, l___ it __ in the dictionary. find information about. найти информацию

to break up with

My boyfriend and I b___ up yesterday. I don't want to see him again. end a relationship with someone расстаться

own up

My brother suspected me, so I o___ ___. to confess признаться

come back

My grandad went to live in Australia but c___ b___ to Britain later. to return возвращаться

to take sb out for dinner

My new boyfriend t____ me o___ every night. invite приглашать

take back

My new computer broke down after 2 days so I t____ it _____ to the shop. to return something вернуть

make up

My sister always m______ ___ funny stories. invent придумывать

talk about

My teacher wants to t____ a____ my exam results with my parents. to discuss обсуждать

take after

Peter's very tall - he t______ a______ his father. пойти в кого-либо

carry on, go on

Please c____, g___ on reading. to continue продолжать

give back

Please g____ b____ the money when you can! to return возвращать

go off

Put the meat in the fridge or else it'll g___ ___. My alarm clock ____ ___ at 7 every day. make a sudden loud noise go bad раздаваться о звуке портиться о продуктах

turn on/off

T____ __ the music please, I'm trying to sleep! выключить, включить

run after

The dog r____ ____ the cat. to chase бежать за

take off

The plane t____ o__. взлетать

get away

The robbers g_____ a___ in a stolen car. to escape убегать

go with

This sweater doesn't really g___ ____these trousers. to match or suit (something). подходить

run out of

We r___ out __ toilet paper. I'll go to the shop. to have no more of (something) не иметь чего-либо (закончилось)

look for

What are you l_____ ___? -My mobile. search искать

look at

What are you l______ __? - Your bag! Is it new? watch смотреть на

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