Physical Science FINAL EXAM studyguide

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A motor has a output of 1000 watts. When the motor is working at full capacity, how much time will it require to life a 50-newton weight 100 meters? a. 5s b. 10 s c. 50 s d. 100 s

a. 5 s

An archer pulls the bowstring to prepare to shoot an arrow as shown below PICTURE She uses am average force of 40 N, moving the bowstring 0.2 m. How much energy is stored in the bow? a. 8 J b. 16 J c. 24 J d. 36 J

a. 8 J

Which molecule supplies the energy for cellular functions? a. ATP b. oxygen c. DNA d. water

a. ATP

Friction <----------20 kg----------------->Pull 10 N 50 N The figure shows a block that is being pulled along the floor. According to the figure, what is the acceleration of the block? a. 2 m/s/s b. 3 m/s/s c. 4 m/s/s d. 6 m/s/s

a. 2 m/s/s

Two cars are moving in opposite directions as shown below 50km/h < ------CAR B CAR A ----> 30 km/h Using car A as a frame of reference, what is the speed of Car B? a. 20 km/h b. 30 km/h c. 50 km/h d. 80 km/h

a. 20 km/h

A man applies a of 100 N to a rock for 60 seconds, but the rock does not move. What is the amount of work done by the man on the rock? a. 0.0 J b. 6.0 J c. 100 J d. 6000 J

a. 0.0 J

An electric fan has a power output of 60 W. How much work is done if the fan operates for 120 s? a. 0.5 J b. 60 J c. 120 J d. 7200 J

a. 0.5 J

A 50 kg child on a skateboard experiences a 75 N force What is the expected acceleration of the child? a. 0.67 m/s^2 b. 1.50 m/s^2 c. 6.70 m/s^2 d. 25.00 m/s^2

a. 0.67 m/s^2

What is the mass of an astroid belt with a speed of 200 m/s and a momentum of 2,000 kg * m/s? a. 10 kg b. 1,800 kg c. 2,200 kg d. 400,000 kg

a. 10 kg

Which of the following chemical reactions is a decomposition reaction? a. BaCO3 --> BaO + CO2 b. ^2Ca + O2 --> 2CaO c. ^3Br2 + 2FeI3 --> ^2FeBr3 + ^3I2 d. MgCl2 + H2SO4 --> MgSO4 + 2HCI

a. BaCO3 --> BaO + CO2

Automobiles, baseballs, skateboards, and bicycles--the world is full of things that are in motion. Centuries ago the British physicist Sir Issac Newton stated three laws that describe the ways in which things move. These are Newton's three laws of motion: THE FIRST LAW: Unless acted upon by an outside force, a body at rest tends to stay and rest, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion. THE SECOND LAW: Acceleration is equal to the net force acting on a body divided by its mass. THE THIRD LAW: For every action force there is an equal and opposite reaction force. A driver starts her gar and steps on the gas pedal. The car gradually accelerates to 50km/hr. A few minutes later, the driver suddenly slams on the breaks to avoid hitting a box in the road. As the car comes to a stop, the driver's body appears to lurch forward in the seat until it is restrained bu the seatbelt. What law BEST explains why the driver's body appears to lurch forward when the breaks are suddenly applied? a. Newton's first law b. Newton's second law c. Newton's third law d. The law of gravity

a. Newton's first law

Four containers of water with different temperature are placed in a table. The temperature of the room is 25C 75C 50C 25C 10C W X Y Z After four hours, which beaker of water will have exchanged the MOST heat energy with the environment? a. W b. X c. Y d. Z

a. W

H2O2, hydrogen peroxide, naturally breaks down into H2O and O2 over time. MnO2, manganese dioxide, can be used ti lower the energy of activation needed for this reaction to take place and, thus, increase the rate of reaction. What type of substance is MnO2? a. a catalyst b. an enhancer c. an inhibitor d. a reactant

a. a catalyst

Which of the following is produced when sugar is digested in an animal cell? a. carbon dioxide b. chlorophyll c. oxygen d. sunlight

a. carbon dioxide

During photosynthesis in plants, what is the source of the carbon in the sugar molecule (C6H12O6)? a. carbon dioxide in the air b. carbon monoxide in the air c. carbon particles in the soil d carbon particles in the water

a. carbon dioxide in the air

In operating a car, which two processes involve chemical changes? a. charging a battery and igniting gasoline b. inflating tires and adding oil c. shifting gears and pumping brakes d. turning the steering wheel and adjusting the lights

a. charging a battery and igniting gasoline

The momentum of an object in space is a. dependent on its mass b. independent of its inertia c. independent of its velocity d. dependent on its potential energy

a. dependent on its mass

Which statement BEST describes the orbit of Earth around the sun? a. Earth's orbit is elliptical b. earth's orbit is irregularly shaped c. earth's orbit takes about 30 days to complete d. earth's orbit takes about 24 hours to complete

a. earth's orbit is elliptical

A heated gas expands, raising a piston. Which of the following describes the energy exchanges of this process? a. energy is transferred to the gas by the piston, and to the piston from the heat source b. energy is transferred to the gas from the heat source, and to the raised piston from the gas c. energy is transferred to the gas in the form of heat and work done by the piston d. energy is transferred directly to the piston from the heat source

a. energy is transferred to the gas by the piston, and to the piston from the heat source

Which type of force requires CONTACT between two objects for one to push or pull the other? a. frictional forces slowing down a rolling soccer ball b. the magnetic force pulling paper clips to a powerful electromagnet c. the magnetic forcer pushing two magnets apart d. the force of gravity acting on raindrops that fall to earth

a. frictional forces slowing down a rolling soccer ball

A high diver steps off a diving platform that is 10 meters above the water. If no air resistance is present, during the fall there will be a decrease in the diver's a. gravitational potential energy b. total mechanical energy c. kinetic energy d. momentum

a. gravitational potential energy

If the time required for a student to swim 500 meters is doubled, the power developed by the student will be a. halved b. doubled c. quartered d. quadrupled

a. halved

catalyst C6H6 + Br2 --> C6H5Br + HBr Which of the following changes will cause an increase in the rate of the above reaction? a. increasing the concentration of Br2 b. decreasing the concentration of C6H6 c. increasing the concentration of HBr d. decreasing the temperature

a. increasing the concentration of Br2

A sound wave is produced in a metal cylinder by striking one end. Which of the following occurs as the wave travels along the cylinder? a. its amplitude increases b. its frequency increases c. it transfers matter d. it transfers energy

a. its amplitude increases

Compared to terrestrial planets, jovian planets are a. larger and less dense b. smaller and more dense c. closer to the Sun and less rocky d. farther from the Sun and more rocky

a. larger and less dense

Jose and Lisa are watching their friends play basketball. They see the ball hit the backboard before they HEAR the ball hit the backboard. What would account for this slight delay? a. light travels faster than sound b. sound travels faster than light c. light had to travel farther d. sound had to travel farther

a. light travels faster than sound

Four different motors are tested for their efficiency MOTOR------INPUTS-----------OUTPUT -------------------------------------------- W-------------10-----------------7-------- X--------------10----------------6--------- Y--------------20----------------7--------- Z--------------20----------------6--------- Which motor is the MOST efficient? a. motor W b. motor X c. motor Y d. motor Z

a. motor W

Which is an example of a chemical reaction? a. nails rusting b. glass melting c. sugar dissolving d. alcohol vaporizing

a. nails rusting

From Earth's atmosphere, carbon dioxide is used by plants, algae, and cyanobacteria during the process of a. photosynthesis b. respiration c. decomposition d. nitrogen fixation

a. photosynthesis

Objects appear different in size in shape in a container of water due to a. refraction of the light waves b. interference of the water and light waves c. polarization of the light waves d. diffraction of the light waves

a. refraction of the light waves

Which of the following is broken down in the body to release energy? a. sugar b. water c. salt d. oxygen

a. sugar

Which of the following explains why an apple looks red? a. the apple is reflecting red light and absorbing all other colors of light b. the apple is absorbing red light and reflecting all other colors of light c. the apple is absorbing all other colors of light, but it absorbs the red light better d. the apple is reflecting all the light

a. the apple is reflecting red light and absorbing all other colors of light

In a beaker, sugar is dissolved in water, and then the water is heated and evaporates. The sugar is recovered, and heat is again applied. Vapor is released, and the material in the beaker changes from white to black. What must you know to determine if a chemical change occurred? a. the boiling point of water b. the boiling point of sugar c. the temperature at which sugar evaporates d. whether or not the black substance is sugar

a. the boiling point of water

Two students are standing next to each other on a level field. One of the students throws a table tennis ball forward toward a line of 2.0 m away. At the same time, the second student throws a bowling ball in the same direction. Both balls take the same time to travel the 2.0 m. Only the second student feels a noticeable backward push when she throws her ball. Which of the following statements explains why only the second student feels a noticeable backward push? a. the bowling ball exerts a much larger reaction force b. the bowling ball undergoes a much larger acceleration c. the bowling ball requires more force to overcome gravity d. the bowling ball converts more inertia into kinetic energy

a. the bowling ball exerts a much larger reaction force

The clouds that surround Venus are so thick that the planet actually absorbs less sunlight than the Earth. Nevertheless, Venus has a surface temperature of more than 400 C. Which of these best explains this high surface temperature? a. the bright surfaces of the clouds reflect sunlight back onto the planet b. the strong winds in the atmosphere produce friction c. the thick clouds in the atmosphere prevent heat from escaping d. the sulfuric acid in the clouds releases heat energy

a. the bright surfaces of the clouds reflect sunlight back onto the planet

Seasons in Alaska are primarily caused by which factor as Earth revolves around the Sun? a. the tilt of the Earth on its axis b. the rate of rotation of Earth c. the effects of solar fl are activity d. the relative distance between earth and the sun

a. the tilt of earth on its axis

a ball has a mass of 0.1 kg and an initial velocity of 20 m/s. the ball is given an acceleration of 30 m/s squared for 5 s. What's the net force on the ball during acceleration? a. 0 N b. 3 N c. 10 N d. 15 N

b 3 N

What is the mass of an object weighing 63 N on Earth? a. 0.1 kg b. 6.3 kg c. 73 kg d. 617 kg

b 6.3 kg

A student leaving school walks 3.5 km north and then walks 1.0 km south. What is the student's displacement? a. 1.0 km. south b. 1.5 km north c. 2.5 km north d. 3.5 km south

b. 1.5 km north

A man ran on a treadmill for 1,800 seconds. At the end of his run, the treadmill indicated his energy output as 240,000 J. What average power did he generate? a. 666 W b. 133 W c. 66 W d. 7 W

b. 133 W

How much power is required to carry a 35 N package a vertical distance of 18 m if the work on the package is accomplished In 30 s? a. 16 W b. 21 W c. 58 W d. 630 W

b. 21 W

Imagine that you are sitting in the front seat of a bus that is traveling down a straight highway with a speed of 28 meters/second. You roll a ball down the aisle to your friend who is sitting in the back of the bus. If the ball rolls with a constant speed of 1 meter/second away from you, how fast is the ball traveling relative to the highway? a. 1 meter/second b. 27 meters/second c. 28 meters/second d. 29 meters/second

b. 27 meters/second

C3H8 + O2 -> CO2 + H2O This chemical equation represents the combustion of propane. When correctly balanced the coefficient for water is a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 16

b. 4

How much time is required for a bicycle to travel a distance of 100 m at an average speed of 2 m/s ? a. 0.02 s b. 50 s c. 100 s d. 200 s

b. 50 s

A family is moving from Pennsylvania to Connecticut during the summer. The loaded moving can will travel a distance of 400 miles at an average speed of 50 miles per hour. How long will it take the moving van to reach its destination? a. 4 hours b. 8 hours c. 20 hours d. 450 hours

b. 8 hours

A car's velocity changes from 0 m/s to 40 m/s in 5 seconds. What is the average acceleration of the car? a. 5 m/s/s b. 8 m/s/s c. 35 m/s/s d. 200 m/s/s

b. 8 m/s/s

Which of the following is a balanced equation for the combustion of ethanol (CH3CH2OH) ? a. CH3CH2OH + ^3O2 -> CO2 + ^2H2O b. CH3CH2OH + ^3O2 -> ^2CO2 + ^3H2O c. CH3CH2OH + O2 -> ^2CO2 + ^3HO d. CH3CH2OH + ^2O2 -> ^3CO2 + ^2H2O

b. CH3CH2OH + ^3O2 -> ^2CO2 + ^3H2O

Our solar system consists of the sun, planets, moons, and other objects. Each planet revolves around the sun and rotates on an axis. A data table comparing the four inner planets is shown below. PLANET----------TIME TO COMPLETE ONE ROTATION _____________________________________________________________________________ Mercury----------1,407.5 Venus-------------5,832 Earth--------------24 Mars--------------24.6 _____________________________________________________________________________ Which planet has the LONGEST solar day? a. Mercury b. Venus c. Earth d. Mars

b. Venus

One end of a horizontal string is caused to oscillate vertically while the other end is attached to a fixed object. The wave that travels along the string is a example of a. an electromagnetic wave b. a transverse wave c. a microwave d. a longitudinal wave

b. a transverse wave

When pure N2O5 is heated under certain conditions, O2 and NO2 are produced. What type of reaction is this? a. combustion b. decomposition c. double displacement d. synthesis (combination)

b. decomposition

If the speed of an object doubles, its kinetic energy a. halved b. doubled c. quartered d. quadrupled

b. doubled

Which of the following requires the greatest amount of heat? a. increasing the temp of 1 kg of water from 0 C to 30 C b. increasing the temp of 1kg of water from 10C to 20C c. increasing the temp of 20kg of water from 19C to 21C d.increasing the temp of 50kg of water from 20C to 21C

b. increasing the temp of 1kg of water from 10C to 20C

2CO + O2 -> 2CO2 If the above reaction takes place inside a sealed reaction chamber, then which of these procedures will cause a decrease in the rate of reaction? a. raising the temperature of the reaction chamber b. increasing the volume inside the reaction chamber c. removing the CO2 as it is formed d. adding more CO2 to the reaction chamber

b. increasing the volume inside the reaction chamber

Antonia is testing the properties of block A. -She puts block A on top of a hot metal block and then touches block A with her finger. -She keeps her finger on block A for several minutes, but block A still does not get hot. What can Antonia conclude about block A? a. it is a good conductor b. it is a poor conductor c. it is highly magnetic d. it is nonmagnetic

b. it is a poor conductor

The following equation represents the process of photosynthesis in green plants. LIGHT ^6CO2 + ^6H2O ------------> C6H12O6 + ^6O2 CHLOROPHYLL What happens to most of the light during photosynthesis? a. it is transformed into heat energy b. it is transformed into chemical energy c. it is changed into carbon dioxide d. it is changed into oxygen

b. it is transformed into chemical energy

A diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum is shown below gamma rays|| x-rays || ultraviolet || visible light || infrared waves|| microwaves || radio waves || Sunscreen is a lotion used to protect skin from exposure to the Sun. This sunscreen protects a person's skin from wavelengths that are a. longer than radio waves but shorter than x rays b. longer than x rays but shorter than infrared waves c. longer than microwaves but shorter than infrared waves d. longer than visible light waves but shorter than radio waves

b. longer than x rays but shorter than infrared waves

A catalyst can speed up the rate of a given chemical reaction by a. increasing the equilibrium constant in favor of products b. lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur c. raising the temperature at which the reaction occurs d. increasing the pressure of reactants, thus favoring products

b. lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur

In a vacuum, radio waves, visible light, and x-ray all have the same a. wavelength b. speed c. frequency d. energy

b. speed

A student observed the rate if a chemical reaction increased as the temperature of the system increased. Which of the following statements BEST explains why thermal energy caused an increase in the reaction rate? a. the surface area of the product particles decreased b. the collision rate of the reactant particles increased c. the concentrations of the reactant particles increased d. the concentrations of the product particles decreased

b. the collision rate of the reactant particles increased

The setting sun often appears red. What is the best explanation for this? a. the surface temperature of the sun is lower at sunset than other times of the day b. the earth's atmosphere scatters blue light, so that at the earth's surface mostly red light is visible at sunset c. the path of light through the earth's atmosphere is shorter at sunset than at noon d. the surface of the earth changes infrared radiation into red light

b. the earth's atmosphere scatters blue light, so that at the earth's surface mostly red light is visible at sunset

When a reaction is at equilibrium and more reactant is added, which of the following changes is the immediate result? a. the reverse reaction rate remains the same b. the forward reaction rate increases c. the reverse rate decreases d. the forward reaction rate remains the same

b. the forward reaction rate increases

The following table lists several characteristics of each planet in the solar system PLANET----DISTANCE FROM SUN----REVOLUTION __________________________________________________________________________ Mercury---58,000,000------------------0.24----------- Venus-----108,000,000------------------0.62----------- Earth------150,000,000------------------1.00----------- Mars------228,000,000------------------1.90----------- Jupiter----778,000,000------------------12.00---------- Saturn----1,427,000,000-----------------29.00--------- Uranus---2,871,000,000-----------------84.00--------- Neptune-4,498,000,000----------------165.00-------- _________________________________________________________________________ What is the connection between the distance from the sun and period of revolution? a. the planets farther from the sun have longer days b. the planets farther from the sun have longer years c. the planets closer to the sun have longer days d. the planets closer to the sun have longer years

b. the planets farther from the sun have longer years

FIREWORK PICTURE On the 4th of July there was a fireworks display near the Connecticut River in Hartford. There were many different colorful fireworks in the show. One firework rocket display was an American start burst that gave off red, white, and blue light. How did the fireworks manufacturer get the rocket to produce three different colors of light? a. the same chemical burned at three different temperatures b. there were three different chemicals burned in the explosion c. the same chemical exploded at three different heights d. the original chemicals in the rocket were red white and blue

b. there were three different chemicals burned in the explosion

Which planet's day is longer than its year? a. mercury b. venus c. Jupiter d. saturn

b. venus

A rhino is moving west at velocity of 1 m/s with a tick bird on its back. The tick bird walks east at a velocity of 0.25 m/s relative to the rhino. A photographer stands still to observe the animals. PICTURE OF THIS At what velocity is the tick bird traveling with respect to the photographer? a. 1.25 m/s west b. 1.25 m/s east c. 0.75 m/s west d. 0.75 m/s east

c. 0.75 m/s west

An unbalanced chemical equation is shown below _____Pb(NO3)2 + ___K2CrO4 --> ___PbCrO4 + ___KNO3 Which coefficients are needed to balance this equation? a. 2. 4, 4, 6 b. 2, 4, 4, 3 c. 1, 1, 1, 2 d. 1, 6, 6, 2

c. 1, 1, 1, 2

The kinetic energy of a 10-kilogram mass moving at a speed of 5 meters per second is a. 50 J b. 2 J c. 125 J d. 250 J

c. 125 J

An object with a mass of 10.0 kilograms is moving at a speed of 5 meters per second. The kinetic energy of the mass is a. 50 joules b. 2 joules c. 125 joules d. 250 joules

c. 125 joules

What is the kinetic energy of a 2-kg toy car moving at a velocity of 5 m/s ? a. 5 J b. 10 J c. 25 J d. 50 J

c. 25 J

The following equations represent chemical reactions 1 ||| ^2Na + ^2H2O --> NaOH + H2 2||| h2 + O2 --> H2O 3|| Mg + Cl2 --> MgCl2 4||| NaOH + MgCl2 --> NaCl + MgOH Which equation shows that the total mass during a chemical reaction stays the same? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

c. 3

______NH3(g) + _____O2(g) --> ____N2(g) + ______H2O(g) When the reaction above is completely balanced, the coefficient for NH3 will be a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6

c. 4

When a 5-kilogram mass is lifted from the ground to a height of 10 meters, the gravitational potential energy of the mass is increased by approximately a. 0.5 J b. 2 J c. 50 J d. 500 J

c. 50 J

A soccer player kicks a 0.5-kilogram stationary ball with a force of 50 newtons. What is the force on the players foot? a. 0 N b. 25 N c. 50 N d. 100 N

c. 50 N

A student does 300 joules of work by pushing a cart 3.0 meters due east and then does 400 joules of work pithing the cart 4.0 meters due north. The total amount of work done by the student is a. 100 J b. 500 J c. 700 J d. 2500 J

c. 700 J

A 2.0-kilogram mass is moving with a speed of 3 m/s . What is the kinetic energy of the mass? a. 1.5 J b. 6.0 J c. 9.0 J d. 12.0 J

c. 9.0 J

A 70-kg skier leaves a ski jump at a velocity of 14 m/s. What is the skiers momentum at that instant? a. 5 N * s b. 50 N * s c. 980 N * s d. 9800 N * s

c. 980 N * s

Which of the following represents a double displacement reaction? a. ABC --> AB + C b. A + B --> AB c. AB + CD ---> AD + CB d. A + BC --> AC + B

c. AB + CD ---> AD + CB

Analysis of Gases From a Hawaiian Volcano GAS-----------------AMOUNT H2O(steam)-------------------79% CO2---------------------------12% SO2---------------------------6.5% N2----------------------------1.5% H2, CO, Cl2, and Ar0--------trace The table above lists the gases coming out of a modern Hawaiian volcano. If ancient volcanoes gave off the same gases, which gas would have been the MOST helpful in the development of early life-forms that could carry out photosynthesis? a. N2 b. SO2 c. CO2 d. Cl2

c. CO2

If you had a large enough container which planet would float? | PLANET | DENSITY | ------------------------------- | Mercury | 5.4 | | Venus | 5.2 | | Earth | 5.5 | | Mars | 3.9 | | Jupiter | 1.3 | | Saturn | 0.7 | | Uranus | 1.2 | | Neptune | 1.7 | | Pluto | 2.0 | ---------------------------------------------------------- a. Pluto b. Uranus c. Saturn d. Jupiter

c. Saturn

A day on Saturn takes about 10 Earth hours. Which fact would BEST explain this short day? a. Saturn is less dense than earth b. Saturn is much father from the sun than earth c. Saturn rotates more rapidly than earth d. Saturn's orbit has a greater eccentricity than earth's

c. Saturn rotates more rapidly than earth

Hydrazine, N2H4, and dinitrogen tetroxide, N2O4, react to form gaseous nitrogen and water. Which of these represents a properly balanced equation for this reaction? a. N2H4 + N2O4 -> N2 +H2O b. ^2N2H4 + N2O4 -> ^2N2 + ^4H2O c. ^2N2H4 + N2O4 -> ^3N2 + ^4H2O d. ^2N2H4 + ^3N2O4 -> ^5N2 + ^6H2O

c. ^2N2H4 + N2O4 -> ^3N2 + ^4H2O

2Na(s) + Cl2(g) --> 2NaCl(s) s=solid g= gas the equation represents a chemical change because____ a. it is balanced b. the product is solid c. a new substance is produced d. there are two substances on the reactant side

c. a new substance is produced

A jet will create a sonic boom as it exceeds the speed of sound. Jean watched a jet as it flew over her head and across the sky. The jet exceeded the speed of sound as it approached her. When did Jean MOST likely hear the sonic boom? a. at the exact same time the jet passed overhead b. at the exact time the jet exceeded the speed of sound c. after the jet had passed over her head and was moving away from her d. after the jet exceeded the speed of sound but before it passed over her head

c. after the jet had passed over her head and was moving away from her

H2 + Cl2 --> 2HCl Which of these describes the rate of this chemical reaction? a. an increase in the concentration of HCl and H2 with time b. an increase in the concentration of HCl with time c. an increase in H2 and Cl2 with time d. a decrease in HCl and Cl2 with time

c. an increase in H2 and Cl2 with time

Where does visible light fall in the electromagnetic spectrum? a. between x-rays and gamma rays b. between short-wave radio and television c. between infrared and ultraviolet d. between microwaves and infrared

c. between infrared and ultraviolet

Which of the following gases do plants use in photosynthesis? a. hydrogen b. oxygen c. carbon dioxide d. carbon monoxide

c. carbon dioxide

Which molecule in plant cells first captures the radiant energy from sunlight? a. glucose b. carbon dioxide c. chlorophyll d. adenosine triphosphate

c. chlorophyll

THE FRANKLIN STOVE In 1742, Benjamin Franklin designed a wood-burning stove to heat rooms. The front door of the stove was open, allowing heat to spread into a room. The back of the stove was closed, but had an air intake that increased air circulation. Fires lit in traditional fireplaces received less oxygen than those lit in Franklin stoves. If a ceramic cup is places on top a lit Franklin stove, it will gradually heat up. What is the mode of heat transfer from the Franklin stove to the ceramic cup? a. radiation b. convection c. conduction d. sublimation

c. conduction

Hydrogen peroxide decomposes according to the equation below ^2H2O2(aq) --> O2(g) + ^2H2O(i) Which of the following actions will slow down the rate of this reaction? a. adding a catalyst b. adding more H2O2 c. decreasing the temperature d. removing the O2 that is produced

c. decreasing the temperature

Which of the following best describes the inner planets of the solar system? a. large gas planets with thick atmospheres b. small planets of ice with elliptical orbits c. dense, rocky planets with few moons d. barren planets with rings of gas an dust

c. dense, rocky planets with few moons

*picture of new moon* Which statement best describes how a new moon occurs? a. the earth receives no sunlight b. the moon receives no sunlight c. earth is between moon and the sun d. the moon is between the earth and the sun

c. earth is between moon and the sun

A balanced chemical equation reflects the idea that the mass of the products a. is greater than the mass of the reactants b. is less than the mass of the reactants c. equals the mass of the reactants d. is not related to the mass of the reactants

c. equals the mass of the reactants

A hiker carries drinking water in a cloth-covered, metal container called a canteen. During the summer, the hiker wets the cloth covering so that the water stays cool. Which of the following statements explains why a wet covering keeps the water cool? a. a wet covering transfers coolness to the water in the canteen b. a wet covering insulates the canteen better than a dry covering c. evaporation of water from the covering transfers heat away from the canteen d. condensation of water from the covering transfers heat away from the canteen

c. evaporation of water from the covering transfers heat away from the canteen

Which challenge do scientists face when considering whether to send a manned mission to one of the inner planets such as Venus? a. lack of a solid surface on which to land b. large distances that are measured in light years c. extremely high temperatures in the planets atmosphere d. risk of damage when passing through the astroid belt

c. extremely high temperatures in the planets atmosphere

The first stage of photosynthesis in a chloroplast is a. light-dependent b. temperature-dependent c. glucose-driven d. ATP-driven

c. glucose-driven

Which of the following choices best explains why grass on a distant hillside appears green? a. grass reflects all colors except green b. grass absorbs only green light from the sun c. grass reflects green light more than any other color d. grass transmits green light in the same way that green-colored cellophane does

c. grass reflects green light more than any other color

The work done in raising an object must result in an increase in the object's a. internal energy b. kinetic energy c. gravitational potential energy d. heat energy

c. gravitational potential energy

When a steal block at 100 C is placed on top of a copper block at 20 C, the thermal energy of the copper begins to increase. Which of the following is the source of this increase in energy? a. the work done by the molecules within the copper b. the work done by interaction of the two metals c. heat flowing by means of conduction d. heat flowing by means of radiation

c. heat flowing by means of conduction

When an electric fan is running, MOST of the incoming electrical energy changes into what kind of energy? a. heat energy b. light energy c. mechanical energy d. sound energy

c. mechanical energy

Compared to the Jovian planets in our solar system, Earth is a. less dense and closer to the sun b. less dense and farther from the sun c. more dense and closer to the sun d. more dense and farther from the sun

c. more dense and closer to the sun

When steel wool rusts, the iron in the steel wool combines with a. nitrogen b. carbon dioxide c. oxygen d. hydrogen

c. oxygen

Fe catalyst N2(g) + ^3H2(g) ----> ^2NH3(g) + heat A simplified reaction for the synthesis of ammonia NH3 is shown. Which action would increase the reaction rate? a. remove some Fe b. lower the temperature c. raise the concentration of N2 d. raise the concentration of NH3

c. raise the concentration of N2

Which planet is located approximately ten times farther from the Sun than Earth is from the Sun? a. mars b. Jupiter c. saturn d. uranus

c. saturn

Copper in the compound CuSO4 can be isolated in the following reaction with iron Fe + CuSO4 -> FeSO4 + Cu What type of reaction is shown above? a. decomposition b. synthesis c. single displacement d. double displacement

c. single displacement

A crane lifts two 10kg loads of building materials to the top of a building under construction. The first load is lifted in 10 s and the second load is lifted in 13 s. Which of the following statements BEST compares the work and power expended by the crane lifting the two loads? a. the crane does more work and expends more power for the first lift b. the crane does the same work and expends the same power for each lift c. the crane does the same work for each lift but expends more power for the first lift d. the crane does more work in the second lift but expends the same power for each lift

c. the crane does the same work for each lift but expends more power for the first lift

Which of the following statements describes all exothermic reactions? a. exothermic reactions form gases b. exothermic reactions require a catalyst c. the energy of the reactants is lower than the energy of the products d. the energy of the reactants is higher than the energy of the products

c. the energy of the reactants is lower than the energy of the products

*picture of a spoon looking broken in a glass of water* The spoon appears to be broken where is enters the water because a. the light is reflected by the water b. the light is absorbed by the water c. the light is bent by the water d. the light is dissolved by the water

c. the light is bent by the water

In the chemical reaction shown below, all of the HCI and Zn will react to form H2 and ZnCl2. REACTANTS PRODUCTS 2HCI + Zn -----> H2 + ZnCI2 Which of the following statements describes the result of this reaction? a. the hydrogen gas will have a mass of zero b. the zinc chloride will have less mass than the zinc c. the mass of the products will equal the mass of reactants d. the mass of the hydrogen atoms will decrease in the products

c. the mass of the products will equal the mass of reactants

Water cools from 2 C to -2 C. During this time, what happens to the motion of the molecules? a. the motion of the molecules stops b. the motion of the molecules increases c. the motion of the molecules decreases d. the motion of the molecules remains the same

c. the motion of the molecules decreases

A scientist has two samples of the same chemical: one sample is a solid black, and the other sample is a powder. The scientist puts the sold black in a beaker of water and observes a reaction. What would MOST LIKELY happen if the scientist placed the powdered sample into a different beaker? a. no reaction would occur b. a completely different reaction would occur c. the same reaction would occur but at a faster rate d. the same reaction would occur but at a slower rate

c. the same reaction would occur but at a faster rate

PICTURE OF EARTH What causes the wind deflection from the north and south poles? a. the rotation of earth on it's axis b. the oblate shape of earth c. the tilt of earth's axis relative to its orbital plane d. the difference in total land mass of the two hemispheres

c. the tilt of earth's axis relative to it's orbital plane

A student is investigating potential and kinetic energy by stretching a spring across a table. When a student lets go the spring recoils. SPRING STRETCHING SPRING FULLY STRETCHED SPRING RECOILING SPRING FULLY RECOILED At which time is potential energy being converted into kinetic energy in this system? a. when the spring is stretching b. when the spring is fully stretched c. when the spring is recoiling d. when the spring is fully recoiled

c. when the spring is recoiling

How would a complete day (day and night) on Earth be if it did NOT spin on its axis? a. 24 hours b. 1 month c. 3 months d. 1 year

d. 1 year

If a 6.0-N force is required to move a box through a distance of 2.0 m, how much work is done? a. 3 J b. 4 J c. 8 J d. 12 J

d. 12 J

A hydraulic lift is used at an automotive repair shop raises a 1000-kilogram car two meters off of the ground. What is the potential energy given to the car? a. 1000 J b. 2000 J c. 9800 J d. 19600 J

d. 19600 J

A child on a sled is moving down a hill at 20 m/s. The combined mass of the sled and child is 100 kilograms. The momentum of the child and sled is a. 5 kilograms * m/s b. 20 kilograms * m/s c. 1000 kilograms * m/s d. 2000 kilograms * m/s

d. 2000 kilograms * m/s

A 50-kilogram firefighter is on a ladder 10 meters above the ground. When the firefighter descends to 5 meters above the ground, the firefighters gravitational potential energy will decrease by a. 0.194 joules b. 5.10 joules c. 490 joules d. 2450 joules

d. 2450 joules

A 5-kilogram mass is lifted from the ground to a height of 10 meters. The gravitational potential energy of the mass is increased by approximately a. 0.5 J b. 50 J c. 250 J d. 500 J

d. 500 J

Which of the following represents a chemical reaction? a. a sugar cube dissolving in water b. ice cubes forming in a freezer c. ice cream melting in a bowl d. a cake baking in a oven

d. a cake baking in a oven

Which of the following is a characteristic of ALL chemical changes? a. a different state of matter is produced b. some mass is converted to energy c. some form of light is given off d. a new material is formed

d. a new material is formed

Astronauts on the Moon would not be able to hear a landslide because a. the lunar dust deadens sounds b. intensive sunlight destroys sound waves c. the magnetic field of the moon is too weak to carry sound d. air molecules on the moon are too far apart to carry sound

d. air molecules on the moon are too far apart to carry sound

In making a pizza, which process involves a chemical change? a. mixing spices for the sauce b. slicing pepperoni for the topping c. spreading cheese on the pizza d. baking the dough to form the crust

d. baking dough to form the crust

Materials combine chemically or physically. Which materials form a new substance when chemically combined? a. salt and pepper b. water and sugar c. iron nails and pennies d. baking soda and vinegar

d. baking soda and vinegar

The masses and specific heats of some samples of liquids are shown below SAMPLES----MASS(kg)----SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY ------------------------------------------------------------ water---------0.750---------4200 glycerin------0.750---------2400 methanol----0.750---------2500 cooking oil--0.750---------2100 The temperature of which sample will rise most when 1000 J of heat is added? a. water b. glycerin c. methanol d. cooking oil

d. cooking oil

What is the MOST LIKELY outcome of the moon moving away from earth? a. a lunar day is shorter b. a lunar eclipse lasts longer v. earth moves closer to the sun d. earth's tides decrease in size

d. earth's tides decrease in size

What property of electromagnetic waves makes it possible to use thee waves to transmit information between a space shuttle and NASA mission control centers on the ground? a. electromagnetic waves are transverse waves b. electromagnetic waves have a low velocity c. electromagnetic waves are all visible to human eyes d. electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum

d. electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum

Which of the following statements describes an exothermic reaction but NOT a endothermic reaction? a. energy is destroyed during the reaction b. energy is used to form chemical bonds c. energy is used to break chemical bonds d. energy is released as heat during the reaction n

d. energy is released as heat during the reaction

As an object falls freely near the Earth's surface, the loss in gravitational potential energy of the object is equal to it's a. loss of height b. loss of mass c. gain in velocity d. gain in kinetic energy

d. gain in kinetic energy

Which of the following forms of energy is released or absorbed in MOST chemical reactions? a. light energy b. electrical energy c. sound energy d. heat energy

d. heat energy

one joule is equivalent to one a. newton/ meter^3 b. kilogram * meter^3 c. watt^2 * newton d. kilogram * meter^2 / second^2

d. kilogram * meter^2 / second^2

A student pushes a book across a classroom table. Which of the following statements BEST explains the difference between the amount of force needed to start the book moving and the amount of force needed to keep it moving? a. less force is needed to start the book moving, because there is less friction than when it was already moving b. less force is needed to start the book moving, because there is less potential energy in the table than in the book c. more force is needed to start the book moving, because there is more potential energy in the table than in the book d. more force is needed to start the book moving, because there is more friction than when it is already moving

d. more force is needed to start the book moving, because there is more friction than when it is already moving

Which combination of units can be used to express work? a. newton * second / meter b. newton * meter / second c. newton / meter d. newton * meter

d. newton * meter

A student heated a 10 g sample of a compound in a open container. A chemical reaction occurred. The mass of the sample was measured again and found to be less than before. Which of the following explains the change in mass of the sample? a. the heat caused the compound to become less dense b. the reaction gave off more heat than was added c. some of the lighter atoms were converted into energy d. one of the reaction products was a gas

d. one of the reaction products was a gas

Which of the following processes allows the cells of an organism to use carbon from the environment? a. mitosis b. fertilization c. transpiration d. photosynthesis

d. photosynthesis

Which action will result in a product with new chemical properties? a. shredding a newspaper b. breaking a mirror c. cutting wood d. popping popcorn

d. popping popcorn

The graph below represents the relationship between the work done by a student running up a flight of stairs and the time of ascent. Work v.s. Time W | O | R |. / K |. / | / | / | / | / |_/_____________________________________ Time What does the slope of this graph represent? a. impulse b. speed c. momentum d. power

d. power

In Alaska, there are fewer hours of daylight in the winter than the summer. Which statement BEST explains why this difference occurs? a. the sun burns hotter in the summer b. the sun moves below the horizon in the summer c. the northern hemisphere is closer to the sun in the winter d. the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun in the winter

d. the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun in the winer

Mercury, the planet nearest to the sun, has extreme surface temperatures, ranging form 465 C in sunlight to -180 C in darkness. Why is there such a large range of temperatures on Mercury? a. the planet is too small to hold heat b. the planet is heated on only one side c. the planet reflects heat on its dark side d. the planet lacks an atmosphere to hold heat

d. the planet lacks an atmosphere to hold heat

In an electromagnetic wave, an electric field exists perpendicular to a magnetic field, and both fields are perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave. These characteristics indicate that an electromagnetic wave is which of the following wave types? a. gravitational b. longitudinal c. mechanical d. transverse

d. transverse

A radio station transmits to a receiving antenna. The radio wave sent is a a. sound wave b. torsional wave c. longitudinal wave d. transverse wave

d. transverse wave

Windmills are used to convert win energy into a more useful form. In most cases, there are three steps in this process. The energy is in a different form at each step. Which of the following flowcharts shows the most likely order of the energy changes? a. wind energy -> mechanical energy -> solar energy b. wind energy -> thermal energy -> mechanical energy c. wind energy -> solar energy -> electrical energy d. wind energy -> mechanical energy -> electrical energy

d. wind energy -> mechanical energy -> electrical energy

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