Physical Science Student Bonus Questions

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Why is an atom stable, DeBroglie said, "that electrons have wave properties." Select those wave properties. A. Interferes with itself B. Produces constructive interference C. Nature: only certain modes allowed D. Both A & B E. All of the above

All of the above

What is Newtons 1st law of motion?

An object stays in motion or at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force

We know that a circular path has one radius of curvature. If the speedometer in your car is constant, one thing we can conclude is that

Any acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity

If an electron drops to a lower orbit level, then it emits a photon. In this case, an electron drops from orbit level n= 4 to orbit level n= 2. What color photon will this electron emit?

Aqua blue

Which scientist believed even if an object has a constant velocity there is still a push acting on it?


Who said : "If something is moving, there has to be a push or pull, even if at constant velocity."


What is the main difference between Galileo and Aristotle theorems?

Aristotle says that two things being dropped at the same time, the heavier object will hit first

Orbital sizes, shapes, and energies control how _________ combine.


Water has a ________ structure with more ________ molecules on the hydrogen side and more ________ negative molecules on the oxygen side.

B. polarized; positive; negative

What is the universal fingerprint of hydrogen?

Balmer series

How do cops catch you speeding?

Beat frequency

What is NOT true about waves? A.They transport energy and momentum B. They generate Wavelets C. Behave the same as a Newtonian particle D. Not easily localized

Behave the same as a Newtonian particle

Prof. Mendeleev's periodic table of the elements had gaps. He predicted that scientists would find new elements that fit into those gaps, and he even predicted the chemical properties of those new elements. Other scientists responded to his prediction

By patiently working and tracking down the predicted elements; they filled all the gaps, verifying Mendeleev's idea.

Which statement is false regarding basic wave concepts? A) Waves transport energy and momentum across space time. B) Not easily localized C) Behaves the same as a Newtonian particle D) Simple wave equation is v=λf

C) Behaves the same as a Newtonian particle

Which one of these facts about mass is NOT true? A) The less mass an object has, the easier it is to change its dynamical state. B) Mass is a quantity that carries inertia. C) One gram is equal to a mass of cm^2 of H2O. D) An object can be balanced with countable cc's of water.

C) One gram is equal to a mass of cm^2 of H2O

What causes the dihedral angle in a water molecule?

Electrical polarity

For every continuous symmetry that an environment has, there is a corresponding conserved quantity" What famous physicist discovered this theorem?

Emmy Noether

Kinetic energy measures energy while in motion whereas Potential energy measures:

Energy that is stored

Formula for force


You watch a football player plant his left foot and accelerate forward for the end zone. The force exerted on the football player by the ground has which combination of directions?

Forward and upward

Which of the following statements about Gravitational Potential Energy is false?

GPE decreases when Δy is positive or gaining altitude.

For a spatial change, delta y, the changes in kinetic energy and _____energy balance out.

Gravitational potential

What is considered the "one constant to rule them all"?

H, Planck's constant

DeBroglie said that electrons have the same properties as waves. This is referred to as:

wave-particle duality

The periodic of elements contains specific information about each element. Which item is not contained on the table:

# of neutrons

What does an element's atomic number on the periodic number tell us about the element?

# of protons in the nucleus

Some punks thought it would be funny to start a fight with Chuck Norris. Unfortunately for these punks, Mr. Norris' fists were flying before they even knew what was happening. Some kids taped a video of the brawl and the tape exposes Chuck's right fist accelerating towards the unlucky man's face. His uppercut's initial velocity was v1 = 8.0 m/sec, up, then later on as v2 = 12.6 m/sec, up. Using + to signify up and - to signify down, what would the ∆v be for Chuck's fist?

+4.6 m/sec

A 106 kg turtle running 3.56 m/s in the positive direction tackles a 76.1 kg frog opponent running towards him at 10.0 m/s and holds on. What is their velocity in m/sec just after the collision?


If a speedometer is constant...

-Acceleration is along the imaginary radius of curvature -Changes only the direction of velocity -Any acceleration is perpendicular to velocity, because there's no speed up, no slow down

Why don't horizontal components change (neglecting air resistance)?

-No horizontal gravity -No horizontal force -No horizontal acceleration

In a thermodynamic process in which the amount of heat in the system is constant, the heat transferred is.


If an individual starts biking from 2 meters/second to 4 meters/second in 10 seconds, what is their acceleration?

0.2 m/sec^2

Private High Speed wants to earn his Grenadier badge. The only way to earn the badge is if he rolls a grenade far enough to where he doesn't blow up his battle buddy (who is right next to him). If the kill radius of the grenade is 15 meters, and the grenade has a mass of 3 kg, and it will detonate in 5 seconds, find the least amount of force (in Newton's) that Private High Speed must role the grenade to earn his Expert Grenadier badge?


How many phase transitions does water go through when it is converted from ice to steam?


You throw a ball straight up at 22.3 m/sec. How many seconds elapse before the ball is traveling downward at 6.3 m/sec?


Find the impulse when a 25kg mass has been pushed by a 150N force for 20 sec.

300 n s

If kinetic energy is 5.88 and mass is 0.60, what is the speed?

4.43 m/s

If a hot stove heats a pan up to 150 degrees Celsius, what temperature is the pan in Kelvins?

423 (add 273)

The Jacksonville Jaguars are facing off against the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50. The score is tied with ten seconds left on the clock and the Jaguars have the ball on their own one-yard line. The ball is snapped and Blake Bortles decides to put the team on his back, rushing through an opening to the right at approximately 4.5m/sec. A linebacker weighing 63.50 kg makes the foolish attempt to tackle him, but Bortles goes unaffected, as his mass is 110 kg. What is Bortles' momentum as he rushes to make the game winning 99-yard touchdown?

495 kg m/sec

It takes the chicken 6.1 seconds traveling at a average speed of 1.20 meters per second to cross the road. What is the distance to cross the road in meters?


Number of electrons: 79, Number of neutrons: 118. How many protons does this metal have in its neutral state?


Scientists discover a new element, X, that has an atomic number (# of protons) of 225 and a mass number of 314. Based on your knowledge of the periodic table, how many neutrons are in the nucleus of element X?

89 (mass # = protons + neutrons)

A ball rolls over the edge of a table with a horizontal velocity v m/s. The height of the table is 1.6 m and the horizontal range of the ball from the base of the table is 20 m. What is the magnitude and direction of the ball's acceleration right after it leaves the table?

9.8 m/sec^2

To predict the future position and state of motion you need all of the following EXCEPT: A. initial position B. initial velocity C. mass D. formula by which system evolves over time


Universal Gravitation depends on which of the following?

Mass and distance

Which physical factor(s) does universal gravitation depend?

Mass and distance

Universal Gravitation depends on what physical factor(s)?

Mass of each object & their distance apart

Which scientist was responsible for writing a new theory of blackbody radiation introducing the quantum of energy?

Max Planck

Some substances, called poor heat conductors or insulators, do not allow heat to pass through them. Which of these is not an example of an insulator? A. Wood B. Glass C. Metal D. Rubber


Who discovered that electric current could be generated by magnet?

Michael Faraday

Universal Gravitation, one of Newton's great achievements, depends on what physical factor(s)? A. Mass of each object B. Velocity of each object C. Distance apart of the objects D. A and C E. None of the above

A & C

When observing a vertical free fall path... A. DeltaY is increasing B. DeltaY increments are equal C. DeltaP increments are equal D. b & c are both correct E. a & c are both correct

A and C are correct

Chuck Norris sends his best friend Dr. B a video of him surfing; showing off his awesome moves and his new swim trunks. Dr. B plays the video in class for his students and mentions the wave is in the first excited state, which is....

A bump and a dip oscillating with a dip and a bump

Unlike conduction and convection, radiation does not require which of the following in order to transfer heat? A. Energy B. A material medium C. Space D. Electromagnetic waves

A material medium

Which of the following is NOT true in regards to a gas? A) The molecules have an opposite attraction. B) The group of molecules move at a random distribution of speeds. C) The molecules ricochet from one another. D) The molecules are far apart from one another.

A) The molecules have an opposite attraction.

The average kinetic energy is proportional to...

Absolute temperature

What is the motion represented in an abstract velocity vs. time graph?


Austin and Tyler mount their skateboards at the top of the incline in the lecture hall and push off. For Dr. B to predict the future position and state of motion of the skateboarders, he will need: A) initial position B) initial velocity C) time evolution equation D) equation of motion E) all of the above

All of the above

For Galileo to predict the future position and state of motion, he needs A. initial position B. initial velocity C. some formula by which the system evolves over time D. All of the above

All of the above

The Philosopher Democritus Believed that atoms differed from each other only in... A. Shape B. Size C. Arrangement D. Position E. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is NOT correct regarding Newton's 2nd Law? A. Unbalanced forces acting on an object causes acceleration B. If two objects have different masses and are acted upon by the same amount of force, the heavier object will accelerate less C. Velocity is the quantity that carries inertia D. Accelerations depend on how much mass an object has and how big the push or pull force is

C. Velocity is the quantity that carries inertia

What concept was used as leverage to help Sir Isaac Newton figure out his law of universal gravitation?

Centripetal acceleration

The weight force is parallel to the velocity when an object falls. As a result

Change in speed is increasing

Chuck Norris placed a cold spoon into a hot coffee mug. The spoon soon became equally as hot as the coffee mug. This is due to _____________.


Physical contact between two objects where heat flows easily and the temperature of the cooler object raises, describes which mode of heat transport?


This type of energy occurs in liquids and gasses, is triggered when cold water is heated and the transfer of heat is a lot easier in gasses than in liquids?


Galileo's conceptual breakthrough in studying motion was:

Defining a new state of motion: the inertial state of constant speed and direction

Which of the following scientists believed that atoms differed from each other only in shape, size, arrangment and position?


Which of the following is a characteristic of Coulomb the Scientist?

Discovered the torsion force

Which side of water has a more polarized structure?

Hydrogen end

What is Newton's 2nd law of motion?

If there are unbalanced forces, an object will accelerate.

___________ made a complete explanation of the abstract concept of force.

Isaac Newton

Which scientist discovered the model of an atom known as the "plum-pudding" model, which was thought to be electrons squished into a positive particle?

J.J Thompson

Who studied the flow of electric current through gases at low pressure, and named the device a cathode ray?

J.J. Thompson

Who discovered that all planets orbit on ellipses with the sun at the focus of the ellipse?

Johannes Kepler

What is the unit of work?


In what order is the information on each element tile from the periodic table organized?

Name, atomic number, chemical symbol, atomic weight

Your car moves in a circle at a constant speed of 100 m/s. What is the acceleration of your car?

Need more information

Why don't humans diffract through doorways?

Our momentum is too big

In reference to Bohr's theory, what MUST an electron give off in order to drop orbital levels?


There are three modes of heat transport: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation. Which of these causes heat up of a material if absorbed which can also lead to sunburn?


What did Galileo NOT say about acceleration?

Repeating itself in a different manner

What describes the exchange of sound waves between two tubes resulting from the exertion of energy from one of the tubes (as shown in class)?


Which of the following scientists was NOT involved in developing key concepts of electricity? A. Michael Faraday B. Robert Hooke C. J.J. Thomson D. James Clark Maxwell

Robert Hooke

Who fired Alpha particles at a thin layer of gold foil and detected backscattering?


Coulomb interaction is

Similar to Universal Gravitation

_______________ is scalar quantity that encodes position change over time.


During uniform circular motion, if speedometer is constant, the net force that produces the acceleration depends on what factor(s)?

Speed and tightness of curve/ radius of curvature

How does bending your knees as you land affect your stopping time?

Stopping time is longer

Which of the following is NOT true about a water molecule? A) The angle between Hydrogen and Oxygen is 104.4776 degrees B) The Hydrogen end is more positive C) The Oxygen end is neutral D) The distances from Hydrogen to Oxygen are 0.0958 nm

The Oxygen end is neutral

Which situation does the car have eastward acceleration?

The car travels westward and slows down

Which of the following is the correct explanation of two objects coming to thermal equilibrium?

The object at the higher temperature transfers heat energy into the object at the lower temperature until both of their temperatures are equal

Which of the following is NOT one of the quantities we must use to predict the position of a baseball 3 seconds from now? A) the rate at which the object's velocity changes over time B) the object's position right now C) the object's relationship universal gravitation D) the object's velocity right now

The object's relationship universal gravitation

The buoyant force exerted by a fluid on an entirely submerged object is equal to:

The weight of the fluid displaced by the submerged object

What is the more specific name for what we know as "static cling"?


Which is not true about gases? A. each obeys F=ma B. they have random distribution speeds C. we can note the position and state for every molecule D. they have a huge range from slow to fast

We can note the position and state for every molecule

The Kelvin Scale was developed by whom?

William Thompson

Which is the correct formula for centripetal acceleration and force, when they're acting together?


All materials with temperatures above absolute zero:

radiate heat (energy)

What is the correct order of the electromagnetic spectrum from longest to shortest wavelength?

radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray

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