Physician Assistant Interview

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What would u do if pt didnt like u

"I don't want any patient to feel uncomfortable, so I try to find another nurse to take my place. If I can't, I take care of the patient the best way I know how, but I try to make them as comfortable as possible." Frederica tries talking to the patient, seizing the opportunity to try an educate the individual about diversity. "Sometimes, people have misconceptions about other groups of people that can change with just a little bit of education," she said. Even though she knows you can't change everyone, Frederica tries to stick it out and is encouraged when patients change their attitudes after getting to know her, "It feels good when you can break the barrier that keeps people from getting along." Don't take anything a patient tells you personally. Just remember, you can't please everyone, so just keep moving. Most patients are like the old gentleman in the picture: They love and appreciate you as their nurse.

What have you done to prepare yourself for this profession?

"I have prepared myself for this profession by researching the PA profession, working as a Patient Care Assistant and Medical Assistant and also shadowing multiple PAs in a variety of medical fields. My research allowed me to gain a big picture of the PA career while the time I spend shadowing allowed me to truly see a PA's day-to-day responsibilities. Shadowing in multiple fields was crucial because it opened my eyes to the position's versatility and listen to each PA's unique perspective. Lastly, as an PCA I gained a lot of patient-care experience, which solidified my interest in the medical field, and will allow me to be more confident when spending time with patients during clinicals."

What is a PA?

- A physician assistant is a mid-level healthcare professional that works as a member of a healthcare team, in collaboration (or under the supervision) of a physician. PA's can take medical histories, conduct physical exams, diagnose and treat illness, order and interpret tests, develop treatment plans, counsel on preventive care, assist in surgery, and write prescriptions(or prescribe medication). - I have witnessed the broad spectrum of a PA's duties and responsibilities through shadowing several PAs invarious fieldsfrom orthopedics to mohs surgery to working under a pa that owns her own cosmetic center. (derm pa that sees first then doc)(plastic suergeyr) - This career has a great balance between autonomy and dependence, between working one-on-one with patients while at the same time collaborating with other medical professionals in order to best treat patients. -------- - Today PAs can be seen found practicing in virtually every kind of health setting, helping to assure access, improve quality, and restrain the cost of services. PAs provide a range of diagnostic and therapeutic services which vary by practice setting. These include physical examination, diagnosing and treating illnesses, ordering and interpreting test, counseling on preventative healthcare, assisting in surgery, Writing prescriptions, education, research, and administrative services. PAs are healthcare professionals who practice medicine collegiately with or under the supervision of physicians - The PA profession was created to help with the shortage of physicians and to make healthcare more accessible. PAs are extremely important in healthcare as they shorten patient wait time and increase overall patient volumes and scheduling flexibility. The PAs that I work with are knowledgeable and compassionate providers that work with their supervising physician to offer exceptional healthcare services in an affordable and accessible way.

How have you stayed current

- AAPA, JAAPA, FAPA - CME Magazine - Shadow - Work directly under a PA - In general, Ive become student of the profession, and I am very passionate and excited about the pop to become a pa -By becoming involved, I will learn more about the PA profession, and I will get unique opportunities to educate others about what PAs can do. There are also endless job and networking opportunities that come with these activities.

What are your goals as a PA?

- As a PA, I want to give patients more than just a prescription and a diagnosis code. I want to encourage my patients to take action and invest themselves in their own health that will yield much more significant results than any pill." - I am excited to not only help patients, but be a critical component in their lifestyle choices through education on disease, nutrition, exercise, stress management, and most of all, provide emotional support through their journey. - I believe in the impportance of providing primary care, education, routine physicals, blood work, intolerance testing and continuous research - I try to really listen carefully and thoughtfully to every patient that I see. I try to treat them as if they were in my family. I think to myself, "If this were my mom (brother, sister, etc) how would I evaluate and treat them." - when u came to my office it wasnt just u that was having the pain, it could be my father sitting there or my child, or it might be me, so i feel empathy for u, i feel it, so im not willing to sya oh u have a headache, take these pills itll go away. - engage pts as full partners in their own care -iwant to gbbring these qualities and values to my healthcare team

Physiian assosciate

- I think Physician Associate better explains the true role of a PA, but one problem that PA's have is for the general public to understand what and who they are. Changing the name may add to the confusion - The second is, if we are expected to really contribute, assistant will hold us back. While NPs will be gaining independence, the perception that we "assist" kills us. We can only hold ourselves back by fear of needed change. - The term itself would lead one to believe that at some point during their office visit they should have time with the actual physician for whom the PA is assisting. - "medical practitioner", I feel it does the most justice to the position, and the grueling training/education required for it. Personally, if I put in the hard work to obtain a graduate-level degree (Master's in P.A. Studies) only to be called an "assistant" it cheapens the degree that took a lot of hard work and discipline to achieve. - Our profession's original name was physician associate. Physicians demanded that "associate" be changed on the grounds that it did not properly describe the desired scope of PA practice. Forty years later we believe that we have outgrown the "assistant" title. It no longer accurately represents our profession. It is inaccurate and confuses consumers. The title is misleading and carries negative connotations which we can and should avoid. As we move into a new model of healthcare delivery, it is of the utmost importance that our profession's name accurately describes our rol - "Physician Associate" allows continued use of the initials "PA", which are well-known to the public. "Associate" does not imply that PAs are equal to physicians. Associate professors are not full professors. Associate deans are not full deans.

Why do you want to attend our program?

- Location Success of the program Fits my values and goals through Make me become a succesful applicant - Mission- provide an exemplary educational experience that emphasies primary medical care and enables graduates to demonstrate competency and skill in a variety of clinical environments - Accreditation - Class size of 60/faculty-student ratio- makes me confident i will receive a personal education and make me a succesful pa - Pance pass rates - PA/MPH Concurrent degree- enhaced knowledg about the impact of health and disease on the populatin as awhole, prepare me to perform leadership roles in area of pubic health- promotionof healthy lifestyle and creating awareness about various disease and med options - Alumni associaton- fascinated with novas desire to maintain relationships and connections w pa graduates and support - Classes-Complementary Medicine and Nutrition Health Promotion and Disease Prevention - 3 electives, 1 in urban/rural area

Describe the history of the PA Profession

- The PA profession evolved in the 1960s when the U.S. was facing a serious shortage and maldistribution of physicians to address the nation's need for primary care services. - Medical corpsmen returning from Vietnam wanted civilian jobs to apply the skills they honed on the battlefield. - To help remedy this, Dr. Eugene A. Stead Jr., MD, of the Duke University Medical Center, put together the first class of PAs in 1965. He selected four Navy Hospital Corpsmen who had received considerable medical training during their military service. - Stead based the curriculum of the PA program on his knowledge of the fast-track training of doctors during World War II. - The medical community helped support the new profession, the AAPA raised as well as NCCPA to sent accreditation standards and certification. - Since then the profession has expanded exponentially and PAs began to close the service demand gap by making services more available, accessible, and affordable.

Are you familiar with any national or state level regulations for PA's?

- To practice as a PA, PA's must graduate from an accredited program and pass the national pa certifying exam administered by the national commission on certification of physician assistants - Recertify q 10 yrs through an exam that evaluates generalist medical knowledge - complete 100 hours of continuing medical education every 2 years - there are also several laws that ary by state; specificaly the 6 key eements in florida; pas do not require cosignature by a physician - pas cannot prescribe controlled substances, general anesthetics, and radiographic contrast materials. - Florida law indicates you can do what your physician does within the scope of their practice providing your supervising physician allows you to do that after you have been properly trained and they feel you can do it safely under their supervision. - PA Charts do not require physician cosignatory Pas cannot make a final diagnosis or interpret lab st dies, X-rays, EKGS. - Pas can own up to 99% of a clinic - There is no requirement for patient to be seen by a physician on initial evaluation/consult

Tell me about yourself

- born in caracas, venezuela - moved here when I was 7 - small family - attended college in FSU - graduated c Bachelors in Bio - volunteer/clubs - currently working in ... - eating healthy / nutrition - intolerance? - been feeling better every day - big advocate - family !! - fsu - pa "I've wanted to be a PA for the last 4 years, so I am really excited to be here today and be hopefully one step closer to reaching my goal." (Big smile at them and wait" Being diagnosed with my intolerances is the best thing that ever happened to me bc it brought my attention to changing my life in ways that have made it so much more meaningful isn't on ur application- i have a cat

stress of pa profession

- scope of practice that is determined byphysician - bill under phys - contorlled substances but that is changing soon -

Rules to help PA's?

-1- State policymakers confronted with long-term shortages of primary care physicians or other specialties also may consider facilitating greater educational opportunities for PAs; for example, by coordinating clinical training programs. - This approach would be effective at reducing shortages in specific specialties or areas, such as low-income or rural areas, if combined with financial incentives that encourage PAs to practice in those specialties or areas. -2- To a large degree, supervising physicians are granted the flexibility to delegate tasks to PAs and determine appropriate supervision methods, but state scope-of- practice laws sometimes limit physicians' authority. - For example, although all states allow PAs to prescribe medication, 14 place some limitations on the types of medications PAs can prescribe.12 Eleven states also stipulate a specific list of tasks physicians are allowed to delegate to PAs. To delegate beyond those tasks, a physician must get approval from the state medical board. The American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) argues that such restrictions impede physicians' flexibility to manage their workload and that physicians should have the authority to delegate such tasks at the local level. Increase the number of schools the demand exceeds supply

Tell us about the role you see the PA playing in the health care system.

-Physician Assistants play a key role in access to health care - While not a replacement for physicians, -PAs can be trained in half the time, at a lower cost, and deployed relatively quickly to areas of need in the healthcare system, providing many of the services traditionally delivered only by physicians because of their adaptability and lower cost. -With a grounding in primary care, PAs practice along the whole spectrum of medical and surgical specialties, - Because of their generalist training that allows lifelong flexibility in their practice patterns - Their training and education produce a sophisticated and flexible medical professional who can function in many specialty areas and within many practice structures. - Because of their adaptability and lower cost, pas can play an important role in the health care delivery system. ---- the pa progfession is in a unique position to affect the diagnosis and management of obesity. ps are trained as generalist with a focus on prevention. accrediatationstandards requires pa programs to provide a generalist education rather than fous on any particular specialty

group interview

-something they don't know about u 3-5 min -one scribe, one presenter, one not - write list of requirements for masters program - what would you do if a classmate was cheating

What do you consider your strengths?

1. i amvery academically driven and a lifelong learner. i have a passion dedication and love for leaning. from allnighters at the library to . from siting with my pts and reading their heart surgery packet to researching new products and laser and leaning about the skin, i have always had a passion for educating myself and others. 2. i am very personable. patients find it easy to talk to me about their issues and i always listen carefully and thoughtfully. my friends always come to me for advice and know that i am reliable and will always be there for them/.team player 3. i truly care about others. i try and fix our problems as ifthey were mine. i listen thoughfully and my friedns and patsiensts notice this. - hard worker- stay after Disciplined food research academically driven - lifelong learner - quick learner - strong work ethic - people often tell me my work ethic inspires them to get the job done as well -team player- love workign and helping people - advice, listener -Passion, Dedication, and a Love for learning - truly care about patients - Work well independently but also a team player - compassion, empathy for patients, -Adaptability: You may be doing one thing one minute and, at the next moment, you need to shift your focus to something completely different. That is how medicine sometimes works. -Patients are unpredictable, and situations change quickly. - can handle responsibility and stress - efficient, i like to know everything research make the best decision makes it hard to delegate tasks bc i just do it myself My biggest strength?

Favorite class?

Anatomy and physilogy t is important to remember that organ systems don't just exist as individual units. Each system depends on the others, either directly or indirectly, to keep the body functioning normally. Studying anatomy involves lots of memorization. For instance, the human body contains 206 bones and over 600 muscles. Learning these structures requires time, effort, and good memorization skills want to provide patients the best care possible. Most often your patients will have a disease. Diseases result when there is something abnormal in the anatomy and physiology of a structure. First, you must have the personality to be able to support and help patients. Secondly, you must have the scientific and technical knowledge necessary to make the correct decisions regarding patient care. Thirdly, you must have the clinical skills necessary to implement this knowledge.


Cons Affect doctors in a negative way Such low reimbursement that need to see 20 patients an hour in order to get reimbursed or meet heir overhead So few people take Medicare and Medicaid hard to find physicians for patients and may end up going to the emergency room Malpractice insurance can't move leg so much waited too long at emergency sued and got 30 million from insurance doctors pay extremely expensive And pills are so expensive "Affordable insurance not so affordable would be a good concept of applied well My parents got Cigna n none of their doctors are on there so have to see all new doctors grandma had to also get blue cross to keep doctors


Every day that I get to wake up and help a patient reach their health potential is a day I am thankful for.

What kind of stress pa progrM

I am aware of how difficult the two years Will be. I know the didactic phase is extremely comprehensive and fast pace. In addition I am aware of the amount of hours I'll be expected to put in on clinical rotations. However I am confident that my previous college work in chemistry and biology has prepared me well for furtherStudy and I have never been afraid to work long hard hours I look forward to the challenge and doing what it takes to achieve my dreams most stressful part is getting in, after that im going to be determined and excited to do waht i love

How do you feel about taking call or working 60 or more hours per week as a second-year student?

I am prepared to do whatever it takes to make my dream of becoming a PA a reality. I have heard stories and read blogs of PA students and understand how intense and the fast paced both the didactic and clinical phase is. Worked 12 hour multiple shifts as a pa and derm used to working sometimes up to 60 hours

how many hours a week do u plan to study

I am willing to spend as man hours as it takes to master the material" How many hours a week do you plan on doing anything that is of #1 importance in your life... and the answer is pretty much always: "As long as it takes"! I plan on studying for as long as it takes to digest, understand and recall the information I'm expected to know. It's in my experience that your work is never done, but it you can teach the information you're responsible for to someone else, you've done a good job preparing. "I am willing to spend as many hours as it takes to confidently master the material. To me this means not only memorizing facts, but also digesting the information and committing it to memory in a way that will allow me to apply when starting my career."

what do u have to offer to this chool

I believe I offer a lot to this school. Primarily, I am interested, engaged, and eager to learn everything I can about this profession and medicine. I also offer a wealth of experience with both acute and long term care as well as patients from young to old, which I feel is very valuable. Finally, I feel as though I offer the skills such as teamwork and time management that make a person successful both in the classroom and in workplace environments. I offer hard work, determination and pure passion about wanting to become a PA. Through my experiences being a college athlete, I have developed great time management skills and I have a strong ability to handle stress. I am an excellent team player with a thorough understanding of the PA profession. My grades demonstrate my ability to handle a rigorous program and ultimately, this is the program I feel most strongly about and this is the progrom where I want to be.

What do u offer to our school

I believe I offer a lot to this school. Primarily, I am interested, engaged, and eager to learn everything I can about this profession and medicine. I also offer a wealth of experience with both dermatology and cardiology which I feel is very valuable and can help others in my class. Finally, I feel as though I offer the skills such as teamwork and time management that make a person successful both in the classroom and in workplace environments. I offer hard work, determination and pure passion about wanting to become a PA.

What will be your hardest class if you are accepted?

I believe a class is only hard if you dont put enough effort into it. Organic Chemistry was "hard" because It took alot of my time and studying. I believe I can understand and succesfully pass all of the classes if I put the time into learning the material. Maybe if i had to choose, pharmacology?? I know some drugs from working in cardiology and dermatology but im certain that learning the dosage and the vast aount of drugs will be difficult.

should the PA education degree be standardized to a Master's degree?

I believe that the intensity of the program justifies a master level and that as all programs transition to master lever it brings more credibility to the profession

stand out

I can only speak to what I can offer you. Throughout life I have developed a good work ethic. I am determined and when I make a commitment to something I do whatever it takes to fulfill that commitment. I am passionate about being a PA and you will find that I will bring that passion to the program. When I believe in something I will be an advocate of it. As I become involved in the program I will promote it and become an advocate while during the program and after.

Do u prefer to work with other or by yourself

I get along well with others Others find me to be a good friend who offers advice and a listening ear Also find me motivating I love to help others and always find that I put myself in their shoes wheneve they ask for advice Each person brings their own unique perspectives and background to come to a common goal As far as studying I love to motivate others to study and find that I study best. In groups Hosa! Working is great but it is even better when u have a group of people that share the same passion

Have you done anything to increase your chances of being accepted to the PA program?

I have done several things to increase my chances. First, I have put hard work throughout my undergraduate years, which has been reflected, in my GPA. Also, I have spent over a year as a PCA, 7 months as a Medical Assistant and over 40 hours shadowing different PAs in order to gain more information on the career. Lastly, I have spent time volunteering in different specialties at Tallahassee Memorial so that I can be better prepared to care for and communicate with a variety of different people as a Physician Assistant."

typical day

I typically wake up at 6am, get ready for work and pack my breakfast and lunch for the day. Arriving at work, I get all of my paperwork ready for the day, make sure I have the rooms ready and set up. I look through my patients files' and make sure I am prepared and well-acquainted. At work, I pull the patients into the room and discuss their concerns and options, refer to my boss (PA) and then assist in procedures. After work, I may stay behind and catch up on paperwork or anything else that needs attention. Directly after work, I go to the gym. The later part of my day usually consists of going home preparing dinner or running necessary errands, or reading JAAPA/interview questions. I try to go to sleep early enough to function well the next day. During weekends. I work at the hospital. Friday's volunteer.

Why do you want to be a PA?

I was first attracted to a medical profession because it is the reason why I am alive today. I knew I wanted to dedicate the rest of my life to doing the same for others. It was through my Dermatology PA that I first heard of the PA profession, the personal connection I made with her as well as the quality care she provided that incited my passion for the profession. After shadowing various PA's, working as a Patient Care Assistant at the Cardiac Unit and a Medical Assistant for a Dermatology Practice, my passion for helping others grew, as well as my confidence in the path to becoming a PA. I want to become a PA so that I can further enrich my medical knowledge and grow in my abilities to take care of patients. Although other health professions offer this opportunity, the PA career's versatility and great balance between working independently and collaboratively. - Not just do it because it was a job but do it because I could make the world a better place. - matched char of things that saw in myself good fit for a career, balance bw life n school, anything in med field is continual education, i love to learn, pa really fit me, i love teamwork and being the liaison bw doctor and ,

If i asked your co-workers or fellow students to say three positve things about you, what would they say?

If i asked your co-workers or fellow students to say three positve things about you, what would they say? She is a hard-worker, it is contagious She is very personable, friendly and works well with patients I rejoice when I see she is on the same shift as me She is thoughful, she brings baked goods and remembers important dates

Managed care/HMO PPO & PA's

In many ways, managed care has been very good for PAs. However, a health care system focused on costs and efficiency also is putting more pressure on them to continue to define their roles, functions, and values. On the positive side, today's health care system is oriented toward many of the values that the PA profession has long embraced: primary care, outcomes measurement, patient education, and multidisciplinary teamwork. The new health system is oriented toward health instead of illness, population based medicine, information, consumer knowledge and satisfaction, outcomes, interdependence, and accountability—all things that mesh with the philosophy advocated by the PA profession. With 53% of the nation's practicing PAs specializing in primary care, they have a lot to contribute to the current health delivery system. Vaccinations shots and physicals Loss of clinical controlled spurred by aa cost driven health system. who could bill and be paid for serveis without much callaenge now have to wait for a healthcare plan to authorize treatent as well asreimbursement

Stress of pa

Many experts see PAs as important contributors to emerging strategies to deliver health care more efficiently and effectively, but important barriers exist that could slow the growth of the profession. For example, state laws and regulations may not be broad enough to encompass the professional competencies of PAs. In addition, state statutes and regulations impose widely diverse restrictions on physicians' ability to delegate authority to PAs, which, in some instances, are overly strict. From my own experiences working under a Physician Assistant, I see some of the frustrations first hand. Having to send our patients to see another doctor in order to receive hydrocodone for our ablative laser procedure. Need doctor for filler even though she's been doing it for over 10 years Since the scope of the PA responsibilities corresponds to the supervising physician, I believe it is important to establish a good relationship based on mutual trust respect and good communication. - understand ur role as a PA and find a practice and physician that can allow u to practice to thefull scope of ur abilities ""I believe that similar to other medical professions, a PA must deal with the stress of being responsible for an individuals well being. Also goes with the stress of malpractice insurance and suing if something went wrong who is held liable The work of a physician assistant requires a great deal of responsibility. Patients, cases, and the work environment can all be stressful. Holding someone's life and quality of life in your hands is extremely stressful. When a physician makes a mistake, the cost can be a life. That stress isn't something that can be left at the office; a failure can weigh heavily on you even after you get home. There is also outside stress to consider, such as the pressure from HMOs and patients to keep charges low. Malpractice suits are also a possibility, adding to the stress when things go wrong." Physician assistants and nurse practitioners don't have the same diplomas and licenses as physicians. But they have advanced medical training and they're allowed to diagnose, treat and prescribe within limits and under the supervision of regular physicians. But they frequently encounter their legal limitations, m Let's say you're in a rural area," she suggests, "and a patient needs a medication and there's no doctor nearby to prescribe it." All pa are required to complete extensive training in pharmacology as part of their PA education Laws that restrict the ability of supervising positions to delegate perspective authority to PAs have the potential to cause interruptions in the delivery of care

What is your greatest weakness?

My greatest weakness is saying "no" to others when it is necessary. I love to help and care for others in times of need no matter the given situation. I answer yes to eevery call at the hospital and run to help each patient. I also do not like to delegate tasks and like to complete them myself because I know my abilities. However, I realize that I cannot be at 3 places at once, and it may be best for the patient if sometimes I deleted a task to someone who is not as busy as me. This has allowed me to improve my decision-making skills and be a more ethical professional in society. I don't like to delegate tasks to others because I know my abilities and I know I will take good care of my patient

What is ideal job

My ideal job as a PA would be first to work in primary care/internal medicine, and familiarize myself with various disease, conditions and be the primary caregiver for a patient. I really enjoyed cardiology, and dermatology from my work experiences and I definetly see myself working in any of those fields. Later on I see myself owning a practice for health and wellness. or cosmetic dermatology or both combined :) first contact and principal point of continuing care for patients within a health care system, However, one of the things that attracted me to this profession was the ease of changing to different branches of medicine. maybe even gastreoenterology any field i can promote prevention


My strengths as an applicant are that I am highly motivated and passionate about what I love doing. Taking care of patients has always been what drives me to become a physician assistant and has always been my favorite part of my journey. I am very studious, as my studies have always come first because I know that I must be well educated in order to serve my patients to the best of my abilities. I am a compassionate person and listen to all my patient's concerns because patience is valuable. I also have a passion for teamwork and community improvement. I will cooperate with and learn from my peers. I will help them in whatever ways I can and encourage them to instill values such as reducing health illiteracy, increasing preventive care and bettering societal health overall. I can bring great perspectives, values and goals to this team." Truly care love to learn

healthcare system

Our current healthcare system is failing 80-90% of diseases if not more are the results of our lifestyles, the way we handle stress and the way we treat other people If we were to adress those issues, 80-80% of our illnesses would disapear Instead our curent health care system merely treats the symptoms of the imbalances A proper paradigm would treat the source and we would approach people differently Complications that arise from overweight and obesity are generally managed within separate medical specialties, often without addressing the root cause. Given the relationship of overweight and obesity to a wide arra todays world you have 6,7,8 minutes for every visit with the physician and it costs a huge amount of money if i stop numbing ur headache or bp or, if instead went to the heatrt of what theres, tis amazing how many diseases never happen They tell physicians how they are allowed to practice and then decide how much they will pay those physicians. They tell patients what medicine they are allowed to get(via cost). They tell patients whether they are allowed to live or die - via hospice or nursing home etc.

What does the future look like for PA's?

Our future is bright! The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts an astounding 38.4 percent employment growth in this profession between 2012 and 2022. BLS projects that the number of PA jobs will increase by 39% - A trio of factors should spur this growth, - including heightened demand for health care services from the country's swelling aging population, - increased prevalence of chronic diseases and a - physician shortage that has become more serious in recent years This coupled with the cost efficiency for PA's, fast training and team based approach, PA's can provide high quality care at a low price.

what do pas do

PAs perform a wide range of duties, including providing routine care, treating acute and chronic illnesses, managing hospital inpatients, performing minor surgeries, and assisting during major surgeries.11 - my values aligned with being a pa Based on my experience as a tech and through shadowing I have observed several PA's in action. Most of them work at mousy but usually have the availability of a physician when needed. In Er ... In internal... Perform physical exam order appropriate tests Suture casts formulate plan

Why should we choose you?

Passion Good understanding and Knowledge of pa profession Wealth of experience Unique-derm I am determined and when I make a commitment to something I do whatever it takes to fulfill that commitment. I am passionate about being a PA and you will find that I will bring that passion to the program. When I believe in something I will be an advocate of it. As I become involved in the program I will promote it and become an advocate while during the program and after. I have the required GPA and test scores I have more than enough quality hours of hands on medical experience along with volunteering I have a full understanding of the ps role I've shadowed

Pa vs np

Regulatory board Ratio of supervision Distance requirement Independent practice liability Practice protocols

in fl,

What can a PA do in their practice? Florida law indicates you can do what your physician does within the scope of their practice providing your supervising physician allows you to do that after you have been properly trained and they feel you can do it safely under their supervision. This would include procedures that are within the scope of practice of your supervising physician provided it is not one of those procedures specifically prohibited by the PA practice act. A PA should not do anything that their physician does not do in their practice. The law is written in general terms here and both the PA and the physician should act within the standard of care for their specialty and practice. When one goes beyond that standard of care then you would be on less solid legal ground from a medicolegal aspect if problems arise. The limits of what you do in a practice setting are set by the supervising physician regardless of the specialty practice setting again taking into account those procedures specifically prohibited by statute. - The state statute states that PAs cannot make a final diagnosis, or interpret lab studies, x-rays, and EKGs, this is true. However, subsequent discussion/review with the supervising physician of the PA's diagnosis or test/study interpretation would allow for the physician's final corroboration.

Do u manage ur time well

Yes I can. I have a set of written goals and I prioritize my time so as to accomplish them all in the order of their importance and in a timely manner

pa vs md

i can practice medicine without having to spend the ten or more years it takes to become a physician like the idea of having a supervising physician that I can consult. Opportunity to work in any medical soecialty without any additional training I have met more doctors who want to be PA's than PAs who want to be doctors. Or unhappy doctors vs happy pas PA is the sweet spot! Where life and medicine meet in the middle. In my life family will always be my greatest priority. I love my patients like I love life itself, but I love my family even more than life itself. Click to Tweet I don't think I could have found this balance as an MD chose PA over a doctor because I am looking forward to practicing medicine as soon as possible Balance of autonomy and clablratoon want the flexibility that comes with being a PA while still giving excellent care for my patients.

pa vs np conflict

state is making it difficult, not setting the same - during nP school, many PAs claim that not enough clinical medicine, pharmacology and pathophysiology is enforced in nP school -and peas have specialized training in one particular area such as family practice pediatrics woman's health psychiatry which usually complements the area of their prior nursing experience

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