Physics Final

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The charge on alkali metal ions is


The charge on halogen ions is


A 2-kg book is held 1 m above the floor for 50 s. The work done is


The longest of the following is

0.00001 km.

A meter is not equal to

0.01 km.

A centimeter is

0.01 m.

A car starts from rest and reaches a speed of 12 m/s in 20 s. Its acceleration is

0.6 m/s2.

The quantum number n of the lowest energy state of a hydrogen atom


The number of covalent bonds possible between two carbon atoms in an organic molecule is

1, 2 or 3

The time needed for a planet to orbit the sun

depends on the average distance of the planet from the sun.

An example of a covalent solid is


Of the following, the highest index of refraction is found in


The bending of waves around the edge of an obstacle in their path is an example of


Relative to the stars, the moon seems to move


Each dash in the structural formula of an organic molecule represents a shared

electron pair

Oxidation-reduction reactions involve the transfer between the reacting substances of


The mass of a positron is

equal to the mass of the electron

The fact that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of quantum numbers is known as the

exclusion principle

The decomposition of an unstable compound usually


Of the following problems associated with various energy sources, the least significant for nuclear fission is

fuel reserves

At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, ammonia is a

gas whose formula is NH3

In the United States, bioethanol from corn is added to gasoline for vehicle fuel because

government subsidies and tariffs favor its production and use.


has OH groups in its molecules.

In organic chemistry, an aromatic compound

has benzene rings in its molecules

The least active of the following nonmetals is


When the sun, the earth, and the moon are all in line,

high tides are higher than usual and low tides are lower than usual.

Environmental concerns are the most important factor in limiting the expansion of which of the following energy sources?


When first proposed, a scientific idea is usually called a


Which one or more of the following is not a unit of energy?

incorrect 8: ampere-hour

A method of compressing fuel for a nuclear fusion reactor that is not being studied uses

incorrect 8: laser beams

The number of values the spin magnetic quantum number ms of an atomic electron can have is

incorrect 9: 1

Matter waves are

incorrect 9: associated with all particles

In order to increase the rate at which photoelectrons are emitted by a surface on which light is directed, it is necessary to increase the

incorrect 9: frequency of the light

An increase in the voltage applied to an X-ray tube causes an increase in the X-rays'

incorrect 9: number

Each probability cloud in an atom can be occupied by

incorrect 9: only one electron

The light waves from a laser

incorrect 9: spread out to form a wide beam

The strongest bonds are

incorrect chapter 11: ionic

The yield of the product C in the reversible reaction A + B Picture C + energy can be increased by

incorrect chapter 12: increasing the temperature.

The alcohols are organic equivalents of inorganic

incorrect chapter 13: acids should be bases

Of the following acids, the one that dissociates least in water solution is

incorrect chapter 13: hydrochloric


incorrect chapter 8: has a larger atomic number than uranium.

A reactor does not produce

incorrect chapter 8: neutrons

The wave character of a moving golf ball is not observed because

incorrect chapter 9: the matter waves are moving too fast

When a molecule breaks up into its constituent atoms,

incorrect chapter10: any of these choices could be correct, depending on the molecule.

A 1-N weight has a KE of 1 J when its speed is

incorrect: 1.4 m/s should be 4.43 m/s?

A 100-kg astronaut ejects 4 g of gas from her propulsion pistol at a speed of 50 m/s. Her recoil speed is

incorrect: 2mm/s should be 2 m/s 2000 mm/s?

When a planet is farthest from the sun in its orbit,

incorrect: any of the choices should be: its speed is least

As a spacecraft moves upward,

incorrect: its mass decreases new answer: its weight decreases

A particle never emitted in beta decay is the

incorrect: ch 8 positron

The image the lens of the eye forms on the retina is

incorrect: ch7 real and erect should be real and inverted?

Of the following particles, the one with the smallest mass is the

incorrect: chapter 8 electron

With increasing temperature, the solubility of a solid in a liquid


A car whose speed is a steady 50 km/h

is accelerated when it climbs a hill, goes over the crest, and descends on the other side.

The charge on an electron

is always the same


is nonsense

The ongoing evolution of living things

is one of the basic concepts of biology.

When the speed of a moving object is halved,

its momentum is halved.

What distinguishes the scientific method from other ways of looking at the natural world is

its reliance on experiment and observation.

When heat is added to a body of matter, the resulting temperature increase does not depend upon

its shape

Compact fluorescent light bulbs are more efficient than incandescent light bulbs

last longer

A regularity in observed data or a relationship between different quantities is usually called a


A compass needle tends to

line up parallel to a magnetic field.

The lower the frequency of a sound wave, the

longer its wavelength

Atoms of two different elements

may form no compounds together

Arrange the following planets in the order of their distance from the sun. 1. Venus 2. Mars 3. Earth 4. Mercury

mercury venus earth mars

Heat conduction is most efficient in


The largest number of elements are classed as


The structural elements of a polymer are called


The narrower the wave packet of a particle is, the

more precisely its position can be established.

Scientific theories

must be constantly reviewed to see whether they are in accord with new experimental observations.

Methane is the chief constituent of

natural gas.

Pure acids in the liquid state consist of

neutral molecules

An example of an exothermic process is the

neutralization of an acid by a base.

Ionic compounds in the solid state

never consist of molecules

Photons have

no charge

The weight of an object

none of the choices are correct

The period of the earth's orbit around the sun is

one year

An oxide decomposed by heating will give

oxygen and another element

In a transverse wave, the individual particles of the medium move

perpendicular to the direction of travel.

Nuclear fission can occur in


The process by which small molecules join together to form larger ones is called


The volt is the unit of electric

potential difference

the watt is a unit of


Buoyancy occurs because, as the depth in a fluid increases, the fluid's

pressure increases

Amino acids are the basic units of


DNA controls the development and functioning of a cell by governing its manufacture of


Muscles consist mainly of


The uncertainty principle is a fundamental part of

quantum mechanics

The most important single source of radiation dosage received by an average person in the United States is


Light of which of the following colors has the lowest frequency?


At room temperature, bromine is a

reddish brown liquid

The ionosphere

reflects radio waves

As a sample of a radioactive nuclide decays, its half-life

remains the same

A rocket is fired in space. As it moves, the total momentum of the rocket and its exhaust gases

remains the same.

A refrigerator

removes heat from a region and moves it elsewhere

A positive electric charge

repels other positive charges

Gravity is not

responsible for holding atoms and molecules together.

In the distant past, the length of the day was

shorter than 24 hours

When a supersaturated solution is disturbed,

some of its solute may crystallize out of solution.

An example of a purely longitudinal wave is a

sound wave.

Which of the following quantities is always the same to all observers?

speed of light

A chemical equilibrium occurs when the

speed of the forward reaction equals the speed of the reverse reaction.

Plants store energy in the form of


Protons and neutrons are held together to form nuclei by the

strong interaction

An example of an ionic solid is

table salt

A day is the time needed for

the earth to turn completely on its axis

A saturated solution contains

the maximum concentration of solute.

The acceleration of gravity on the surface of Mars is 3.7 m/s2. Compared with his or her mass and weight on Earth, an astronaut on Mars has

the same mass and less weight.

Of the following, a molecule is best described as

the smallest particle of a substance that is representative of the substance.

A year is the time needed for

the sun to drift completely around the sky.

Ball A is thrown horizontally and ball B is thrown upward.

they have the same downward acceleration

Direct electric current cannot be used to operate


In most parts of the world high tides occur approximately

twice a day.

A solid conductor is one

whose electrons are free to move about.

If the earth were to revolve on its axis slower than it does today, its shape

would be closer to a perfect sphere

A 1-kg mass has a KE of 1 J when its speed is


A total of 4900 J is expended in lifting a 50-kg mass. The mass is raised to a height of

10 m

A net horizontal force of 2000 N is applied to an 800-kg car at rest. The car's speed after 5 s will be

12.5 m/s

the mass number of the nucleus 15/7N is


A 2-kg brick has the dimensions 7.5 cm × 15 cm × 30 cm. The pressure the brick exerts when standing on its smallest face is

178 pa

A mast is 60 ft tall. The SI equivalent of this height is

18.3 m.

A 430-g soccer ball lying on the ground is kicked with a force of 800 N. If the kick lasts 0.01 s, the ball flies off with a speed of


The atomic mass of N is 14 u and that of Ca is 40 u. The proportion of N by mass in the compound Ca3N2 is

19 percent

Which one or more of the following pairs of displacements cannot be added to give a resultant displacement of 2 m?

1m and 4m

A net force of 10 N gives an object an acceleration of 5 m/s2. What net force would give the same object an acceleration of 1 m/s2?

2 N

The mass of a sack of potatoes whose weight is 200 N is

20.4 kg

The number of moles of O2 needed to react with 10 moles of C2H2 in the reaction 2C2 H2 + 5O2 → 4CO2 + 2 H2O is


A ball whose momentum is mv strikes a wall and bounces off. The change in the ball's momentum is


The number of quantum numbers needed to determine the size and shape of the probability cloud of an atomic electron is


The number of quarks in a proton or a neutron is


The average salinity of seawater is about

3.5 percent

A 1200-kg car is traveling at 10 m/s on a road such that the maximum frictional force between its tires and the road is 4000 N. The minimum turning radius of the car is

30 m

A double bond between two carbon atoms involves the sharing of a total of

4 electrons

A ship travels 20 km to the south and then 40 km to the west. The ship's displacement from its starting point is

45 km.

A temperature of 120°F is almost exactly

49 c

The speed of an object moving in a circle is doubled. The centripetal force needed is

4x as much as before

The work done in lifting 30 kg of bricks to a height of 20 m on a building under construction is

5880 J

The number of carbon atoms in a benzene ring is


The number of electrons shared among the carbon atoms in a benzene ring is


When a nucleus of the copper isotope 64/29Cu captures an electron, it becomes


A sedentary person requires about 6 million J of energy per day. This rate of energy consumption is equivalent to about


The power rating of an electric motor that draws a current of 3 A when operated at 240 V is

720 W

An electric iron draws a current of 15 A when connected to a 120-V power source. Its resistance is


The mass of a 2000-lb elephant is

909 kg

Heat can be transferred through a liquid by which one or more of the following?

A B and C

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

All scalar quantities have directions.

One or more factors that today prevent the widespread use of hydrogen as a fuel is/are

Both A and D

A double helix structure is characteristic of


A frequency that is not an overtone of the fundamental frequency F is


Stars and planets are round because

Gravity forces them into this shape

Potassium forms K+ ions and sulfur forms S2- ions. The formula of potassium sulfide is


The discovery that the planetary orbits are ellipses rather than circles was made by


A planet not visible to the naked eye is


Which of the following statements is true?

The moon is chiefly responsible for the tides, with the sun's influence modifying the tidal range.

A current-carrying wire is in a magnetic field with the direction of the current perpendicular to that of the field.

The wire tends to move perpendicular to the field.

The process of pair production cannot produce

a neutron and a neutrino.

Nylon is an example of

a polymer

The individual particles in a metal are held together as a result of

a sea of freely moving electrons.

Which one or more of the following effects occur in all types of wave?

all of the above

A constellation is

an apparent pattern of stars in the sky.

A nucleus increases in atomic number when it emits

an electron

The reaction of an alcohol with an organic acid produces

an ester

An atom whose outer electron shell is filled is

an inert gas

The pressure at the bottom of a barrel filled with liquid does not depend on the

area of the liquid surface

High tides occur

as often as low tides

If radium and chlorine combine to form radium chloride, the compound is

as radioactive as its radium content.

A barometer measures

atmospheric pressure

The nucleus of an atom cannot be said to

be electrically neutral

When a magnetized iron bar is strongly heated, its magnetic field

becomes weaker

An enzyme is a

biological catalyst

Which one or more of the following can be explained by the electromagnetic theory of light?

both A and B

Ammonia gas dissolves in water and can react according to the equation NH3 + H2O Picture NH4+ OH-. The amount of ammonium ion in solution will be increased by which one or more of the following?

both A and D

Which one or more of the following is a vector quantity?

both a and b

Which of the following are the chief acids in acid rain?

both a and c

Which statement(s) apply(ies) to nuclear fusion?

both a and c

The fossil fuels that are the least and most polluting to burn are respectively

both a and d

A moving object must have which one or more of the following?

both b c and d

Eventually, if bioethanol remains in use, it will probably be made from


The bright-line spectrum produced by the excited atoms of an element contains wavelengths that are

characteristic of the particular element.

A beam of light whose waves are all in step with one another is said to be


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