Physics Final Concept Questions

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A person is carrying a heavy load of 50.0 kg on top of his head. He walks 10m straight on a horizontal plane. What is the work done against the gravity by this person? 0J 500J 4900J -500J


At what temperature can 2 phases of H2O coexist in thermal equilibrium? -40℃ 10℃ 100℃ 140℃ none of the above are correct


The earth pulls on a ball with 15N force. How much force does the ball exert on the earth?


On mars, the acceleration due to gravity is only 3.80m/s^2. if an object has a mass of 20.0 kg on earth, what is its mass on earth? 7.76 kg 76.0 kg 20.0 kg 196 kg

20.0 kg

A block is placed in a thermally isolated container. The block gains 100J and ends up at a temp of 32℃. What is the final temperature for the container in degrees Celsius?


how many processes occur for H2O to go from -20℃ to 110℃? 1 2 3 4 5


the jet engine on a fighter plane exerts a 8000 Ns impulse. what is the plane's change in momentum in SI units


A spring is stretched by an amount x. It is then stretched to an amount 3x. what is the new elastic (spring) potential energy compared to the original? 2 PEs 3 PEs 9 PEs 18 PEs 36 PEs

9 PEs

Two objects are pushed on a horizontal, frictionless surface. both objects are pushed with the same, constant force and over the same distance. object 2 has 4 times the mass object 1. both objects are initially at rest. which of the following statements is true about the net work on the both objects W1net=W2net W1net= 4*W2net 4*W1net=W2net W1net= 16*W2net 16*W1net=W2net


The energy involved in melting 100g of ice is _____ the energy involved in freezing 100g of water greater than less than equal to

equal to

A penny is in a glass of water. The penny and the water are in thermal equilibrium. The temperature of the water is 20.0℃. The temperature of the penny is__ not enough info equal to 20.0℃ less than 20.0℃ greater than 20.0℃

equal to 20.0℃

A tall cylindrical barrel open at the top contains 3 fluids. fluid 1 is at the bottom, fluid 2 is in the middle, and fluid 3 is on top. each fluid has the same depth. From this info, which of the following is also known about these fluids? fluid 1 has the greatest mass fluid 2 has the greatest mass fluid 3 has the greatest mass fluid 1 has the greatest volume fluid 3 has the greatest volume

fluid 1 has the greatest mass

A rocket is in deep space where no outside forces act on it. the rocket fires its engines for 5 seconds and then shuts them off. After the engines shut off, the rocket will... move at a constant velocity immediately stop continue to speed up slow down and come to a stop

move at a constant velocity

How do you find the work done by a conservative force?

multiply the component of the force parallel to the direction of motion times the displacement

Can displacement ever be greater than distance?


Is temperature a vector?


Is there a buoyant force on an object completely sunk in water (in the bottom of the container)?


Water flows through a pipe. At point 1, the pipe has a radius of r and the water travels at speed v. At point 2, the water travels at speed 4v. What is the radius at point 2? r/4 r/2 2r 4r 8r


centripetal force is related to which of the following? tangential acceleration radial acceleration both A and B none of the above

radial acceleration

Kevin is sliding down a frictionless waterslide. his mechanical energy will ______ as he continues to slide downhill remain the same, decrease, increase

remain the same

Normal force on an object is ________ equal to mass times g always, sometimes, or never?


The train's velocity is -15 m/s at one moment and its acceleration is a constant -2 m/s. what will happen over the next second? The trains velocity will remain constant the train will slow down the train will begin moving in the opposite direction the train will speed up

the train will speed up

two electrons collide elastically. Choose ALL quantities that are conserved in the collision. the individual momentum of each electron the individual velocity of each electron the individual kinetic energy of each electron total kinetic energy total momentum

total kinetic energy total momentum

2 train cars collide and stick together. Choose all quantities that are conserved in the collision. the individual kinetic energy of each car total momentum the individual momentum of each car total kinetic energy the individual of each car

total momentum

Acceleration can be seen as a curve on a position vs time graph T or F


Displacement depends only on endpoints true or false


if the velocity of a car is positive and the car is speeding up, when its acceleration is positive. Select another situation where the acceleration is positive a. the car's velocity is negative, and the car is slowing down b. the car's velocity is positive, and the car is slowing down c. the car's velocity is negative, and the car is speeding up d. no other situation

A. the car's velocity is negative and the car is slowing down

The noble gases, listed by increasing atomic weight, are He,Ne,Ar,Kr,Xe, and Rn. If 1 mole samples of each of these monatomic gases are placed in separate containers and heated to 300K, which gas has the greatest internal energy and the atoms of which gas have the highest rms speed? the He has the greatest internal energy, and the Rn has the greatest rms speed. All the gases have the same internal energy, and the Rn has the greatest rms speed. The Rn has the greatest internal energy, and the He has the greatest rms speed. All the gases have the same internal energy, and the He has the greatest rms speed.

All the gases have the same internal energy, and the He has the greatest rms speed.

A plank of length L is pivoted at its midpoint. 2 objects, each of weight W, are placed at .2L and .4L from the left end of the plank. if the system is to be brought into static equilibrium, which of the following statements is true? A. an object of weight 2W should be placed at .3L from the left B. an object of weight 2W should be placed at .3L from the right C. an object of weight W should be placed at .3L from the left D. an object of weight W should be placed at .3L from the right

B. an object of weight 2W should be placed at .3L from the right

A ball is thrown horizontally at a speed of v. what are the x and y components, respectively of the initial velocity (Vix, Viy)? a. (Vsin 𝜃, Vcos 𝜃) b. (0,V) c. (V,0) d. (V,V)

C. (V,0)

consider an apple that weighs 1N. We call F1 the magnitude of the net force on the apple when it is resting on a table, F2 the magnitude of the net force on the apple when it is lifted at constant velocity, and F3 the magnitude of the net force on the apple when it is dropped and falling. select the correct statement. F1 < F2, F1 < F3, F2 < F3 F1 < F2, F1 = F3, F2 < F3 F1 < F2, F1 < F3, F2 = F3 F1 = F2, F1 < F3, F2 < F3 F1 = F2, F1 = F3, F2 < F3

F1 = F2, F1 < F3, F2 < F3

Two model cars are racing. Car A has a speed of 8.00m/s, while Car B has a speed of 4.00 m/s. Which of the following statements is true? KEa = KEb KEa = 2 KEb 2 KEa = 3 KEb KEa = 4 KEb 4 KEa = KEb

KEa = 4 KEb

Which temperature scale should be used in this course when entering a temperature into the equation PV=NkbT? Fahrenheit Celsius Kelvin Rankine


What are the SI units for torque? kg * m rad/s^2 N*m J kg*m^2 N/m


name the SI unit for pressure


Which elastic modulus do you use when the two forces on an object are not along the same line (off-set)? Young's modulus Shear modulus Bulk modulus All of the above

Shear modulus

A ball's speed decreases over a period of time. What is the net work on the ball over that period of time? zero not enough information a positive balue a negative value

a negative value

A car is rolling over the top of a hill at constant speed v. If N is the normal force and W is the weight, which of the following is true? a. N < W b. N > W c. N = W d. none of the above are true

a. N < W

which of the following statements is true? a. momentum is conserved in both elastic and inelastic collisions b. only momentum is conserved in elastic collisions, and both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved in inelastic collisions c. only kinetic energy is conserved in elastic collisions, and both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved in inelastic collisions d. only kinetic energy is conserved in elastic collisions, and only momentum is conserved in inelastic collisions

a. momentum is conserved in both elastic and inelastic collisions

Which of the following are true? a. torque and work are dimensionally equivalent b. torque and work are more or less the same thing c. torque and work are both vector quantities d. torque is a rotational work.

a. torque and work are dimensionally equivalent

A ball is thrown horizontally at a speed 4.00 m/s from a height 1.5m. Which of the following kinematic equations alone can be used to determine the time the ball is in the air? a. 𝚫y= Viyt +.5Ayt^2 b. 𝚫x= Viyt +.5Ayt^2 c. Vyf= Viy +Ayt d. Vxf= Vix +Axt e. 𝚫y= .5 (Viy + Vyf)t

a. 𝚫y= Viyt +.5Ayt^2

A person stands on a scale in an elevator. the apparent weight is equal to the equal to the normal force from the elevator on the person's feet. the apparent weight is greatest when the elevator is standing still moving upward at constant velocity accelerating downward moving downward at constant velocity accelerating upward

accelerating downward

Which of the following is true about specific heat? it is always positive it is independent of the mass of a sample it is independent of the size of the sample all of the above

all of the above

Two one-liter containers each contain 10 moles of a gas. The temperature is the same in both containers. Container A holds helium (molecular mass = 4 u), and Container B holds oxygen (molecular mass = 16 u). Which container has the higher pressure and by what factor? a. container A has 2 times the pressure of container B b. both containers have the same pressure c. container A has 4 times the pressure of container B d. more information is needed to answer the question

b. both containers have the same pressure

In one dimensional motion where the direction is indicated by plus of minus sign, the average speed of the object cannot be: a. positive b. negative c. zero

b. negative

Which of the following statements is true? a. work is the rate of energy transfer b. power is the rate of energy transfer c. work and power are more of less the same thing, and they have the same units d. work is a scalar quantity, while power is a vector quantity e there can be no work done when both the applied force and the displacement are along the vertical direction

b. power is the rate of energy transfer

Wire runs straight downward in a steady stream from a kitchen faucet. the stream picks up speed as it falls. Compare the thickness of the stream near the faucet to the thickness of the stream just before it reaches the bottom of the sink? a. the stream will be thicker near the bottom of the sink b. the stream will be thicker near the faucet c. the stream will be equally thick at both heights d. not enough info

b. the stream will be thicker near the faucet

Wires A and B have the same tensile stress placed on them. Wire B is made of the same material and has the same cross sectional area as wire A, but has twice the length. Compare the change in length in wire B to wire A a. wire B will gain four times as much length as wire A b. wire B will gain twice as much length as wire A c. wire B will gain the same length as wire A d. wire B will gain half as much length as wire A e. wire B will gain one fourth as much length as wire A

b. wire B will gain twice as much length as wire A

What kind of energy does a person have while climbing up a ladder potential kinetic both potential and kinetic neither potential nor kinetic

both potential and kinetic

The force due to gravity by the moon on the earth is Fme and the earth on the moon is Fem. Which of the following statements is true about the magnitude of force if the moon has a smaller mass than the earth? A. Fme > Fem B. Fme < Fem c. Fme = Fem d. none of the above

c. Fme = Fem

In a perfectly inelastic collision between object A and B, which relation is always true. a. Ma=Mb b. Pai=Pbi c. Vaf=Vbf d. Vai=Vbi e. Paf=Pbf

c. Vaf=Vbf

which of the following point towards the center of the circle in uniform circular motion? a. velocity, acceleration, and net force b. velocity and acceleration c. acceleration and net force d. velocity and net force

c. acceleration and net force

Ball A is dropped from the top of a tall building. At the same instant, a second ball is thrown upward from the ground level. When the 2 balls pass one another (one on the way up, one on the way down), compare the magnitude of their accelerations a. the acceleration of the dropped ball is greater b. the acceleration of the ball thrown upward is greater c. the acceleration of both balls is the same d. the acceleration changes during the motion, so you cannot predict the exact value when the two balls pass each other e. the accelerations are in opposite directions

c. the acceleration of both balls is the same

A hammer and a dime are both dropped off the edge of a cliff at the same time. Choose the correct statement ignoring any possible effect due to air resistance. a. not enough information b. the hammer will hit the ground first. c. the hammer and the dime will hit the ground simultaneously d. the dime will hit the ground first

c. the hammer and the dime will hit the ground simultaneously

suppose you are coasting on level ground in a car at a speed of 60km/h. you then apply the brakes and slow down until you reach a speed of 40 km/h. At this time, you release the brakes. From this point, assuming no friction and no air resistance, the car tends to: increase in speed decrease in speed continue moving at 40 km/h not enough info

continue moving at 40 km/h

Under what condition can the equation 𝚫x= Vxt be used for a moving object? a. Ax is nonzero b. Ax is nonzero and constant c. 𝚫x is zero d. Vx is constant

d. Vx is constant

A child whirls a ball in a vertical circle. assuming the speed of the ball is constant, when would the tension in the cord connected to the ball be greatest? a. a little after the bottom of the circle (when the ball is climbing) b. a little before the bottom of the circle (when the ball is falling) c. at the top of the circle d. at the bottom of the circle e. nowhere, the tension in the cord is the same throughout the circle

d. at the bottom of the circle

A tennis ball is thrown vertically in the upward direction, which we choose as the positive direction. Select the correct statement a. the acceleration is positive before it reaches the maximum height, and positive afterward b. the acceleration is negative before it reaches the maximum height, and positive afterward c. the acceleration is negative before it reaches the maximum height, and negative afterward d. the acceleration is positive before it reaches the maximum height, and negative afterward

d. the acceleration is positive before it reaches the maximum height, and negative afterward

A cubic centimeter of aluminum and a cubic meter of aluminum are both at 20 degrees C. the blocks are both heated to 50 degrees C. Compare the increase in size of both blocks a. the smaller block has a larger increase in size b. not enough info c. both blocks have the same increase in size d. the bigger block has a larger increase in size.

d. the bigger block has a larger increase in size.

Which of the following is NOT a necessary condition for achieving static equilibrium? a. translational (straight line) acceleration is zero b. net torque is zero c. net force is zero d. the center of gravity must be at the center of the object e. rotational acceleration is zero.

d. the center of gravity must be at the center of the object

Kevin is sliding down a frictionless waterslide. his potential energy will _____ as he continues to slide downhill. remain the same decrease increase


In the rotational motion of a rigid body (disk), all parts of the disk move with: the same linear velocity and same angular velocity the same linear velocity and different angular velocity different linear velocities and different angular velocities different linear velocities and same angular velocities.

different linear velocities and same angular velocities.

A baseball is thrown directly upward. Give the balls acceleration after it starts moving downward up, down, left, or right?


A baseball is thrown directly upward. Give the balls acceleration as it travels upward up, down, left, or right?


In which of the following cases does a car have a negative velocity and a negative acceleration? a. +x direction increasing in speed b. -x direction decreasing in speed c. +x direction decreasing in speed d. -x direction at a constant speed e. -x direction increasing in speed

e. -x direction increasing in speed

a calorie is a unit of ___ energy force temperature mass none of the above


A probe travels in intergalactic space where there is no gravity the probe has... no mass and no weight weight but no mass has both mass and weight has mass, but no weight

has mass, but no weight

Kevin is sliding down a frictionless waterslide. his kinetic energy will _____ as he continues to slide downhill decrease, increase, or remain the same


A metal canister of oxygen gas is attached to a spacecraft orbiting the earth. the canister has a small crack allowing the gas to slowly leak out. What happens to the pressure inside the canister over time? (the temperature of the gas remains the same as the spacecraft) not enough info it increases it remains the same it decreases

it decreases

Which of the following is not true about the force of kinetic friction? it depends on the surface area of the surfaces it depends on the nature of the two surfaces in contact it depends on the normal force on the object it is a nonconservative force

it depends on the surface area of the surfaces

Which of the following must be true for an object to be in static equilibrium? Choose ALL that apply it has zero velocity the net force is zero there are no torques acting on it it is not rotating the net torque is zero

it has zero velocity the net force is zero it is not rotating the net torque is zero

For an ideal gas of a given mass, if the pressure remains the same and the volume increases, then what must have happened to the average kinetic energy of the molecules? it increases nothing can be determined bout the molecular kinetic energy it stayed the same it decreased

it increases

One object collides with a second identical object at rest. after the collision, the 2 objects stick together. How does the final velocity compare to the first objects initial velocity? it is twice as big it is half as big it is 4 times as big it is one fourth as big it is the same

it is half as big

A baseball is thrown directly upward. what happens to the magnitude of the balls acceleration as it travels upward?

it remains constant

A cylinder containing air is kept at room temperature as a piston compresses the air into a smaller volume. What will happen to the pressure inside the cylinder? it will decrease it will increase it will remain the same not enough info

it will increase

the temperature is increased inside a closed cylinder containing helium gas. Assume the volume of the cylinder remains constant. what will happen to the average (rms) speed of the helium atoms? It will decrease not enough info it will remain constant it will increase

it will increase

What is the SI unit for mass?


the energy involved in melting 100g of ice is ___ the energy involved in melting 200g of ice greater than less than equal to

less than

your weight on the top of mount everest is _____ your weight in new orleans greater than less than equal to

less than

A long horizontal bean is attached to a wall on the left end of the beam. A wire is attached to the other end of the beam and goes straight up connecting to the ceiling. What is the direction of the reaction force on the beam at the wall? up and to the right down and to the left straight up straight down

straight up

When water evaporates into a gas, it ___ takes in energy through heat from the surrounding environment. releases energy through heat to the surrounding environment has no net heat exchange with the surrounding environment

takes in energy through heat from the surrounding environment.

a red car travels east. a blue car of identical mass travels at the same speed. under what situation will the momentum of the 2-car system be greatest in magnitude? the blue car travels south the blue car travels west all directions of the blue car will result in the same magnitude the blue car travels east the blue car travels north

the blue car travels east

A blue car's engine exerts a 1000N force on the car. a green car's engine exerts a 500N force on the car. Both cars have the same mass. If both cars start from rest, how will their times to each 60mph compare? Assume they experience the same amount of air resistance. the green car will take less time to reach 60mph the blue car will take less time to reach 60mph not enough information both cars will take the same time to reach 60mph

the blue car will take less time to reach 60mph

A cylinder is placed on a metal plate. there is a net flow of heat from the plate to the cylinder. choose the correct statement about the initial temperatures of the cylinder and the plate the cylinders initial temperature was lower the initial temperatures were equal not enough info the cylinder's initial temperature was higher

the cylinders initial temperature was lower

Kevin slides down 2 frictionless waterslides from rest, first a steeper red slide and then a more gradual green slide. both equal in height. How to the final speeds on the 2 slides compare to one another?

the final speeds from each slide will be equal.

two vehicles are traveling along a highway with the same momentum, a large 18 wheeler, and a motorbike. Compare the speed of both vehicles

the motorbike is traveling faster than the 18 wheeler.

You measure one of the tires on your car to be 35 psi one day when its 65℉ outside. The next day its 95℉. What would you expect the tires pressure to be now? (assume the tires volume is constant) the pressure will be equal to 35 psi the pressure will be less than 35 psi the pressure will be greater than 35 psi not enough info

the pressure will be greater than 35 psi

Two carts are given pushes equal in strength, but the red cart accelerates more than the blue cart. How do the masses of the carts compare to each other? the red cart has a smaller mass the red cart has a larger mass the red and blue carts have equal masses

the red cart has a smaller mass

two cubes with the same mass are initially at room temperature. the blue cube has a higher specific heat than the red cube. 30J of heat is added to each tube. Compare the final temperatures of the 2 cubes the blue cube will have the higher temperature not enough info the red cube will have the higher temperature both cubes will have the same temperature

the red cube will have the higher temperature

A baseball is thrown directly upward. What will be the balls velocity at its maximum height


A block is sliding down an inclined board at a constant speed. There is friction between the block and the board. The net force on the block is.. zero, pointing downwards, pointing upslope, or pointing normal to the surface?


Which of the following is true during the melting of ice? ΔT < 0 ΔT = 0 ΔT > 0 any of the above could be true

ΔT = 0

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