PLAN 1010 Final

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Emissions Trading

"- a market-based approach used to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants -also known as cap and trade buying and selling of emission permits between businesses so that the overall cap or limit of the amount of pollutant is maintained"

Ecover Ecological Factory (Belgium)

"-a Belgium based company manufacturing and internationally trading domestic ecological cleaning products -world's largest supplier of such products"

Stormwater management

"Anything associated with the planning, maintenance, and regulation of facilities which collect, store, or convey stormwater, including retention ponds, swales and wetlands, pervious materials, infiltration, and detention. Manages the quantity and quality of stormwater. Many methods are used to do this. They include: retention ponds, swales and wetlands, pervious materials, infiltration, and detention. One method is to use an eco-roof to collect and manage stormwater.

Circular Metabolism (of cities)

"Zero waste; nurtures and develops a symbiotic relationship between the city and its ""hinterland"". Helps to understand the sustainability of cities. Draws analogies with the metabolic processes of organisms. Analizes the inputs and outputs of cities. Through this analysis, the goal is to reuse a portion of the outputs in different section of the city, creating a loop. Oakland is an example of a circular metabolism city.

Community Incubators

-a community environment that grows and nurtures small businesses through their early years of existence by providing an array of business assistance service, shared resources and networking opportunities

Passive Survivability

As world oil production capacity fails to keep up with demand, many experts are predicting fuel supply shortages. Our buildings, especially homes, apartment buildings, schools, and hospitals, should be designed and built to maintain livable conditions in the event of an extended power outage, fuel supply interruption, or water shortage

Natural Hazards

Basically natural disasters, but I think the point is that they are becoming more frequent and affecting more people because the world's population has grown so much and its resources are being depleted. This causes people to move to areas more susceptible to hazards.

Carfree Housing (e.g. Vauban)

Most of the roads in Vauban are crescents and cul-de-sacs, which reduce the number of roads running through the neighborhoods. In contrast, there are multiple walking/biking paths that provide easy access to any part of the village. Most of the residential streets are described as "free from parking spaces." Vehicles are allowed to go down the streets at a walking pace to pick up and deliver, but not to park

Shoreline Retreat

Shore erosion that causes the shoreline to retreat. It's an environmental concern associated with shorelines. Possible causes: increase in temperature of surface water, tectonics

Distributed Energy Systems

The idea of creating large amounts of electricity through multiple small sources, good because energy can be generated closer to where it is used, doesn't get as many transportation losses in grid, lends itself to be used with many renewable sources linked together, small-scale power generation technologies, many systems use combinations of solar panels, wind turbines, and vehicle-to-grid.

Solar Mallee Trees (Adelaide, Australia)

Tree-looking lights that use significantly less energy than they gather and store from the sun- they produce 7 times as much energy as they need to function, and send the energy back into the grid. Reduces green house gas emissions, equivalent to planting 6 real trees per year. Also function as public art; called Solar Mallees.

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)

the total number of miles driven by all vehicles within a given time period and geographic area. influenced by factors such as population, age distribution, and the number of vehicles per household.


"- Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people -focuses on uniting conservation, communities and sustainable travel -educates the traveler, provides funds for ecological conservation and directly benefits the economic development and political empowerment of local communities -form of place- based economic development"

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

"- a U.S. environmental law that established a national policy promoting the enhancement of the environment - requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions - set up procedural requirements for all federal government agencies to prepare Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements -also established the President's Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)."

Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

"- an independent non-profit organization with an ecolabel and fishery certification program -fisheries that are assessed and meet the standard can use the MSC ecolabel -mission: to reward sustainable fishing practices and encourage fisheries to operate in an environmentally responsible way (meaning it does not contribute to the global problem of overfishing)"

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

"- an international non-profit organization established to promote responsible management of the world's forests -this is accomplished by standard setting, independent certification and labeling of forest products - offers customers to choose products from socially and environmentally responsible forestry."

Appalachian Sustainable Development (ASD) (2)

"- not-for-profit organization working in the Appalachian region of Virginia and Tennessee - focuses on developing healthy, diverse and ecologically sound economic opportunities through education and training, and the development of cooperative networks and marketing systems -strives to build a strong local food system based on organic and sustainable farming and to foster forest conservation through value-added wood processing and green building -promotes a sustainable economy"

Appalachian Center for Economic Networks (ACEnet, in Athens, OH)

"-a privately and government funded community economic development organization currently focusing on technology and food sectors --> example of a community incubator -their mission: ""to build, support innovation, and facilitate collaboration with Appalachian Ohio's businesses to create a strong, sustainable regional economy"""

Seafood Watch (Monterey Bay Aquarium)

"-a program designed to raise awareness about the importance of buying seafood from sustainable sources -known for publishing consumer guides for responsible seafood purchasing -partner of the SeaWeb's Seafood Choices Alliance"

Green Cycle Routes (Copenhagen)

"-extensive and well-designed system of cycle paths in Copenhagen 350km of path separate from car lanes plus 20km of on road-cycle lanes -the city is currently developing system of interconnected green bicycle routes, greenways, with the aim to facilitate fast, safe and pleasant bicycle transport from one end of the city to the other. -allows cycling to be an important means of transportation and a dominating feature of the cityscape -has earned it a reputation as one of the most—possibly the most—bicycle-friendly city in the world"

Zürich Trams

"-form of public transit in the city of Zurich that serves most city neighborhood -supplemented by trolleybus and bus routes as well as two funicular railways and one rack railway -effective in the promoting of alternative forms of transportation and decreased car dependence"

Hasselt, Belgium

"-important traffic junction city in Belgium -has made public transport by bus zero-fare first city in the world that had entirely zero-fare bus services on the whole of its territory"

Farmers Markets

"-markets usually held outdoors, in public spaces, where farmers can sell produce to the public -becoming more popular. -supports locally grown food --> community supported agriculture -helps to develop a sustainable economy --> emphasis on locally owned, small businesses"

Appalachian Harvest

"-non-profit co-op that supports Appalachian Sustainable Development -produces locally grown food and sponsors community events (i.e. the Annual Harvest Celebration in Abingdon) -the Appalachian Harvest Network: ""puts money in farmers' pockets and puts good food on the table in and environmentally sustainable way" -helped local farmers to transform their old rows of tobacco into thriving organic fruit/veggie fields --> supports CSA and a sustainable economy"

Waste-based Industries

"-provide cost effective and environmental sound solutions to solid waste disposal and recycling -local problems become economic opportunities -example: The Loading Dock recycles building materials"

Green taxes; ecological tax reform

"-tax intended to promote ecologically sustainable activities via economic incentives-the objective is ""often to implement a ""full cost accounting"" or ""true cost accounting"", using fiscal policy to internalize market distorting externalities, which leads to sustainable wealth creation"""

Green Streets

"A street that uses vegetated facilities to manage stormwater runoff at its source. It is a sustainable stormwater strategy. Can be a more effective way of managing stormwater than traditional overflow pipes. Currently it is used in Portland. A green street facility is a small rain garden that collects stormwater runoff from streets, they keep stormwater out of the sewer system and local streams, are important parts of the city's green infrastructure, help protect and improve the efficiency of the city's grey (pipe) infrastructure. Green street facilities help prevent sewer back-ups in basements and combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to the Willamette River, and they increase urban green space, improve air quality, replenish groundwater, and reduce air temperature. "

City Farms (e.g. Perth city farm)

"Community run projects in urban areas which involve people working with animals and plants. Most rely heavily on volunteer labor. Essentially it is similar to the community Gardens, except it is a farm. It is also has a more educational aspect than simply producing produce as in the community gardens. Most city farms involve an education program. They allow for residents to interact with plants and animals and raise awareness of agriculture and farming for people who live in built-up areas.

Oberlin Environmental Studies Building

"Every building functioning like a tree, city like a forest." A very sustainable building, has its own on-site wastewater treatment system, produces its own power with solar, used recycled products, constructed with natural materials, designed by McDounough (office in Cville). By reconsidering design assumptions for the future, the building operates on three fundamental principles of nature—eliminate the concept of waste, rely on natural energy flows, and honor diversity. In 2006, the site became a net energy exporter, producing 30 percent more energy than it needs to operate and sharing this excess energy with the community. (circular metabolism)

Plus-Energy homes (Vauban, Freiburg)

"Homes that create more energy than they use in a year, can sell back the power not used to the grid, do this through solar cells on the roof and passive solar lighting, example is to capture heat during the day in order to reduce the need to generate heat over night. This is achieved using large North and South facing window areas to allow sunlight to penetrate the structure, reducing the need for energy use from light bulbs district also has central heat system, citizens love having their homes and say it improves their way of life.An important part of the PlusEnergy approach that differentiates it from similar concepts is that the owner or tenant of a PlusEnergy building should be able to live and work comfortably in it without sacrificing lifestyle or normal living standards."

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

"Part of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Encourages and allows communities to adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances to reduce future flood damage. Makes federally backed flood insurance available to homeowners, renters, and business owners in these communities. Also identifies and maps floodplains to increase awareness and improve plans. It helps provide a means for property owners to financially protect themselves. The NFIP offers flood insurance to homeowners, renters, and business owners if their community participates in the NFIP. Participating communities agree to adopt and enforce ordinances that meet or exceed FEMA requirements to reduce the risk of flooding. As of April, 2012, NFIP insured 5.5 million homes, the majority of which were in Florida and Texas.

Eco-roofs; Extensive green rooftops

"Roof tops that are partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, extensive green roofs hold 10-5 pounds of vegetation per sq ft & are virtually self-sustainable, they only require maintenance once a year, The roofs extend roof lifetime, add insulation to a building, create additional useable space, and are a proven stormwater management tool. Whole roof covered with a shallow layer of dirt/ plants/ soil, typically a tarp or something underneath. Light-weight, compared to intensive.

Industrial Symbiosis

"Sharing of services, utility, and by-product resources among industries in order to add value, reduce costs and improve the environment - material and energy exchanges between industries to reduce waste. Industrial symbiosis is a subset of industrial ecology, with a particular focus on material and energy exchange. Industrial ecology is a relatively new field that is based on a natural paradigm, claiming that an industrial ecosystem may behave in a similar way to the natural ecosystem wherein everything gets recycled. An association between two or more industrial facilities or companies in which the wastes or byproducts of one become the raw materials for another.

Windspire (Mariah Power)

"Urban" wind turbines; on-site wind generation. They are thinner, shorter, and more streamlined that normal ones (spirally looking). Can use them at home or on office buildings. Used to power the buildings to which they are attached. Windspire wind turbines were designed to be easily integrated into existing buildings to offset energy use and provide a strong statement about environmental stewardship. Encourage greater energy conservation by employees in buildings. Technology company Adobe Systems of San Jose, California, installed 20 Windspires at their headquarters.

Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy (RITE) project, NYC

"Verdant Power, East River, NYC. In three phases, the RITE Project will test, demonstrate and deliver commercial electricity from Verdant Power's Free Flow Kinetic Hydropower System (tidal). The RITE Project is a prime example of how the Free Flow System can be scaled for placement directly within a population center. Issued a commercial pilot license for tidal power- the first ever in the US. Under the license, Verdant Power plans to develop a 1 MW pilot project in the East Channel of the East River comprised of up to 30 commercial class (Generation 5) turbines, which would be installed in a staged approach. The pilot license issued to Verdant Power is for 10 years.The RITE Project demonstration system stands as the world's first grid-connected array of tidal turbines. Verdant Power's

Genuine Progress Indicator (as alternative to GDP)

"an alternative metric system which is an addition to the national system of accounts that has been suggested to replace, or supplement, gross domestic product (GDP) as a metric of economic growth.- used in green/sustainable economics; an attempt to measure whether a country's growth, increased production of goods, and expanding services that have resulted in the improvement of welfare more reliable measure of economic progress"

Water Plazas (Rotterdam)

(Netherlands) Playgrounds doubling as water storage

Community Forests (like Arcata's)

>700 acre forest owned by the community parks and recreation center of Arcata, CA (northern coastal CA), joined together smaller pieces of a forest east of the city, creates a continous park system, used for community education, recreation, wildlife habitat, and sustainable timber harvesting. Community forestry is an evolving branch of forestry whereby the local community plays a significant role in forest management and land use decision making by themselves in the facilitating support of government as well as change agents. Several hundred acres managed by the city, provides income, used to buy more land and sustain forests. "Community-connected forests"- new model of forest stewardship/ producer-consumer partnership. Peter Hayes, Citilogs.

Living Machines

A brand of wetland treatment for wastewater that was started in Cville, system is used in Oberlin building, set up in levels of hydroponics, then dirt plants, with fish, snails, clams, etc underneath that do the final cleaning, provides a healthy system that is renewable and low energy that is completely sustainable to treat wastewater and allow for reuse. Signifies a shift from energy-intensive treatment. Hammarby Neighborhood, Stockholm, is also an example of a living machine.

Coastal Setbacks

A prescribed distance to a coastal feature, such as the line of permanent vegetation, within which all or certain types of development are prohibited. Provide buffer zones between coastline and infrastructure so that beach zone can expand and contract naturally, which can reduce erosion. Reduce damage to property, provide better access to beaches

Community Gardens

A single piece of land gardened by a collective group of people, Help to produce fresh produce, neighborhood improvement, and a sense of community. Victory gardens, post-WWII, were community gardens. Community gardens encourage an urban community's food security, allowing citizens to grow their own food or for others to donate what they have grown.

Green Alleys (as in Montreal, Chicago, San Francisco)

Alleys in cities that use recycled construction material, provide permeable streets that allow stormwater to run through to the ground, have higher albedo to reduce the urban heat island effect, etc. Chicago. Founded as a solutions to chicago's stormwater problem. Incorporates sustainable solutions such as permeable pavement, reflective surfaces to reduce heat energy, and recycled materials. This helps to filter the water, reduces the quantity of runoff, and recharges the ground water. For CDOT, green alleys are part of the "green infrastructure" movement.

Constructed Wetlands for treating wastewater

Also called a wetpark, it is an artificial wetland created as a new or restored habitat for native and migratory wildlife, for anthropogenic discharge such as wastewater (greywater), stormwater runoff, or sewage treatment, or for land reclamation that is required mitigation due to losing natural areas from mining, refineries, etc. Natural wetlands act as a biofilter, removing sediments and pollutants such as heavy metals from the water, and constructed wetlands can be designed to emulate these features.

Combined heat and Power (CHP)

Also called cogeneration. Creating heat and power at the same plant, from a single fuel source, such as: natural gas, biomass, biogas, coal, waste heat, or oil. Electric production creates some lost heat which can be used as heat for buildings in hot water form, requires centralized heat system, is more efficient as waste heat is used, often used in larger cities like NY (Manhatten) and Boston. All thermal power plants emit heat during electricity generation, which can be released into the natural environment through cooling towers, flue gas, or by other means. It's an integrated energy system. Hundertwasser's CHP plant in Vienna- less damaging, smaller-scale energy production.

Perth City Farm

Although some city farms have paid employees, most rely heavily on volunteer labour, and some are run by volunteers alone. Perth City Farm is located on the eastern edge of the Perth CBD on the site of a former scrap metal yard and a battery recycling plant. Remediated, the site has grown to become a Western Australian icon for environmental sustainability and community engagement; originated in 1994 (almost 20 years old). "

Paris Vélib' bike system

Bicycle rental program in Paris, France. Launched in 15 July 2007. Ten thousand bikes were introduced to the city with 750 rental stations, about 1 every 300 metres. It is the third-largest bicycle system in the world. The system has a membership fee to be able to rent the bikes. The first 30 minutes of a trip are free, for each subsequent 30 mins the person pays one euro. The system works through a credit card/Pins instead of paper money or coins.

Charlottesville Yellow Bikes

Bike share program in Charlottesvile about 10 years ago. Parking was outside of Bodo's. People collected, painted and repaired old bikes. Basically all of the bikes got stolen. Didn't work out as intended to.

Electric Bikes

Bike that can tell when you're peddling and when a "boost" is needed. MIT Lab and the Copenhagen wheel. Many cities have been learning how to accomodate them, with storage lockers and whatnot.

Council House 2 (Melbourne)

Building owned by city of Melbourne, building is highly efficient, will use 85% less electricity than the Council House beside it, has its own natural gas combined heat and power on site that will reduce emissions, uses solar panels and reduces water waste. Six-star green certified in Australia, was the first to reach this; great showpiece of what proper design can do to reduce footprint. CH2 is meant to be a 'lighthouse project' for new building developments, aiming to influence future design to be more sustainable and efficient. Objectives for building design include greenhouse neutral and improving the overall employee wellbeing. Different strategies were used to do this; all were focused around sustainability. Infrastructure design features include ventilation stacks to channel air and provide shade, "wavy" concrete for the ceiling to maximize thermal mass capacity, and roof garden.

Portland BEST program

Business for an Environmentally Sustainable Tomorrow. To help local businesses and recognize sustainble/eco friendly businesses in the area. Help local businesses.

Industrial symbiosis can help companies

By : Reduce raw material and waste disposal costs, Earn new revenue from residues and byproducts, Divert waste from landfill and reduce carbon emissions, Open up new business opportunities"

Sea Level Rise

Causes erosion of shorelines and rainforests, flooding of wetlands that house freshwater ecosystems. Caused by global climate changes that is melting sea ice

Rotterdam Strategy for "Climate Proofing"

Climate change is incorporated in spatial planning tools in order to continuously take into account the effects of climate change while developing Rotterdam. Measures have been taken to suffer the least from climate change in the next decades. Synergy: Aspects of water quality, quantity, safety, and urban planning. Green roofs is a strategy used. Water safety includes city climate, urban water management, adaptive building, and accessibility. Floating city concept.

Energy Star Homes (U.S. EPA Program)

ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals save money and protect our climate through superior energy efficiency; focus on greenhouse gas emission reduction. New homes can be certified as energy star if they use about 15% less power than a typically home, must include energy star appliances and take steps to ensure power savings such as extra insulation and better windows; are typically 20-30% more efficient than traditional homes. Energy Star certified homes have lower utility bills, enhanced performance and comfort, and are environmentally-friendly. All of the homes in Harmony, FL (energy-efficient living community) are Energy Star homes.

Solar Bikes (Palm Springs)

Electric bike program. People have to put down a small payment, do a short training, keep a daily log. Typically people end up buying the bikes.

Biomass Energy

Energy created from the use of biomass which is living or once living matter, like plant material or animal waste. Biofuels can be used to heat homes, run cars and buses, or generate electricity; biomass fuels often made from food wastes like vegetable oil, being refined into ethanolss or diesels. Algae fuels are also a type of biofuels, gaining more followers as oil prices continue to rise. Sustainable, low-carbon biomass can provide a fraction of the new renewable energy needed to reduce our emissions of heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide to levels that should avoid the worst impacts of global warming. Biomass energy production involves annual harvests or periodic removals of crops, residues, trees or other resources from the land. These harvests and removals need to be at levels that are sustainable, i.e., ensure that current use does not deplete the land's ability to meet future needs, and also be done in ways that don't degrade other important indicators of sustainability.

Renewable Energy

Energy that comes from natural sources such as sun, wind, tides, water flow, etc., these methods are gaining large popularity, especially wind, large scale projects to power neighborhoods and buildings, or small scale to power individual lights or traffic signals, help create a more sustainable world, no carbon output. Comes from biomass, hydropelectric, geothermal, wind turbines, solar power, and biofuels.

Solar Factory in Freiburg, Germany (Solar Fabrik)

Europe's first zero-emissions solar module factory; uses only renewable energy sources for electricity and heat. Have been producing with a net zero carbon footprint since 1998. Strive for high yield, efficiency, and durability; guaranteeing a safe investment and long-term profitability. Sustainability is their benchmark for long-term policy, they aim to advance the use of solar power worldwide. The physical building's (headquarter's) architecture is oriented to maximize solar power; ventilation system is natural air conditioning system. Their production facility has been relocated to the industrial zone in Freiburg.

Hammarby Neighborhood, Stockholm. ""Living machine""- shift from energy-intensive treatment. Recycling, integrating into built environment. Connecting wastes and inputs. The ""Bioworks"" at Kolding, Denmark- enclosed, glass balconies, they disconnected sewage from the city grid and treat everything on-site. Send all of it through two chambers of aquatic organisms and plants. The plants/ fish/ etc. eat the waste and its transformed into productive input (""living machine"").

Everything being put into the city can be recycled/reused; reducing the waste created by cities; relying on supplies/resources from within city boundaries rather than outside"

Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm

Example of a neighborhood with circular metabolism. Hammarby Sjostad is their test wastewater treatment plan. City undergoing transformation toward renewable and eco-friendly energy. The eco-cycle handles energy, waste, water and sewage for housing, offices and other commercial activities in Hammarby Sjöstad. The eco-cycle is also designed to act as a role model for the development of equivalent technological systems in big cities. Treating sewage and storm water locally, reducing water consumption, heavy focus on solar power. -- City built on existing brownfield, built near lake outside of Stockholm, all buildings to be twice as environmentally friendly as normal, lots of public transit and bike paths, renewable energy, development approaching sustainability, new ideas and processes implemented from the beginning of development, will be completed in 2015.

Floodwalls, Seawalls, Structural Armoring

Floodwalls: temporary protection from floodwaters, an improvement on sand bags. Sea Wall: a form of hard and strong coastal defense constructed on the inland part of a coast to reduce the effects of strong waves. Structural Armoring: ballistic resistant structures which can provide protection for all types of facilities requiring perimeter and internal location security

Solar District Heating

Germany, Denmark, Sweden. Using solar energy to heat or cool. Can meet as much as 40-70% of the annual heating needs of a residential estate. Can feed into a heat network for multiple units, providing huge energy savings compared to single installations. SDH is still in an early market development stage. Denmark is currently writing a success story, when it comes to solar district heating. Between 2010 and 2012, 18 plants were built, representing a total capacity of 120 MWth. Most of those plants are coupled with CHP plants and were realized without incentives.

Passive Solar Energy

Harnessing the sun's energy without wasting energy to pump or move air or water, can be solar panels that are fixed, skylights, solar chimneys, solar ventilation, or solar water heating like that used by running a pipe system on the roof, or even a solarium (sunroom). Collect, store and distribute solar energy; passive because it doesn't use mechanical or electrical devices. Heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer. Cause air movement for ventilation. Foundational element of ZEBs.

Energy-Balanced Homes; Zero-Energy Homes

Home with zero net energy consumption and zero carbon emissions, can be separate from the grid, create their own power on site through renewable sources, easier to do in more temperate climates, many ways to accomplish this but starts with the design, make use of climate of region, sun angles, winds, etc, use skylights and passive heating and cooling, many energy saving features. The zero net energy consumption principle is viewed as a means to reduce carbon emissions and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The Moore House in Colorado is an example of a zero-energy home.

Roca 3 Power plant (Rotterdam)

In this system, extra heat and C02 is transferred from the power plant to nearby greenhouses where many plants are grown. It is a form of industrial symbiosis. Combined heating and power plant (CHP).

Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)

Injects cold water deep into the ground where its pressure increase permeability through the rock, the hot water from the rock is then forced upwards through a borehole where it is used at the surface to create electricity, after this it is cool and re-injected to make a continuous loop, the system allows geothermal to be accomplished where it can not normally be done. Largest EGS system is demonstration plant in Cooper Basin, Australia.

"Bio-works" (Kolding, Denmark)

Kolding, Denmark. Point source water treatment plant that looks like a giant glass pyramid. Run-down set of houses was redeveloped for an ecological water treatment plant. The wastewater from the houses helps to feed plants, fish, and algae. Photovoltaic cells power the electricity for the pyramid. Wastewater from surrounding houses trickles down through the pyramid's ponds to end up purified and join the reed bed. The ponds inside the Bio-works grow plants and flowers for sale.

Boulder's "Spokes for Folks"

Largest, and most successful to date, public bike program. Bikes kept out all year then collected in late fall, because of the harsh winter. Bikes are donated, repaired, and maintained. If someone wants a bike permanently, Jan Ward (coordinator) will find him or her one; that's one of the main reasons that the program continues to work out.

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Run by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), not a government requirement, attain points for efficient and environmentally friendly design, construction, and material use, many new building are LEED certified, extends from offices to homes and apartments, shown to increase health of users and their productivity, becoming very popular throughout the US. Set of rating systems for green-certified buildings, homes and neighborhoods. Initially, many U.S. federal agencies and state and local governments incentivized or required the use of LEED certification. However, now four states (Alabama, Georgia, Maine, and Mississippi) have effectively banned the use of LEED in new public buildings. LEED is intended to help building owners and operators be environmentally responsible and use resources efficiently

LED traffic lights

Light Emitting Diodes that are used in the traffic lights as part of the Denver Area Retrofit, Use less energy, last longer, require less maintenance, and can be seen better than regular lights. LED traffic lights use almost 85% less energy. The liftetime of an LED traffic light is almost ten times that of a traditional traffic light bulb.

Green Bridge (London)

London. Landscaped bridge located in London. It connects two greenspaces and actually extends both of them together. Very similar to the south lawn project, except it utilizes more trees and biking pathways. A plan by Thomas Heatherwick to create a garden-topped bridge that spans the Thames river and to be completed by 2017, connects two green spaces and exteds them.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Mission: "support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards". People can seek help in preparing for or recovering from a disaster through grants and information. They also do research to identify and map disaster areas so people can be prepared. The agency's primary purpose is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities.

Kalundborg Eco-Industrial Complex (Denmark)

One of the most successful forms of industrial symbiosis. Centered around a coal fired power plant. Surplus heat is used to heat 3500 local homes and a nearby fish farm. Power plant steam is sold to a pharmaceutical manufacturer. Helps to produce a closed loop system and increase profits for all companies involved. An industrial symbiosis network located in Kalundborg, Denmark, in which companies in the region collaborate to use each other's by-products and otherwise share resources.

Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)

Owned by the local citizens, it provides power to Sacramento county, one of largest public owned utility companies, uses lots of hydroelectric power and also renewable energy, working to make improvements and reduce carbon output, provides help to teach about sustainability that its users can do to protect environment. It's one of the ten largest publicly owned utilities in the United States, generating the bulk of its power through natural gas and large hydroelectric generation plants.

Photovoltaic Cells (PV's)

PVs: a method of generating electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity. PV cells are the cells that make up solar panels, take sunlight and convert them into electrical energy by the photovoltaic effect, used to create power from sunlight in many areas of the world, are rather expensive and inefficient leading to large footprint to gain a large amount of power, are often put on roofs of houses, many different types that can be used in thousands of applications from charging small devices to powering homes and automobiles. Many large PV plants under construction in the U.S., many of which are in California.

Elevation of Buildings (as a form of flood mitigation)

People elevate their homes in case of a flood either because they have to for insurance/they have experienced damage from floods or because they fear significant damage to their homes.

Natural Hazard Mitigation

Plan to reduce damage by natural hazards.

Transit villages

Planned development around a transportation hub. One of the most common examples is development around rail stations. This can currently be found in Portland. Development has been concentrated along the metropolitan area express (MAX), a light rail. A primarily residential town that has some retail facilities near transit stations to make public transit convenient for residents; existing villages include Portland, OR, Miami, FL, and some places in NJ are working on becoming more of a transit village.

Tree Protection Programs; Tree Planting

Plans adopted by cities and jurisdictions within cities that protect, preserve, and encourage the planting of trees. A plan to reduce the amount of trees destroyed through development or economic purposes. If trees are cut down, many governments force a percentage of the amount of trees to be replanted either on site or at other designated areas. ex: Portland and the urban forestry management plan.

Stockholm Ecocycles Balancing Initiatives

Reduces the amount of industrial wastes in Swedish industrial processes. Intends to reduce the negative impact products have on the environment and human health. Reduces the amount of industrial wastes in Swedish industrial processes. Intends to reduce the negative impact products have on the environment and human health.

Resilient Cities and Communities

Resilience is the capacity of a community to respond creatively, preventatively, and proactively to change or extreme events, thus mitigating crisis or disaster. Is crucial at a local level.

District Heating

System for distributing heating from one centralized location to multiple buildings and the area around the location, often steam such as the steam tunnel system at UVA, used for room heating and also water heating, significantly more efficient than multiple stand alone heating units, used in more dense areas, can use the off put from generating power to create heat for system. Heat is often obtained from a cogeneration plant burning fossil fuels, but more recently burning biomass. According to some research, district heating with combined heat and power (CHPDH) is the cheapest method of cutting carbon emissions, and has one of the lowest carbon footprints of all fossil generation plants. Being developed in Denmark.

Relamping Berkeley Initiative

Telegraph Ave. - Plan taken on by Phillips that used their low-energy compact fluorescent bulbs to relamp many homes and businesses, the use of better lighting found a 45% reduction in power per block, showed that small steps taken by many can make a difference, sought to inform the public of steps they can take to lead a greener and more sustainable lifestyle. Shift: taking an urban block and changing it to provide energy-efficient lighting. It's a grassroots effort that's intended as a blueprint for energy conservation, illustrating how simple changes, such as switching to energy-efficient light bulbs, can result in dramatic savings.

NYC Solar Map

The NYC Solar Map is an interactive online tool that allows users to estimate the solar energy potential for every building in New York City's five boroughs by inputting an address. The map also highlights existing solar installations, displays real-time solar energy production citywide, and allows users to estimate the costs, incentives, and payback period for investing in solar. Collects info and gives guidance.

Copenhagen's "City Bikes"

The world's first organized large-scale bike sharing program. Specifically designed, put on public streets; use like a shopping cart. Put in a coin, use the bike, return the bike, get your coin back. Cost of bike is paid for by ads on the wheels. Add an element of color and flavor to the city. Program was abolished in October 2012.

High-Speed Rail

These include high speed traditional rail and magnetic levitation. It is a type of passenger rail transport that operates at significantly faster speeds. It allows for faster more efficient travel, also creating another incentive to use public transportation. One answer to reducing our ecological footprint. Speeds between 170-210 km/hr. European innovation includes high speed rail having its own track, instead of sharing with freight train. When you invest in high speed rail, it tends to push investments into local transits as well. In the Netherlands, Germany, etc it has shown to increase efficiency in local transit as well (ICE in Germany). High speed rail in Spain is another example. Transrapid in Shanghai is an example.

Beach Renourishment

To counter erosion, the process of dumping or pumping sand from elsewhere onto an eroding shoreline to create a new beach or to widen the existing beach.

BedZED (Beddington Zero Energy Development, London)

UK's largest mixed use sustainable community. The design solves problems such as heating and water usage, offers to help people make sustainable choices, such as walking rather than driving; and the community has created their own facilities and groups to improve quality of life and reduce their environmental impact. It is an environmentally friendly housing development in Hackbridge, London, England. Focuses on cities not being consumption engines. Cars are discouraged, so parking is extremely limited.

Vegetated roof system

Use in place of a conventional roof. Involve several layers that include a root barrier, waterproof membrane, drainage, soil system, and plants. The roofs extend roof lifetime, add insulation to a building, create additional useable space, and are a proven stormwater management tool."

Free Flow Kinetic Hydropower Sysem

Uses three-bladed, horizontal-axis turbines deployed underwater to generate clean renewable energy from tidal and river currents. Is installed fully underwater and operates automatically and invisible from shore. The system does not require dams or other major civil works, and does not redirect the natural flow of the water"

Geothermal energy

Using the superheated water of the earth to create electricity, sustainable and environmentally friendly electricity production, can be used in individual home or on a larger scale, can be tanks buried in ground that pump water through home to heat or cool, or go deeper and use natural hot springs and steam, many uses and is again gaining momentum as people look for sustainable sources of power. Thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. Thermal energy is the energy that determines the temperature of matter. Geothermal power is cost effective, reliable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly, but has historically been limited to areas near tectonic plate boundaries. Recent technological advances have dramatically expanded the range and size of viable resources, especially for applications such as home heating, opening a potential for widespread exploitation

Magnetic Levitation trains ("MagLev")

Utilizes magnetic fields to lift the train from the tracks. The magnetic fields also serve to propel and stop the train. By reducing most of the friction, maglev has the potential to become the fastest, most efficient method of transportation. Unfortunately, it is more expensive to build and maintain than traditional rail. Maglev trains move more smoothly and somewhat more quietly than wheeled mass transit systems (can bypass friction, require less maintenance).

Floodplain Management

Works reduce flood losses and to encourage the protection and enhancement of natural floodplain values, risk management, restoration, mapping. A community's agreement to adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances, particularly with respect to new construction, is an important element in making flood insurance available to home and business owners. Aspect of what FEMA does.

Import Substitution

a trade and economic policy based on the premise that a country should attempt to reduce its foreign dependency through the local production of industrialized products

Transit-oriented Development (TOD)

a type of community development that includes a mixture of housing, office, retail and/or other amenities integrated into a walkable neighborhood and located within a half-mile of quality public transportation

Eco-Industrial Parks

an industrial park in which businesses cooperate with each other and with the local communityin an attempt to reduce waste and pollution, efficiently share and help achieve sustainable development

Traditional stormwater management design

has been focused on collecting stormwater in piped networks and transporting it off site as quickly as possible, either directly to a stream or river, to a large stormwater management facility (basin), or to a combined sewer system flowing to a wastewater treatment plant.

Greywater Recycling

recycling the wastewater from washing, showers, and baths into WC flushing, landscape irrigation, and constructed wetlands. Lower levels of contaminents; domestic greywater can be recycled directly within the home, garden or company and used either immediately or processed and stored. If stored, it must be used within a very short time or it will begin to putrefy due to the organic solids in the water. Recycled greywater of this kind is never safe to drink. Recycling can be done via mechanical or biological systems/ methods.

Purpose of Eco roofs

serve several purposes for a building, such as absorbing rainwater, providing insulation, creating a habitat for wildlife, and helping to lower urban air temperatures and mitigate the heat island effect.

Low impact development (LID) Addresses Wastewater Concerns

variety of techniques, including strategic site design, measures to control the sources of runoff, and thoughtful landscape planning.

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