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Another organ for asexual reproduction in plants is the bulb. A bulb is a short, fleshy stem surrounded by enlarged, fleshy bases of leaves. The leaf bases are used for food storage. At various times the above-ground part of the plant dies back. Later, new leaves and a stem grow up from the underground bulb. The stored food in the bulb is used to grow the new leaves and stems. Bulbs are able to divide and produce new bulbs called bulblets. Plants using bulbs in reproduction are onions, garlic, tulips, daffodils, lilies, hyacinths, and tiger flowers. The production and sale of different kinds of bulbs is highly important economically.


A short, solid, enlarged underground stem used for food storage and for asexual reproduction.


A fleshy, enlarged stem of a rhizome or stolon. It has buds and can grow new plants.


A horizontal stem at or just beneath the surface of the ground which can give rise to aerial stems, roots, or to more rhizome tissue. Rhizomes are a principal means of asexual reproduction in many plants.

Vascular plants.

A number of different kinds of asexual reproductive mechanisms exist in vascular plants (plants having true conductive tissues in their roots and stems; most have true roots, stems, and leaves). The majority of organs for asexual reproduction in vascular plants are found in the stem.


A plant structure with enlarged leaf bases and stored food surrounding a central bit of fleshy stem tissue.


A spore that develops by mitosis.


A stem which grows out from a plant periodically producing new stems and leaves on one side, and roots on the other. It is a means of asexual reproduction.

vascular plant

Plant which has true conductive tissues within it. It usually has true roots, stems, and leaves.


Refers to the appearance of buds or roots from tissue which is not bud or root tissue. Adventitious roots appear from stem or leaf tissue, and adventitious buds appear in root tissue.

Adventitious growth

Some kinds of roots are able to reproduce asexually by a different method. They produce adventitious buds from their roots. Adventitious growth results when roots or buds appear from tissue that is not root or bud tissue -- adventitious buds develop from roots and adventitious roots develop from stems. Examples are the sweet potato and cassava (a tropical plant with starchy roots used to make tapioca). Many other plants can also reproduce adventitiously from their roots.


Sometimes the tip of a stolon or rhizome grows beneath the surface of the ground. That part of the stolon or rhizome may become fleshy, swell, and be used for food storage. Such an organ is called a tuber. Plants that reproduce using tubers are the potato, the Jerusalem artichoke, and caladium. The eye of a potato is the location of a bud, which can produce a new stem. Potatoes can be grown by using eyes and tissue around the eyes.


The act of propagating or establishing and growing new plants.


The corm is a specialized kind of stem used in asexual reproduction. A corm is a short, solid or fleshy stem used for food storage and reproduction. It is often so short that it appears wider than it is high. A corm has a bud for the growth of stems and leaves and an area on the bottom which gives rise to roots. Corms usually divide over a period of time to produce more corms and more plants. Examples of plants that grow from corms are gladiolus, crocus, and freesia.

An onion or daffodil reproduces by means of an underground structure called a


A short, vertical, solid, or fleshy stem possessed by gladiolus and which is used in reproduction is termed a


A________is a spore that develops by mitosis.


_________is the division of a parent cell into a number of daughter cells all at once.

multiple fission

A_________is a horizontal stem at or just beneath the surface of the ground which can give rise to roots or stems.


The portion of the vascular plant which has the majority of the methods of asexual reproduction occurring in it is called the


A_________is a stem growing from a plant that periodically produces new stems and leaves on one side and roots on the other.


rhizome (more info)

Rhizomes are a major method of asexual reproduction in plants. A rhizome is an elongated, horizontal stem that grows either on the surface of the ground or below it. Rhizomes can give rise to roots or stems with leaves. A rhizome may divide and grow in several directions at once. As rhizomes grow, the older parts may die. The newer growing parts of the rhizome will then each become a separate plant. Rhizomes may be cut apart to divide plants in gardening. Some examples of plants that are grown using rhizomes are the fern, banana, bamboo, iris, lily of the valley, low-bush cranberry, and many grasses.


Some kinds of plants produce special stems that grow along the ground. At various points along the stem roots, stems, and leaves are produced. Such a stem is called a stolon. Some examples of stems that reproduce using stolons are the strawberry, Bermuda grass, ajuga, and mint. Plants using stolons may be able to reproduce at very rapid rates.

Nearly all plants can be reproduced asexually.


A fleshy, enlarged end of a rhizome or stolon is called a


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