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Běijīng Beijing


Hànyǔ noun Chinese (language) See 28050176普通话pǔtōnghuà普通话


bàba noun papa; dad; father


bù adverb 1 [before verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs; never before the verb 有] not; won't; not want to 我不会。 Wǒ bù huì. I don't know how. 我不去。 Wǒ bù qù. I'm not going. or I won't go. 他不是学生。 Tā bù shì xuésheng. He isn't a student. 他的病不(很)严重。 Tā de bìng bù (hěn) yánzhòng. His illness is not (very) serious. 他昨天不来, 可是今天来了。 Tā zuótiān bù lái, kěshì jīntiān lái le. He didn't come yesterday, but came today. 2 [before certain nouns to form an adjective] un-; in- 不法 bùfǎ illegal; lawless 不轨 bùguǐ against the law 不道德 bùdàodé immoral 不自在 bùzìzai ill at ease; uncomfortable 3 [used alone or with a particle in responses] not so; no 您再吃一点儿吧。——不了, 谢谢。 Nín zài chī yīdiǎnr ba. —— Bù liǎo, xièxie. How about having some more? —No more, thanks. 他不知道吧?——不, 他知道。 Tā bù zhīdao ba? —— bù, tā zhīdao. He doesn't know, does he? —Yes, he does. 他是上海人。——不是吧。 Tā shì Shànghǎi rén. ——bù shìba. He comes from Shanghai. —No, I don't think so. 他知道吗?——不, 他不知道。 Tā zhīdao ma? —— bù, tā bù zhīdao. Does he know? —No, he doesn't. 4 colloquial [at the end of a sentence to indicate a question] 你要咖啡不? Nǐ yào kāfēi bù? Some coffee? 他现在身体好不? Tā xiànzài shēntǐ hǎo bù? Is he in good health now? 5 [between a verb and its complement] cannot 打不开 dǎbùkāi unable to open 进不去 jìnbùqù cannot go in 拿不动 nábùdòng (find sth.) too heavy to carry 6 [inserted within a reduplication, usu. preceded by 什么] no matter (how, where, etc.) 什么难学不难学, 我保证学会。 Shénme nán xué bù nán xué, wǒ bǎozhèng xuéhuì. No matter how hard I'll learn it. 什么学历不学历, 要有真才实学才行。 Shénme xuélì bù xuélì, yào yǒu zhēncáishíxué cái xíng. Formal schooling is all very well, but what matters is real knowledge and ability. 7 [used correlatively with 就] if not... (then...); either...or 他这会儿不(是)在教室, 就(是)在图书馆。 Tā zhèhuìr bù shì zài jiàoshì, jiùshì zài túshūguǎn. At this time, he's either in the classroom or in the library. 晚上他不是看书, 就是看报。 Wǎnshang tā bù shì kànshū, jiùshì kànbào. In the evening he either reads a book or a newspaper. 8 [in polite formulas only] don't; needn't 不谢。 bù xiè. Don't mention it.


bù//kèqì common phrase polite expression 1 you're welcome; don't mention it; not at all 谢谢。——不客气。 xièxie. ——bùkèqì. Thanks. — My pleasure. 2 [used to decline an offer] please don't bother; no, thanks 喝杯咖啡吧。——不客气。 hē bēi kāfēi ba. ——bùkèqì. Have a cup of coffee. — No, thanks. adjective 1 impolite; rude; blunt 说句不客气的话 shuō jù bù kèqì de huà to put it bluntly 你再这样, 我可就要不客气了。 Nǐ zài zhèyàng, wǒ kějiù yào bùkèqì le. If you go on like this, I won't be so easy on you. 2 candid; frank; straightforward 我们之间就不客气了。 Wǒmen zhījiān jiù bùkèqì le. Let's dispense with formalities. or Let's not stand on ceremony!


bā number eight 八班 bā bān the eighth class; class 8 八个班 bā ge bān eight classes 八公斤 Bā gōngjīn eight kilos 电视八厂 diànshì bā chǎng No. 8 Television Factory


bēizi noun cup; glass


běn noun 1 the root or stem of a plant 水有源, 木有本。 Shuǐ yǒu yuán, mù yǒu běn. A stream has its source; a tree its roots. 2 foundation; basis; origin (opp. 末) 健康是幸福生活之本。 Jiànkāng shì xìngfú shēnghuó zhī běn. Health is fundamental to a happy life. 3 capital; principal 还本付息 huánběnfùxī pay back the principal plus interest 赔本儿买卖 Péi běn r mǎimai losing business verb be based on 每句话都有所本。 Měi jù huà dōu yǒusuǒ běn. Every statement is well-founded. adjective 1 major; central See 17399296本部běnbù本部 2 original; intrinsic See 17415680本性běnxìng本性 adverb originally; at first 我本不想去 wǒ běn bù xiǎng qù Originally I didn't want to go. pronoun 1 oneself; one's own work 本单位 běn dānwèi one's own work unit 2 current; this; present 本周 běnzhōu this week; the current week 本决议 běn juéyì this resolution preposition according to; in line with 本有关规定执行 běn yǒuguān guīdìng zhíxíng act according to the relevant rules and regulations noun 1 book 账本 zhàngběn account book; ledger 笔记本 bǐjìběn notebook 户口本 hùkǒuběn residence registration booklet 日记本 rìjìběn diary 2 manuscript; script; copy 抄本 chāoběn hand-copied book; transcript 剧本 jùběn script 影印本 yǐngyìnběn photocopy 3 edition; version 普及本 pǔjíběn popular edition 善本 shànběn valuable edition 4 colloquial licence; diploma; certificate 考本 kǎoběn take tests for a driver's licence; take driving tests measure word [for books, parts of a serial, etc.] 两本书 Liǎng běn shū two books 这部电影有十二本。 Zhè bù diànyǐng yǒu shí'èr běn. This is a twelve-reel film.


chá noun 1 tea (the plant or its leaves) 采茶 cǎichá pick tea (leaves) 种茶 zhòng chá grow tea 这儿产茶。 Zhèr chǎn chá. Tea is produced here. 2 tea (the drink) 红茶 hóngchá black tea 绿茶 lǜchá green tea 浓茶 nóngchá strong tea 淡茶 Dànchá weak tea 品茶 pǐnchá sip tea to judge the flavour 沏茶 qīchá make tea 喝早茶 hē zǎo chá have morning tea 喝午茶 hē wǔ chá have afternoon tea 请给我倒杯茶。 qǐng gěi wǒ dào bēi chá. Please give me a cup of tea. 你的茶里要加糖吗? Nǐ dechá lǐ yào jiā táng ma? Do you take sugar in your tea? 3 certain kinds of beverage or liquid food 杏仁茶 xìngrénchá almond paste (used to make a drink); almond-flavoured drink 4 dated betrothal gift (often in the form of tea) 下茶 xiàchá send a betrothal gift 5 botany tea-oil tree; oil-tea camellia See 18274304茶油cháyóu茶油 6 botany camellia See 67494826茶花儿cháhuār5茶花儿 7 dark brown See 18269952茶色chásè茶色


chī verb 1 eat; take 吃茶 chīchá drink tea 吃糖 chītáng have some sweets 吃药 chīyào take medicine 吃苹果 chī píngguǒ eat an apple 吃得很饱 chī de hěn bǎo have eaten one's fill; be quite full 2 have one's meals; eat somewhere 吃食堂 chī shítáng have one's meals in the mess 3 live on (or off) 吃利息 chī lìxī live on interest 4 annihilate; wipe out 吃掉敌军一个师 chī diào díjūn yī ge shī annihilate an enemy division 吃一个子儿 chī yī gèzir take a piece (in chess) 5 exhaust; be a strain on 吃力 chīlì strenuous; difficult 6 absorb; soak up 茄子很吃油。 Qiézi hěn chī yóu. Eggplants need a lot of oil in cooking. 这种纸不吃墨水。 Zhèzhǒng zhǐ bù chī mòshuǐ. This kind of paper does not absorb ink. 7 suffer; bear; incur 吃黄牌 chī huángpái get a yellow card 连吃败仗 lián chī bàizhàng suffer one defeat after another 腿上吃了一枪 Tuǐ shàng chī le yī qiāng wounded by a shot in the leg 我可不吃这一套。 Wǒ kě bù chī zhè yī tào. I won't put up with this. or I am not impressed. preposition VARIANT OF 17372672被bèi被 [used in a passive structure to introduce either the doer of the action, or the action alone] by 吃笑 chī xiào be laughed at 吃拳头 chī quántou get a beating 吃人耻笑 chī rén chǐxiào be an object of ridicule adjective stammer; stutter 口吃 kǒuchī speak with a stammer; stutter


chūzūchē noun 1 taxicab; taxi; cab 2 rental car (Taiwan) 乘出租(汽)车 Chéng chūzūchē take a taxi 叫辆出租(汽)车 jiào liàng chūzūchē call a taxi 他招手叫一辆出租(汽)车。 tā zhāoshǒu jiào yī liàng chūzūchē. He hailed a taxi.


cài noun 1 vegetable; greens 种菜 zhòngcài grow vegetables 2 (non-staple) food 上街买菜 shàngjiē mǎi cài go to the market to buy food 3 dish; course 川菜 Chuāncài Sichuan dishes; Sichuan cuisine 做菜 zuòcài prepare the dishes; do the cooking 一道菜 yī dào cài a course 做四道菜 zuò sì dào cài prepare a four-course meal 地方风味菜 dìfang fēngwèi cài local cuisine 4 (edible) wild herbs 吃糠咽菜 chī kāng yàn cài barely keep alive on chaff and wild herbs 5 oil seed rape; rape


de auxiliary 1 [after an attribute] 铁的纪律 tiě de jìlǜ iron discipline 我的母亲 wǒ de mǔqin my mother 别开他的玩笑了。 Bié kāi tā de wánxiào le. Don't make fun of him. 2 [forming a noun phrase or nominal expression] 打字的 dǎzì de typist 我爱吃辣的。 Wǒ ài chī là de. I like spicy food. 他说他的, 我干我的。 Tā shuō tā de, wǒ gàn wǒ de. Let him say what he likes; I'll just get on with my work. 3 [after a verb or between a verb and its object to stress an element of the sentence] 谁买的票? Shuí mǎi de piào? Who bought the tickets? 他是昨天进的城。 Tā shì zuótiān jìn de chéng. He went to town yesterday. 你嗓子怎么哑了?——唱的。 Nǐ sǎngzi zěnme yā le? —— chàng de. Why are you so hoarse? — From singing. 4 [at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis] 你们这两天真够辛苦的。 Nǐmen zhè liǎng tiān zhēn gòu xīnkǔ de. You've really been working hard the past few days. 5 [expressing the idea of "of that kind"] 针头线脑的 Zhēntóu-xiànnǎo de things like needles and threads VARIANT OF 19760640得dé得 dé 3 verb fit; suit


diànnǎo noun computer 笔记本电脑 bǐjìběndiànnǎo laptop (computer); notebook


diànshì noun television; TV 看电视 kàn diànshì watch television 彩色电视 cǎisè diànshì colour television 黑白电视 hēibáidiànshì black-and-white television 立体电视 lìtǐ diànshì stereoscopic television


diànyǐng noun film; movie; motion picture 彩色电影 cǎisè diànyǐng colour movie 黑白电影 hēi-bái diànyǐng black-and-white movie 有声电影 yǒushēng diànyǐng sound film 无声电影 wúshēng diànyǐng silent film


diǎn noun 1 drop (of liquid) 雨点儿 yǔdiǎnr raindrop 2 spot; dot; speck 墨点儿 mòdiǎnr ink spots 3 dot stroke (in Chinese characters) 4 mathematics point 两点成一直线。 Liǎng diǎn chéng yī zhíxiàn. A straight line is formed by connecting two points. 5 decimal point; point 三点儿五 Sāndiǎnr wǔ three point five (3.5) 6 place; point 突破一点 tūpò yīdiǎn make a breakthrough at one point 7 aspect; feature 从这点上看 cóng zhè diǎn shàng kàn viewed from this aspect 对这一点没人怀疑。 Duì zhè yīdiǎn méi rén huáiyí. Nobody has any doubt about that. 8 finance point 上证指数收涨44点。 Shàngzhèng Zhǐshù shōu zhǎng 44 diǎn. The Shanghai Composite Index ended up 44 points. verb 1 place a dot 点三个点儿表示省略 diǎn sān ge diǎnr biǎoshì shěnglüè a sequence of three dots marks an omission 2 touch on very briefly; skim 他用篙一点就把船撑开了。 Tā yòng gāo yīdiǎn jiù bǎ chuán chēng kāi le. He pushed the boat off with a shove of the pole. 她发言时点(到)了这件事。 tā fāyán shí diǎn le zhè jiàn shì. She touched on the matter in her speech. 3 drip 点眼药 diǎn yǎnyào put drops in the eyes 4 sow in holes; dibble 点豆子 diǎn dòuzi dibble beans 5 check one by one; count 点货 diǎnhuò check over goods; take stock 请把钱点一点。 Qǐng bǎ qián diǎn yī diǎn. Please count the money. 6 select; choose 他点了牛排。 Tā diǎn le niúpái. He ordered a steak. 7 hint; point out 一点他就明白了。 Yīdiǎn tā jiù míngbai le. He quickly took the hint. 8 light; burn; kindle 点灯 diǎn dēng light a lamp 他是火爆性子, 一点就着。 Tā shì huǒbào xìngzi, yīdiǎn jiùzhe. He's got a fiery temper and flares up very quickly. 9 embellish; decorate 装点 zhuāngdiǎn furnish; decorate measure word 1 a little; a bit; some 读点儿鲁迅 Dú diǎn r Lǔ Xùn read some of Lu Xun's works 给我点儿纸。 gěi wǒ diǎn r zhǐ. Give me some paper, will you? 他今天好点儿了。 Tā jīntiān hǎo diǎn r le. He's feeling a bit better today. 人的认识一点儿也不能离开实践。 Rén de rènshi yī diǎn r yě bùnéng líkāi shíjiàn. Human knowledge cannot be separated from practice. 2 [for items] 我有几点不成熟的想法。 Wǒ yǒu jǐ diǎn bù chéngshú de xiǎngfa. I have some tentative suggestions. noun 1 o'clock 上午九点(钟) Shàngwǔ jiǔ diǎn zhōng nine o'clock in the morning 现在几点了? Xiànzài jǐ diǎn le? What time is it now? 2 appointed time 到点了 Dào diǎn le it's time (to do sth.) 3 VARIANT OF 76626147云板yúnbǎn云板 dated iron bell or clapper (used by government offices or influential families to give time or announce an event) noun refreshments 茶点 chádiǎn tea and pastries noun printing point (a unit of measurement for type bodies)


duìbuqǐ common phrase I'm sorry; sorry; excuse me; pardon me; I beg your pardon 对不起, 给你添麻烦了。 Duìbuqǐ, gěi nǐ tiān máfan le. Sorry to have given you so much trouble. 对不起, 是我的错。 Duìbuqǐ, shì wǒ de cuò. I am sorry, it was my fault. 对不起, 我得走了。 Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zǒu le. Excuse me, but I must go now. 对不起, 请你再讲一遍好吗? Duìbuqǐ, qǐng nǐ zài jiǎng yī biàn hǎo ma? I beg your pardon, would you repeat what you said? or I beg your pardon? verb let sb. down; unworthy of; unfair to (opp. 对得起) 球队输了球, 大伙儿觉得对不起教练。 Qiúduì shū le qiú, dàhuǒr juéde duìbuqǐ jiàoliàn. The team lost and felt they had let the coach down. 他对不起她, 本来答应跟她结婚, 后来却把她甩了。 Tā duìbuqǐ tā, běnlái dāying gēn tā jiéhūn, hòulái què bǎ tā shuǎile. He treated her shabbily by first promising to marry her and then jilting her.


duō adjective 1 many; much; more (opp. 少, 寡) 很多人 hěn duō rén many people 多思。 Duō sī. Think more. 人多议论多。 Rén duō yìlùn duō. More people mean more ideas. 这样简单多了。 Zhèyàng jiǎndān duō le. This is much simpler. 要办的事情很多。 Yào bàn de shìqing hěn duō. There are many things to do. 他多喝了一点儿 (= 喝多了一点儿)。 tā duō hē le yīdiǎnr . He's had a drop too much. 我在那儿多住了几天。 Wǒ zài nàr duō zhù le jǐ tiān. I stayed there a few days longer. 时间紧迫, 我不能多考虑。 Shíjiān jǐnpò, wǒ bù néng duō kǎolǜ. Time is running out so I can't give it much thought. 我们比原计划多打了十口井。 Wǒmen bǐ yuán jìhuà duō dǎ le shí kǒu jǐng. We have sunk ten more wells than planned. 昨天很热, 今天凉快多了。 Zuótiān hěn rè, jīntiān liángkuai duō le. It was quite hot yesterday but today it's a lot cooler. 2 excessive 多疑 duōyí suspicious; distrusting adverb over a specified amount; and more 十多斤 shí duō jīn a dozen or more jin 十斤多 shí jīn duō over ten jin 六十多岁 liùshí duō suì over sixty years old 三个多月 sān ge duō yuè over three months; three months and more 一百多个人 yībǎi duō ge rén more than 100 people 全书一千多页。 Quánshū yīqiān duō yè. It's a book of 1,000-odd pages. verb 1 have (a specified amount) more or too much (opp. 少) 班上多了三个新同学。 Bān shàng duō le sān ge xīn tóngxué. There are three more new students in the class. 这个句子多了一个词。 zhège jùziduō le yī ge cí. There is one word too many in this sentence. 2 have sth. in abundance 南方多水, 利于灌溉。 Nánfāng duō shuǐ, lìyú guàngài. Irrigation is easy in the South because of the abundance of water. 这里春天多风, 夏天多雨。 Zhèlǐ chūntiān duō fēng, xiàtiān duō yǔ. Here we have a lot of wind in spring and a lot of rain in summer. adverb 1 [in questions] to what extent 他多大年纪了? Tā duō dà niánjì le? How old is he? 天安门有多高? Tiān'ānmén yǒu duō gāo? How high is Tian'anmen? 多厚的木板才能做桌面呢? Duō hòu de mùbǎn cái néng zuò zhuōmiàn ne? How thick must a wooden plank be to make a table top? 2 [in exclamations] to what an extent 看她多漂亮! Kàn tā duō piàoliang! Look how pretty she is! 这天儿多闷哪! Zhètiānr duō mēn nǎ! What stuffy weather! 3 to an unspecified extent 有多大劲儿使多大劲儿。 Yǒu duō dà jìnr shǐ duō dà jìnr. Use out all the strength you have. 走出不多远, 他又回来了。 Zǒu chū bù duō yuǎn, tā yòu huílai le. He turned back before going far. 多复杂的算术题他都能做出来。 Duō fùzá de suànshù tí tā dōu néng zuò chūlai. He can figure out any arithmetic problem, no matter how complicated.


duōshao pronoun 1 how many; how much 这药我每次吃多少? Zhè yào wǒ měi cì chī duōshao? How much of the medicine do I take each time? 这一班有多少学生? Zhè yī bān yǒu duōshao xuésheng? How many pupils are there in this class? 这里的粮食亩产量是多少? Zhèlǐ de liángshi mǔchǎnliàng shì duōshao? What is the per mu yield of grain here? 2 [expressing an unspecified amount or number] 我知道多少说多少。 Wǒ zhīdao duōshao shuō duōshao. I'll tell all I know. 我跟你说过不知多少次了。 Wǒ gēn nǐ shuō guò bù zhī duōshao cì le. How many times I've told you! or I've already told you many times.


dà adjective 1 big; large; great (opp. 小) 大城市 dà chéngshì big city 这张照片不够大。 Zhè zhāng zhàopiàn bù gòu dà. The picture isn't large enough. 2 heavy (rain, etc.); strong (wind, etc.) (opp. 小) 风好大。 Fēng hǎo dà. It's blowing hard. 雪下得很大。 Xuě xià de hěn dà. The snow is falling heavily. 3 loud (opp. 小) 把收音机开大点儿。 bǎ shōuyīnjī kāi dà diǎnr. Turn the radio up a bit louder. 4 general; main; major 大反攻 dà fǎngōng general counteroffensive 大马路 dàmǎlù main street 大手术 dàshǒushù major operation 大问题 dà wèntí major issue; big problem 5 (of age, usu. of a child or youth) old (opp. 小) 他(已经)很大了。 Tā hěn dà le. He's grown up. 这孩子多大了? Zhè háizi duō dà le? How old is this child? 6 eldest 大房 dàfáng senior branch of a family 大哥 Dàgē eldest brother 7 courteous your 大札 dàzhá your letter 大作 dàzuò your writing adverb 1 greatly; fully 大笑 dàxiào laugh heartily 大长中国人民的志气 Dà zhǎng Zhōngguó rénmín de zhìqi greatly heighten the morale of the Chinese people 天已大亮。 Tiān yǐ dà liàng. It's already broad daylight. 2 in a big way; on a big (or large) scale; with all-out efforts; vigorously 大删大改 Dà shān dà gǎi do a thorough job in revising 3 [before a time word, etc. to show emphasis] 大清早 dàqīngzǎo early in the morning noun dialect 1 father 2 father's brother; uncle


dú verb 1 read; read aloud 读报 dúbào read the newspaper 这部小说值得一读。 Zhè bù xiǎoshuō zhíde yī dú. This novel is worth reading. 老师读一句, 同学们跟着读一句。 Lǎoshī dú yī jù, tóngxué men gēnzhe dú yī jù. The students read after the teacher sentence by sentence. 2 attend school 读完大学 Dú wán dàxué finish college 3 (of computers) read; read data; examine information computing 读出 dúchū read out; extract data computing 读入 dúrù read in; enter data 你的盘我的机器读不了。 Nǐ de pán wǒ de jīqì dú bùliǎo. My computer can't read your disk. 4 be pronounced in a certain way 这个字读去声。 zhège zì dú qùshēng. This character is pronounced in the falling (or fourth) tone.


dōngxi noun 1 thing 她买东西去了。 Tā mǎi dōngxi qù le. She's out shopping. or She's gone shopping. 他收拾好东西就走了。 Tā shōushi hǎo dōngxi jiù zǒu le. He packed his things and left. 一成不变的东西是没有的。 Yīchéngbùbiàn de dōngxi shì méiyǒu de. Nothing is immutable. 分析形势要注意全局性的东西。 Fēnxi xíngshì yào zhùyì quánjú xìng de dōngxi. When analysing a situation, pay attention to things that affect it as a whole. 2 [referring to a person or animal] thing; creature 这小东西真可爱。 Zhè xiǎo dōngxi zhēn kě'ài. What a sweet little thing! 真不是东西! Zhēn bù shì dōngxi! What a despicable creature!


dōu adverb 1 all 大家都到了吗? Dàjiā dōu dào le ma? Is everybody here? 什么都行。 Shénme dōu xíng. Anything will do. 我父母都不在了。 Wǒ fùmǔ dōu bù zài le. My parents are both deceased. 2 [with 是 to show the cause] 都是你, 把他灌成这样。 Dōu shì nǐ, bǎ tā guàn chéng zhèyàng. It's all your fault making him drunk. 都是你老磨蹭, 害得我们迟到了。 Dōu shì nǐ lǎo móceng, hài de wǒmen chídào le. It is because you dawdled that we were late. 3 even 今天天气真怪, 中午比早晨都冷。 Jīntiān tiānqì zhēn guài, zhōngwǔ bǐ zǎochen dōu lěng. What strange weather, it's colder at noon than early in the morning! 连他都不知道。 Lián tā dōu bù zhīdao. Even he doesn't know. 4 already 他都八十岁了, 身子骨还那么硬朗。 Tā dōu bāshí suì le, shēnzi gǔ hái nàme yìnglang. He's already eighty but still going strong.


dǎ diànhuà make a phone call


fàndiàn noun 1 hotel 北京饭店 Běijīng fàndiàn Beijing Hotel 2 restaurant


fēijī noun aircraft; aeroplane; plane 我坐飞机去上海。 Wǒ zuò fēijī qù Shànghǎi. I'll go to Shanghai by plane.


fēnzhōng noun minute


gè measure word 1 [before nouns without special measure words of their own] 两个星期 liǎng gè xīngqī two weeks; a fortnight 三个苹果 sān gè píngguǒ three apples 一个故事 yī gè gùshi a story 2 [used to replace certain measure words] 一个工厂 Yī gè gōngchǎng a factory 一个学校 yī gè xuéxiào a school 3 [before an approximate number] 哥儿俩也不过差个两三岁。 Gērliǎ yě bùguò chà gè liǎng sān suì. There'sonly a two or three years difference between the two brothers. 他每星期来个一两趟。 Tā měi xīngqī lái gè yī, liǎng tàng. He comes here once or twice every week. 4 [between a verb and its object] 洗个澡 Xǐ gè zǎo have a bath 睡个好觉 shuì gè hǎo jiào have a good sleep 5 [between a verb and its complement] 忙个不停 máng gè bù tíng be as busy as a bee 雨下个不停。 Yǔ xià gè bù tíng. It kept raining. 6 [after 一 in certain phrases to indicate suddenness] 他一个箭步窜了上去。 Tā yī gè jiànbù cuàn le shàngqu. With a sudden big stride, he leapt forward. 一个失手我把茶杯打了。 yī gè shīshǒu wǒ bǎ chábēi dǎ le. I accidentally dropped the cup and broke it. adjective 1 individual See 21603328个体gètǐ个体 2 colloquial of strong character 这人个得很。 Zhè rén gè de hěn. The man is really eccentric. affix 1 [after 些] 那些个花儿 Nàxiē gè huā'ér all those flowers 这些个书哪能看完? Zhèxiē gè shū nǎ néng kàn wán? How can I finish reading so many books? 2 dialect [after 昨儿, 今儿, 明儿, etc.] 明儿个 míngrgè tomorrow


gāoxìng adjective glad; happy; cheerful (opp. 伤心) 看到孩子们有进步, 他心里很高兴。 kàndào háizimen yǒu jìnbù, tā xīnli hěn gāoxìng. He was very pleased to see that the kids had made progress. 小强高高兴兴地上学去了。 Xiǎo qiáng gāogāoxìngxìng de shàngxué qù le. Xiao Qiang cheerfully went off to school. 两人谈得可高兴了。 Liǎng rén tán de kě gāoxìng le. The two of them chatted merrily. 我们昨天玩得真高兴。 Wǒmen zuótiān wán de zhēn gāoxìng. We had a wonderful time yesterday. verb 1 be glad; be happy; be cheerful 他平时话不多, 高兴时才说上几句。 Tā píngshí huà bù duō, gāoxìng shí cái shuōshàng jǐ jù. He's usually reticent and only talks a little when in high spirits. 把这消息告诉你爷爷, 叫他老人家也高兴高兴。 Bǎ zhè xiāoxi gàosu nǐ yéye, jiào tā lǎorenjia yě gāoxìng gāoxìng. Tell Grandpa the good news so that he can share our joy. 他们高兴得太早了。 Tāmen gāoxìng de tài zǎo le. They rejoiced too soon. 2 be willing to; be happy to 你不高兴就甭去了。 Nǐ bù gāoxìng jiù béng qùle. You needn't go if you don't feel like it. 他就是高兴看电影, 对看戏不感兴趣。 Tā jiùshì gāoxìng kàn diànyǐng, duì kànxì bù gǎn xìngqù. He's fond of seeing films, and not at all interested in watching plays.


gōngzuò verb work; operate 努力工作 Nǔlì gōngzuò work hard 机器正在工作。 Jīqì zhèng zài gōngzuò. The machine is in operation. noun work; job 分配工作 Fēnpèi gōngzuò assign jobs (or work) 做研究工作 zuò yánjiū gōngzuò do research work 他是做消防工作的。 Tā shì zuò xiāofáng gōngzuò de. He works in the fire brigade.


gǒu noun 1 dog 2 vulgar damned; cursed 狗东西 gǒu dōngxi that son of a bitch


huì noun 1 meeting; gathering; party; get-together; conference 报告会 bàogàohuì public lecture 研讨会 yántǎohuì seminar 2 association; society; union 帮会 bānghuì secret soceity 协会 xiéhuì association 3 temple fair 庙会 miàohuì temple fair 4 association of worshippers 香会 xiānghuì company of Buddhist pilgrims 5 revolving credit association (people who regularly contribute to a common fund and draw from it by turns) 6 chief city; capital 都会 dūhuì metropolis 7 literary opportunity; occasion 适逢其会 shìféngqíhuì happen to be present at the right moment verb 1 get together; assemble 聚会 jùhuì meet; get together 2 meet; see 昨天我没有会着他。 Zuótiān wǒ méiyǒu huì zhe tā. I didn't see him yesterday. 3 literary happen to 会有客来。 Huì yǒu kè lái. A visitor happened to come by. 4 literary should; ought to verb 1 understand; grasp 误会 wùhuì misunderstand 2 know 他还会两出京戏。 Tā hái huì liǎng chū Jīngxì. He knows a few airs of Beijing opera. 我会英语, 不会日语。 Wǒ huì Yīngyǔ, bù huì Rìyǔ. I know English but not Japanese. 3 can; be able to 会滑冰 Huì huábīng can skate 这孩子刚会走路, 还不大会说话。 Zhè háizi gāng huì zǒulù, hái bù dà huì shuōhuà. The infant has just learnt to walk but not to speak yet. 4 excel at; be good at; be skillful in 会修钟表 huì xiū zhōngbiǎo skilled in repairing clocks and watches 很会这一套 hěn huì zhè yī tào be a past master of this sort of game 5 be likely to; be sure to 他会来的。 Tā huì lái de. He's sure to come. 他会在家吗? Tā huì zài jiā ma? Is he likely to be at home? 没想到(事情)会这么顺利。 méi xiǎngdào huì zhème shùnlì. I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. verb pay (or foot) a bill 饭钱我会过了。 Fàn qián wǒ huì guò le. I've paid for the meal. noun colloquial moment 来了一会儿了 Lái le yī huì r le have been here for a while


huí verb circle; wind 巡回 xúnhuí tour; make a tour of verb 1 return; go back 回国 huíguó return to one's native land 回家 huíjiā go home 回到原地 huídào yuándì return to the source; go back to where they were 回到生产第一线 huí dào shēngchǎn dì-yī xiàn go back to one's post on the production front 2 turn round 回过身来 huí guò shēn lái turn round 3 answer; reply 回函 huíhán reply; letter in reply 4 dated report back (to one's superior) 回大人的话 huí dàren dehuà let me report, Sir 5 decline (an invitation, etc.); refuse; cancel; dismiss 我把保姆回了。 wǒ bǎ bǎomǔ huí le. I sent away my maid. measure word 1 chapter 这部小说共一百回。 Zhè bù xiǎoshuō gòng yībǎi huí. This novel has one hundred chapters. 2 time; occasion 来过一回 Lái guò yī huí have been here once 完全是两回事 Wánquán shì liǎng huí shì two entirely different matters 有一回我在路上碰到他。 Yǒu yī huí wǒ zài lùshang pèngdào tā. Once, I ran into him in the street. noun Hui ethnic group See 23152384回族huízú回族


hào noun 1 name 绰号 chuòhào nickname 2 assumed (or literary) name; sobriquet 苏轼字子瞻, 号东坡。 Sū Shì zì Zǐ zhān, hào dōng pō. Su Shi, styled Zizhan, was also known by his literary name Dongpo ( "Eastern Slope" ). 吴镇(元画家)字仲圭, 号梅花道人。 Wú zhèn (yuán huàjiā) zì zhòng guī, hào méihuā Dàoren. Wu Zhen (a Yuan painter), whose courtesy name was Zhonggui, had the sobriquet "Taoist of the Plum Blossom". 3 dated business house 银号 yínhào bank 4 mark; sign; signal 问号 wènhào question mark 举手为号 Jǔshǒu wéi hào raise one's hand as a signal 5 number 五号楼 Wǔ hào lóu Building No.5 6 size 大号 dàhào large size 中号 zhōnghào medium size 小号 xiǎohào small size 这鞋小了两号。 Zhè xié xiǎo le liǎng hào. These shoes are two sizes too small. 7 date 今天几号?——13号。 jīntiān jǐ hào? ——13 hào. What date is today?—The 13th. 8 person in a special condition 病号 bìnghào patient verb 1 make a mark on 把你要的东西都号一号。 Bǎ nǐ yào de dōngxi dōu hào yī hào. Have all the items you want marked. 2 Chinese medicine feel (the pulse) See 22452480号脉hàomài号脉 measure word 1 (for people or business deals) 今天有一百多号人出工。 Jīntiān yǒu yībǎi duō hào rén chūgōng. Over a hundred people went to work today. 一会儿工夫就做了几号买卖。 Yīhuìr gōngfu jiù zuò le jǐ hào mǎimai. Several deals were clinched in a short time. 2 kind; sort 这号人甭理他。 Zhè hào rén béng lǐ tā. Don't bother with such a person. 这号生意不能做。 Zhè hào shēngyi bù néng zuò. You can't do this kind of business. noun 1 order 发出号令 Fāchū hàolìng give orders 2 any brass-wind instrument 军号 jūnhào bugle 小号 xiǎohào trumpet 3 anything used as a horn 螺号 luóhào conch 4 bugle call; any call made on a bugle 起床号 qǐchuánghào reveille


hé adjective 1 gentle; mild; kind 温和 wēnhé mild; temperate 2 harmonious; on good terms 和为贵。 Hé wéi guì. Harmony is what matters. noun 1 peace 2 (Hé) a surname verb sports draw; tie 那盘棋和了。 Nà pán qí hé le. That game of chess ended in a draw. conjunction and 我和你 Wǒ hé nǐ you and I 工人和农民 Gōngrén hé nóngmín workers and peasants preposition [indicating relationship, comparison, etc.] 和这件事没有关系 Hé zhè jiàn shì méiyǒu guānxi have nothing to do with the matter; bear no relation to it 他和我一样高。 Tā hé wǒ yīyàng gāo. He's as tall as I. noun mathematics sum 两数之和 liǎng shù zhī hé the sum of the two numbers verb together with See 22529280和盘托出hépántuōchū和盘托出 noun Japan 汉和词典 hàn hé cídiǎn Chinese-Japanese dictionary


hòumian noun 1 back; rear 后面儿还有座位。 hòumianr hái yǒu zuòwèi. There are vacant seats at the back. 2 later time; future 这个问题我后面儿还要讲。 zhège wèntí wǒ hòumianr háiyào jiǎng. I'll come back to this question later.


hē verb 1 drink 喝茶 hēchá drink tea 喝汤 hē tāng drink soup 2 drink liquor 喝醉了 hē zuì le get drunk 爱喝两盅 ài hē liǎng zhōng be fond of drinking VARIANT OF 22474752嗬hē嗬 hē/hè interjection ah; oh


hěn adverb very; very much; quite 很满意 Hěn mǎnyì feel very satisfied; feel quite pleased 很有道理 hěn yǒu dàoli contain much truth; be quite correct 这几天热得很。 Zhè jǐ tiān rè de hěn. It's been very hot these last few days. 他这个人好得很。 Tā zhège rén hǎo de hěn. He's a very good man. 他觉得很不好受。 Tā juéde hěn bù hǎoshòu. He felt very bad. 我家离学校很近。 Wǒ jiā lí xuéxiào hěn jìn. I live quite near the school. 我近来身体不很好。 Wǒ jìnlái shēntǐ bù hěn hǎo. I haven't felt very well recently. 现在他口袋里很有几个钱。 Xiànzài tā kǒudài lǐ hěn yǒu jǐ ge qián. He's made himself quite a nice little pile. 这故事发生在很久很久以前。 Zhè gùshi fāshēng zài hěn jiǔ hěn jiǔ yǐqián. The story took place a long long time ago.


hǎo adjective 1 good; fine; nice (opp. 坏) 好人 hǎorén nice person 祖国的好儿子 Zǔguó de hǎo érzi worthy (or fine) son of our country 庄稼长得真好。 Zhuāngjia zhǎng de zhēn hǎo. The crops are growing well. 2 friendly; kind 好朋友 Hǎo péngyou good (or great) friend 他们对我真好。 Tāmen duì wǒ zhēn hǎo. They are really kind to me. 俩孩子又好了。 Liǎ háizi yòu hǎo le. The two children are friends again. 3 be in good health; get well 你好哇! Nǐ hǎo wa! How are you? 我的病好了。 Wǒ de bìng hǎo le. I'm well (or all right) now. 4 be ready; done 饭好了。 Fàn hǎo le. The food (or rice) is ready. 5 [after verbs to indicate finishing or finishing satisfactorily] 我把他的病治好了。 Wǒ bǎ tā de bìng zhì hǎo le. I cured his illness. 这件事他做不好。 Zhè jiàn shì tā zuò bù hǎo. He can't do this job well. 坐好吧, 要开会了。 Zuò hǎo ba, yào kāihuì le. Take your seats, please. The meeting is going to begin. 6 [before verbs to denote what is satisfying] good; easy 好吃 hǎochī good to eat—delicious 暖瓶放在这儿好拿。 Nuǎnpíng fàng zài zhèr hǎo ná. It's handy to have the thermos here. 这本书可不好买。 Zhè běn shū kě bù hǎo mǎi. This book is not easily available. 这个问题好回答。 Zhège wèntí hǎo huídá. This question is easy to answer. 7 [at the beginning of a sentence or clause, to express agreement, disapproval, surprise, etc.] 好, 就这么办。 Hǎo, jiù zhème bàn. OK, it's settled. 好了, 不要再说了。 Hǎo le, bùyào zài shuō le. All right, no need to say any more. 好! 那得多少钱! Hǎo! Nà dé duōshao qián! Gosh! How much money will that cost! 好, 这下可麻烦了。 Hǎo, zhè xià kě máfan le. Well, we're in for trouble now. adverb 1 [before adjectives with exclamatory force] very; quite; so 好大的工程! Hǎo dà de gōngchéng! What a huge project! 你好大胆子。 Nǐ hǎo dà dǎnzi. You are so daring. 2 dialect [before adjectives in the same way as 多] to what extent; how 火车站离这儿好远? Huǒchēzhàn lí zhèr hǎo yuǎn? How far is the railway station from here? 3 [before indefinite time or numbers] quite 好半天 hǎobàntiān quite a while 好几个 hǎojǐgè quite a few 好几天 hǎojǐtiān quite a few days verb produce favourable effects 这事可好了他了。 Zhè shì kě hǎo le tā le. This will benefit him. auxiliary 1 the better to; in order to; so that 把她的地址告诉我, 我好找她。 Bǎ tā de dìzhǐ gàosu wǒ, wǒ hǎo zhǎo tā. Tell me her address so that I can go and see her. 今儿早点睡, 明儿好早起赶火车。 Jīnr zǎodiǎn shuì, míngr hǎo zǎoqǐ gǎn huǒchē. Let's turn in early, so as to get up early tomorrow to catch the train. 2 dialect may; can; should 我好进来吗? Wǒ hǎo jìnlai ma? May I come in? 时间不早了, 你好走了。 Shíjiān bù zǎo le, nǐhǎo zǒu le. It's getting late. You ought to get going.


jiào verb 1 cry; shout 大叫一声 dà jiào yī shēng give a loud cry; shout; cry out loudly 2 call; greet 外边有人叫你。 Wàibian yǒu rén jiào nǐ. Somebody outside is calling you. 这孩子很腼腆, 不爱叫人。 Zhè háizi hěn miǎntiǎn, bù ài jiào rén. The child is shy and doesn't like to greet people. 3 hire; order 叫个出租车 jiào ge chūzūchē hire (or call) a taxi 叫一份外卖的比萨饼 jiào yī fèn wàimài de bǐsàbǐng order a takeaway pizza 4 name; call 人们叫他小张。 Rénmen jiào tā xiǎo zhāng. People call him Xiao Zhang. 他叫什么名儿? Tā jiào shénme míngr? What's his name? 这棉花长得真叫棒。 Zhè miánhua zhǎng de zhēn jiào bàng. That's what I call a really good crop of cotton. 这能叫虚心接受批评吗? zhè néng jiào xūxīn jiēshòu pīpíng ma? Can this be called readiness to accept criticism? adjective dialect male (animal) See 24034560叫驴jiàolǘ叫驴 verb 1 ask; order; tell 叫他进来吗? Jiào tā jìnlai ma? Shall I ask him (to come) in? 医生叫她卧床休息。 Yīshēng jiào tā wòchuáng xiūxi. The doctor told her to stay in bed. 2 permit; allow 他哥哥不叫他去。 Tā gēge bù jiào tā qù. His brother did not allow him to go. preposition [in a passive sentence to introduce the doer of the action] 叫你猜着了。 Jiào nǐ cāizháo le. You've guessed right. 你叫雨淋湿了吗? Nǐ jiào yǔ lín shī le ma? Did you get wet?


jiā noun 1 family; household 张家和王家 Zhāng jiā hé wáng jiā the Zhangs and the Wangs 他全家都是工人。 Tā quánjiā dōu shì gōngrén. They're all workers in his family. 小区里家家都爱养花。 Xiǎoqū lǐ jiājiā dōu ài yǎnghuā. In this neighbourhood, every family loves growing flowers. 2 home 回家 huíjiā go home 不在家 bù zàijiā not be in; be out 上我家去吧。 Shàng wǒ jiā qù ba. Come to my place. 3 person or family engaged in a certain trade 船家 chuánjiā boatman 4 specialist in a certain field 画家 huàjiā painter 科学家 kēxuéjiā scientist 5 school of thought 儒家 Rújiā Confucian school 6 self-deprecating my [in speaking of relatives older than oneself] See 23637248家父jiāfù家父 7 (in playing cards, mah-jong, etc.) party; side See 59564771对家duìjiā对家;29587456上家shàngjiā上家;36692480庄家zhuāngjia庄家 adjective domestic; tamed (opp. 野) 家兔 jiātù rabbit measure word [for families or business establishments] 两家人家 Liǎng jiā rénjia two families 三家商店 sān jiā shāngdiàn three shops 一家电影院 yī jiā diànyǐngyuàn a cinema


jiǔ number 1 nine 九班 jiǔbān Class Nine 九号房间 jiǔ hào fángjiān Room No. Nine 2 each of the nine nine-day periods beginning the day after the Winter Solstice 数九寒冬 shǔjiǔhándōng the coldest months; deep winter adjective many; numerous 九曲桥 jiǔqūqiáo zigzag bridge 三弯九转 sānwānjiǔzhuàn many twists and turns


jīntiān noun 1 this day; today 今天上午 jīntiān shàngwǔ this morning 今天下午 jīntiān xiàwǔ this afternoon 一年前的今天 yī nián qián de jīntiān a year ago today 今天是星期天。 Jīntiān shì Xīngqītiān. Today is Sunday. 我今天有客人来。 Wǒ jīntiān yǒu kèren lái. I'm expecting company today. 2 the present time or age; today 今天的青年有不同的道德观念。 Jīntiān de qīngnián yǒu bùtóng de dàodé guānniàn. Young people today (or of today) have different moral values.


jǐ number 1 how many 几点了? Jǐ diǎn le? What's the time? or What time is it? 你几号? Nǐ jǐ hào? What's your number? 四乘六等于几? Sì chéng liù děngyú jǐ? What's four times six? 2 a few; several; some 几十 jǐshí tens; dozens; scores 几万万 jǐ wàn wàn several hundred million; hundreds of millions 说几句话 shuō jǐ jù huà say a few words 有几个人 yǒu jǐ gèrén some people 二十几个人 èrshí jǐ ge rén twenty odd people 十几岁的孩子 shíjǐ suì de háizi teenager 每隔几分钟 měigé jǐ fēnzhōng every few minutes 村子很小, 没有几户人家。 Cūnzi hěn xiǎo, méiyǒu jǐ hù rénjia. The village is quite small, with a few households. 来了十几二十个人。 Lái le shíjǐ èrshí ge rén. About twenty people came. 他过不了几天就会回来的。 Tā guòbuliǎo jǐ tiān jiù huì huílai de. He'll be back in a couple of days.


kuài noun 1 piece; lump; chunk 块煤 kuàiméi lump coal 糖块儿 Táng kuàir hard candy; fruit drops; lumps of sugar 把肉切成块儿 bǎ ròu qiē chéng kuàir cut the meat into cubes 2 computing block 块复制 kuài fùzhì block copy 数据块 shù jù kuài data block measure word 1 piece; lump 两块肥皂 liǎng kuài féizào two cakes of soap 一块面包 yī kuài miànbāo a piece (or hunk) of bread 一块手表 yī kuài shǒubiǎo a wrist watch 一块桌布 yī kuài zhuōbù a table cloth 2 colloquial [for gold or silver dollars, Renminbi, and certain paper money] 三块钱 sān kuài qián three yuan 块儿八毛 kuàirbāmáo one yuan or slightly less 两块银洋 liǎng kuài yínyáng two silver dollars 一千块港币 yīqiān kuài Gǎngbì 1, 000 1,000 Hong Kong dollars


kàn verb 1 see; look at; watch 看电视 kàn diànshì watch TV 看电影 kàn diànyǐng see a film; go to the movies 看球赛 kàn qiú sài watch a ball game 看演出 kàn yǎnchū attend a performance 看展览 kàn zhǎnlǎn visit an exhibition 2 read (silently) 看报 kànbào read a newspaper 看谱 kànpǔ read music score 看书 kànshū read (a book) 3 think; consider; judge 看清形势 kàn qīng xíngshì make a correct appraisal of the situation 全面地看问题 quánmiàn de kàn wèntí look at (or approach) an issue from all angles 你看她这个人可靠吗? Nǐ kàn tā zhège rén kěkào ma? Do you think she's reliable? 你对这件事怎么看? Nǐ duì zhè jiàn shì zěnme kàn? What's your view on this matter? 4 look upon; regard 把公众的利益看得高于一切 bǎ gōngzhòng de lìyì kàn de gāoyú yīqiè put the interests of the public above all else 5 see (or consult) (a doctor); treat (a patient or an illness) 李大夫把她的肺炎看好了。 Lǐ dàifu bǎ tā de fèiyán kàn hǎo le. Dr. Li has cured her of pneumonia. 有病就该去看。 Yǒu bìng jiù gāi qù kàn. You ought to go and see a doctor when you are ill. 6 look after 衣帽自看。 Yī-mào zì kàn. Take care of your own hats and coats. 7 call on; visit; see 我明天去看他。 Wǒ míngtiān qù kàn tā. I'll go and see him tomorrow. 有空我来看你。 Yǒukòng wǒ lái kàn nǐ. I'lldrop in on you when I have time. 8 depend on; rely on; fall back on 我们明天是不是出游, 得看天气。 wǒmen míngtiān shìbushì chūyóu, děikàn tiānqì. Whether we'll go on a sightseeing trip tomorrow will depend on the weather. 9 mind; watch out 别跑这么快!看摔着! Bié pǎo zhème kuài! Kàn shuāi zhe! Don't run so fast! Mind you don't fall. 10 [before some verbs or adjectives] tend to; be expected See 24863488看跌kàndiē看跌 auxiliary 1 [after a reduplicated verb or a verb phrase] try and see (what happens) 试试看 shìshikàn have a try 等一等看 děng yī děng kàn wait and see 尝尝看。 Chángchang kàn. Just taste this. 2 [in exclamations to express surprise or rebuke, esp. in the phrase 看你 or 你看你] 看你, 水都烧干了。 Kàn nǐ, shuǐ dōu shāo gān le. Look what you've done! The water has all boiled away. 你看你!怎么满头大汗啊! Nǐ kàn nǐ! Zěnme mǎntóudàhàn a! Look at yourself! How come you're bathed in sweat!


kàn//jian verb catch sight of; see; get a view of 他们航行了二十天才看见陆地。 Tāmen hángxíng le èrshí tiān cái kànjian lùdì. They sighted land after being at sea for twenty days. 我们站在人们可以完全看见的地方。 Wǒmen zhàn zài rénmen kěyǐ wánquán kànjian de dìfang. We stood in full view of the crowd.


kāi verb 1 open 开锁 kāisuǒ open a lock; unlock 门开了。 Mén kāi le. The door opened. 2 make an opening; open up 墙上开了个窗口。 Qiáng shàng kāi le ge chuāngkǒu. A window was made in the wall. 3 openout; come loose 4 produce flowers; bloom 花都开了。 Huā dōu kāi le. The flowers are all blooming. 扣儿开了。 Kòur kāi le. The knot has come untied. 两块木板没粘好, 又开了。 Liǎng kuài mùbǎn méi zhān hǎo, yòu kāi le. The two pieces of wood were not glued together properly. They have come loose again. 5 (of a frozen river) thaw out 河开了。 hé kāi le. The river thawed (or is open). 6 lift (a ban, restriction, etc.) See 24802048开禁kāijìn开禁 7 start; operate (a machine, car, ship, plane, etc.) 8 turn on (a light, radio, TV, etc.); switch on 开灯 kāidēng turn on a light 开飞机 kāi fēijī fly (or pilot) an airplane 开机器 Kāi jīqì operate (or run) a machine 开汽车 kāi qìchē drive a car 把汽船开到对岸去。 Bǎ qìchuán kāi dào duì'àn qù. Steer the motorboat over to the opposite bank. 9 (of a train, bus, ship, etc.) leave; start 火车几点开? Huǒchē jǐ diǎn kāi? What time does the train leave? 10 (of troops) set out; move 昨天开来了两团人, 今天又开走了。 Zuótiān kāi lái le liǎng tuán rén, jīntiān yòu kāi zǒu le. Two regiments came yesterday and set off today. 11 start or run (a factory, school, store, etc.); set up; open 开茶馆 kāi cháguǎn run a teahouse 开工厂 Kāi gōngchǎng set up a factory 百货店就开在十字路口。 Bǎihuòdiàn jiù kāi zài shízì lùkǒu. The department store is located at the intersection. 12 (of an institute, organization, etc.) open to the public See 64455907开馆kāiguǎn开馆 / 13 (of film shooting, auction, etc.) begin; start See 24814080开拍kāipāi开拍 / 14 hold (a meeting, exhibition, etc.) 开运动会 Kāi yùndònghuì hold a sports meet 舞会开了一夜。 Wǔhuì kāi le yī yè. The dance lasted all night. 15 make a list of; write out; prescribe 开支票 kāi zhīpiào write out a cheque 开介绍信 kāi jièshàoxìn write a letter of introduction 开信用证 kāi xìnyòngzhèng issue a credit 医生给我开了些药片。 Yīshēng gěi wǒ kāi le xiē yàopiàn. The doctor prescribed some pills for me. 16 pay (wages, fares, etc.) 开工资 kāi gōngzī pay wages 17 dialect fire (an employee); fire out; give sb. the sack; kick out 这个公司刚刚开了几个人。 zhège gōngsī gānggāng kāi le jǐ gèrén. The company has just fired several of its employees. 18 boil 水开了。 Shuǐ kāi le. The water is boiling. 19 colloquial eat up 他把包子都开了。 Tā bǎ bāozi dōu kāi le. He ate up all the stuffed buns. adjective open 开循环 kāi xúnhuán open cycle measure word 1 [expressing a ratio between two things considered as parts of a whole which is 10] 二八开 Èrbā kāi 2:8 大家认为他的功过是三七开。 Dàjiā rènwéi tā de gōng-guò shì sānqī kāi. The general assessment of his work is 70% achievements and 30% mistakes. 2 printing division of standard size printing paper 对开 duìkāi folio 四开 sìkāi quarto measure word 1 transliteration carat (ct) 十四开金 14- Shísì kāi jīn carat gold 2 abbreviation VARIANT OF 64450787开尔文kāiěrwén开尔文 physics degree Kelvin; kelvin (K)


le auxiliary 1 [after a verb or an adjective to indicate the completion of an action, at a point in the past or before the beginning of another action, or an expected or presumed action] 把书读了两遍 bǎ shū dú le liǎng biàn have read the book twice 我下了班就去。 wǒ xià le bān jiù qù. I'll go right after work. 水位低了两米。 Shuǐwèi dī le liǎng mǐ. The water level fell by two metres. 2 [at the end of a sentence, usu. after 了 for completed action, to indicate that sth. has taken place] 小说看了一半了。 Xiǎoshuō kàn le yībàn le. I have read half of the novel. 我等了半天了。 Wǒděng le bàntiān le. I've been waiting a long time. 3 [at the end of a sentence to indicate a change of situation or state, whether actual or envisaged] 他胖了。 Tā pàng le. He's put on weight. 下雨了。 Xiàyǔ le. It's raining. 东西贵了。 Dōngxi guì le. Things have gone up. or Things are expensive now. 树叶红了。 Shùyè hóng le. The leaves are turning red. 今天去不成了。 Jīntiān qù bù chéng le. We can't go today. (Before the situation changed, we had thought we could go.) 你早来一天就见着他了。 Nǐ zǎo lái yī tiān jiù jiàn zhe tā le. If you'd come a day sooner you would have seen him. 我喝了五杯了, 不能再喝了。 Wǒ hē le wǔ bēi le, bùnéng zài hē le. I have drunk five glasses and can't drink any more. 4 [after an adjective, with or without 太 "too", to express an excessive degree, i.e. to indicate that sth. has gone to the extreme] 汤咸了。 Tāng xián le. The soup is too salty. 袖子长了。 Xiùzi cháng le. The sleeves are too long. 这种工作太累了。 Zhèzhǒng gōngzuò tài lèi le. This job is too fatiguing. 他现在太老了, 不能工作了。 Tā xiànzài tài lǎo le, bù néng gōngzuò le. He's too old to work now. 5 [in commands or requests in response to a changed situation] 吃饭了! Chīfàn le! Let's eat now. 别说话了! Bié shuōhuà le! Stop talking! 走了, 不能再等了! Zǒu le, bùnéng zài děng le! Let's go. We can't wait any longer.


liù number six 六班 liù bān the sixth class; class 6 六重唱(奏) liù chóngchàng sextet; sestet 六个月 liù ge yuè six months 六路公交车 liù lù gōngjiāochē No. 6 bus 打六折 dǎ liù zhé sell at a forty percent discount 按六个一组排列 àn liù ge yī zǔ páiliè be arranged by sixes noun music note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to 5 in numbered musical notation


lái verb 1 come (to); arrive 来得不巧 Láide bùqiǎo come at an unsuitable time (or moment) 来得正好 láide zhènghǎo come in good time; come just at the right time 就来! jiù lái! I'm coming. 快来! Kuài lái! Come along! 来客人了。 Lái kèren le. We have a guest. 客人来了。 Kèren lái le. The guests are here. 他今天来过两次。 Tā jīntiān lái guò liǎng cì. He came twice today. 他已经来了。 Tā yǐjinglái le. He has already come. 她明天来北京。 Tā míngtiān lái Běijīng. She is coming to Beijing tomorrow. 有空来玩。 Yǒukòng lái wán. Come round when you have time. 远处来了一条小船。 Yuǎnchù lái le yī tiáo xiǎochuán. A small boat came into view in the distance. 2 cause to come; happen; crop up; take place 问题来了。 Wèntí lái le. A problem has come up. 这事儿怎么来的? Zhè shìr zěnme lái de? How did it come about? 3 obtain; get 这差事来得不容易。 Zhè chāishilái de bù róngyì. This job is hard to come by. 4 [as a substitute for some other verb] 来份糖醋鱼。 lái fèn tángcùyú. A sweet-and-sour fish, please. 你来块糖。 Nǐ lái kuài táng. Have some candy. 再来一个! Zàilái yī ge! [call for another performance] Encore! 慢慢儿来, 别忙。 Mànmànr lái, bié máng. Take it easy. No hurry. 我累了, 你来吧。 Wǒ lèi le, nǐ lái ba. I'm tired. Why don't you take over (or carry on). 咱们来一盘棋。 Zánmenlái yī pán qí. Let's have a game of chess. 你歇歇, 让我来吧。 Nǐ xiēxie, ràng wǒ lái ba. You take a rest. Let me do it. 我自己来吧, 别客气。 Wǒ zìjǐ lái ba, bié kèqi. Please don't bother. I'll do it myself. 我们打篮球, 你来不来? Wǒmen dǎ lánqiú, nǐ lái bù lái? We're going to play basketball. Will you join in? 5 [with 得 or 不, indicating possibility or impossibility, capability or incapability] 上海话我说不来。 Shànghǎi huà wǒ shuō bù lái. I don't speak Shanghai dialect. 我吃不来四川菜。 Wǒ chī bù lái Sìchuān cài. I can't get used to Sichuan cuisine. 西餐我吃得来。 Xīcān wǒ chī de lái. Western food suits me all right. 这道题我做不来。 Zhè dào tí wǒ zuò bù lái. I can't do this problem. 这个歌我唱得来。 Zhège gē wǒ chàng de lái. I can sing this song. 6 [before a verb, indicating an intended or suggested action] 你来试试。 Nǐ lái shìshi. Have a try. 我来说两句。 Wǒ láishuō liǎng jù. Let me say a few words. 大家来想办法。 Dàjiā lái xiǎng bànfǎ. Let's think of a way (to solve the problem). or Let's put our heads together and see how to do it. 7 [after a verb or verbal expression] come in order to 他回家探亲来了。 Tā huíjiā tànqīn lái le. He's come home to see his parents. 我们道喜来了。 Wǒmen dàoxǐ lái le. We've come to congratulate you (or offer our congratulations). 8 [between two verbs or verbal expressions to indicate the purpose of the former] in order to 想办法来解决问题 Xiǎng bànfǎ lái jiějué wèntí think of a way to solve the problem 你又能用什么理由来说服他呢? Nǐ yòu néng yòng shénme lǐyóu lái shuōfú tā ne? And what arguments can you use to convince him? 9 (of electricity, tap water, gas, etc.) be on again 来电了。 lái diàn le. The power is on again. 来水了。 lái shuǐ le. There's running water again. auxiliary 1 colloquial [at the end of a sentence to indicate what has happened in the past, same as 来着] 你这是何苦来? Nǐ zhè shì hékǔlái? Why did you do that (and made yourself unhappy)? 2 [after a time expression, indicating a period of time that extends from the past up to the present] ever since 几天来 jǐ tiān lái for the last few days 一年来 yī nián lái during the past year 3 [after a round number or after a numeral plus a measure] approximately; about; around; round 二十来个 èrshí lái ge about 20 四十来岁 sìshí lái suì round 40 (years old) 十来块钱 shí lái kuài qián somewhere over 10 yuan 两米来高 liǎng mǐ lái gāo about two metres high 百十来里地 bǎishí lái lǐ dì a distance of about 100 li 4 [after the numerals 一, 二, and 三, indicating points in an explanation or argument] 我不要, 一来我不喜欢, 二来我也没钱。 Wǒ bùyào, yī lái wǒ bù xǐhuan, èr lái wǒ yě méiqián. I don't want it. In the first place, I don't like it; in the second place, I don't have the money. adjective future; coming; next 来月 láiyuè coming month noun (Lái) a surname auxiliary [as a syllable filler in folk ballads] 正月里来是新春。 Zhēngyuè lǐ lái shì xīnchūn. The first month is the beginning of spring. 你敲锣来我打鼓。 Nǐ qiāoluó lái wǒ dǎgǔ. You beat the gong while I play the drum.


lěng adjective 1 cold; chilly (opp. 热) 冷极了 lěng jíle be extremely (or bitterly) cold 冷彻骨髓 lěngchègǔsuǐ chilled to the bone 冰冷 bīnglěng ice-cold; freezing cold 冷热交替。 lěng rè jiāotì. Cold and heat succeed each other. 你冷不冷? Nǐ lěng bù lěng? Do you feel cold? 2 cold in manner; frosty; icy 冷冷地点点头 lěnglěng dìdiǎn diǎntóu nod one's head coldly; give sb. a cold nod 待人很冷 dàirén hěn lěng be cold towards people; treat others coldly 3 unfrequented; deserted; out-of-the-way See 25547264冷清lěngqing冷清 4 strange; rare See 25556224冷字lěngzì冷字 5 receiving little attention; unwelcomed See 25538816冷货lěnghuò冷货 6 shot from hiding 打冷拳 dǎ lěng quán hit sb. from behind 7 figurative discouraged; disappointed 学校的新政策让老师们心冷了半截儿。 xuéxiào de xīn zhèngcè ràng lǎoshī men xīn lěng le bànjiér. The school's new policy made teachers feel rather disappointed. verb 1 dialect (of food) cool 太烫了, 冷一下再吃。 Tài tàng le, lěng yīxià zài chī. It's too hot. Let it cool off before you eat it. 2 dishearten; discourage; disappoint; dampen 事情冷下来了。 shìqinglěng xiàlai le. The matter has cooled off. 她对我的热情冷了下来。 Tā duì wǒ de rèqíng lěng le xiàlai. Her passion for me has cooled off. 3 ignore 冷他一阵子 lěng tā yīzhènzi ignore him for a while noun (Lěng) a surname


lǎoshī noun 1 teacher; schoolmaster 2 courteous [in direct address] professor; Mr. (or Mrs., Miss, Ms.) 数学老师 shùxué lǎoshī maths master (or mistress) 老师再见! lǎoshī zàijiàn Good-bye, Sir (or Madam, Miss)!


lǐ noun 1 neighbourhood 邻里 línlǐ neighbours 2 native place 故里 gùlǐ hometown 3 archaic li (administrative unit equivalent to five lin (邻), and each lin comprised five households) measure word (unit of length) 1 archaic three hundred (or three hundred sixty) paces (步) 2 a traditional unit of length, equal to 150 zhang (市丈), and equivalent to 0.5 kilometre or 0.311 mile


ma auxiliary 1 [at the end of a question] 你找我有事吗? Nǐ zhǎo wǒ yǒu shì ma? Do you want to see me about something? 明天他来吗? Míngtiān tā lái ma? Will he come tomorrow? 下午有会吗? Xiàwǔ yǒu huì ma? Is there a meeting this afternoon? 2 [as a pause in a sentence before introducing the main point] 特殊情况吗, 还得特殊对待。 Tèshū qíngkuàng ma, hái dé tèshū duìdài. Special cases, of course, need special consideration. 这件事吗, 其实也不能怪他。 Zhè jiàn shì ma, qíshí yě bù néng guài tā. This problem, actually, is not his fault. 3 [at the end of a rhetorical question] 你发这么大脾气像话吗? Nǐ fā zhème dà píqi xiànghuà ma? Aren't you ashamed of flying into such a rage? 你难道没看见我正忙着吗? Nǐ nándào méi kànjian wǒ zhèng mángzhe ma? Don't you see I'm busy at the moment? 这不是很明白的吗? Zhè bù shì hěn míngbai de ma? Isn't this perfectly clear?


méiguānxi verb 1 (-//-) it doesn't matter; it's nothing 他来不来都没关系。 Tā lái bù lái dōu méi guānxi. It doesn't matter whether he comes or not. 2 polite expression that's all right; never mind 对不起, 挡你道了。——没关系。 Duìbuqǐ, dǎng nǐ dào le. —— Méi guānxi. Excuse me for getting in your way. — That's all right.


méiyǒu verb 1 not have; be without 没有矛盾, 就没有世界。 Méiyǒu máodùn, jiù méiyou shìjiè. Without contradictions nothing would exist. 我没有多余的录音带。 Wǒ méiyou duōyú de lùyīndài. I don't have cassettes to spare. 2 there is not 屋里没有人。 Wū lǐ méiyou rén. There is no one in the room. 3 [before 谁 or 哪个 to mean "nobody"] 没有哪个说过这样的话。 méiyou nǎge shuō guò zhèyàng de huà. No one ever said that. 4 not be 谁都跑得没有他快。 Shuí dōu pǎo de méiyou tā kuài. No one runs as fast as he. 5 [before numerals] less than; not more than 他来了还没有三天就走了。 Tā lái le hái méiyou sān tiān jiù zǒu le. He was here less than three days. 这间屋子没有十平方米。 Zhè jiān wūzi méiyou shí píngfāngmǐ. This room is not more than 10 square metres. adverb 1 [before a verb to deny the occurrence or accomplishment of action] 昨天没有下雨。 zuótiān méiyou xiàyǔ. It didn't rain yesterday. 2 [before an adjective to deny condition] not yet 衣服还没有干。 Yīfu hái méiyou gān. The clothes aren't dry yet. 3 [at the end of a sentence to indicate objective question] 去了没有? Qùleméiyou? Did you go there? 4 [in an interrogative sentence to express suspicion or surprise] 你没有听到这个消息(吗)? Nǐ méiyou tīngdào zhège xiāoxi? You didn't hear the news? 5 [answering questions] 你看见他了没有?——没有。 Nǐ kànjian tā le méiyou? —— méiyou. Did you see him? — No, I didn't.


míngtiān noun 1 tomorrow 2 near future 光辉灿烂的明天 Guānghuīcànlàn de míngtiān bright future


míngzi noun 1 name; given name 您叫什么名字? Nín jiào shénme míngzi? What's your name? or May I know your name? 2 name (of a thing) 这种花的名字很特别。 Zhèzhǒng huā de míngzi hěn tèbié. This flower has a strange name. 3 dated linguistics noun


māma noun 1 colloquial ma; mum; mummy; mother 2 dialect courteous aunt; auntie


māo noun cat; feline 猫叫 māojiào mewing; purring 猫仔 māozǎi kitten 病猫 bìng māo feline disease 小猫 xiǎomāo kitten 雄猫 xióngmāo tomcat verb 1 dialect hide; conceal 猫起来 māo qǐ·lái hide oneself 2 bend forward 猫腰 māoyāo bend down


mǎi verb 1 buy; purchase 买东西 Mǎi dōngxi buy things; go shopping 太贵了, 买不起。 Tài guì le, mǎi bù qǐ. It's too expensive. I can't afford it. 2 buy off; bribe See 66410979买官mǎiguān买官 noun (Mǎi) a surname


mǐfàn noun (cooked) rice


ne auxiliary 1 [at the end of a special, alternative, or rhetorical question] 你刚才到哪儿去了呢? Nǐ gāngcái dào nǎr qù le ne? Where were you just now? 你到底认不认得她呢? Nǐ dào dǐ rèn bù rèn de tā ne? Do you know her or not? 你对这件事是赞成呢, 还是反对呢? Nǐ duì zhè jiàn shì shì zànchéng ne, hái shì fǎnduì ne? Are you for or against this? 他们都有任务了, 我呢? Tāmen dōu yǒu rènwu le, wǒ ne? They've got assignments, what about me? 我错在哪儿呢? Wǒ cuò zài nǎr ne? What is my mistake? 我怎么能不记得呢? Wǒ zěnme néng bù jìde ne? How could I forget this? 这点子事, 何必大惊小怪呢? Zhè diǎnzi shì, hébì dàjīngxiǎoguài ne? Why get so excited over such a little thing? 2 [at the end of a declarative sentence to reinforce the assertion] 远得很, 有好几千里地呢。 Yuǎn de hěn, yǒu hǎo jǐqiān lǐ dì ne. It's a long way off—thousands of li away. 3 [at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate the continuation of an action or a state] 他还在生气呢。 Tā hái zài shēngqì ne. He's still angry. 张先生, 有人找你呢。 Zhāng xiānsheng, yǒurén zhǎo nǐ ne. Mr Zhang, somebody is looking for you. 4 [used to mark a pause] 不下雨呢, 就去;下雨呢, 就不去。 Bù xià yǔ ne, jiù qù ; xiàyǔ ne, jiù bù qù. If it doesn't rain, we'll go; if it does, we won't. 如今呢, 可比以往任何时候都要强。 Rújīn ne, kě bǐ yǐwǎng rènhé shíhou dōu yào qiáng. As for the present, things are far better than at any time in the past.


nián noun 1 year 年复一年 niánfùyīnián year after year; year in year out 三年 Sān nián three years 2 annual; yearly See 67485923年产量niánchǎnliàng年产量 3 age 年过六十 nián guò liùshí over sixty (years old) 4 period in one's life 老年 lǎonián old age 童年 tóngnián childhood 5 period in history 近年来 jìnniánlái in recent years 明朝初年 míngzhāo chū nián at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty 6 harvest 丰年 fēngnián rich harvest 7 New Year 过年 guònián celebrate the New Year 8 of or for the New Year See 27329792年货niánhuò年货 9 archaic relationship between candidates who passed the same imperial examinations See 67505635年兄niánxiōng年兄;67506403年谊niányì 年谊 10 (Nián) a surname


nà pronoun that 那人 nà rén that man 那时候 nà shíhou at that time 那两棵树 nà liǎng kē shù those two trees 那是 2008 年的事。 Nà shì 1958nián de shì. That was in 2008. 那是谁? Nà shì shuí? Who is that? 那是我的错。 Nà shì wǒ de cuò. That was my fault. 我们说这道那的, 不知不觉已到凌晨。 Wǒmen shuō zhè dào nà de, bùzhībùjué yǐ dào língchén. We talked about this and that, and before we knew it, it was almost dawn. conjunction then; in that case 那我们就不再等了。 Nà wǒmen jiù bùzài děng le. In that case, we won't wait any longer. 你要想跟我们一块走, 那就得快点儿。 nǐ yào xiǎng gēn wǒmen yīkuài zǒu, nà jiùděi kuàidianr. If you're coming with us, you must hurry.


néng noun 1 ability; capability; skill 技能 jìnéng technical skill 无能 wúnéng incompetent 2 physics energy 波能 bō néng wave energy 风能 fēngnéng wind energy verb 1 can do; be able to; be capable of 他好多了, 能下床了。 Tā hǎo duō le, néng xià chuáng le. He's much better and can get up now. 她一分钟能打七十个字。 Tā yī fēnzhōng néng dǎ qīshí ge zì. She can type 70 words a minute. 我干这个工作能行吗? Wǒ gàn zhège gōngzuò néng xíng ma? Am I really fit for the job? 2 possibly 天这么晚了, 他能来吗? Tiān zhème wǎn le, tā néng lái ma? It's already very late. Can he possibly come tonight? 这件事她能一点儿也不知道吗? Zhè jiàn shì tā néng yīdiǎnr yě bùzhīdào ma? How could she know nothing of this? or Could she be completely in the dark? 3 [between 不...不 to express obligation, certainty or great probability] 不能不 bùnéngbù must; have to; cannot but 4 may; can; have the permission to 这儿能停车吗?——能停(不能停)。 Zhèrnéng tíngchē ma? ——néng tíng. Can we park here?—Yes, you can. (No. Parking is forbidden here.) adjective able; capable 她可能呢, 穿的衣服都是自己做的。 Tā kěnéng ne, chuān de yīfu dōu shì zìjǐ zuò de. She's very clever with her hands and makes all her own clothes.


nǎ pronoun 1 [in questions] which; what 你学的是哪国语言? Nǐ xué de shì nǎ guó yǔyán? What foreign language are you studying? 我们这里有两位姓张的, 您要找的是哪一位? Wǒmen zhèlǐ yǒu liǎng wèi xìng zhāng de, nín yào zhǎo de shì nǎ yī wèi? We've got two Zhangs here. Which one do you want? 2 [in statements to indicate sth. indefinite] whichever; any that 哪天有空就请过来。 Nǎ tiān yǒukòng jiù qǐng guòlai. Come over whenever you are free. 你喜欢哪件就拿哪件。 Nǐ xǐhuannǎ jiàn jiù ná nǎ jiàn. Take whichever you prefer. adverb [in rhetorical questions to express negation] 哪有这样的事? Nǎ yǒu zhèyàng de shì? Nothing of the sort (or kind)! 没有昨天的流血牺牲, 哪有今天的幸福生活? Méiyǒu zuótiān de liúxuè xīshēng, nǎ yǒu jīntiān de xìngfú shēnghuó? Without past sacrifices how could we have such a happy life today?


nǎr5 pronoun colloquial 1 where 他上哪儿去啦? Tā shàng nǎr qù la? Where has he gone? 这本书你是哪儿弄来的? Zhè běn shū nǐ shì nǎr nòng lái de? Where did you get this book? 2 wherever; anywhere 哪儿都找不到他。 Nǎr dōu zhǎo bù dào tā. He is nowhere to be found. 哪儿需要, 我就上哪儿去。 Nǎr xūyào, wǒ jiù shàng nǎr qù. I'll go wherever I'm needed. 昨天你没上哪儿去过吗? Zuótiān nǐ méi shàng nǎr qù guò ma? Did you go anywhere yesterday? adverb [in rhetorical questions to express negation] 我哪儿知道他不吃牛肉。 Wǒ nǎr zhīdao tā bù chī niúròu. How was I to know he doesn't eat beef? 这么多的词儿, 我哪儿记得住。 Zhème duō de cír, wǒ nǎr jì de zhù. How could I remember all those words?


nǐ pronoun 1 you [second person singular] 你爸 nǐ bà your Dad 你带了多少钱? Nǐ dài le duōshao qián? How much money do you have on you? 2 you [second person plural] 你方 nǐ fāng your side; you 你校 nǐ xiào your school 3 [referring to any person] you; one; anyone 碰到这么一个人, 你有什么办法? Pèngdào zhème yī ge rén, nǐ yǒu shénme bànfǎ? What can you do with a person like that? 4 [with 我 or 他 in parallel structures to indicate several or many people behaving the same way] 三个人你看看我, 我看看你, 谁也不说话。 Sān ge rén nǐ kànkan wǒ, wǒ kàn kàn nǐ, shuí yě bù shuōhuà. The three of them kept looking at each other without saying a word. 你一言, 我一语, 大家谈得很热闹。 Nǐ yī yán, wǒ yī yǔ, dàjiā tán de hěn rènao. A lively conversation ensued with everybody joining in.


nǚér noun daughter; girl


piàoliang adjective 1 handsome; good-looking; pretty; beautiful 漂亮的色彩 piàoliang de sècǎi beautiful colours 漂亮的小姑娘 piàoliang de xiǎogūniang pretty little girl 漂亮的小伙子 piàoliang de xiǎohuǒzi handsome young man 打扮得漂漂亮亮的 dǎban de piàopiàoliangliang de be smartly dressed 2 remarkable; brilliant; splendid; beautiful 打一个漂亮仗 dǎ yī ge piàoliang zhàng fight a fine battle; win a brilliant victory 普通话说得很漂亮 pǔtōng huà shuō de hěn piàoliang speak beautiful standard Chinese 守门员这个球救得真漂亮。 Shǒuményuán zhège qiú jiù de zhēn piàoliang. The goalie made a beautiful save. 3 high-sounding (but will not come true) 光说得漂亮有什么用? Guāng shuōdepiàoliang yǒu shénme yòng? What's the point of simply paying lip service? or High-sounding words are no use.


péngyou noun 1 friend 广交朋友 Guǎngjiāo péngyou make many friends 2 boyfriend or girlfriend 谈朋友 tánpéngyou have a boyfriend (or girlfriend); go steady; date


píngguǒ noun apple (the tree and its fruit)


qián noun 1 copper coin; cash 铜钱 tóngqián copper cash 2 money; wealth 有钱有势 yǒuqiányǒushì be wealthy and powerful 这个多少钱? Zhège duōshao qián? How much is this? 3 fund; sum 买房的钱 mǎi fáng deqián the wherewithal to buy a flat 这笔钱是专为保健事业用的。 Zhè bǐ qián shì zhuān wèi bǎojiàn shìyè yòng de. This fund is earmarked for public health services. 4 copper coin-shaped object See 36236288纸钱zhǐqián纸钱;35217152榆钱儿yúqiánr0榆钱儿 5 (Qián) a surname measure word qian (a traditional unit of weight, equal to 0.01 jin (市斤), and equivalent to 5 grams or 0.176 ounce)


qiánmiàn noun 1 above; preceding 前面的一章 qiánmian de yī zhāng the preceding chapter 前面提到的原则 Qiánmian tídào de yuánzé the above-mentioned principle 2 in front; at the head; ahead 在房子前面 zài fángzi qiánmian in front of the house 走在队伍前面 Zǒu zài duìwu qiánmian march at the head of the column 前面有座位。 Qiánmian yǒu zuòwèi. There are seats in the front rows. 前面就是宿营地。 Qiánmian jiùshì sùyíngdì. The campsite is right ahead. 前面来了一个人。 Qiánmian lái le yī ge rén. A man was coming towards us. 科学研究应当走在经济建设的前面。 Kēxué yánjiū yīngdāng zǒuzài jīngjì jiànshè deqiánmian. Scientific research should anticipate economic construction.


qù verb 1 go; go to (a place) 我去。 Wǒ qù. I'll go. 他已经去了。 Tā yǐjing qù le. He has already gone. 我要去南京了。 Wǒ yào qù Nánjīng le. I'm going to Nanjing. 我想去南京一趟。 Wǒ xiǎng qù Nánjīng yī tàng. I think I'll take a trip to Nanjing. 我要去车站接人。 Wǒ yào qù chēzhàn jiē rén. I'm going to the station to meet someone. 他去了三天, 还没回来。 Tā qù le sān tiān, hái méi huílai. He's been away for three days, and hasn't come back yet. 昨天已经去了三个人。 Zuótiān yǐjing qù le sān ge rén. Three people went there yesterday. 我去了好几趟, 都没碰到他。 Wǒ qù le hǎojǐ tàng, dōu méi pèngdào tā. I went there several times, but never saw him. 2 cause to go; send there 给她去个电话。 Gěi tā qù ge diànhuà. Give her a call. 我给他去过两封信。 Wǒ gěi tā qù guò liǎng fēng xìn. I sent him two letters. 我们只去了个代表。 Wǒmen zhǐ qù le ge dàibiǎo. We only sent a representative. 已经去了一个电报。 Yǐjing qù le yī ge diànbào. A telegram has been sent (to him). 3 remove; get rid of 去头屑 Qù tóu xiè get rid of dandruff 去殖民化 qù zhímínhuà decolonize 去了皮再吃。 Qù le pí zài chī. Peel it before you eat it. 汽油能去油迹。 Qìyóu néng qù yóujì. Gas is good for taking out oil stains. 裙子太长了, 去两公分吧。 qúnzi tài cháng le, qù liǎng gōngfēn ba. The skirt is too long—shorten it by two centimetres. 这句话去几个字就简洁了。 Zhè jù huà qù jǐ ge zì jiù jiǎnjié le. Take out one or two words and the sentence will be more concise. 4 [before and / or after a verb] go in order to; be going to (do sth. there) 咱们去看电影。(= 咱们看电影去。= 咱们去看电影去。) Zánmen qù kàn diànyǐng. (or) zánmen kàn diànyǐng qù. (or) zánmen qù kàn diànyǐng qù. Let's go to see a movie. 这件事我去办吧。 Zhè jiàn shì wǒ qù bàn ba Let me (go and) arrange this. 你去打水, 我来生炉子。 Nǐ qù dǎ shuǐ, wǒ lái shēng lúzi. You get some water and I'll light the stove. 你别管, 让他自己去想办法。 Nǐ bié guǎn, ràng tā zìjǐ qù xiǎng bànfǎ. Don't bother, let him figure it out for himself. 你们去研究研究, 看该怎么办。 Nǐmen qù yánjiū yánjiū, kàn gāi zěnme bàn. Go and make a study of it, and see what's the best thing to do. 5 [between two verbal expressions, and / or after the second expression] in order to (do sth. there) 用科学的观点去观察事物 Yòng kēxué de guāndiǎn qù guānchá shìwù look at things from a scientific point of view 他回家吃饭去了。 Tā huíjiā chī fàn qù le. He went home to eat. 她上街去买东西了。(= 她上街买东西去了。= 她上街去买东西去了。) Tā shàngjiē qù mǎi dōngxi le. (or) tā shàngjiē mǎi dōngxi qù le. (or) tā shàngjiē qù mǎi dōngxi qù le. She went to the market to do some shopping. 他提了一桶水去浇花。 Tā tí le yī tǒng shuǐ qù jiāo huā. He took a bucket of water to water the flowers. 6 literary be apart from in space or time 去今五十年 Qù jīn wǔshí nián 50 years ago 两地相去四十里。 Liǎng de xiāng qù sìshí lǐ. The two places are 40 li apart. 7 literary depart from; leave See 28802304去国qùguó去国 8 euphemistic pass away; die 老太太昨夜去了。 lǎotàitai zuóyè qù le. The old lady died last night. noun abbreviation VARIANT OF 28804096去声qùshēng去声 1 falling tone (third of the four tones in classical Chinese pronunciation) 2 falling tone (fourth of the four tones in modern standard Chinese pronunciation) adjective just gone (or elapsed) 去秋 qù qiū last autumn 去冬今春 qùdōng jīnchūn last winter and this spring adverb dialect [with 了 as an intensive complement to certain adjectives with了] very; extremely 他家远了去了。 Tā jiā yuǎn le qù le. His home is far far away. 那片林子可大了去了。 Nà piàn línzi kě dà le qù le. That's a really huge forest. 他到过的地方多了去了。 Tā dào guò de dìfang duō le qù le. He's been to a great many places. verb play (a part or character) 他在京剧《闹天宫》里去猴王。 Tā zài Jīngjù 《Nào Tiāngōng》 lǐ qù hóuwáng. He played the Monkey King in the Beijing opera Trouble in Heaven.


qī number seven 七班 qī bān the seventh class; class 7 七公斤 qī gōngjīn seven kilos 七路公共汽车 qī lù gōnggòng qìchē No. 7 bus noun folk tradition memorial ceremony held every seven days for a person after his death till the forty-ninth day (断七), the seventh (七)


qǐng verb 1 request; ask 请人来修机器 Qǐng rén lái xiū jīqì get sb. to repair the machine; get the machine repaired 请他进来。 Qǐng tā jìnlai. Ask him in. 请你多加指导。 Qǐng nǐ duō jiā zhǐdǎo. It is hoped you will give us guidance. 2 invite; engage 请医生 qǐng yīshēng send for a doctor 请总工程师来讲课 qǐng zǒnggōngchéngshī lái jiǎngkè invite the chief engineer to give a lecture 3 courteous please 请坐。 Qǐngzuò. Won't you sit down? or Please be seated. 请安静。 Qǐng ānjìng. Be quiet, please. 请速回信。 Qǐngsùhuíxìn. Please reply as soon as possible. 4 dated buy holy sacrificial things, such as joss sticks, candles, paper horses and Buddha shrines


rè noun 1 heat 摩擦产生热。 Mócā chǎnshēng rè. Friction produces heat. 2 steam or water heat 供热 gōngrè heating 3 fever; temperature 这孩子有点儿热(= 在发热)。 Zhè háizi yǒudiǎnrrè. The child is running a fever. 4 craze; fad 旅游热 lǚyóu rè tourism craze; intense popular interest in tourism verb heat up; warm up; warm 把汤热一热 Bǎ tāng rè yī rè heat up the soup adjective 1 hot (opp. 冷) 热水 rèshuǐ hot water 三伏天很热。 Sānfútiān hěn rè. During the dogdays it's very hot. 2 ardent; warmhearted; enthusiastic; intimate 热话 rè huà affectionate words 3 in great demand; popular See 69312227热货rèhuò热货 4 envious; eager 热念 rèniàn intense desire 5 noisy See 28950784热闹rènao热闹 6 thermal; thermo- See 28942848热核rèhé热核


rènshi verb know; understand; recognize 认识自己的错误 rènshi zìjǐ de cuòwù see (or realize) one's mistake 认识世界, 改造世界 Rènshi shìjiè, gǎizào shìjiè understand the world and change it 他不认识这种草药。 Tā bù rènshi zhèzhǒng cǎoyào. He doesn't recognize this kind of medical herb. noun philosophy understanding; knowledge; cognition 感性认识 gǎnxìngrènshi perceptual knowledge 理性认识 lǐxìngrènshi rational knowledge


rén noun 1 human being; person; people 活人 huórén living person 人对自然界的认识 Rén duì zìránjiè de rènshi man's knowledge of nature 团结得像一个人 tuánjié de xiàng yī ge rén (of many people) be united as one 来人了。 lái rén le. Someone has come. or There come some people. 他家有几口人? Tā jiā yǒu jǐ kǒu rén? How many people are there in his family? 屋里有人吗? Wū lǐ yǒurén ma? Is there anyone inside? 2 adult human being 长大成人 zhǎngdà chéngrén grow up into an adult; be grown to manhood 3 other people; other(s) 他待人诚恳。 Tā dàirén chéngkěn. He's sincere in his dealings with people. 这个座位有人吗? Zhè ge zuòwèi yǒurén ma? Is this seat occupied? 自己做错了事, 不应该怪人。 Zìjǐ zuò cuò liǎoshì, bù yīnggāi guàirén. When one has done something wrong one should not blame it on others. 4 [used rhetorically in place of the first personal pronoun, often expressing displeasure] 别小看人! Bié xiǎokàn rén! Don't look down on me! 真叫人着急。 Zhēn jiào rén zháojí. It really worries me. 5 person considered as a worker or employee; hand; manpower 人来了吗? rén lái le ma? Have they come? 我们这里正缺人。 Wǒmen zhèlǐ zhèng quē rén. We are short-handed at the moment. 6 physical, psychological, or moral quality or condition of a given individual; personality 他人很好。 Tā rén hěn hǎo. He's a very nice man. 这两天我人不太舒服。 Zhè liǎng tiān wǒ rén bù tài shūfu. I haven't been feeling very well lately. 他人在那儿, 心却想着别的事。 Tā rén zài nàr, xīn què xiǎngzhe bié de shì. He was there all right, but his mind was elsewhere. 7 everybody; each 人各有所喜。 rén gè yǒusuǒ xǐ. Everyone has his liking. 8 [as a suffix] person of certain places, jobs or properties; person engaging in certain activity 四川人 Sìchuān rén native of Sichuan 文化人 wénhuàrén man of letters; intellectual 音乐人 yīnyuèrén musician; person engaging in music 他是你什么人? Tā shì nǐ shénmerén? What is your relation with him? 9 real person; true man; man of integrity 是人就得说人话。 Shì rén jiùděi shuō rén huà. A real man should talk like a real man. 这是人做的事吗? Zhè shì rén zuò de shì ma? Can this be the behaviour of a true man?


shuì//jiào verb sleep 该睡觉了。 Gāi shuìjiào le. It's time to go to bed. or It's time for bed. 马上上床, 好好地睡一觉。 Mǎshàng shàng chuáng, hǎohāo de shuì yī jiào. Get straight into bed and have a good sleep.


shuǐ noun 1 water 请给我一杯水。 Qǐng gěi wǒ yī bēi shuǐ, Give me a glass of water, please. 2 river 汉水 Hànshuǐ Hanshui River 3 general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc.; water 水陆运输 shuǐ-lù yùnshū land and water transportation 水平如镜。 Shuǐpíngrújìng. The surface of the water is as smooth as a mirror. 水往低处流。 shuǐ wǎng dīchù liú. Water seeks its own level. 4 liquid 汽水 qìshuǐ soft drink; soda water 5 extra charges or incomes 外水 wàishuǐ extra income 6 (Shuǐ) a surname adjective dialect poorly made; shoddy 这鞋做得太水了。 Zhè xié zuòdé tài shuǐ le. These shoes are very shoddily made. measure word washing (of a garment) 这件衬衫洗了三水了。 Zhè jiàn chènshān xǐ le sān shuǐ le. This shirt has gone through three washings.


shuǐguǒ noun fruit; fruitage


shàng noun 1 [used alone, esp. in contrast to 下] 上不封顶 shàngbùfēngdǐng impose no ceiling 上至国家主席, 下至普通百姓 shàng zhì guójiā zhǔxí, xià zhì pǔtōng bǎixìng from the state president down to the common people 这个词是旧时下对上的称呼。 Zhège cí shì jiù shíxià duì shàng de chēnghu. This word was used in the old days to address one's superiors. 2 [after a preposition] 往上看 Wǎng shàng kàn look up (at sth.) 向上拉 xiàng shàng lā pull it up 这头朝上 zhè tóu cháo shàng this side up 向上反映情况 xiàng shàng fǎnyìng qíngkuàng report the situation to the higher-ups adjective 1 upper; higher; better; superior 上臂 shàngbì upper arm 上半截 shàngbànjié upper half 在书架的最上一层 zài shūjià de zuì shàng yī céng on the top shelf 中上水平 zhōng shàng shuǐpíng above the average; better than the average 报上一级党委 bào shàng yījí dǎngwěi report to the Party committee immediately above 2 most recent; last; former 上次 shàngcì last time 上两批 shàng liǎng pī the last two groups 上星期四 shàng Xīngqīsì last Thursday 上一季度 shàng yī jìdù the previous quarter 3 first (of sth. divided into two or three parts) 上集 shàngjí Volume I; Part I 上一段 shàng yī duàn the preceding (or above, foregoing) paragraph 上半学期 Shàng bàn xuéqī the first half of the term 二十世纪上半叶 èrshí shìjì shàngbàn yè the first half of the 20th century 这部词典分上, 中, 下三册。 zhè bù cídiǎn fēn shàng, zhōng, xià sān cè. This dictionary is in three volumes, first, second, and third. 4 dated [referring to the emperor] See 29625344上谕shàngyù上谕 verb 1 come (or go) up; ascend 上岸 shàng'àn go ashore 上楼 shànglóu go (or come) upstairs; ascend the stairs 上山 shàngshān go (or climb) up a mountain 上一个台阶 shàng yī ge táijiē reach a higher level 溯流而上 sùliú'érshàng sail (or go) upstream 2 get on (a conveyance); mount; board 上船 shàngchuán go aboard a ship; go on board 上飞机 shàng fēijī board a plane 上公共汽车 shàng gōnggòng qìchē get on a bus 3 go to; leave for 上厕所 shàng cèsuǒ go to toilet 你上哪儿? Nǐ shàng nǎr? Where are you going? 我明天上南京。 Wǒ míngtiān shàng Nánjīng. I'm leaving for Nanjing tomorrow. 4 be engaged (in work, study, etc.) at a fixed time 上机 shàngjī use the computer 上哨 shàngshào go on sentry 我今天上中班。 Wǒ jīntiān shàng zhōngbān. I'm on the middle shift today. 她上大学了。 Tā shàng dàxué le. She's now in college. 明天的语文课还上不上? Míngtiān de yǔwénkè hái shàng bù shàng? Shall we have our Chinese lessons tomorrow or not? 5 advance; forge ahead; go ahead 见困难就上 Jiàn kùnnan jiù shàng advance where there are difficulties to overcome 快上, 投篮! Kuài shàng, tóulán! Go ahead. Quick! Shoot! 6 improve; increase 上品种 shàng pǐnzhǒng increase the variety of products 上质量 shàng zhìliàng improve the quality of products 7 sports enter the court (or field) 换人! 三号下, 四号上。 Huàn rén! Sān hào xià, sì hào shàng. Substitution: Player No. 4 for No. 3. 这一盘你上。 Zhè yī pán nǐ shàng. You play this game. 8 fill; supply; serve 请给我们上点儿茶。 Qǐng gěi wǒmenshàng diǎnr chá. Will you please serve us with some tea? 9 place sth. in position; fix 上刀具 Shàng dāojù fix a cutting tool 我正在上螺丝呢。 Wǒ zhèng zài shàng luósī ne. I'm fixing the screws in place. 10 apply; paint; smear 上药膏 Shàng yàogāo apply ointment 给门窗上漆 gěi mén-chuāng shàng qī paint the door and windows 给机器上油 gěi jīqì shàng yóu oil (or grease) the machine 11 apply for 上牌照 shàngpáizhào apply for a license 12 be put on record; be carried (in a publication) 上《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》 shàng «jí ní sī shìjiè jìlù dàquán» get into the Guinness Book of Records 小王的先进事迹上了电视。 xiǎo wáng de xiānjìnshìjì shàng le diànshì. Xiao Wang's model deeds have been reported on TV. 13 wind; screw; tighten 表该上了。螺丝没有上紧。 Biǎo gāi shàng le. Luósī méiyǒu shàng jǐn. The watch needs winding. 螺丝没有上紧。 Luósī méiyǒu shàng jǐn. The screw hasn't been tightened. 14 be up to; as many as 上百辆小汽车 shàng bǎi liàng xiǎoqìchē up to a hundred cars 出席人数已上万。 Chūxí rénshù yǐ shàngwàn. There are as many as ten thousand present. or There is an attendance of 10,000 or so. 15 [ in stage directions] appear on the stage; enter 二战士左上。 Èr zhànshì zuǒ shàng. Enter left two soldiers. noun abbreviation shàngshēng noun music note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to 1 in numbered musical notation


shàngwǔ noun morning; forenoon (opp. 下午)


shéi who


shénme pronoun 1 [before a noun or by itself] what 什么时候啦? Shénme shíhou la? What time is it? 什么叫超现实主义? Shénme jiào chāoxiànshízhǔyì? What is surrealism? 你找什么? Nǐ zhǎo shénme? What are you looking for? 你找什么人? Nǐ zhǎo shénme rén? Who are you looking for? 她喜欢做什么工作? Tā xǐhuan zuò shénme gōngzuò? What sort of job would she like to take? 什么风把你吹来的? shénme fēng bǎ nǐ chuī lái de? What fortunate breeze blew you here? 2 something; anything 我想吃点儿什么。 Wǒ xiǎng chī diǎnrshénme. I want something to eat. 没有什么, 您不必介意。 Méiyǒu shénme, nín bùbì jièyì. Never mind, it's nothing. 你读过他的什么作品吗? Nǐ dú guò tā de shénme zuòpǐn ma? Have you read any of his books? 我讲不出什么新鲜玩意儿。 Wǒ jiǎng bù chū shénme xīnxiān wányìr. There won't be anything new in my story. 种什么花结什么果。 zhòng shénme huājié shénme guǒ. As the flower so the fruit. 3 [before 也 or 都] any; every 他什么都不怕。 Tā shénme dōu bù pà. He's afraid of nothing. 经理正忙着, 什么人也不见。 Jīnglǐ zhèng mángzhe, shénme rén yě bù jiàn. The manager is too busy to see anybody. 时间比什么都宝贵。 Shíjiān bǐ shénme dōu bǎoguì. Time is more precious than anything else. 4 [used correlatively with another 什么] whatever 有什么, 咱们就吃什么。 Yǒu shénme, zánmen jiù chī shénme. We'll eat whatever we can find. 我有什么说什么, 绝对没有保留。 Wǒ yǒu shénme shuō shénme, juéduì méiyǒu bǎoliú. I'll just say what's on my mind, withholding nothing. 5 [expressing anger, surprise, censure or negation] 什么! 没有水? Shénme! Méiyǒu shuǐ? What! No water? 他知道什么! Tā zhīdao shénme! What the hell does he know? 你说的是什么话! Nǐ shuō de shì shénme huà! You're talking sheer nonsense! 笑什么?有什么可笑的? Xiào shénme? Yǒu shénme kěxiào de? What's so funny? 你说呀! 装什么哑巴? Nǐ shuō ya! Zhuāng shénme yǎba? Speak up! Stop playing dumb. 你嚷嚷什么! 有话好好儿的对她说嘛。 Nǐ rāngrang shénme! Yǒu huà hǎohāor de duì tā shuō ma. Stop shouting! Speak to her nicely. 6 [expressing disapproval or disagreement] 什么不懂! 装糊涂就是了。 Shénme bù dǒng! Zhuāng hútu jiùshìle. What do you mean—not understand? You're just pretending. 年轻什么呀, 我都五十多了。 Niánqīng shénme ya, wǒ dōu wǔshí duō le. Young indeed! I'm past 50 already. 给您添麻烦了! —— 麻烦什么! Gěi nín tiān máfan le! —— Máfan shénme! Sorry to have troubled you.—It's nothing. 7 things like; such as; and so on; and what not 什么缝缝补补, 洗洗涮涮, 都是奶奶的事儿。 Shénme féngféngbǔbǔ, xǐ xǐ shuàn shuàn, dōu shì nǎinai de shìr. In our house it's Grandma who does all the sewing, mending, washing and what not. 什么乒乓球啊, 羽毛球啊, 篮球啊, 他都会玩。 Shénme Pīngpāngqiú a, yǔmáoqiú a, lánqiú a, tā dōu huì wán. He can play table tennis, badminton, basketball, anything.


shì verb 1 [used like "be" before nouns or pronouns to identify, describe or amplify the subject] 我是医生。 wǒ shì yīshēng. I am a doctor. 《阿Q正传》的作者是鲁迅。 《Ā Q Zhèng Zhuàn》 de zuòshì shì Lǔ Xùn. The author of The True Story of Ah Q is Lu Xun. 他真心爱的是你。 Tā zhēn xīn'ài de shì nǐ. You are the girl he truly loves. 她还是一身中学生打扮。 Tā háishì yī shēn zhōngxuéshēng dǎban. She still dresses like a high school girl. 2 [after nouns denoting place or position to express existence] 遍地是鲜花。 Biàn dì shì xiānhuā. The place is covered with flowers. 前面是一片稻田。 Qiánmian shì yī piàn dàotián. There is a stretch of rice fields ahead. 他满身是汗。 Tā mǎnshēn shì hàn. He is sweating all over. 3 [with 的 at the end of the sentence, to indicate category, characteristic, etc.] 我是教书的。 Wǒ shì jiāoshū de. I am a teacher. 那儿的房屋是木头的。 Nàr de fángwū shì mùtou de. The houses there are built of wood. 马路边净是看热闹的。 Mǎlù biān jìng shì kàn rènao de. The street was crowded with people watching the excitement. 4 [emphasizing a certain part of a sentence] a [before the subject to stress it] 是谁告诉你的? Shì shuí gàosu nǐ de? Who told you? 花瓶是我妹妹摔破的。 Huāpíng shì wǒ mèimei shuāi pò de. It was my sister who broke the vase. b [after a verb or adjective plus 的, to stress the predicate] 说的正是你。 Shuō de zhèngshì nǐ. It's you we are talking about. 可惜的是浪费了这么多时间。 Kěxī deshì làngfèi le zhème duō shíjiān. It's a pity we've wasted so much time. 麻烦的是他生病来不了。 Máfan de shì tā shēngbìng láibuliǎo. The trouble is he's taken ill and can't come. c [before the object, adverbial, etc. to be stressed] 我是专程去看老王的。 Wǒ shì zhuānchéng qù kàn lǎo wáng de. I made a special trip to see Lao Wang. 他们看的是话剧, 不是电影。 Tāmen kàn de shì huàjù, bù shì diànyǐng. They went to see a play, not a film. or What they saw was a play, not a film. 好好的一次郊游搞成这样子, 都是你! Hǎo hǎo de yī cì jiāoyóu gǎo chéng zhè yàngzi, dōu shì nǐ! It was all your fault the outing became such a flop. d [pronounced with stress; indicating certainty] 他是去了。 Tā shì qù le. He did go. 天气是冷。 Tiānqì shì lěng. It is cold indeed. 他的工作效率是高。 Tā de gōngzuò xiàolǜ shì gāo. He is really efficient. 5 be just right 这场雨下的是时候。 Zhè cháng yǔ xià de shì shíhou. This rain has come at just the right time. 工具放的不是地方。 Gōngjù fàng de bù shì dìfāng. The tools are not put in the right place. 6 [before nouns at the beginning of the sentence, followed by 都 or 就] every; all; any 是公众的事, 大家都要关心。 Shì gōngzhòng de shì, dàjiā dōu yào guānxīn. Whatever concerns the public concerns us all. 是什么样的老师, 就教出什么样的学生。 Shì shénmeyàng de lǎoshī, jiù jiào chū shénmeyàng de xuésheng. Like teacher, like student. 是什么种子, 就开出什么花。 Shì shénme zhǒngzi, jiù kāi chū shénme huā. Each kind of seed produces its own flowers. 7 [between two identical words] a [used together with 就 or 总 to indicate actuality] 事实总是事实, 谁也否认不了的。 Shìshí zǒng shì shìshí, shuí yě fǒurèn bùliǎo de. Facts are facts, and no one can deny them. 不懂就是不懂, 不要装懂。 Bù dǒng jiù shì bù dǒng, bùyào zhuāng dǒng. If you don't know, you don't know, don't pretend. b [in a clause of concession] 工作忙是忙, 可是大家很愉快。 Gōngzuò máng shì máng, kě shì dàjiā hěn yúkuài. We are busy to be sure, but every one is very happy. 诗是好诗, 就是长了点儿。 Shī shì hǎo shī, jiùshì cháng le diǎnr. It is a good poem all right, but it's a bit too long. 这东西旧是旧, 但还可以用。 Zhè dōngxi jiù shì jiù, dàn hái kěyǐ yòng. Yes, it's old, but it can still be used. c [in two parallel clauses to indicate mutual exclusiveness] 他是他, 我是我, 我们毫不相干。 Tā shì tā, wǒ shì wǒ, wǒmen háobùxiānggān. He is he, I am I; we have nothing to do with each other. d [in two or three parallel clauses to indicate thoroughness or excellence of performance] 他演得真好, 表情是表情, 身段是身段, 做功是做功。 Tā yǎn de zhēn hǎo, biǎoqíng shì biǎoqíng, shēnduàn shì shēnduàn, zuògōng shì zuò gōng. He is a marvellous actor; his expressions, movements, and gestures are the best. 8 [in yes-no questions] 你是不是明天去游泳? (= 你是明天去游泳不是?) Nǐ shì bù shì míngtiān qù yóuyǒng? (or) nǐ shì míngtiān qù yóuyǒng bù shì? Are you going swimming tomorrow? 9 [in alternative questions] 你坐火车呢, 还是坐汽车? Nǐ zuò huǒchē ne, hái shì zuò qìchē? Are you going by train or by bus? 这件事是真是假, 谁也搞不清。 Zhè jiàn shì shì zhēn shì jiǎ, shuí yě gǎo bù qīng. Nobody knows whether it's true or not. verb 1 [in affirmative answers] yes; right 是, 我就去。 Shì, wǒ jiù qù. Yes, I'll go right away. 是, 我们一定完成任务。 Shì, wǒmen yīdìng wánchéng rènwu. Right, we will complete the task. 2 literary praise; justify See 30253568是古非今shìgǔfēijīn是古非今 adjective correct; right 你说得是。 Nǐ shuō de shì. What you said is right. or You are quite right. 应当早做准备才是。 Yīngdāng zǎo zuò zhǔnbèi cái shì. Preparing early is the right thing to do. or It's right to prepare early. noun right (opp. 非) See 30252288是非shìfēi是非 pronoun literary this; that 如是 rúshì like this 由是可知 Yóu shì kězhī from this you can see 是日天气晴朗。 Shì rì tiānqì qínglǎng. It was fine that day. or It was a fine day.


shí number 1 ten 十倍 Shí bèi ten times; tenfold 十几 shíjǐ about a dozen 2 topmost; complete; full 十成 shíchéng 100 per cent


shíhou noun 1 (the duration of) time 农忙的时候 nóngmáng de shíhou busy farming season 战争的时候 Zhànzhēng deshíhou during the war 2 (a point in) time; moment 就在这时候 jiù zài zhèshí hou just at this moment 时候不早了。 shíhou bù zǎo le. It's getting late. 到时候我来叫你。 Dào shíhou wǒ lái jiào nǐ. I'll call you when it's time. 现在是什么时候了? Xiànzài shì shénme shíhou le? What time is it?


shāngdiàn noun shop; store 日夜商店 rìyè shāngdiàn around-the-clock shop; day-and-night shop 体育用品商店 tǐyù yòngpǐn shāngdiàn sports store


shū noun 1 book 一本关于中国历史的新书 yī běn guānyú Zhōngguó lìshǐ de xīnshū a new work on Chinese history 2 style of calligraphy; script 楷书 kǎishū regular script 3 literary letter 家书 jiāshū letter from home 4 document 证书 zhèngshū certificate; credential verb literary write 振笔直书 zhènbǐzhíshū take up the pen and write vigorously


shǎo verb 1 be short of; lack (opp. 多) 少管闲 shǎoguǎnxiánshì keep one's nose out of other people's affairs (or business) 缺医少药 quēyīshǎoyào be short of doctors and medicine 我们还少两把椅子。 Wǒmen hái shǎo liǎng bǎ yǐzi. We're still two chairs short. 咱们少一个好的守门员。 Zánmen shǎo yī ge hǎo de shǒuményuán. We lack a good goalkeeper. 2 owe 还少一百块。 hái shǎo yībǎi kuài. There are still 100 yuan owing. 他还少我半年的房租。 Tā hái shǎo wǒ bànnián de fángzū. He still owes me half year's rent. 3 lose; be missing 看看少不少人。 Kànkan shǎo bùshǎo rén. See if anyone is missing. 少了谁地球也转。 shǎo le shuí dìqiú yě zhuǎn. No man is indispensable. 羊群里少了几只羊。 Yángqún lǐ shǎo le jǐ zhī yáng. A few sheep have been lost from the flock. 这里肯定少了一个字。 Zhèlǐ kěndìng shǎo le yī ge zì. Surely, there's a word missing here. 4 stop; quit 少废话! Shǎo fèihuà! Stop talking rubbish! 少给我装蒜! Shǎo gěi wǒ zhuāngsuàn! Stop pretending! 少来这一套。 Shǎo lái zhè yī tào. Cut it out. or Quit that! adjective few; little; less (opp. 多) 少吃多餐 shǎochīduōcān have many meals but little food at each 少得可怜 shǎo de kělián miserably little (or few) 少劳少得 shǎoláoshǎodé less pay for less work 少生优生 shǎoshēng-yōushēng have fewer but healthier babies 少生优育 shǎo shēng yōuyù fewer births and sound child care practice 少走弯路 shǎozǒuwānlù avoid detours in one's progress 少花钱, 多办事 Shǎo huāqián, duō bàn shì. accomplish more with less money 少讲空话, 多做实事 shǎo jiǎng kōnghuà, duō zuò shíshì forsake empty talk in favour of practical work 以少胜多 yǐshǎoshèngduō defeat the many with the few 最近我们很少见到他。 Zuìjìn wǒmen hěn shǎo jiàndào tā. We've seen very little of him lately. adverb a little while; a moment 请少候。 Qǐng shǎo hòu. Wait a moment, please.


sān number 1 three 三原色 sānyuánsè three primary colours 三支笔 sān zhī bǐ three pens 三栖明星 sānqī míngxīng star engaged in three fields of performing arts, i.e. singing, television, and film 三年制高中 sān nián zhì gāozhōng three-year senior high school 一加二等于三。 yī jiā èr děngyú sān. One and two is three. 2 more than two; several; many 三弯九转 sānwānjiǔzhuàn (full of) twists and turns 3 few; less; not many 你骗不了我。我可不是三岁的孩子。 Nǐ piàn bùliǎo wǒ. Wǒ kěbushì sān suì de háizi. You can't fool me. I wasn't born yesterday. 4 the third 三楼 sān lóu the second floor (UK); the third floor (US) 三等奖 sān děng jiǎng third prize meaningful bound form tri- 三胺 sān àn triamine 三核 sān hé trinucleus 三磺 sān huáng trisulphon 三氨基 sān ānjī triamino 三氯苯 sān lǜ běn trichlorobenzene


àinoun love; affection 母爱 mǔ'ài maternal love 父爱 fù'ài paternal love 夫妻之爱 fūqī zhī ài conjugal love 狂热的爱 kuángrè de'ài wild love; madly in love 把爱倾注在孩子身上 bǎ ài qīngzhù zài háizi shēnshang heap affection on one's child; smother one's child with love verb 1 love 爱和平 ài hépíng love peace; peace-loving 爱祖国 Ài zǔguó love one's country 溺爱孩子 nì'ài háizi dote on one's children; spoil a child 2 like; fond of; keen on 爱下棋 ài xiàqí keen on chess 爱出风头 ài chū fēngtou fond of the limelight; like attention 酷爱 kù'ài have an excessive fondness of; dead keen on 只爱听恭维话, 不爱听批评话 Zhǐ ài tīng gōngweihuà, bù ài tīng pīpíng huà. fond of flattery but deaf to criticism 我不爱跟他来往。 Wǒ bù ài gēn tā láiwǎng. I don't like having anything to do with him. 3 cherish; treasure; hold dear; take good care of 爱公物 Ài gōngwù look after public property 爱厂如家 àichǎngrújiā treat the factory like one's family 爱集体荣誉 ài jítǐ róngyù cherish the good name of the group 4 apt to; in the habit of 爱头疼 ài tóuténg often get headaches; prone to headaches 爱晕车 ài yùnchē get carsick 爱发脾气 ài fā píqi irritable; short-tempered 不爱夸人 bù ài kuā rén seldom praise others 铁爱生锈。 Tiě ài shēngxiù. Iron rusts easily.


èr number two 二层楼 èrcénglóu (UK) first floor; (US) second floor 二车道 èr chēdào dual lane 二公斤 èr gōngjīn two kg 第二遍 Dì-èr biàn the second time 一百二 yībǎi èr a hundred and twenty 二二得四。 Èr èr dé sì. Twice two is four. adjective different


érzi noun son 小儿子 xiǎo'érzi youngest son

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