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Components of a Project Plan

"15 components of a PM Plan Change, Configuration, Scope, Chose, Schedule -- All developed in ""Develop PM Plan"" process Quality, Process -- Plan Quality HR -- Develop HR Plan Communications -- Plan Communication Risk -- Plan Risk Procurement -- Plan Procurement Requirements -- Collect Requirements Scope Baseline -- Create WBS Cost Performance Baseline -- Determine Budget Schedule Baseline -- Develop Schedule"

Cost Reimbursable Contracts

"2 types Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) - all seller costs must be reimbursed by buyer, and seller receives additional fixed fee when project is complete. -- Buyer bears risk Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF) -- all seller costs must be reimbursed by buyer, and seller gets incentive free for meeting a target (like keepin costs low) as specified in the contract. -- Both bear risk"

Contract Types

"3 Kinds: Fixed Price Contracts Cost Reimbursable Contracts Time and Materials"

Estimate Activity Durations

"After Define Activities, before Develop Schedule Inputs: Activity List, Activity Attributes, Activity Resource Requirements, Resource Calendars, Project Scope Statement Tools: Expertise, Analogous Estimating, Parametric Estimating, Three-Point Estimates, Reserve Analysis, Outputs: Activity Duration Estimates

Develop Schedule

"After Estimate Activity Resources, Estimate Activity Durations, Sequence Activities; and before Determine Budget Inputs: Activity List, Activity Attributes, Project Schedule Network Diagrams, Activity Resource Requirements, Resource Calendars, Activity Duration Estimates, Project Scope Statement Tools: Schedule Network Analysis, Critical Path Method (CPM), Critical Chain Method, Resource Leveling, What-If Scenario Analysis, Applying Leads and lags, Schedule Compression, Original Estimate, Scheduling Tool Outputs: Project Schedule, Schedule Baseline, Schedule Data, Project Document Updates"

Procurement Contract Award

"Award of procurement in form of formal contract document that governs relationship between seller and buyer. PM DOES NOT WRITE THIS DOC b/c too specialized/legal Contract describes work to be performed, how it will be performed (location, conditions), who will do work, when and how seller will be paid, and deliver terms. ALSO INCLUDES HOW DISPUTES WILL BE RESOLVED."

Procurement Roles

"Buyer -- organization or party purchasing good or services from seller. Seller -- Organization or party providing or delivering the goods or services to the buyer."

What are the goals of closing?

"Close Project or Phase, Close Procurements eg, customer acceptance, contracts closed out, project records updates, team released, project archives and lessons learned updated"

Distribute Information

"Communications Management, Executing Inputs: Project Management Plan, Performance Reports (of the project) Tools: Communications Methods, Information Distribution Tools Outputs: Organizational Process Asset Updates"

Manage Stakeholder Expectations

"Communications Management, Execution Stakeholders are actively managed and kept up to date. Helps to identify and resolve stakeholder concerns in a proactive and timely manner. Inputs: Stakeholder register, Stakeholder management Strategy, Project Management Plan, Issue Log, Change Log Tools: Communication Methods, Interpersonal Skills, Management Skills, Outputs: Change Requests, Satisfied Stakeholders, Document Updates"

Identify Stakeholders

"Communications Management, Initiating Inputs: Project Charter, Procurement Documents, Tools: Stakeholder Analysis, Expertise Outputs: Stakeholder Register, Stakeholder Management Strategy"

Report Performance

"Communications Management, M&C DO NOT CONFUSE WITH DISTRIBUTE INFORMATION (executing process). Report Performance is M&C and is specifically focused on reporting against the performance baseline. Report performance tracks how the project is doing against the plan. Updates stakeholders on how project is doing against the plan Inputs: Project Management Plan, Work Performance Information, Work Performance Measurements, Budget Forecasts Tools: Variance Analysis, Forecasting Methods, Communication Methods, Reporting Systems Outputs: Performance Reports, Change Requests, Organizational Process Updates (Examples of these change requests -- if project is performing slower than anticipated or costing more than planned, PM may eliminate non-essential scope pieces to project back on track)."

Plan Communications

"Communications Management, Planning Inputs: Stakeholder register, Stakeholder Management Strategy Tools: Communications Requirements Analysis, Communication Technology, Communication Models, Communication Methods Outputs: Communications Management Plan"

Estimate Costs

"Cost Management, Planning Each schedule activity is analyzed to evaluate activity time estimates and resources estimates, and a cost is produced. Define scope --> Create WBS --> Define Activities --> Estimate Activity Resources --> estimate Activity Durations --> Develop Schedule --> Estimate Costs Inputs: Scope Baseline, Project Schedule, HR Plan, Risk Register Tools: Analogous Estimating, Parametric Estimating, Bottom-Up Estimating, Three Point Estimates, Reserve Analysis, Cost of Quality, PM Estimating Software, Vendor Bid Analysis Outputs: Activity Cost Estimates, Basis of Estimates"

Determine Budget

"Cost Management, Planning This phase maps estimate project expenditures back to dates on the calendar so an organization knows how to plan for cash flow and likely expenditures. Costs are tied back to the WBS nodes though, not the time-based project schedule. The schedule simply shows when costs will be incurred. Performed after develop schedule --> estimate costs --> determine budget Performed after develop schedule --> estimate costs --> determine budget Tools: Cost Aggregation, Reserve Analysis, Expertise, Historical Relationships, Funding Limit Reconciliation Outputs: Cost Performance Baseline, Project Funding Requirements"

Control Costs

"Cost Management/P, Proactive process. Primary focus is COST VARIANCE 1)don't wait for chane to occur. Tried to influence factors that lead to change. Me 2)Measure what was executed against what was planned. If there is variation steps should be taken to bring the difference into line, by chaning future plans or how work is performed. Inputs: PM Plan, Project Funding Requirements, Work Performance Info Tools: Earned Value Management, Forecasting, TCPI, Performance Reviews, Variance Analysis, PM Software, Outputs: Work Performance Measurements, Budget Forecasts, Change Requests, all sorts of updates"

Cost Management

"Costs should be planned, quantified, and measure. The PM should tie costs to activities and resources and build the estimates from the bottom up. Estimate Costs (Activity Cost Estimates) -- P Estimate Costs (Activity Cost Estimates) -- P Control Costs (Work Performance Measures, Budget Forecasts) - M&C"

Define Activities

"Create after scope baseline (WBS, WBS dictionary, project scope statement) Inputs: Scope Baseline Tools: Decomposition, Rolling Wave Planning, Templates, Expertise Outputs: Activity List, Activity Attributes, Milestone List"

Project Charter

"Deliverable of Develop Project Charter -- Initiating, Integration Based on need, and need should be explained in it SIGNED by performing org's senior management name the PM and gives the PM authority to manage Includes high-level project requirements Includes high-level milestone view of project schedule Is a high-level document that does not include project details (project activities developed later) Includes summary-level preliminary project budget"

What are the goals of Initiating?

"Develop Project Charter, Identify Stakeholders Projects that are properly initiated will have the business need clearly defined, as well as direction for scope as why this project was chosen over other possibilities, and list of stakeholders"

Project Management Plan

"Document that guides work on project -- who what when where how, not just schedule A formal approved document that defines how the project is managed, executed, and controlled"" 1. Formal 2. single document 3. approved (PM, sponsor, etc, but not customer or senior manager, customer signs contract) 4. defines how project is managed 5. Detailed or summary"

Estimate Activity Resources

"Estimating effort, time and resources needed (and available) for scheduled activities. After Define Activities, before Develop Schedule Inputs: Activity List, Activity Attributes, Resource Calendars, Enterprise Environmental Factors Tools: Expertise, Alternatives Analysis, Published Estimating Data, Bottom-Up Estimating, Project Management Software Outputs: Activity Resource Requirements, Resource Breakdown Structure, Project Documet Updates"

Professional Responsibility

"Goal of a project manager is to deal with PR DIRECTLY (quick), OPENLY, FAIRLY Four Values: Responsibility, Respect, Fairness, and Honesty) Mandatory (must follow -- law, code, regulations, etc.) and Aspirational (goal--people, culture, PC) standards"

Scope Management

"Goals: to define need, set stakeholder expectations, deliver, manage changes, minimize surprises, gain acceptance of product. Scope management should be structured and handled in a procedural/controlled manner. Collect Requirements (Requirements Documentation) - Planning Define Scope (Project Scope Statement) - Planning Create WBS (WBS) - Planning Verify Scope (Accepted Deliverables) - M&C Control Scope (Change Requests) - M&C"

Develop Project Team

"HR Management, Execution. Building a sense of team and improving its performance. Team performs better than disconnected individuals. Inputs: Project Staff Assignments, Project Management Plan, Resource Calendars Tool: Interpersonal Skills, Training, Team-Building Activities, Ground Rules, Co-Location, Recognition and Rewards (Theories of Motivation) Outputs: Team Performance Assessment

Manage Project Team

"HR Management, Execution. Ensuring team is performing according to the PLAN. Inputs: Project Staff Assignments, Project Management Plan, Team Performance Assessments, Performance Reports Tools: Observation and Conversation, Project Performance Appraisals, Conflict Management, Issue Log, Interpersonal Skills Outputs: Change Requests (if the team is dysfunctional)"

Acquire Project Team

"HR Management, Execution. Staffing the project. Inputs: project management plan Tools: Pre-Assignment, Negotiation, Acquisition, Virtual Teams Outputs: Project Staff Assignments, Resource Calendars"

Earned Value

"How much work was actually completed during a given period of time. Derived by measuring actual work. EV = Actual % Complete * BAC"

Knowledge areas

"I saw two crows quietly having coffee and reading poetry" Integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk, procument management

Plan Risk Responses

"Input: Risk Register, Risk Management Plan Tools: Strategies for Negative Risks/Threats, Strategies for Positive Risks/Opportunities, Contingent Response Strategies Output: Risk Register Updates, Risk-Related Contract Decisions"

Sequence Activities

"Inputs: Activity List, Activity Attributes, Milestone List, Project Scope Statement Tools: Precedence Diagram Mapping (PDM), Dependency Determination, Apply Leads and Lags, Schedule Network Templates Outputs: Project Schedule Network Diagrams, Project Document Updates"

Develop Project charter

"Inputs: SOW, Business case, contract, enterprise environmental factors, organizational process assets Outputs: project charter"

Develop Human Resource Plan

"Lays out how you will staff, manage, team-build, assess and improve the project team. Inputs: Activity Resource Requirements Tools: Org Charts and Position Descriptions, Networking, Organizational Theory Outputs: Human Resource Plan"

Procurement Management

"Managing the obtaining of goods, services, or scope from outside the organization. This is a formal process. Plan Procurements (Procurement Management Plan, Statement of Work) - P Conduct Procurements (Selected Sellers, Contract Award) -- Executing Administer Procurements (Procurement Documentation) -- M&C Close Procurements (Closed Procurements) - Closing"

Budget Forecasts

"Output of Contol Costs M/C, projections for how much funding will be needed and when it will be needed from this point forward in the project. Think mostly EAC and ERC. Input of Report Performance (Communications Management, M&C) in that it represents anticipated funds required to complete project from this point forward."

Human Resource Plan

"Output of Develop Human Resource Plan. 3 COMPONENTS: Roles and responsibilities, org charts, and staffing management plan. Roles and responsibilities -- define each role and specific title, level of responsibility, authority, and skill needed. Staffing Management Plan -- details how and when project will be staffed, and when staff will be released, and when project members trained. Other elements: Release plan for members, and staff training/safety/compliance needs. Plan tells when these will be addressed."

Communications Plan

"Output of Plan Communications. Communications Plan details: how often, what form, what info, to whom. This plan sets expectations to stakeholders. 1) How often communications will be distributed and updated 2) In what format comms will be distributed (email, printed, website, etc.) 3) What information will be included in project communications 4) Which project stakeholders will receive these communications 5) Who will send 6) Definitions/dictionary for common terms/acronyms"

Risk Management Plan

"Output of Plan Risk Management (Risk Management, Planning) Roadmap to the other five risk management processes -- literally just to plan to figure out how the other risk phases will be managed -- not about individual risks themselves. Defines what level of risk will be considered tolerable for project, how it will be managed, who will be responsible, amounts of time and cost dedicated to it, and how findings will be communicated. This has a graphical output -- hierarchial like org chart. Breaks down categories to be evaluated for Risk (not listing the risk itself, as this is a management plan!)"

HR Management

"PM must lead people -- motivate. Define a role for everyone on the project and the responsibilities of these roles. Develop Human Resource Plan (Human Resource Plan) - P Acquire Project Team (Project Staff Assignments) - E Develop Project Team (Team Performance Assessments) - E Manage Project Team (Change Requests) - E"

Risk Management

"PM should be able to proactively anticipate, quantify and plan for risk. Plan Risk Management (Risk Management Plan) -P' Identify Risks (Risk Register) - P Qualitative Analysis (Risk Register Updates) - P Plan Risk Responses (Risk Register Updates, Contract Decisions) - P Monitor and Control Risks (Risk Register Updates, Change Requests) - M&C"

Point of Total Assumption

"PTA is the cost point in the contract where a subcontractor/seller assumes responsibility for additional costs -- the point at which they definitely want to bring project completion. Target Cost + (Ceiling price - target price) / %share cost overrun Target Cost - the incentivized cost at which seller gets bonus Ceiling Price -- cap Target price -- actual expected cost of project %share cost overrun -- percent of costs beared by buyer over target cost. Example: Buyer to seller over target price is 3:1 -- share % is .75"

Quality Management

"Plan Quality (Quality Plan Management, Quality Metrics, Quality Checklists) - Planning Perform Quality Measurements (Change Requests) - Executing Perform Quality Control (Quality Control Measures, Validated Changes, Validated Deliverables) - M&C"

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

"Prioritizes risks. Takes risk register and analyzes how likely it is to occur and impact if did. Inputs; Risk Register, Risk Management Plan Tools: Risk Probability and Impact Assessment (PIM), Risk Data Quality Assessment, Risk Categorization, Risk Urgency Assessment Outputs: Risk Register Updates"

Close Procurements

"Procurement Management, Closing Contract is completed by buyer and seller, terminated Inputs: Procurement Documentation Tools: Procurement Audits, Negotiated Settlements, Records Management outputs: Closed Procurements"

Conduct Procurements

"Procurement Management, Executing Carries out procurement management plan, selects one or more sellers, awards procurement in the form of a contract. Inputs: Sellers List, Sellers Proposals Tools: Bidder Conferences, Proposal Evaluation Techniques, Outputs: Select Sellers, Procurement Contract Award"

Administer Procurements

"Procurement Management, M&C. Buyer and seller review work results to ensure results match the contract. Goods being delivered? On time? Right amounts invoiced/paid? Additional conditions met? Inputs; Performance Reports, Procurement Documents, Contract, Approved Change Requests (b/c M&C is about results against baseline), Work Performance Info Tools: Contract Change Control System, Inspections and Audits, Claims Administrations, Performance Reporting, Payment System Output: Procurement Documentation"

Plan Procurements

"Procurement Managing, Planing 1) Looks at project and determines which components/services will be made/performed internally, and which will be procured from an external source. 2) Determines what type of contracts will be used for procurement. Inputs: Scope Baseline, Requiremetns Documentation (for legal/contract limitations, if any), Teaming Agreeements , Risk Register, Risk-Releated Contract Decisions, Actiity Resource Requirements, Project Schedule, Activity Cost Estimates, Cost Baseline Performance Tools: Make-or-Buy Analysis, Expertise, Contract Types, Outputs: Procurement Management Plan, Procurement Statements of Work, Make-or-Buy Decisions, Procurement Documents, Source Selection Criteria"

Communications Management

"Producing and distributing project records.Accurate reporting. Keeping team informed. Identify stakeholders (Stakeholder register) - I Plan Communications (Communications management plan) - P Distribute Information (Requested Changes) - E Manage Stakeholder Expectations (Change requests) - E Report Performance (Performance Reports, Change Requests) - M&C"

Time Management

"Project manager should be in control of project schedule (not vice versa) Define Activities (Activity List, Activity Attributes) - P Sequence Activities (Project Network Diagrams) -P Estimate Activity Resources (Resource Requirements, RBS) - P Estimate Activity Durations (Duration Estimates) -P Develop Schedule (Project Schedule, Schedule Baseline) - P Control Schedule (Work Perf Measurements) - M&C"

Perform Quality Assurance

"Quality Management, Executing Do not mistake for Perform Quality Control. This is focused on the overall PROCESS, not a specific deliverable/outcome. Focusing on steadily improving the activities and processes undertaken to achieve quality. VERY process focused. Inputs: Project Management Plan, Quality Metrics, Quality Control Measurements Tools: Plan Quality and Perform Quality Controls and Techniques, Quality Audits, Process Analysis Outputs: Change Requests, "

Plan Quality

"Quality Management, Planning Quality is planned from the start, not inspected after product is constructed. Input: Scope Baseline, Stakeholder Register, Cost Performance Baseline, Schedule Baseline, Risk Register Tools: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Cost of Quality, Control Charts, benchmarking, Design of Experiments, Statistical Sampling, Flowcharting, Proprietary Quality Management Methodologies Outputs: Quality Management Plan, Quality metrics, Quality Checklits, Process Improvement Plan

Monitor and Control Risks

"Risk Management, M&C Measuring the results with with plan, and if no match, taking corrective action to either modify the plan or modify execution. Inputs: Work Performance Information, Performance Reports Tools: Risk Reassessment, Risk Audits, Variance and Trend Analysis, Technical Performance Measurement, Reserve Analysis, Status Meetings Outputs: Risk Register Updates, Change Requests"

Identify Risks

"Risk Management, Planning Evaluates the project to identify which risks could impact the project and to understand their nature. Inputs: Risk Management Plan, Activity Cost Esitmates, Scope Baseline, Activity Duration Estimates, Stakeholder Register, Cost Management Plan, Schedule Management Plan, Quality Manageme Plan Tools: Documentation Reviews, Information Gathering Techniques, Checklist Analysis, Assumptions Analysis, Diagramming Techniques, SWOT Analysis Output: Risk Register"

Plan Risk Management

"Risk Management, Planning This plan conducts and determiners how the remaining five risk management processes will be conducted. Inputs: Project Scope Statement, Cost Management Plan, Schedule Management Plan, Communications Management Plan Tools: Planning Meetings and Analysis (with stakeholders!) Outputs: Risk Management Plan"

Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

"Risk Management, Planning. Updates risk register. Uses prioritized lists from Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis. Inputs: Risk Register, Risk Management Plan, Cost Management Plan, Schedule Management Plan Tools: Data Gathering and Representation Techniques, Probability Distributions, Quantitative Risk Analysis and Modeling Techniques, Expertise Outputs: Risk Register Updates"

Control Scope

"Scope Management, M&C Prevents scope changes from being overwhelming and makes sure change requests are properly handled. Inputs: Project Management Plan, Work Performance Information, Requirements Documentation, Requirements Traceability Matrix, Org Process Assets Tools: Variance Analysis Outputs: Work Performance Measuresments, Orga Process Assets Updates, Change Requests, Project M Plan Updates, Doc Updates"

Control Schedule

"Scope Management, M&C Compares work results to the plan and ensure they line up. Manager should be influencing changes before they affect the project. Inputs: Project Management Plan, Project Schedule, Work Performance Information Tools: Performance Reviews, Variance Analysis, Project Management Software, Resource Leveling, What-If Scenarios, Adjusting leads and Lags, Schedule Compression, Scheduling Tool Outputs: Work Performance Measurements, Change Requests, Org Process Assets Updates, Project Management Plan Updates, Project Doc updates"

Verify Scope

"Scope Management, M&C Process of verifying that products/services/result of project matched the documented scope. While ""Perform QC"" usually focuses on accuracy of product, verify scope focuses on meeting stakeholder expectations and completeness of product. Inputs: PM Plan, Requirements Documentation, Requirements Traceability Matrix, Validated Deliverables Tools: Inspection Outputs: Accepted Deliverables, Change Requests, Project Doc Updates"

Define Scope

"Scope Management, Planning Inputs: Project Charter, Requirements Documentation, Organizational Process Assets Tools: Expertise, Product Analysis, Alternatives Identification, Facilitated Workshops, Outputs: Project Scope Statement, Project Document Updates"

Collect Requirements

"Scope Management, Planning Understanding needs of stakeholders and creating document to reflect it. Inputs: Project Charter, Stakeholder Register (Roster). Tools: Interviews, Focus Groups, Faciltated Workshops, Group Creativity Techniques (Brainstorming, Mapping, etc)., Group Decision Making Techniques, Questionnaires/ Surveys, Observation, Prototypes. Outputs: Requirements Documentation, Requirements Management Plan, Requirements Traceability Matrix, "

Quantitative Risk Analysis and Modeling Techniques

"Sensitivity Analysis Expected Monetary Value Analysis Decision Tree Analysis Tornado Diagrams Modeling and Simulation

Fixed Price Contracts

"Single lump fee for services. 3 types: Firm Fixed Price (FFP) - fixed with no provision for cost or performance overruns. Risk is seller's Fixed Price Incentive Fee (FPIF) - Fixed with incentive fee for meeting a target specified in contract (like finishing ahead of schedule) Fixed Price Economic Price Adjustement (FP-EPA) - Used when currency/exchange rate OR interest rate fluxuations may impact project. Economic stipulation may be included in contract to protect seller or buyer -- like interest rates, consumer price indexes, cost of living adjustements, exchange rates, etc."

What are the goals of Monitoring and Controlling?

"Things are measured, inspected, reviewed, compared, monitored, verified, and reported. Monitoring and controlling processes look back over previous work, but the outputs -- corrective actions -- look forward. If there is a difference between the plan and the results, corrective action is taken. Monitoring and controlling processes are taking the results from the executing processes and comparing them against the plan."


"Tool for Control Costs - M/c, uses current and previous cost information to predict future costs. Know Estimate At Completion (EAC) and Estimate to Completion (ETC)"

RACI Chart

"Tool of Develop Org Chart: Matrix Org Chart. R - responsible A - accountable C - consult I - inform Work Packages in rows, roles in columns. Assign letter to each caell. One person is assigned accountability for a work package (A for a row), but others may be responsible for performing work for a row."

Communications Models

"Tool of Plan Communications. Active Listening Effective Listening Feedback Nonverbal Paralingual Communication Blockers

Communications Methods

"Tool of Plan Communications. 4 Methods. Information Written, Formal Written, Informal Verbal, Formal Verbal Informal Written -- emails, memorandums. Formal Written -- Contracts, legal notices, project documents (INCLUDES PROJECT PLAN -- essential for documents that go into project record) Informal Verbal -- Meetings, phone calls, discussions Formal Verbal -- Speeches, mass communicaitons, presentaitons (mostly PR, special events, company-wide announcements, sales applicaitons)"

Communications Requirements Analysis

"Tool of Plan Communications. Identify which stakeholders should receive project communications, what they should receive, and how often. Who, what, when. Communication Channels = n * (n - 1) / 2 n = number of people on a project Official Communications Channels -- when there are a large number of channels on a project, PM should define which ones are official"

Control Charts

"Tool of Plan Quality and Perform Quality Assurance. Graphs the results of a process to show whether or not they are in control -- statistically in or out of line. Mean is center line. Upper and lower limits are 3SD from mean. LOOKS FOR RESULTS THAT ARE OUT OF CONTROL. IF SEVEN OR MORE CONSECUTIVE DATA POINTS fall on one side of the mean, they should be investigated (even if in the control limits).


"Tool of Plan Quality. Used to predict where quality problems may happen. Cause and effect is an example. Also tool of Perform Quality Control. Flowcharts may show how various components related in a system -- predict where problems may happen."

Earned Value Management

"Tools for Control Costs - M/C, measures actual performance against the original plan. Can help identify variances. Know terms CV and CPI"

What are the goals of executing?

"Usually involves the most work Direct and Manage Project Execution, Perform Quality Assurance, Acquire Project Team, Develop Project Team, Manage Project Team, Distribute Information, Manage Stakeholder Expectations, Conduct Procurements"

Create WBS

"WBS - Work breakdown Structure Scope Management, Planning What needs to happen beforehand? Project Charter, Stakeholders, Requirements, Define Scope Inputs: Project Scope Statement, Requirements Documentation, Org Process Assets Tools: Decomposition outputs: WBS, WBS Dictionary, Scope Baseline, Project Document Updates"

business case

"explains why project is being undertaken, what will solve, and benefit cost analysis reasons for project: market demand, business need, customer request, technological advance, legal requirement, ecological impact, social need, project selection methods, benefit cost ratio, economic value add, internal rate of return, ner present value, opportunity cost, payback period, return on investment, return on invested capital"

Communication Channels

"n * (n - 1) / 2 n = # ppl on a project"


"written description of project's service, product or result -- what is to be done, business reason and how it supports org strategy

Standard Deviation for PERT

(Pessimistic - Optimistic)/6

Communcations Categories

3 types -- interactive (meetings), push (email blast), pull (sharepoint for downloads)

# of unique processes


Activity List

A list of all the scheduled activities. Each activity should trace back to one work package (but one work package will have multiple activities).

Milestone List

A list of major milestones in a project. Different from project activities in that these are usually driven by deadlines with the client or external factors.

Critical Path

A sequence of actvities that cannot be delayed without delay project finish. Greatest risk. Simply calculated by the LONGEST path to execute (time) in the chain. Can have two critical paths if the durations tie.

Network Path

A sequence of events that affect each other from start to finish.

Tools and Techniques

Actions or methods used to transform inputs to outputs

Actual Cost of Performed Work

Actual Cost

Across what Knowledge Groups does planning take place?


Across what Knowledge Groups do monitoring and controlling take place?

All except for HR

Budgeted at Completion

BAC. How much was originally planned for the project to cost.

Nominal Group Technique

Brainstormed ideas are voted on and assigned priority.


Breaking down project deliverables into components to a point at which you can estimate time and cost, and the pieces of it can be assigned to individuals

Cost of Quality

COQ looks at all costs that will be realized to achieve quality. Cost of items not conformant to quality standards are CoPQ (cost of poor quality).

Forward Pass

Calculating activity durations by moving through the project durationg diagram

Integration, Closing

Close Project or Phase (final product / services / result transition)

HR Histogram

Common component of HR Plan (Output of Develop HR Plan). Demonstrates resource usage for a given time period. Often looks like bell curve -- peak at execution/testing.

Formal Written

Communications Method Tool of Plan Communcaitons. Contracts, legal notices, PROJECT PLAN. ALSO MAJOR PROJECT UPDATES?REPORTS -- like three weeks behind schedule to client

Informal Written

Communications Method Tool of Plan Communcaitons. Emails, memorandums

Informal Verbal

Communications Method Tool of Plan Communcaitons. Meetings, phone calls, discussions. MEETINGS -- WATCH FOR TRICK QUESTIONS!

Formal Verbal

Communications Method Tool of Plan Communcaitons. Speeches, company-wide annoucements, mass communicaitons, mostly PR

Communication Blockers

Communications Model Tool of Plan Communications. Anything that interferes with the sender encoding the message or the receiver understanding it.


Communications Model Tool of Plan Communications. Body lanuguage. THE MAJORITY OF A PERSON'S COMMUNICATION IS NON-VERBAl


Communications Model Tool of Plan Communications. Indication that receiver understood message. Nodding, questions, repeating things back to sender.

Active Listening

Communications Model Tool of Plan Communications. Receiver takes steps to ensure that sender was understood.

Effective Listening

Communications Model Tool of Plan Communications. Requires listener's full thought and attendtion. Monitors nonverbal and phsycial communication and to provide feedback that the message was understood clearly.


Communications Model Tool of Plan Communications. Vocal but not verbal. Tone of voice, volume or pitch for emphasis.

Monte Carlo Analysis

Computer Analysis that throws a high "what if" number of scenarios at the project to determine probable results (think time and risk management)

Reserve Analysis

Contigency/extra cushion time or cost built into estimating time. For cost this can look like adding a certain % to a project cost.

Negotiated Settlements

Contracts are completed when all terms are met. Negotiations help break down and resolve when not everyone agrees that this is the case.

Fixed cost

Cost stays the same for the entire project -- like a bulldozer


Costs that have been invested into or expeneded upon the project. Wasted moola.

Indirect Costs

Costst that are shared and allocated to mange projects. Like a manager's salary.

Control Limits

Customer's acceptable limits

Quality Specification

Customer's acceptable limits for quality

Requirements Documentation

Describes Root business problem being solved, source of requirement, how requirement addresses problem, how business processs interact with the requirements, measurements, compliance, contraints and assumptions, impact of requirement.

Work Breakdown Structure

Detailed breakdown of the of the deliverales, arranged like a staffing chart, details cost and time. Lists all devlierables.

Integration, Initiating

Develop Project Charter (Project Charter)

Things that must happen before defining scope

Develop Project Charter (Project Charter) --> Identify Stakeholders (Stakeholder Register) --> Collect Requirements (Requirements Documentation) --> Define Scope

Intergration, Planning

Develop Project Management Plan (PM Plan)

What are the goals of planning?

Develop Project management plan, Collect Requirements, Define Scope, Create WBS, Define Activities, Sequence Activities, Estimate Activity Resources, Estimate Activity Durations, Develop Schedule, Estimate Costs, Determine Budget, Plan Quality, Develop HR Plan, Plan Communications, Plan Risk Management, Identify Risks, Perform Qulatiative Risk Analysis, Perform Quant Risk Analysis, Plan Risk Reponses, Plan Procurements

Variance at Completion

Difference between budgeted and what will be spent. VAC = BAC - EAC

Schedule Variance

Difference where planned to be in schedule versus where are in schedule. SV = EV - PV. + is good -- ahead of schedule

Integration, Execute

Direct and manage project executioin (deliverables)

Stakeholder Management Strategy

Document that explains how stakeholders with ability to have positive impact on project are maximized, and stakeholders with ability to have a negative influence/intentions on a projct are mitigated. Usually just kept with the project manager b/c sensitivity.

WBS Dictionary

Document that explains language and references in WBS -- describes each node.

Early Start

Earliest date an activity can start when factoring in other dependencies.

Early Finish

Earliest week a project can finish. Start Week + duration - 1 unit.

Budgeted Cost of Work Performed

Earned Value


Ends ofefforts, eg document, product, service, or retuls

Teaming Agreements

Even when working with another company as a sub to win a bid/work on a deliverable, one party is considered the seller and another the buyer

Direct Cost

Expenses that are billed directly to the project. Example is materials used for construction

Lump Sum Contracts

Fixed Price Contracts

Values of PR

Four Values: Responsibility, Respect, Fairness, and Honesty)

Funding Limit Reconciliation

Funding for projects is allocated years in advance in company budgets. This is reconciling the project costs with the organization's spending plan. Project baseline must be compatible with company limitations.

Source Selection Criteria

How a seller will be selected (the method for doing so, not the actual decision), is determined before the seelere is selected. Keeps procurement processes objective and unbiased. This criteria can be shared with prospective sellers.

Free Float

How much an activity can be delayed without affecting the start of dependent activities.


How much time on an actvitiy can slip before it changes the critical path or finish date of project. If an item is on the critical path, it has zero float.

Planned Value

How much work should have been completed at a point in time based on the plan.= Planned % complete * BAC

Requirements Traceability Matrix

Identifies source of requirements

Schedule Data

Info team used to model/create project schedule. Documentation essentially, supports how project schedule was made

Integration Management

Initiating -- Develop Project Charter (Project Charter), Planniing -- Develop Project Management Plan (Project Mgt Plan), Executing -- Direct and Manage Project Execution (Deliverables, Work Performance Information, Change Requests), Monitoring and Controlling -- Monitor and Control the Project (Change Requests), Perform Integrated Change Control (Change Request Status Updates), Closing -- Close Project or Phase (Final Product, Service or Result Transition)

Work Performance Information

Input of Report Performance -- comes from/output of Direct and Manage Project Execution (Integration Management, Executing). Includes all updates on scope, schedule, costs, quality and use of resources. Used in report performance to measure variance and progress from baseline of plan.


Input, tools and techniques, outputs

Close Project or Phase

Integration Management, Executing Capturing lessons learns, ensuring contract is closed, updating documentation and process assets. Inputs: PM Plan, Accepted Deliverables, Org Process Assets. Tools: Expert Judgement. Outputs: Final Project, Service or Result Transition, Org Process Assets Upates.

Direct and Manage Project Execution

Integration Management, Executing Execute -- create deliverables. Inputs: PM Plan, Approved Change Requests, Enterprise Enviro Factors, Org Process Assets. Tools: Expert Judgement, PM information System. Outputs: Deliverables, Work Performance Integration, Change Requests, PM Plan Updates, Project Document Updates

Performance Intergrated Change Control

Integration Management, M&C Every change must go through this -- process to assess change's impact on project.When a change occurs in one area, it is evaluated for its impact across entire project.Focused on managing change to project scope -- not how project is executed. Inputs: PM Plan, Work Performance Information, Change Requests, Enterprise Environmental Factors, Organizational Process Assets. Tools: Expert Judgement, Change Control Meetings. Outputs: Change Request Status Updates, PM Plan Updates, Project Doc Updates.

Monitor and Control Work Product

Integration Management, M&C. Ensures deliverables and way being produced are in line with the plan. Inputs: PM Plan, Performance Reports, Enterprise Environmental Factors, Organizational Process Assets. Tools: Expert Judgement. Outputs: Change Requests, PM Plan Updates, Project Document Updates.

Develop Project Management Plan

Integration Management, Planning Guides work on a project, who what where when how, constantly updated. Inputs: Project Charter, Enterprise Environmental Factors, Organizational Process Assets. Tools: Expert Judgement. Output: Project Management Plan

Across what Knowledge Groups does closing take place?

Integration, Procurement

Across what Knowledge Groups does executing take place?

Integration, Quality, HR, Communications, Procurement

Across what Knowledge Groups does initiating take place?

Integration, communications

Process Groups

Intiating, Planning, Executing, Montoring and Controlling, Closing

Leads and Lags

Just identifying situations in a process where extra time is needed, or shortcuts between two activities (like getting a draft to review early before receiving final)

Late Finish

Late Start + duration - 1 unit.

Lessons Learned

Lessons learned should contain analysis of variance that occurred from project's baseline.

Late Start

Looking at an actvitiy from the end of the project and finding the latest possible starting point without delaying the project finish date.

Integration, M&C

Monitor and Control project work (change requests), Perform Integrated Change Control (Change Request Status Updates)

Parametric Estimating

Multiplication/extrapolating, good for activities previously performed b/c you know how long it takes to happen

Official Communications Channels

Network to distribute information defined by the manager for large projects

Resource Breakdown Structure

Org chart

Scope Baseline

Original plan plus all approved changes: 1) Combination of the project scope statement, 2) WBS, and 3) WBS dictionary. Once created, changes to the scope baseline are management by scope management plan (M&C).

Activity Cost Estimates

Outpost of Estimate Cost/P, outlines how much it will cost to complete each schedule activity for a project.

Quality Metrics

Outpur of Plan Quality. Specifically numerically defines how quality will be measured.

Project Schedule

Output of "develop schedule. "Shows when each activity is scheduled to start and end, and shows dates for project to start/end overall. Includes three things: Project network diagram, Bar Charts/Gantt Charts, Milestone Chart"

Project Staff Assignments

Output of Acquire Project Team. Each role the was defined should have a resource assigned to it.

Resource Calendar

Output of Acquire Project Team. Shows Resource usage across organization, documents times when resources are assigned to work on activites in calendar format. Helps manager account for resources future and present.

Selected Sellers

Output of Conduct Procurements. Seller is selected based on propsal and negotiations.

Work Performance Measurements

Output of Control Costs M/C, performance measurements of how project is performance to plan -- CV, SV, CPI, SPI, CPIc

Project Funding Requirements

Output of Develop Budget/P, The cost performance baseline dictates what funding is needed when, but the project funding requirements essentially works out when the money will be requested -- lump sum up from, or $x/mo?, etc.

Cost Performance Baseline

Output of Develop Budget/P. Aka "Project's Budget" specifies what costs will be incurred WHEN. Most Cost Performance Baselines will have the most money spent in the middle of the project -- execution and M&C

Team Performance Assessment

Output of Develop Project Team. Team evaluations to focus on areas that should be improved to increase team performance.

Basis of estimates

Output of Estimate Cost, simply supporting documentation for how the activity cost estimate was derived.

Risk Register

Output of Identify Risks. Full list of identified risks on a project, what possible reactions are, root causes, and categories risk falls into.

Stakeholder Register

Output of Identify Stakeholders. Document that lists all project stakeholders, describes them, and classifies them. Essentially, a roster with descriptions and importance.

Risk Register Updates

Output of Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis. Updates to earlier risk register. Adds i)priority, ii) urgency, iii) catergorization

Validated Changes

Output of Perform Quality Control. Defects need to be corrected, and as they are, they need to be reinspected to validate that they now meet quality standards.

Quality Control Measurements

Output of Perform Quality Control. Documented measurements of quality levels and compliance

Validated Deliverables.

Output of Perform Quality Control. Validated because they pass inspection and meet quality standards.

Quality Checklists

Output of Plan Quality. Checklist is created ot ensure that all steps were performed, and in the proper sequence.

Process Improvement Plan

Output of Plan Quality. Deals with how quality activities will be streamlined and improved.

Quality Management Plan

Output of Plan Quality. Describes how quality policy will be met. Becomes a part of overall project plan.

Risk-Related Contract Decisions

Output of Plan Risk Responses. Accompanies situations when transferring risk by contract -- specifies time, cost, performance targets in order for company subbing to receive full payment. Basically assigning terms of performance for other company to meet when transferring risk to another party.

Performance Reports

Output of Report Performance. Reports show how project is progressing agains the various baselines (scope, time, costs and quality)

Make-or-Buy Decisions

Output of plan procurements. Decisions will be made on what to procure vs. do in-house, and documented for why and how the decisions were made.

Procurement Management Plan

Output of plan procurements. Defines how all other procurement management processes will be carried out. Includes what will be procured on project, how seller will be selected, what type of contracts will be used, how risk will be managed, how sellers will be managed/work performance measured.

Procurement Statements of Work

Output of plan procurements. Explains sections of scope to potential sellers

Probability and Impact Matrix.

PIM. Rank risks by impact if occurred and likelyhood of occuring. Multiply score. Resulting score is used to set priorities.

To-Complete Performance Index

Performance that must be achieved in order to meet financial or schedule goals. TCPIcum = (BAC - EV) /remaining funds. Remaining funds - BAC - AC if targeting original budget, or EAC - AC if targeting the current forecast.

Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled

Planned Value

Bottom-Up Estimating

Producing an estimate for each activity and then totaling. Accurate but takes longer.

Schedule Baseline

Project Schedule + all approved changes. Created after the point where schedule is approved by customer, sponser and PM.

Estimate to Completion

Project how much more will be spent on the project, based on past performance. ETC = EAC - AC

Work Performance Measurements

Project measurements need to be calculated and communicated out

Estimate at Completion

Projecting the total cost at completion based on project performance up to a point in time. EAC = BAC / CPI cum

Attribute Sampling vs Variable Sampling

Quality Control Term. Attribute = binary sampling -- product either conforms to quality or does not. Variable samplin g measures how well something performns to quality. Examples for drugs: binary -- defined quality thresholds, passes or does not. Variable -- measure continuously / as you go to see how well batch performed to "ideal" quality

Continuous Improvement

Quality Control Term. Constant process improvement, in the form of small changes in products or services


Quality Control Term. Continuous Improvement

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Quality Control Term. Everyone is responsible for quality an dis able to make a difference in the ultimate quality of the project. Looks at the underlying process of how something is produced.

Just in Time

Quality Control Term. Manufacturing method to bring inventory down to zero (so no waste on hand)

Mutually Exclusive

Quality Control Term. One choice excludes the others. Painting a house one color excludes the others

ISO 9000

Quality Control Term. Part of the "Organization for International Standards" which ensures that companies document what they do, and do what they document.

Prevention vs. Inspection

Quality Control Term. Prevention -- keeping defects from occuring. Inspection is catching errors before they impact others.

Six Sigma

Quality Control Term. Reducing defects. Quantifying, measureing, and controlling. Focus on measurement of quality to refine process so human error no longer exists/is eliminated. VERY HIGH QUALITY __ NO DEFECTS IF WORKS

Special Causes vs Common Causes

Quality Control Term. Special -- unusual and preventable. Common -- norm. Special causes are elimiated by process improvement. Common -- like just using bad materials, are logically accepted.

Tolerances vs Control Limits

Quality Control Term. Tolerances are limits your project has set for product acceptance. Control limits are three SD below and above mean. If process falls within these limits, you are considered to be in control.

Statistical Independence

Quality Control Term. When the outcomes of two processes are not linked together or dependent on each other. Like rolling a die -- each time the outcome will be independent of the previous.

Perform Quality Control

Quality Management, M&C "Looks at specific results/products/parts to determine if perform to quality standards, but unlike ""Perform Quality Assurance,"" Perform Quality Control typically uses statistical sampling rather than looking at each and every output. Inspecting to makes sure results of work are what they are supposed to be. NOT the process-oriented one, Review of something very specific. Inputs: Project Management Plan, Quality Metrics, Quality Checklists, Work Performance Measurements, Deliverables, Approved Change Requests, Tools: Cause and Effect Diagrams, Control Charts, Flowcharting, Histogram, Pareto Chart, Run Chart, Scatter Diagram, Statistical Sampling, Inspection, Approved Change Requests Review Outputs: Quality Control Measurements, Validated Changes, Validates Deliverables, (and Project Management Plan Updates, Change Requests)"


Quality Specification -- customer's limits for quality

Schedule Performance Index

Rate aat which the project performance is meeting schedule expectations up to a point in time. SPI = EV / PV. Values greater than 1 are desirable.

Cost Perfomance Index

Rate at which a project performance is meeting cost expectations for a given period. CPI = EV / AC. Values >1 means getting more for every 1 spent.

Change log

Record of all project changes.

Procurement Documents

Redundant of Procurement Statements of Work. PSOW are written by buyer and provided to sellers.

Forms of Power

Reward Expert Legitimate Referent (Respect) Punishment


Risk is related to an uncertain event. A risk may affect the project for good ot bad.

Time and Materials Contract

Seller charges time and cost of materials needed to complete work. -- Buyer

Cost Aggregation

Simply adding the activity-level costs to a work package level where they will be measured, managed, and controlled.


Specific and unique itesm for each PM process that are used as building blocks. Eg, raw materials

Value Engineering

Squeezing more benefit and value our of every aspect of the project -- increase bottom line, decrease costs, improve quality, shorten schedule, etc. Scope of work must not be reduced by these efforts.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths vs Weaknesses, Opportunities vs Threats.

Sensitivity Analysis

Sub component of tool Quantiative Risk Anslysis and Modeling Techniques. Analyze project and determin how sensitive it is to risk. Would risk ruin or simply inconvenience project

Tornado Diagrams

Sub component of tool Quantiative Risk Anslysis and Modeling Techniques. Diagram that depiects effects of 10% change in labor costs on project. Tornado bars graph risks most sensitive to least sensitive

Decision Tree Analysis

Sub component of tool Quantiative Risk Anslysis and Modeling Techniques. Lays out probabililyt and arrives at a dollar amount associated with each risk. Risk Cost * Propability + Initial Cost.

Modeling and Simulation

Sub component of tool Quantiative Risk Anslysis and Modeling Techniques. Monte Carlo Analysis

Expected Monetary Value Analysis

Sub component of tool Quantiative Risk Anslysis and Modeling Techniques. Takes uncertain events and assigns a monetary value.

Conflict Management

Take some practice tests and see if this is intuitive.

Delphi Techinique

Technique for gathering expert judgement where participants do not know others so expertise is more unbiased.

Quality (definition)

The degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements.

Cost Variance

The difference between what was expected to spend and what was actually spent. CV = EV - AC. + is good -- saving costs

Actual Cost

The money spent during a given period of time (sum of costs of given period)

Define Integration Management

The practice of making certain that every part of the project is coordinated. High-level view of project from start to finish. Changes made in one area must be integrated into the rest of the project.

Cumulative CPI

The rate at which the project performance is meeting cost expectations from beginning up to a point in time. Also used to forecast project's costs at completion. CPI Cum = EV cum / AV Cum

McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y

Theory of Motivation/Recognition Rewards -- Tool for Develop Project Team Theory X-- people who are only interested in own selfish goals, unmotivated, dislike work. They X managers believe that constant supervision of workers is needed. Theory Y-- People are naturally motivated and to good work. Less micro management

Contingency Theory

Theory of Motivation/Recognition Rewards -- Tool for Develop Project Team Leader's effectiveness is contingent on 1) how task-oriented vs relationship -oriented a leader is 2) Situational factors in workplace -- how stressfeul In stressful times, task-oriented leader more effective

Herzbergs' Motivaiton-Hygiene Theory

Theory of Motivation/Recognition Rewards -- Tool for Develop Project Team Motivation factors: achievement, recognition, work, responsibility, advancement, growth

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Theory of Motivation/Recognition Rewards -- Tool for Develop Project Team Self-Actualization and Esteem are more important than acceptance, security and physiological needs

McCelland's Three need theory

Theory of Motivation/Recognition Rewards -- Tool for Develop Project Team achievement, power, affiliation

Virtual Teams

Tool for Acquire Project Team. Gropu of people who use electronic tools to collaborate and work in separate places electronically.


Tool for Acquire Project Team. Looking OUTSIDE organizaiton for team members when they cannot be found within.


Tool for Acquire Project Team. Negotiating for resources inside and outside organzaiton.

Pre Assignment

Tool for Acquire Project Team. Person/ resources pre-assigned to a role before development of responsiblities.

Make-Or-Buy Analysis

Tool of "Plan Procurements". Looks at all factors in a decision at a level higher than the project, and includes risk. Example: if a bit of code is helpful for one project, but has the potential to be expanded upon in the future, that would influence make or buy.

Contract Change Control System

Tool of Administer Procurements. Component of intergrated change control ysstem. Descibes how contract change is managed -- how change reuqests made, considered, approved and implemented.

Claims Administration

Tool of Administer Procurements. Disputes must be maanged and ultimately resolves and the process for doing so is outlined in the contract.

Bidder Conferences

Tool of Conduct Procurements -- Conference calls/meetings to provide more info to bidders. All of these are done in the open so the selection is unbiased

Rolling Wave Planning

Tool of Define Activities. Things that are near are clear, far are blurry. Continue to revisit planning (but do not leave major unknowns unaddressed that could cost a lot!)

Org Charts

Tool of Develop Org Chart: 3 typs -- Hierarchical (like ODPP), Matrix and Text

Matrix Org Chart

Tool of Develop Org Chart: Illustrate which roles will be working with which work packages and their responsibilties.

Hierachical Org Chart

Tool of Develop Org Chart: Like ODPP


Tool of Develop Org Chart: Matrix Org Chart. Work packages in rows and roles in columns. Cell shows how specific role will work on a particular work package.

Text Org Chart

Tool of Develop Org Chart: Written position descriptions and what qualitification are necessary. Helpful for recruiting.

Critical Path Method

Tool of Develop Schedule. "A project's critical path is the combination of activities that, if any are delayed, will delay the project's finish. Critical path: 1) calculate's project's finish date 2)identifies how much activities can slip/float (be late) without delaying the project 3) identifies activities with the highest risk that cannot slip without delay project finish date"

Schedule Compression

Tool of Develop Schedule. "Compressing schedule without compromising scope. Crashing: adding resources to a project activity to complete it more quickly. Negative is it adds cost. Fast Tracking: reordering some sequences so they are happening in parallel, Increases risk b/c discretionary dependencies are being ignored."

What-If Scenario Analysis

Tool of Develop Schedule. Computer analysis that identifies scheduling risk.

Critical Chain Method

Tool of Develop Schedule. Critical Chain provides a way to view and manage uncertainty when building project schedule. Basically, this is developing a schedule based on the longest critical path and then ADDING a buffer.

Resource Leveling

Tool of Develop Schedule. The act of applying available resources to the critical path diagram (after estimating activity durations and resources processes). Ie if you need 8 developers, but only have two, you will have to make a longer schedule to still achieve the same amount of time working on a activity. This actually assigns the project start and end date.

Applying Leads and Lags

Tool of Develop Schedule.bleads and lags are applied properly and adjusts schedule as necessary.

Stakeholder Analysis

Tool of Identify Stakeholders. Identify which stakeholders should receive communication, what kind, in what form, and how often. Project sponspor can help understand the prioritization of these.

Project Performance Appriasal

Tool of Manage Project Team. Just reviews, both group and personal


Tool of Perform Quality Assurance (Executing) to see if the process is being followed.

Parento's Rule

Tool of Perform Quality Control. 80/20 rule. 80 % of problems come from 20% of causes.

Run Chart

Tool of Perform Quality Control. Analyzing trending over time. Defenct per thousand at a snapshot -- say every month. Can see how defects are trending over time.

Ishikawa Diagram

Tool of Perform Quality Control. Cause and Effect Diagram

Scatter Diagram

Tool of Perform Quality Control. Compare correlationgs between two variables -- negative linear or positive linear. Example: x = hours studying and y = exam score

Pareto Chart

Tool of Perform Quality Control. Histogram showing defects ranked from greatest to least. Used to focus on problems that will most likely change/hurt results. Used to focus on few root causes that drive the majority of problems (prioritization by impact)


Tool of Perform Quality Control. Shows frequency of how something happens


Tool of Perform Quality Control. Testing a module or performing a walk through. Actual inspection.

Cause and Effect Diagrams

Tool of Perform Quality Control. Used to show how diffeent factors related together and might be tied to potential problems.

Communications Technology

Tool of Plan Communcations. Email, etc.

Risk Register

Tool of Plan Quality. Lists all areas of risk that are related to quality and customer acceptance/satisfaction

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Tool of Plan Quality. No activity should cost more than its benefit

Statistical Sampling

Tool of Plan Quality. Random sample is selected to measure entire population -- cuts down number of measurements one needs to take.

Design of Experiments

Tool of Plan Quality. Uses data analysis to determine optimal conditions. Experiments instead of history used to find the optimal match of costs, production time, respoonse time, how much hardward needed, etc. The experiment drives decision making and planning.

Strategies for - Risks/Threats

Tool of Plan Risk Responses. Avoid, Transfer( usually contractually or with insurance), Mitigate (lessen risk through choices), Accept (often tricky on exam)

Contingent Response Strategies

Tool of Plan Risk Responses. Decisions are made contingent to risk -- hire outside firm but make decision contingent upon meeting certain milestons

Strategies for + Risks/Opportunities

Tool of Plan Risk Responses. Exploit (remove uncertainty, example: knowing project will finish early but still adding more ppl), Share (working with a group that has experience to share risk but gained a big contract, etc.), Enhance (influencing underlying triggers -- adding flights at holidays), Accept.

Reporting Systems

Tool of Report Performance. Help PM create, store and distribute the performance reports. Example: a portal with distribution capability

Precedence Diagramming Method

Tool of Sequencing Activities. Mapping the sequence of activities, graphical representation depicting order in which activites must be performed. Activites are nodes (rectangles), arrows between are dependancies

Dependency Determination

Tool of Sequencing Activities. Three types: Mandatory (must happen), Discretionary (best practices, but vary between projects), External (Must be considered but are out of project's scope and control) - example - dependency on a supplier

Historical Relationships

Tools for Cost M/P - a parametric model based on historical data for a similar project.

Analogous Estimating

Top-down estimating, using previous similar projects to help estimate

Life-Cycle Costing

Total cost of ownership from purchase/creation through operations to disposal. Example: cheaper to buy software than development, but factor in maintenance / license costs.

Issue Log

Where issues for the project are tracked and recorded. Each issue should be assigned to a single owner

Three-Point Estimating

aka "PERT" [Pess. Est. + 4 * Realistic + Opt. Est.]/6

Variable cost

cost that vary on a project -- like hourly labor or fuel price

Negative Float

when activity's start date is before preceeding actvity's finish date. Means project schedule has problems.

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