Poetry Test Coates 12H

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What meter is the poem Musée des Beaux Arts written in?


What do the following lines signify? "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: / Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!' / Nothing beside remains. Round the decay / Of that colossal wreck." (Shelley 10-13)

Ozymandias's extremely powerful rule fell to an end

What is the significance of lines 9-10: "Great God! I'd rather be/ A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;" ?

Paganism is an outdated religion of about 300 years at the time this poem is written. He is saying that he would rather worship a dead religion than witness humanity's disregard for nature.

Read through the following lines from The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd. What topic do the Nymph's counters to the Shepherd's promises revolve around. Time drives the flocks from field to fold, When Rivers rage and Rocks grow cold, And Philomel becometh dumb, The rest complains of cares to come. The flowers do fade, and wanton fields, To wayward winter reckoning yields, A honey tongue, a heart of gall, Is fancy's spring, but sorrow's fall.

Passing of time and changing of the seasons

What is the tone of the Sonnet 43?


Poems that glorified the simple pleasures of the countryside were known as...

Pastoral poems

The main purpose of the poem was to: (Charge of the light brigade)

Pay tribute to the heroes who fought during the war

What is the theme of the poem Musée des Beaux Arts ?

People are apathetic to the suffering of others

Pastoral poetry describes

Pleasures of simple life in nature and the country.

In what way does the Nymph's reply reflect Sir Walter Raleigh's life experiences?

Raleigh had been arrested for marrying a queen's lady-in-waiting, and he warns his audience about acting impulsively when dealing with love

Which of the following best describes A.E. Housman?


Which of the following poetic devices did Tennyson use most in his poem to illustrate the battle? (Charge of the Light Brigade)


What was the theme of the poem wirers?

Self Sacrifice

All of the following statements are true about Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the author of Sonnet 43, except:

She had a close relationship with her father and he was very supportive of her relationship with Robert Browning

Who wrote wirers?

Siegfried Sassoon

Identify the type of figurative language and it's purpose in the following line: "Like to the lark at break of day arising."

Simile; change/hope in speaker's tone, life with and without his lover is the difference between day and night.

What is the overall mood of the poem wirers?


Who are the Boche and why is this word used?

The Boche are the Germans and this is a derogatory word showing Sassoon's hatred for the war and for all things part of the war.

During which war was the Charge of the Light Briade set?

The Crimean War

What is the significance of the Albatross's coat falling off of the Mariner?

The Mariner has learned to appreciate nature.

What is the difference between this poem and The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd?

The Nymph's Reply points out the reality of The Passionate Shepherd to His Love.

Who tells the story of Ozymandias?

The Traveler

What is the significance of the title War and Peace, for the poem?

The War and the process of the soldiers on trying to find the peace within themselves

What is the meaning of the following lines? " Was it a vision, or a waking dream? Fled is that music:—Do I wake or sleep?"

The author is deciding whether to come back to reality or whether to live in the dream where the nightingale does not worry about worldly problems

Wordsworth is known as:

The father Romanticism

What theme is conveyed through the first couple of lines of the poem: "If I should die, think only this of me, that there's some corner of a foreign field that is forever England."?

The gruesome effects of war (that's not a theme)

What ideas did Percy Bysshe Shelley focus on in his poems?

The human mind and place in life Idealist motives Love and nature

What is the impression given off about the level of danger of the Wirer's job vs. the actual level of their job's danger?

The impression is that the job is not dangerous however in reality the job is very dangerous.

What effect do the following lines have on the poem Musée des Beaux Arts? "Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer's horse / Scratches its innocent behind on a tree"

The innocence of animals contrasts the dark setting and suffering in the poem

What is the significance of this line "Though numb and wretched, wise and witty things; And I loved them for the stubbornness that clings, Longest to laugh when Death's pulleys creak". (War and Peace)

They are trying to find peace in themselves and cope with the difficulties of war

Keats observes to lovers on the urn. Why does he think they should be happy even though they can never kiss?

They should be happy to be stuck in a moment of perpetual infatuation.

What is the basic organization of a Shakespearean sonnet?

Three quatrains and a couplet

What is the main message of the poem the passionate shepherd to his love?

To appreciate the simple life of nature in the country.

What is the effect of the title "The Soldier"?

To promote the idea that the soldier described in the poem is an idealistic European soldier.

For what reason did Raleigh most likely mimic the structure and language of The Passionate Shepherd to His Love?

To reinforce that every promise made by the Shepherd is unrealistic To provide the most direct response; there can be no doubts this response was intended for the Shepherd

Browning explains that she loves her husband in all of the following ways except

Until death

How does the Nymph respond to the Shepherd's promises?

With caution, the Nymph points out the flaws in the shepherd's promises

What war was Rupert Brooke in the Royal Naval Division for?

World War I

This poem The Passionate Shepherd to His Love is a celebration of...

Youth, Innocence, Love

What does Shakespeare compare his state and his lover to? (sonnet 29)

a lark at break of day, singing hymns at Heaven's gate

Throughout the poem, different types of people, such as wise men, good men, wild men, and depressed men, are described. What is common among all of these people?

all regret how they lived their lives, and are dying discontent

____________ accurately describes the author of the poem, Dylan Thomas, as an adult.

an alcoholic living in poverty

What could "that good night" be?

any future obstacle in life, death

How does the speaker view the mouse?

as a fellow mortal

The 3 main ideas presented in She Walks in Beauty are...

beauty, nature, light vs dark

How is the speaker comparing mice to men in the following line, "The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men / Gang aft agley,"?

both mice and men can have their plans messed up

Keats faced hardship in his life. Which of the following hardships is most likely inspiration for "Ode on a Grecian Urn"?

he was dying of tuberculosis

In the first part of the poem, the athlete is carried "shoulder-high" because

he won a race

Who is the speaker addressing in the poem?

his father

What allows the speaker to get over his self-pity? (sonnet 29)

his lover

John Keats originally studied what before he became a poet?


Lord Byron was known for his ____ lifestyle


What is the mood of the poem at the beginning and end? (sonnet 29)

self-pity to love

This phrase, "She walks in beauty, like the night/ Of cloudless climes and starry skies" is a _______ , comparing ____ and ____.

simile, beauty and a starry night

What inspired Byron to write She Walks in Beauty?

the first time he met Lady Wilmot Horton

Why does the speaker believe that the mouse is lucky?

the mouse only lives in the present with no thought of the past or the present

Why is line 4: "We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!" ironic?

"Sordid" and "boon" contradict each other.

Which of the lines below demonstrate the timelessness of the theme that humanity tends to overlook nature and its beauty and power?

"The world is too much with us; late and soon/ Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers" (1-2)

Which of the following lines demonstrates the "Role of a Soldier"?

"Theirs but to do and die..."

What lines in a Shakespearean sonnet reveal the problem and/or theme?


Approximately how many soldiers of the famed 600 were killed during the charge?


What is the poem Musée des Beaux Arts based off of?

A painting by Pieter Brueghel

The theme of the sonnet 43 is...

A person can love someone in many different ways.

What is Shakespeare often accused of, which is a possible motive behind Sonnet 121?


"Seeing cool nurses move on tireless feet, To do abominable things with grace" What image does Edgell Rickword give the nurses in this line? (War and Peace)


What title was Tennyson granted for his accomplishments? (Charge of the Light Brigade)


What is the main theme of The Rime of The Ancient Mariner?

Be good to all god's creatures

which line from the poem grecian urn is known a Keats' famous words?

Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

What is Housman's tone (attitude) toward death?


The name of this poem (The Passionate Shepherd to His Love) was...

Created by other writers

What is the tone of the poem?


What were Coleridge's poems based off of?

Dreams and fantasies

What is the overall theme in Ozymandias?

Everyone has an impending downfall

The author promises to see "Valleys, groves, hills and _____"


Which of the following is not something Wordsworth addressed in the poem?

Find the importance of the things around you using your mind, and disregard your heart

How does the tone change when the speaker thinks of his lover (difference between the octave and the sestet) sonnet 29?

From depressed and envious to appreciative.

What is Housman saying in the lines "Smart Lad, to slip betimes away/ from the fields where glory does not stay"?

Glory is fleeting and dying maintains your glory

What does the Albatross symbolize in rhyme of the ancient mariner?


What is the central emotion present in this poem?

Happiness, he is overly happy for the nightingale's happiness.

What happens when the mariner needs to tell his story?

He feels a burning in his chest

What were Siegfried Sassoon's opinions on WWI?

He hated the war and wrote emotional open letters of protest condemning the war.

Which statement is not true about Robert Burns's life?

He received a formal education

What is the connection of war with the poet? (War and Peace)

He used to be a war veteran.

What does the speaker think of Heaven? (sonnet 29)

Heaven is deaf and does not hear his bootless cries

Who had been diagnosed with tuberculosis, having an impact on Keat's writing?

His brother and Himself

What is an essential motif in Sonnet 121?


What line has biblical references in Sonnet 121?

I am that I am

Keats focuses on two main aspects of the urn. What are they?

Immortal Beauty and empty truth

What poetic device do the lines "Water, water, everywhere, / And all the boards did shrink. Water, water, everywhere, / Nor any drop to drink." display?


Why is the last line of the poem, "But what can we say the front-line wire's been safely mended", important?

It belittles death through the use of a sarcastic tone.

What is Rupert Brooke's opinion on wars and how they should be viewed?

It is noble and honorable to die for one's country.

What about this poem the world is too much for us makes it a sonnet?

It is written in iambic pentameter

What does Wordsworth believe is one of the ways to fix the problems presented in the poem?

Join the Pagan religion

What is a generalized central message communicated by Sonnet 29?

Love triumphs all.

What did William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge publish together

Lyrical Ballads

Which statement is NOT true about Christopher Marlowe?

Marlowe was married to Elizabeth Churchill.

Which aspect of the authors life was reflected in the poem wirers?

Military Background

What led the soldiers to the unfortunate titular charge?

Misinterpretation of ambiguous orders

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