POL 201

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As measured by purchasing price power, which nation overtook the largest economy in 2015 and lengthened its lead in 2019?


An all-out war with China is unlikely because __________.

China and the United States are strong trading and manufacturing partners

Nuclear war, although still highly unlikely, is most probable between which two nations?

India and Pakistan

The use of civil disobedience tactics by the civil rights movement was borrowed from which iconic figure?

Mahatma Gandhi

What is "monetary policy"?

Monetary policy refers to all government actions having to do with the management of interest rates and the money supply.

What was the rationale for making health insurance mandatory under the ACA?

More people having health insurance helps to bring down costs for everyone by spreading health care costs more evenly across the population.

Which country represents the most significant proliferation threat to many in the U.S. defense establishment?


Which position is a multilateralist most likely to take?

The United States should work with other nations to address the issue of global climate change.

What do Social Security benefits provide?

an income floor for the elderly and disabled

Which of the following represented the advancement of the women's movement of the 1970s and 1980s?

broad advances in equal treatment in many areas

How do social movements encourage popular involvement to support their respective causes?

by encouraging people to expand the spheres of their participation

How do social movements make U.S. politics more democratic?

by helping those without substantial resources enter political life

How might the federal government be involved in the commerce of a particular state or municipality, under the Constitution?

by regulating the sale of lumber from a sawmill in Idaho to a store in Colorado

The exchanges set up by the ACA are designed to help people __________.

compare health insurance plans so that they can identify the one that is right for them

Which of the following is an example of a tactic likely to be used by a social movement?

grassroots protest during a town hall meeting

Which cultural value in America makes gaining political support for increases in safety net programs more difficult?


The head of the Department of Defense __________.

is a civilian

Foreign policy often sets aside popular opinion in favor of __________

national interest

Which of the following government roles likely would not be involved in a president's decision to attack another country?

national security advisor

The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution guarantees which of the following rights?

due process

Which of the following is credited for equalizing sports at American universities?

Title IX of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

Which clause of the Fourteenth Amendment was used as justification to put an end to government-sponsored segregation and discrimination?

equal protection

Congress becomes more assertive in foreign policy when __________.

a particular conflict is unpopular

What is a means-tested safety net program?

a program in which benefits are distributed on the basis of need to those whose incomes are low enough to qualify

The Supreme Court uses which standard of review for all laws that discriminate against racial, ethnic, or religious minorities?

strict scrutiny

Fiscal policy relies on __________ to manage the economy.

taxation and spending

The United States defense budget is more than that of the next __________ nations combined.


When a law that discriminates based on race is thought to be unconstitutional, the government can prevent it from being struck down by showing __________.

that the law is necessary to achieving a compelling government interest

As measured by annual gross domestic product in exchange rate currencies, in 2019, the nation with the largest economy was __________.

the United States

Which of the following is a mark of successful social movements?

the ability to affect the political fortunes of elected leaders

Which social movement's objective was to end slavery in the United States?

the abolitionist movement

What is the best definition of soft power?

the attractiveness to others of a nation's culture and way of life

The Constitution lodges most responsibilities and powers for foreign and military affairs with which of the following?

the federal executive branch

If the federal government were to mandate a nationwide expansion of unemployment benefits, what would the primary source of funding be?

the federal government

Times of social distress often lead to __________.

the rise of social movements

Social movements committed to radical change in society and the economy tend to threaten widely held values and beliefs. As a result, __________.

they usually face repression of some sort

Successful social movements exhibit __________, the ability to make their members believe that they can truly affect politics.

political efficacy

Which of the following describes a result of the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848?

raising awareness of injustices against women

Public exclusion from defense policy often is due to the need for__________.

speed, unity, and secrecy

Who shares responsibility with the federal government for administering Medicaid?

state governments

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) __________.

was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 2013

How does the American safety net differ from most other rich democracies?

. It covers fewer people, asks less of private employers, and does not have universal health insurance coverage.

What is one of the potential consequences of enacting environmental regulations through the executive branch's rule-making process for government agencies instead of the Congressional law-making process?

A later administration might replace agency leadership and eliminate the regulations.

Religious organizations sued the federal government over which of the following ACA requirements?

All health insurance plans must cover certain types of contraception.

Which of the following is an example of how the American economy and American electoral politics are tied together?

American voters pressure their elected officials to institute policies that will improve the public's well-being during a depression

How had the politics of environmental regulation begun to shift by the beginning of Ronald Reagan's presidency in 1981?

Democrats continued to push environmental regulations while Republicans began to advocate scaling back the regulations.

which part of the safety net might the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) use to make a direct cash transfer to a low-income family of four?

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

Which of the following is an example of a federal regulatory agency?

Food and Drug Administration

Concerning gays and lesbians in the military, which of the following is currently true?

Gays and lesbians are allowed to serve openly in the military.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) replaced which agreement?

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

Which of the following is a reason that it has been so difficult for Congress and the president to solve America's long-term debt problem?

Hardly anyone wants taxes increased or benefits reduced, and American voters do not agree about what they are willing to sacrifice.

Which term is used to refer to countries that are dominant global powers?


The United Auto Workers sit-down strike of 1937 was a success for which of the following reasons?

It forced the company to recognize the union as a valuable asset in negotiation.

What does it mean for a nation to be a superpower?

It has the resources to project military and economic force anywhere in the world.

Which is true of the United States in relation to the role of a hegemon?

It is not the power it was in previous decades, and other rising international powers such as China, Russia, and India are not certain that they desire the United States to fill the role.

In which of the following ways did the Affordable Care Act expand health insurance coverage for people in the United States?

It subsidized the cost of health insurance for people who are ineligible for Medicaid and aren't enrolled in employer benefits but still have low annual income.

Why did the poor people's movement of the 1960s fail?

Its solution to poverty—income redistribution—was too radical for the American public.

The advisory body to the president that provides a link between the military and the Department of Defense is known as the __________.

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Which of the following best characterizes the debate between Keynesians and monetarists?

Keynesians prefer to stimulate a weak economy with increased spending; monetarists prefer to stimulate a weak economy by adjusting the rates at which banks borrow money from the Fed.

Which prominent black-power leader rejected the principle of nonviolent civil disobedience?

Malcolm X

Under the ACA, states were given the option to increase access to __________.


Which is an example of a social insurance program?


Which amendment gave women the right to vote?

Nineteenth Amendment

The Jim Crow South was tacitly granted constitutional status and legitimacy due to the "separate but equal" ruling in __________.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

Who is more likely to rely on social movements to effect change?

Political outsiders

Which of the following statements accurately represents public opinion regarding same-sex marriage?

Public support has increased dramatically over a short period of time, leading to an increase in political support.

Why are policing and intelligence operations necessary components of protecting against terrorist attacks in the United States and other nations?

Purely military responses abroad are unlikely to improve America's and other countries' security.

What role does government regulation serve?

Regulation prevents the harmful practices and negative outcomes that can occur when people and businesses are left entirely to their own devices.

Which is true regarding the federal budget?

Safety net programs account for the largest annual share of the federal budget.

The United States has a progressive income tax code. What does it mean to have a progressive income tax code?

Tax rates increase as the taxable income amount increases.

Which of the following statements about the views of Tea Party identifiers is true?

Tea Party identifiers hold more anti-government views than both average voters and Republican identifiers.

What historically has been the driving force behind the expanding responsibilities of the federal government?

The American people have asked the federal government to do more in the face of economic and social change.

Which of the following is one way in which the American federal government manages inflation?

The Federal Reserve Bank adjusts interest rates.

How were the Civil War amendments enforced in the decades after they were passed?

The practical applicability of the amendments was undermined.

Which of the following statements about the public's response to social movements is accurate?

The public is most receptive when other conditions in society appear in favor of the movement.

Which of the following statements about social movements is true?

They are ephemeral in nature, coming and going as people feel they are needed.

Which best describes the national interest?

There is no formal consensus or agreement on the meaning of our national interest.

Which of the following is true of social movements?

They are difficult to coordinate and sustain.

__________ tend to believe that the United States has sufficient power and foresight to act alone in the world without the permission of other countries or international bodies.


What Supreme Court case established the guidelines that would trigger the strict scrutiny standard?

United States v. Carolene Products Company (1938)

When was the last time Congress was asked to use its power under the Constitution to declare war?


In addition to (1) a set of grievances among a group of people, (2) resources, (3) a supportive environment, and (4) a sense that its members can make a difference in politics, what else do social movements require?

a catalyst or spark

According to some political scientists, which of the following is a major obstacle to the success of social movements?

a constitutional system that by its nature discourages the advancement of minority interests

Which of the following would be a negative externality of a growing manufacturing economy in Wisconsin?

air and water pollution

Social movements often trigger __________, responses by other groups in society who feel a resulting sense of challenge or vulnerability.


Starting in the late 1970s, what has motivated some opinion leaders to argue for deregulation that reduces government oversight in a variety of economic sectors?

dissatisfaction with the perceived economic inefficiencies that government regulations create for American companies

What are the primary sources of revenue for the federal government?

income taxes and payroll taxes

The __________ the GDP is, the __________ the government can typically afford to spend.

lower; less

The Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act __________.

makes it easier for women to sue companies over pay discrimination

The largest share of the federal budget goes to __________ spending.


In addition to direct cash assistance, what can states use Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) funding to provide to people living below the poverty level?

money for childcare and education

Which of the following helped the civil rights movement achieve broad support for civil rights legislation in the 1960s?

observation of the contrast between peaceful protestors and the violence used against them

What does the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) do?

prohibits employment discrimination against persons with disabilities

Which of the following is a suspect classification?


Laws that discriminate against a particular sex __________.

receive intermediate scrutiny from the U.S. Supreme Court

Which of the following actions by a state government undermined the Fifteenth Amendment?

requiring voters to pass a literacy test devised and administered by local officials

Which term refers to the number of groups involved in a political conflict?

scope of conflict

Which amendment to the Constitution guarantees the right to vote to women?

the Nineteenth Amendment

Historical evidence suggests that social movements discredit themselves in the eyes of the people by trying to persuade people to do what?

to be violent

Which of the following accurately reflects the goals and methods of social movements?

to evolve a minority position to a majority position

What was the Populist movement's primary objective?

to force public ownership or regulation of banks, grain storage companies, and railroads

For what purpose do social movements rely on large numbers of participants?

to help attract the attention of the public and government officials

According to the principles of civil disobedience, how must unjust laws be resisted?

with nonviolence

Same-sex marriage has the greatest support among which demographic?

young adults

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