POS 160 Ch 8 Final

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A UNDP report on the 1990s stated that no fewer than _______ developing or "in transition" countries had experienced serious economic decline over the previous three decades


The Torrey Canyon disaster occurred in __________ and helped to call attention to __________.

1967. . . the danger of oil tanker wrecks

The Kyoto Protocol was established in __________ in __________.

1997. . . Japan

According to the IPCC, if nothing is done to curb intensive fossil fuel emissions, there will be a likely rise in mean temperatures of the order of

2.4ºC to 6.4ºC

It is estimated that ______ die every day from hunger-related causes.a. 100,000


Despite the increase in food production since the Second World War, there are around _______ million malnourished people in approximately 80 countries.


Which of the following herbicides was employed as a weapon in a war?

Agent Orange in Vietnam

What has helped erode local food security?

Agricultural trade liberalization

How did developed countries respond to developing countries when the latter argued that CFCs were a developed world problem and the developed world should solve it?

Allowed grace period for developing countries and established a fund to finance alternative CFC technology

What view of development argues for a process that is bottom up, participatory, and reliant on appropriate (often local) knowledge and technology, with small investments in small-scale projects and a protection of the commons?


According to Rachel Carson, "control of nature" is a phrase conceived in


Marxist scholars would likely disagree with which of the following liberal institutionalist assumptions?

Both D and C

The term "sustainable development" was introduced to the public through the

Brundtland Report, 1987

The Kyoto Protocol included all of the following reduction mechanisms EXCEPT

CFC emissions trading mechanisms

What was the most significant chemical affecting stratospheric ozone depletion?


According to the text, when the human population goes beyond the Earth's _________, disaster is inevitable.

Carrying capacity

Analysts of international environmental cooperation have observed the importance of

Changes in knowledge

The population of India is expected to exceed that of ______ by 2050.


In 1990 the majority of improvements in reducing the number of people living on less than

China India

Under which mechanism can a developed country receive credits against its own emissions reduction target by financing projects in another developed country?

Clean development mechanism

A key principle of the climate change regime contained in the 1992 UNFCCC stated that all nations had to accept responsibility for the world's changing climate, despite the fact that some countries pollute more than others. This is called

Common but differentiated responsibilities

What did early international environmental agreements focus on?

Conservation of specific resources, such migratory birds or fur seals

"Diverse paths, locally driven" is a component of which approach of development?

Critical Alternative

In the 1960s and 1970s, _____ stressed how the periphery, or third world, was actively underdeveloped by policies and decisions that promoted the growth in wealth of the core Western countries and of elites in the periphery.

Dependency theorists

Creation of some of the first environmental NGOs, such as Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and the World Wildlife Fund for Nature, was a __________ phenomenon.

Developed World

Which region or organization has implemented the first international emissions trading mechanism?


Modernization theory views development as synonymous with:

Economic growth

What term refers to an international economic order based on the pursuit of free trade, but allowing an appropriate role for state intervention in the market in support of national security and national and global stability?

Embedded liberalism

International consensus that climate change was occurring

Emerged in the 1980s

After the Cold War, realist international relations specialists began to apply their ideas about anarchy and war to the study of environmental politics. They argued that

Environmental change contributes to the incidence of both internal conflict and even interstate wars

What is the name given to transnationally organized groups of scientists and policymakers that influence the development of environmental regimes?

Epistemic communities

What were some of the first global commons covered by an international environmental regime?


A __________ signals concern and establishes mechanisms for developing and sharing new scientific data related to a specific issue.

Framework convention

Most environmental conventions now aim at capacity building through arrangements for the transfer of

Funds, technology, and expertise

Area(s) not under sovereign jurisdiction is/are called

Global commons

The orthodox and alternative evaluations of the causes of poverty are based on ________ and they are_______.

IMF planning documents . . . therefore based on sound statistical evidence

If environmental and social damage associated with production of a good is properly factored into its market price, some economists argue that markets can

Increase efficiency and reduce pollution

What term is used to describe an agreement or social institution with (more or less) agreed-upon principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that govern the activities and shape the expectations of actors in a specific environmental issue-area?

International environmental regime

Human poverty encompasses all of the following except:

Investment Options

Which international agreement included so-called Clean Development Mechanisms?

Kyoto Protocol

According to modernization theory, countries with lower per capita income are:

Less developed

What international relations theory is most conducive to explaining effective environmental regimes?

Liberal institutionalism

Which approach to poverty, development, and hunger argues that development follows a linear path from "traditional" to "modern"?


Why must states establish international governance regimes to regulate transboundary environmental problems and to sustain the global commons?

Many environmental issues affect the entire world

Which country is not considered a "new globalizer"?


What is the UN program called that encourages improvements in living conditions in developing countries?

Millennium Development Goals

The Rio Earth Summit (1992) led to the establishment of which convention?

Millennium Goals

What is the academic model that asserts that countries go through a series of steps as they move from premodern to postmodern?

Modernization theory

The Chiapas uprising attempted to _________ .


The alternative approach to development and poverty reduction emphasizes the role of _________


In principle, the privatization approach could play a significant role in improving resource management of the global commons but would be difficult for dealing with __________ problems.


Liberal institutionalism is conducive to explaining environmental regimes because

Of the joint gains arising from cooperative solutions

According to the text, what was an adverse effect of the "Green Revolution"?

Peasants lost their land because their labor was no longer needed

What regime or institution promotes economic growth through trade liberalization coupled with pro-poor growth and poverty reduction policies?

Post-Washington Consensus

Economic growth, according to modernization theory, is required to reduce:


What phrase best describes free riding?

Refusing to be bound by the collective arrangements while sharing the benefits

In 1988, what changes occurred concerning the Antarctica treaty system?

Regulated mineral mining was allowed

The term "global commons" refers to __________ all members of __________.

Resources shared by. . . the international community

What 1960s book highlighted the damage inflicted upon avian species by industrial pesticides like DDT?

Silent Spring

What development strategy/policy favored by the IMF, World Bank, and the US compels developing nations to reform their economies along neoliberal lines in order to compete in the global market?

Structural adjustment

What region of the world saw the numbers of people living on less than a dollar a day actually increase during the 1990s?

Sub-Saharan Africa.

What term describes the idea that development must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs?

Sustainable development

The United Nations' Brundtland Report proposed which of the following?

Sustainable development.

Global Seed Vault is located on

Svalbard Islands

The model used to explain why communities may over-exploit shared environmental resources even when they know that it may be against their long-term interests is known as

The "tragedy of the commons"

One of the most immediate and persistent consequences of warfare is

The destruction of ecosystems

If some countries join together and agree to make cuts that are costly, then others who do not can enjoy the environmental benefits of such action without paying. This is an example of

The free-rider problem

The Montreal Protocol (1987) was established to deal with the depletion of

The ozone layer

What is "Principle 21"?

The principle that combines sovereignty over national resources with state responsibility for external pollution

What did the United States and other potential GMO exporters worry about when negotiating the Cartagena Protocol?

The protocol might be a kind of protectionism in disguise

Which writer first proposed a relationship between human population growth and the food.

Thomas Malthus

Which is an environmental problem present in neoliberal economic policies?

Thoughtless squandering of resources through consumerism

While the nineteenth century fur seal conventions sought to __________, the International Whaling Convention __________.

To continue an industry by limiting catch size. . . tried to conserve great whale species by instituting a global moratorium

Why was the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, or "Doomsday Vault," constructed?

To store seeds in case of catastrophic environmental changes

What case(s) asserted the legal principle that countries are liable for damage that their citizens cause in another country?

Trail Smelter

What organization has made the distinction between income poverty (a material condition) and human poverty (encompassing human dignity, agency, opportunity, and choices)?


What 1992 treaty envisaged the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and their removal by carbon sequestration?


The Stockholm Conference led to the creation of

United Nations Environment Program

What state pulled out of the Paris climate agreement in 2017, thereby undermining its legitimacy?

United States

What state/organization has been the most active in the creation of the global food regime

United States

What does the precautionary principle say?

Where there is a likelihood of environmental damage, banning an activity should not require full and definitive scientific proof

the Group of Seven (comprising the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Canada), which first met in a. 1975. b. 1985. c. 1996. d. 2008.

a. 1975.

Two examples from the 1880s of globalized goods are a. Campbell's and Heinz b. IKEA and McDonald's c. Nescafé and Ford d. Dole and Heinz

a. Campbell's and Heinz

__________ of borders is NOT one of the ways in which the globalization of trade and finance has been conceived? a. Closing b. Crossing c. Opening d. Transcendence

a. Closing

The global economic collapse that ensued following the Wall Street stock market crash in October 1929 was called the a. Great Depression b. World Economic Decline c. Financial Meltdown of 1929 d. Great Recession

a. Great Depression

Which two economists helped to create the Bretton Woods system? a. Keynes and White b. Smithson and Morgenthau c. Galbraith and Bernstein d. Hunter and Garcia

a. Keynes and White

The Marshall Plan was a. a program of financial and other economic aid for Europe after the Second World War. b. intended to resolve the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s. c. design to stop Communist influence in Southeast Asia. d. the follow-on aid to implement the Dawes Plan.

a. a program of financial and other economic aid for Europe after the Second World War.

The central demand of the Third World-led New International Economic Order (NIEO) was a. action to end the persistence of poverty. b. action to end the persistence of colonial memories and bias. c. free market trade liberalization. d. action to reduce non-tariff barriers.

a. action to end the persistence of poverty.

The success of OPEC inspired other commodity-producing countries to think about establishing __________ to increase the prices of coffee, tin, rubber, and other exports from developing state? a. cartels b. market-capture growth models c. Ricardo growth d. labor intensive-led growth

a. cartels

"Brexit" refers to the a. exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. b. United Kingdom opting out of the Trans Pacific Partnership since it is no longer a global economic power. c. United Kingdom quitting GATT to join EFTA. d. United Kingdom the EU to join the new Atlantic Charter with the United States.

a. exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union.

The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development was initially tasked with which of the following? a. facilitating private investment and reconstruction after the Second World War b. aiding the Third World after Second World War c. assisting in the decolonization process d. encouraging consumer spending after Second World War

a. facilitating private investment and reconstruction after the Second World War

What term refers to the international transfer of goods and services within transborder companies? a. intrafirm trade b. flexing labor forces c. global production d. triangulation

a. intrafirm trade

Regional frameworks like the European Union and North American Free Trade Agreement have removed (to varying degrees) __________ between participating countries. a. official restrictions on trade b. trade socialism c. labor activism d. industrial favoritism

a. official restrictions on trade

Many governments have actively lured externally based business by lowering corporate tax rates, __________, and relaxing labor and environmental standards. a. reducing restrictions on the repatriation of profits b. increasing restrictions on the repatriation of profits c. providing preferred housing to outsourcers d. opting out of cartelized preference schemes

a. reducing restrictions on the repatriation of profits

Which term best describes economic decision making in China? a. state capitalism b. Iron Law of Wages c. 100 Flowers Blooming d. New Economic Plan (NEP)

a. state capitalism

The measures imposed on developing and indebted countries to reduce inflation, restrain government expenditure, and increase trade liberalization and privatization are called a. structural adjustment programs. b. deregulation. c. the Marshall Plan. d. the Washington Consensus.

a. structural adjustment programs.

According to the text, as globalization has intensified, poverty, defined in economic terms, has come to characterize significant sectors of populations in:

all of the above

Greenhouse gases emissions have risen because

all of the above

The process of development in the orthodox model has elements such as

all of the above

The term __________ is used to describe a situation in which a single process is spread across several countries. a. "organized economics" b. "transborder production" c. "global sourcing" d. "transborder agency"

b. "transborder production"

In what year did the Bretton Woods system begin operations? a. 1929 b. 1947 c. 1966 d. 1995

b. 1947

__________ is often connected with the concept of "economic liberalism." a. Lassiter Smith b. Adam Smith c. Milton Friedman d. Lionel Hampton

b. Adam Smith

The WTO has a dispute-resolution panel called a. Bank of International Settlement. b. Dispute Settlement Body. c. Trade Dispute Review Board. d. Board to Investigate Trade Problems.

b. Dispute Settlement Body.

In 1947, which organization became the forum for negotiations on trade liberalization? a. World Bank b. GATT c. WTO d. IBRD


What organization brought major reductions in customs duties, quotas, and other measures that previously inhibited cross-border movement of merchandise? a. IBRD b. GATT/WTO c. IMF d. UNCTAD


What was the name of the US-led and funded plan for reconstructing post-war Europe? a. Truman Doctrine b. Marshall Plan c. Bretton Woods system d. Structural Adjustment Plan

b. Marshall Plan

What was the Bretton Woods system designed to prevent? a. the expansion of the gold to dollar standard b. another Great Depression c. the sale of complex financial instruments called "derivatives" d. speculation in the markets for both gold and silver

b. another Great Depression

Proponents of which academic approach might "we cannot know what we want unless we know who we are"? a. realism b. constructivism c. institutionalism d. globalism

b. constructivism

The Trans-Pacific Partnership was intended to a. help defray the long-term combined costs of the Vietnam War and the Great Society programs. b. counter the attempt by China's government to create its now set of trade rules for the region. c. expand the economic clout of ASEAN. d. reduce the effects of the Smithsonian Agreement.

b. counter the attempt by China's government to create its now set of trade rules for the region.

The system whereby the United States became the world's "central bank" and backed the dollar with gold is/was called the a. greenback standard. b. dollar standard. c. metallic standard. d. Washington Consensus.

b. dollar standard.

Many __________ believe that governments and states are losing their capacity to control economic interactions. a. constructivists b. globalists c. autarchists d. developmentalists

b. globalists

Critics have suggested that __________ large corporations and encourage companies to move jobs overseas. a. most free trade agreements harm b. most free trade agreements favor c. non-tariff barriers favor d. trade maladjustment encourages

b. most free trade agreements favor

Most firms involved in global trade "have a __________ board of directors." a. penurious b. non-national c. parsimonious d. structurally adjusted

b. non-national

Recent decades have witnessed the widespread __________ flows. a. closing of borders to investment b. opening of borders to investment c. increasing trade and therefore industrial sewage d. opening of internet-related travel

b. opening of borders to investment

The government policy of discouraging imports through the imposition of tariffs and non-tariff barriers is called a. autarchy. b. protectionism. c. coaxial refinement. d. development assistance.

b. protectionism.

The broadly adopted neoliberal approach that advocates the rollback of the state, leaving decisions about allocation, production, and distribution to the market, came to be known as a. the Marshall Plan. b. the Washington Consensus. c. structural adjustment. d. deregulation.

b. the Washington Consensus.

What is the name given to removal of barriers, such as the removal or reduction of tariffs or quotas on the trading of specific goods, to stimulate free trade? a. structural adjustment policy b. trade liberalization c. neomercantilism d. mercantilism

b. trade liberalization

The acceptance of the Kyoto Protocol was made difficult because it

benefited developing countries over developed ones

What era saw a nearly 40-year wave of protectionism? a. 1890-1913 b. 1950-1979 c. 1914-1950 d. 1929-1979

c. 1914-1950

In __________, the United States ended the system of __________ exchange rates based on the convertibility of the US dollar to $35 per ounce of gold. a. 1971 . . . floating b. 1969 . . . arbitrary c. 1971 . . . fixed d. 1962 . . . fixed

c. 1971 . . . fixed

GATT, IBRD, and the IMF were the three institutions of what post-Second World War system? a. WTO b. Global Bank system c. Bretton Woods d. Basel Convention on Banking

c. Bretton Woods

The WTO replaced which organization? a. IMF b. IBRD c. GATT d. the entire Bretton Woods system


The Marshall Plan and the Dodge Line challenged the strict loan requirements which organization? a. Group of 7 b. Group of 20 c. IMF and World Bank Group d. Containment Marketing Group

c. IMF and World Bank Group

What organization promotes development in medium- and low-income countries with project loans, structural adjustment programs, and various advisory services? a. Grameen Bank b. Green Bank c. World Bank Group d. Global Bank Group

c. World Bank Group

What international monetary system did the dollar standard replace? a. pound standard b. currency basket standard c. gold standard d. ruble standard

c. gold standard

Which of the following is not one of the four aspects of globalization as outlined in the text? a. liberalization b. internationalization c. internalization d. deterritorialization

c. internalization

Pax Americana refers to the a. period from 1981 to 1992 when Presidents Reagan and George H. W. Bush advocated higher tariffs as a means of bringing peace to global trade relations. b. imaginary US hegemonic control over the Western hemispheric landmass. c. liberal economic model the permitted various forms of capitalism and a range of trade policies. d. 42 years of US-lead dominance over OECD and EFTA policies.

c. liberal economic model the permitted various forms of capitalism and a range of trade policies.

The __________ tradition focuses on the ability of states to be economically independent, a condition often called "economic nationalism." a. Marxist b. constructivist c. mercantilist d. liberal

c. mercantilist

In 1995, the GATT became a. the G8. b. the New International Economic Order (NIEO). c. the World Trade Organization (WTO). d. the International Trade Court.

c. the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Which traditional approach to international economics shares the central presumptions of realism? a. the liberal tradition b. the Marxist tradition c. the mercantilist tradition d. the neorealist tradition

c. the mercantilist tradition

Protectionism includes all of the following EXCEPT a. tariffs. b. non-tariff barriers. c. unmitigated trade. d. domestic subsidies.

c. unmitigated trade.

A stress on ________ production has led towards export-oriented, large-scale, intensively mechanized agriculture in the Global South.

cash crop

The North-South agenda has ______ in the years since the Rio Summit.

changed little

The IPCC consists of three working groups:

climate science, impacts, and economic and social dimensions

For proponents of neoliberal economic policies, inequality is not a negative aspect but an

competition and entrepreneurial spirit

Academic advocates of international regime theory believe four factors can explain why and when countries decide to create a formal commitment in a given issue-area. What are these factors?

context, knowledge, interest, power

In what year was the World Trade Organization (WTO) inaugurated? a. 1948 b. 1983 c. 1987 d. 1995

d. 1995

__________ was the dominant state international economic program during the period 1929-1933. a. Austerity b. Free trade c. Economic liberalism d. A form of mercantilism

d. A form of mercantilism

Since 1971 the transborder cyberspatial network __________ has had no central meeting place at all. a. Daiwa Securities b. Gramsci-Kleinwart c. IBEX/IBIS d. NASDAQ


Local peculiarities have often affected the way a global product is sold and used in different places. For example, __________ has often been adjusted to local tastes to be more effective. a. a specific tariff b. retrenchment c. packaging d. advertising

d. advertising

The NIEO included which of the following goals? a. better representation in international economic institutions b. a fairer trading system c. protection of economic sovereignty d. all of the above

d. all of the above

When the World Trade Organization began its work in 1995, it faced many new kinds of issues. These included a. food safety. b. trade-related property rights. c. intellectual property rights. d. all of the above

d. all of the above

What term refers to the degree to which articles, communications, financial instruments, fixed assets, and people can circulate throughout the world economy, free from state-imposed controls? a. autarchy b. semiperiphery market shares c. internationalization d. globalization

d. globalization

The Bretton Woods system established a(n) a. international system without colonies. b. Global North-South international system. c. bipolar international system. d. international political economic system.

d. international political economic system.

The __________ tradition of IPE focuses on the ability of institutions to foster trade on the open global market. a. Marxist b. constructivist c. mercantilist d. liberal

d. liberal

The WTO covers services, intellectual property, and investment issues as well as a. shipping lanes. b. trade in endangered species. c. trade of illegal substances. d. merchandise trade.

d. merchandise trade

"Global sourcing" refers to a. the core and periphery in the international system. b. the transfer of funds to the Third World. c. system-wide exploitation of workers' wages, benefits, and conditions. d. obtaining goods and services across geopolitical boundaries.

d. obtaining goods and services across geopolitical boundaries.

The counterpart the Marshall Plan was called __________ and provided capital to __________. a. the Dodge Line . . . British firms seeking to expand into Asian markets b. Regime-dominant functionality . . . G-7 states c. the IMF SAP programs . . . Japan d. the Dodge Line . . . Japan

d. the Dodge Line . . . Japan

Developing states began criticizing __________ at the Summit of Non-Aligned Nations in Algiers in 1973. a. intergovernmental forum exclusivity b. state partnership assemblies c. Wallerstein's concept of world-system d. the liberal economic order

d. the liberal economic order

Economic globalization often causes __________ within and between states. a. high GDP growth b. social development c. high inflation d. wage stagnation and growth in inequality

d. wage stagnation and growth in inequality

The mainstream approach to hunger states that there is enough food, but that the problems are ________ and/or _________.

distribution networks/entitlement.

The alternative approach to development places ________ over ________ .


Advocates of a critical alternative approach emphasize the pattern of distribution of gains within global society and within individual states, rather than:

economic growth

According to the text, the factor that determines whether a person experiences chronic hunger is not the availability of food but the ability to:

establish an entitlement to food

The global food regime has helped to foster a dependence on:

foreign food aid

During the Cold War the majority of Third World countries were in the capitalist camp because

former colonial ties

The type of agreement that establishes basic aims, principles, norms, institutions, and procedures for coordinated international actors is called a

framework convention

Central to the notion of sustainable development is the idea that ______________ should not suffer so that the present generation can see economic development.

future generations

In 1994 the World Bank came up with its "Operational Policy 4.20," which concerns:


According to the text, paradoxically globalization can simultaneously contribute to increased food production and increased:


The increasing promotion of neoliberal economic policies during the 1980s and 1990s saw a/n _______ inequality.

increase in

According to Sen, those least able to procure food entitlements are:

landless laborers and pastoralists

All of the following characterized the Green Revolution except:

local food security

The history of environmental cooperation demonstrates that __________ and/or __________ action is necessary.

local. . . regional

The mainstream or orthodox approach to poverty is based upon which of the following?


The various views on poverty agree on the basic material aspects, such as lack of food, clean water, and sanitation, but there is disagreement on the importance of ________ aspects.


At base, the mainstream concept of poverty translates to:

not enough money in your pocket

The framers of the Kyoto Protocol faced a more difficult challenge then those who constructed the Montreal Protocol because the Kyoto Protocol affects

only a small part of the global economy

Amartya Sen, in Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation, concludes that hunger is not due to there not being enough to eat; rather, it is because of:

people not having enough to eat

A food system based upon entitlements causes those who lack the ________ to procure food to go hungry

purchasing power

The global human population has ______ since the 1800s


In developing countries there is/are generally no ___________ to ensure people are able to obtain food

social security arrangements

A critical alternative view of poverty places more emphasis on lack of access to all of the following except:

the Green Revolution

A prominent structural division within international relations hindering a cooperative solution to climate change is

the realist/liberal feminist paradigm disagreement OR the division between the Global North and Global South idk

Emissions trading creates a market based upon

the right to pollute

What catchphrase informed the strategies of the IMF and World Bank, and importantly through the Uruguay Round of trade discussions carried out under the auspices of GATT?

there is no alternative

According to dependency theorists, in the 1960s and 1970s growth in the core countries was achieved through the active underdevelopment of which region?

third world

Who has a major role in the global food regime?

transnational corporations

In developing countries, poverty and hunger disproportionally affect:

women and children

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