POSC 1010 Final Exam

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According to Federalist 51, the writers of the Constitution generally believed that people would always seek the greater good over their own self interests. A. True B. False


According to Madison (in Federalist 46), it is much more likely that individuals serving in state & local governments will bring a bias in favor of national issues than it is that those serving in the national government will bring a bias in favor of state & local issues. A. True B. False


According to Madison, the tendency of people of similar interest to form groups will lead to control by a small number of groups resulting in the tyranny of the majority that the Framers were so concerned about. A. True B. False


According to the doctrine of Pluralism, the tendency of people of similar interest to form groups will lead to control by a small number of groups resulting in the tyranny of the majority that the Framers were so concerned about. A. True B. False


All federal grant programs are run directly from Washington, i.e., they do not involve state and local governments at all in their implementation. A. True B. False


Article III of the Constitution lists judicial review as one of the powers of the judiciary. A. True B. False


Article III of the Constitution states that the Supreme Court shall consist of nine justices, each appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. A. True B. False


Hamilton argues that judges should be elected to make them more accountable to the people. A. True B. False


In Federalist #10, Madison argued that government should attempt to equalize people economically in order to control the risks associated with the formation of factions. A. True B. False


In the first decades following ratification of the Constitution, all white men had the right to vote. A. True B. False


Political parties and interest groups receive the same amount of government oversight of their activities. A. True B. False


Suppose a federal judge decides that there should be a federal sales tax on recreational marijuana. She orders the collection of 8% on all sales of marijuana in states where it is legal. This action by the judge is allowable under the Constitution. A. True B. False


The Constitution requires electors in the Electoral College to vote for the candidate that won the popular vote in their state. A. True B. False


The Declaration of Independence argues that the purpose of government is to create certain rights for the people and to disparage others. A. True B. False


The term "liberalism", as it is typically used in modern times, describes the same set of political and economic beliefs as it did in the early days of the nation. A. True B. False


Dual sovereignty describes the relationship in the US between A. federal and state governments B. the people and the government C. the president and the legislature D. state and local governments

Federal and state governments

The doctrine of preemption means that where federal and state laws conflict, A. Federal law overrules state law B. The courts decide which law prevails C. Neither law is enforceable D. State law overrules federal law

Federal law overrules state law

The president whose economic programs resulted in a marked increase in federal government power within the states that essentially redefined American Federalism was A. John F. Kennedy B. James A. Garfield C. Dwight D. Eisenhower D. Theodore Roosevelt E. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt

According to Federalist #39, which of the following is not a requirement for a republican system of government? A. Its power must be derived from the people B. All officers must be directly elected by the people C. There must not be an aristocracy

All officers must directly elected by the people

In the event that no candidate gets a majority vote in the Electoral College, how will the president be selected? A. A vote by the House of Representatives B. If the groundhog sees his shadow, the candidate whose home state comes first alphabetically becomes president, except in odd-numbered years C. The vice president will become president D. The one with the most popular votes will win E. There won't be a president; it will have to wait until the next election cycle F. A national runoff election will be held

A vote by the House of Representatives

The first Republican president was.... A. Teddy Roosevelt B. Andrew Jackson C. Donald J. Trump D. James Madison E. Abraham Lincoln F. George Washington G. Ronald Reagan

Abraham Lincoln

According to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a law is unjust when... A. All of the above B. The people affected by the law have no role in making the law C. It does not apply to the people who made the law D. It signles out a minority

All of the above

Which president's election was instrumental in ending the legislative caucus method of selecting each party's nominees and replacing it with the convention system of nominations? A. Andrew Jackson B. Lyndon Johnson C. Abraham Lincoln D. Frankling Roosevelt

Andrew Jacson

According to the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Free Exercise Clause. the freedom to ________ is absolutely protected, but the freedom to _______ is not always absolute. A. believe; act B. act in movies; run for governor of California C. act; believe D. speak; believe

Believe; act

Which Supreme Court decision overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson A. Ferguson v. Plessy B. Marburry v. Madison C. Brown v. Board of Education D. California v. Bakke E. McCulloch v. Maryland F. Plessy v. Ferguson was never overturned

Brown v. Board of Education

In the Heart of Atlanta Motel vs. US and Katzenbach vs. McClung cases (both in 1964), what clause was applied to say that the Civil Rights Act if 1964 was constitutional? A. Free Exercise Clause B. Elastic Commerce C. Commerce Clause D. Establishment Clause E. Necessary and Proper Clause

Commerce Clause

Like we have said in class, the term "liberal" can be confusing, Milton Friedman is an example of someone who describes himself as a "classical liberal." Which of the following would not be something you would expect a "classical liberal" to be in support of? A. Greater emphasis on personal responsibility B. Federal power limited to stricter reading of the Enumerated Rights listed in Article I, Section 8 C. States' rights D. Concentration of power at national government level

Concentration of power at national government level

The "iron triangle" is a concept used by political scientists to describe the ongoing cycle of influence between.... A. The president, Congress, and interest groups B. Political parties, Congress, and the president C. The people, the president, and regulatory agencies D. Congress, regulatory agencies, and intrest groups

Congress, regualory agencies, and intrest groups

Which of the following parties was dominant in the South prior to the Civil War and through most of the twentieth century? A. Whig B. Constitution C. Republican D. Democrat


The modern political party directly descended from that of Thomas Jefferson and that was given its current name following the election of Andrew Jackson is the _______ Party. A. Democratic B. Republican C. Constitution D. Libertarian


The presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes.... A. Becomes the vice president B. Does not necessarily become the president C. Becomes the president D. Is the president-elect

Does not necessarily become the president

The form of federalism considered to exist prior to 1937 in which federal and state government roles were kept mostly separate was A. Classic federalism B. "Marble cake" federalism C. Cooperative federalism D. New federalism E. Dual federalism

Dual federalism

Whether a state has an open or closed primary is determined by... A. The president B. The Constitution C. Each individual state D. Coin toss E. Congress

Each individual state

The Greek philosopher Plato argued that society should be ruled by "philosopher kings", because they were the ones best qualified to make the hard decisions required for the greater good. This is an example of: A. Egalitarianism B. Direct democracy C. Popular sovereignty D. Elitism


Which of the rights in the Bill of Rights is often described as "central to all other liberties"? Justice Cardozo said, it is the "matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom." A. Right to bear arms B. Right to due process C. Freedom of speech/press D. Protection against double jeopardy E. Protection against unlawful search & seizure

Freedom of speech/press

According to the "social contract" conception of Rousseau and Locke, people in society... A. Live in unfettered freedom to do whatever they please B. Give up some "natural" rights in order to be able to enjoy their "civil" rights C. Are stripped of all of their freedom D. Give up some "civil" rights in order to be able to enjoy their "natural" rights

Give up some "natural" rights in order to be able to enjoy their "civil" rights

Which of the following branch(es) of the federal government was (were) originally elected by popular vote under the Constitution (as ratified in 1789)? A. House of Representatives B. Judicial C. House, Senate, President D. President E. All of them F. Both House and Senate G. Senate

House of Representatives

Article I of the Constitution vests "all legislative Powers" in the Congress of the United States. What does "legislative power" mean, i.e., what does it give them to exclusive power to do? A. Enforce laws B. Use the really cool House & Senate letterhead on all of their letters C. Interpret law D. Make laws E. Make treaties

Make laws

Which of the following statements about the Emancipation Proclamation is true? A. It ended slavery in the Northern state B. It ended slavery in all of the Southern states C. It made slavery illegal D. It only applied to states currently in rebellion

It only applied to states currently in rebellion

Which of the following was one of the authors of the Federalist Papers? A. Thomas Jefferson B. George Washington C. Alexander Graham Bell D. Paul McCartney E. John Jay F. Benjamin Franklin

John Jay

What concept, not listed in the Constitution but present in the British court system, did Hamilton appear to be advocating for the Judicial branch? A. Stare decisis B. Judicial review C. Powdered wigs D. Double jeopardy

Judicial review

The Great Compromise settled the dispute between ______ and ______ at the Constitutional Convention. A. Southern states; Northern states B. Federalist; Anti-Federlist C. Eastern states; Western states D. Large states; Small states

Large states; Small states

A preference for less government involvement in both the economic and cultural spheres is generally characteristic of which political ideology? A. Fascism B. Conservatism C. Socialism D. Liberlaism E. Libertarianism


The US economy is... A. Pure socialist B. Mixed (mostly socialist) C. Pure capitalist D. Mixed (mostly capitalist)

Mixed (mostly capitalist)

The Median Voter Model predicts that candidates try to capture the most votes in a general election by portraying him/herself to voters as... A. More conservative B. Smart C. More liberal D. More moderate E. Less moderate

More moderate

Was Hamilton concerned about the Judicial branch imposing its will on the other two branches of government? A. Maybe/unclear B. No C. Yes


Which of the following is a duty listed for the vice president in Article II of the Constitution? A. President of the Senate B. Attending state funerals C. Head of the Executive Office of the President D. Engage in diplomatic activities with other nations

President of the Senate

Which political party resulted from a spilt in the Whig Party over the issue of slavery in 1850s? A. New Whig B. Libertarian C. Constitution D. Democrat E. Republican


The 3/5 Compromise came about due to the division between ______ and ______. A. Eastern states; Western states B. Federalists; Anti-Federalists C. Large states; Small states D. Southern states; Northern states

Southern states; Northern states

Recall Pet Peeve #2: Which clause in particular in the U.S. Constitution, which was copied nearly verbatim as the Confederate States' Constitution during the Civil War, made the national government for the southern states not a confederate form or government? A. Supremacy Clause B. Full Faith and Credit Clause C. Establishment Clause D. Commerce Clause

Supremacy Clause

What did Hamilton refer to as representing the "will of the people" to which judges in the Judicial branch would uphold? A. Popular opinion polls B. Congressional action C. The Constitution D. Elections

The Constitution

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism of republican government that Madison argues helps to protect against tyranny of the majority? A. Different constituencies to which elected officials are beholden B. Cultural and other differences between people in different states C. The geographical size of the nation D. The membership of any given individual in multiple constituencies E. The absence of modern telecommunications technology

The absence of modern telecommunications technology

Suppose a poll the night before the election shows Smith ahead of Jones in the presidential race 51%-49%. The margin of error of the poll is +/- 3%. What does this indicate? A. Jones will probably beat Smith B. The election is too close to call C. Smith will heat Jones

The election is too close to call

Which of the following is not true of the Electoral College? A. It is not an actual university B. The electoral vote winner is always the winner of the popular vote C. Each state is represented roughly according to its population D. It currently requires 270 electoral votes to win

The electoral vote winner is always the winner of the popular vote

Which of the following is not one of the features of the system of government he is espousing that Madison believes will prevent the harmful effects of factions? A. Formation of factions opposing potentially harmful factions B. The inherent goodness of the people C. The size of the republic D. Representative government

The inherent goodness of the people

Congressional redistricting typically benefits... A. Neither party, it is a non-partism process B. The majority party in Congress C. The minority party in the state legislature D. The majority party in the state legislature E. The party who won the most electoral votes in the last presidential election

The majority in the state legislature

According to Madison in Federalist 51, who is the "primary control on the government"? A. here is none B. The courts C. State governments D. Congress E. The people

The people

Suppose Congress proposes a law that gives tire manufacturers a $100,000 per year tax credit. This program is funded by a 1-cent national sales tax on gasoline. Based on this information, which of the following statements is most likely to be true? A. Tire manufacturers will organize to support the law B. Consumers will organize to oppose the law C. Consumers (those who purchase gasoline) will organize to support the law D. Gas station owners will organize to support the law

Tire manufacturers will organize to support the law

"On good behavior" means that judges can potentially be removed if they fail to uphold the law or act in an unscrupulous manner. A. True B. False


According to J. Clarence Thomas (and J. Brandeis), states act as "laboratories of democracy", meaning that policies are often tried out at the state level before they spread to other states or to the national government. A. True B. False


According to Madison, a major source of factions is the unequal distribution of property. A. True B. False


In Federalist #39, Madison argues that other nations describing themselves as a "republic", for example, Holland, Poland and England, are not republics at all. A. True B. False


In Federalist 51, Madison saw dividing the legislature up into two bodies as a way to limit its power. A. True B. False


In the view of the Framers, rights are protected, but not created, by the government. A. True B. False


Lobbyists in Washington, DC spend much of their time aiding Congressional staff in research, writing bills, and generating questions for congressional hearings. A. True B. False


Madison (in Federalist 46) saw the possibility of states banding together to resist a federal government that had become tyrannical. A. True B. False


Madison saw the Constitution as channeling the human tendency toward selfish ambition in such a way as to limit the power of the government. A. True B. False


The goal of Dr. King's nonviolent methods was to create a crisis that will open up the opportunity for negotiation. A. True B. False


In a closed primary system, A. Voters can vote in only their party's election B. Voters can vote in either party's election C. Voters can vote in both parties' primary election in a given year D. The primary is closed to the press

Voters can vote in only their party's election

Which of the following statements best characterizes Madison's argument in Federalist #10? A. Everyone should learn to hold the same opinions. B. We can and should rid ourselves of factions. C. We can't get rid of factions, so they will eventually break our country apart. D. We can't get rid of factions, so we need to control their effects.

We can't get rid of factions, so we need to control their effects.

One of the ways in which lyengar & Kinder found that media influences public opinion is that they influence. A. People's political ideology B. Who people vote for C. What issues people are paying attention to D. What party people identify with E. Whether or not people vote

What issues people are paying attention to

Does Article III of the Constitution grant the power of judicial review (i.e., determining the constitutionality of government laws & actions) to the Supreme Court? A. No B. Yes


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