PPL Test Prep Ch 3 Flight Instruments

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What is true airspeed?

Calibrated airspeed corrected for non-standard temperature and altitude. Or, the actual speed of the aircraft in relation to the air mass in which it is flying.

What is Vso speed?

The calibrated power-off stalling speed or the minimum stead-flight speed at which the aircraft is controllable in the landing configuration

What should be the indication on the magnetic compass as you roll into a standard rate turn to the right from a south heading in the Northern Hemisphere?

The compass will indicate a turn to the right, back at a faster rate than is actually occuring

Prior to takeoff, the altimeter should be set to which altitude or altimeter setting?

The current local altimeter setting, if available, or the departure airport elevation

What is Vno defined as?

The maximum calibrated airspeed for normal operation, or the max cruising speed

What is density altitude?

The pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature and/or pressure

What is calibrated airspeed?

indicated airspeed corrected for installation and instrument error

If a flight is made from an area of low pressure into an area of high pressure without the altimeter setting being adjusted, the altimeter will indicate

lower than actual altitude above sea level

Deviation in a magnetic compass is caused by the

magnetic fields within the aircraft distorting the lines of magnetic force

In the Northern Hemisphere, the magnetic compass will normally indicate a turn toward the south when

the aircraft is decelerated while on a west heading

At what altitude shall the altimeter be set to 29.92, when climbing to cruising flight level?

18,000 feet MSL

If it is necessary to set the altimeter from 29.15 to 29.85, what change occurs?

700-foot increase in indicated altitude 1" Hg = 1,000 ft in altitude

Which condition would cause the altimeter to indicate a lower altitude than true altitude?

Air temperature warmer than standard

What instrument will become inop if the pitot tube becomes clogged?


What is taken from the pitot tube and furnished to the airspeed indicator only?

Impact (ram) pressure

Under what condition will true altitude be lower than indicated altitude?

In colder than standard air temperature

Under what condition is pressure altitude and density altitude the same value?

At standard temperature

What is the altimeter?

Instrument used to measure height (altitude) by responding to atmosphere pressure changes

Which color identifies the power-off stalling speed in a specified configuration?

Lower limit of the green arc

The angular difference between true north and magnetic north is

Magnetic variation The angular difference between magnetic north, the reference for the magnetic compass, and true north is variation

What is an important airspeed limitation that i snot color coded on airspeed indicators?

Maneuvering speed (Va)

What does the red line on the airspeed indicator represent?

Never-exceed speed

What instruments operate in response to pressures through the pitot-static system?

Pressure altimeter, vertical-speed indicator, and airspeed indicator

How do variations in temperature affect the altimeter?

Pressure levels are raised on warm days and the indicated altitude is lower than true altitude On a warm day, the expanded air is lighter than on a cold day and pressure levels are raised.

What is taken from the static vents and provided to all three instruments?

Static (atmospheric) pressure

If an altimeter setting is not available before flight to which altitude should the pilot adjust the altimeter?

The altimeter should be set to the elevation of the departure airport for airplanes, and the departure area for other aircraft.

Which V-speed represents maximum flap extended speed?


Which V-speed represents maximum landing gear extended speed?


What speed provides the greatest gain in altitude in the shortest distance during climb after takeoff?

Vx (best angle) is the calibrated airspeed at which the aircraft will attain the highest altitude in a given horizontal distance

Which airspeed would the pilot use to gain the most altitude in a given period of time?

Vy (best rate) is the calibrated airspeed at which the airplane will obtain the max increase in altitude per unit of time after takeoff

Under what condition is indicated altitude the same as true altitude?

When at sea level under standard conditions

Under which condition will pressure altitude be equal to true altitude?

When standard atmospheric conditions exist 29.92 " Hg and +15 degrees C

In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass will normally indicate initially a turn toward the east if

a left turn is entered from a north heading

In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass will normally indicate initially a turn toward the west if

a right turn is entered from a north heading

Which instruments will become inop if the static vents become clogged?

airspeed, altimeter, and vertical airspeed

If a pilot changes the altimeter setting from 30.11 to 29.96, what is the approximate change in indication?

altimeter will indicate 150 feet lower

What is indicated altitude?

altitude read on the altimeter after it is set to the current local altimeter setting

In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass will normally indicate a turn toward the north if

an aircraft is accelerated while on an east or west heading

Deviation error of the magnetic compass caused by

certain metals and electrical systems within the aircraft

In the Northern Hemisphere, is an aircraft accelerated or decelerated, the magnetic compass will normally indicate

correctly when on a north or south heading remember ANDS (accelerate north decelerate south)

What is absolute altitude?

height above the surface

During flight, when are the indications of a magnetic compass accurate?

only in straight and level unaccelerated flight

What is pressure altitude?

the altitude indicated whenever the altimeter setting dial (Kohlsman window) is adjusted to 29.92

What is true altitude?

the true height above Mean Sea Level (MSL) normally measured in feet

What is indicated airspeed?

the uncorrected reading obtained from the airspeed indicator

Altimeter setting is the value to which the barometric pressure scale of the altimeter is et so the altimeter indicates

true altitude at field elevation

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