practical #2

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Which digit is the radius closest to?


Which of the following digits contain only 2 phalanges?


How many vertebrae comprise the thoracic region of the spine?


How many phalanges are located in the hand?


At what stimulus frequency was maximal tetanic tension developed?


How many bones make up the nasal septum?


How many ribs make up the rib cage?


The adult hip bone consists of _____ regions.


Identify the typical number of vertebrae that fuse during development to form the coccyx.


In the lab, a researcher finds that the threshold stimulus to induce an action potential in a muscle fiber's sarcolemma was 3.0 volts. Which of the following would result in muscle tension?

3.0 and 4.0 volts

How many lumbar vertebrae are in the vertebral column?


How many pairs of ribs are considered false ribs?


Name the number of vertebrae that fuse together to form the sacrum.


How many pairs of ribs articulate directly with the sternum?


Name the number of tarsals.


How many carpals make up the wrist?


Which of the following molecules is NOT thought to accumulate during muscle fatigue?


Which of the following occurs first?

An action potential arrives at the axon terminal.

Which of the following occurred in the presence of tetrodotoxin?

An action potential was always seen at R1.

Which of the following does NOT describe treppe?

An increase in stimulus intensity is required to see the effect.

Identify the articulation site that allows us to rotate our head, e.g. shaking the head "no".

Atlas - axis

Identify the recessed area surrounding the crista galli.


Which of the following occurs during the latent period of muscle contraction?

Calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Which of the following situations delay the development of muscle fatigue the longest?

Consistent interruptions of muscle stimulation

Which of the following describes how increasing the duration of the rest period affected muscle tension?

Increasing the duration of the rest period increased the duration of the subsequent maximal tension.

What might be occurring on a molecular level during the rest periods?

Intracellular ADP and inorganic phosphate are decreasing.

If an increase in extracellular potassium hyperpolarizes a neuron, which of the following would be correct?

It would change the membrane potential to a more negative value.

why does wave summation occur?

Muscle fibers are partially contracted when the next stimulus arrives.

Which of the following is true of the maximum stimulus frequency?

No greater muscle force can be generated and the muscle has reached maximal tetanic tension.

What effect did decreasing the extracellular sodium have on the resting membrane potential?

Only a small change occurred, because the resting neuron is not very permeable to sodium.

Identify the location of the occipital bone.

Posterior surface and base of the cranium

Identify the landmark on the temporal bone that is a pointy spine.

Styloid process

Which region of the vertebral column is located superior to the thoracic region and which region is inferior to the thoracic region, respectively?

Superiorly: cervical and inferiorly: lumbar

This indentation of the sarcolemma carries electrical signals deep into the muscle cells.

T tubule

Which of the following thoracic vertebrae is the largest?


Which of the following describes a depolarization?

The membrane becomes less polarized.

As the stimulus voltage was increased in this activity, which of the following occurred?

The muscle force generated increased.

Which of the following does NOT describe tetanus?

The muscle relaxes fully between contractions.

Which of the following occurred in the presence of tetrodotoxin?

The number of action potentials decreased.

Which of the following statements about muscles of the forearm is true?

The pronator teres originates on the medial epicondyle and inserts on the radius.

Which of the following describes the relaxation phase?

The sarcomeres are increasing in length, and the force generated decreases.

Why are the muscles that move the fingers and wrist located in the forearm?

This design allows the hand to maintain fine motor control and strength without the interference of bulky muscles.

Identify the primary region of the ulna that forms the hinge joint with the humerus.

Trochlear notch

Which of the following describes the relationship between stimulus frequency and muscle tension?

When stimulus frequency increases, muscle tension increases to a maximum value.

A nerve is _______.

a bundle of axons

The sella turcica is best described as:

a depression

A muscle fiber is ________.

a muscle cell

The membrane potential that occurs when neurotransmitters bind to their receptors is called _______.

a postsynaptic potential

Treppe is the phenomenon that results in _______.

a progressive increase in the force generated with repetitive stimulation

Identify the best description of the mandibular condyle.

a projection on the mandible

Which of the following describes a change from the resting membrane potential?

a receptor potential, a synaptic potential or an action potential

Identify the best description of the mandibular fossa.

a shallow depression

A weak, subthreshold stimulus will result in _______.

a small depolarization at the recieving end of the neuron

The teres major adducts the arm but does not __________ the arm.


The middle fibers of the deltoid muscle __________.

abduct the arm

Movement of the shoulder laterally away from the body is called __________.


Identify the articulation site for the femur.


The location of the rotator cuff muscles in relation to the glenohumoral joint minimizes the upward pressure against the __________.

acromion of the scapula

Identify the region of the scapula that articulates with the clavicle.

acromion process

Which region of the scapula does articulate with another bone?

acromion process

This contractile protein forms the thin filaments.


One of the actions of the latissimus dorsi muscle is to __________.

adduct the arm

A reduction in the lateral angle of the glenohumeral joint in relation to the anatomical position would be called __________.


The primary action of muscle on the medial compartment of the thigh is ________.

adduction of the thigh

The medial muscles of the hip joint that insert on the linea aspera are the __________.

adductor magnus, adductor brevis, and adductor longus

A synaptic cleft, or synaptic gap, can be found between a neuron and ______.

all of these

The receptor potential _______.

amplitude can vary with the stimulus intensity, requires the appropriate stimulus and can be graded with a stimulus intensity

A depolarizing synaptic potential is also known as _______.

an excitatory postsynaptic potential

Which of the following is not true of the deep fascia of the leg?

an insertion of the majority of lower leg muscles

The smallest of the posterior extensors of the elbow joint is the __________.


Identify the fluid filled space between the cornea and iris.

anterior chamber

The origin of the rectus femoris is the ____________.

anterior inferior illiac spine

The origin of the Sartorius muscle is from the __________ spine.

anterior superior iliac

The deltoid muscle fibers are separated into __________.

anterior, middle, and posterior

At the completion of supinator action, the palm is turned __________.


Which region of the skeleton contains the humerus?


The clavicle belongs to which of the following areas?

appendicular sckeleton

The release of neurotransmitter occurs _______.

at the axon terminal

An excitatory postsynaptic potential occurs _______.

at the receiving end of the interneuron

What is the name of the first cervical vertebra?


At its insertion (unlike at its origin), the buccinator muscle __________.

attaches to fibers of another facial muscle

What is the name of the second cervical vertebra?


The conducting region of the neuron is the _______.


Forearm supination is assisted by the __________.

biceps brachii

Identify the major weight bearing part of a vertebra.


identify the central portion of the sternum


Muscle twitches overlap with _______.

both fused and unfused tetanus

The dark band of skeletal muscle consists of ________.

both thick and thin filaments

The muscle that generates the most power during elbow flexion is the __________.


Which of the following muscles is not part of the shoulder?


This muscle compresses the cheek when you whistle.


Identify the anatomical term for the "heel bone"


The soleus and the gastrocnemius share an insertion on the __________.


Identify the bones that make up the wrist.


Identify the general location of the zygomatic arch.


Which of the following structures is highly vascular?


Identify the muscular structure that anchors the lens in place.

ciliary body

The pectoralis major muscle can be divided into groups of fibers superior, or __________, and inferior, or __________.

clavicular; sternocostal

Which of the following produced an increase in stimulus frequency?

clicking the mouse in rapid succession

Identify the tailbone.


Identify the common name for the clavicle.


Muscles are named based on all the criteria below except ________.

color of the muscle

Which of the following is matched correctly?

complete tetanus - fused tetanus

The buccinator muscle __________.

compresses the cheeks

The actions of the internal obliques include __________.

compression of the abdomen to assist in forced expiration

We describe the regeneration of the action potential down the membrane of the axon of the neuron as _______.

conduction or propagnation

Identify the incorrect statement regarding the vitreous body.

consists of a thin, watery fluid

The deep posterior extensor of the wrist and fingers __________.

controls the thumb and index finger

Identify the process on the scapula that does not articulate with another bone.

coracoid process

The coracobrachialis muscle originates on the __________.

coracoid process of the scapula

Identify the structure that allows light to first enter the eye.


Identify the part of the mandible that serves as a site of attachment for the temporalis muscle.

coronoid process

Identify the landmark that serves as a site of attachment for the meninges.

crista galli

Which of the following occurs during the contraction phase?

cross-bridge cycling is taking place

The brachialis muscle is located __________ to the biceps brachii muscle.


The forearm muscles can be divided into anterior flexors and posterior extensors, as well as __________.

deep and superficial layers

This muscle works as a fixator of the shoulder when you attempt to lift a heavy table with your forearm.


Of the nine muscles that cross the shoulder joint and insert on the humerus, which muscle is considered to be a prime mover?


Identify the articulation site for the head of a rib.


This pair of muscles includes the prime mover of inspiration, and its synergist.

diaphragm and external intercostals

Where in the skeleton is the ulna located in reference to the humerus?


Calcium and magnesium are both _______.

divalent cations

The action that moves the scapula towards the head is called __________.


Which of the following characteristics do not belong to the lumbar region?

elongated spinous process

To reach threshold, the amount of sodium _______.

entering the cell must overcome the potassium exiting

Which of the following bones is not a facial bone?


The main action of the fibularis longus is to __________.

evert the foot

A muscle located on the anterior surface of the thigh will ________ the knee, whereas a muscle on the posterior surface will ________ the knee.

extend, flex

The gluteus maximus is the most powerful muscle during __________.


The extensor muscle that branches to form four tendons on the back of the hand is the __________.

extensor digitorum

The prime mover of wrist extension is the __________.

extensor digitorum

The two muscles that insert on the fifth phalanx or on the fifth metatarsal are the __________.

extensor digitorum longus and fibularis tertius

Identify the hole that marks the opening of the ear canal on the superficial surface of the skull.

external auditory meatus

Which of the following categories is the best fit for the zygomatic arch?


The buccinator muscle is innervated by the __________.

facial nerve

The ethmoid bone forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum.


The ethmoid bone is a facial bone.


The hip bone is part of the axial skeleton.


The iris divides the eye into the anterior and posterior segments.


The lumbar vertebrae are part of the appendicular skeleton.


The lumbar vertebrae are roughly the same size as vertebrae from the rest of the vertebral column.


The palpable hip bone projections in the front of the body felt when you put your hands on your hips are the posterior inferior iliac spines.


The pupil can adjust its size independent of the iris.


Each of the elements that make up a skeletal muscle is surrounded by connective tissue. Which words below correctly pair the connective tissue layer with the corresponding muscle structure?

fascicle: perimysium

The lateral rotators act on the __________.


Which bone articulates in the acetabulum?


What is the correct order of structures as you move from outside a muscle cell, to deep inside it?

fiber, myofibril, myofiliment

Identify the bone found lateral to the tibia.


Identify the non-weight bearing bone of the lower limb.


Eversion of the foot is a function of the __________.

fibularis longus

The origin of the external obliques includes ribs __________.

five through twelve

Both heads of the biceps femoris muscle __________.

flex the leg at the knee

The soleus muscle __________ the foot at the ankle and is innervated by the __________.

flexes; tibial nerve

Movement of the elbow joint movement is limited to __________.

flexion and extension

The brachioradialis is a strong forearm __________.


Which superficial flexor muscle of the forearm is the most lateral?

flexor carpi radilais

Which muscle is a superficial anterior flexor muscle?

flexor digitorum superficialis

Which muscle of the wrist and fingers is a deep anterior flexor?

flexor pollicis longus

Identify the location of the sphenoid bone.

floor of the skull

Name the opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes.

foramen magnum

Which of the following foramen convey a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)?

foramen rotundum

During muscle fatigue, the ____________ decreases.

force of contraction

What part of the nasal cavity is formed by the nasal septum?

forms the medial wall of the nasal cavity

Identify the true statement about the head of the ulna.

found at the distal end of the bone

Wrist abduction occurs through the actions of __________ muscles.


which of the following bones is unpaired


This muscle allows you to stand on tiptoe when the knee is extended, and it flexes the knee when the foot is dorsiflexed.


The soleus muscle shares an insertion with the __________.

gastrocnemius muscle

The rotator cuff is a term used to describe the group of muscles and tendons that stabilize and reinforce the __________.

glenohumeral joint

Identify the socket of the shoulder joint.

glenoid cavity

Like the deltoid muscle that lies over and abducts the shoulder, these two muscles lie over the hip and are prime movers of hip abduction. Neither muscle extends the hip.

gluteus medius and gluteus minimus

Which of the following landmarks found on the proximal end of the humerus?

greater tubercule

Commonly referred to as the ________, this muscle group on the posterior thigh extends the hip.


The quadriceps are the prime movers of knee extension. Which muscle group is an antagonist to knee extension?


Identify the part of a rib that articulates in the demi-facets of the thoracic vertebra.


Identify the region of the femur that forms part of the hip joint.


What part of the humerus articulates with the scapula to form the shoulder joint?


identify the region of the radius that articulates with the ulna


All the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles combine at which location?

humeral head

Name the type of connective tissue that anchors the ribs onto the sternum.

hyaline cartilage

An axon that is more negative than the resting membrane potential is said to be _______.


The iliacus and the psoas major muscles are collectively known as the ____________ muscle because they share a common insertion on the __________ of the femur

iliopsoas; lesser trochanter

The majority of the fibers of the gluteus maximus insert onto the __________

iliotibial tract

The ridge like superior edge of the ilium is known as the _____.

illiac crest

Identify the region of the coxal bone that articulates with the sacrum.


Which of the following is the largest region of the hip bone?


Which region of the hip bone articulates with the sacrum?


Identify the location of the ethmoid bone.

in between the orbits

Which of the following produced an increase in stimulus intensity?

inc the voltage applied

When the intensity of the appropriate stimulus was increased, the amplitude of the response _______.


As the stimulus voltage increased, the resulting muscle tension _______.

increased to a point until it reached a plateau

Which of the following would result in fused or unfused tetanus compared to a single muscle twitch?

increasing the stimuls frequency

Individual vertebrae articulate with each other forming the vertebral column. Identify the part of a vertebra that articulates immediately with the vertebra below it.

inferior articular processes

Where is the mandibular fossa located?

inferior surface of the zygomatic process

Carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by __________.

inflammation of the flexor retinaculum and/or tendon sheaths

The origin of the long head of the triceps brachii is on the __________.

infragleniod tubercule of the scapula

Identify the small hole on the maxillary bone located below the orbit.

infraorbital foramen

The external intercostals elevate the rib cage during __________.


The transversus abdominus muscle is innervated by the __________.

intercostals nerves

The flexor hallucis longus muscle originates on the __________.

interosseous membrane

All fibers of the pectoralis major muscle converge on the lateral edge of the__________.

intertubercular sulcus

Which of the following structures would not be found within a vertebral foramen?

intervertebral discs

Identify the specific process by which the clavicle develops.

intramembranous ossification

The actions of the muscles that cross the hip do not include __________.


The tibialis anterior muscle dorsiflexes the foot at the ankle and also assists in __________ of the foot.


Identify the structure that regulates the amount of light entering the posterior segment of the eye.


The hamstring muscles originate on the __________.

ischial tuberosity

The long head of the biceps femoris muscle originates on the __________.

ischial tuberosity

Which landmark of the hip bone can be felt on a hard chair?

ishial tuberosity

The rectus femoris muscle extends the leg at the __________.


The tensor fasciae latae stabilizes the hip joint and the __________ joint.


Identify the small facial bones found in the medial wall of the orbit.


Which bone is NOT considered to be part of the cranium?

lacrimal bone

Identify the large suture on the posterior surface of the skull at the border of the occipital bone.


The trapezius muscle may be separated into all of the following groups, except __________.


Where is the radius located in reference to the ulna?


The origins of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle are the __________.

lateral condyle and posterior surface of the femur

An origin of the supinator is the __________.

lateral epicondyl of the humerous

Which of the following landmarks is found on the distal end of the humerus?

lateral epicondyle

Name the noticeable bump on the outside of the ankle.

lateral malleolus

The actions of the rhomboid major on the scapula do not include __________.

lateral rotation

The posterior axial muscle that crosses the glenohumeral joint is the __________.

latissimus dorsi

The channels that provide for the movement of potassium in the resting neuron are _______.


Identify the region of the sphenoid bone that contains the optic canal.

lesser wings

Which of the following is used to block pain?


In the presence of lidocaine, the action potential was NOT affected at R1 because _______.

lidocaine was applied downstream of R1

Identify the landmark found on the diaphysis of the femur.

linea aspera

To keep the humeral head centered within the glenoidal cavity the rotator cuff muscles must be __________.

located in the same plane

What type of bone is a phalanx?


What type of bone is the fibula?


What type of bones are the phalanges?


The typical concentration of sodium is _______.

lower than potassium intracellularly

Which of the following landmarks can be found on both the tibia and fibula?


Identify the skull bone that can move independent of head movement.


The masseter is innervated by the _____________ branch of the trigeminal nerve.


Identify the region of the mandible that forms part of the temporomandibular joint.

mandibular condyle

Which region of the mandible articulates with the cranium?

mandibular condyle

Identify the region of the temporal bone that articulates with the lower jaw.

mandibular fossa

Identify the region of the temporal bone that articulates with the mandible.

mandibular fossa

Name the U shaped border found between the mandibular condyle and the coronoid process.

mandibular notch

Identify the shield shaped top of the sternum.


This muscle originates on the zygomatic arch and inserts at the angle and ramus of the mandible. It is responsible for closing the jaw.


which facial bones fuse to form the upper jaw


which of the following facial bones contains a sinus?


Which surface of the maxillary bones fuse together?


The flat surface of the tibia that articulates with the femur is the superior surface of which landmark?

medial and lateral condyles

Identify the best description for the location of the head of the femur.

medial and proximal

An insertion of the fibularis longus is the __________.

medial cuneiform

Identify the anatomical landmark resulting in a noticeable bump found on the medial surface of the ankle.

medial malleolus

The key actions of the pectoralis major muscle are __________.

medial rotation and adduction

The masseter muscle originates on the __________.

medial surfaces of the maxilla and the zygomatic arch as well as the inferior border of the zygomatic arch

Which of the following is NOT a functional region of a neuron?


Identify the bones that make up the palm of the hand.


Identify the bones that make up the middle portion of the foot.


A suprathreshold stimulus results in _______.

more action potwntials

A neuron and all the muscle fibers it stimulates is called a ________.

motor unit

Increasing the applied voltage in the simulation corresponds to which in vivo event?

motor unit recruitment

Which of the following terms are NOT used interchangeably?

motor unit-motor neuron

In this activity, why did the muscle force decrease over time?

muscle fatigue developed

From gross to microscopic, the parts of a muscle are ________.

muscle, fascicle, fiber

This contractile protein is shaped like a golf club.


which facial bone makeup the central portion of the bridge of the nose


which of the following bones do not contain a sinus


Which of the following locations is not formed by part of the maxillae?

nasal septum

The condition known as a "fractured hip" is most often a break in the femur. Where is the femur particularly susceptible to a fracture?


Increasing the voltage resulted in which of the following?

no change

When the calcium was removed from the extracellular solution, _______.

no neurotransmitter was released

Which of the following statements about muscles of the elbow joint is true?

none of these

A single action potential is described as _______.

not graded

Identify the large hole found in this bone.

obturator foramen

Identify the articulation site that allows us to nod our head "yes".

occipital bone- atlas

Identify the area of the occipital bone that articulates with the vertebral column.

occipital condyles

Identify the occipital bone landmark that can not be palpated from the surface of the head.

occipital condyles

Identify the region of the skull that articulates with the atlas.

occipital condyles

Identify the depression found on the posterior surface of the humerus.

olecranon fossa

Identify the region of the ulna that articulates with the humerus when the forearm is in full extension.

olecranon process

Which of the following responded to a chemical stimulus?

olfactory receptor

The latissimus dorsi inserts __________.

on the intertubercular groove of the humerus

Which movement is not associated with the scapula?


Which of the following regions is known as the blind spot?

optic disc

Which cranial nerve carries visual information from the eyeball to the brain?

optic nerve

This muscle closes the eyes, allowing you to wink or blink.

orbicularis oculi

Identify the posterior most region of the hard palate.

palatine bone

Which part of the maxillary bones form the roof of the mouth?

palatine process

The palmaris longus inserts on the __________.

palmar aponeurosis

Identify the bone that articulates superiorly with the temporal bone.

parietal bone

The pectoralis minor muscle is innervated by the __________.

pectoral nerves

This large, fan-shaped muscle of the upper chest is the prime mover of arm flexion.

pectoralis major

Identify the part of the ethmoid bone that contributes to the nasal septum.

perpendicular plate

Which part of the ethmoid bone forms the nasal septum?

perpendicular plate

What type of joint is formed between the radius and ulna?


The most powerful movement at the ankle joint is __________, and the ________ is one of the prime movers of this movement.

plantar flexion; gastrocnemius

To allow for flexion, the __________ unlocks the knee joint.


Where is the vitreous body located?

posterior segment

The biceps femoris is located in the __________.

posterior thigh

The muscles that extend the forearm are located __________.


The ball and socket joint in the hip is similar to the ball and socket joint of the shoulder but is designed more for __________ than ___________.

power; precision

Movement of the forearm includes __________.

pronation and supination

Of all the flexor muscles of the forearm, the __________ is the shortest.

pronator teres

The origins of the rectus abdominus muscle are on the __________.

pubic bone

All fibers of the triceps brachii are innervated by the __________.

radial nerve

The two heads of the biceps brachii combine to insert on the __________.

radial tuberosity

The two heads of the biceps brachii muscle come together distally to insert on the __________.

radial tuberosity

The two heads of the biceps brachii muscle converge distally to insert on the __________.

radial tuberosity

The interosseous membrane is located between the __________.

radius and ulna

The receptor potential is generated at the _______.

receiving region

Where does the acetylcholine that stimulates muscle contraction bind?

receptors in the motor end playe

Identify the primary function of the ethmoidal sinuses.

reduce the weight of the skull

Which of the following can trigger a muscle twitch?

release of acetylcholine or electrical stimulation

Identify the neural layer.


What regions of the hip bones articulate to form a symphysis?

right and left pubic bodies

The scapula is the site of origin of a group of muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint. Identify this muscle group.

rotator cuff

Which region of the vertebral column is immediately inferior to the lumbar region?


What region of the vertebral column does the hip bone articulate with?

sacral region

Identify the bony posterior wall of the pelvis.


The entire length of longissimus muscle extends from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the __________.


The piriformis originates on the __________ and inserts on the __________.

sacrum; greater trochanter of the femur

The nasal septum occupies which anatomic plane?


Identify the suture found between the 2 parietal bones.

sagittal suture

The actual contractile units of muscles extend from Z disc to Z disc. They are ________.


Commonly called as the "tailors muscle," this muscle allows one to sit in a cross-legged position.


The anterior muscles of the thigh that originate on the os coxae are __________.

sartorius; rectus femoris

Identify the bone that articulates with the clavicle laterally.


Identify the bone that makes up the pectoral girdle with the clavicle.


Which movement results after the contraction of the serratus anterior muscle?

scapular protraction and rotation

Name the largest portion of the fibrous layer.


Identify the parts of the fibrous layer.

sclera and cornea

Identify the region of the sphenoid bone in contact with the pituitary gland.

sella turcica

The stimulus for graded potentials includes _______.

sensory stimuli and neurotransmitter

To allow movement of the tendons within the carpal tunnel zone, each tendon is encased in a __________.


Which of the following is NOT a phase of a muscle twitch?

shortening phase

The effects of lidocaine and tetrodotoxin were _______.

similar, but tetrodotoxin had a greater effect

Establishing the resting membrane potential requires energy through the use of the _______.

sodium-potassium pump

which cranial bone spans the width of the cranial floor


All fibers of the trapezius muscle are innervated by the __________.

spinal acessory nerve

Which of the following landmarks is found on the posterior surface of the scapula?


Name the vertebral projection found in a median plane.

spinous process

When both muscles of this pair are contracted simultaneously, they flex the neck forward.


Identify the bone that articulates with the clavicle medially.


To transition from unfused tetanus to fused tetanus, _______.

stimulus frequency increased

The mandible is not responsible for:

structure of the palate

Identify the projection found on distal end of the ulna.

styloid process

Which of the following regions of the radius help form the wrist joint?

styloid process

The gluteus medius muscle is innervated by the __________.

superior gluteal nerve

The rhomboid minor muscle sits __________.

superior to the rhomboid major

Identify the type of movement enabled by the articulation between the radius and ulna at the elbow.


The space between the axon terminal and the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber is called the ________.

synaptic cleft

Identify the type of joint found between the distal end of the tibia and fibula (distal tibiofibular joint).


Identify the tarsal that articulates with the tibia and fibula.


The temporalis muscle originates on the __________ and inserts on the __________.

temporal fossa; coronoid process of mandible

Identify the region on the zygomatic bone that forms part of the zygomatic arch.

temporal process

This strong, cord-like structure attaches muscles to bones.


The posterior scapular muscle that crosses the glenohumeral joint is the __________.

teres major

Which of the following muscle does not form part of the rotator cuff?

teres major

Which of the following blocks voltage-gated sodium channels?

tetrodotoxin and lidocaine

Which of the following was able to detect pressure?

the Pacinian corpuscle and the free nerve ending

Which deep posterior extensor of the wrist originates on the radius and ulna and interosseous membrane?

the abductor pollicis longus

At a chemical synapse, the intensity of the stimulus is coded by _______.

the amount of neurotransmitter released and the amount of calcium that enters the axon terminal

When magnesium was added to the extracellular solution, _______.

the amount of neurotransmitter released decreased

Identify the areas that are filled with aqueous humor.

the anterior and posterior chambers

The neuromuscular junction consists of ________.

the axon terminal coming into close proximity to a muscle fiber

A motor unit is defined as _______.

the axon terminals of a single motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers that it stimulates

The two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle converge to insert onto __________.

the calcaneus

Sensory transduction is defined as _______.

the conversion of a stimulus to a change in membrane potential

When acetylcholine binds to its receptors, it results in __________.

the end plate potential, a graded depolarization, and a change in ion permeability

Increasing the strength of the stimulus applied to the sensory receptor increased _______.

the frequency of action potentials in the sensory neuron, the amount of neurotransmitter released at the axon terminal of the sensory neuron and the frequency of action potentials in the interneuron

NO force is generated during which of the following?

the latent period

Brachioradialis and sternocleidomastoid are named for ________.

the location of their origin and insertion

Which stimulus was at or above threshold?

the moderate and strong stimuli

When wave summation occurs, _______.

the muscle force generated increases

Which of the following is proportional to the amount of tension produced by a skeletal muscle?

the number of motor units activated

Identify the cranial nerve that passes through the olfactory foramina

the olfactory nerve (CN I)

Which of the following statements about receptor potentials is FALSE?

the receptor potential is carried by neuroglia

What effect did increasing the extracellular potassium have on the resting membrane potential?

the resting membrane potential became less negative

Which of the following does NOT describe graded potentials?

they are always depolorizing

Muscles that act on the knee joint form most of the mass of the __________.


Which region of the vertebral column is immediately superior to the lumbar region?


The minimum voltage that is required to generate an action potential is called the _______.

threshold voltage

What is the minimum voltage needed to generate active force in the skeletal muscle?

threshold voltage

Which digit is composed of only two phalanges?


Identify the bone that articulates with the distal end of the femur.


Name the bone that articulates with the distal end of the femur.


Identify the 2 bones that the fibula articulates with in the skeleton.

tibia and talus

The gastrocnemius muscle is innervated by the __________.

tibial nerve

Identify the blunt elevation found on the anterior surface of the tibia between the lateral and medial condyles.

tibial tuberosity

The prime mover of dorsiflexion is the __________.

tibilais anterior

Identify the articulation site for a tubercle of a rib.

transverse costal facet

identify a lateral projection of a vertebra

transverse process

The origins of the levator scapula are from the ___________ of four cervical vertebrae.

transverse processes

The shape of this muscle gives it its name.


This superficial muscle covers a large part of the posterior thorax.


the prime mover of elbow extension is the ________.

triceps brachii

The region on the neuron where action potentials are generated is called the ______.

trigger zone

The temporalis muscle is innervated by the mandibular branch of the __________.

trigminal nerve

Identify the landmark that is unique to the femur.


Identify the region of the humerus that articulates with the ulna.


Only the fibrous layer can be observed in its entirety from the superficial surface of the cow eye.


The anterior axial muscle that crosses the glenohumeral joint is the pectoralis major muscle.


The ethmoid bone is part of the axial skeleton.


The lumbar vertebrae are found in the lower back


The projection at the inferior end of the greater sciatic notch is the ischial spine.


The shape of the spinous process can be used to help determine if a vertebra is from the lumbar region.


The sphenoid bone contains a sinus.


the ethmoid bone contains sinuses


Identify the region of a rib that articulates with the transverse process of a vertebra.


In this simulation, ___________________ will be used to stimulate the axon.


An action potential requires _______.

voltage-gated sodium channels to open and sodium to flow with its electrochemical gradient

Which bone forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum?


When the frequency of stimulation of a muscle is great enough, _______.

wave summation results and muscle twitches overlap.

What part of the sternum is palpated prior to giving CPR?

xiphoid process

Identify the 2 bones that make up the zygomatic arch.

zygomatic bone and temporal bone

What is the anatomical name for the facial bones known as "cheekbones"?

zygomatic bones

Identify the region of the temporal bone that forms part of the zygomatic arch.

zygomatic process

Identify the region on the temporal bone that forms much of the zygomatic arch.

zygomatic process

This muscle is used in smiling.


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