Practice Exam (Exam 3)

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As discussed in lecture, the three primary motive systems in the brain are :

appetitive, defensive and impulse control

The appetitive motive system is associated with which kinds of behaviors? Which kinds of behaviors are associated with the defensive motive system?

approach, avoid

Which of the following is the best example of the "feelings" aspect of an emotional response?

Michelle told Barack that she was disgusted to discover spicy cheese on her sandwich.

As a way to measure emotion, psychologists startle research participants while they are viewing IAPS images. While people are viewing high-arousal unpleasant images, their startle response is

similar to their startle response to neutral images.

Mikhail Baryshnikov, a Soviet-born and trained dancer and choreographer, is often described as the greatest dancer of the 20th century. His entire life has been dedicated to dance, and his work has been characterized by remarkable creativity and innovation. As discussed in lecture, according to Gordon Allport's approach to personality, Baryshnikov's pervasive interest in dance is best described as

A cardinal trait

While still an experimental treatment, research suggests that PTSD may be prevented by:

Administering a beta-blocker within 24 hours of a traumatic event to prevent the formation of emotional memories.

Which two different terms best describe Schachter and Singer's theory of emotion?

Arousal and context

A two year-old child has become familiar with the names for cats and dogs. The first time she sees a rabbit hopping in the backyard, she exclaims "Kitty!" According to Piaget, the child is using the principle of ____________when she thinks of the new animal as being like the creatures she already knows.


The proposal that emotions serve to keep humans alive long enough to reproduce and form relationships that ensure the survival of offspring was first made by


According to Yerkes-Dodson law, when it comes to optimal performance,

Difficult tasks require lower arousal than routine tasks.

Benoit's internal working model--"I cannot depend on others"--

Helps him lower and contain his distress in stressful situations.

Which of the following best illustrates the adaptive value of emotion?

Isabeau feels passionately about her baby. She thinks she would fight a wild lion to protect him.

Which of the following statements about reciprocity is true?

Maintaining equity in a relationship is crucial for a relationship to move to deeper levels.

Ron Swanson heads the Parks and Rec department. His friends would describe him as practical and down-to-earth. He doesn't daydream and doesn't enjoy discussions about art or philosophy. However, he is cooperative, respects authority, is sympathetic to the feelings of others and avoids imposing his will on others. Based on these traits, Ron might score _______________________ on the BFAS.

Low on Openness, High on Agreebleness

As described in lecture, a fear-potentiated startle response in animals

Occurs in the presence of a conditioned stimulus

The fact that human females are pickier than males in choosing a mate is consistent with which of these:

Parental investment theory

The "Great Debate" described in lectures on Developmental Psychology concerns

Piaget's stage theory versus theories that view development as continuous.

Raphael scores two standard deviations below the Psy 1001 class on the BFAS scale of Neuroticism. Which of the following behaviors is consistent with that score?

Raphael keeps his emotions under control and rarely feels blue.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of Allports idiographic levels of organization from LEAST salient/characteristic and LEAST pervasive to MOST salient/characteristic and MOST pervasive?

Secondary, Central, Cardinal

Which of the following is the best example of an autonomic aspect of an emotional response to an incident?

The criminal got sweaty palms during the lie detector test when he was asked about what really happened last Thursday night.

The Dutton & Aron bridge study tested the two-factor theory of emotion; an attractive female confederate interviewed male undergraduates at the University of British Columbia after they had crossed either a sturdy low bridge (the control condition) or swaying bridge suspended 200 feet above a river (the arousal condition). The two-factor theory was supported when

The men attributed the arousal caused by the swaying bridge to the attractiveness of the confederate.

Which of the following is an advantage of the nomothetic approach over the idiographic approach?

The nomothetic approach provides more generalizability.

During the alarm stage of the general adaptation syndrome,_________.

The sympathetic nervous system is activated and adrenal glands release hormones

Which psychological test asks the subject to tell a story based on a picture of one or more people in which it is unclear what is going on?

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

The Yerkes-Dodson law describes the relationship between arousal and motivation as

Upside down "U - Shaped"

Wanda is very quiet around people in authority, but she can be loud and boisterous among her peers. Which of the following theorists would explain the difference in Wanda's behavior in terms of situational factors?

Walter Mischel (Person Situation Debate)

Steve tends to be very "thin-skinned." He is sensitive to threats and tends to remember negative events. He over-react when he learns he has made a mistake. Given these behavioral patterns, it seems likely that Steve would

Would score high on Neuroticism

According to Dr Gewirtz, Emotion responses have three aspects: Feelings, autonomic responses and somatic responses. Which of the following would describe Kitty's feelings response when she encountered a giant cockroach?

Wow, that cockroach is disgusting!

As a young teenager, Scott eagerly read books about ghosts, flying saucers, and ancient astronauts. He believed it all. But during college, as he learned more about scientific thinking, he began to think very differently about such pseudo-scientific claims. His experience led him to basically re-organize how he thought about the world in the process that Piaget calls:


Ekman's Basic emotions

anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise (7)

Luke (36 months) and Mo (32 months), are playing what appears to their mothers to be a game of tag. The rules are very simple. Luke runs away and Mo chases after him. Then Luke falls to the ground, and Mo falls on top of him. Then, giggling, Mo runs away, and Luke chases him. Mo falls down, Luke falls on top of him, and so on. At what stage of play are the two boys?

associative play

To a Developmental Psychologist, behavior that "resilient" is __________________.

behavior that each member of the species will develop even in widely different situations.

At what stage have children acquired the ability to pass conservation tasks?

concrete operational

A psychologist might evaluate a child's ability to answer abstract and hypothetical questions to determine whether the child is in the ________ or the ________ stage of cognitive development.

concrete-operations ... formal-operations

Alice is sitting at the table with her son Nikko. She takes his tall glass of milk, which is only half full, and pours it into a shorter wider glass. Then she says "Honey, which glass has more milk?" Nikko immediately points to the taller glass, as he is chewing his peanut butter sandwich. Nikko has not yet mastered Piaget's skill of


As shown in a video during lecture, younger children think that a quantity of water in a tall, narrow beaker is greater than the quantity of liquid in the wide, flat beaker because they concentrate on a single dimension of the situation (the height of the container.) Older children understand that the quantity of liquid remains the same despite changes in appearance. This demonstration is the classic test of


The idea that even if an object changes shape or appearance the underlying quantity of the object remains the same is Piaget's principle of


Researchers show a baby a little scenario. When the curtains open, the baby sees one mouse and watches as a second mouse joins the first mouse. The curtain comes down. When the curtain goes up again, the baby sees only one mouse. If the baby seems surprised by this (indicated by staring longer at this improbable event) the researchers can conclude that:

d. the baby has rudimentary number concepts (which is inconsistent with Piaget's theory.)

Shyteria is a toll-booth operator. At least once every hour she typically has an encounter with a motorist who berates and belittles her because they are upset about traffic, they don't have enough change, or they are just unhappy that day. As a result, when she gets home Shyteria often yells at her roommates and slams cabinet doors closed when she can't find what she wants. She is displaying classic symptoms of


Dave is a self-centered guy who expects his instinctual needs will be satisfied immediately, regardless of the needs of others around him. A Freudian psychologist would therefore say that Dave has a weak


The two-factor theory of emotion suggests that

emotions are produced by both autonomic arousal and cognition.

According to Hans Selye, resistance to stress is lowest at the _____________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.


According to research described in lecture by Dr. Simpson, an individual with an anxious/ambivalent attachment style

finds that others are reluctant to get as close as they would like and often worry that their partner doesn't really love him or her.

Research on flashbulb memories finds that

flashbulb memories change over time just like other memories.

As described in lecture (and seen in discussion sections), an IAPS picture of a couple kissing passionately would likely be rated as:

high on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension.

Byron is going on a blind date. His friend has told him all about Rebecca and he is excited to meet her. What will be the best predictor of Byron's attraction toward her?

how she looks

Allport was a personality researcher who subscribed to the:

idiographic approach

A man who donates sperm to a sperm bank is maximizing his __________________ while minimizing his _____________. By shopping through catalogues of sperm donors searching for the most desirable traits, a woman is practicing _____________.

inclusive fitness, parental investment, eugenics

One advantage of a longitudinal design, as compared to a cross-sectional design, is that a longitudinal design:

is less susceptible to cohort effects.

One statistical procedure allows researchers to aggregate the findings of many similar studies. In this procedure, known as ______________________, results are weighted by sample size and then averaged across studies.


All languages are rich in words describing the personality trait of neuroticism. Given the lexical hypothesis as discussed during lectures, this finding would suggest that

moodiness, feeling emotions more strongly and experiencing more negative emotions are important in all cultures.

Parental investment theory suggests that, in comparison to men, women show ______ desire for partners who are intelligent, ambitious and have high social status and ______ interest in attractiveness.

more, less

The startle reflex is humans can be measured by

muscle potential in the vicinity of the eye.

The finding that high SES children hear thirty million more words before the age of four than low SES children has captured the public's imagination. The conclusion that the number of words heard before the age of four causes the achievement gap at age ten is an example of

post hoc fallacy

When a child understands that the number of dots in a row is the same after the dots have been spaced farther apart, the child has left Piagets _______________ stage.


Hal is fearful of men who are friendly toward him, convinced that they are all homosexuals attempting to seduce him. If Hal is unconsciously anxious because he is sexually attracted to men, we might conclude that Hal is using the defense mechanism that Freud called :


As discussed in lecture, when comparing the blink response of psychopathic prisoners and normal subjects on IAPS images, researchers find that

psychopathic prisoners' blink response to unpleasant IAPS images resembles their blink response to pleasant images.

Johnny just passed a note to Kelsey in math class. The note says that his friend Jake has a crush on her. What idea suggests that Kelsey will now find Jake more attractive?


The purpose of the defense mechanisms, according to Freud, is to

reduce anxiety

Anna is anxious about moving away from her family to go to college. As shes packing, she decides to take her favorite childhood teddy bear and blanket along. Freud might suggest that this is an example of which defense mechanism?


According to your authors, ________ is the most critical defense mechanism in psychoanalytic theory.


When one-year old Madison was startled by the loud music, she ran to her mother and cuddled. This calmed her down. This little scenario illustrates which evolutionary function of attachment?

safe haven

The males of some animals invest less in raising offspring and, as a consequence, need to compete more for access to females. In these species, one is more likely to find

sexual dimorphism

What is the correct sequence of events in emotional response according to the Cannon-Bard theory?

stimulus --> emotion AND physiological changes (simultaneous)

As described in lecture, learning to talk appears to have a biological foundation. One piece of evidence for this claim is that

teaching can speed up stages

A fear-potentiated startle response is

the difference between your startle response in a neutral condition and your startle response when fearful

As suggested by the facial feedback hypothesis, our emotions are most likely to be affected by

the facial blood vessels.

A police department uses lie-detector tests in criminal investigation. While scores on the lie-detector test are fairly consistent over time, judges and lawyers in court question whether the scores provided by the police department can be used to determine guilt in criminal cases. In this case, the judges and lawyers are questioning whether lie-detector results are


Psy 1001 will be finished in 5 minutes, and Jack is suddenly 'feeling good.' He wants to be one of the first people out the door so he can see his girl friend, who is waiting for him at Starbucks. Our lecturer might say that Jack...

was in a positive emotional state in anticipation of a reward.

As described in lecture, research by Dr Simpson and colleagues found that adults with an anxious attachment style

were more likely to use dysfunctional conflict resolution tactics when trying to solve a major relationship problem.

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