practice psych 2

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A MAOI is prescribed for a client. Nurse instructs client that signs and symptoms of toxicity related to use of the medication may include: 1. Restlessness 2. Feelings of fatigue 3. Lack of energy 4. lethargy


A client is unwilling to go out of the house for fear of "doing something crazy in public." Because of this fear, the client remains homebound except when accompanied outside by the spouse. Based on these data, a nurse determines that the client in experiencing: 1. Agoraphobia 2. Social phobia 3. Claustrophobia 4. hypochondriasis


A client with depression in scheduled to receive 3 sessions of ECT. The client asks the nurse about the length of time it will take for the improvement in the condition. The nurse tells the client that after the three treatments, improvement should be seen in approximately: 1. 1 week 2. 3 weeks 3. 4 weeks 4. 8 weeks


A mental health nursing is reviewing the discharge plan for a hospitalized client. In reviewing the plan, the nurse recognizes that the most prominent problem in the community is: 1. The clients noncompliance with medication therapy 2. The family's reaction to keep the client in the community 3. The communities opposition 4. the associated increased incidence of social problems


A nurse caring for a client who has been treated with long term antipsychotic medications. During the assessment, the nurse checks the client for tardive dyskinesia. If present the most likely assessment findings would be: 1. Abnormal movements and involuntary movements of the mouth, tongue, and face 2. Abnormal breathing through the nostrils, accompanied by a thrill 3. Severe headache, flushing, tremors, and ataxia 4. Severe hypertension, migraine headaches, and marbles in the mouth syndrome


A nurse is planning relapse prevention information for a client with schizophrenia who is being discharged. The nurse understands that it is important to ensure which primary intervention in the plan whenever possible? 1. Including the clients support system in the teaching 2. Facilitating weekly maintenance therapy for client 3. Stressing the importance of client compliance with the medication plan 4. Have the client restate discharge goals and strategies


The purpose of behavior therapy is to: 1. Foster positive behavioral change 2. Create insight into maladaptive behavior 3. Decrease stress through relaxation training 4. Develop structure and organize time


A client is admitted with schizophrenia with a nursing diagnosis of disturbed thought processes related to paranoia. In formulating interventions, a nurse provides instruction to: 1. Increase socialization of the client with peers 2. Avoid laughing or whispering in front of client 3. Begin to educate client about social supports in her community 4. Have the client sign a release of info


A client with a history of anxiety appears to be in the second phase of crisis response. The nurse prepares for the possibility that which of the following will occur? 1. The client will begin to implement coping methods that have been successful in the past. 2. The client will employ new coping methods what will resolve the problem 3. The client will show the initial signs that copping methods are failing 4. The client will experience severe anxiety as a result of failed coping methods.


A mental health unit nursing is talking to a client who has been diagnosed with PTSD. During the conversation, the nurse notes that the client is exhibiting a paranoid stare and that he begins to pace and fidget. The appropriate intervene would be to: 1. Allow the client to pace 2. Share the observation with the client and help the client to recognize his feelings 3.escort the client to a quiet room 4. Change the conversation to a less threatening subject


A nurse assesses a client with the admitting diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder, mania. The symptom present by the client that requires the nurses immediate intervention in the clients: 1. Outlandish behaviors and inappropriate dress 2. Nonstop physical activity and poor nutritional intake 3. Grandiose delusions of being a royal descendent of King Arthur 4. Constant, incessant talking that included sexual innuendoes and teasing the staff


A nurse caring for a client diagnosed with schizophrenia should include which of the following interventions into the plan of care to assist in managing the clients concrete thinking? 1. Provide the client with written instructions regarding the routine of the unit 2. Present verbal instructions regarding expectations in single, simple commands 3. Incorporate family members in determining the emotional and physical needs of the client 4. Assess the clients understanding of the instructions by requiring restatement of the expectations.


A nurse is performing an admission assessment on a client at high risk for suicide. The nurse should prepare to ask the client which assessment question to elicit data related to this risk? 1. Why were your attempts at suicide unsuccessful in the past? 2. Do you have a plan to commit suicide? 3. How many times have you attempted suicide in the past? 4. What are you feeling right now?


A nurse is planning activities for a client who has bipolar disorder with aggressive social behavior. Which of the following activities would be most appropriate for this client? 1. Chess 2. Writing 3. Ping pong 4. basketball


A nurse is preparing to develop a plan of care for a client admitted with ocd. The nurse plans to include which of the following components as a priority in the nursing plan of care? 1. The medical diagnosis of the client 2. Individualized goals and objectives 3. Attendance at group therapy sessions 4. Self care measures to improve hygiene


A nurse understands that schizophrenia hinders a clients cognitive ability to appropriately process data from external stimuli resulting in: 1. Hallucinations 2. Delusional beliefs 3. Magical thinking 4. Catatonia


A nurse who is caring for a client with severe depression is planning activities for the client. Which of the following activities would be most appropriate for this client? 1. Playing checkers 2. Drawing 3. Painting by numbers 4. Putting a puzzle together


A nursing is caring for a client with a diagnosis of agoraphobia. When communicating with the client about this disorder, the nurse would expect the client to describe which of the following behaviors? 1. A need to wash the hands several times a day 2. A fear of leaving the house 3. A fear of speaking in public 4. A fear of riding in elevators


When planning the discharge of a client with chronic anxiety, a nurse directs the goals at promoting a safe home environment. The appropriate maintenance goal should focus on which of the following? 1. Ignore feelings of anxiety 2. Identifying anxiety-producing situations 3. Continuing contact with a crisis counselor 4. Eliminating all anxiety from daily situations


Which behavior observed by a nurse indicated a suspicion that a depressed client may be suicidal? 1. The client runs out of the therapy group, swearing at group leader, and runs to her room 2. The client gives away a prized CD and a cherished autographed picture of the performer 3. The client becomes angry while speaking on the phone and slams down the receiver 4. The client gets angry with her roommate when roommate borrow clothes without asking


A client arrives in the ED in a crisis state. Shows signs of profound anxiety and is unable to focus on anything but the object of the crisis. The initial nursing assessment would focus on: 1. the object of the crisis 2. The presence of support systems 3. The physical condition of the client 4. The clients coping mechanism


A client is admitted to a medical nursing unit with a diagnosis of acute blindness. Many tests are performed, and there seems to be no reason why client cannot see. Client became blind after witnessing a hit and run accident, when a family of there was killed. The nurse suspect that the client may be experiencing a : 1. Psychosis 2. Repression 3. conversion disorder 4. dissociative disorder


A client who is on lithium will be discharged at the end of the week. In formulating a discharge teaching plan, the nurse will include which of the following precautions? 1. Avoid soy sauce, wine and aged cheese 2. Take the medications only as prescribed because it can become addicting 3. Check with the psychiatrist before using OTC mediations. 4. Have the blood lithium levels checked every 2 weeks


A hospitalized client is receiving Clozapine for treatment of schizophrenia. The nurse determines the client may be having an adverse reaction to medication if abnormalities are noted on which of the following lab studies? 1. Cholesterol level 2. Blood urea nitrogen 3. WBC count 4. Platelet counts


A moderately depressed client who was hospitalized 2 days ago suddenly begins smiling and reporting that she crisis is over. The client says to a nurse "I'm finally cured." The nurse interprets this behavior as a cue to modify the treatment plan by: 1. Suggesting a reduction of medication 2. Allowing increased in room activities 3. Increasing the level of suicide precautions 4. Allowing the client off unit privileges as needed


A nurse asks a nurse trainee to describe the underlying patho associated with acts of compulsion, such as repeated handwashing, performed by clients with ocd. The nurse determines that the trainee understands this disorder if the trainee states that the client is: 1. Consciously attempting to punish the self or others 2. Responding to the voices telling the client to perform the rituals 3. Unconsciously controlling unpleasant thoughts or feelings 4. Unaware that the client is performing the rituals


A nurse is caring for a client with schizophrenia who states" I decided not to take my medication because I realize that it really can't help me. Only I can help me." Which of the following nursing responses would be therapeutic? 1. Only you can help? 2. You decided not to take your medication? 3. Your doctor wants you to continue with this medication because it is helping you. Do you recall needed to be hospitalized because you stopped your medication? 4. If you can make this wise observation, you probably don't need your medication any longer


A nurse is performing an assessment on a client who has a history of multiple somatic complaints involving several organ system. Diagnostic studies revealed no organic pathology. The care of plan developed will reflect that the client is experiencing which of the following disorders? 1. Schizophrenia 2. Depression 3. somatization disorder 4. Obsessive compulsive disorder


A nurse is providing dietary instructions to a client who is taking tranylcypromine sulfate. The nurse emphasizes that which of the following needs to be avoided while taking this med? 1. Pineapple 2. Mashed potatoes 3. Salami 4. Scallops


As client is being prepared for ECT. The nurses plan of care for the day before the ECT includes ensuring that the client: 1. Is placed on NPO status for 16-24 hours 2. Receives no visitors and participate in limited unit activities 3. Shampoo and dries the hair, clearing it of all hair sprays and creams 4. Does not smoke at all


Client come to ED after an assault and is extremely agitated, trembling, and hyperventilating. The appropriate initial action would be to: 1. Encourage the client to discuss the assault 2. Place the client in a quiet room alone to decrease stimulation 3. remain with the client until the anxiety decreases 4. Begin to teach relaxation techniques


The nurse is preparing a client for ECT. The family of the client asks the nurse about this treatment. The nurse responds knowing that which of the following is an inaccurate statement regarding the procedure? 1. Memory loss will occur but will resolve with time 2. Some confusion may be noted after the procedure 3. This treatment is tried before the use of medications 4. the average series involves 8-12 treatments


A client asks a nurse about milieu therapy. The nurse responds, knowing that the primary focus can best be described as: 1. A form of behavior modification therapy 2. A cognitive approach to changing behavior 3. A living, learning, or working environment 4. A behavioral approach to changing behavior


A client is admitted to the mental health unit with a diagnosis of depression. The nurse develops a plan of care for the client and includes which appropriate activity in the plan? 1. Reading and writing most of the day 2. Several activities from which the client can choose 3. Nothing, until the client asks to participate in milieu 4. A structured program of activities in which the client can participate


A client who is delusional says to a nurse, the federal guards were sent to kill me. The nurses best response would be: 1. I don't believe this is true 2. The guards are not out to kill you 3. What makes you think the guards were sent to hurt you 4. I don't know anything about the guards. Do you feel afraid that people are trying to hurt you?


A client who is on lithium complains of nausea. Later that day the client complains of drowsiness, muscle weakness, and lack of coordination. It is time for the clients 4pm dose. The best nursing action is: 1. Give the 4pm dose and re educate the client that these are normal side effects of med. 2. Give 4pm dose and document clients complaints 3. Give 4pm dose and notify the physician and of the clients complaints 4. Hold 4pm dose and notify physician of the clients complaints.


A depressed client on an inpatient unit says to a nurse, my family would be better off without me. The nurses best response would be: 1. Have you talked to your family about this? 2. Everyone feels that way when they are depressed 3. You will feel better once your medications begin to work 4. You sound very upset. Are you thinking of hurting yourself?


A depressed client who appeared sullen, distraught, and hopeless a few days ago now suddenly appears calm, relaxed, and more energetic. Which of the following is the nurses best action with regard to the clients altered demeanor? 1. Report to the physician that the client is adapting to the unit and is feeling safe 2. Continue to assess the clients behaviors and document clearly in the chart 3. Notify the health team of the observations and alert them to the suspicion that the client is contemplating suicide 4. Engage the client in one to one supervision, share with the client the observation that have been assessed, and ask whether the client is thinking about suicide.


A nurse developing a plan of care for a client admitted for ocd. The nurses first priority in the plan of care is to: 1. Monitor for repetitive behavior 2. Demand active participation 3. Educate the client about self care needs 4. Establish a trusting nurse-client relationship


A nurse is caring for a suicidal client. The appropriate intervention in dealing with this client is to: 1. Demonstrate confidence in the clients ability to deal with stressors 2. provide hope and reassurance that the problems will resolve themselves 3, display an attitude of detachment, confrontation, and efficiency. 4. provide authority, action, and participation


A nurse is discharging a client with a history of command hallucinations to harm self or others. The nurse provides instructions to the client about interventions for hallucinations and anxiety and determines that the client understands the instructions if the client states: 1. My medication won't make me anxious 2. I'll go to support group and talk so that I don't hurt anyone 3. I won't get anxious or hear things if I get enough sleep and eat well 4. I can call my therapist when I'm hallucinating so that I can talk about my feeling and plans and not hurt anyone


A nurse is preparing to admit a client with a diagnosis of Obsessive compulsive disorder. The nurse would expect which of the following behaviors? 1. Suspicious and hostile 2. Flexible and adaptable 3. Extremely frightened 4. Rigidness in thought and inflexibility


Nurse caring for client with acute depression, in communicating with client, which of the following statement would be appropriate for the nurse to make? 1. You will feel better when your medication starts to work 2. Don't worry-everyone gets depressed once in a while 3. You look lovely today 4. Your wearing a new blouse


Nurse is reviewing the assessment findings documented in the chart of a client who is newly admitted to the unit. The nurse notes that the client has experienced emotional turmoil and is exhibiting signs and symptoms that usually result from a loss of physical functioning, although no such loss can be confirmed medically. The nurse interpret these finding as indicating: 1. Depression 2. ocd 3. PTSD 4. Somatization disorder


Which mental health profession is responsible for the milieu therapy in an inpatient setting? 1. Psychiatrist 2. Social worker 3. Psychologist 4. Nurse


A client with a diagnosis of major depression who has attempted suicide says to a nurse, " I should have died. Ive always been a failure. Nothing ever goes right for me." The therapeutic response to the client is: 1. I don't see you as a failure 2. You have everything to live for 3. Feeling like this is all part of being ill 4. You've been feeling like a failure for awhile?


A client with major depression is considering cognitive therapy. The client asks a nurse how does this treatment work? The nurse tell the client: 1. This type of treatment will help you relax and develop new coping skills 2. This type of treatment helps you confront your fears by gradually exposing you to them 3. This type of treatment helps you to examine how your past life has contributed to your problems 4. This type of treatment helps you examine how your thoughts and feelings contribute to your difficulties


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