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"Asynchronous JavaScript And XML"... basically a way of transferring data between the server and web page which doesn't require the user to refresh the page


(Network Management System) Management software used to monitor an active communications network, diagnose problems, and gather stats for administration NMS GUI's are a way to graphically depict what is going on inside a system.

3-tiered architecture

1. Front end (client) 2. middle (web services [middleware]) 3. Back end (server side)

SDLC Steps 1-6

1st *requirements and analysis* > 2nd *architecture and design* > 3rd *development and coding* > 4th *testing* > 5th *deployment* > 6th *maintenance*

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure):

A *framework for creating a secure method for exchanging information* in which digital certificates are used to authenticate the identity of organizations and individuals over a public system.


A computer networking device that connects other network elements (computers, printers, etc.)

OLAP (online analytical processing)

A computing method that allows for *Manipulation of data to create business intelligence.* This supports strategic decision making.


A network device that forwards packets from one network to another. Cisco, Juniper, and Barracada

Strategic Marketing

A structured approach to marketing where all aspects of the marketing process are clearly defined and include a method for the measurement and analysis of a campaign's effectiveness.

SNMP - Simple network management protocol

A widely used network monitoring and control protocol, used to *show what's going on inside a LAN system.*


Advocates *frequent "releases"* in short development cycles *(time boxing)*, which is intended to improve productivity and introduce *checkpoints where new customer requirements can be adopted.* Other elements of Extreme Programming include *Paired programming.*

TCP/IP - Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol

Breaks down data into packets labeled with a destination, which are then transferred over ip and re-assembled with TCP

Transport Layer (layer 3)

Breaks the information up into packets. The protocols of the transport layer (*TCP or UDP*) provide host-to-host communication services for applications.

Traditional (Procedural) programming languages OR third generation

C, Basic, COBOL, Fortran


Certified Scrum Master

Application Layer (Layer 4)

Contains everything that exchanges information (web browsers, web servers) Its job is simply to send files to the transport layer (SMTP, IMAP, POP3, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SNMP SOAP, BitTorrent)

Command Language

Control or automate processes in the operating system, Bourne, c-shell, KornShell (unix), PowerShell (Windows)

Web *Services*

Created client/server apps with *IDE* (integrated development environment) and *SDKs* (software development kit). They are platform and language independent b/c they *use standard XML languages.*

structured data

Data that (1) are typically numeric or categorical; (2) can be organized and formatted in a way that is easy for computers to read, organize, and understand; and (3) can be inserted into a database in a seamless fashion.


Graphical User Interface

Must haves for web developers

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Load Balancing

Improves the distribution of workloads across multiple resources. Load balancing might split requests evenly to all servers, or redirect to the next available server as needed.

semi-structured data

In-between Structured and Unstructured data and can possibly be converted into structured data


Institute of electrical and electronics engineers

UDP - User datagram protocol

Is an alternative communications protocol to Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) used for numerous key internet applications.


Java Enterprise Edition. A programming platform. Oracle's enterprise computing platform. Some examples are JSP, Java, Apache

Client side script

Java script, VB script (VBA), Macro

Scripting Languages

JavaScript, VB Script, Perl, python, PHP

Apache is the server software on

Linux and Unix operating systems

Project Manager (PM)

Managing the beginning to end of a project, they decide what needs to happen -delivering the project within the set *timeline, scope and budget.*

Marketing Communications or Marcom

Messages and the related media used to communicate with a market. This can be thought of as the advertisements, direct marketing, promotions, press releases, or white papers associated with a product.

Scrum - SDLC

One of the most popular agile methodologies for managing new product development. The entire SDLC process is *performed by one cross-functional team across the different phases.*

UI/Graphic/visual designer

Photoshop, illustrator, Indesign, Adobe creative suite, dreamweaver - 80% art, 20% Coding


Project Management Professional


Representational State Transfer - A software protocal consisting of guidelines and best practices for creating SCALABLE web services

Database management Languages

SQL, PL/SQL (Oracle), T-SQL (aka MS SQL), Python

JSP (Java Server Pages)

Similar to CGI and ASP; allows developers to use HTML, JSP scripts, and Java to dynamically generate web pages


Simple Object Access Protocol - The protocol used for *exchanging structured information when running web services on networks*


Software that acts as a bridge (translator) between an operating system or database, and applications. Examples, API


Software that acts as a bridge between an operating system or database, and applications

Cascading style sheets/CSS

Style sheet language that provides the formatting and "look" of a Web page or document written in a markup language.

Link Layer (Layer 1)

The data link transfers data between adjacent nodes within a network. Ethernet, Wifi, & Fiber Optic cables operate at Layer 1.

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)

Used to standardize data across systems, that allow it to be queried. Lets you migrate data, server to server

SSL/TLS - Secure Sockets layer / Transport Layer Security

Used to validate the identity of a Web site and to create an encrypted connection to sending credit card and other personal data

Object-oriented programming languages

Visual Basic .Net, C#, C++, Objective-C/Swift, Java, Ruby

Object-oriented programming languages

Visual Basic .Net, C#, Ruby, Objective-C/Swift, Java, C++

A Product Marketer decides:

What *product* will be *offered* Who will be the *target customer* *How to reach the customer* What *price* the product will be offered at *How the customer will be introduced to the product*


Wide area network

Marketing Specialist

Works as part of a marketing team to *create and deliver marketing campaigns and events* for an organization.

A.I. and Machine Learning are based around solving problems using constraints given to the program, rather than using an algorithm written by a programmer

a 5th generation programming language is...

a 5th generation programming language is..

a 5th generation programming language is..A.I. and Machine Learning are based around solving problems using constraints given to the program, rather than using an algorithm written by a programmer

Network operation center (NOC)

a central or regional location for monitoring a large network

web server

a computer that runs a web site. It delivers web pages to browsers as well as other data files - Uses Linux, Unix or windows

web server

a computer that runs a web site. It delivers web pages to browsers as well as other data files - Uses Linux, Unix or windows OS that run Apache

closer to a human language than any other high level language - sql, hadoop

a fourth generation programming language is...

a third generation programming language is...

a high level programming language - java, python, perl aka scripting languages

test automation framework

a piece of software that is used to store test scripts that can automatically be called upon when test conditions arise

TCP/IP networking stack

a set of general design guidelines and implementations of specific networking protocols to enable computers to communicate over a network


a way for computers to communicate with one another and exchange information


a well defined procedure that allows a computer to solve a problem - Netflix, Amazon

ACL (access control list)

allow authorized access to corporate systems and information.

Lean - SDLC

an SDLC that is meant to *eliminate waste, amplify learning, decide as late possible, deliver as fast as possible, empower the team, and build integrity in*

a second generation programming language is

an assembly language

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

an information system that serves/connects all departments within an enterprise - Oracle, SAP

Portable languages

can be run on different types of operating systems

Interpreted language

code is executed automatically on the fly as it is needed

concurrency control

completes one set of transactions at a time

A Local Area Network (LAN)

connects individual computer terminals or nodes via coaxial cables, optical fibers, or standard telephone lines.

test driven development (TDD)

creating a test for the code being written before you write the code so you can find errors as the code is written

packet switched networks

data is split up into packets, labeled with the destination address, and routed individually.

Unstructured data

data that does not easily fit into a predefined data model or lend itself to relationships such as dates, numbers, or text. Mongo DB, Apache Hadoop, cassandra, SAP hana,

Internet Layer (Layer 2)

establishes the route between the sending and receiving computer. Information is sent via a routable protocol (*IP, IPX, SNA and Apple Talk*), which contains a network address (IP address) in addition to a station address (*MAC address*). Also uses these pieces of hardware: Routers, Switches, & Load Balancer's.

Grey Box Testing

having access to the code but completing testing at the user (black-box) level.

IT operations

infrastructure in order to minimize any chance of disruption.

Colocation Center

is the act of lodging server farms in a third party data center (off-site from the organization)

MRP (material resources planning)

is to monitor stocks and in particular create procurement proposals for purchasing and production proposals (planned orders, purchase requisitions or schedule lines). It creates production proposals based on what it has calculated as a material shortage.

JavaScript Libraries

mini-programs or widgets that are pre-coded for easier customization and integration


object oriented server-side scripting language designed for *web development*

Enterprise DBMS

oracle, DB2(IBM), MySQL, SAP, MS SQL sever

Non relational databases

refers to a variety of distributed, highly scalable, non, non-relational database tech used for handling large amounts of unstructured data (multiple Terabytes or Petabytes).


server side scripting language designed to have a variety of *system admin functions*

database servers

stores files for a web page to pull from

system testing

test a completely integrated system to verify that it meets its requirements

integration testing

test how 2 or more units interact

Unit testing

test the smallest component of software - automated or manual

black box testing

testing by someone without knowledge of the internal code

white box testing

testing with the knowledge of the internal code

The Software Development Life-cycle (SDLC)

the process by which software is conceptualized, developed and maintained.

DNS - domain name system

the system by which Internet domain names and addresses are tracked and regulated.

Data architect or data modeler

understands the sources of data and develop plans to integrate, centralize and maintain data

OLTP (online transaction processing)

updates the appropriate erp, crm and mrp database records as soon as a transaction is entered into the computer

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

use to manage customer information


used to create web-pages - browsers read the html tags and format the information accordingly


used to create web-pages - browsers read the html tags and format the information accordingly - non customizable tags

"Identity Management" and "Identity and Access Management" systems (*IAM* OR IAMS)

used to manage individual user identities, their authentication, authorization, roles and privileges within a network.

system integration testing

verifies that a system can be integrated with other external/third party systems

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