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A __________ is a unit for expressing the relative intensity of sounds. A. Nanometer (nM) B. Decibel (dB) C. Roentgen (Rg) D. Seanode (Sd)


A certain amount of ___________ is essential in activated sludge because they are the "backbone" that holds bacterial flocs together, giving them good settling characteristics. A. Short filaments B. Long filaments C. Rotifers D. Nocardia


A channel 3 feet wide contains water that is 2 feet deep and is flowing at a velocity of 2.5 ft/sec. What is the flow rate in CFS? A. 16 cubic feet/second B. 15 cubic feet/second C. 14 cubic feet/ second D. 11 cubic feet/second


A fusible pug is designed to soften or melt at _________ to prevent buildup of excessive pressures and the possibility of rupture due to a fire or high surrounding temperatures. A. 130F to 135F B. 158F to 165F C. 110F to 115F D. 145F to 150F


A pond is 500 feet long by 200 feet wide and the water is 5 feet deep. What is the detention time if the influent flow rate is 125,000 gallons per day? A. 20 days B. 30 days C. 40 days D. 50 days


A pond is 500 feet long by 200 feet wide and the water is 5 feet deep. What is the volume of the pond in gallons? (1 ft3=7.48 gallons) A. 4,650,000 gallons B. 3,740,000 gallons C. 2,850,000 gallons D. 5,600,000 gallons


A positive displacement sludge pump should never be placed not operation? A. Without being primed B. With the discharge valve closed C. With thee discharge valve open D. None of the above


A pump delivers 400 gpm at a total head of 184.8'. What is the pressure equivalent to this head, expressed in pounds per square inch? A. 43 psi B. 80 psi C. 8.0 psi D. None of the above


A sedimentation tank is 100' long, 30' feet wide, and has a water depth of 12'. What is the flow through the tank if the detention time is 2.16 hours? A. 0.4 MGD B. 3.0 MGD C. 3.5 MGD D. 5.0 MGD


An operator needs to increase the F/M ratio a his plant. He would do this by: A. Keep the RAS pumping rate the same B. Increase sludge wasting C. Increase the RAS pumping rate. D. Decrease sludge wasting


At pH levels below 6, disinfection with chlorine is _________ effective. A. Less B. More C. Supplementary D. mutely


How much does 1 cubic foot of water weigh? A. 8.34 lbs B. 62.4 lbs C. 92.84 lbs D. 7.48 lbs


How much more acidic is pH 4 than pH 5? A. 1x B. 10x C. 100x D. 20x


How's many pounds of alkalinity are produced by every pound of nitrate that is reduced? A. 1.5 B. 3.5 C. 4.2 D. 7.14


Hydraulic load is the height in inches of the average volume of wastewater introduced into a pond in one ____________. A. Hour B. Day C. Week D. Month


If a chlorinator is connected to the bottom valve of a one ton cylinder that is half full, the chlorinator is withdrawing _________. A. Strong chlorine gas B. Liquid chlorine C. Weak chlorine gas D. None of the above


Metering pumps have an average accuracy of +\- _________ percent. A. 2.5 B. 1.0 C. 5.0 D. 3.0


On a large scale which is the best method for removing ammonia nitrogen from wastewater? A. Trickling filter B. Activated sludge C. Breakpoint Chlorination D. Ion exchange


The quantity or weight of a chemical delivered from a feeder over a given period of time: A. Pump setting B. Feed rate C. Calibration curve D. Feed setting


Turbidity in wastewater is caused by _________. A. Color B. Fine suspended material C. Dissolved calcium D. Hardness


What temperature does the BOD incubator need to be? A. 104 degrees C B. 20 degrees C C. 550 degrees C D. 4 degrees C


What type of permit is required for any point source discharge to wasters of the Commonwealth. A. NWDS B. NPDES C. NWSA D. PWDP


A plant influent of 3.5 MGD contains 200 mg/L BOD. How many pounds of BOD enter the plant per day? A. 4,562 B. 5,101 C. 5,838 D. 6,251


A pump is delivering less than expected rate of discharge. This could be caused by? A. Check valve open B. Discharge head too low C. Discharge head too high D. None of the above


A residual in the form of _____________ __________ Residual Chlorine has the highest disinfecting ability. A. Combined available B. Total available C. Free available D. Minimum Available


Determine the peak residential flow for a subdivision of 75 acres with homes on 1 acre lots and assume 3 people per home. A. 18,000 B. 36,000 C. 45,000 D. 15,000


For most commonly used pipe materials the roughness coefficient (n) can be estimated to be: A. Zero B. 0.010 C. 0.014 D. 0.35


In electrical circuits a(n) ________ is used to reduce voltage where necessary. A. Ammeter B. Thermal overload C. Transformer D. Voltmeter


Sources of excessively clear water in a collection system include all of the following except: A. Infiltration from a high water table B. Sump pumps C. Exfiltration from a high water table D. Improperly fitted pipe joints


The Kraus Process is used to treat wastewater that is deficient in ____________ and when activated sludge has poor ___________ characteristics. A. Phosphorous, uptake B. BOD, settling C. Nitrogen, settling D. Alkalinity, aeration


The ___________ concentration is a measure off the total concentration of solids in the aeration tank. A. Dissolved oxygen B. pH C. Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) D. Mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS)


The ____________ ____________ ___________ directly oversees thee wastewater systems throughout the commonwealth because PA has primary enforcement responsibility (primacy) for wastewater regulations. A. PA department of Erosion Control B. PA Department of Fish and Game C. PA Department of Environmental Protection D. PA Department of Natural Resources


The ____________ is the amount of a chemical substance taken into the body. A. Exposure B. Accumulation C. Dose D. Volute


This is the most common type of treatment pond due to the difficulty maintaining completely aerobic or anaerobic condition in the pond. A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic C. Facultative D. Induced aeration


Well-designed primary clarifiers should remove ________ of BOD. A. 5-10% B. 10-20% C. 20-40% D. 40-60%


What is the SVI if the 30 minute settleability percent was 17% and the MLSS was 1800 mg/L? A. 100 B. 90 C. 94 D. 85


What regulation requires that a wastewater system be under the responsible supervision in of a certified operator? A. The oil pollution act B. Act 167 C. The clean water act D. SARA Title III


What type of chlorine residual is attained after the breakpoint is achieved? A. Combined B. Total C. Free D. Mono


Which adjustment will normally improve denitrification in a 5 stage Bardenpho process? A. Decrease the internal recycle rate B. Increase the DO C. Increase the internal recycle rate D. Decrease the RAS


Which of the following does not define a confined space? A. It is large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter it. B. It is not designed for continuous occupancy. C. It does not provide sufficient natural light. D. It has limited or restricted means for entry.


Which zone produces three largest amount of biological denitrification? A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic C. Anoxic D. Reaeration


__________ _____________ __________ is the clothing/equipment you need to protect your health and well-being while working with equipment and materials in a wastewater treatment plant. A. Wastewater wear (WW) B. Personal gear (PG) C. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) D. Individual Safety Equipment (ISE)


___________ process modifications to the conventional activated sludge system are made to enhance the removal of nutrients from wastewater. A. Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) B. Extended Aeration (Oxidation Ditch) C. Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) D. Contact Stabilization


___________ waste is typically defined as waste having BOD5 in excess of 400 mg/L and a COD in excess of 1,000 mg/L. A. Industrial B. Shock C. High Strength D. Toxic


________________ are in indication of an old activated sludge with a high MCRT and are usually associated with a turbid effluent. A. Bacteria B. Protozoa C. Rotifers D. Worms


A tank is 25' in diameter and contains 72' of water, how many gallons are in it? A. 76,334 B. 117,351 C. 44,550 D. 264,231


Large quantities of septic sludge "burping" to the surface of primary settling tanks may indicate? A. Excessive activity of worms in the sludge in the tank B. Excessive sludge scraper speed C. Grit chambers are not properly removing grit D. Sludge is not being pumped in sufficient quantities


Nitrification in the winter months may require up to __________ times the detention time during the summer. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5


OSHA requires that a protective system be used in trenches ____________ feet or deeper. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5


One gallons of 12% sodium hypochlorite contains how many pounds of chlorine? A. 7.48 pounds B. 8.34 pounds C. 0.1 pounds D. 1.0 pounds


One ton chlorine tanks? A. Have fusible plugs located in the valves B. Must be stored in an upright position C. Remove liquid chlorine from the top valve D. Use the bottom valve only with chlorine evaporators


The certification board may revoke, suspend, or modify a certificate if it is found an operator has: A. been negligent B. committed fraud C. falsified application or operator records D. all of the above


The desired F/M ratio at a conventional activated sludge plant is 0.3. If the 2.81 MGD primary effluent flow has a BOD of 144 mg/L, how many pounds of MLVSS should be maintained in the aeration tank? A. 3,375 lbs B. 1,125 lbs C. 1,013 lbs D. 11,250 lbs


The heat or energy of water above a point is commonly referred to as the ____________. A. Flow B. Pressure C. Distance D. Head


The main reason MCRT is increased during the winter is _____________. A. To improve sludge settling B. To increase DO C. To reduce straggler floc in the effluent D. To increase solids inventory because bacteria is slower


The media in most trickle filters is placed ______________. A. Directly on the ground B. On a concrete slab C. On a rubber tile floor D. On a system of underdrains


The minimum depth of a sanitary sewer is __________ feet. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


The most abundant source of pollutants entering natural water bodies is? A. Wastewater treatment plants B. Food processing waste C. Hospitals D. Nonpoint


The purpose of adding sodium thiosulfate to a microbiological sample bottle is to? A. Extend the allowable hold time from 8 to 24 hours B. React with nitrates that interfere with the test C. Ensure sterilization of the sample bottle D. Remove any chlorine residual present


The weight of a chemical compound is 1/8 of the total weight of a chemical solution. The percent by weight, of a chemical in solution is A. 6.4 B. 8.3 C. 10.5 D. 12.5


Three water borne diseases are__________. A. Mumps, measles, cold B. Scarlet fever, pneumonia, hay fever C. Tuberculosis, diphtheria, chickenpox D. Typhoid fever, dysentery, ,cholera


To develop a feed pump calibration curve, you need: A. Pump feed rate B. Pump speed setting C. Pump operating record D. Both A and B


What is the demand for chlorine if the residual is 1.1 mg/L and the amount of chlorine applied is 7.4 mg/l? A. 7.3 mg/L B. 6.5 mg/L C. 8.5 mg/L D. 6.3 mg/L


What is the term used when organic nitrogen and NH^4 are added together? A. TN B. NO^3 C. NO^2 D. TKN


What percentage of microorganism removal is achieved through disinfection? A. 85-90% B. 90-95% C. 80-85% D. 98-99%


What pump can produce he same flow at a given speed (RPM) no matter what the discharge pressure. A. Centrifugal pump B. Submersible pump C. Rotary pump D. Positive displacement pump


What types of channel can UV disinfection be operated in? A. Open channel B. Closed channel C. Pipeline D. All of the above


What will the pressure gauge read on the suction of a pump if the pump is located at floor elevation of the tank and the tank has a water depth of 15 feet?? A. 34.7 psi B. 27.7 psi C. 12.0 psi D. 6.5 psi


When collecting a fecal sample, the sample should be __________. A. A composite sample without a preservative B. A composite sample preserved with copper sulfate C. A composite sample preserved with sodium thiosulfate D. A grab sample preserved with sodium thiosulfate


When using rigid pipe, which class of bedding is typically not permissible? A. Class A B. Class B C. Class C D. Class D


Which of the following groups of microorganisms are found in good settling mixed liquor? A. flagellates, free swimming ciliates, and stalked ciliates B. Stalked ciliates, rotifers, and flagellates C. Nematodes, flagellates, and stalked ciliates D. Rotifers, stalked ciliates, and free swimming ciliates


Which of the following is (are) positive displacement pump(s): A. Diaphragm B. Centrifugal C. Peristaltic D. Both A and C


Which of the following is not typically the cause of high effluent ammonia? A. Low influent alkalinity B. High influent ammonia C. Low DO D. High DO


Which of the following statements are true? A. An Erosion and Sedimentation (E&S) control plan is needed for earth moving activity. B. Sanitary sewers should be 10 feet horizontally from existing or proposed water mains. C. The slope of a sanitary sewer is often called Rise/Run. D. All of the above.


Which of these chemicals may be used for odor control in the collection system? A. Chlorine B. Hydrogen peroxide C. Neither D. Both


Which organisms will be more dominant when the SRT is low and the sludge is young? A. Rotifers B. Stalk ciliates C. Water bears D. Free swimming ciliates


____________ must be collected in such a manner that nothing is added or lost in the portion taken so that no change occurs in its characteristics between the time it is collected and the time the laboratory test is performed. A. Readings B. Settings C. Levels D. Samples


_____________ organisms are the most prominent organisms in an activated sludge plant. A. Facultative B. Anaerobic C. Autotrophic D. Aerobic


A clarifier with a diameter of 100 feet and a water depth of 10 feet treats 2 MGD. What is the detention time? A. 2 hours B. 1.8 hours C. 3 hours D. 1 hour E. 7 hours


A Polishing Pond is operated after the secondary treatment, i.e. a trickling filter. Polishing Ponds are sometimes referred to as ____________ Ponds. A. Tertiary B. Oxidation C. Primary D. Secondary


A ________ ________ _______ can be either a separate system or combined system in that a separate sewer systems is designed to carry only wastewater while a combined system is designed to carry both wastewater and storm or surface water runoff. A. Sanitary sewer system B. Primary sewer system C. Secondary sewer system D. Alternate sewer system


A ________________ Part II Permit is required to install (construct), modify and operate a pump station. A ___________ permit is also needed to upgrade pump stations. For example, sometimes municipalities or private entities will change impellers within pumps to increase capacity- this would require a permit. Maintenance, including the replacement of parts and whole pumps that does not change capacity, would be covered under the existing permit they have. A. WQM B. NPDE C. Title 25 D. Chapter 944


A circular clarifier with a diameter of 50 feet and a depth of 10 feet treats a flow of 2 MGD. What is the detention time in hours? A. 1.8 hours B. 2.4 hours C. 4.2 hours D. 5.7 hours


A flow of 350 gpm has to be lifted 80'. The wire to water efficiency is 80%. How much motor horsepower is required? A. 8.8 B. 9.9 C. 10.1 D. 12


A good mixed liquor (MLSS) range for a conventional activated sludge treatment plant is: A. 1,000 tot 3,000 mg/L B. 500 to 2,000 mg/L C. 2,000 to 4,000 mg/L D. 1,500 to 2,500 mg/L


A pH of 6.0 is an ____________. A. Acid B. Alkaline C. Neutral D. Basic


A paper towel or a rag saturated with a strong ammonia solution will indicate gas chlorine leaks by the presence of: A. A dense white cloud or fume B. Frozen Lines C. Purple smoke D. Sparks


A treatment plants 5 MGD flow requires 37 mg/L chlorine for proper disinfection. If the solutions being used is only 72 % chlorine, how many lbs/day of solution are required? A. 2143 B. 1543 C. 21 D. 210


A trickling filter 80 feet in diameter and 4 feet deep treats a flow 2.4 MGD with a BOD OF 120 mg/L . What is the organic loading in lbs/day/1,000 ft3? A. 120 lbs/day/1,000 ft3 B. 12 lbs/day/1,000 ft3 C. 24 lbs/day/1,000 ft3 D. 1200 lbs/day/1,000 ft3


All of the following tests are run on raw wastewater except? A. Fecal Coliform B. BOD C. Suspended solids D. pH


An acceptable concentration of oxygen in a confined space is: A. 19.5% to 23.5 % B. 16.5 % to 21.5 % C. 15% to 22.5 % D. 17.5% to 22.5 %


An increasing F/M ratio and decreasing MCRT indicates _____________. A. Excessive solids wasting causing a decrease in solids inventory B. Inadequate solids wasting causing an increase in the solids inventory C. Decreased hydraulic load increasing the sludge detention time D. This is normal operations


An operator who holds a certificate of the same or higher class with all the subclasses of the system at which they work or want to work. A. Appropriately Certified Operator B. Professional Licensure C. Environmental Administrator D. Water Treatment Technician


As water temperature decreases, the disinfecting action of chlorine ___________. A. Decreases B. Increases C. Remains the same D. Who cares


As water temperature decreases, the disinfecting action of chlorine ____________. A. Decreases B. Increases C. Remains the same D. We use UV


Calculate the organic loading of a RBC with the following data: Media Surface Area= 175,000 ft2 Influent Flow= 275,000 gpd Influent BOD= 240 mg/L A. 3.1 lb BOD/day/1000 ft2 B. 2.6 lb BOD/day/ 1000 ft2 C. 4.2 lb BOD/day/1000 ft2 D. 1.8 lb BOD/day/1000 ft2


Calculate the water horsepower if the pump operating provides 875 gpm against 118' total dyanmic head. If the pump is 79% efficient,, what is they brake HP? A. 33 HP B. 70 HP C. 9 HP D. 44 HP


Cattails growing a lagoon will ___________. A. Cause short circuiting in the affected lagoon B. Eliminate mosquito larvae C. Increase diurnal pH fluctuations D. Increase toxic blue-green concentrations in the effluent


Check valves are used on the discharge side of centrifugal pumps to_____________. A. Prevent water in discharge line from flowing back B. Equalize the pressure on both sides of the impeller C. Prevent water in the suction line from flowing back D. Regulate the rate of flow through the discharge pipe


Chloramines are __________. A. Combined chlorine B. Enzymes C. Found in polluted air D. Free chlorine


Chlorine applied minus _______ _______ equals chlorine residual. A. Chlorine demand B. Combined chlorine C. Free chlorine D. Total chlorine


Enclosed, open, and semi-open are terms used to describe? A. Impellers B. Lantern rings C. Sleeves D. Stuffing box


Four tasks that are frequently identified as Preventive Maintenance Functions in wastewater treatment plants include: A. Lubrication; calibration assessment and monitoring; and consumables replacement B. Replace; refurbish; record; and repeat C. Monitor; estimate life span; planning; and scheduling D. Safety considerations; cost impacts; budgeting; and staff available to complete


Given the following data, what is the most likely cause of a low DO level in the aeration tank with a diffused aeration system. Data: blower air output is high Organic load normal Hydraulic load normal Low turbulence throughout the tank A. Aeration system piping leaking B. Excessive air bubble shearing by diffusers C. Return sludge rate too high D. Low blower speed


Given the following information, what is the solids loading rate on the secondary clarifier? Data: influent flow is 575,000 gpd RAS is 55% of influent flow Secondary clarifier diameter is 50' and the depth is 12' Aeration MLSS is 3,500 mg/L A. 13.2 lbs/day/ft2 B. 8.6 lbs/day/ft2 C. 4.7 lbs/day/ft2 D. 9.9 lbs/day/ft2


Gravity sewers are a minimum of ________ diameter pipes with manhole structures located at changes in horizontal alignment and vertical slope changes. A. 8-inch B. 6-inch C. 4-inch D. 12-inch


Grease in sewers is mechanically removed by____________. A. High pressure jets B. Sawing C. Not usually a problem in sewers D. High hydraulic flow


How many pounds of oxygen are required for every pound of BOD? A. 1.5 B. 3.5 C. 4.2 D. 7.14


If a centrifugal pump loses its prime after starting, the most likely cause of the problem is _________. A. Air leaks into the pump through stuffing boxes B. Air pocket in the discharge line C. Foreign matter in the impeller D. Speed is too high


If an operator believes a current policy or decision of the owner is causing (or may cause) a violation of any applicable federal or state laws, regulations or permit conditions or requirements, the certified operator is required to: A. Report to the owner/management of the system B. Contact local authorities C. Contact DEP headquarters D. Do nothing


If there is a large increase in influent plant solids, you may need to increase the __________ in the aeration tank. A. MLVSS B. BOD C. Total suspended solids D. Phosphorus


In an activated sludge plant, it is determined that an SVI of less than 70 was poor settling, between 90 and 100 was good, and over 110 indicated bulking would soon follow. A settling test was completed and the 30 minute settled sludge volume was 150 ml/L and suspended solids were 2500 mg/L. This means that the results were? A. Poor B. Good C. About to start bulking D. Not enough information available


In response to toxic or high-strength shock loads, the first priority should be to retain as much ________________ as possible in the system. A. Activated Sludge B. Dissolved Oxygen C. Flow D. pH


In the membrane filter method, the number of Coliform is estimated by the _________. A. Number of colonies grown B. Number of negative tubes C. Number of positive tubes D. I could go for some pizza


Mix 200 mL of 0.1 M H2SO4 from concentrated H2SO4 solution (18 M). A. 1.11 B. 2.22 C. 1.52 D. 1.22


Pathogens________. A. Are bacteria or viruses that causes disease B. Are bacteria that are not found in water C. Are bacteria that are not found in wastewater D. Are not harmful to humans


Required chemical coagulation does are commonly determined by ________. A. Jar tests B. Measurements of zeta potential C. Oxidation reduction tests D. Manning calculations


Settled activated sludge is generally __________ than raw sludge. A. Thinner B. Thicker C. Denser D. Saltier


Some common causes of _________ ____________ include low algal growth, excessive scum accumulation, aeration problems, organic overloading and short-circuiting. A. Low DO B. High DO C. Low pH D. High pH


Some people believe if a little is good, even more must be better. When it comes to chlorination, overfeeding may cause the formation fo additional, harmful, byproducts called: A. Disinfection byproducts B. Residual byproducts C. Chlorine byproducts D. Pathogen byproducts


The BOD in an aeration tank is oxidized in what order? A. Carbonaceous than nitrogenous B. Nitrogenous than carbonaceous C. Nitrosomonas then nitrobacter D. None of the above


The ________ pumping station is a pumping station in which the pumps are located underground in the wet well and is typically used when there are low flows and high heads. A. Submersible B. Dry well C. Wet well D. Vacuum


The ____________ regulations directs collection system owners to take a pro-active position to correct existing problems and includes a combined sewer overflows policy and a long term control plan that a municipality will follow to ultimately obtain full compliance with the Clean Water Act. A. EPA CMOM B. DEP SDWA C. EPA CWA D. DEP MCM


The _____________ is the heart of the SBR operation because it controls the operation of the mechanical equipment and the timing of the treatment stages. A. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) B. Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) C. Intermittent Cycle Extended Aeration System (ICEAS) D. MLE (Modified Ludzak Ettinger)


The best temperatures for wastewater treatment range from? A. 77 to 95 degrees B. 60 to 100 degrees C. 50 to 90 degrees D. 65 to 85 degrees


The chlorine feed room should be kept between 60F and 120F to vaporize liquid chlorine. Below 60F, chlorine gas forms _______________, also known as "______________", when it comes in contact with water. This substance can clog the ejector (injector) and gas piping, creating a serious maintenance problem. A. chlorine hydrate, green ice B. calcium chloride, white funk B. sodium hydroxide, white lime D. chlorine dehydrate, yellow plum


The discharge of a centrifugal pump_____________. A. Decreases with an increase in head B. Increases with an increase in head C. Is not affected by head D. What?


The main purpose of an inlet baffle in a settling tank is too ______________. A. Reduce the velocity and disperse flow B. Increase velocity to prevent excessive settling near the inlet C. Remove scum from the wastewater D. Protect the scraping mechanism from damage by excessive velocities


The pH meter should be calibrated __________. A. Once a day B. Weekly C. Twice a month D. Before each use


The pH of wastewater needs to remain between what and what to protect organisms (optimum condition). A. 6 and 9 B. 7 and 9 C. 5 and 8 D. 5 and 10


The primary sources of ammonia nitrogen in domestic wastewater are ________________ and ______________ matter. A. Urea and proteinaceous B. Ammonium and organic C. Nitrates and inorganic D. Nitrites and organic


What are the basic wastewater treatment processes? A. Physical, biological, chemical B. Mechanical, gravity, solids C. Microorganisms, filters, chemical D. Solids, nutrients, physical


What are the end products of the aerobic biochemical reaction? A. H2O and CO2 B. H2O and CH4 C. CH4 and CO2 D. Organic acids


What is I called when sludge and polymer plug the belts of a filter press? A. Blinding B. Sloughing C. Cavitation D. Bulking


What is affected first when the anaerobic digestion process is starting to deteriorate? A. Volatile acid/alkalinity ratio B. Temperature C. Supernatant quality D. Volatile solids concentration


What is the F/M ratio in an aeration tank if 1,500 pounds of BOD are added per day and 5,000 pounds of solids are under aeration? A. 0.3 B. 0.1 C. 0.2 D. 0.01


What is the most important advantage of having a floating cover on an anaerobic digester? A. It varies with the level so no vacuum can occur B. It is easier to operate C. It produces more gas D. Mixing is not required


What is the percent BOD removal efficiency of a plant with an influent BOD of 275 mg/L and an effluent BOD of 4.5 mg/L?? A. 98.3 % B. 100% C. 61.1 % D. 93.8 %


What is the total percent solids of a sludge sample that has a concentration of 15,700 mg/L? A. 1.57% B. 15.7 % C. 157% D. 0.157%


What is the total percent solids of a sludge sample that has a concentration of 15,700 mg/L? A. 1.57% B. 15.7% C. 157% D. 0.15%


What is the volume of a tank kid the flow entering is 5 MGD and the detention time is 1.5 hours/ A. 312,500 gallons B. 583,000 gallons C. 1.2 MG D. 0.3957 MG


What typed of pump is not seriously damaged if the discharge valve is closed for a short time while the pump is running? A. Centrifugal pump B. Diaphragm pump C. Piston pump D. Plunger pump


When a high organic waste load reaches an activated sludge plant, the first indicator will be a decrease in _________________. A. DO residual in the aeration basin B. COD in plant influent C. Floatable in the primary clarifier D. Flow to the treatment plant


When a pump appears to be in operation, but chemical feed is less than expected, suspect: A. A ruptured diaphragm B. A faulty wire C. Poor chemical quality D. None of the above


When routinely inspecting a centrifugal pump, it is noted that the bearings are excessively hot. This could be caused by? A. Over lubrication B. Operating at too low of a speed C. Worn impeller D. Worn packing


When selecting a __________ and __________ there are are three requirements that must be considered first. They are: 1. Dependable 2. Economical 3. Sufficient A. Pump and motor B. Pump and frame C. Motor and wiring D. Motor and panel


When sludge has a specific gravity greater than 1.0 it is more likely to? A. Sink B. Float C. Stay in suspension D. How many questions does this test have?


Which act requires every wastewater system regulated under the act to have an appropriately certified operator and an appropriately certified operator must make all process control decisions of system operation. A. Act 11 B. Act 537 C. Act 13 D. Act 94


Which chemical is commonly used as a source of carbon for the denitrification process? A. Methanol B. Methane C. Sodium bicarbonate D. Caustic soda


Which of the following best describes the nitrification cycle? A. NH3 is converted to NO2 by nitrosomonas bacteria to NO3 by nitrobacter bacteria B. NH3 is converted to NO2 by nitrobacter bacteria to NO3 by nitrosomonas bacteria C. NH3 is converted to NO3 by nitrosomonas bacteria to NO2 by nitrobacter bacteria B. NH3 is converted to NO3 by nitrobacter bacteria to NO2 by nitrosomonas bacteria


Which of the following is an appropriate laboratory practice? A. Carefully add acid to water B. Hold glassware in your bare hands C. Pipette samples by mouth D. Carefully add water to acid


____________ is the most effective Disinfectant available of those commonly used in water treatment. A. Ozone B. Chlorine C. Ultra—violet light D. Chemical precipitation


Start-up procedures include ___________ _________, biological checks of systems, inspecting bearings and seals, checking the distributor arms and nozzles.. A. Mechanical inspections B. Manufacturer recommendations C. Leak detention D. Media integrity

A or B

A Chapter ___________ report to include a variety of collection system information is required annually to be submitted to the DEP. A. 287 B. 94 C. 112 D. 37


A sanitary sewer should be sized to be ____________ full when conveying peak dry weather with the remaining portion of the sanitary sewer permits a flow of air that may help decrease sulfide generation, which can lead to corrosion of the sewer. A. One-quarter B. One-half C. Three-quarters D. One-third


A well operating system with good settling floc will have a predominance of _________ and stalked ciliates and few rotifers. A. Short filaments B. Free swimming ciliates C. Worms D. Nocardia


A wet well is 10 feet long and 10 feet wide. If it takes 10.5 minutes to lower the level 5 feet, what is the pumping rate in GPM? A. 35.6 B. 356 C. 47.6 D. 476


A wet well is 10' deep by 17' in diameter. When the pump is not running, the water rises 31'' in 2 minutes 48 seconds. If the level rises 5.2'' in 16 minutes while the pump is running, what is the pump rate in gallons per minute? A. 1612 gpm B. 1520 gpm C. 1797 gpm D. 9209 gpm


An ____________ analysis typically involves the uses of an electrode and a meter. The electrode is usually specific to the ion itself and detects only the ion of interest. The meter is really a millivolt meter that receives the signals from the electrode. The higher the concentration in the sample the higher the millivolt on the meter. A. Gravimetric B. Ion specific C. Volumetric D. Titration


An air gap device is used to? A. Increase oxygen content in manholes B. Prevent cross connections C. Prevent excessive vibration in pipe joints D. Ventilate manholes


Bacterial growth occurs in four stages. The __________ phase is when cells begin to feed on themselves in the absence of another food supply and is an indicator of an older sludge with a low F/M ratio and a long MCRT. A. Lag B. Endogenous C. Stationary D. Log-growth


Biological activity in long flat grade sewer lines with low flow will likely___________? A. Decrease line sediment B. Create oxygen deficiency in the sewer C. Stop toxic gas production D. Improve the treatment at the sewer plant


Calculate the gallons of seed sludge needed for a 50 foot diameter digester with a water depth of 18 feet, if it is determined that the sludge required is to be 20% of the digester volume. A. 530,000 gallons B. 53,000 gallons C. 14,700 gallons D. 3,535 gallons


Calculate the hydraulic loading rate of a trickling filter, given a diameter of 55 feet and an influent flow of 1.25 MGD. A. 236 gpd/day/ft2 B. 526 gpd/day/ft2 C. 1052 gpd/day/ft2 D. 844 gpd/day/ft2


Contact stabilization presumes that organic matter (BOD) destruction is a _________ step process. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


Convert the treatment facility flow from 330,000 gpd to MGD. A. 3.3 B. 0.33 C. 0.66 D. 2.2


Generally, as an individual progresses upward in management, reliance on personal technical skill? A. Becomes more complex B. Decreases C. Increases D. Remains the same


Given the following data, calculate the pounds of alkalinity required for nitrification. Data: Influent flow is 1.75 MGD Influent ammonia is 28 mg/L Effluent ammonia is 1.25 mg/L A. 2,917 lbs B. 2,788 lbs C. 334 lbs D. 2,325 lbs


Given the following data, what is the most likely cause of the extended aeration facilities problems? Data: DO in aerator is usually high Sludge blanket in clarifier is high Return sludge flow is low Air lift control valve is open Blower is operating within normal ranges A. Scum ejector is clogged B. Return sludge air lift is clogged C. Sludge collector shear pin is broken D. Too much wasting


Given the following data, what is the most likely cause of the mechanically cleaned bar screen problem? Data: - Above normal water differential across the bar screen -Drive motor shaft turning - Drive sprocket and chain not moving - Less than normal flow on bar screen downstream side - Mode in automatic position - Normal influent flow entering plant A. Power failure B. Sheared pin or disengaged cutch on drive unit C. Raw wastewater pumping units out of service D. None of the above


Grit chambers that are designed to remove grit should have a velocity of __________. A. Less than 0.5 ft/sec B. Less than 1.0 ft/sec C. Less than 2.0 ft/sec D. Less than 3.0 ft/sec


How many gallons of 5.25% hypochlorite are required to reach a residual of 100 mg/L in a well if the well casing diameter is 18'' and the water depth is 80' with a chlorine demand of 15 mg/L? A. 1.5 B. 2.3 C. 4.6 D. 5.2


How many gallons of water would 600' of 6'' pipe hold: A. 740 B. 880 C. 900 D. 930


If a lagoon is 300' wide, 600' long, and 10' deep with a flow of 0.25 MGD, what is the detention time in days? A. 44 B. 54 C. 64 D. 74


If a pump is operating at 2,200 gpm and 60 ft of head, what is the water horsepower? If the pump efficiency is 71%, what is the brake horsepower? A. 36.6 and 49.6 B. 33.3 and 46.9 C. 41.2 and 52.4 D. 37.8 and 41.4


If the proper alum dose at your plant is 128 mg/L and you are using a solution that is 5.22 pounds of alum per gallon, what should the feed pump setting be to treat a flow of 1.25 MGD? A. 696 gpd B. 26 gpd C. 133 gpd D. 54 gpd


Manholes are typically _______ to _________ feet apart. Manholes are placed at changes in sewer line direction, slope, elevation, pipe sizes and junctions. A. 100 to 200 B. 200 to 400 C. 50 to 200 D. 100 to 300


Many _________ __________ require specific training of employees regarding the safety and health issues related to the performance of their jobs. A. Pema standards B. OSHA standards C. WW standards D. PPE standards


Possible techniques for controlling filamentous organisms in activated sludge include _______________.. A. Lower DO levels in aeration basins so filamentous organisms cannot breathe B. Dosage of return sludge with oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorine C. Lower F/M ratio to starve the filaments D. All of the above


Solve for Z: 8=(0.504)(Z)(8.34) A. 4 B. 2 C. 0.9 D. 8


The _________ is the piping that connects the public sewer to the building. A. Vertical B. Lateral C. Peripheral D. Feeder


The addition of chlorine until all chlorine demand has been satisfied: A. Chlorination curve B. Breakpoint Chlorination C. Disinfecting tendencies D. Proportional chlorniation


The addition of chlorine, carbon dioxide, or sulfuric acid will ___________ the pH of wastewater. A. Neutralize B. Lower C. Raise D. Remain consntant


The ash content is the same as ___________. A. MLSS B. Inorganic solids C. Organic solids D. Volatile solids


The elevation of any pump above the source of supply should not exceed ________ feet. A. 2.2 B. 22 C. 4.4 D. 44


The highest removal efficiencies in an RBC will occur in: A. Cold weather B. Warm weather C. Temperature has no effect D. None of the above


The incubator for the BOD test should be maintained at _______________ degrees C. A. 4 B. 20 C. 104 D. 550


The minimum size of a new sanitary sewer shall be ____________ inches. A. 6 inches B. 8 inches C. 10 inches D. 12 inches


The presence of white billowing foam on an aeration tank indicates ________________. A. The aeration tank is under loaded organically B. The aeration tank is overloaded organically C. The aeration tank is overloaded hydraulically D. None of the above


The principals difference between step-feed aeration and conventional aeration is that in step-feed the incoming waste load is introduced in a slug at the tank entrance. A. True B. False


The principle function of the zoogleal mass on the trickling filter is to _____________. A. Filter suspended solids B. Reduce the organic content C. Reduce the nitrogen D. None of the above


The reaction of chlorine and ammonia produces a compound which is called _________. A. Ammonium chloride B. Chloramine C. Chloramine hydrate D. Hydrazine


Three major components of a wastewater System: A. Collection/conveyance, primary, secondary B. Collection/conveyance, treatment, disposal C. Treatment, equipment, removal D. Primary, secondary, final


To determine feed rates: A. Need lbs used per day and plant flow in MGD B. Need dose and plant flow in MGD C. Need dose and plant flow in gpd D. Need lbs used per day and plant flow in gpd


Two types of pumps are common to wastewater treatment plants: A. Electrical and fuel powered B. Centrifugal and positive displacement C. Rotary and piston D. Submersible and trash


Ultra violet light renders bacteria harmless by __________. A. Heat B. Destroying their cellular genetic material C. Inhibiting their enzymatic system thus starving them D. Splitting them in half


Wastewater systems must notify ______________ and the ____________ when they violate EPA or state wastewater regulation (including monitoring requirements). A. EPA and DEP B. DEP and owner C. EPA and owner D. CDC and DEP


What does an open circuit mean in electrical terms? A. Power is engaged B. Power is disengaged C. Power is bypassed D. None of the above


What does an open circuit mean in electrical terms? A. Power is engaged B. Power is disengaged C. Power is bypassed D. None of the above


What is not run of the influent? A. BOD B. Fecal Coliform C. Suspended solids D. pH


What is the F/M ratio of the activated sludge process? Data: influent flow= 575,000 gpd Influent BOD= 250 mg/L Aeration tank= 100' X 25' and 15' deep MLSS= 3500 mg/L Aeration tank water depth is 14' Volatile solids are 75% of MLSS A. 0.42 B. 0.21 C. 2.28 D. 0.16


What is the guideline velocity number to accomplish proper grit removal? A. 2 FPS B. 1 FPS C. 10 FPS D. 5 fps


What is the lowest safe concentration of oxygen for humans in a confined space? A. 7.5% B. 19.5% C. 21% D. 33%


What is the principle concept of a centrifuge? A. Thicken through gravity drainage B. Thicken through high speed spinning C. Thicken through pressure D. None of the above


What is the system called that requires proper documentation associated with the person collecting a sample, the person who receives the sample at the lab, and the lab tech who performs the tests? A. Sample performance B. Chain of custody C. Sample blanks D. Sample journal


What is the system called that requires proper documentation associated with thee person who collects the samples, the person who receives the samples in the lab, and the lab technician who performs the tests/ A. Sample performance B. Chain of custody C. Sample tracking D. Sample journal


What repair kit is used with one ton chlorine cylinders? A. A kit B. B kit C. C kit D. D kit


What should be the most important concern of an operator after a bypass of wastewater to the receiving stream? A. Aquatic life B. Health related effects C. Cleanup procedures D. Odors


When organic wastes are discharged to receiving waters, oxygen is depleted by _________. A. Algae during the day B. Bacteria C. Ducks D. Fish


When the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of incoming wastewater increases, what happens to the air requirement in the aeration tank? A. Decreases B. Increases C. Stays the same D. None of the above


Which activated sludge process has the lowest F/M ratio, the highest SRT, and the lowest sludge yield? A. High rate B. Extended aeration C. Conventional l D. Log growth


Which chemical is not used to remove phosphorus from wastewater? A. Lime B. Sodium bicarbonate C. Ferric chloride D. Aluminum sulfate


Which dangerous gas is more likely to rise to the surface of a manhole? A. Hydrogen sulfide B. Methane C. Nitrogen D. None of the above


Which gas is produced in anaerobic digesters and can be used as a fuel? A. Propane B. Methane C. Ethane D. Carbon dioxide


Which indicates a good quality domestic activated sludge? A. Black color and septic odor B. Brown color and musty odor C. Brown color and a lot of dark brown foam D. Light tan and light fluffy foam


Which of the following indicates a good quality of domestic activated sludge? A. Black color and septic odor B. Brown color and a musty odor C. Brown color and a lot of dark brown foam D. Light tan and light fluffy foam


Which of the following is not a positive displacement pump? A. Rotary lobe B. Recessed impeller C. Progressive cavity D. Hydraulic diaphragm


Which of the following most accurately describes a decision which maintains or changes the quality or quantity of water in a system that may affect the public health or the environment: A. Chemical Feed Modulation B. Process Control Decision C. Rate of Flow Change D. None of the above


Why is it a good practice to open the valve on a chlorine cylinder as little as possible while ensuring the maximum allowable rate can be withdrawn? A. The cylinder valve must be fully open at all times B. To allow the valve to be closed quickly C. To reduce the amount of escaping chlorine D. Because they are really hard to run


__________ is caused by denitrification in the secondary clarifier. A. Bulking sludge B. Rising sludge C. Foaming D. Frothing


___________ is caused by anaerobic conditions and the pressure of hydrogen sulfide and may happen during spring and fall turnover. A. Low pH B. Odor C. High SS D. Low DO


_______________ and organically bound phosphorus must be hydrolyzed (broken down) to the orthophosphate form before they can be readily metabolized by microorganisms. A. Polysaccharides B. Polyphosphates C. Nitrates D. Polymers


A 42'' diameter pipe is flowing at a rate of 6.5 ft/sec. What is the flow in cubic feet/sec? A. 17.86 B. 35.71 C. 62.5 D. 92.8


A ________ main is a pipe that carries wastewater under pressure from the discharge side of a pump to a point of gravity flow downstream. . A. Gravity B. Combined C. Force D. Backflow


A ___________ ____________ _______________ is a document consisting of step-by-step information on how to execute a task. An existing ______ may need to be modified and updated, or you may be in a scenario where you have to write one from scratch. A. Current best approach (CBA) B. Present best Practice (PBP) C. Standard operating procedure (SOP) D. Manufacturers recommended Procedure (MRP)


A ______________ stores wastewater prior to pumping, providing submergence over pump suction and may house appurtenant Equipment to protect pumps. A. Dry well B. Storage pit C. Wet well D. Pump vault


A chlorine leak can be detected by? A. An explosive tear B. Checking the leak gauge C. Ammonia solution D. Spraying water on suspected leaks


A lantern ring is a ____________. A. Metal ring for lowing an explosive gas detector into manholes and wet wells B. Shat coupling that has been completely worn through in spots or has "day-lighted" C. Spacer ring in a pump packing gland to improve seal water distribution D. What did i get myself into?


A storage tank is 39'' in diameter and 21 feet deep. If the tank is completely full and a 975 gpm pump is used, how long will it take to remove 11.5' of water from the tank? A. 4 hours 23 minutes B. 2 hours 57 minutes C. 1 hour 45 minutes D. 1 hour 75 minutes


A thick, dark brown foam on the surface of the aeration tank is usually caused by the filamentous bacteria _________________. A. Nitrosomonas B. Pseudomonas C. Nocardia D. Acinetobacter


Ammonia concentrations of about ________ mg/L are toxic to fish. A. 2 B. 6 C. 3 D. 1


Analyses for residual chlorine and pH must be conducted ______________ after collection and no type of preservation is permissible for these types of tests. A. Within one hour B. Within 30 minutes C. Immediately (within 15 minutes) D. Before the end of the day


BOD is the measure of the A. Amount of inorganic matter in wastewater B. Number of aerobic organisms present per 100 mL of wastewater C. Amount of oxygen that is used by organism in wastewater D. None of the above


Calculate the ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency of a trickling filter with the following data: Influent NH3-N= 10 mg/L Effluent NH3-N= 2.5 mg/L A. 65% B. 90% C. 75% D. 85%


Calculate the organic loading rate of the trickling filter diameter of 55 feet, influent flow of 1.25 MGDD, given a media depth of 20 feet and an influent BOD of 235 mg/L. A. 66.4 lb BOD/day/1000 ft3 B. 122.6 lb BOD/day/1000 ft3 C. 51.6 lb BOD/day/1000 ft3 D. 44.7 lb BOD/day/1000 ft3


Calculate the the percent volatile solids. Data: 100 mL of sample Crucible weight= 19.9850 g Crucible plus dry solids= 20.0505 g Crucible plus ah= 20.0068 g A. 33% B. 50% C. 67% D. 74%


Calculate the water horsepower if the pump operating provides 875 gpm against 118' total dyanmic head. A. 101 HP B. 55 HP C. 26 HP D. 17 HP


Chlorine applied minus __________ __________ equals chlorine residual. A. Chlorine dose B. Free chlorine C. Chlorine demand D. Total chlorine


Coliform bacteria are __________. A. Algae B. Coagulant aids C. Indicators D. Sequestering aagents


Convert 47000 cubic feet to gallons. A. 315,650 B. 472,550 C. 351,560 D. 256,490


Denitrification in the secondary clarifier of an activated sludge system indicates____________. A. Sludge withdrawal is too fast B. Septic conditions C. Sludge withdrawal is too slow D. The clarifier


During the past month the SVI at your plant has continually decreased. The effluent suspended solids are increasing and the effluent CBOD is below 10 mg/L. What should you do? A. Increase RAS B. Decrease RAS C. Increase WAS D. Decrease WAS


Estimate the velocity of wastewater flowing down through a grit channel if a stick travels 32 feet in 36 seconds. A. 1.5 ft/sec B. 1.2 ft/sec C. 0.9 ft/sec D. 0.7 ft/sec


Fixed asset management; maintenance of design intent; efficiency of operations; safety and environmental protection; and system reliability are the five general goals of a: A. Budget program B. Operational system C. Maintenance program D. Self-management system


How many pounds per day of total phosphorus (TP ) are discharged from a plant with a flow of 350,000 gallons per day (gpd) and an effluent of TP of 1.2 m/L? A. 12 lb/day B. 5 lb/day C. 3.5 lb/day D. 7.0 lb/day


How many sub-classification systems are there for a wastewater treatment plant operator? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6


How much oxygen is required to convert 1 ppm of ammonia nitrogen to nitrate? A. 1.0 lbs B. 7.48 lbs C. 4.2 lbs D. 8.34 lbs


Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic gas that smells like ______ _______. However at high concentrations the sense of smell is deadened and no odor is detected. A. Dead fish B. Fuel oil C. Rotten eggs D. The guy sitting next to me


If a fuse continues to blow, an operator should? A. Replace it with a higher capacity fuse B. Provide a "jumper" in the box C. Inspect the affected equipment to determine the cause D. Contact the power company to check for power surges


If your system receives a high organic load, the first indication will be ___________________. A. Flow increases by 20% B. BOD of the influent composite is 50% higher than normal C. DO level drops in the aeration tank D. Effluent more turbid than norrmal


One mL is what fraction of a liter? A. 1/10 B. 1/100 C. 1/1000 D. 1/10000


Over aeration of activated sludge can cause which of the following to occur in the secondary clarifier? A. Improved settling B. Increased oxygen uptake by microorganisms C. Sludge bulking D. None of the above


Per NPDES regulations, effluent metering equipment should be calibrated _________. A. When there is a problem B. Monthly C. Annually D. For every NPDES renewal


Pipe ______________ means the pipe has changed direction from the direction it was laid. A. Wander B. Course C. Deflection D. Navigation


Polymer is supplied to your plant at a concentration of 0.6 lbs/gal. The polymer feed delivers a flow of 0.12 gpm and the flow being treated is 2,500 gpm. What is the polymer dose in mg/L? A. 345 mg/L B. 34.5 mg/L C. 3.45 mg/L D. 25.6 mg/L


RBCs are typically designed to reduce total BOD to about _________ to _________ mg/L. A. 10 to 20 B. 20 to 30 C. 15 to 30 D. 20 to 40


Sludge bulking is typically caused by: A. Low F/M ratio B. High MCRT C. Filamentous organisms D. High DO


Sludge wasting from secondary clarifiers is normally required in order to control ________. A. Effluent BOD B. Effluent suspended solids C. Aerator mixed liquor solids D. Sludge settleability


The addition of the chemical _________ __________ can help to settle algae out of the effluent. A. Sodium chloride B. Ferrous sulfite C. Copper sulfate D. Sodium hypochlorite


The chlorine dose at the plant is 1.3 mg/L. The system uses 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite. The flow rate is set at 375,000gpd. What is the chlorine feed rate in gpd? A. 32.5 gpd B. 325 gpd C. 4 gpd D. 41 gpd


The influent to a facultative pond contains 30 mg/L of total nitrogen. What is the percent removal if the effluent contains 6 mg/L of total nitrogen? A. 60% B. 50% C. 80% D. 70%


The majority of sampling inaccuracy is the result of: A. Confluent growth B. Laboratory Maintenance C. Poor Sampling Techniques D. None of the above


The maximum operating depth for typical SBR reactors range from _______ to ______ feet. A. 6 to 12 feet B. 10 to 20 feet C. 12 to 20 feet D. 4 to 16 feet


The minimum length of aeration detention time allowed by DEP standards is ________ hours. A. 4 hours B. 5 hours C. 6 hours D. 7 hours


The most abundant source of pollutants entering waterways is ___________. A. Domestic sources B. Food processing waste C. Non-point sources D. Hospital wast


The most commonly used Disinfection process for wastewater treatment is: A. Ultraviolet light B. Ozonation C. Chlorination D. Sterilization


The optimal pH range for biological nitrification is _______________ to _______________. A. 6.0 to 6.8 B. 6.8 to 7.8 C. 7.8 to 8.2 D. 7.2 to 7.6


The outlet of a forced ventilation system for a chlorine room should be located _____________. A. On the roof B. Above the window C. Near the floor D. At the same level with the blower


The solubility of oxygen in water is temperature-dependent, and about_________ as much (14.6mg/L) dissolves at 0 degrees C than at 20 degrees C? A. 3 X B. 2.5 X C. 2 X D. 5 X


The typical electrical service to pumping stations is ______________ -phase utility power. A. Singular B. Dual C. Three D. Variable


What are the very small finely divided solids known as? A. Settleable B. Total C. Colloidal D. Inert


What component is used to convert liquid chlorine into chlorine gas? A. Expander B. Liquefied C. Evaporator D. Regulator


What does a recirculation rate of 1:1 mean in a trickling filter process? A. There is 1 mg/L BOD being loaded to 1 ft2 of media B. The total flow applied to the trickling filter is 2 MGD C. The total flow applied to the trickling filter is twice the volume of the raw wastewater flow D. The flow applied to the trickling filter is three times the volume of the raw wastewater flow


What is a support function providing a cohesive process that assists operations and other departments in fulfilling the mission of the facility. This is achieved by ensuring that all equipment and systems are operated at an expected level of reliability within a specified budget and within the life cycle of the equipment. A. Staffing B. Budgeting C. Maintenance D. Operating


What is the approximate weight of a full one tone cylinder of chlorine? A. 2,000 lbs B. 2,500 lbs C. 3,500 lbs D. 5,000 lbs


When determining volatile solids, at what temperature does the muffle furnace need to be? A. 104 degrees C B. 20 degrees C C. 550 degrees C D. 4 degrees C


Which growth phase typically produces the highest degree of cannibalism among the microorganisms? A. Log growth B. High rate C. Endogenous respiration D. Declining growth


Which of the following can cause biologically bound phosphorous to be reached in the secondary clarifier? A. High RAAS rate B. Low SRT C. Low RAS rate D. High F/M ratio


Which of the following chemicals would be the most effective in raising the pH to achieving nitrification? A. Sulfuric acid B. Sodium hydroxide C. Soda ash D. None of the above


Why is sludge returned from the final clarifier to the aeration tanks in activated sludge processes with nitrification? A. Digest the sludge anaerobically B. Dilute the primary effluent C. Provide microorganisms D. Reduce the MLSS concentration


You have just installed ta three phase, 220 volt motor after it has been rewound. When you turn it on it runs in the wrong direction. The proper corrective action is to A. Change the ground wire B. Check the motor starter C. Reverse the connection of two motor leads D. Return it to the repair shop to be properly rewound


_________ is used for the identification of fire protection equipment; to denote "Danger" such as far flammable liquids, barricades, and danger signs; to indicate "Stop" as with emergency stop bars, buttons, or other emergency stop apparatus. A. Blue B. Yellow C. Red D. Orange


The effectiveness of chlorine __________________ as the temperature ___________. A. Increase, decrease B. Decrease, increases C. Increases, increases D. Decreases, decreases

C or D

"Schedule 40" refers to pipe? A. Flow capacity B. Friction loss C. Pipe strength D. Wall thickness


A ___________ is a document produced by the chemical manufacturer and provided to the users in accordance with federal and state requirements that provides useful information about the chemical. A. Material Control Document (MCD) B. Chemical nomenclature sheet (CNS) C. Manufacturer Chemical Sheet (MCS) D. Safety Data Sheet (SDS)


A ____________ can act as a physical barrier between surface water and bottom water. A. Stratification B. Floating screen C. Algae blooms D. Thermocline


A composite sample is when? A. It is too hard to get a grab sample B. A snapshot of the process is required C. Collecting a Coliform sample for NPDES reporting D. A representative long term sample is required


A cracked diaphragm may: A. Leak chemical B. Damage the pump C. Cause the pump to loose prime D. All of the above


A device used to measure the flow rate of gases and liquids: A. Floatmeter B. Rejectougage C. Dynicator D. Rotameter


A healthy sludge in the aeration tank with an abundant available food supply will have a relatively? A. Low oxygen uptake and fast settling rate B. Low oxygen uptake and slow settling rate C. High oxygen uptake and fast settling rate D. High oxygen uptake and slow settling rate


A maintenance program is compromised of many activities. In essence, these activities can be grouped into types of maintenance they are: A. In-house maintenance, contract maintenance, specialty maintenance B. Process maintenance, safety maintenance, environmental maintenance C. Daily Maintenance, weekly maintenance, as needed maintenance D. Preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, breakdown maintenance


A pond is 500 feet long by 200 feet wide and the water is 5 feet deep. What is the surface area of this pond in acres? (1 acre=43,560 square feet) A. 4.6 acres B. 3.4 acres C. 1.8 acres D. 2.3 acres


A possible cause of electric motor failure is __________. A. Dirt B. Moisture C. Friction D. All of the above


A primary clarifier's BOD removal efficiency is 35%. If the clarifier removes 70 mg/L, what is the influent BOD? A. 500 mg/L B. 400 mg/l C. 300 mg/L D. 200 mg/L


A primary clarifier's BOD removal is 35%. If the clarifier removes 70 mg/L, what is the influent BOD? A. 500 mg/L B. 400 mg/L C. 300 mg/L D. 200 mg/L


Act __________, The Sewage Facilities Planning Act, requires proper planning off all types of sewage facilities, permitting of individual and community on-lot disposal systems (OLDS), as well as uniform standards for designing OLDS. A. 374 B. 194 C. 257 D. 537


An application for renewal of an NPDES permit must be submitted _____________ days before the current permit expires. A. 30 days B. 60 days C. 90 days D. 180 days


Calculate the hydraulic loading of a RBC system with the following data: 6 stage systems RBC width (per stage)= 40 ft RBC Length (per stage)= 160 ft Influent Flow= 0.250 MGD A. 4.5 gpd/ft2 B. 3.6 gpd/ft2 C. 5.6 gpd/ft2 D. 6.5 gpd/ft2


Calculate the percent volatile solids. Data: 100 mL of sample Crucible weight= 19.9850 g Crucible plus dry solid= 20.1503 g Crucible plus ash= 20.028 g A. 33 % B. 50 % C. 67 % D. 74 %


Common settling times in the primary clarifiers range from? A. 15 to 30 minutes B. 30 to 45 minutes C. 1 to 2 hours D. 2 to 3 hours


Convert 425 degrees F to Celsius. A. 204 degrees C B. 253 degrees C C. 236 degrees C D. 218 degrees C


During a day run, a total of 8,500,000 gallons of water entered the plant. 44,000 gallons of water were recycled. What percent of the wastewater was recycled? A. 2.5% B. 0.25 % C. 5% D. 0.5%


Factors that can affect the operation and treatment efficiency of a pond or lagoon include: A. Physical B. Biochemical C. Microbiological D. All of the above


For activated sludge, what are some of the things you need to be knowledgeable of? A. Settling characteristics B. Different types of aeration systems and their efficiencies C. Principles of nutrient removal including nitrification D. All of the above


For most glassware in a WWTP, what should be done after each use? A. Washed B. Washed and rinsed C. Acid rinsed D. All of the above


If a 30 GPD pump is set at 85% stroke length and 90% speed, what would be the theoretical pump output in GPD? A. 46 B. 28 C. 34 D. 23


If you use 250 mL of sample in a TSS test, what would be the TSS in mg/L if the weight of the filter and sample was 0.1546 grams and the weight of the dry filter was 0.0821 grams? A. 170 mg/L B. 425 mg/L C. 24 mg/L D. 290 mg/L


Ineffective preliminary treatment will ____________. A. Be taken care of by the secondary process B. Reduce costs of grit removal C. Reduce organic loading D. Cause excessive wear on downstream equipment


Information on preventive maintenance procedures, materials, and frequencies for plant structures should be taken from A. As built plants B. Experience at the particular plant C. Lab records D. Manufacturer's operation and maintenance manuals


Protective systems such as sloping, shoring, or shielding must be provided for excavations that are deeper than _____ feet in order to protect workers within the excavation from cave-in. A. 3 B. 6 C. 8 D. 4


Sludge wasting rates affect: A. Nitrification ability B. Growth rate of microorganisms C. Aeration tank solids inventory D. All of the above


Smoke testing can be useful in detecting: A. Illegal sump pump connections B. Cracks in sewer piping C. Storm sewers connected to sanitary sewers D. All of the above


Solve: 2X+18=22 A. 20 B. -2 C. 9.5 D. 2


The Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) is a ____________ activated sludge system A. Fill-and-hold B. Draw-and-treat C. Fill-and-discharge D. Fill-and-draw


The purpose of an electrical lock-out device is to: A. Introduce electrical current o a specific circuit B. Keep operators out an electrical control room while maintenance is performed. C. lock out an electrical switch box door D. Positively prevent the operation of an electrical circuit


The term aliquot refers to a _________. A. Composite sample B. Grab sample C. Volume of sample D. Portion of sampl


Typical Raw Sewage has a Total Phosphorus level of ________ mg/L and a Total Nitrogen level of ________. A. 4 and 20 B. 3 and 15 C. 5 and 25 D. 6 and 30


Ultraviolet light, or UV, is an effective means to disinfect, or deactivate pathogens. This is accomplished by exposing waterborne microorganisms to ultraviolet light, having a wavelength of ___________ nanometers (nm), at a specified intensity for a specified period of time. A. 200 B. 352 C. 508 D. 254


Uncertified and not appropriately certified operators can only make process control decisions when: A. Under the direction of an appropriately certified operator B. Using SOPs that were developed by an appropriately certified operators C. Uncertified operators and not appropriately certified can never make process control decisions D. Both a and b


Valves should be closed slowly to avoid? A. Excessive head loss B. Excessive wear C. Injury to the operator D. Water hammer


Water samples are analyzed for the total coliform group of bacteria because these bacteria: A. Are pathogenic B. Cause typhoid C. Indicate the water is safe D. Indicate the possible presence of disease-causing organisms


What activated sludge process alternates between aerobic and anoxic conditions in the same tank? A. Bardenpho B. Extended aeration C. Pure oxygen reactor D. Sequencing batch reactor


What does H2S turn into that causes damage to concrete and metal? A. Hydrogen peroxide B. Hydrogen sulfide C. Hydrogen sulfate D. Sulfuric acid


What does NPDES stand for? A. Natural pollution department environmental standard B. Native plan development election society C. NORAD land destruction emergency system D. National pollution discharge elimination system


What does one cubic foot of water weigh at 4 degrees C? A. 7.48 pounds B. 8.34 pounds C. 3.14 pounds D. 62.4 pounds


What happens when liquid chlorine from a leaking cylinder is converted to chlorine gas? A. It expands to about 2.5 times the volume B. It expands to about 25 times the volume C. It expands to about 50 times the volume D. It expands to about 460 times the volume


What is the moisture content of a sludge sample that measures 5.25% solids? A. 5.25 % B. 19% C. 0.5% D. 94.755


What is the organism growth on the media of a trickling filter called? A. Filamentous B. Rotifers C. Larvae D. Zoogleal


Which heavy metal is the most stringent for land application? A. Copper B. Zinc C. Lead D. Mercury


Which is a common type of level control system? A. Staff gauge B. Brush stepper C. Back pressure valve D. Bubbler


Which of the following GIS the same as one part per million? A. 1 pound per million gallons B. 1 gallons per million pounds C. 10 milligrams per liter D. 8.34 pounds per million gallons


Which of the following conditions increases chlorine demand? A. Increase in alkalinity B. Increase in phosphate concentration C. Decrease in pH D. Increase in organic matter


Which of the following could cause a demand for more oxygen in an aeration tank? A. Increase in pH B. Increase in inorganic wastes C. Increase in toxic substances D. Increase in microorganisms


Which of the following is used to measure the flow of wastewater? A. Comminutor B. Comparator C. Sluice gate D. Parshall flume


_________ is the capacity of a water to neutralize acids. This capacity is caused by the water's content of bicarbonate, carbonate, and hydroxide. A. Hardness B. pH C. Corrosivity D. Alkalinity


__________ is an indication of the acid neutralizing capacity of the wastewater and its resistance to changes in pH. A. Hardness B. Softness C. Titration D. Alkalinity


___________ is particularly beneficial when dealing with variable shock loads. A. Contact stabilization B. Complete mix C. Extended aeration (Oxidation Ditch) D. Step-feed aeration


Potential benefits of modifying the conventional activated sludge system include: A. Increasing organic loading B. Providing additional nutrients for proper treatment C. Accommodating flow rate or organic loading that varies seasonally D. Achieving nutrient removal E. All of the above


Which of the following is a major hazard of entering a manhole? A. Toxic exposure B. Physical injuries C. Psychological trauma D. Infection and disease E. All of the above


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