Praxis 5039

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counter reformation

Mannerism in painting coincided with


Modern sculpture and painting utilizing ready made and found objects. Louise nevelson- sculptures and Pablo Picasso- cutting and pasting found objects onto painted and in painted surfaces

Concrete nouns

Name names a think that is tangible it can be seen heard felt touch smelled or tasted they are either proper or comment. Examples: dog school football

Depth of field

Range of distance that appears acceptably sharp


Wood blocking prints of the urban lifestyles especially pleasure seeking aspects. Geishas, samurai, prostitutes


is another word for cold-pressed paper. Cold-pressed paper has a medium smoothness and is ideal for inexperienced painters. It holds paint well and allows for unbroken brushstrokes.

Half tone

is any tone or shade which is between the lightest and darkest extremes of its range. In other words it is a tonal value midway between highlight and dark shading.

Depth of field

is controlled by aperture

Harriet Beecher Stowe

American Transcendental Period; Uncle Tom's Cabin

APA - American psychological Association

Author last name, first first initial. Second show. Bracket year on bracket. Publication city: publisher.

folk art

terms refers to works created by artists who have had little or no formal art schooling?


uses shading to suggest the roundness and three-dimensionality of forms. It is one method of creating perspective in a drawing.


Old fashion words that are no longer used in common speech, such as thee, thy and thou

Limited omniscient Point of view

The narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of one character

Pablo Picasso

Spanish cubist artist

Miguel de Cervantes

Spanish writer; Don Quixote


To pour clay slip into plaster molds allows for mass production of one form

Herman Melville

American Transcendental Period; Moby Dick; Bartleby, the Scrivener

Langston Hughes

American Modernist; Harlem Renaissance; jazz poet; Mother to Son, Democracy, Mulatto, Song for a Dark Girl

Willa Cather

American Modernist; My Antonia, The Song of a Lark, O Pioneers!

Kate Chopin

American Naturalist; The Awakening, The Storm; The Story of an Hour

Procedural Knowledge

"how to" students know how to complete procedure/acquire content

Declarative Knowledge

"what is" students know what they are learning

Toni Morrison

American Postmodernist; Beloved, Sula, The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon

Ray Bradbury

American Postmodernist; Farenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles


A contrast or opposition between two things

Flannery O'Connor

American Postmodernist; Good Country People, A Good Man is Hard to Find


A curved ceiling or roof made of bricks or stone

Sylvia Plath

American Postmodernist; The Bell Jar


A design a school that existed in Weimar German from 1919-1933 when it was closed by the nazis

Instrinsic motivators

A desire to perform a behavior for it's own sake and to be effective


A device in which the writer attributes human characteristics to an animate being or an in adamant object


A division of poetry for the number of lines it contains. Examples, couplet triplet quad train quintet sestet, septet and octaves

J.D. Salinger

American Postmodernist; The Catcher in the Rye

Types of Source Integration

- Quotations - Paraphrases - Summaries

Narrative Writing

- Tells a story - Includes a plot and characters - Its purpose may be to entertain the reader

Eugene O'Neill

American Realist playwright; Long Days Journey Into Night

Internal rhyme

A rhyme that occurs with in a line of verse, not at the end of the line. Example why I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there was a tapping

The Art & Creative Materials Institute

(ACMI) is dedicated to ensuring the safety of artistic materials. The organization includes representatives of the major producers of artistic materials, as well as expert consultants in specific areas. ACMI issues its seal of approval to products it considers safe.

metacognition strategies

-ask students what they do before, during and after reading -teach students strategies before, during and after reading -text citations - ask why -encourage, ask & create questions -allow time for thinking strategies -ask students to reflect and self-assess

Teaching language and vocabulary

-linking vocabulary with text themes or concepts, rather than teaching vocabulary or language in isolation -providing time to read and discuss quality texts -teaching students the role of "Word Finder" in a literature circle, which involves assigning one student to look for new or challenging vocabulary words in the text -teaching discipline-specific vocabulary -teaching students structural cues such as common prefixes, suffixes, and roots -teaching students how to effectively use context cues to identify the meanings of words and phrases -using graphic organizers to help students are relationships among vocabulary words



Value relative lightness or darkness of a color


Jack London

American Realist; Call of the Wild

Henry James

American Realist; The Portrait of a Lady, The Wings of a Dove

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

American Transcendental Period; A Psalm of Life, Excelsior, The Slave's Dream


1500 - 1660

Distributed Cognition

2 or more learners share their thinking as they work together to solve a problem


8 line poem,or the first eight lines of a petrrachan or Italian sonnet


A 14 line poem written in iambic pentameter or where they buried find scheme.


A _____ is used to after a statement that introduces a quotation, an example, a series, or an explanation.

Question Mark

A ______ ___ is used at the end of a direct or indirect question and to show uncertainty.

Simple sentence

A sentence that can have a single subject or compound subject and a single predicate or a compound predicate. It may contain one or more phrases. The distinguishing factor is that a simple sentence has only one independent clause and has no dependent clauses


A tower outside a mosque where changers stand calling people to prayer

Beaux- arts

A tradition of the 19th and 20th centuries following principles of the French academy


A turn from the general audience to address a specific group of persons who is absent . Example Shakespeare Hamlet says alas poor York I knew him Horatio a fellow of infinite jest of most excellent fancy


Absence of light


Adding black to a color to darken it


Adding white to a color to lighten it

David Ausubel

Advance organizer. introduced before the lesson begins; helps to line prior knowledge to current lesson's content

James Boswell

Age of Johnson English writer; The Life of Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson

Age of Johnson English writer; The Vanity of Human Wishes, A Short Song of Congratulations


All medieval art produced during the mid 12th and early 15th centuries


Allows the reader to change the language of a digital text

high firing temp

Along with using incompatible clay and glaze, what causes bubbles to form in clay


Also known as run on online in poetry, and jam it occurs when one line ends and continues onto the next line to complete the meaning

activating prior knowledge

Also known as set induction, used to set the stage for learning. -> using and experience or object ->pretesting ->discussions ->anticipation guides

Hudson River valley

America- this group of painters whose works reflected their pride in the beauty and grandeur of the American landscape.

Thomas Paine

American Colonial Period; Common Sense, The Age of Reason

Benjamin Franklin

American Colonial Period; Information to Those Who Would Remove to America, The Ephemera, The Way to Wealth

Thomas Jefferson

American Colonial Period; The Declaration of Independence

Robert Frost

American Modernist poet; The Road Not Taken, Fire and Ice

Saul Bellow

American Modernist/Naturalist; The Adventures of Augie March

Abstract expressionism

American art movement of the 1940's that emphasized form and color within a non representational framework. Jackson pollock splattered paint directly on canvas to achieve a subconscious interpretation of his inner vision of reality


And indirect or mild word or phrase when referring to something embarrassing or unpleasant such as pathway for died

Images and captions

Are features of an informational text that contains important information that readers will not comprehend simply by reading the stories in the text. Raiders must pay careful attention to diagrams, graphs, tables, and charts and be certain to read the accompanying caption

Negative space

Any space that is not the main subject of an image or design


Any specific color


Appeals to emotion that builds rapport between the speaker and listener. In addition humor is one way in order to a writer can establish Ethos a persuasive appeals between the speaker and listener

Art Deco

Applied design in the 20's and 30's derived from French African Aztec and Chinese motifs especially notable in architecture and crafts

Stopping out

Applying varnish to areas of a metal plate to prevent acid form etching, usually combined with aquatint

Cooperative Learning

Approach to instruction in which students work with a small group of peers to achieve a common goal and help one another learn.

Ap cp

Approved product or certified product, seal given by the arts and crafts materials institution

Fillipo Brunnelleschi

Architect, engineer of the Italian Renaissance- developed linear perspective. Engineered the dome of the Florence cathedral

Andrea Palladio

Architect, used classical forms and decorative motifs, high Renaissance, developed Palladian style. wrote the 4 books of architecture.

international school

Architects believed that buildings should be purely functional. Their designs feature regular geometric shapes and little ornamentation.

MLA-modern language Association

Author last name, first and middle initial. Title italicized. City: publisher, year.type of resource.


Art based on irregular abstract forms fund in nature

Victorian age 1830-1901

Authors and works; Tennyson Dickens great expectations, and the Pickwick papers, Robert Browning's men and women, Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Orly and the sonnets from the Portuguese, Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre Emily Brontës weathering Heights, Elliotts the mill on the floss and Middlemarch, Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the importance of being Earnest the picture of Dorian Gray

Exposition discourse

Beach or written form in which one explains her describes definitions and comparative analysis of ideas are examples

ALT/colonial period 1630-1760

Ben Franklin's poor Richards almanac Edwards the freedom of will

Relative pronoun

Class of pronoun; _______ ______ relate adjective clauses to the nouns or pronouns they modify. Example: A basketball player {who} plays with intensity and skill gets a place in the starting lineup.

Cause and Effect

Begins by discussing the causes or reasons for a given phenomenon and ends with the revelation of the effect.

Interrogative pronoun

Class of pronoun; _______ _________s ask questions. Example: {Who} are you and {why} do you play basketball?

Demonstrative pronoun

Class of pronoun; ________ __________s point out people, places, or things without naming them. Example: {This} should be an easy win. {They} are undefeated.

Audience and purpose

Besides you're you the English teacher, who is intended or imaginary audience for the piece? What is the background knowledge of the audience? What kinds of information will you need to provide to communicate your message clearly? How might this piece of writing the use beyond the classroom? Will it be helpful in some other real life context, such as for a local nonprofit agency or to persuade readers of a local newspaper? What is the purpose of this writing assignment?be sure to consider your educational read your reasoning for assigned the task and your students purpose for writing. For example is the purpose to us persuade, to entertain or to inspire? What boy should the writer used to communicate most effectively? For example, is the purpose of a form of peace, or would a local dialect or informal language be more effective?

Linen canvas

Best canvas for painting. Better than duck canvas it is less likely to stretch or shrink , smoother surface

Maya Lin

Best known for the Vietnam memorial in dc

300 Pixels

Best resolution for a 3x5 Photo


Black white grey art


Black, white, greys- artwork executed without color

Relief printing tools

Block, ink, brayer or roller


Classical Greek philosopher/ The Republic, Symposium


Classical Greek tragedian; Oedipus the King, Antigone

Donatello "Agony in the Garden"

Bronze Sculpture


Classical Roman poet; The Aeneid

Problem-based learning

Classroom activity in which students acquire new knowledge and skills while working on a complex problem similar to those in the outside world.

Robert Louis Stevenson

English Victorian writer; Treasure Island, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde

William Wordsworth

English Romantic poet; Lyrical Ballads, Lucy Gray, The Solitary Reaper, A slumber did my spirit steal


Classroom dialogue requires students to work collaboratively collaboratively, to listen to multiple perspectives and to build on point to others to reach high levels of critical thinking and understanding


Clay evenly rolled and forms by draping or joining

Slab built

Clay slabs are cut into shape joined together by scoring and wet clay called slip

Balloon frame

Building method where heavy timbers are replaced by thins studs held together by nails

Palace of Versailles

Building that started the Baroque style of architecture

Additive sculpture

Built up by adding materials rather that carving away


Clay that has been fired once, halfway but not glazed


Construct own understanding of the world they live in through reflection on experiences


CHANGING existing scheme/creating a new scheme

Lost wax method


Gender nounsindefinite

Chairperson, politician, president, Professor, flight attendant, teacher

Narratilogy/ archetypal criticism

Character types include the caregiver, trickster, hero/heroin/villain, or thin, jester etc. Actions in stories include the villains F efforts to create a situation in which the hero must come to the rescue, the hero is tested, the villain is defeated and the hero returns

Maxine Hong Kingston

Chinese Feminist/Multiculturalist; The Woman Warrior

Amy Tan

Chinese-American writer; The Joy Luck Club


Choice of words or phrases in writing or speech.

Middle Ages

Christianity trumped, emphasis shifted from the here and no to the after life. The body became corrupt.nudes became forbidden, even images of clothed bodies showed ignorance of anatomy. Interest in portraying realistic objects disappeared. Artist were interested exclusively in the sole. Byzantine, Romanesque and gothic


Cognitive Development. Schema: infants born with mental structure that organizes perceptual input and connect it to appropriate response. assimilation: incorporating new information into existing schema. accomodation: alteration of existing schema to adapt to new information. equilibration: change in thinking allows child to fit pieces of knowledge together

Areas of Exceptionality

Cognitive, Auditory, Visual, Motor/Physical, Speech/Language, Behavioral

Anne Bradstreet

Colonial Period American poet; The Tenth Muse, Lately Sprung Up in America


Color made by adding black to a hue

ALT naturalist period 1828-1836

Cooper's Leatherstocking tales the last of the Mohicans the Pathfinder the pioneers and the Prairie, Emerson's nature and self-relianceIrvings Rip van Winkle and legend of Sleepyhollow, Edgar Allan Poe the Raven and other tales of the grotesque.


Crayons are resistant to what?

Subtractive sculpture

Created by carving away a chunk of material which is larger than the final piece

Intermediate colors

Created by mixing primary and secondary colors

Lord Byron (George Gordon)

English Romantic poet; She Walks in Beauty, Don Juan,

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

English Romantic poet; The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan, Frost at Midnight

William Blake

English Romantic poet; To Spring, To Autumn, Songs of Innocence and Experience

Kinds of Sentences

Declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, conditional

Deconstruction/post structuralism

Deconstructionist believe that we can never know the true meaning of the text because the text is not a discrete whole; rather, it contains contradictions and dear reconcilable meanings. In other words any text has more than one interpretation; therefore, any interpretive reading can only go to a certain point. This is known as aporia in the text. Deconstructed meeting is called a paretic meaning is made possible by the relations to a word or other words with in the bass networks of structures that is language


Derived from the study of Greek and roman styles characterized by harmony,balance, and serenity.


Describe four different things time place manner and degree


Describe or modify nouns or pronouns. Example: big blue, old, tacky, shiny


Designs that are transferred to wares before firing often used in china decorating

Aldous Huxley

English Modernist; Brave New World

Reference materials

Dictionaries, encyclopedias, writers reference handbooks, books of the list, almanacs, the sources, books of quotation and so on

Check digital sources

Did you sources require the same checks for basic information


Digital text have built in spellcheck that highlights words that may be spelled incorrectly

Spell check

Digital texts have a built-in spell check that highlights words that may be spelled incorrectly.

Digital versus print texts

Digital texts share some of these same features, such as references, use of fonts for emphasis, and a table of contents. The key difference is that print is that print texts have a static, sequential layout, whereas digital texts have an interactive, dynamic layout.


Early 20th century French movement marked by a revolutionary departure from representational art. Pablo Picasso and George Braque. Stressed basic,abstract geometric forms that represented the object from many different angles simultaneously


Early Christian art with Greek oriental taste for rich decoration and color" paintings tend to have gold backgrounds. Hagia Sophia

Edmund Spencer

Early Tudor poet; The Faerie Queene


Eight line stanza and eight line poem, or the first eight lines of a petrarchan or Italian sonnet


Elements of text, caption, video or graphic that allow the reader to navigate to find additional information

Christopher Marlowe

Elizabethan writer; Hero and Leander, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

William Shakespeare

Elizabethan writer; The Tempest, Othello, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet

American Renaissance Period 1830-1860

Emily Dickinson's poem's life love, and time any time any Herman Melville's Moby Dick, Walt Whitman's oh Captain my Captain, leaves of grass and David throws Walden

Chronological Order

Employed when a writer organizes events in a text in the order in which they occurred

William Blake

English painter, poet and printmaker of the romantic age.

T.S. Eliot

English/American Modernist; jazz poet; The Love Song of Alfred Prufrock, Journey of the Magi, The Waste Land

Albert Camus

Existentialist/Absurdist; The Stranger, The Plague


Experimental forms of literary works are honored. Traditional form such as chronicle logical plots and close endings are rejected. Multiple allusions are used are the past, which modernist feel are lost. Postmodernist value the same principles but celebrate literary forms that use fragmentation and do not long for the past. This view requires want to discover the ironies in the textand to honor both the classics and popular which are look for a mix of genres and form to analyze why the author uses fragmentation

Scientific experts

Experts that offer advice and evidence to convince the target audience that there is proof to support using the product or point being made. The expert will often use charts or graphs and wear a lab coat to appealto our trust in scientist and science


Fiber tool

Maria Montessori

Follow the child: 4 stages--(0-6, 6-12, 12-18, 18-24) 3 stages of learning process: 1. intro to concept by lecture, lesson, experience, etc. 2. process info and develop understanding through work, experimentation, and creativity. 3. "knowing" demonstrated by teaching concept to another, etc.


Formal study of the structure and processes of a language. _________s strive to drive language acquisition and lagnuage in general. There are several key areas of study in this field.


Founder of early renaissance painting, first since Giotto to paint the human figure not in a linear column, but as a real human being. He also used a single light source to accuracy depict shadows.

Jacques louis David

Founder of neo-classical ism. was a French painter and democrat who imitated Greek and Roman art to inspire the new French republic. Principle replaced pleasure and paintings underscored the moral message of patriotism.


Four line stanza


Free Appropriate Public Education - one of the major principles of IDEA - states all children with disabilities, regardless of the type or severity of their disability, shall receive a free appropriate public education provided at public's expense - IEP must be developed to meet each child's unique needs


French Enlightenment writer; Candide

Victor Hugo

French Romantic writer; Les Miserables

Eugene Delacroix

French artist expressive artist, led the romantic movement

Barbizon school

French landscape artists who worked near barbizon, france

En Plein Air

French term, term meaning in open air, act of painting outside

Gustavo Flaubert

French writer during English Victorian Period; Madame Bovary

Alexandre Dumas

French writer during English Victorian Period; The Three Muskateers


Gray reddish or tan clay that has been fired


Greasy black ink used for lithographs

Degree adverbs

Greatly, partly, too, incrementally

Doric column

Greek- has a top,no bottom, or base. the shaft is plane and has 20 sides

Barbizon school

Group of 19 century painters who rejected idealized landscapes. Sought an informal and realistic portrayal of nature. Theodore Rousseau.


Gunta Stölzl who created numerous handwoven carpets, curtains, and runners, such as the Gobelin tapestry, 1926-27 was a part of the weaving workshop at

Ansel Adams

Half dome, image created with the use of a red lens to make the sky and cliff appear darker. original negative made on a silver gelatin fiber paper

Thomas Hart Benton

Haystacks, american regionalism, famous pupil was Jackson Pollock


In Japanese art, it is a horizontal scroll painting that is unrolled by hand


Heating glass or metal and allowing it to cool slowly In Order to remove the internal stresses and to toughen it.

7 feet


6 feet



Hierarchy of Needs/Theory of Motivation which states that we must achieve lower level needs, such as food, shelter, and safety before we can achieve higher level needs, such as belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.


Hold pigment particles together without dissolving them, helps bind to surface


Holy Trinity, Use of linear perspective, Intended for personal devotions and respect for the dead. fresco. donors painted on the lower right and left.


Homeric or Heroic Period; The Iliad, The Odyssey

Encaustic painting

Hot wax painting

add water or ammonia

How can latex be thinned, for purposes of mold-making?


How the author uses words phrases or sentences to form ideas

Great Mosque of Spain

Hypostyle Halls

Independent clause with two phrases

I must have vicious pets from the pound in my town.

Simple pronouns

I, you, he, she, it, we, they, who, what

Point of view

Identifies the perspective from which the pieces with first person certain person I'm limited on the camera view


If a substance used in artwork has an affinity for or will attract water it is known as which of the following?


Image made with dots to create a gradient effect

Drove chisel

In carving stone, is a flat chisel with a broad head that is used for rough hewing or shaping, as depicted in the image.

Blown Light

In digital photography terminology, blown highlights are areas of a photo that are so bright they are pure white. When it comes to editing, software can add to, or subtract from this value to make a photo brighter or darker.

page layout

In graphic design, composition is often referred to as

rubber blanket

In offset printing, the image is printed directly on paper from


In photography, A light-sensitive material that consists of coating silver grains in a gelatin layer on film or other surfaces.


In the stage the student looks back at his or her work and so if you got the audience also evaluate the effectiveness of the writing

Double speak

Is language that is intended to be a basic or to conceal doublespeak is related to euphemism but is distinguished by government, military, or business organizations. Example: downsized actually means fired or loss of a job

Geodesic dome

It consists of lightweight, prefabricated polygons attached together to form a skeleton. The design of a geodesic dome makes it an extremely stable structure.


Leaves the reader with a sense of closure by reiterating the author's thesis and sometimes even providing a summary of his or her main points


The repetition of sounds in two or more words usually at the end of the line but not always


The resolution or conclusion of the story


Least Restrictive Environment; educational setting most appropriate for students with disabilities to be educated with peers without disabililites

ultramarine blue

Least harmful pigment

Compound pronouns

It's self, myself anybody somebody, everything


Italian painter, realistic observation of the human state, dramatic use of lighting ....very darkened


Italian word for bell tower, leaning tower of Pisa

Giorgio Chirico

Italian work depicts alternative reality of the unconscious mind

Commonly misspelled or mistaken words

Its and it's Their, there, and they're Saw and seen Further and farther Affect and effect Less and fewer Eminent and imminent Principle and principal Lie, lay Right, write, and rite Sight, site, and cite

classical conditioning

Ivan Pavlov; behavior modification, unconditional response (naturally occuring) unconditional stimulus VS. conditioned stimulus and response

John Donne

Jacobean poet; The Indifferent, The Good-Morrow, A Valediction: Of Weeping

Ben Johnson

Jacobean writer; To John Donne, Volponne (or The Fox), To My Book


Japanese pottery, hand shaped. Removed from kiln while hot and let to cool in open air

Baren tool

Japanese tool used in printmaking to burnish the back of a sheet of paper to pick up ink from wood or linoleum


Joining metal by fusing together under direct heat


Joining two metal pieces, like soldering but the filler metal has a higher melting point

Diego Rivera

KNown for his social murals

Blooms Taxonomy

Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, seven thesis, evaluation

Navaho art

Known for their geometric designed rugs, jewelry

Native Americans

Known for their silver work, basketry, ceramics weaving and bead works.


Language that intentionally distorts or just guises meeting. It may take the form of a euphemism such as let go for fired or pass away for died doublespeak can disguise meeting in an intentional effort to see such as final is "genuine imitation leather"

David Hockney

Large Portraits of Friends

Incident ray of light

Light that is actually hitting the surface of on object

Howard Gardner

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist

Secondary colors

Made by mixing primary colors

Tertiary colors

Made by mixing primary colors and secondary colors


Made up of a combination of thick and thin strokes that are based on the characters carved in stone by Ancient Romans, typeface is widely-used in books, newspapers, journals, and magazines

Language development and acquistion

Many students first language not English, many dialects not SAE, new english-->period of silence-->normal-->prefer listening


Mary Cassatt, Feeding the ducks


Material used to add body to a garment, rather than to conceal seams and finish off the inside is known as

Taj Mahal

Mausoleum, minarets, passages of the qua ran used as decorative elements, symmetry

Anticipation guide

May be a pretest, although there are no right or wrong answers. It provides students with the opportunity to respond to and discuss a series of open ended questions or opinion a questions that address various themes, vocabulary words, and concepts that will appear in the upcoming text

Sir Thomas Malory

Medieval English writer; Le Morte d'Arthur

Geoffrey Chaucer

Medieval writer; The Canterbury Tales


Metal work where fine metal wire separates color on an enamel surface


Method of creating pots by building up bottom and walls with even rope like coils

Gender nouns feminine

Mother sister aunt woman cow


Neoclassical style modeled after Ancient Rome

Ashcan school

New York realist artist at the beginning of the twentieth century who rejected the formal subject matter of the academy and focused on gritty urban scenes and ordinary, even ugly aspects of life.


Northern Renaissance art was based on what? as opposed to Italian Renaissance art which was based on theory. Northern Europeans looked to nature for their inspiration. They painted reality exactly as it appeared, in a detailed, realistic style.

Henrik Ibsen

Norwegian Romantic/Realist; coined the "father of realism"; The Doll House, Hedda Gabler

Singular Noun

Number of nouns; Examples: book, library, child, bacterium, man

Plural Noun

Number of nouns; Examples: books, libraries, children, bacteria, men

Pop art

Objects from commercial art and the popular culture transformed into artworks

Positive Reinforcement

Occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by the presentation of a stimulus that increases the future frequency of the behavior in similar conditions.

Observe reverse

On a coin or other circular-shaped work of art, such as a medal, the front side is known as the obverse and the opposite side is the reverse. In terms of a manuscript, the front and rear sides of paper are known as recto and verso.


One of a kid print made painting on smooth metal creating texture


Part of the paint brush that holds the bristles

Leather hard

Partially dried clay, that can be incised or gouged without breaking


Pastels are usually prepared in what form?

Dry masonry

Patterning stones but not mortar

Naturalistic representation

Paul Gauguin and other members of the Les Nabis group of late-19th Century French painters rejected what?

5 feet


Effective presentation in the English class or

Performing speeches plays videos or readers productions, delivering a speech, participating in the debate or giving a PowerPoint presentation, creating booklets, brochures, scrapbooks or personal websites, publishing a school newspaper, student magazine, or portfolio of work, Cimity work for publication beyond the classroom in a literary magazine for young adult, in the local newspaper or in a professional publication for writers, in a contest or four or for an online publication

Brand new

Persuade the audience that this brand-new shiny reason, issue or product is one that we must agree upon and possess

Demonstrative pronouns

Point out people, places, or things without naming them.

Vanishing point

Point where all parallel lines recede


Positive appearing negative images on glass

Chinua Achebe

Postmodern; Things Fall Apart


Pottery fragments that are often used by researchers to date lost cultures, and to serve as a way of gathering information about living and trading patterns are called


Process of applying glaze to bisqued pottery

Wheel thrown

Process of spinning clay on a potters wheel


Process where two pieces of metal are joined together by melting filler metal into the joint

Aztec art

Produced massive statues of gods, who demanded regular human sacrifice. . Skilled in gold work .


Product of the turbulent post World War I period; Anti art movement extolled the irrational, the absurd, the nihilistic and the nonsensical. Movement is regarded as a precursor to surrealism.


Provide alternative terms with similar meaning to the word one is examining

Terra cotta army

Purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife and to make sure he had people to rule over

Creative writing

Redefining provide students with opportunities to play with language, express emotions, articulate stories, or develop a drama for others to enjoy

Indefinite pronouns

Refer to unnamed or unknown people or things

Signed only

Refers to an open edition print which has been signed by an artist but has not been numbered

Allegorical art

Refers to sculpture that symbolizes and personifies abstract ideas- like justice holding a scale in one hand, the Statue of Liberty

Pre- Colombian art

Refers to the art before Columbus landed in the new world, or before Europeans influenced art of the Americas.


Role of context in interpreting meaning.

Jane Austen

Romantic English writer; Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma


Rouen Cathedral series, captures the facade of the cathedral at different times of the day and year. Reflects changes in it's appearance under different lighting conditions while exploring the color, light and form of a single subject at various times of day

Exclamatory sentence

Sentence that communicates strong feelings or ideas. Ex: That was a great shot!

Declarative sentences

Sentences that make a statement and tell about a person, place thing or idea. Example Tori is my daughter

Continuos narration

Sequences of events in art


Series of arched columns

Bines arcade

Series of decorative columns attached to a wall


Sets the tone, topic, direction, style, and mood for the writing that is to follow


Seven line stanza

Cross hatching

Shading by building up crossed lines

Contour shading

Shading by following the shape of a form with parallel lines

Perfect present tense verbs

Used when a Acton began in the past but continues in the future.

Research writing - editing

Should include additional focus on ethical citations of sources and accuracy of work cited

Possessive case nouns

Show was possession or ownership


Similar to watercolor but opaque, pigment and binding agent

Argument discourse

Speech or written form that debates are use a topic in a logical way. The typical argument essay format is a five paragraph essay although longer as a formants may be required for students according to the owl at Purdue owl oh WL a will written argument essay or speeches contain will define thesis statement an exclamation of why the topic is important, body paragraphs that include well researched evidenceto support thesis is and counterpoint and why these views are wrong, clear transition between paragraphs, thoughtful inclusions of easels logos and pathos, a conclusion that dances the thesis based on the evidence provided.

Narration discourse

Speech or written form that includes drama, stories, and folk lore

Descriptive discourse

Speech or written form that uses the sentences to describe something. For example novels, essays or speech about childhood recollection may contain descriptive discourse


Stand-alone website or interactive hyperlink built into the text to help the reader know the meaning, derivation, sequential layout, whereas digital texts have an interactive, dynamic layout.


Steel cutting tool essential to engraving


Study of language as it relates to society, including race, class, gender, and age.


Surrealist where influenced by?


Symbolic meaning of assigned subjects and images

Personal pronouns

Take the place of now


Taking several shots of the same image with different camera settings

Direct Instruction

Teacher-centered instruction which includes lecture, presentation, and recitation.


Teachers should use questions to teach students to ask questions of variety of levels is important to note that not only the teacher should be asking questions but students should generate their own questions while reading blooms Texon to me is helpful to construct to guide the population of questions

Teaching reading

Teaching a reading across all content areas including English is a hot button issue in school today. Students not only need to learn how to read, but Alma all but must also read to learn. Secondary English teachers must be well-versed in teaching strategies to help students read and interpret text ( in this section you will find an explanation of the key components and research-based teaching strategies for teaching reading in the secondary English classroom)


Technique used to create tonal or shading effects by drawing closely spaced parallel lines, important in printmaking and etching


Term used to describe the brightness or dullness of a color

Mobile/ stabile

Terms coined to describe work that was created by Alexander Calder, the mobile is a hanging moveable sculpture; the stabile rest of the ground but may have moveable parts

4 feet

Tetra meter

Psycho analytic criticism

Text is viewed as an expression of feelings, thoughts, and desires of the author. Examine the text for imagery or symbols of repression or expression; consider the psychological theories exhibited by the characters such as denial, guilt, morality, sexuality, obsessive-compulsive, sociopathic, etc.


Text structure gives details about characteristics actions events etc.


The Individual Education Plan developed for each child eligible for special education, based on the child's unique needs, with parent participation, containing a statement of the child's present level of performance, educational needs, goals and measurable objectives. Is reviewed at least annually.

Hamada Shoji

The Japanese potter who gained international fame and received official recognition in Japan as a "Bearer of Important Intangible Cultural Properties," more commonly called a "Living National Treasure" is which of the following?


The abstract style of art which was developed by Russian painter Kazimir Malevich to convey his belief that the absolute reality in the world is pure feeling, which attaches to no object,


The amount of light reflected by the hue, darkness or lightness of color


The analysis of how sounds function in a language or dialect

Point of view

The angle in which the viewer is observing the work


The application of color is small dots allowing the eye to mix the color


The arrangement of elements of a picture


The art and science of text interpretation


The art of working raised and ornamental threads into fabric, leather, or paper with a needle


The artist Dale Chihuly works primarily with revolutionized glassmaking by changing it from a purely individual process to a collaborative one. He also changed the scale of glassmaking, moving from small objects such as vases to large architectural features such as windows and ceilings. He is probably the best known glass artist working today.

Der Blau Reiter

The blue rider, a group of avant-garde German expressionists


The borrowing and combining of a variety of styles from different sources

ALT revolutionary period 1760-1787

The declaration of independence the wild honeysuckle the Indian burial ground the power of sympathy the first American novel


The degree of light or darkness


The details are stated first, followed by a topic sentence

Horizon line

The distant view where the sky meets the water or land at the artist eye level


The dominant style of architecture in Europe during the Middle Ages is called

Word count and tool features

The electronic menu allows readers to check how many words are being read/used, how difficult the text is to read according to commonly used readability formulas, and to find a word or phrase (shortcut: Ctrl-F).


The exercise of voluntary control over the self to bring the self into line with preferred standards


The first firing of clay without glazes

Keith haring

The first professionally-trained graffiti artist who was frequently arrested for defacing public property but was soon appreciated as a legitimate graffiti artist was


The flaw that leads to the downfall of a tragic hero; this term comes from the Greek word hybris which means "excessive pride"


The focal point is controlled by? Options are background in focus, foreground burred, foreground in focus and back ground burred

Avant garde

The forefront of new developments in art


The formal study of the structures and processes of language linguistics drive to describe language acquisition and language in general


The fuzz left after a scratch is Made into the metal or plastic plate


The grainy effect produced by pigments, such as French ultramarine, by which pigment particles are attracted to each other rather than dispersing evenly is What? This causes a slight speckling, which lends a wonderful atmospheric quality to skies and landscapes in particular.


The impression of depth in a work of art obtained through applying the principles of atmospheric and linear perspective is


The multiple use of the word, phrase, or ideas for emphasis or rhythmic effect

Plain folks

The opposite approach of using celebrities, this technique uses real person's to endorse a product to appeal to your sense of pride, patriotism we're home. This technique is often used in truck advertisement and political campaigns to strengthen the "authentic" image of the product or person


The opposite of Repousse, hammering from the inside of the piece as opposed to hammering from the backside


The process of explaining the causes of people's behavior, including our own


The process of heating clay at a high temperature to fuse it's particles

Mixed Media

The sculpture by Degas, pictured above, The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer, 1881, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, is an example of what?


The shadowed side of an object, not facing the light

F stop

The size of the lens opening, controls the depth of field. Which is the degree of sharpness of a photograph in front or in back of the area focused on.

Writing Task

The specific form that the project will take.

Third person point of view

The story is told by someone outside of the story


The study of language as it relates to culture; frequently associated with Minority linguistic groups within a larger culture

Psycho linguistics

The study of language as it relates to psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to learn language


The study of language as it relates to society, including race, class, gender and age.


The study of the meaning in language


The study of the sounds of language and the physical properties


The study of the structure of sentences


The thickest type of acrylic paint is packaged in


The time and place in which a story occurs


The time and place in which the action of a fictional work takes place


The top of a column


The use of words to suggest sounds as in buzz, click and vroom


The use of wordsto create pictures or arouse senses in the readers mind


The vantage point from which a photograph is taken ?

Active voice

The voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the at the event denoted by the verb. Here is an example of a sentence: Tory ate Pad Thai for dinner.


The writer demonstrates similarities and differences between two or more subjects

Place adverbs

There, yonder, here, backward

Proper nouns

They particular people, places things proper nouns are capitalized. Example: President Bush, Chicago, Mormonism

Word count and tool features

This allows readers to check how many words are being read/used how difficult the Texas to read according to commonly used readability formulas had to find a word or phrase. The shortcut is control F

Scholarly writing

This includes essays, research papers and biographies

Other sources

This includes film, art, media and so on


To smoke, a method of drawing where lines are blended together, used my da Vince, Mona Lisa


Together with Skinner, _____ helped found behaviorism, the view that psychology should be an objective science that studies behavior without reference to mental processes

Time adverbs

Tomorrow, monthly, momentarily, presently


Tool for cuttings wood or linoleum block v shaped or u shaped

the Works progress administration

What federal agency employed artists during the Great Depression to add art to public buildings?

Allow bubble to dissipate

What is important to remember about using glair, a varnish for tempera paints?


What is the motivation for the source - promotional, educational, entertainment?

Mother mold

What is the term for the mold that surrounds the sections of a piece mold, supporting the shape of the rubber or latex?

Edward Steichen

What photographer assembled and curated the exhibition "The Family of Man"?

Ansel Adams

What photographer developed the Zone System as a way to determine proper exposure and adjust the contrast of the final print?

Continuous narration

When a figure appears multiple times in the same composition

Still life

Work of art depicting mostly inanimate objects. Food, flowers, dead animals, plants, rocks, shells, vases, books, etc.....

Depression art

Works of art and programs funded by the US treasury Dept created to help provide economic relief to citizens


Writer describes a person, place, or thing and organizes the description in a logical manner

Organization of passage

Writing requires organization there are several gentle ways to organize passage that will help your students can communicate affectively. chronologically classification, illustration, climax, location, comparison, cause-and-effect

Primary colors

Yellow, Blue and red. Can not be created by mixing colors

Lev Vygotsky

ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT:student learns best with a more able adult/peer teaching something they could not do on their own


Zones of Proximal Devl: social interaction influences learning. Students learn best when teachers teach them something they don't know yet, and then provide students opportunities to practice and learn with other peers and adults supporting.


_______ are used to set off added words, editorial corrections, and clarifying information.

Least Restrictive Environment

a legal requirement that children with special needs be assigned to the most general educational context in which they can be expected to learn

adding salt

a method for speeding up the setting time of a plaster cast?


a milk based opaque paint that may be diluted with water


a natural white or yellow wax mixed with drying pigment to produce a matter look as in encaustic painting


a panel discussion requires students to listen to four or five classmates or guest speakers on a specific theme or subject

Reciprocal determinism

a person's behavior influences and is influenced by personal factors and the social environment


a small model made before the creation of the full scale sculpture or architectural work


a small, personalized drawing or symbol that an artist adds (near his or her signature) on a print. The presence of a remarque increases the print's value. The practice is borrowed from Whistler's famous "butterfly" which was added to personalize many of his graphics.

Broken Color

a technique developed in the nineteenth century, uses individual brushstrokes of different colors to portray forms. One famous example of this technique is Van Gogh's "Starry Night." The sky in this painting is primarily blue, but it is not a solid blue. Rather it is broken into brushstrokes of blue, black, white, yellow, and orange.

Classical Conditioning

a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to elicit an unconditioned response when that neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with a stimulus that normally causes an unconditioned response. Also called Pavlovian or respondent conditioning.

Operant Conditioning

a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher. Skinner.

Concept mapping

a visual means of exploring connections between a subject and related ideas and identify, graphically display, and link key concepts

ox gall

a wetting agent that causes pigment to separate, used to marbleizing or water colors


ability to apply learned information to a new situation

Behaviorism Theory

accessing and changing associations between stimuli and responses. B.F. Skinner, Edward Thorndike

gel medium

added to acrylic paint as an extender for thick, transparent glazes; increases gloss and handling times

acrylic retarder

added to color to slow the drying time


is a device for copying, enlarging, or reducing drawings. It has four hinged sections with a tracing point at one end and a pencil at the other.


adjustments to student tasks, learning environment, etc.

Physical/Sensory Difficulties

medical condition affecting school performance significantly


aesthic philosophy claiming that the value of the work of art in determined by the museums and galleries

Projection Principle

aims to describe the process through which humans tend to create imaginary recognizable forms from inanimate objects, such as clouds and inkblots.

Transitional Expression for CONTRAST

although, in contrast, but, conversely, nevertheless, however, on the contrary, on the other hand

filburt brush

brush with a conical shape, used for covering large surface areas.


archaic greek statues, poses rigid clenched fists recall egyptian statues

performance art

art which involves theatrical elements

Vincent Van Gogh

artwork characterized by thickly applied paint and swirly brush strokes

Active listening strategies

attending to the speaker, restating key points, asking questions, interpreting information, providing supportive feedback, being respectful


attention deficit disorder: difficulty focusing, following directions, organizing, making transitions, completing tasks, etc.


attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: ADD plus impulsivity, sitting still and taking turns

Transitional Expression for CAUSE

because, since, on account of, for that reason

B.F. Skinner

behavorism: OPERANT CONDITIONING: changes in behavior due to events. Stimulus response-->reinforced person becomes conditioned to respond in certain way

damp mopping

best way to get rid of clay dust


cadmium red, ultramarine blue, cobalt, cadmium yellow


can be prepared or extemporaneous, brief and informal or several minutes and formal. technology can be used for engagement. book talk, how to, keynote


can be scripted, reader's theatre, digital storytelling, spoken word

CL Label

cautionary label not recommended for use with children under 12


person's overall approach and temperament when solving problems, learning, and thinking

operant conditioning

changes in behavior due to events. Stimulus response-->reinforced person becomes conditioned to respond in certain way


changes to curriculum because it is beyond the student's ability

willow branches

charcoal pencils are made from what?


claim, evidence to support the claim, warrant that explains of the evidence supports the claim, support for the warrant and qualifications or counter arguments that refute competing claims

Inductive reasoning

collecting data to draw a conclusion that may or may not be true


comparisons of two ideas that have the same relationship


compilation of student writer's work

aleatoric composition

composition which is completely dependent on chance, being in the right place at the right time


compressed file size by selectively discarding data


concept in the mind about past experiences; new info associated with prior knowledge to learn

Nam June Paik

considered to be the founder of video art.


construct knowledge based on experiences/interactions. Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner

Jerome Bruner



demonstrating a behavior

Learning Disability

determined by multidisciplinary team; not learning to their potential: usually in reading, writing, & math.

Discovery Learning

enables students to find information by themselves or in groups

scholarly writing

essays, research papers, biographies

Direct instruction strategies

explicit teaching, drill and practice, lecture, demonstrations, guides for reading, listening and viewing, review of student performance and student examination

cause/effect text structure

expository/persuasive texts paragraphs ordered by either a cause or effect then explain reasons Signal words: therefore, consequently, leads to, causes, since, because, as a result of

Carbon tetrachloride

exposure can cause liver cancer, severe liver damage, or death if inhaled or absorbed by the skin.

Peter Carl faberge

famous jewelry maker, also made eggs for the royal russian family

cognitive dissonance

feeling of mental discomfort in which new information conflicts with beliefs/prior knowledge


is a bobbin which holds the weft yarns.


having the heads of all figures the same level

The Great wave



hoped to fix humanity. They sought to delve into the unconscious by painting dreams, practicing free association, and juxtaposing objects that don't normally fit together. Inspired by dada and frued's theores of the unconscious


is a building formed with a long central nave, side aisles set off by colonnades, and an apse in the wall opposite to the main door.

Information processing

humans process the information they receive, not simply respond to a stimulus

Developmental Delays

identified by MD before 22 yrs. self-care, expressive/receptive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, etc.


impromptu classroom structure requires students to gather his or her own thoughts individually and then pair with a nearby classmate and share thoughts on the topic

Transitional Expression for CONCLUSION

in conclusion, finally

Negative Reinforcement

in operant conditioning, removing something unpleasant in order to elicit more of a particular behavior

Johannes Gutenberg

invented a printing press with movable type in the mid-15th Century. That invention had a significant impact on civilization, including wider distribution of the Bible, and other works of literature, as well as graphic design

Hagia Sophia

is one of the greatest surviving examples of Byzantine architecture.[6] Its interior is decorated with mosaics and marble pillars and coverings of great artistic value. The cupola is carried on four spherical triangular pendentives, an element which was first fully realized in this building.


joint communication and decision making among educational professionals to create an optimal learning environment for students


labeled products that are non toxic

Transitional Expression for TIME

later, earlier, when, while, soon, thereafter, meanwhile, whenever, during, now, until now, subsequently

Social Cognitive Theory

learn by observing one another. Albert Bandura

Visual Learner

learn through seeing; visual displays, films, picture books, graphic organizers, bulletin boards, etc.

Tactile Learner

learn through toughing; hands-on experiences, active involvement in physical world

English language learner strategies

linking vocabulary with text themes or concepts providing time to read and discuss quality texts teaching students the role of "word finder" in a literature circle which involves assiging one student to look for new or challenging vocabulary words in a text teaching discipline-specific vocabulary teaching students structural cues such as common prefixes, suffixes and roots teaching students how to effectively use the context cues to identify the meanings of words and phrases using graphic organizers to help students see relationships among vocabulary words


looked the Romans to build larger buildings, and allowed for the invention of the, barrel vault and groin vault


made identification and services for students with disabilities the responsibility of schools, districts, and states When it was first enacted it was meant to provide access to special education. Now it is used to make sure students benefit from special education Services are rendered to persons identified before the age of 18. Services are provided from birth to age 21


make sense of one's own emotions

op Art

makes use of optical illusions. Works such as this create an impression of movement, hidden images, flashing, or vibration.


matters most when displaying 3d art

workplace writing

middle and secondary level students must learn how to prepare resumes, cover letters, job applications and business letters.

subject writing

middle and secondary level students write interviews, accounts, profiles or descriptions to capture the meaning of the subject being written about

writing workshop

mini lesson, led by the teacher or a capable student based on individual or group instruction needs status of the class in which the teacher asks each students to provide a brief update on what he or she will be working on during the workshop time for writing in which students work alone with a partner or with the teacher to advance through the stages of the writing process sharing

Lawrence Kohlberg

moral development: pre-conventional (obedience/punishment), conventional (gain approval of others), post-conventional (social contract: welfare of others, principled conscience: respect for morals)

extrinsic motivation

motivation comes from external sources/from outside a person ex: stickers, behavior charts, incentives

intrinsic motivation

motivation comes from within

Transitional Expression for LOCATION

nearby, adjacent to, beyond, above, below

Creative thinking

new and original behavior that yields a productive and culturally appropriate result


new/original behavior that creates a culturally appropriate product


note taking strategy that includes survey, question, read, recite, review


occurs occasionally in artists' materials and processes. It alters the properties of a substance as definitely as they are altered in any other chemical reaction. The difference is that the reaction is internal.


one constructs a casual explanation for failure/success


one's ability to act effectively to bring about desired results; from Bandura

John Martin

painter was a dominant force toward abstraction, he painted Pine Tree, Deer Island, Maine in 1928. He is often called the greatest watercolorist. He lived by the adage the fewer the strokes the better the painting.

gertrude stein

painting by picasso is one of the most famous portraits of the 20th century an American expatriate, maintained a salon in Paris that became a haven for some of the leading artists of the day, including Picasso, Georges Braque, and Henri Matisse.

hard edge painting

painting technique with an even solid application

egg tempera

pigments mixed with egg yolk and linseed oil for use in painting frescoes, canvases or panels

earth colors

pigments that occur naturally in the earth or ore

insulating firebrick

porous firebricks with higher insulating values than soft brick


practices to strive to educate a child with disabilities in a regular classroom as much as possible; brings student sense of belonging.

stages of the research writing process

prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing, evaluating

stages of the writing process

prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing, evaluating


radial geometric symbol representing the universe

Critical thinking

rationally deciding what to believe or what to do, evaluating information to see if it makes sense, whether it's coherent, and whether the argument is founded on evidence

paradigm shift

refers to a change between two time periods in which new traditions and habits take the place of the old. In art, the term describes a more global shift from one world view to another, rather than the perspective of one individual.


refers to a female slave often associated with Middle Eastern harems, who was repeatedly included in works by 19th Century European artists, such as Ingres and Matisse.


refers to a shield-shaped emblem bearing a coat of arms; and may also refer to an ornamental or protective plate.

Optical illusion

refers to any image that is deceptive and easily skewed.

Concept learning

refers to learning about something in general rather than learning-specific stimulus-response chains


requires students to inform, demonstrate, explain or persuade an audience. book talks, newscast, project presentations

William Hogarth

s best known for his satirical studies of British society. He is credited with creating the first comic strips, sequences of pictures on "modern moral subjects." His best-known works are "A Harlot's Progress" and "A Rake's Progress."


scratching through a surface to reveal a lower layer of contrasting color


secure metal to metal without heat

Stages of Development

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

due process

set of procedures giving students and families extensive rights, including notice of meetings, opportunities to examine relevant records of their child, impartial hearings, and review.

problem/solution text structure

sets up the paragraphs to establish the problem and its importance then outlines possible solutions Signal words: problem, issue, cause, as a result, solution, which leads to


shading using tiny dots

Color Fields

style of abstract painting that dominates form and texture, Mark Rothko, Helen Frankenthaler, Clyford Still, Sam Gilliam

Safety Glasses

should be worn when using a hand saw

Robert Mapplethorpe

show, the X Portfolio, was attacked because it included homosexual and sado-masochistic images. Critics were particularly incensed that a government grant had been used to put on the show.


significantly higher than usual ability/aptitude in one or more areas


similar to kneading dough, a process to remove air bubbles

Albert Bandura

social theory: learn by observing others. MODELING: attention, retention, reproduction, motivation

Sociocutural Theory

social, historical, and cultural contexts have influences on learning. Lev Vygotsky: zone of proximal development


spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphing

Carol Gilligan

stages of ethic care: opposes male-centered stages; developed moral development of women


strengthening behavior. positive: stimulus to increase desired response. negative: removing negative stimulus to increase desired response

socratic seminar

structure shifts the center of the conversation from the teacher to the students. Students sit in a whole group circle and talk collaboratively on a topic, teacher asks probing questions


student progress seen on developmental continuum

Readiness to Learn

student's basic needs are met and is cognitively ready for developmentally appropriate problem solving/learning


subjects were voluptuous, peach-skinned female nudes, café society, children and flowers. He used rich reds, primary colors, and blue instead of black, which he detested.

Day Glo Orange

synthetic paint with transparent qualities and tints easily


take time to understand family and community values the child brings to the classroom. each child is respected.

Discovery learning

teaching methods that enable students to discover information by themselves or in groups


technique of forming geometric patterns out of wood


temporary support that is tailored to a learner's needs and abilities and aimed at helping the learner master the next task in a given learning process.


the breadth and depth of content to be covered in a curriculum over a certain period of time


the only color on the conventional color wheel that is not included on the visible spectrum. While violet is detectable on the spectrum, purple can only be detected by a mixture of red and blue wavelengths.

Transitional Expression for REFERRING BACK TO AN OBJECT OR IDEA

this, that, these, those

Giorgio Vasari

the first Italian art historian. His Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, included a treatise on the technical methods employed in the arts. It was Vasari who invented the term "Mannerism" to describe the style of 16th century painting.


the order in which content is delivered to learners over time

Thematic instruction

the organization of a curriculum around "themes", incorporates all subjects in one topic i.e. rain forests or the use of energy

Summative Assessment

the process of assessing after instruction

Deductive reasoning

the process of drawing a logical inference about something that must be true, given other information that has already been presented as true

Transitional Expression for EFFECT

therefore, consequently, accordingly, as a result

Pop Art

these artist are associated with what are movement,Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg, and Andy Warhol


three equally spaced colors


used to spread out ink in the process of offsetting an image from a plate to paper. are made of rubber, sponge, acrylic, polyurethane, or leather.


to make a quick sketch of a live model


trade name for a line of straight acrylic colors

Cognitive Dissonance

unpleasant mental experience of tension resulting from two conflicting thoughts or beliefs

hard brick

used in

warp and weft

vertical and horizontal threads in a weaving loom


was a ceremonial bronze bell which was kept buried in hillside sanctuaries away from everyday village life; and that was brought out for use during agricultural rituals only.


was a movement that took place between 1915 and 1930 in the United States. Artists painted sleek urban and industrial forms. Georgia O'Keefe was a part of this movement. O'Keefe evoked nature without explicitly describing it and she approached the brink of abstraction.

John Constable

was an English Romantic painter. He is best known for his landscape paintings of Dedham Vale, the area surrounding his home.


was commissioned by Pope Paul III in 1537, to renovate the Palazzo dei Conservatori and, in 1546, the then new Saint Peter's Basilica.

matte gel

when added to acrylic paint, increases working time and transparency

Black figure pottery

which was a technique in which dark figures were silhouetted against a lighter background.

Jacob Kounin

with-it-ness; awareness of what is happening in the classroom in order to manage classrooms well

TED Talk

without notes, from memory, approx 18 minutes slides or visuals are displayed behind orator. requires much rehearsal and slides must be of hiqh quality, free of error and visually stimulating

Benjamin West

worked in the Neo-classical style. He was the first American-born painter to win international acclaim. He was so famous for battle scenes that he became president of the British Royal Academy.


A website contains and digital media format informational text

Dante Alighieri

High or Late Medieval Period; Inferno, Divine Comedy


Is the overall feeling created in a piece of writing or speech. The tone of the piece can be humorous satirical serious Marose


Is the source completed or under construction? What key information is omitted.


Is the specialized language of a particular per group or culture. Educational related jargon includes words and phrases such as rubric tuning protocol or deskilling

Question Mark

Is use a direct or in direct question and you show uncertainty


Is use between numbers, between fractions, and in special series, to create new words, and to join numbers


Is use between two independent clauses, two separate additives to separate contrasted element or to set off a positives, two separate items a list to enclose explanatory words, after care doctor phrase, or after if you're Dr. Claus, to set off nonrestrictive phrases, to ensure clarity, in numbers, to enclose titles call it a direct address, to set off dialogue, to set up items in the address, to set off dates. Clearly, commas have several uses and rolls that make their use a challenge for writers


Is used at the end of the sentence, after initial or abbreviation, or as a decimal point.


Is used for emphasis, to set off interrupted speech, to set off introductory series, or to indicate a sudden break

Past perfect tense verbs

Is used to express action that began and happened prior to another party action,

Signed and numbered

Often abbreviated s/n refers to a print that has been signed and numbered by an artist- limited edition

Phrasal pronoun

Type of pronoun; Example: each other, one another

Simple pronoun

Type of pronoun; Example: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, who, what

Compound pronoun

Type of pronoun; Example: itself, myself, anybody, someone, everythign

Compound Sentence

Type of sentence made up of two independent clauses. The clauses must be joined by a semicolon or by a comma and a coordinating conjunction. My dog growls at the mailman, but my cat growls at her littermate. My dog growls at the mailman; my cat growls at her littermate.

Complex Sentence

Type of sentence that has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. When you pass the Praxis English Subject Assessment test [dependent clause], you'll enjoy a career in teaching [independent clause].

Compound/Complex Sentence

Type of sentence that has two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. I just earned my teaching degree [independent clause], and I plan to get a teaching job [independent clause] because I need a career [dependent clause].

Auxiliary or helping verb

Type of verb that comes before another verb. Example: She {must have} passed the Praxis English Subject Assessment test.


Used to describe the shaping, finishing and firing of clay

Future perfect tense verbs

Used to express action that will begin in the future and end in the future

Future tense verbs

Used to express action that will take place in the future.


Used to remove oxidized surface from metal after soldering

Medium for oil paints

Used to stretch paints, make paint thinner or thicker, glossy or matte, dry faster or slower


Uses contrasting ideas to communicate a message

Step pyramid

Uses flat platforms or steps receding form the ground up to achieve a completed shape, used by several cultures all over the world


Uses humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule to expose and criticize human vices or folly, usually with the purpose of improving something in society

Artemisia Gentileschi

Uses light to show dramatic narrative or to illuminate people

Blueish green


albumen print

is a type of paper that is coated with a layer of egg white in order to increase its sensitivity, and add to the brightness of a photograph


is a woodworking technique in which spaces are cut into a wooden surface and the filled with wood shapes of a different color or shade. During the Italian Renaissance, this technique was used to decorate the private studies of popes and noblemen.


is a work of art created by combining several styles of work into one. It is usually a form of satire that ridicules the styles of other artists.


is formed when a two-dimensional plane intersects a right circular cone; and has the appearance of a curve in which both sides are symmetrical.


sea monster with the features of a crocodile or elephant seal belonging to the sculptural repertory of Indonesian or Indo-Chinese architecture. It is an emblem of water.


the support given during the learning process which is tailored to the needs of the student with the intention of helping the student achieve his/her learning goals

Guided practice

the teacher guides and assists students as they learn how and when to apply the strategy, practice done with frequent and immediate teacher assistance

Transitional Expression for TO REPLACE A NOUN

use personal pronouns for coherence to avoid unnecessary redundancies


used in varnishes, turpentine and ink


used in yarn manufacture and textile engineering, tenacity denotes the strength of a yarn or a filament of given size. Tenacity equals breaking strength (grams) divided by denier.

Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens)

American Realist; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of Tom Sawyer

James Fenimore Cooper

American Transcendental Period; Last of the Mohicans

Louisa May Alcott

American Transcendental Period; Little Women, Transcendental Wild Oats

Ralph Waldo Emerson

American Transcendental Period; Nature, The American Scholar, Self-Reliance

Washington Irving

American Transcendental Period; Rip Van Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Edgar Allan Poe

American Transcendental Period; The Raven, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Fall of the House of Usher

Nathaniel Hawthorne

American Transcendental Period; The Scarlett Letter, Young Goodman Brown, The Celestial Railroad

Henry David Thoreau

American Transcendental Period; Walden (or Life in the Woods), Slavery in Massachusetts, Walking

Walt Whitman

American Transcendental Period; free verse poet; Leaves of Grass

Emily Dickinson

American Transcendental Period; free verse poet; Wild Nights--Wild Nights!, I heard a Fly buzz--when I died--

Edith Wharton

American Victorian; Souls Belated, Age of Innocence; The House of Mirth

Romare bearden

American artist writer who depicted African American life

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

American feminist; The Yellow Wallpaper

Mary Cassatt

American painter, met degas, impressionistic, Painted the bond between mother and child . The bath

Maya Angelou

American poet; I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings


American with Disabilities Act (1990); federal law prohibiting discrimination on basis of person's disability

Richard Wright

American writer; Harlem Renaissance; Black Boy, Native Son


An Italian art movement that tries to show the rapid movement of machinery

Exclamation point

An _______ _____ is used to express strong feelings.


An __________ is the noun to which a pronoun refers. Each pronoun must agree with its antecedent. Example: {Jimmy} is playing in a basketball tournament tomorrow. {He} hopes to play well.


An _______________ is used in contractions, to form plurals, to form singular possessives, to form plural possessives, in compound nouns, to show shared obsession, and to express the possessive form of qualities of time or amount.


An account of a persons life written by another person. Famous biographies include becoming Steve Jobs by Rick tetra Zelly and Lincoln by gore vidal

Earth works

An artist designed change in natural, topography, moving earth


An artist may make a rough sketch or model, called an esquisse, before starting on a painting or a sculpture. The purpose of an esquisse is to establish the general form of the work.


An embroidery technique that is based on the use of wool embroidery threads is known as

Tall tale

An exaggerated, funny story that is obviously unbelievable.

Armory show

An exhibit in New York in 1913 that introduce Paris based modernism to America

Primary document "letter diary journal"

An expository peace, frequently written by or with eloquence, that becomes part of the recognize literature of an era. Documents often reveal historical facts, the social wars of the times, and the thoughts and personalities of their authors. Some documents have recorded and influence the history of the world.examples include the Bible, the Koran, the Constitution of the United States and Adolf Hitler's Mien Kampf


An expression or phrase that emphasizes an idea by describing it in restrained terms. For example, in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio is mortally wounded and states, "ay, ay, a scratch, a scratch ..."

Electronic menus

The table of contents of an electronic text is found in the electronic menu this is typically in a drop-down menu from the top of the page or located on the left or right of the text in a frame the electronic guides the reader to the organization of the text and help someone find information by clicking or selecting a link

Red Herring

May either be a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads the audience or reader toward faults conclusion


Means eternal house, Egyptian tomb flat roofed structure. Mud bricks or stone

Tromp l'oeil

Means fool the eye, style of painting which creates the illusion of space, light or objects which is very convincing

Film speed

Measure of films sensitivity to light


Measuring the size of an object by measuring its image, such as with the use of a photographic viewfinder.


is a lightweight, fine, sheer fabric in a plain weave, made of cotton, linen, silk, or blended fivers. It has an excellent drape, gathers beautifully, and is often mercerized to add shine.


is a long iron rod used in glassblowing. The punty is used to handle glass while it is being shaped and worked.


Of language, words, sounds or images, used with in a speech or advertisement to advance the point and make it memorable

Isometric perspective

is a method for visually representing three-dimensional objects in two dimensions in technical and engineering drawings.a

Triple beam balance

is the most accurate commercial scale used in ceramics that is on the market.


An extended fictional prose narrative


An outdoor painting technique that shows the changing effects of color and light


An overall map of the content of a text


Analysis of how sounds function in a language or dialect.


Opposing elements or characters in a plot. These include person versus person, person versus society, person versus self, person versus nature, person versus fate or God

Secondary colors

Orange, green, violet, purple created by mixing primary colors


Our words, clauses or phrases that limit or describe other words or groups of words.

Formal Operational Thinkers

Piaget: 11&up: hypothetical/abstract thinking, logical operations to work abstract problems


Pickling can present a safety hazard because of its use of


is the most costly type of ceramics. It is formed by heating a hard paste of kaolin and feldspar at high temperatures. This process creates a white, translucent material with a glassy appearance.


process of learning and adopting the customs and values of another culture

Divergent Thinking

process of mentally taking a single idea and expanding it in several directions


process of shooting the same image using the same lighting, but different exposures


process of taking control of one's learning/behavior

George Grosz

produced numerous paintings and drawings, such as Fit for Active Service, that were caustic indictments of the military. In these works, he often depicted military officers as heartless or incompetent. The simplicity of the line drawing in the work contributes to the directness and immediacy of the work, which scathingly portrays the German army.

creative writing

provides students with the opportunity to play with language, express emotions, articulate stories, or develop a drama for others to enjoy

Life size

refers to any part of a work of art that is full-scale. For example, a completed life-size work of a bowl of fruit is approximately the same size as an actual bowl of fruit.

Ceramic Plasticity

refers to how flexible a clay or clay body is. Any particular clay's plasticity is greatly influenced by the clay's particle size, water content, and aging.


refers to the belief that people should avoid naturalistic figurative representation. In Islamic art, it is implemented as a means of avoiding idolatry.


refers to the color scheme, size, and shape of an image. Even though a logo may have a specific color scheme and shape, it is developed by a graphic designer for immediate recognition

optical mixing

refers to the idea that eyes subconsciously combine colors next to one another in a work of art, which creates an overall impression of one unified hue rather than a collection of similar hues.

Pidgins and Creoles

Pidgins are contact languages. They are co-created and change between people who speak different languages but need some way to communicate to engage in trade or work. For example, many English language Pidgins were spoken by African slaves who were then shipped to the United States and the West Indies. A pidgin becomes a creole when it is learned as a first language of a new generation of people. One example of a creole is Afrikaans, which is made up of Dutch, English, and Bantu.


Pigment in a plastic binder, water based paints that adhere to most surfaces


Pigment mixed with a binder and applied with water to give it a transparent effect

Oil paint

Pigment mixed with oil

Electronic menus

The table of contents of an electronic text is found in the electronic menu. This is typically in a drop-down menu from the top of the page or located on the left or right of the text in a "frame." The electronic menu guides the reader to see the organization of the text and helps one find information by clicking or selecting a link.


The natural rhythmic rise and fall of language as it is normally spoken

bigger entrance

The purpose of the entrance of the louve that was commissioned by I.M. Pei?

Dramatic irony

The reader sees a characters errors but the character does not

Art Nouveau

The stained glass work above by Louis Comfort Tiffany was a part of the art movement that flourished between 1890 and World War I. It was known as ?


Type of low fire clay needing to be glazed, porous and non water proof

First person point of view

The story is told from the point of you one character in the story


The structure of a work. What a chair; the sequence of events


The study of the structure of words

Common Nouns

Type of noun that does not name specific people, places, or things. ______ ______ are not capitalized. Example: person, animal, car

Proper Nouns

Type of nouns that name a particular people, places, or things. ______ ______ are capitalized. Examples: President Obama, Chicago, Judaism

Concrete Nouns

Type of nouns that name a thing that is tangible (it can be seen, heard, touched, smelled, or tasted). They are either proper or common. Examples: dog, school, football

Abstract Nouns

Type of nouns that name an idea, condition, or feeling (in other words, something that is not concrete). Examples: ideals, justice, Americana

Linking or Connecting verb

Type of verb that connects the subject and the subject complement (an adjective, noun, or noun equivalent) Example: It {was} rainy.


refers to the process of attaching any smaller piece of clay to a larger piece of clay with slip. The smaller and larger pieces of clay may be molded, modeled, or turned.

Transitional Expression for ADDITION

and, furthermore, moreover, too, also, in addition, next, besides, first, second


are flattened columns applied to the surface of a wall. They are decorative features made to look like weight-bearing columns. were used extensively by Renaissance and Baroque architects, and they can still be seen on some modern buildings.


are made of a wide variety of materials, and mark areas of a mold where divisions are made to remove the mold for casting.


are paintings on sliding wall panels from the Japanese art tradition. They are typically considered to be temporary works because the materials are short-lived.


are two-handled Greek or Roman vessels, principally used for holding wine or oil, made of fired clay. These vessels often served to support important paintings.


are upright stone pillars or slabs. Like the rune stones and picture stones of the Vikings, they were intended to mark important events and stand as testaments of power.


are used to dry sheets in papermaking. They are highly absorbent pads that are useful in decreasing drying time.


area of philosophy that studies the nature and expression of beauty, and peoples instinctive reaction to the fine arts.

Post Modern

art is eclectic. It embraces all earlier eras and styles. is less dogmatic and more accepting than Modernism in its approach to the theory and practice of art.


art is intended to convey a certain emotion or mood. It is different from Impressionist art, which is intended to convey the artist's impression of a particular place and time. It is also different from Realism, which attempts to create an accurate depiction of a scene, and from Minimalism, which attempts to reduce art to its most basic element, light.


artwork made of trivial items, half eaten food, trash

Lee Carter

assertive discipline. communicate expectations/rules and follow through with expectations

Formative Assessment

assessment during the course of instruction rather than after it is completed


belief that one is capable

Nonverbal communication

body language, gesture, tone, stress, inflection, eye contact, facial expressions, personal space

Nominative case

case of nouns; a _______ ______ noun can be the subject of a clause or the predicate noun when it follows the verb "to be."

William Glasser

choice theory (control theory) students have a say in rules, curriculum, and environment of the classroom

Salvador Dali

claimed to be the first artist to use holograms, three-dimensional projected images that seem very much like real objects. He first exhibited his holograms at a gallery in New York in 1972.

Ivan Pavlov

classical conditioning; unconditional response (naturally occuring) unconditional stimulus VS. conditioned stimulus and response

Problem-based learning

classroom activity in which students acquire new knowledge and skills while working on a complex problem similar to those in the outside world

Long-term memory

could be unlimited capacity, storage for a longer length of time, accessibility over availability


devised theory of multiple intelligences: logical-mathematic, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, linguistic, musical, interpersonal, naturalistic.

reference works

dictionaries, encyclopedias etc.

Instructional models

direct, indirect, independent, experiential, interactive

Behavior Disorders

disruptive, violates rules, aggression toward people/animals, destroy property, deceitful

inside circle/outside circle

divides class in half and form two circles facing one another. discuss with person facing them, after some time you switch like speed dating

Toulouse Lautrec

drew his subjects from contemporary life - Parisian theaters, dance halls, and circuses. Virtually all of Lautrec's paintings are of figures in interior night scenes lit by glaring, artificial light.

twining basketry

employs a weaving technique where two or more flexible weaving elements cross each other as they weave through the stiffer radial spokes. It uses materials from roots and tree bark.

testing accomodations

ex: longer time, untimed tests, scribe, braille or large print. DO NOT CHANGE CONTENT, PROVIDE NEEDED SUPPORTS

John Dewey

father of progressive education, promoted individuality, free activity, learning through experiences: PBL, cooperative learning, active decision makers, problem solvers. helping students think rather than just learning the content.

Differentiated instruction

flexible approach to teaching, a teacher plans and implements varied approaches to teaching content, process and product in an effort to respond to student differences in readiness, interests, and learning needs

differentiated instruction

flexible approach to teaching; varied approaches to teaching content in order to respond to student differences in readiness, interests, and learning needs

Luis Moll

funds of knowledge: multicultural families have more information about topics, consult these families often

description text structure

gives details about characters, actions, and events Signal words: specifically, also, in addition to, for instance, such as


giving advice, direction, or information to improve performance


handmade rice papers that are suitable for drawing, watercolor, and gouache techniques. They are very thin and delicate, with some unusual surface patterns.


in fresco practice, means the plaster coat that underlies the final painting coat. It is traditionally composed of lime and sand. In English, it is known as the brown coat.

Transitional Expression for SUMMATION

in summary, in brief, to sum up


inability to explain new events based on existing schemes; discomfort


incising shallow lines into the surface of the clay before joining two pieces of clay together.

Material Safety Data Sheet

includes information about materials that may be potentially hazardous. There should always be an accessible place to keep the MSDS for every material that an art student uses.


indicates the highest level of permanent quality when printed on a tube or other paint container; while C indicates the lowest degree of color permanence.

the bayeux tapestry

is a 230-foot long portrayal of the Norman Conquest of England. It is, in fact, not a tapestry, but a work of embroidery.


is a European style in the arts and crafts which freely adapted motifs and techniques from Chinese art. François Boucher and Jean-Antoine Watteau were two prominent painters who took up these Chinese motifs


is a Greek name for a hairstyle typical in portraits of Alexander the Great. It was characterized by hair brushed up from the forehead and arranged wreath-like around the face.


is a Mesopotamian depiction of a sacred bull with a man's head, were placed at palace doorways, means Protective spirit


is a deoxidizing substance used to deoxidize copper, bronze, and other alloys.


is a full-scale preparatory drawing. Fresco painters often used cartoons to accurately arrange the parts of a picture to be painted on fresh plaster. Small holes would be made in the lines of the cartoon, and fine powder would be used to create a stenciled outline on the wall.


is a gallery that is open on one or both sides.

Miter Joint

is a joint that forms a corner, usually with both sides beveled at a 45-degree angle to form a 90-degree corner. A disadvantage of a this joint is its weakness, but it can be strengthened with a spline (a wooden or metal strip).


refers to the process of drawing faint lines, which become more visible when reacting to oxygen on an abrasive surface with a metal stylus.


refers to the process of thickening a liquid. It can include mixing in a thickening agent, adding heat to the liquid, or using any other method that causes the liquid to thicken.


refers to the technique in which steel punches are used to decorate or create texture in a metal surface. The designs are produced by hammering from the front rather than by punching from behind.

Encouraging higher levels of thinking

reflecting, challenging assumptions, finding relationships, determining relevancy and validity of information, designing alternate solutions, drawing conclusions


requires students to work collaboratively to listen to multiple perspectives and to build on points of others


resin binder modified with oil, rapid drying, similar to oil in texture

Classical Conditioning

respond in desired manner to what was once a neutral stimulus EX: teacher creates positive/supportive classroom environment->conditions students with anxiety/fear about speaking in front of class->student finds experience enjoyable

Bas Relief

sculpture: low relief, images project from a flat background, tells a story

Dispose of Turpentine

sealed in a closed container and taken to a disposal facility


socioeconomic status: low SES households develop academic skills slower than high SES, Low SES communities: under resourced-->negative affects on students; few materials, less people to tutor and read to students

Positive Transfer

something is learned at one point that facilitates learning/performance in another situation

Negative Transfer

something learned interferes with learning/performance in another situation

Instructional planning partners

special education teachers, librarians, IEP team members


specific behavior that a person demonstrates


specific object/event that influences (+ or -) a person's learning/behavior

Transitional Expression for ILLUSTRATION

specifically, for instance, for example

Jean Piaget

stages of cognitive development: B-2 yrs: sensorimotor: senses/motor skills, 2-7 yrs: preoperational: others view world like them, symbols, 7-11 yrs: concrete operational: logical reason, 11&up: formal operational: reason in hypothetical situations, abstract thought.


stands for the American Society for Testing and Materials. It is an internationally recognized, independent standard for certain paint qualities, adopted by most manufacturers.

personal writing

students can express their innermost thoughts, feelings and responses through a variety of personal writing, including journal writing, autobiographies, diaries, reflective essays, logs, blogs, personal narratives and personal essays

persuasive writing

students learn the rhetorical strategies to persuade others such as writing editorials, arguments, commentaries or advertisements


students sense of self, learning, emotions: females: stronger verbal skills, males: read less for pleasure than girls, difficulty in reading, stuttering, handwriting, male: strength in visual-spatial reasoning

Cooperative learning groups

students working together in small groups, mixing together students of different abilities where each student has a job

Hot Press Paper

super smooth. No texture with this paper. This paper doesn't suck up the water as fast as the cold press, allowing you to play around more, like re-wetting edges of pigment.


term refers to a large channel through which liquid metal flows into a mold?


term refers to the pattern of eye movement that takes place while a person views a work of art

Wabi sabi

terms refers to the Japanese idea of aesthetic beauty?


the means by which people process their environment, solve problems and use memory


the process of pressing paper between rollers to give it a smooth surface,

Zone of Proximal Development

the range between the level at which a child can solve a problem working alone with difficulty, and the level at which a child can solve a problem with the assistance of adults or children with more skill

outsider art

was coined by art critic Roger Cardinal in 1972 as an English synonym for art brut, a label created by French artist Jean Dubuffet to describe art created outside the boundaries of official culture. Dubuffet focused particularly on art by those on the outsides of the established art scene such as insane-asylum inmates and children.

The acadamie des Beaux Arts

was committed to upholding the traditions of French painting, both in content and style. The Academie was highly critical of the Impressionists because they painted inappropriate subjects, such as landscapes, and they were not concerned with conventional notions of realism.

Venus of Willendorf

was found in a Paleolithic site in Willendorf, Austria in 1908. It is considered one of the finest works of art of any time period, combining realism with strength, while depicting divinity or magic.

Camille Pissarro

was one of the leading figures of Impressionism. Cezanne, van Gogh, and Gauguin are all considered Post-Impressionists, not Impressionists. The Post-Impressionists extended Impressionism while rejecting its limitations. They were more inclined to emphasize geometric forms, to distort form for expressive effect, and to use unnatural colors.

Aubrey Beardsley

was the most controversial of the artists associated with the Art Nouveau movement. His illustrations featured grotesque and erotic subjects drawn from mythology and the Bible.


was very popular in France, and then in England in the 19th Century. It is the process of transferring images from specially prepared paper to the surface of canvas, glass, or metal. Today, the term, decal, is typically used for a decorative or advertising stickers

finger paint

washable paint with a butter smooth consistency


weaken/extinguish an undesired behavior


were common structures in the ancient Middle East. Each major city had a ziggurat, which was constructed as a dwelling place for a god.

Finger painting

what artistic technique is American artist Ruth Faison Shaw (1888-1969) associated?

Information Processing Theory

what happens inside the learners mind. learning, memory, and performance.

Black line

what is not seen in typical western watercolor?

Rice paper

what kind of paper should you used to mount a black and white photo

Prior Knowledge/Experiences

what the student already knows about a subject/situation

The edo Period

which lasted from 1615-1868, was an urban movement during which "modern Japan" was created. drastically affected by the urbanization of Tokyo; and produced large quantities of painted screens, ceramics, and woodcuts

audience and purpose

who is the intended audience? what is the background knowledge of the audience? how might this writing be used beyond the classroom? what is the purpose of the writing assignment? what voice should the writer use to communicate most effectively

Robert Rauschenberg

"combines" use both collage and assemblage to present familiar objects in a new way. His work "Bed" includes a quilt, a pillow, toothpaste, and nail polish, as well as paint, all supported on a large wooden frame.

Conditional Knowledge

"when again" students know when to transfer this new knowledge in another situation/experience


#/amount stays the same even when rearranged/presented in a different shape

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

(1973) civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities by federally assisted programs/activities, including everyone outside of a school setting as well

New criticism/structuralism

(Common core state standards in English language arts and ligature as well as the ETS praxis English subject assessment test writers love this form of Criticism. )The text is views as existing independently and a close reading of the text reveals meaning background knowledge and outside sources are not used when interpreting the text as you read Ortiz the text you would examine the interaction of words, Figures of speech, and the symbols and analyze how structure is established to create unity and meaning

Writing Process

- Planning (mapping or brainstorming) - Drafting (writing and constructing) - Revising (moving, cutting, replacing, and adding) - Editing (checking grammar and punctuation) - Proof-reading (checking the final draft for typos)

Informative Writing

- The writer provides the reader with information on a given topic.


A _____________ is used to separate groups that include commas and to set off independent clauses.

Auxiliary or helping verb

A bird that becomes before another verb. Example: she "must-have" pass the Praxis English subject assessment test.

Participle verbs

A blurb form that usually ends with ING or ED. Operates as adjectives but also maintain some characteristics of verbs you might think of it as a verbal additive. Examples include barking dog and painted fence

Camera obscura

A box device which projects an image onto a screen, came before cameras


A break in the rhythm of language, particularly in natural pause in a line of a verse

Short story

A brief fictional prose narrative. Examples include Shirley Jackson the lottery Washington Irving's Rip van Winkle, D. H. Lawrence the horse dealers daughter, and Dorothy Parker's big blonde

MP/Harlem Renaissance 1920s

A cultural movement led by African-American writers musicians and artists located in Harlem New York City America. Key contributors include Langston Hughes countee Cullen


A media notice or announcement to promote a product, service, job opening, or event, television, Radio and written advertisement for products that are exceptionally noteworthy for their persuasive techniques. You will be asked to analyze and interpret the persuasive techniques used in advertisement or other media forms advertising techniques include bag with bandwagon plain folks and testimonies


A method of making an image with smoke fumes


A painting that consists of more than three panels hinged together

Heroic couplet

A pair of running lines of poetic verse written in Iambic pentameter


A person or being in a narrative

Simple Sentence

A sentence that has a simple subject or a compound subject and a single predicate or a compound predicate. It can contain one of more phrases. The distinguishing factor is that a ________ ___________ has only one independent clause, and it has no dependent clause.

Imperative the sentences

A sentence that issues a command. Example:: please clear the dinner table

Double entry notebook page

A student draws a line down the middle of the page on the left side they take notes from the reading or lecture. After reading her lecture the student reads the notes and writes his or her reactions, reflections and connections in the right-hand column next to the corresponding information on the left

A RP/realism 19th century

A style of writing that strives to depict life accurately without idealizing or romanticizing it. Authors of this. Include Mark twain and Stephen Crane


A vertical oblong lozenge shape that surrounds Egyptians names or a frame of the same shape

Soft ground

A wavy acid resistant substance is rubbed onto a warmed metal plate. Materials such as leaves and grass are pressed into it to make a print

akua ba

Akan people of Ghana have a longstanding convention of making figures with flat disc-shaped heads. The Asante men carve small wooden fertility figures known individually

Arthur Miller

American Modernist; Death of a Salesman, The Crucible


Americans With Disabilities Act (1990). The ADA applies to equal access to employment, public services, public accommodations, public transportation and telecommunications.


An image built up from glue and other materials like a collage


An impressive early monument, built for the new capital of Seoul, Korea, is the city's south gate, It combines the imposing strength of its impressive stone foundations with the sophistication of the intricately bracketed wooden superstructure.


An ink that is a powerful dye made from the ink of the cuttlefish is which of the following?


Architectural structure built against or coming off a wall to give support


Are used as a rhetorical device to establish the writer or orator as a knowledgeable person. This is an appeal to the mind also known as logos


Can be scripted, like a play or impromptu, like a classroom reenactment of a scene from Shakespeare. In addition to plays and react reenactments, other structures to teach performance include readers theater, digital storytelling and the spoken word

Object case nouns

Can't be a direct object, and indirect object, or an object of a preposition.

George Hebert

Carolinean poet; The Altar, Redemption, Affliction

John Milton

Carolinian then Commonwealth/Puritan Interregnum poet; Paradise Lost, On Shakespeare

Possessive case

Case of nouns; a ______ ______ noun shows possession or ownership.

Indefinite prooun

Class of pronoun; ______ _______ usually refer to unnamed or unknown people or things. Example: Perhaps you know {somebody who} can slam-dunk a basketball.

Personal pronoun

Class of pronoun; ______ ________ take the place of nouns; Example: Coach Spence changed {his} starting lineup and won the game.


Classes we just repaired or or spontaneous. Very brief informal or several minutes and formal. Technology might be used to add vigil appeal and two and hats audience engagement sample speech formats include booktalk, how to, important memory, or keynote speech

Effective speaking and listening techniques/speaking and discussion skills

Come to any discussion or speech prepared, focus the speech on one topic, follows rules for discussions set specific goals and deadlines, pose and reap respond to specific questions or problems with elaboration and detail citing text as appropriate, review key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives, interpret information presented in various media formats then explain how it contributes to the discussion or topic. Present an argument using specificclaims, evidence and effective rhetorical devices, include multimedia components in presentations to clarify information, that speech to variety of context to demonstrate command a formal English when required or as is appropriate

Sir Thomas Browne

Commonwealth/Puritan Interregnum poet; Hydriotaphia, Religio Medici

more fluid

Compared to brushstrokes in acrylic or oil painting, brushstrokes in watercolors are usually

Activating prior knowledge

Creating an anticipatory set, also known as set in duction, is an activity at the start of a lesson that is used to set the stage for learning, motivate students, and activate prior knowledge. For example in the lesson to kill a mockingbird you might begin with a primary source documents of trial set during the civil rights movement. Other methods of activating prior knowledge in a lesson include using concrete experience or objects, pretesting, discussions,and anticipation guides


Creating patterns using stone held together by mortar

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Crime and Punishment


Curving triangular sections that for a support system for a circular dome


Cut sheet manuscript rather than a scroll bound into book form


Development; Concepts: stages of moral development; Study Basics: Studied boys responses to and processes of reasoning in making moral decisions. Most famous moral dilemma is "Heinz" who has an ill wife and cannot afford the medication. Should he steal the medication and why?

2 feet


Primary Instructional Methods

Discussion, Lecture, Inquiry


Distinctive features of a person's speech or speech patterns

Common nouns

Do not name specific people, place your things, nouns are not capitalized. Example person animal car


Does the stores appear to be credible? Do most of the websites links work? Do you think that this source will still be available in the future, based on your review of the authority and courtesy of the source?


Dominate idea or central theme

Julia Alvarez

Dominican-American Postmodernist writer; How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents


Dot per inch

Groin vault

Double barrel vault or cross vault first used by the Romans

Direct Instruction Strategies

Drill and practice; lecture; demonstration; guides


During the Hellenistic period, gems began to be cut in relief using stones such as agate and sardonyx to achieve chromatic, nuanced effects. This is known as cameo work. Incisions are made with cutting or grinding wheels of different sizes and hardness appropriate to the type of the stone.


During the mid-19th-century in New England, several riders and intellectuals work together to write, translate works, and publish; they became known as transcendentalist. Their philosophy focused on protesting at the Puritan ethic and materialism. They valued individualism freedom experimentationexperimentation and spirituality. They include Emerson Hawthorne, thoreau tLongfellow and holmes


During what period where Putti, young male nudes, popular in painting

Phrasal pronouns

Each other, one another

Spatial Sequence

Employed when a writer organizes information according to its position in space

Basic Instructional Techniques

Entry, Closure, Motivating Skills, Questioning Skills, Gaming/Simuation

Modern Period 1900-1945

Examples include Jack London's White Fang and the call the wild, frost nothing gold can stay and the road not taken, and stopping by the woods on a snore snowy evening, James Daisy Miller, Washington Square, and parkersenough rope, death and taxes

WLT - 19th century

Examples include Russo's confession go to Faust Hugos oats and ballads Tolstoy award peace and Anna Karenina

Pre-Raphaelite 1848-1680

Examples; Dante Gabriel Rossetti's the house of life, Christina Rossetti's the goblin market

Neuter noun

Gender of nouns; Examples: window, shrub, door, college, car

Feminine noun

Gender of nouns; Examples: mother, sister, aunt, women, cow

Jean Michel Basquiat

Graffiti artist of the 80's


Graphically depicting 3d objects on a 2d surface


Hall or interior whose roof rest on a column


Handmade object that represent a particular period or culture


Hardened but non fired clay, can be turned back into useable material

Franciso Goya

He is known for his scenes of violence, especially those prompted by the French invasion of Spain. The series of etchings Los desastres de la guerra ("The Disasters of War", 1810-14) records the horrors of the Napoleonic invasion. His masterpieces in painting include The Naked Maja and The Clothed Maja (c. 1800-05). He also painted charming portraits such as Senora Sabasa Garcia. For the bold technique of his paintings, the haunting satire of his etchings, and his belief that the artist's vision is more important than tradition, Goya is often called "the first of the moderns." His uncompromising portrayal of his times marks the beginning of 19th-century realism.

Abraham Maslow

Hierarchy of Needs: physiological needs (basic needs), safety needs (stability/consistency), <3/belonging (fitting into groups, etc.), esteem needs (self-esteem), self-actualization (knowledge, peace, etc., achieve 1st 4 levels=max. potential!)

Fat over lean

Higher oil pigment ratio, painted over paint with a lower oil pigment ratio

Book of hours

Illuminated medieval books with prayers for a specific time of day


In architeture, it is located at the top of a dome, turret, or roof. It was very commonly added by architects during the Italian Renaissance.


In this stage of the writing process involves gathering and selecting ideas students pre-write in several ways by creating list, researching, brainstorming, reading to discover more about the other style, discussing the topic, collectingmemorabilia clip some other text and free-writing


Include spelling grammar punctuation and capitals capitalization and paragraph it


Individualized Education Plan; written plan for student by a multidisciplinary team

Close reading

Involves reading and rereading portions of text to determine the deeper layers of meaning in it within the text. Readers create a detailed and careful analysis of the text meaning through the analysis of word choice, things, main ideas, and text organization one my also use multiple literary theory such as feminist or Marxist to derive a deeper meaning during close reading


Involves structural supports to a students in a learning situation the more capable the student becomes with a certain skill a concept the less instructional scaffolding the child will need scaffolding might take the form of the teacher reading aloud a portion of the text and then asking the students to repeat the same portion for example

Seamus Heaney

Irish Modernist poet; The Forge, Punishment

George Bernard Shaw

Irish Modernist; Pygmalion


Is a common technique in argument it was the speaker or writer gives the impression of arguing against the opponents position, well actually refuting an argument that is not suggested by the opponent opponent


Is a figure of speech used to intentionally make a situation seem less important than it really is, which is often has and Ironic effect

Extended metaphor

Is a metaphor a comparison of two unlike things used to go to work or over a series of lines in pros or poetry


Is a method for note taking while reading a text why that uses schools today the steps are as followed survey question read recite review. Survey: the student previews the chapter to assess the organization of the information. Question: the student examines the chapters heading and subheadings and re-freezes them into questions. Read: the student reads one section of the chapter at a time selectively, primarily to answer the questions. Recite: the student answers each question in his or her own words and write the answers in his or her notes the student repeats this note taking sequence for each section of the chapter. Review: the student immediately reviews what he or she has learned

The big Lie

Is a misrepresentation of facts or Gross distortion use as a propaganda technique by an official bodyor a politician

Selection of detail

Is a persons choice of specific events, words, incident, antidotes etc. which are used to make or create a narrative or scene


Is a technique in which the writer or speaker give hints or clues about what is to come at some later point in the piece

Warm and fuzzy

Is a technique that appeals to emotions and uses sentimental images or pleasant words and boys to evoke feelings of comfort


Is a technique that works by ignoring how complex something is an predicted outcome we hope will be true because we want to believe it

Appeal to emotion

Is a type of argument in which the author appeal to the readers emotions fear, security, pity, flattery, to prove the argument


Is a way to read text to get the general sense of it, which is helpful to Rubial story informational text structures.

Faults statements or fallacious reasoning

Is an error in reasoning, not in grammar usage. Examples include slippery slope, red herring, and strawman which are defined in the section


Is an exaggerated claims or statement that's not meant to be taken literally and is used to make a point, such as "I have a ton of homework".


Is located in the back section of the text and contains the page numbers wear readers can locate major concepts, ideas, things and or series. This section is organized alphabetically

Table of contents

Is located in the front portion of the text and list the chapters, sections and subsections in the order they are presented within the text. Page numbers for each section and subsection are provided so that the reader can quickly locate the information they seek. Rather than having to read from beginning to end

Copyright page

Is located in the front portion of the text and list the dates of publication and the publisher this is an important page to know when evaluating the accuracy of time sensitive


Is the author identifiable? If yes, what is the authors background, and what are the other sources cited? If no, what agency or organization has created this online source? What is the organizations history, political view, or purpose?


Is the literal or primary meaning of the word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas the word suggest


Is the study of the history and origin of words some words are derived from other words and other languages. Key parts of words and origins of word include language origin of the word a fixes prefixes suffixes, compound words slang words that become common language, common words that become slang, Port Maniteau words which are words that have been melted together such as a Ebonics -ebony and phonics, and taboo words that become a euphemism

Coil method in clay

Layering long strands of clay on top of one another

Zone of Proximal Development

Lev Vygotsky: students learn best in social context where a more able adult/peer teaches something he/she could not learn on his/her own


Light to dark use of exaggerated contrast to create the illusion of volume


Like spell check, the __________ is a hyperlink or electronic menu item. The _____________ provides alternate terms with similar meaning to the word one is explaining.

orchards of lighting

Lined drawing/painting by agnes martin, Minimalist, not completely mechanical because of the subtle use of color


Links a product, idea, or service was something the members of the target audience already like or desire, such as fun, security, it's embassy or success


Liquid based thinner that helps dissolve paint and helps it flow, oils turpentine, water


Literally gray, painting in shades of gray sometimes on the outside panel of an alterpeice


Literature that makes fun of social conventions and conditions, usually to evoke change

Machu Picchu

Located in Peru, one of the seven wonders of the world


Looks back in earlier time in history, when life was supposedly similar, better, and more desired


Miss of chalk or plaster and glue, used to smooth out canvas before painting

Split infinitive

Occurs when the writer puts an adverb between the two parts of the infinitive form of a verb. Example: to meekly say Corrected: to say meekly

8 feet


Complimentary colors

Opposites on the colors wheel


Painting, was primarily an Italian movement in which painters attempted to show the speed and energy of modern life

Ashcan school

Paintings of everyday life in a city done by a group of painters of realism

Tools for oil painting

Palette, palette knives, thinner, medium, canvas, gesso, saving colors, easel, varnish

Velour Paper

Paper for pastels that has a soft surface like velvet and produces a rich, matte finish more like a painting than a drawing is which of the following? also known as velvet paper, has a soft surface that produces a rich, matte finish more like a painting than a drawing.

Effective and speaking and listening techniques/listening skills

Pay attention to nonverbal cues face the speaker and maintain eye contact, be attentive, be open-minded, evaluate the speakers point of view, don't interrupt, wait for a speaker deposit before you start speaking check for understanding, ask questions, try to feel what the speakers feeling, provide regular feedback to the speaker, delineate the speakers argument or specific claims.


Persuasive writing

Acid free

Ph neutral


Pigment diluted with water and applied to a painting surface to give a translucent effect


Places normally unassociated ideas, words, or phrases next to one another to create an effective or so of surprise or wit

Plaster of Paris

Powder when mixed with water can be used to cover walls


Primary Language Not English: build on student culture, opportunities to work and talk in small groups

Block print

Print made form wood, linoleum or vinyl

Relief printing

Print making technique where an image is carved out of wood or linoleum removing negative space and printing what is left

Diego Rivera

Prominent Mexican painter, frescos...hired by the rockafellers


Protects pastels


Raised design on a flat surface, made by pressing or hammering into the back side


Requires students to listen to 45 classmates or guest speakers on a specific theme or topic. Panelist must be "" expert on the topic, which may require research prior to the discussion

John Dryden

Restoration Period English writer; Epigram on Milton

John Bunyan

Restoration Period English writer; The Pilgram's Progress

Check the basic information about the source, such as the author, your published, and publisher

Review this initial information to check for credibility, evidence of bias, conflict of interest or other agendas, and accuracy it is your source peer-reviewed or aided by others? I have other works in by this author author proven to be credible and accurate.

Research writing - revising

Revising should be particularly focused on the organization of the paragraphs and the conciseness of sentences

Italian Renaissance

Revival of classical art literature and learning based on humanism

Understanding and analyzing rhetorical features in writing and speaking

Rhetorical features in writing and speaking argument and persuasive techniques are one of the quiche is required by cc SS you want to stay this question the section not only for your exam but for your own

Artist proof

Signed and numbered print bearing the pencil written initials a/p identical to signed and numbered with the exception that there are fewer a/p's available

Post and lintel

Simple construction where two or more vertical posts support one or more horizontal posts, Stonehenge


Single impression of an image made from a reprintable block


Single lens reflex, uses a mirror and prism system to allow the photographer to view through the lens and see exactly what is being captured

Sestet/ sestina

Six line stanza, A poem with six stanzas of six lines and a final triplet all stanzas have the same six works at the lines end in six different sequences that follow a fixed pattern


Social (Observational) Learning Theory - children learn by observing others. May occur through modeling or learning through others' experiences.

Feminist criticism

Society is viewed as patron article, which privileges culture and economic ass access to men and denies women from realizing their potential. The woman is seen as the "other "and the man is viewed as a domineering "subject quote. As you read or teach the text consider the gender/orientation of the characters,sexual stereotypes that are contradicted or reinforced, and the power relationships and rolls of sexuality and gender. Also think of the opposite gender's reaction or interpretation

Johan Vermeer

Specialized in domestic scenes, girl with a pearl earring. The milkmaid


Specialized language used in a particular field or content area. Example educational jargon include differentiated instruction cooperative learning and authentic assessment

Flying buttresses

Specific form of buttressing ( arched ) associated with gothic architecture

Study strategies and learning to read

Students are asked to read increasingly complex text as they advancing their education English teachers know that most excessively in the early grades but they will need ongoing instructions on how to study how to read complex texts (research-based strategies are commonly used in the English questions I will be helpful when responding to the praxis English subject assessment test questions)


Students begin writing, connecting and developing ideas. Draft often contain main points, I thesis, relevant support and elaboration. Depending on the purpose for writing and the audience for the peace, there may be a few drafts or many

Personal writing

Students can express their inner an inter-most thoughts, feelings and responses through variety of personal writing, including journal writing, autobiographies, diaries, reflective essay's, logs, blogs, personal narratives and personal essays

Evaluating print or digital source materials

Students must evaluate sources carefully to ensure that each source is reliable, Worthwild an accurate the following general guidelines will help students to turn in for the print material such as journal articles and not print material such as sources are Reliable. Check for basic information about the source such as author your publish and publisher. If your source appears in this reliable, take time to read a portion of the material, check digital sources for purpose authority Currensy reliability and coverage

Workplace writing

Students must learn how to prepare resumes cover letters job applications and business letters

Informational text features

Students need to know the elements of the narrative text you when your students will need to know the features of informational text your students may need direct instructions in the differences between reading different types of pros informational text have specific text features that you want to be able to buy used properly and suggest ways to teach to students. These are the copyright page, fontsglossary, images and captions index, notes, references, and table of contents.


Study of language as it relates to culture; frequently associated with minority linguistic groups within the larger culture.


Study of language as it relates to the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to learn language.


Study of the history and origin of words. Some words are derived from other words and other languages. Key parts of words and origins of words include: -Language, origin of the word (for example, elaborate is derived from Latin elaborate, which means "to work out") -Affixes, prefixes, and suffixes -Compound words -Slang words that become common language -Common words that become slang (for example, copper is slang for police officer) -Portmaneau words, which are words that have been melded together, such as Ebonics = ebony + phonics -Taboo words that become euphemisms


Study of the meaning in language.

Audience and purpose

Successful writers know that the importance of writing for specific audience and a specific purpose. Imagine you're writing a personal letter to a former teacher or mentor. Then imagine that letter and the letter that you would write to your perspective employer or to your best friend. The words you choose the style of writing you employed and the formality of your letter format all depend on knowing your audience teachers should provide students with a variety of opportunities to practice writing for different purposes and for specific audiences.


Textile making uses knotting instead of weaving


Texture technique

Elements of art

Texture, space, shape, tone, value, line, color

New York City

The Abstract Expressionist style developed where?


The Forbidden City is in? was built in Beijing by the Ming dynasty in the seventeenth century. It was the seat of royal power, encompassing palaces, gardens, lakes, libraries, and offices.

Jacques Louis

The Oath of the Horatii- depicts a morally uplifting story, promoting civic duty over personal and reflects the values of enlightenment and neoclassical idealism

Vatican City

The Sistine chapel is is the Apostolic Palace the official residence of the pope in what City?


The aperture refers to the opening that controls the amount of light admitted. The f stop is the number indicating the size of the lens opening. It is determined by dividing the focal length of a lens by the diameter of the aperture when measured in millimeters.

Wax resist

The application of melted wax to the foot or body of a clay object to resist glaze


The feeling text evokes in the reader such a sadness tranquility or elation

judy chicago

The feminist artist who produced the installation art, The Dinner Party, 1979 is which of the following?

Wood masks

The main artistic product of tropical Africa. Intentionally unrealistic


The main character or hero of the written work


The main divisions of the long poem

Squaring Up

The method of transferring a preliminary drawing to the final picture surface by dividing both surfaces into an equal number of proportionally equal squares

Omniscient Point of view

The narrator of the story shares of the thoughts and feelings of all the

Camera view point of view

The narrator records the action from his or her point of view, unaware of any of the other characters thoughts or feelings this perspective is also known as the objective view

Antecedent pronoun

The noun to which the pronoun refers. Each pronoun must agree with this with its antecedent. Example: Jimmy is playing in the basketball tournament tomorrow. He hopes it will go well


The original action of line, form, color, value, texture, and space in an eyes pleasing arrangement


The outcome or resolution of a plot in a story


The oven or furnace used to fire ceramics


The overall feeling created by the authors use of words, such as sacredsomber, intelligent, serious, etc.

Total effect

The overall impression of a literary work leaves on a reader


The painting of feelings sometimes with recognizable images often abstract

Point of view

The perspective from which a story is told the possibilities include first person, third person, omniscient limited omniscient, Camera view

Bernice abbot

The photograph is Under the El at the Battery, New York, 1936, by Berenice Abbott. Abbott produced a series of New York street scenes in the 1930s for which she is best known.

Alfred Stieglitz

The photographer who produced this photograph The Steerage, 1907, believed in "straight," unretouched photography


The role of context in interpreting meaning


The telling of the story


The topic sentence sentence is stated and then followed by details

Local color

The use of language and details that are common and specific regions of the country or geographical location. Mark twain and Henry James are two authors who used local color to capture the dialect expressions and routines of people from specific regions.

Local color

The use of language and details that are common in specific regions of a country or geographical location. Mark Twain and Henry James are two authors who used _____ ______ to capture the dialect, expressions, and routines of people from specific regions.

Appropriation art

The use of pre- existing objects or images with little or no transformation applied to them, Picasso pasted a piece of oil cloth onto canvass

Verbal irony

The writer says one thing and mean another


The writer shows order of time or the steps

Cause and effect

The writer shows relationships between their events and the results


Theory of "Discovery Learning" and "Constructivism" Active learning where learners construct new ideas or concepts based on prior knowledge or experiences. Discovery learning features teaching methods that enable students to discover information by themselves or in groups.


There are no pages and e-books or digital text. The content flows from one screen to another MA before bed to read to meet the readers individual needs or watt such as font size color and background shading.


There are no pages in e-books or digital texts. The content flows from one screen to another, and may be formatted to meet the reader's individual needs or wants, such as font size, color, and background shading.

Teaching comprehension

There are several research-based strategies to teach, reading comprehension that you want to know for the reading a Lucher section of your test


There are three types of informational text number one it notes notes listed at the end of the book or section to provide additional information or citation of the sorts, footnotes similar to the end note but locate in the bottom of the page and side notes notes found in the March of the page often contain keep vocabulary definitions. It notes and put notes are signaled in the text with a superscript number that is raised side notes are signaled usually by bold or colored font in the text and the site no is found in the nearby margin on the same page

radial easel

These easels are lighter and more portable than the studio easel. They have three legs which can be folded together for storage.

Easter Island

These enigmatic statues can be found on where? Scientists have determined how and when they were made, but there is no agreement about their meaning or purpose.


This staple of the English classroom acquires to oppositional sides to prove that one viewpoint is better than the other the CCS S emphasizes argument, so it is important for me to teach your students listen or strive to find flaws in the logic of the argument and if I'm rebuttals as for opposing sides are due


This strategy is when a teacher or capable peers shares his or her thinking while reading. Teachers and capable. Should Mulder comprehension process either in oral or written form the teacher thinks her talk to loud and shares his or her thought process while reading or writing. Reciprocal teaching is a method in which two students take turns reading aloud asking Wayne other questions clarify understandings and making perdition predictions in this waythey're thinking and comprehension process collaboratively. Request receptacle questioning is very similar to receptacle teaching but the teacher works with the whole class taking turns reading aloud etc.

Declarative Sentence

This type of sentence makes a statement and tells about a person, place, thing, or idea. Example: Tory is my daughter.

American Scene

Thomas Hart Benton, John Steuart Curry, and Grant Wood, took life on the plains as their subject. In WPA murals produced during the Depression, they romanticized the pioneer spirit in an attempt to inspire optimism in a time of despair.


Tiles pieces to form a mosaic

Venus of Urbino

Titan, 1538 oil painting. Nude woman reclining on a couch- sumptuous surroundings of a renaissance palace.


To polish clay while it is in a greenware stage

Academic art

Traditional art teaching that follows a prescribed set of rules, not experimental

Day glow orange

Transparent, tints easily


Triangular feature of a Greek temple that frames the tympanum


Triangular framework used for support or reinforcement


Tries to appeal to people desire not to be left out and sends the message that everyone is doing it. One technique closely associated with bandwagon is majority believe, such as American people believe..." Which of course cannot be known by the speaker. In a live audience situation or public events such as a rally or fundraiser, group dynamics build on the bandwagon technique to persuade people to "go along with the crowd".


Two line stanza


Uniform resource locator or URL is the Internet address. It is important to note website domain extension such as dot to check the reliability and accuracy of information


Unstressed , stressed


Use of transparent paint to build up paint

Heirarchical scale

Use of unnatural proportions to show importance of figures

If your source initially. Appears reliable, take time to read a portion of the material

Use the phone and got questions to guide your next level of review; is your writing style factual, credible and free of errors in conventions? Who is the intended audience, where is the piece written for a different purpose other than yours? Is the coverage of the content thorough and accurate for your purposes? Have other people read the source and found a credible, Accurate and helpful?


Use the word or phrase to mean the exact opposite of its literal or expected meeting

Glittering generality's

Use words like "justice", "freedom", and "democracy" in vague Way. Since these are positive concepts that everyone would support, this technique helps the audience except an argument


Used decorative calligraphy in it's religion


Used in quilt making

Infinitive phrase verbs

Usually made up of To and the base form of a verb such as to order or to abandon. I as an adjective adverb or noun


Variation of a language used by people who live in a particular geographical area, cultural group, or time period. It is a complete system of verbal (and sometimes written) communication with its own vocabulary and grammar. Dialects, particularly those spoken by a large number of people, can have subdialects.

Present tense

Verb tense that is used to describe situations that exist at the present time. Example: Celia and Tory {attend} Curtis Corner Middle School.

Infinitive phrase

Verbs with other functions; An _______ ______ is usually made up of to and the base form of a verb, such as to order or to abandon. It can function as an adjective, adverb, or noun.

Free verse

Verse that contains an irregular metrical pattern and line length also known as vers libre


Very dark etching made with a tool that has many tiny point, sometimes called a rocker tool or roulette

Thomas Hardy

Victorian English writer and realist; Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Jude the Obscure

Charles Dickens

Victorian English writer; A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist

Christina Rossetti

Victorian English writer; Goblin Market

Charlotte Bronte

Victorian English writer; Jane Eyre

Oscar Wilde

Victorian English writer; Picture of Dorian Gray, The Importance of Being Ernest

Robert Browning

Victorian English writer; Porphyria's Lover, Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister, My Last Duchess

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Victorian English writer; Sonnets from the Portuguese, Aurora Leigh

Joseph Conrad

Victorian English writer; The Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, The Secret Sharer

The arts and crafts movement

William Morris, an artist and designer, said, "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." This statement sums up the aesthetic philosophy of

Gender nouns neutral

Window, shrub, door, college, car


Witty understatement that diminishes someone or something.


You may find an expert excerpt from a textbook on your practice English subject assessment test the question will prompt you to Emilys the text structure or use evidence from the text book expert excerpt to make your point


__________ is the study of the meaning in language.


application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation

Georgian Style

architecture that was copied for american colonial architecture

Prairie School

architecture was a late 19th and early 20th century architectural style, most common to the Midwestern United States. The style is usually marked by horizontal lines, flat or hipped roofs with broad overhanging eaves, windows grouped in horizontal bands, integration with the landscape, solid construction, craftsmanship, and discipline in the use of ornament. Horizontal lines were thought to evoke and relate to the native prairie landscape. The most famous proponent of the style was Frank Lloyd Wright.

Short-term memory

can only store about 7 items at a time, little duration of time for storage


canvas is liable to become brittle and lifeless with age?


clay type uses the smallest particles and has plastic

Resources that support student learning

computers, internet, library collection, books, videos, models, guest speakers


conditioning, intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, reinforcement, punishment

Genre painting

depicts scenes from everyday life. These may include such settings as markets, parties, or street scenes. Noted genre painters include Pieter Brueghel the Elder and Diego Velazquez.

Barcelona chair

designed by Miles Van Der Rohe and Lilly reich

debilitating anxiety

detracts from students ability to concentrate; high level


engage/interact socially

facilitating anxiety

enhances a student learning and performance; low level. ex: pop quiz



Alternative assessments

ex: anecdotal records of student behavior, portfolios, checklists for student progress, and student/teacher conferences

Convergent Thinking

gathering several pieces of information to solve a problem


image produced from a negative transferred to a metal plate and etched


in China were talented amateur painters and scholars from the landed gentry whose work reached maturity during the Yuan Dynasty (A.D. 1279 - 1368). Literati paintings are most commonly of landscapes, and feature men in retirement, or travelers, admiring and enjoying the scenery, or immersed in culture. Figures are often depicted carrying or playing zithers, and residing in isolated mountain hermitages.

Beveled cut

inside of a mat cut so that it will be slanted, is used for the inside of a mat that surrounds the photo


instructional supports provided to a student by an adult/peer in a learning situation. more capable with skill/concept-->less instruction provided

Operant Conditioning

interaction with environment and behavior that is maintained by its consequences


investigative process of learning in which students are asked to pose questions, analyze data, and develop conclusions or generalizations

Broken Color

involves applying small strokes of different colors next to and over each. This technique was used extensively by the Impressionists. When seen from a normal viewing distance, the strokes seem to merge into a single color, but they create a shimmering effect that suggests changes in light.


involves pasting cutouts of colored paper on a surface to create an image. The image may then be decorated with gold leaf or other special effects. When the image is complete, it is sealed with varnish or polyurethane.


is a diagonal rib that is often visible in Gothic vaults.

henry moore

is best known for his monumental sculptures displayed as public works of art. His sculptures are mostly representations of the human body, typically depicting mother-and-child or reclining figures. This work is entitled "Reclining Mother and Child."


is commonly used in parts of Africa, and uses wet mud to create functional pieces of art.


is composed of calcium carbonate, which gives it its light appearance. Marble is a harder type of limestone that can be polished


is the process of transferring wet paper sheets onto a felt piece of fabric to act as a separation. The felt pieces of fabric are couch (pronounced kooch) sheets.

lamp black

is the slowest drying (approximately 5 - 8 days)


is the space in a church that is usually separated from the nave by a series of columns or piers.


is the study of art by analyzing and comparing form and style—the way objects are made and their purely visual aspects.


is the term used for the large pieces of colored glass in which molten glass is rolled. Molten glass may also be rolled in powdered color. More complex patterns can be created by adding canes (rods of colored glass) to the molten glass.

Claw Chisel

is used for shaping stone, and has six (6) or so notches in its carving edge.

Kinesthetic Learner

moving/doing to learn. ex: acting out scenes, plays, dancing, etc.

fat over lean

oil painting technique where each layer of paint contains more pigment than the layer below


one's ability to explain new events based on existing schemes

Pigments in paint

organic, translucent and light fast

Working Memory

part of memory that holds and actively processes a limited amount of information for a short amount of time

Auditory (aural) learner

process info through listening, lectures, discussion, audio tapes, repetition of info, reading aloud

oil gilding

process of applying gold leaf to a surface coated with adhesive

Differentiated instruction

recognizing individual variations in students' knowledge, readiness, interests and other characteristics and taking these differences into account when planning curriculum and engaging instruction

Armory Show

refers to the 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art, organized by the Association of American Painters and Sculptors. The exhibition became an important event in American art and served as a catalyst for artists who became more independent and created their own artistic language.


refers to the appearance of patches or spots of color on paper. The effect can also be found on animals or plants in nature.


rub a crayon on paper over a textured plate

Benin Art Figure

sculpted by hand, then cast in bronze by the lost wax process. Made to honor king or Oba.

kinetic art

sculpture with movable parts

Transitional Expression for COMPARISON

similarly, in the same manner, in like manner, likewise


small subset of class sits in a circle in the center of the class and engages in dialogue. the rest of the class listens and observes


term of linear perspective which describes a line at right angles, or apparently at right angles, to the picture plane, and which extends to the vanishing point.


the more capable the student becomes with the certain skill or concept


the staple of English classroom requires two oppositional sides to prove that one viewpoint is better than the other

Problem Solving

use existing knowledge/skills to solve complex issues


was an artistic style of the sixteenth century that depicted the human form in exaggerated poses and unrealistic settings.

Cold Press Paper

watercolor paper (left) has texture. Little bumps and grooves holds in the water and pigment. It really sucks up the water pretty quickly. Good Choice when you want to convey texture in the final peice

lifting out

watercolor, A method of creating highlights by gently removing color from the paper while it is still wet, using a soft brush, a sponge, or some tissue, is known as lifting out. The lifting-out technique is often used to create soft, diffused highlights, such as the white tops of cumulus clouds.

Learning Style

ways a student approaches classroom tasks and cognitive tasks: auditory, kinesthetic, visual

Asymmetrical balance

Two sides are not the same

Masculine noun

Gender of nouns; Examples: father, brother, uncle, men, bull


A figure of speech in which a part represents the hole. Example "hands "all hands on deck"

Independent clause with two phrases

(Sentence type) I must have vicious pets form the pound in my town.

Compound subject, compound predicate

(Sentence type) My dog and my cat growl and appear agitated.

Compound subject, single predicate

(Sentence type) My dog and my cat growl.

Single subject, single predicate

(Sentence type) My dog growls.


A figure of speech in which a subtle or implicit comparison is made between two unlike things

Comprehension strategies

(you will need to know the commonly use research-based strategies for instruction which follow below. Is important to note that you will need to identify the strategy site textual evidence to Valby if I wait that use the strategy or determine how ideas are connected to the passage). Identifying important information, predicting and verify, summarizing and notetaking, identifying cause-and-effect, making inferences, synthesizing, and visualizing


- A writer must have one a clear understanding of this to produce meaningful work. - Purpose usually falls into one of three modes: narrative, informative, or argumentative.


- Demands that the details included in a sentence, paragraph, or text share a main idea


- Details that a writer can use to support his or her main idea - Reasons, Examples, Names, Numbers, and Senses


- The most important factor (second only to purpose) a writer must consider when beginning a new project. - Writers must know their intended audience well


-knowledge: remember, recognize, recall -comprehension: interpret, retell, organize -application: subdivide information and share how it can be put back together -analysis: what features/compare? -synthesis: create a unique product that combines ideas from the lesson -evaluation: make a value decision about an issue


-model comprehension process in either oral/written form -thinks/talks share thought process while reading -reciprocal teaching: take turns reading out loud, asking, clarifying making predictions -request: teacher works with whole class reading outloud


A figure of speech in which one word is substituted for another with which is closely associated for example Hollywood for Los Angeles

Art Deco

A 1920's style characterized by setbacks, zigzag firms and the use if chrome and plastic ornamentation. The Chrysler building is an architectural example of the style.


A Russian group of artist who wished to reflect modern machinery and technology

Nitza Hidalgo

3 levels of culture: CONCRETE (surface level aspects: clothes, music, food, etc.), BEHAVIORAL (social roles, language, nonverbal communication: gender roles, family structure), SYMBOLIC (values and beliefs: customs, religion, morals)


8 m pool foot of three syllables in which the first syllable is stressed and the next two are unstressed. Ex. Out of the cradle, and less Rocky out of the mockingbirds throat, the music shuttle out of the ninth month midnight


8 stages of human development based on a crises or conflict that a person resolves. Stages: 1)Infancy, 2)Toddler, 3)Early Childhood, 4)Elementary and middle school, 5)Adolescence, 6)Young Adulthood, 7)Middle Adulthood, 8)Late Adulthood

Erik Erikson

8 stages of human development: infancy, toddler, early childhood, elem./middle, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood.


A 14 line poem, usually written in iambic pentameter with a varied rhymes scheme the two main types are Italian and English the Italian sonnet opens with octave that states the proposition and ends with the sestet that states the solution. The English sonnet it includes three quatrains and a couple


A 19 line poem consisting of five tercets with the wind scheme a b a and a final quatrain of A B A A


A 19-line poem consisting of five tercets "Three line stanza's" with a rhyme scheme ABA and a final quatrain quote for line stanza" of ABAA


A box like ceiling

Dangling modifier

A word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. A ___________ describes, clarifies, or give more detail about a concept. Example: Stuffed with dressing and surrounded by vegetables, Aunt Linda served the Thanksgiving turkey. Corrected: Aunt Linda served the Thanksgiving turkey, which was stuffed with dressing and surrounded by vegetables.

Dangling modifier

A word or phrase that modifies the word not clearly stated in the sentence. A modifier describes clarifies or gives more detail about concept example. Stuffed with dressing and surrounded by vegetables, aunt Lydia serve the Thanksgiving turkey. Corrected: that what do you serve the Thanksgiving turkey, which was stuffed with dressing andand surrounded by vegetables.


A word or phrase that substitutes for an offensive or suggestive ones. Example "in a family way" means pregnant; "lost their lives" means killed; "I miss spoke" means I lied.


A work in which a number of the mannerisms of one artist are borrowed by another, who then recombines them in a work which appears to be an original by the first artist is known as

Greek vases

Alabastron, Amphora, hydria

William Carlos Williams

American Modernist poet; This is Just to Say, The Widow's Lament in Springtime, The Red Wheelbarrow

Ezra Pound

American Modernist poet; To Whistler, American; The River; Villanelle: The Psychological Hour


Are represented in a variety of ways example bold, italics, color, highlighted, under light for a purpose such as to call attention or distinguish chapter titles headings subheadings an important terms

Franz Kafka

Austrian Modernist/Existentialist; Metamorphosis

The Limbourgh brothers

Best known for the medieval illuminated manuscript Tres Riches Heures

Double Boiler

Best way to melt wax

Benjamin Bloom

Bloom's Taxonomy. Learning domains: cognitive, performance/psychomotor, and affective

Indefinite noun

Gender of nouns; Examples: chairperson, politician, president, professor, flight attendant


CONSISTENT with existing scheme

Nominative case nouns

Can be the subject of a clause or the predicate noun when it follows the verb to be


Compression of digital image

Mayan art

Created enormous temples in step pyramid form huge limestone temples were richly carved with relief sculpture and hieroglyphics


Creates the feeling of depth through the use of lines that make an image appear 3d


Decorative linear style and tiptoeing figures were a throw back to the Byzantine art, however his nudes epitomized the renaissance, the birth of venus, marks the rebirth of classical mythology


Decorative technique that used curving plant forms, frequently used in Islamic art. Art/ Geometric paterns that is repeated over and over


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (1974) access to school records and limits others access to said records

Navajo art

Famous for silver and weaving


Famous person is used to get our attention, build appealfor an idea product and gain our favor


Father of Educational Psychology. Known for the Law of Effect- reward is a motivator leading to a conditioned behavior.

Gender nouns masculine

Father, brother, uncle, men, bull


Fiction that deals with the current or future development of technological advances. Examples are Kurt Vonnegut slaughterhouse five, George Orwell's 1984, Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 and Aldus Huxley's brave new world


Fiction that is intended to frighten or unsettled the reader. This fiction often overlaps with fantasy and science-fiction. Example Stephen kings the shining, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and Ray Bradberry's something wicked this Way comes


Find something or someone to blame for current issues or problems

Oedipus complex

From the Freudian theory that posits people experience a complex set of emotions based on sexual attraction especially at a young age to the parent of the opposite sex

Enrich Maria Remarque

German Modernist; All Quiet on the Western Front

Ineffective sentences

Have a natural language used clichés or jargon use non-standard language or unparallel construction have errors in pronoun reference problems are short still did sentences that have or run-on sentence is an sentence fragments may contain a dangling modifier a passive voice and a split infinitive.

Effective sentences

Have clear and concise language use imagery precise language and read them.

Methods to teach and evaluate speaking of

Identifying a few the message to teaching I would stick and listening several methods to help you prepare for your test and for your classroom these are debate, dialogue, physical, inside circle outside circle, panel, performance, presentation, Socratic seminar, speech, Ted talk, I think pair share.

coarsley woven canvas

If the artist uses bold, heavy brushstrokes, which of the following canvases would be most suitable?

direction of mecca

In Islamic art, what is the function of the mihrab in a mosque?


In advertisement or speeches is a persuasive technique that includes superlative's comparatives and exaggerations


In ancient Egypt, ka was a term for immortal human substance, such as the soul. The ka hieroglyph is a figure with two bent arms.

Technical text

Include charts, graphs, directions, forms, maps, and instructionmanuals.


Inner support for a sculpture

Collaborative Writing

Occurs when partners or small groups of students work together to complete segments of a writing process together.


Language that shows disrespect for others or something sacred


Language widely considered crude disgusting and often offensive

Flying buttresses

Large stone half arch, most associated with gothic architecture


Occurs when stimulus change immediately follows a response and decreases the future frequency of that type of behavior in similar conditions.


Low fire pottery usually red or tan

Egyptian paste

Low fire self glazing body fires to a gloss or crackle finish


Low pixelation, blurred image; high pixelation, sharper image


Occurs when there are two or more possible meanings to a word or phrase

Collective nouns

Name a group or unit. Examples gaggle, heard, community

Abstract nouns

Name an idea, condition, or feeling in other words, something that is not concrete. Example ideals, justice, America

Historical fiction

Narrative fiction that is set in some earlier time and often contain historically authentic people, places, or events; example the Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas


The main divisions of a long poem

Formal operational: cognitive development

PIAGET: 11&up: hypothetical/abstract thinking

Pre-operational: cognitive development

PIAGET: 2-7 yrs: mental representations of unseen objects cannot use deductive reasoning

Concrete Operational Thinker

PIAGET: 7-11 yrs. logical terms, hands-on experience to learn concepts and manipulate symbols logically

Concrete operational: cognitive development

PIAGET: 7-11 yrs: logical terms, hands-on experiences to learn concepts and manipulate symbols logically

Sensorimotor: cognitive development

PIAGET: B-2 yrs: making sense of the world through 5 senses

cognitive development

PIAGET: pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational

Founders of cubism

Pablo Picasso, George barque later joined by Jean metzinger


Paint is laid on canvas very thickly and moved with a brush or knife, paint can be mixed on canvas

Book of the dead

Painting and hieroglyphics on a papyrus scroll placed in an Egyptian tomb


Painting technique for adding a layer of broken or speckled, scratchy color over another color so The lower layer shows through

Jacob lawrence

Painting using flattened figured shape, bright contrasting colors


Painting where paint is laid on thickly so texture stands out


Pixel per inch


Praises or knowledges so that the audience feel excepted and persuaded


Pre-Renaissance painting included artists such as Cimabue, Giotto, and Pisano. The years in which they lived and painted were known in Italian culture as which of the following?

Stages of research writing process

Pre-writing, directing, revising, editing, publishing, evaluating.

Stages of the writing process

Pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing, evaluating

Pinch pots

Presses whereby the artist forms a pot by pinching the clay to create a center opening


Refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to the word

Relative pronouns

Relate adjective clauses to nouns or pronouns they modify


Religious images in art


Removable wooden frame or fence used in manual paper making


Repetition of colors and pattern


Repetition of the final consonant sounds in words containing different valves for example stroke of luck

John Locke

Restoration Period English writer; An Essay Concerning Human Understanding


Row of columns spanned or connected by beams, the White House

Leo Tolstoy

Russian writer; War and Peace, Anna Karenina


Saturation created by the density of pigment

Linear perspective

Scientific method of using lines to find scale and proportional relationships on a 2d surface

High relief

Sculpture where more that 50% of depth is shown and there are some area that are undercut

Low relief

Sculpture where the plane is barely scratched and the uncut are is barely protruding

Binocular vision

Seeing with two eyes simultaneously, giving the viewer the ability to see depth, is referred to as?


Semi circle or triangular decorative wall surface over the entrance bounded by the lintel and arch- usually contains imagery

Fostering reading appreciation and motivation to learn

Seven researched based Strategies 1.Using trade books, electronic text and the Internet 2. Using non-print materials such as film, music, art and advertisements 3. Teaching students to improve their personal and professional digital literacy 4. Creating authentic literacy experiences 5. Connecting students prior knowledge and interest with text 6. Reading aloud excerpts to students 7. Selecting quality text another lesson materials


The type of pun or play on words that results when two words become mixed up in the speakers mind. Example, "the police are not here to create disorder, they're here to preserve disorder quote, Richard Daley, former Chicago mayor


The use of building up lines to shade


The use of irony or false praise to make fun of someone or something. For example, Oscar Wilde wrote, "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go."


The use of irony or faults praise to make fun of someone or something.


The use of my peers to be positive feedback or cutting witt to mock someone

Research writing- Drafting

This begins with a student make me an outline of the headings for each of the source cards some sources will be used others will be delete at this point the student can change the statement of purpose from the pre-writing stage to address these statement and begin to write the body of the research paper using source notes and cards. Students need to be sure to both paraphrase and include an inset in text citation or use a direct quote with the Intex I keep citation as they used Cheerios. They should also be sure to write an introduction and conclusion. Research papers should include a title pageand a work cited or reference section which follows a specific format in Mla

Socratic seminar

This great discussion structure shifts the center of the conversation from the teacher to the students. Students sit in a whole group circle and talk calamity on the topic. The teacher needs to spend time setting up the norms of the Socratic seminar, such as asking probing questions, paraphrasing, listening, and speaking Chrisley, no raising hands and ensuring that all students engage in the discussion. The teacher does not speak, usually at the beginning and end of the seminar and strives to ask thought provoking questions

Think pair share

This informal, impromptu classroom conversation structure require the students to gather his or her own box individually and then pair with a nearby classmates and share thoughts on the topic


This is the going public stage. Can share his or her writing with a larger audience in many ways. He just couldn't purchase to publish their writing in newsletters, online publications, performances, brochures, and magazines.


This linguistic term is for word expressions or pronunciations preferred by people in a particular geographical area for example you might hear you all instant of all of you when visiting the southern part of the United States when visiting Rhode Island you may be surprised to learn that a water fountain is called a bubbla


This linguistic term is for words, expressions, or pronunciations preferred by people in a particular geographic area. For example, you might hear "y'all" instead of "all of you" when visiting the Southern part of the U.S., and when visiting Rhode Island, you may be surprised to learn that a water fountain is called a "bubble'."


Three line stanza

Sequence structure

This organizes paragraphs and Connor chronological order first next last then finally following before after

rene margritte

This painting of a pipe by Rene Magritte (1898-1967) says in French, "This is not a pipe." Magritte is making the point that even this realistic depiction of an object is different from the object itself. Art is art and reality is reality, and the two should not be confused

Andrew Wyeth

This painting, "Christina's World" by Andrew Wyeth, is one of the most widely known images of twentieth century American art. It depicts Wyeth's neighbor, Christina Olson, on her farm in Maine. The painting combines powerful emotion and realistic depiction of a rural scene, two hallmarks of Wyeth's work.

rene margritte the son of man

This painting, "The Son of Man," is one of the best known works by Rene Magritte (1898-1967), a surrealist painter. Like many of Magritte's paintings, this work includes highly realistic depictions of objects arranged in an incongruous way.

Problem solution set

This paragraphs is stab Lish is the problems and it's important that outlines possible solutions problem issue causes as a result solution which leads to and so

Compound/complex sentence

This sentence has two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Example; I just earned my teaching degree independent clause and I plan to go and get a teaching job independent clause because I need a career D pendant clause.


This stage involves checking for style and conventions; spelling, grammar, usage, and mechanics. At this point in the writing process, the student ensures that errors in conventions will not be intrusive when others read the piece of writing

Collective Nouns

Type of nouns that name a group or unit. Examples: gaggle, herd, community

Appeal to authority

This type of persuasion in logic in which an expert or knowledgeable other is cited for the purpose of strengthening the argument

Interrogative Sentence

This type of sentence asks a question. Example: Is that my son Jimmy?

3 feet


Mop brush

Water color brush, used for spreading color around

Back runs

Watercolor Sometimes artists deliberately paint washes over layers that are still damp. This creates marks and blotches that are known as What? add texture to the finished piece and create an impression of spontaneity.


Wax based paint, kept molten on a heated plate applied to an absorbent surface then reheated in order to fuse the paint


Wax resist dying of fabric


Wax used to resist paint or dye on fabric or paper

Hard ground

Waxy acid resistant substance painted or rubbed, then melted onto a warmed etching plate, through which a design is scratch through


Weight shift, in which the body is resting on one leg with the body realigned accordingly. Giving the illusion of the fiber in arrested motion

Alla prima

Wet on wet painting, used mostly in oil painting


What Position is Buddha portrayed in most of the time?

grey and red

What are the primary colors of claystone and boneware?

Blade, tang, handle

What are the three basic parts of a wood carving tool?


What term is used to describe a three-dimensional work that is site-specific and designed to transform a viewer's perception of a space?


What term is used to describe the reversal of tones in a photograph as the result of prolonged exposure or exposure to an extremely bright light?

Cast shadowing

When an object blocks the light source it casts a shadow- not a solid shape but varies

predominant color

When mixing watercolors on a palette, it is best to start with


When two colors that match each other under one kind of illumination differ from each other when seen under another light source it is known as


When was the source last updated or revised? This information is usually at the bottom of the homepage.


Where forms emerge from a dark background into strong light, spotlight in theater

Georgia Okeefe

Which of the following artists is renowned for large format paintings of blossoms, presenting them as if seen through a magnifying lens?


Which of the following museum positions typically involves direct responsibility for the supervision and handling of art objects; as well as assistance to curators in the upkeep of collections?


Which of the following terms refers to the process of covering the surface of water with chalk or charcoal dust; and then removing the design with a stiff piece of paper?

Compare and contrast

While similar to affect with paragraphs alternating Waze people, events, places or things are similar and different

Native Americas

Who constructed the elaborate, Great Serpent Mound in Ohio? The mound builders partly inspired the 1960's movement of earth works


is a type of collage that includes textile art and that is traditionally produced by women.

Frank Stella

is one of the most original of contemporary artists. He insists on the painting as a self-sufficient object. He wants the viewer to see the "whole idea without any confusion." The contemporary artist who emphasizes a painting as an independent object in his canvases and was known for his mechanical drawing, using rulers, squares, and French-curve templates to sketch on graph paper is which of the following?

ambient light

The light that is available for taking a photograph is known as

Horizon line

The line where the earth meets the sky


The logical progression of words, sentences, and paragraphs.


"Learning Through Experience", Progressive education practice that uses project based, free activity, cooperative learning, and teaches students how to think for themselves (problem solve), have social success; uses hands-on activities


"Thinking about thinking" or the ability to evaluate a cognitive task to determine how best to accomplish it, and then to monitor and adjust one's performance on that task


"cold chisel"[2] has two specialized meanings for types of tools in English, one meaning a steel cutting tool which is the essential tool of engraving, and the other, in archaeology, meaning a special type of lithic flake with a chisel-like edge which was probably also used for engraving, or for carving wood or bone.

Argumentative Writing

- Intended to convince the reader to agree with a certain perspective or opinion.


A literary technique in which the author gives hands or clues about what is to come at some later point in the story

Card stacking

A persuasive technique in which one side of an issue is advanced and the other is repressed


A extreme form of realism in which the author shows the relationship between the character or characters to the environment. This often leads to the author showing the wrong or ugly side of the person or relationships. Key authors and literary works include Jack London's The Call of the Wild and Wharton's Ethan's Frome, and Stephen Crane The red badge of courage


A form of sculpture using wood, metal, glass and modern industrial materials expressing the technological society. The mobiles of Alexander Calder are examples.


A formal address to an audience. Effective the speeches use rhetorical devices, famous speeches may include Abraham Lincoln's the Gettysburg address, Martin Luther King's I have a dream, John F. Kennedy inaugural address, and Lyndon B. Johnson we shall overcome

Golden ratio

A formula for a rectangular shape in architecture that is meant to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye

Magic realism

A genre developed in Latin America that blends every day life with the magical or mystical. Gabriel Garcia Marquez


A genre of literature, most often used in novels, plays, or poems, that focuses on the experiences of characters in a situation where they cannot find any inherit purpose in life, most often represented by ultimately meaningless actions and events. Examples include - "Waiting for Godot" Samuel Beckett, Joseph Heller's Catch 22, Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, Franz Kafka "The Metamorphosis"


A genre that uses a magic or other supernatural forms as a primary element of the plot, theme, and/or setting. Examples is Tolkien's the Lord of the Rings, C.S. Lewis' the Chronicles of Narnia and William Morris' The Well at the World's End.

Eudora Welty

American Modernist; The Optimist's Daughter, Petrified Man

Stephen Crane

American Naturalist; An Episode of War, The Red Badge of Courage

Passive voice

A grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient of the action denoted by the verb. Example: the basketball was shot by the player. I'm more effective or active voice, the player shot the basketball

P CP - the beat generation 1950s

A group of American writers including Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac This generation was known for its nonconformity, experimentation with drugs, interested in eastern religions and the rejection of materialism


A group of literary works considered by some to be central or authoritative to the literary tradition example many critics agree that the western Canon includes the literary works of Homer Shakespeare Hemingway faulkner, frost Dickinson and so on

Ayn Rand

American Postmodernist/Realist; Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead


A person's account of his or her own life. Davis autobiographies include Anne Frank's the diary of a young girl, my Angelo's I know why the caged Bird sings, and the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.

A RP/fireside poets 19th century

A group of pellets from Boston including Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Albright Wendell Holmes of others. Their poems were often read by the fireside for family entertainment and were memorized by students at school

PCP/confessional school 1950s

A group of poets who wrote in the 1950s including Sylvia Plath Robert Lowell and Anne Sexton

Joseph Keller

American Postmodernist/Satirist; Catch 22


A historical account written from personal knowledge, such as Barack Obama's dreams from my father, a story of race and inheritance and Ellie Wiesels night


A humorous verse form of five anapestic lines with a rhyme scheme of aabba


A humorous verse form of five anapestic lines with the rhyme scheme of AABBA

The Role and Nature of Language, Dialects, and Diction

A key difference between language and dialect is that language is made up of several dialects. Language and dialect can be difficult to distinguish, and often are differentiated with respect to status or power.

The role at nature of language, dialects and diction

A key difference between language and dialect is that language is made up several languages and dialect can different can be difficult to distinguish and are often differentiated with respect to status or power


A language becomes Creole and changes from pigeon to Creele when it is learned as a first language of a new generation of people one example of cringle is Afrikaans which is a made up of Dutch English and bantu


A list of terms used in digital text that are usually in bed in the text rather then at the end of the text as input text. Terms are hyperlinks so readers can find definitions as needed


A list of terms used in the digital text usually embedded in the text rather than at the end as in the print test. Terms are hyperlinked so that readers can find definitions as needed.


A person, place, thing, or event used to represent something else, such as the white flag that represents surrender or a dove that means peace

Death of the author

A literary criticism that rebuts the traditional literary criticism notion that the biography of an author provides a context for interpretation of text; instead, the writing and the creator are unrelated.

James Baldwin

American Postmodernist; Go Tell it on the Mountain

Kurt Vonnegut

American Postmodernist; The Cat's Cradle, Slaughter House Five


A literary device in which animals, ideas, and things are represented as having human traits


A category of literature defined by its style, form, and content. Common Sean Rose include short stories novels plays poetry biography and so forth


A chalk stick available in black, grey, white,bister, sepia, and sanguine

Person versus self conflict

A character has a problem determining what to do in the situation

Person versus society conflict

A character has a problem with an element of society: the school, and excepted way of doing things, or the law for example

Person versus nature conflict

A character has a problem with nature: natural disasters, extreme heat or freezing temperatures for example

Person versus person conflict

A character has a problem with one or more of the other characters

Person versus fate, God

A character has to battle what appears to be an uncontrollable problem that is attributed to fate or God


A character who acts in contrast to another character


A character, plot, image, theme or setting that appears in literature across cultures and is repeated overtime


A circle of upright stones like Stonehenge


A literary device in which the author jumps back in time in the chronology of the narrative


A classification system for cognitive educational "objectives." A hierarchy of levels of thinking which categorizes the skills required at each level according to difficulty: ***Knowledge > Comprehension > Application > Analysis > Synthesis > Evaluation***


A color scheme using variations in value and intensity of a single hue.

Beautiful people

A common technique in advertisements, employees good looking models summer some of whom are celebrities to get our attention and persuade us that is for use this product we made him look as good as these beautiful people


A comparison of objects or ideas that appear, at first, to be different but are alike in some imported way


A comparison of two unlike things usually clued in the words like or as


A concept or framework that organizes and interprets information.


A contradictory statement that makes sense. Example Heigl's paradox, "Man learns from history that man learns nothing from history"


A document organized in paragraph form that can be long or short and can be in the form of a letter, dialogue, for discussion. Examples include politics and the English language by George Orwell CommonCore the American scholar by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and the moral essays by Alexander Pope.

MP/naturalism early 20th century

A literary movement that claims to the trailer light exactly as if it were being examined through a scientist microscope. Writers include Theodore Dreiser Jack London and John Steinbeck.

comprehension strategies

-identifying important information -predicting and verifying -summarizing & note taking -making inferences -identifying cause & effect -synthesizing -visualizing


15th century books in which texts and illustrations were cut from the same block of wood

Art nouveau

1890's style of architecture, graphic arts and interior decorations characterizes by writhing forms, curving lines and asymmetrical organization. First style if modern architecture.

Art nouveau

1890s asymmetrical decorative style featuring sinuous forms baed on objects fund in nature


A ____ is used for emphasis, to set off interrupted speech, to set off an introductory series, and to indicate a sudden break.


A _____ is used between two independent clause, to separate adjectives, to separate contrasted elements, to set off appositives, to separate items in a list, to enclose explanatory words, after an introductory phrase, after an introductory clause, to set off a nonrestrictive phrase, to ensure clarity, in numbers, to enclose titles, in a direct address, to set off dialogue, to set off items in an address, and to set off dates. Clearly, commas have several uses and rules that make their use a challenge for writers!


A ______ is used between numbers, between fractions, in a special series, to create new words, and to join numbers.


A _________ is used at the end of a sentence, after an initial or abbreviation, or as a decimal point.


A ___________ is a socially accepted word or phrase used to replace unacceptable language, such as expressions for bodily functions or body parts. ___________s also are used as substitutes for straightforward words to tactfully conceal or falsify meaning. Example: My grandmother {passed away} last April.


A carved female figure that is subsitite for column, in support of a roof


A persons choice of words based on their clarity, effectiveness and authenticity conciseness


A literary work that features a main character seeking to find something or to achieve a goal. Over the course of the journey, the character in counters and overcomes a series of obstacles, which in turn make the character wiser and more experienced.


A long narrative poem detailing a heroes deeds. Example the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer Beowulf. Paradise lost by Milton Hiawatha by Longfellow


A long narrative poem detailing hero's deeds. Examples include The Aeneid by Virgil, The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer, Beowulf, Don Juan by Lord Byron, Paradise Lost by John Milton, The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, and Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.


A long speech made a play while no other characters are speaking. Usually, the character will be alone on stage

Beading needle

A long, fine needle with a large, easy-to-thread, flexible eye that collapses flat to go through a small bead hole is


A lyric poem on a serious subject, written in a dignified language


A lyric poem on a serious subject, written in dignified language


A lyric poem on a serious subject, written in dignified language. John Keats was known for them. " a Nightingale" "...on a Grecian Urn", " Autumn" Percy Bysshe Shelley "...To the West Wind."


A magazine or newspaper published at regular intervals. Periodicals are an excellent source of informational text. Famous periodicals include the New York Times, the National Geographic, the Atlantic, and the Washington Post.


A material used to stop paper from absorbing water based paint


A metric line of poetry. A verse is name based on the kind and number of feet composing it


A metrical foot consisting of two syllables both of which are stressed


A miracle foot made up of an accented syllable followed by an unaccented syllable


A mournful lament for the dead examples William Shakespeare elegy from Cymbline


A mournful lament for the dead. Examples include William Shakespeare's "Elegy" from Cymbeline, Robert Louis Stevenson's "Requiem," and Alfred Lord Tennyson's "In Memoriam."

MP/surrealism 1920s

A movement in art and literature that started in Europe to replace conventional realism with the full expression of the unconscious mind. The poet T.S.Elliott was influenced by surrealism

A RP/transcendentalism 19th century

A movement in the romantic tradition that it that's the idea that every individual can reach ultimate truce through spiritual intuition. Key authors include Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David thoreau


A narrative fiction that usually involves gods and heroes or has a theme that expresses a cultural ideology. These occur in all cultures around the world. Examples include Zeus and the Olympians, and Achilles, and the Trojan war. Others include those of Hercules Apollo and Venus.


A narrative form such as an epic, legend, myth, song, poem, or fable that has been retold within a culture for generations. Examples include The People Could Fly retold by Virginia Hamilton and And the Green Grass Grew All Around: Folk Poetry from Everyone by Alvin Schwartz.

Frame tale

A narrative technique in which the main story is composed primarily for the purpose of organizing a set of shorter stories each of which is a story within the story. Examples of this would be Canterbury Tales, Wuthering Heights, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and the life of pi?

Narrative text elements

A narrative text is a story typically comprised of the following elements that tell the sequence of events in fictional and nonfictional account students need to be able to identify patterns of stories be able to analyze this type of text to determine a literal and figurative meanings, make inferences, and determine the textual evidence that supports interpretation.


A narrative that is made up of fantastic creatures and characters such as witches goblins and berries and maybe get it with the phrase "once upon a time..." Examples are Cinderella sleeping beauty Rapunzel and little red riding hood


A novel comprised of idealized events far removed from every day life. This genre includes the sub genres Gothic romance and medieval romance. Examples are pride and prejudice Jane Eyre and Angels fall


A novel set in the western United States featuring the experiences of cowboys and people living on the front tier. Examples include Zane Grey's riders of the purple Sage, Larry McMurtry's lonesome dove, Conrad Richards the sea of glass,Fred strikers the Lone University of Utah Reading Clinic; 5242 South College Dr. (480 W), Suite 100; Murray, UTRanger, and Owen Wistars the Virginian

Picaresque novel

A novel that features a rogue main character living by his or her wits and is told in a string of the loosely connected events. The adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is one excellent example


A painting done in three sections hinged together


A person who opposes or competes with the main character; often the villain in the story.

Alice Walker

American Postmodernist; The Color Purple


A persuasive technique the offers you something extra, such as buying a make a product and getting a free gift with purchase, which is truly not "free" as the cost of the gift is covered in the price.


A phrase or statement written in memory of a person, especially on the tombstone. Famous epitaphs are were written for Edmonton Spencer William Shakespeare Robert Burns and Benjamin Franklin.

Dramatic monologue

A poem in which a character speaks to listeners who his response is not known. The Lissner may or may not be present

Dramatic monologue

A poem in which a character speaks to listeners who is whose response is not known. The listener may or may not be. Ex. My Last Duchess


A poem that depicts life in an idyllicidolized way

Narrative poem

A poem that tells a story


A poem with six stanzas up six lines at a final triplet, all stanzas having the same six words at the line and it's six different sequences that follow a fixed pattern


A portfolio is a compilation of students writing work for evaluation. Some portfolios are comprised silly for the works self-selected by the students; others containment a combination of self-selected and required work. Portfolios help teachers and the students assess the writers growth overtime.

Lossy Compression

A process of reducing storage space that is needed for a specific image.

Slippery slope "the thin edge of the wedge" "domino fallacy" "absurd extrapolation"ed "camels nose"

A relatively insignificant event is suggested, then a more specific event follows, until the next thing you know the ultimate, most significant event is reached. The logic is foolish us and unwarranted, and often each step leading to the most significant event becomes more and more improbable

Slant rhyme

A rhyme that is not exact such as queen and afternoon


A sculptural technique where you both add and substract material

Interrogative sentence

A sentence that asks a question example is that my son Jimmy?

Run-on sentence or sentence fragments

A sentence that does not end when it should; Short, stilted sentences --Example of run-on sentence: Katherine, a newly licensed English teacher, has job interviews at Portsmouth Middle and South Kingstown High, but will move to Massachusetts if she does not get a teaching position this summer. --Corrected: Katherine, a newly licensed English teacher, has job interviews at Portsmouth Middle and South Kingstown High. If she does not get a teaching position this summer, she will move to Massachusetts. --Example of sentence fragment: In the beginning. --Corrected: In the beginning of the movie, Mr. Eating recites poetry.

Complex sentence

A sentence that has one independent clause and one or more dependent clause. Example: you will get a teaching job "independent clause", even though it will be challenging "Dependant clause".

Compound sentence

A sentence that is made up of two independent clauses the closets must be joined by a semi colon or by, and a coordinating conjunction. Example: my dog growls at the mailman, but my cat growls at her littermate.

Conditional sentence

A sentenceA sentence that expresses wishes or conditions contrary to fact. Example: if you were to hang onto the basketball rim then you could experience the glory of every NBA player.


A series of columns at regular intervals to support a roof


A series of columns combined with arches to support a roof


A short narrative poem often written by an anonymous author comprising short versus intended to be song or recited


A short narrative poem, often written by an anonymous author, comprising short versus intended to be sung or recited.


A short narrative usually between 50 and 100 pages long. Examples Orwellsr animal Farm, kafka's metamorphosis


A short poem about personal feelings and emotions


A short story or folktale, frequently involving animals that contains a moral, which may be expressed explicitly at the end as a maxim. Examples of Aesop's fables include The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse, The Tortoise and the Hare, and the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.


A short story that teaches a lesson about how to lead a good life


A small three dimensional model for a larger piece of sculpture

Upton Sinclair

American Progressive writer; The Jungle


A standalone website or in active hyperlink built into the text to help the reader know the meaning pronunciation and other features of the work


A stencil method of printmaking, where the image is painted onto a screen of silk, then ink is forced through the mesh onto the printing surface. Paper or cloth

Stream of consciousness

A style of writing that portrays the inner thoughts of a character writing may not have regard for standards of language and grammar and may contain run on sentences breaks in logical patterns and so on


A sub genre of the romantic. 1800 - 1850, which features authors such as Poe, Shelley, and Hawthorne. Its origin is attributed to Horace Walpole, an English author who wrote The Castle of Otranto. This type of writing is characterized by dark and picturesque scenery, startling and melodramatic narrative devices, and an overall atmosphere of mystery and dread.


A suspenseful story that deals with the puzzling crime examples include Edgar Allan Poe's "The Murder at Rue Morgue" , and Charles Dickens Dickens the mystery of Edwin Drood


A symbol or picture that provides a leak or shortcut for user, icons in digital text include symbols for sound, moving forward or backwards, or help


A symbol or picture that provides a link or shortcut for users. Common ______ in digital texts include symbols for sound (a speaker), moving forward or backward (arrows), and help (question mark).


A synthetic material resembling clay but remaining soft, petroleum jelly and aliphatic acids can irritate skin

Ad hominem

A technique in an argument used to counter a position using feelings or prejudiced, not fax reason or logic. Technically directly attacks another person, not that person's position

Lost wax

A technique of casting metal in a plaster mold


A text or performance that imitates and mocks and author or work


A type of Japanese poem that is written in English with 17 syllables divide by three lines of 57 and five syllables respectively a haiku expresses a single thought


A type of Japanese poem that is written in English with 17 syllables divided into three lines of 5 7 5 syllables respectively. A haiku expresses a single thought


A type of comedy in which silly, often stereotyped characters, are involved in far-fetched situations


A type of painting that idealizes. Often with surrealistic or imaginative compositions

Exclamatory Sentence

A type of sentence that communicates strong ideas or feelings. Example: That was a great shot!

Imperative Sentence

A type of sentence that issues a command. Example: Please clear the dinner table.

Pronunciation or speech features

A unique feature of digital text that allows users to hear the definition of the term or to listen to portions or the entire text. Rate of speech, language, accent, and voice of the speaker are all features that can be adjusted

Pronunciation or speech features

A unique feature of digital texts that allows to hear the definition of a term or to listen to portions or the entire text. Rate of speech, language, accent, an voice of speaker are all features that can be adjusted.


A variation of a language used by people who live in a particular geographical area, cultural group or time. It is a complete system of verbal and sometimes written communication with its own vocabulary and grammar


A witty understatement that dismisses or diminishes someone or something

William Faulkner

American Modernist/ Naturalist; As I Lay Dying, The Sound and the Fury, A Rose for Emily

Ernest Hemingway

American Modernist/ Naturalist; The Snows of Kilimanjaro, The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea

Tennessee Williams

American Modernist/Realist playwright; A Streetcar Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Glass Minagerie

John Steinbeck

American Modernist/Realist; The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men

Ralph Ellison

American Modernist; Harlem Renaissance; The Invisible Man

Zora Neale Hurston

American Modernist; Harlem Renaissance; Their Eyes Were Watching God, How It Feels to Be Colored Me

Gertrude Stein

American Modernist; The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, Three Lives

F. Scott Fitzgerald

American Modernist; The Great Gatsby


And authors choice of words based on their clarity, Constance is consciousness, effectiveness, and authenticity. Example archaic colloquialism dialect jargon profanity Slang. Vulgarity


And exaggeration for emphasis or rhetorical effect


And expression or phrase that emphasizes an idea by describing it in restrained terms. Example mortally wounded - just a scratch


Architectural technique where a beam or slab is extended far beyond a support column or wall


Architecture borrowed elements from the Romans, but added stone vaulting such as barrel and groin vaults that could span vast openings without internal support. Pilgrimages were in vogue, churches were shaped like a crucifix. Cruciform. Exterior of these churches were plain. Stylized sculpture. Rounded arches. Illuminated manuscripts, the book of Kells


Are considered contact languages they are cocreated and change between people who speak different languages but need some way to communicate to engage in work and trade

Ted talk

Are delivered without notes, from memory and approximately 18 minutes long. Slides or visuals are displayed behind the order. This talk type of talk requires much a personal, and the slides must be of high quality, free of errors and visually stimulating

Rhetorical strategies and persuasive

Are found in speeches, writing, and multiple media formats. The CCS S has renewed the need for English teachers to be prepared to teach rhetorical strategies in writing arguments, persuasive essays, and speeches.


Are groups of related words that have both a subject and a predicate. For example I have a tendency to procrastinate when I have a high-stakes assessment contains a clause, I have a tendency to procrastinate, and a subordinate clause clause, when I have a high-stakes assessment.


Are groups of related words that operate as a single part of speech, such as a verb, verbal, preposition, a positive or absolute phrases for example in the doghouse is a prepositional phrase

Standard Dialects

Are supported by i institutions, such as government schools in example stare Dylex included standard American English standard Indian English and standard British English


Are used in the media or in speeches to persuade us about the value or quality of the product or idea. The people sharing a testimonial are sometimes scientific experts, celebrities, or just plain books. The key to this technique success is the authenticity of the person sharing the testimonial and making us believe the person really use this product or believes deeply in this idea

Present tense verbs

Are used to describe situations that exist in the present time. Example I live in Orem Utah

Past tense verbs

Are used to describe what has happened in the past. Example: they attended Wakefield elementary school


Are used to set off at Edwards, editorial corrections, and clarifying information


Are used to set off explanatory information within a sentence and to set off.

Jonathan Swift

Augustan Age English writer; Gulliver's Travels, A Modest Proposal

Writing Workshop

Integrates instruction, practice, and assessment in a consistent, daily schedule.


Intensity, strength or purity of color


Interactive elements of a text, caption, video, or graphic that allow the reader to navigate to find additional information.


Made without a camera by placing objects directly onto the surface of light sensitive material then exposed to light

Romantic period 1785-1832

Major authors; Keats, Byron Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley John Blake. Don Juan, pride and prejudice songs of the innocents and songs of experience, the vindication of the rights of women, the rhyme of the ancient mariner, she walks in beauty, when we to parted, go to a Grecian urn.

Outsider art (art brut)

Art created by the mentally ill, prisoners, or by those outside of mainstream society can be referred to as?

Environmental art

Art in a natural environment


Art that depicts a real person, place, or object in a recognizable way is called


Art that is represented in a non naturalistic form, seem during the Middle Ages.


Art theory which emphasizes literal qualities of a word

James Van Der Zee

Artist that photographed the Harlem Renaissance, Known for his depiction of middle class African American life


Artistic design consideration such as color, line, value, texture, shape and form and space


Artwork often mass produced that goes beyond good taste

Neo plasticism

As a reaction to the lack of order in the world after World War I, Piet Mondrian created a precise, mechanical order in art called

bleeding through

As oil paints age, they sink into the ground and become transparent. This allows the layers of paint below the surface to show. This is known as which of the following?

Interrogative pronouns

Ask questions

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Asperger's syndrome (normal intelligence and language development), PDD (pervasive developmental delays): difficulty socializing and communicating.

Gustav Klimt

Associated with the Art Nouveau movement,Austrian painter whose work has many features associated with the Art Nouveau movement. These include curvilinear forms, floral motifs, and extensive use of decorative touches.

Daniel Defoe

Augustan Age (neoclassical) English writer; Moll Flanders, Robinson Crusoe

Thomas Gray

Augustan Age English poet; "Elegy of a Country Churchyard," "Sonnet on the Death of Richard West"

Alexander Pope

Augustan Age English writer; An Essay on Criticism, The Rape of the Lock, Ode on Solitude

Objective case

Case of nouns; an ______ ______ noun can be a direct object, an indirect object, or an object of a preposition.


Color made by adding white to a hue

Analogous colors

Colors next to each other on the color wheel

Fluorescent colors

Colors that absorb ultraviolet light and emit visible light of a longer wavelength. colors fades rather rapidly as the dyes are not stable.


Colors that are the result of a beam white light that is broken to for a prism of Hues

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Columbian writer Postmodernist writer; One Hundred Years of Solitude

Neutral colors

Combining Complementary colors produces what?

Pope Julies II

Commissioned Leonardo Da Vinci to paint the Sistine Chapel

Note - taking

Common approach is to note taking include double entry page and SQ3R -Survey question read recite review.

Terra cotta

Commonly used in ceramic sculpture, brownish orange earthenware

Cause and effect

Commonly used in expository or persuasive text paragraphs are organized by either a cause or effect first and then alternately explain the reasons why something happened to

Self-concept and self-esteem

Consciously set high expectations for all students and reward students for meeting those, promotes positive classroom environment raising these concepts

Duchamps nude descending a staircase

Considered modernist, rejected by the cubists as too futurist

Sandra Cisneros

Contemporary Chicana Lit; The House on Mango Street

Pen and ink

Drawing that is most similar to an etching


Encompasses the way and author or orator uses words, phrases, and sentences to Kimberly ideas. In addition, style is usually thought of as ways one person's work is distinguished from the works of others.


English Language Learner: build on student culture, opportunities to work and talk in small groups

George Orwell

English Modernist; 1984, Animal Farm

Dylan Thomas

English Modernist; Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

William Golding

English Modernist; Lord of the Flies

E.M. Forester

English Modernist; Room With a View, A Passage to India

William Butler Yeats

English Modernist; The Second Coming, Lapis Lazuli

Virginia Woolf

English Modernist; To the Lighthouse, A Room of One's Own, Mrs. Dalloway, The Waves

James Joyce

English Modernist; Ulysses, Finnegan's Wake, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Dubliners

Samuel Beckett

English Postmodernist; Waiting for Godot

Robert Burns

English Romantic poet; Auld Lang Syne; A Red, Red Rose

John Keats

English Romantic poet; Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on a Grecian Urn, To Autumn, On First Looking into Chapman's Homer

Percy Bysshe Shelley

English Romantic poet; Ode to the West Wind, To a Sky-Lark, Ozymandias

Mary Shelley

English Romantic writer; (or The Modern Promethius)


English as a Second Language: build on student culture, opportunities to work and talk in small groups

Mary Wollstonecraft

English feminist/Romantic Period; A Vindication of the Rights of Women

Linguistic Change

English is derived form Anglo-Saxon, which is a dialect of West Germanic, although English today contains words with roots from many languages, including Chinese, Hebrew, and Russian. The most common root words are of Anglo-Saxon descent, although more than half the words in English either come from the French or have a French cognate (a word with a common origin). Scientific words in English often have Greek or Latin roots. The Spanish language is found in many English words, especially in terms originating in the southwestern United States.

Linguistic change

English is derived from angle section sex in which the dialect of West Germanic although English today kit contains words from routes from many languages including Chinese Hebrew and Russian the most common root words are of Anglo-Saxon to set although more than half of the words in English either come from French or have a French cognizant scientific words in English I would have French and Latin roots the Spanish language is found in many words especially in terms originating in the southwestern United States


Engraving is the process of cutting a design into a block or plate which is to be used to make a printed impression. It is also the term used for the print made from an engraved plate.


Enhance by: arrangement of classroom, sense of community, rules/procedures (clear/meaningful), meaningful, productive work, monitor activities

Pronoun referent

Errors such as _______ ________ problems. Example: Tory, Kelly, and I watched a movie, but she didn't like it. Corrected: Tory, Kelly, and I watched a movie, but Tory didn't like it.

Common Assessment Formats

Essay; selected response; portfolio; conference; observation; performance

Contour line drawing

Essentially an outline that emphasizes mass and shape rather than detail


Etching process to obtain shaded areas in black white or color prints


European art and architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries. Giovanni Bernini, believed architecture, painting and sculpture should overwhelm the Spector with ornate and highly dramatizes themes. Style originated in time spread through Europe, palace of Versailles


Film editing technique of combining brief shots to represent a single subject


Fine art digital prints made by inkjet printers

Reduction firing

Firing with insufficient oxygen, causes interesting color changes

Donatello's david

First Bronze statue since Roman times

Zaza hadid

First women architect to receive the Pritzker architecture prize in 2004 designed maxxi in Rome


Five line stanza

Instructional Adjustments

Ex: Flexible instruction grouping; Tiered assignments; Learning centers or stations; Compacting; Student agendas; Orbital studies; Entry points; Problem-based learning; Portfolios; Daily lesson adaptations

Manner adverbs

Exactly, efficiently, clearly, steadfastly

Singular noun

Example a book the library a child bacteria mom man

Plural nouns

Example books, libraries, children, bacteria, and men

Nonstandard Language or Unparallel Construction

Example of nonstandard language: I ain't mad atcha'. Corrected: I am not mad at you. Example of unparallel construction: After the Praxis English Subject Assessment test, I will go shopping, celebrating, and eat dinner. Corrected: After the Praxis English Subject Assessment test, I will shop, celebrate, and eat dinner.

20th-century 1900 -

Example: Hardees on the western circuit and the convergence of the twain, Shaws pig million, Elliot the love story of J Alfred per frock, Lawrences women in love, Yeats lapis Luxuli Rushdie The Satanic verses, Beckett waiting for godet

Present contemporary Period 1945 - current

Examples Arthur Miller's the crucible, and the death of the salesman; Morrison's beloved; Salinger's the catcher in the rye; Updikes rabbit, run; Sylvia Plath the bell jar and Vidals London


Examples of student created resources include a students personal dictionary of words to know where spell, notecards, graphic organizers, oral histories and journals

WLT- 100 C.E.- 1650 medieval and early modern world

Examples the New Testament of the Bible the Koran Dantes inferno the song of Roland tale of the Genji Machiavelli's the prince Martin Luther speech at the diet of the worms and Don Cotee

World literature timeline Beginning's - 100 C.E.ancient world

Examples the epic of Gilgamesh Hebrew Scriptures teachings of Confucius Buddhist text creation miss homers the Iliad Vergils do you need Plato's the republic

1066 - 1500 Middle English period

Examples: Chaucer's Canterbury tales, Mallorys le morte d'rthur, everyman, and lyrical poetry such as the cuckoo song

The restoration and the 18th century - 16 60-1785

Examples: Dryden's the conquest of Granada Alexander feast, Popes the rape of a walk, bunion pilgrims progress and John Locke's two treaties of government

RP-commonwealth period 16 49-16 60

Examples: Miltons the tenure of Kings and mastered magistrates, Hutchinson's memoirs of the life of Colonel John Hutchinson

RP - Jacobean 16 03-16 25

Examples: Shakespeare's the Tempest, oh fellow, king Lear, Hamlet, McBeth and his sonnets; John Dunn's songs sonnets and elegies; Bacons reports and Johnson's Volpp own and the fox

WLT - 16 50-1800

Examples: The interesting narrative of the life of old Madame equine, Voltair's Candide, Jonathan Swift Gullivers travels, that shows the narrow road of the interior

British literature timeline - four 50-10 66 old English Anglo-Saxon.

Examples; Beowulf the wife's lament, and the wonder

RP - Carolina age 1625-1659

Examples; Milton's Paradise lost, Herbert's the temple Herricks has Fridays and car rentals and eligible and elegy upon the death of the dean of St. Paul Dr. John Donne

RP - Elizabeth age - 1558-16 03

Examples; Shakespeare's 12th night, much ado about nothing, and Richard the third Marlowes Dr. Forster's and the Jewett Malta, and spencers the Faerie Queene

WLT - 20th century

Examples; things fall apart, 100 years of solitude, North, the god of small things, Dubliners, the metamorphosis, diary of a mad man, the ghost sonata,

Historical early and political influences on language acquisition

Experts view every language as a dialect of older communication form for example they regard romance languages such as French Spanish and Portuguese as dialects of Latin. Political relationships also influence the use of language as either a new entity or a dialect for example English is thought to have two primary Dialect American English and British English because the United States and Great Britain are close political allies


Expressions that are not easily understood through the middle literal meaning of the words for example it's raining cats and dogs means it's raining heavily


Expressions that usually are excepted in informal situations or regions, such as "wicked awesome"

Linseed oil

Extends the drying time in oil painting, makes paint shiny, used to clean brushes- extremely flammable

Subject writing

In subject writing activities at students right interviews, accounts, profiles or descriptions to capture the meaning of a subject being written about

Cola pen

In terms of calligraphy, the type of tool that imitates the automatic pen and is made of the metal from a soft drink can is which of the following?


In terms of church architecture, the part of the church that includes the middle and side aisles from the entrance to the crossing or chancel is which of the following?


Individuals with Disabilities Act (1990): resulted in several grant programs to states in educating students with disabilities; specifically lists types of disabilities and conditions rendering a child into special education


Informal language used by a particular group of people among themselves


Initial layer of paint on the canvas to define the values of paint for later painting

Process Writing

Instructing students in the use of a clear process for writing and in the use of techniques and strategies for completing each part of the process.


Invented by Lois Daguerre, photograph made on a piece of silver or copper covered in silver

Research writing - evaluating

Involves a self-assessment an audience feedback on the effectiveness of writing

Active reading

Involves determining the purposes for pre-reading, reading for understanding during reading, and then evaluating post reading. Strategies active readers employee include but are not limited to highlighting or Mark or making margin notes, writing examples or connections in the margins, checking for understanding for reading for a period of time, writing a brief summary after reading or explaining what you read to another person.

Research writing/pre-writing

Involves identifying a general topic of interest or one is determined by the tester the teacher, listening were listing words to use in the search for information, and then assessing rep your reputable sources, either online or in print. Student creates source cards, no cards to list the references this pre-writing process help students to focus on the topic. The student then write a statement of purpose, I did appraise questions and organize questions with similar headingand returns to more sources and makes additional source cards

Graphic organizers

Is a notetaking guide use before during or after reading a text. Examples are concept map, somatic feature analysis, matrix, then diagram, cause-and-effect, cycle map, sequence, problem and solution, and continue them.


Is a persuasive technique that uses something fear to disliked by the intended audience to advance a solution. For example bad breath is used to persuade want to purchase gum

Rhetorical questioning

Is a question that is posed but is not intended to be answered. Instead, the purpose is to affirm or deny a point strongly

Rule of three

Is a rhetorical device in which the writer or speaker speaker uses three consecutive words to express a central point or three paralleled elements. Example be sincere be brief BE seated FDR

References/Work cited page MLA

Is a section where all works used in the text are cited this section can help one determine the quality of researched used to write the text.


Is a socially excepted word or phrase used to replace unacceptable language, such expressions are bodily functions or body parts. Are also used as substitutes for straightforward words to tactfully conceal or falsify meaning. Passed away equals died


Is a technique in which a small subset of the class sit in a circle in the center of the class and engaged in dialogue the rest of the class listens to and observes the fishbowl from time to time the teacher pause is the discussion to seek listeners content and process be back on the fishbowl discussion. The teacher than seeks new members to join the fishbowl and continue the dialogue


Is used in contractions, two for plurals, to form singular possessive, to form plural possessive, and compound nouns, to show shared possession, enter express the positive forms of qualities or time or I'm out


Is used to express strong feelings


Is used to separate groups that include commas and you set off independent clauses


Is where readers find the definitions of terms; is found in the back section of the text


Is yours after a statement that inner deuce is a "Tatian, an example, a series, or an explanation

Literary theory

Literally series provide a means to interpret text using different lenses or perspectives one is not better than the other get together they provide the reader deeper understanding enjoyment and newfound critical understanding


Literature that tries to represent life as it really is


Literature, often drama, ending in a catastrophic event for the protagonist after he or she faces several conflicts or problems.

Gerund phrase verb

Made up of a present participle a verb ending in ING and always functions as a noun. Example: gardening is my favorite leisure activity.


Metacognition is a persons ability to think about and regulate his or her own thinking (on your test you will be expected to not only know what metacognition is but also to identify ways to foster Megan metacognition and self-regulation in your students) ask students what they do before during and after reading, teach students effective strategies to use before during and after reading in your contacts area, asked students to support their statements or responses with examples and site site text citation - ask why. Encourage students to ask and create questions rather than just respond to teach your questions. Allow time in class to discuss not only the content of that your course, but also the thinking process his students are using.model your own metacognition using think aloud teaching methods. And explicitly asked students to reflect on and self excess their thinking and learning


Method of distorting an object to make it appear to extend back into space


Method of printmaking using a metal plate or stone


Method of putting found objects together to create a sculpture

Atmospheric perspective

Method of rendering the effect of spatial distance by subtle variation in color and clarity


Mixture of color and white, increases lightness


Mixture of color with black, reduces lightness


Modeling clay that never hardens or changes with exposure to air, smoothworking

Shutter speed

Moments are controlled by? Options are stop action, burred. Stop action, frozen. And panning a moving target

Extrinsic motivators

Motivation that comes from outside the person ie: money, rewards

Principles of art

Movement, unity, harmony, variety, balance, contrast, proportion and pattern

Compound subject, single predicate

My dog and my cat Growl.

Compound subject, compound predicate

My dog and my cat growl and appear agitated.

Single subject, single predicate

My dog growls.

American literature timeline Puritan period 1625-1660

Nathaniel Hawthorne the Scarlet letter


Needs to be covered in fixative or glass

Differences between nonfiction narrative and informational text

Nonfiction narrative text such as an autobiography or a personal essay you storytelling elements to inform and describe, whereas informational text such as a textbook or on the website inform the reader using clear patterns of organization and different text structures


Occurs when a person's waiter appears firm, strong, confident and even bold. People tend to follow charismatic leaders even though they may disagree with their positions on issues

Split infinitive

Occurs when a writer puts an adverb between the two parts of the infinitive form of the verb. Example to meekly say, correct to say meekly


Occurs when a writer tries to imbue his or her work with inappropriately and awkwardly ornate language or complex, technical terms.


Occurs when one object partially covers another, usually done for compositional purposes

Dry point

Print making technique, similar to engraving where a dry point is created by carving or scratching lines in a plate with a needle


Print process in which an inked image is transferred to a rubber cylinder than paper


Printmaking method where incised lines are printed

Indirect Instruction Strategies

Problem solving; inquiry; concept mapping; reading for meaning

Gesture drawing

Quick sketches to depict action and movement


Repetition up initial consonant sounds in which words, such as "Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers"

Intransitive verbs

Require no objects or complements. Example: an airplane flew overhead


Require students to inform, demonstrate, explain or persuade an audience. Typical formats include senior project presentations where individuals present to an audience, book talks and newscast

End rhyme

Rhyming that occurs at the ends of the lines of verse

Gothic architecture

Ribbed vaulting and external supports called flying buttresses, allowed cathedrals reach soaring hights. Pointed arch. verticality characterized this architecture, with long windows to allow light to flood the inside.

Marxist criticism

Society is viewed by social class and assumes that each societies concepts, beliefs and values are affected by economic and class structures. Examine the following as you read who has the power and money; what happens as a result of the differences in social class; the authors social class; the dominant economic or social issues of the authors time.

Digital versus print text

The key difference is that print text have static sequential layouts where digital text have an interactive dynamic layout


The language spoken by people who live in a particular region

Historical and political influences on language acquisition

Some experts view every language as a dialect of an older communication form. For example, they regard the Romance languages (French, Spanish, and Portuguese, among others) as dialects of Latin. Political relationships also influence views of a language as either a new entity English - because the United States and Great Britain are close political allies.

Compare and Contrast

Starts by highlighting the similarities between two things and then addresses their differences

Problem and Solution

Starts by introducing a problem and concludes by exploring solutions to that problem


Stiffly standing archaic Greek female sculpture, clothed

Abraham mignon

Still life of flowers, fleeting nature of life. he specialized in still life paintings


Stressed , unstressed


Stressed, unstressed, unstressed


Study of the sounds of language and their physical properties.


Study of the structure of sentences.


Study of the structure of words.


Sturdier that's earthenware, water proof without being glazed


Stylized religious art of the Eastern Roman Empire

Standard dialects

Supports by institutions, such as governments and schools. In English, for example, ______ _______ include Standard American English, Standard Indian English, and Standard British English. Subdialects of Standard American English include African American Vernacular English (also known as Black English or Ebonics), Southern American English, Hawaiian English, Spanglish, and Appalachian English. In the English classroom, dialects play an important role in understanding literature, composition, and rhetoric. Students learn to read dialects such as Southern American English in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; they learn to write in Standard American English and in other dialects they may speak or try to imitate; and they learn to speak in Standard American English for certain audiences and in other dialects for other audiences, such as peers, dramatic performances, and debates.

Tomb art

The Etruscans borrowed from the Greeks for their art but most of it was destroyed by the Romans who conquered them. Etruscan art survives mostly in what kind of art?

Andy Warhol

The Marx Brothers, artist continued to blend the mass medium of photography with the "high art" of painting - burred the lines between fine art and pop art

cindy Sherman

The artist who specializes in fabricated self-portraits in which she dresses up like Hollywood or Old Master stereotypes and photographs herself is?

grandma moses

The artist whose first solo exhibition in a New York City gallery in 1940 was called "What a Farm Wife Painted" was:


The center of culture and religion in Ancient Greek cities, usually located on a hill


The choice of words or phrases in writing or speech


The common core state Sam standards cc SS call for an increase attention on teaching argument writing. The parts of an argument include the claim, evidence to support the claim, the word explains how the evidence supports the supports the claim, support for the warrant, and qualified qualifications or counter argument that refute competing claims.


The final stage of the handmade textile production that adjusts the shape of the finished piece, only effective on natural fibers


The final stone set in place at the top of an arch

Passive Voice

The grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient of the action denoted by the verb. Example: The basketball was shot by the player. More effective active voice): The player shot the basketball!


The joining of opposites


The juxtaposition of one sensory image with another that appeals to a unrelated sensed for example in the divine comedy the line, "the region where the sun is silent" uses the sense of hearing combined with the sense of vision to evoke a sense of despair

Santa Maria dele grazie, Milan

The last supper hangs where?

Inside circle/outside circle

The teacher divides the class in half the students for two circles facing one another the inside circle and an outside circle. Students discuss with the person facing them and after some time the teacher asked one circle to move right or left so the students can continue the discussion with a different partner


The writer explains the relationships between times or concepts

Reader response criticism

This criticism examines the readers activity while reading the literary work. Meeting is made through both Anna static and efferent response to text. And a static response demonstrates how to text makes the reader feel think and make connection. And effort response elicits the facts of the text examples plot, character, setting, events in the narrative, and key points in a informational text


This stage of writing process involves re-writing or receipt. At this point the student looks of the peace again, either alone or with the help of a teacher or capable pier. The student strives to in sure that the reader is able to understand the piece of writing. In the revising stage, emphasis is placed on examining sentence structure, word choice, voice, and organization of the peace

Historical criticism/postcolonial

This time. And events of the others times are central to understanding the text the focus is on the social, economic economic, political, cultural, and intellectual climate of the time. Consider to what degree western literature is privileged and how other cultures are depicted by the author. This lens examines issues of colonization and imperialism. rejects underrepresented peoples as others and honors the fact that people may exist into cultures at the same time


This type of literature records events or situations as they have been remembered. Features of this literary style include intentional ambiguity, re-accounting events as they occur through the narrators eyes, not using chronological order, the need to read the entire work and you stand back and reflect order to understand the full meaning, and developing the setting with emphasis on the emotional landscape. Author is known for using this type of writing include Joseph Conrad Henry James, and James Joyce. Heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad is a well-known example of impressionist literature


This type of literature records events or situations as they have been remembered. Features of this literary style include intentional ambiguity, re-accounting events as they occur through the narrators eyes, not using chronological order, the need to read the entire work and you stand back and reflect order to understand the full meaning, and developing the setting with emphasis on the emotional landscape. Author is known for using this type of writing include Joseph Conrad Henry James, and James Joyce. Heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad is a well-known example of this type of literature.

Conditional Sentence

This type of sentence that expresses wishes or conditions contrary to fact. Example: If you were to hang onto the basketball rim, then you should experience the glory of every NBA player.

Weaving process

Two distinct yarns or reads interlaced at right angles to create fabric or cloth


Two painted panels that are usually hinged together

Transitive verb

Type of verb that requires direct objects - words or word groups that complete the meaning of a verb by naming a receiver of the action. Example: {The secondary English student} (subject) {learns} (verb) {the methods of the master teacher}. (direct object)

Intransitive verb

Type of verb that requires no objects or complements. Examples: An airplane {flew} overhead.


Typically ceramic with rounded shoulders, which typically has two horizontal handles and one vertical handle at the neck, is an ancient Etruscan or Greek water jug.

Research writing and publishing

Typically involves submitting a research paper to an English or humanities teacher in hardcopy and sometimes using an electronic submission to such as turn it into check for plagiarism

Titan's oil painting method

Under painting was done in tempera with pure color oil applied to the top

Bone dry

Unfixed clay that is free of water and ready to fire

Leather hard

Unfixed clay that isn't quite dry, firm enough to carve or burnish


Uniform Resource Locator or ____ is an Internet address. It is important to note website domain extensions such as .edu (education), .com (commercial business), .net (network), and .org (organization) to check the reliability and accuracy of information, although one must also check the date and creator of a website.


Unlike print texts, the reader can change the language of digital text. While there may be issues with the ___________, this is a unique and important feature of digital texts.

Local color

Unmodified by light or shade, natural color

Cliches or Jargon

Unnatural language. Example: What goes around comes around. More effective: A person's actions will have consequences.

Blank verse

Unrhymed verse, most often occurring in iambic pentameter


Unstressed, unstressed, stressed

Encaustic art

Use of colored wax for painting often done on walls


Use of paint in a lose gestural way

Henri Matisse Blue Nude II

Use of positive and negative space


Use of positive messages to recognize or influence others

Past tense

Verb tense that is used to describe what happened in the past. Example: They {attended} Wakefield Elementary School.

Past perfect tense

Verb tense that is used to express action that began in the past and happened prior to another past action. Example: Dr. Hicks {had} never {seen} such high student test scores until she implemented the intervention.

Future perfect tesne

Verb tense that is used to express action that will begin in the future and will be completed in the future. Example: By this time next year, Tory and Celia {will have graduated} eighth grade.

Future tense

Verb tense that is used to express action that will take place in the future. Example: Next year, they {will attend} Broad Rock High School.

Present perfect tense

Verb tense that is used when action began in the past but continues into the present. Example: Annie {has attended} a charter school for two years.

Questioning Techniques

Verbal and non-verbal prompting; restatement; reflective listening statements; active listening; wait time

Linking or connecting verbs

Verbs that connect the subject and the subject complement, and add verb and adjective, noun or noun equivalent. Example it "was" raining

Transitive verb

Verbs that require direct objects - word or words groups that complete the meaning of a verb by naming a receiver of the action.

Gerund Phrase

Verbs with other functions; A ________ _________ is made up of a present participle (a verb ending in -ing) and always function as a noun. Example: {Gardening} is my favorite leisure activity.


Verbs with other functions; A __________ participle is a verb form that usually ends in -ing or -ed. Participles operate as adjectives but also maintain some characteristics of verbs. You might think of a ___________ as a verbal adjective. Examples include {barking} dog and {painted} fence.

Lewis Carroll

Victorian English writer; The Jabberwocky, The Walrus and the Carpenter, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

George Eliot

Victorian English writer; The Mill on the Floss

Lord Alfred Tennyson

Victorian English writer; Ulysses, The Charge of the Light Brigade, The Kraken

Emily Bronte

Victorian English writer; Wuthering Heights

Wassily Kandinsky

What artist is often credited with painting the first truly abstract works?

Inquiry Learning

an investigative process of learning in which students are asked to pose questions, analyze data, and develop conclusions or generalizations


an ornamental canopy over an altar, usually supported on columns, or a similar form over a tomb or throne

Effective Sentences

_____ ________ are clear and concrete. In addition, _______ ________ use imagery, precise language, and rhythm. Ineffective sentences often contain one or more problems.

Figures of speech

________ __ ________: hyperbole, irony, simile, understatement, meiosis, local color, sarcasm, etc.


_________ is the specialized language of a particular group or culture. Education-related _____ includes words and phrases such as rubric, tuning protocol, and deskilling.


__________ are used to set off explanatory information within a sentence and to set off full sentences.


__________ is a language that is intended to be evasive or to conceal. The term began to be used in the 1950s and is similar to newspeak, a term coined by George Orwell in the novel 1984. ____________ is related to euphemisms but is distinguished by its use by government, military, and business organizations. Example: "Downsized" actually means fired or loss of a job.


___________ are groups of related words that operate as a single part of speech, such as verb, verbal, prepositional, appositive, or absolute phrases. For example, "in the doghouse" is a prepositional phrase.


___________ is the body of words used in a language. On the Praxis ESA tests, you will be asked to understand vocabulary in the context of a literary or informational text. You will need to distinguish meaning among commonly misspelled or mistaken words, figures of speech, or idioms.


___________ is the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests.


___________ occurs when there are two or more possible meanings to a word or phrase.


___________ refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word.


____________ are groups of related words that have both a subject and a predicate. For example, "I have a tendency to procrastinate when I have a high-stakes assignment" contains the ______ "I have a tendency to procrastinate" and the subordinate ______ "when I have a high-stakes assignment."


_____________ are expressions that are not easily understood through the literal meaning of the words. For example, "it's raining cats and dogs" means that it is raining down heavily, or "get Miss Maudie's goat" in To Kill a Mockingbird means to make Miss Maudie angry.


_______________ are words, clauses, or phrases that limit or describe other words or groups of words.


____________s describe or modify nouns or pronouns. Example: big, blue, old, tacky, shiny


_________s describe four different things: time (tomorrow, monthly, momentarily, presently), place (there, yonder, here, backward), manner (exactly, efficiently, clearly, steadfastly), degree (greatly, partly, too, incrementally)

Wait time

amount of time a teacher waits after calling on a student or asking a question before answering themselves, making a comment, or asking another student, usually 3-5 secs

Cloze procedures

an assessment method used to determine readability of a text that involves deleting words from the text and leaving blank spaces. The teacher chooses a text of at least 250 words leaves the first and last sentences alone and deletes every fifth word in the text


is a perspective or elevation drawing of a project or portion of a project with artistic delineation of materials, shades, and shadows. It is the drawn or painted impression of how his work will appear when constructed and landscaped. The term for an architect's drawn or painted impression of how his work will appear when constructed and landscaped is?


is a pigment made by precipitating or fixing a dye upon an inert pigment or lake base. The process requires a high degree of skill to produce good results. Lakes are made in a great range of hues and strengths


is a pin or brooch. In Ancient Greece and Rome, brooches, were used to fasten togas at the shoulder.


is a platform in a mosque, often made of wood, that holds muezzins who chant in unison with the prayer leader.


is a portrait that offers an exaggerated, ludicrous, and frequently satirical view of a subject. It was first developed in 16th century Rome, but its most common function today is as social and political commentary in journalism.


is a process involving the coating of steel with zinc to prevent rusting.


is a rubbery material that can be used as a binder, molding compound, or adhesive. Recently however, it is increasingly being replaced by silicon compounds and polyurethane plastics.


is a semi-circular painting surface. It is often the decorated area over a window or a door.


is a subtractive gesture, meaning that it removes materials as a means of creating art, rather than adding them.


is a symbolic figure, usually engraved or incised, as in the Olmec and Mayan art of Pre-Columbian Mexico.

Old Masters

is a term that refers to a distinguished artist before 1700, that was typically in Western or Northern Europe during the Renaissance, Mannerist, and Baroque periods


is a term that refers to a medicine man who is believed to influence both good and evil spirits. Believed to have strong magical power, charms, amulets, and talismans are worn as jewelry.

american scene painting

is a term used to describe the works of American artists active during the 1920s and 1930s who tried to achieve independence from European traditions and to adhere to the principles of naturalism. Thomas Hart Benton was part of a sub-category called Regionalism


is a tool used to loosen, or pick apart, the densely packed weft. It may also be used to manipulate the surface of the woven fabric.


is a traditional form of oil painting. Thin, transparent layers of paint are spread over an opaque layer. Light travels through the thin layers and is reflected off the opaque layer. This creates a glowing effect in which the colors of all the layers appear to be combined.


is also known as dimethyl ketone, and is used to clean up resins, fiberglass, inks, and adhesives?


is an accurate representation of an urban landscape. It is a highly detailed, usually large-scale painting of a cityscape or some other vista.


is an aesthetic and critical art theory that places emphasis on its expressive qualities. In accordance with emotionalism, the most important aspect about a work of art is the communication of moods, feelings, and ideas

Lobed arch

is an arch that has lobes (rounded projections) on the inner curve. The lobed arch is common in Islamic and Spanish architecture.

The Scream, Munch

is an example of Expressionism. Expressionist art is intended to convey a certain emotion, mood, or state of mind. In this case, the state of mind appears to be fear or madness.


is an extension at the east end of a church, abbey, or cathedral. It is usually a semicircle.

Working with wax

is considered a subtractive artistic process because the artist removes the medium in order to create a final work of art.


is earthenware glazed with a paste that becomes sheen when fired. The term originally referred to tin glazed earthenware made in Faenza, Italy, but later came to encompass a wider range of works.

Roy Lichenstein

is famous for creating monumental enlargements of comic book imagery, such as the one in this painting. His work both celebrates and parodies the comic book genre, and, by extension, American culture.

j.m.w. turner

is known as the "painter of light." His work anticipated the Impressionists in that he was primarily concerned with the impression that light creates on a landscape.

Raden Saleh

is one of the best known painters from Indonesia and a pioneer of modern Indonesian art. He was considered to be the first modern artist from the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), and his paintings corresponded with nineteenth-century romanticism which was popular in Europe at the time. He also expressed his cultural roots and inventiveness in his work.

exposure latitude

is the amount of over- and under-exposure that a film can receive and still yield acceptable results. Color print film has a latitude of up to three stops over and under.

brush drawing

is the application of ink with a finely pointed brush. This method gives an effect of great spontaneity. Study of an Apostle's Hands by Dürer is an example of a brush drawing.


is the concept that a work's artistic value is entirely determined by its form—the way it is made, its visual aspects, and its medium. Formalism emphasizes compositional elements such as color, line, shape and texture rather than realism, context, and content.


is the highest grade of ceramic ware. The original formula was developed in China during the seventh century A.D.


is the process in which a deteriorating or damaged canvas is mounted on a new base. It is the addition of a new canvas to the back of an existing one that has deteriorated, in order to extend the life of the aging support and possibly repair and renovate the paint and ground layers.

Dry Brushing

is the process of applying relatively dry ink or water paint over a surface lightly, to create an area of broken color.


is the process of coating a metal, usually of iron, nickel, or copper, with another metal. The base metal is placed in water, and is gradually coated with particles of another metal through electrolysis.

Indirect carving

is the process of creating a three-dimensional sculpture by imitating the proportions of a smaller model. Artists can be assisted with a pointing machine that mechanically measures proportions.


is the process of crushing a substance into powder with the use of friction, such as rubbing it between two hard surfaces.


is the process of gradually introducing materials and techniques to those who may have an aversion to them, such as special education students, or those who are tactily-defensive.


is the texture of canvas or wood. It runs from coarse to fine. For instance, rough paper has a more pronounced tooth (tiny peaks and hollows) to its surface.


is the tool used to grind pigment and oil mixtures. The base has a very slight roughness or fine tooth to it. The base is usually slightly convex to encourage the pigment to "squeeze out" between piece and the surface you're grinding on.

Rabbit skin glue

is the traditional size for fabric support on panels, it seals porous fabric and isolates it from the ground or oil paints


is the use of small, carefully applied dots and strokes to make a definite tonal area. Pop artists frequently employ this technique, which they have adapted from cartoon illustrations printed as half-tones.


is used to rough out a form in the process of woodcarving.

Lump Hammer

is used to strike stone cutting tools. The heavy head gives additional leverage to allow the manipulation of hard stone.

mahl stick

is used to support the hand holding a paint brush to preserve the artist's energy and to protect the canvas. The end of the Mahl stick cushioned in leather, is closest to the artwork surface.


movement where the artists works with emerging technologies and sciences


moving from one side of the scene and then move across the setting.


often made up of a repeating geometric pattern that fits together to completely cover a flat surface without overlapping.

sequence structure

organizes paragraphs in chronological order Signal words: first, next, last, then, finally, following, before, after

Piet Mondrain

paintings are grid patterns with blocks of white and colors separated by black lines. Mondrian believed that the patterns he created in his paintings represented "general" beauty. Although he said his paintings were inspired by nature, he made no attempt to represent the natural world.

Alkyd Paints

paints are made from pigments bound in an oil-modified synthetic resin. They handle in the same way as traditional oil paints, but have the advantage of being much faster-drying.


paper stump is used for blending or shading charcoal, pastel, or soft-graphite drawings. It is made of tightly rolled paper, with tapered ends for working on large areas, or a sharp point for small details.


paper used for the book of kells

hot pressed paper

paper with a smooth surface, great for precise drawing

compare/contrast text structure

paragraphs alternating ways people, events places or things are similar and different Signal words: on the other hand, in contrast, instead, similar, same, both, as well as, unlike

Long-term memory

part of memory that holds skills/knowledge for a long time

learned helplessness

passive learner who is dependent on other for guidance/decision making


pattern suggesting humans have a basic need for autonomy when it comes to the courses their lives take


pattern, which is repeated at increasingly smaller scales to produce irregular shapes that cannot be represented by classical geometry.

Hardness of pencils

pencils hardest/lightest to softest/darkest 2h-6b


period began in 1520 and lasted until 1600. It was characterized by artificial colors, unrealistic settings, and complex composition. El Greco is the most famous artist.


person's ability to think about his/her thinking; requires self-awareness and regulation--able to explain thought process & strategies to get the solution.


person's natural tendency to approach learning or problem solving in certain ways

Cognitive Style

person's way of perceiving and remembering information; way person thinks or solves problems

student-created sources

personal dictionary of words to know or spell, note cards, graphic organizers, oral histories or journals

Vicarious learning

phenomenon in which a response increases in frequency when another person is observed being reinforced for that response


placing items close together, especially for comparision


A reference to a familiar person, place, thing, or event for example, don Juan, Brave New World, Everyman, Macahavvellian, utopia


A repetition of a line or phrase of a poem at regular intervals particularly at the end of the stanza


A repetition of the same sounds in words close to one another example white stripes


A rhetorical term for the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several causes an example of this is Martin Luther King Junior's speech I have a dream


A specific type of metaphor or figure of speech often elaborate, that compares two things that are very different. When reading a metaphor, the reader is aware of the dissimilarities between the two things being compared; but a conceit broadens the readers awareness of the complexity of the things in question often provides a clear justaposition. Extended metaphor is a synonym of conceit


A stanza made up of two rhyming lines


A story in which people things or actions represent an idea or a generalization about life allegories usually have a strong lesson or moral

Poetic justice

A term that means a character gets what he or she deserves in the end. The purest form of poetic justice occurs when one character plots against another but ends up caught or harmed in his or her own trap


A variation of a language used by people from a particular geographic area


A wise saying that is usually short and witty


An expression specific to a certain language that mean something different from the literal meaning example "sick as a dog" means one is very ill


An expression that has been used so often that it loses its expressive power. Example dead as a door nail, or I'm so hungry I could eat a horse


A brief story that illustrates or makes a point


A descriptive phrase or word frequently used to characterize a person or thing, such as "the father of psychology" refers to Sigmund Freud


A lesson a work of literature is teaching


A literary term for themes or ideas that are often repeated within the literary work for example a key motive in Arthur Miller's the crucible is accusation and confessions


A method and author uses to let readers know more about the characters and their personal traits


A metrical foot is one stressed syllable and a number of unstressed syllables (from zero to as many as four.) There are four possible.

Interior monologue

A narrative technique that reveals a characters internal thoughts and memories


A person or thing working against the hero the protagonist of a literary work


A philosophy that values a human freedom and personal responsibility. Sartre, kierkegaard, kafka


A play on words based on multiple meanings or on words that sound like but have different meanings. Example Mark twain the Nile river "denial ain't just a river in Egypt"

Rhetorical question

A question that is post but does not actually require an answer

Anxiety of influence

Literary critic Harold Bloom advance this way of interpreting poetry by using Sigmund Freud's notion of the Ordipus complex to suggest that poets filled with anxiety and no new ideas to express struggle against the earlier influences of previous generations a poet while bloom at bat advance the anxiety of influence when one is reading poetry readers can also use this lens to interpret other literary works

Anapestic meter

Meter that is composed of feet that are short short unaccented-unaccented-accented. Used in light or whimsical poetry, such as a limerick for example the word contradict has three syllables where the accident is on the third syllable

1 foot


Pathetic fallacy

The attribution of human feelings and responses to inanimate things or animals

Situational irony

The purpose of a particular action differs greatly from the result


The regular or random patterns of sounds in poetry


The relationships between text especially works of literature


The use of a word or phrase to me in the exact opposite of its literal or expected meaning there are three kinds of irony dramatic verbal situational

Free verse

Verse that contains an air regular metrical pattern and line length also known as vers libre

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