PreAP Psychology- States of Consciousness

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How is the hypothalamus involved in sleep?

In response to decreasing light the hypothalamus' suprachiastmatic nucleus causes the pineal gland to increase production of melatonin, leading you to sleep.

An altered state of consciousness similar to that of a near-death experience is most likely to result from the use of


The hypnagogic sensations of falling or floating are most likely to occur during which sleep stage?

NREM-1 sleep

Evidence suggests that we consolidate our memories of recent life events through

REM sleep.

What is most likely to occur when the brain is repeatedly flooded with artificial opiates?

The brain stops producing endorphins.

What do methamphetamine, caffeine, and cocaine have in common?

They excite neural activity and arouse body functions.

Daniel Kahneman and his colleagues found that the daily moods of working women were most heavily influenced by

a good night's sleep.

Circadian rhythm refers to

a pattern of biological functioning that occurs on a roughly 24-hour cycle.

Nembutal, Seconal, and Amytal, drugs prescribed to reduce insomnia, are


In one study, both hypnotized and unhypnotized subjects were told to throw acid in a researcher's face. In this experiment, hypnotized people

behaved in the same fashion as unhypnotized individuals.

Prior to age 9, children's dreams seem more like a slide show and less like an active story in which the dreamer is an actor. This best illustrates that the content of dreams reflects children's

cognitive development.

People become unresponsive to hypnosis if told that those who are highly gullible are easily hypnotized. This fact is most consistent with the theory that hypnosis involves

conscious role-playing.

Alcohol consumption disrupts the processing of recent experiences into long-term memory by

decreasing REM sleep.

The large, slow brain waves associated with deep sleep are called

delta waves.

Research indicates that alcohol

disrupts the processing of recent experiences into long-term memories.

Evidence that people in a posthypnotic state have no difficulty remembering everything they had learned while under hypnosis would most clearly serve to challenge

dissociation theory.

Slow-wave sleep promotes

effective memory.

According to Freud, the latent content of a dream refers to

its underlying but censored meaning.

Greg remembered a recent dream in which his girlfriend suddenly grabbed the wheel of his speeding car. Greg's therapist suggested that the dream might be a representation of the girlfriend's efforts to avoid sexual intimacy. According to Freud, the therapist was attempting to reveal the ________ of Greg's dream.

latent content

According to Freud, the personally threatening and censored meaning of a dream is its

latent content.

Freud called the remembered story line of a dream its ________ content.


Research on the use of addictive drugs indicates that

many people are able to stop using addictive drugs without professional help.

Mrs. Roberts, who suffers from AIDS, has been given an ordinarily illegal drug at the university hospital. Considering her specific medical condition, it is likely that she has received


THC, the active ingredient in ________, is classified as a ________.

marijuana; stimulant

Unpleasant withdrawal symptoms are indicative of

physical dependence.

Just prior to awakening Chinua from a hypnotic state, the therapist told him that during the next few days he would feel nauseous whenever he reached for a cigarette. Chinua's therapist was attempting to make use of

posthypnotic suggestion.

Chemical substances that alter perceptions and moods are called ________ drugs.


Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and a wide variety of other chemical agents that alter perceptions and moods are called

psychoactive drugs.

Alpha waves are associated with

relaxed but awake state.

After suffering a trauma, people commonly report an increase in

threatening dreams.

As oxygen deprivation just prior to death turns off the brain's inhibitory cells, neural activity increases in the

visual cortex.

The discomfort and distress that follow the discontinued use of certain drugs is called


Why is it dangerous to combine alcohol with a sleeping pill?

Alcohol and sleeping pills are depressants; their combined action reduces nervous system activity and can lead to death.

The release of stored serotonin and the eventual damage of serotonin-producing neurons is most closely associated with the long-term use of


What is the danger of labeling behaviors such as too much eating, shopping, exercise, sex, or gambling as addictions?

It can be used as an "all-purpose" excuse to explain away the behaviors.

Twenty-two-year-old Felicia scores high in hypnotic responsiveness as measured by the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale. Research suggests that Felicia may also have

a rich fantasy life.

Under hypnosis, Mrs. Mohammed is encouraged by her therapist to vividly experience and describe the details of an argument she had with her father when she was a child. The therapist is employing a technique called

age regression.

The school of thought in psychology that systematically avoided the study of consciousness during the first half of the last century was


Those who emphasize that mood fluctuations may be indicative of seasonal affective disorder are highlighting the importance of

biological rhythms.

Cindi prefers to take exams in the late afternoon rather than during the morning, because her energy level and ability to concentrate are better at that time. Her experience most likely reflects the influence of the

circadian rhythm.

Research has indicated that hypnosis

enables some people to undergo surgery with only a local anesthesia.

LSD is most likely to produce


Advocates of the social influence theory of hypnosis are likely to argue that

hypnotized people are simply enacting the role of good hypnotic subjects.

Layla has difficulty going to sleep and staying asleep. Layla is most likely suffering from


Which of the following sleep disorders would be the most incapacitating for a commercial bus driver?


The rhythmic bursts of brain activity that occur during NREM-2 sleep are called

sleep spindles.

The need to take larger and larger doses of a drug in order to experience its effects is an indication of


An altered state of consciousness in which people experience fantastic images and often feel separated from their bodies is most closely associated with the use of


As a participant in a sleep-research study for the past three nights, Tim has been repeatedly disturbed during REM sleep. Tonight, when allowed to sleep undisturbed, Tim will likely experience

an increase in REM sleep.

To move beyond the "hypnosis is social influence" versus "hypnosis is divided consciousness" debate, today's hypnosis researchers are using a unified ________ approach.


Understanding hypnosis in terms of focused attention, distinctive brain activity, and the presence of an authoritative presence in a legitimate context, requires an integrated ________ approach.


A split in consciousness in which some thoughts occur simultaneously with and yet separately from other thoughts is called


People hypnotized for pain relief may show activity in brain areas that receive pain sensations but not in brain areas that make us consciously aware of the pain. This most directly supports the theory that hypnosis involves


Three hours after going to sleep, Shoshanna's heart rate increases, her breathing becomes more rapid, and her eyes move rapidly under her closed lids. Research suggests that Shoshanna is


About three hours after he falls asleep, Bobby often sits up in bed screaming incoherently. His mother tries to awaken him, but with no success. His pulse races and he gasps for breath. The next morning, he remembers nothing. It appears that Bobby suffers from

night terrors.

Morphine and heroin are


Consciousness is

our awareness of ourselves and our environment.

REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because

our nervous system is highly active, while our voluntary muscles hardly move.

After drinking three cans of beer, Akiva felt less guilty about the way he mistreated his wife and children. Akiva's reduced guilt most likely resulted from the fact that his alcohol consumption has

reduced his self-awareness.

Mr. Dayton occasionally stops breathing while sleeping. He wakes up to snort air for a few seconds before falling back to sleep. Mrs. Dayton complains that her husband snores. Clearly, Mr. Dayton suffers from

sleep apnea.

The human sleep cycle repeats itself about every

90 minutes.

Brain regions that are active as rats learn to navigate a maze show similar activity patterns again as the rats later experience

REM sleep.

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