Presidential precedent
One of the restrooms from the video states that Washington was a action of the 18th century. Why did they history and from the video just grab Washington this week support your answer with one please of evidence from the video
He was the best horseback rider. He was the first president. He had a white horse.
It showed great leardership
How did Washington use his hours to cerate his own public image
What precedent is Washington most know for
Hw was a war leader, dancer, for stepping down
Atltic, tall, roll bots, the best house back rider
List the physical characteristics of George Washington
It was time to pass it on to someone Elsa and show out that it is okay to step down and give it to someone Elsa
One of the historians from the video says Washington left after two terms. I think was his finest moment why do you think it was important that Washington left office
Mr. President
What did George Washington recommend the president be called
Defender of libartiy
What was one of the titles suggested for 5he presidents
So help me god
What was the first presidential precedents set by George Washington
According to one of their historians from the video video say Washington left office after two terms because he wanted to teach the country a lesson. What lesson did Washington want to teach
When it's time to go it's time to go