Previous Question (W)

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What form would you use to move the Previous Question?

"I move the Previous Question on all pending questions"

Name 3 debatable subsidiary motions that the Previous Question takes precedence over.

Amend Commit(Or refer) Postpone Indefinitely Postpone to a Certain Time (or Postpone Definitely)

Name 3 subsidiary motions that the Previous Question can be applied to.

Amend Commit(Or refer) Postpone Indefinitely Postpone to a Certain Time (or Postpone Definitely) Limit or Extend Limits of Debate

Name 3 undebatable privileged or subsidiary motions that the Previous Question can be applied to.

Fix the time at which to adjourn Recess Limit or Extend Limits of Debate

Name three privliged motions that take presidence over the Previous question

Fix the time to which to adjourn Adjourn Recess Raise a question of privlilege call for the orders of the day

Name two privileged motions that the motion previous question can be applied to. Can it be applied to a main motion?

Fix the time to which to adjourn and Recess Yes

Name three subsidiary that the previous question takes precedence over

Limit or extend limits of debate Postpone definitely Refer Amend Postpone indefinitely

Is the Previous Question allowed in committees?


May a member move to close debate by calling out "Question"?


Assume you are the chairman at a meeting and the Previous Question is ordered on a Main Motion, Postpone Indefinitely, and an Amendment. What order are the three motions voted on?

They are voted on by order of rank beginning with Amend, then Postpone Indefinitely, Then the Main Motion. Voted on in the reverse of the order they were made. Assume 3 motions are pending, and you want to stop debate on all of them.

What is the purpose of the Previous Question?

To immediately close debate and the making of subsidiary motions except the motion to Lay on the Table.

What vote is required to adopt the previous question?


What is the latest that a member can change his/her vote on a motion?

Up to the result is announced

Are motions such as "I call for the question" or "I move we vote now" proper forms for making the Previous Question when one debatable motion is pending?


Can the Previous Question be used to bring the assembly to an immediate vote on more than one pending question?


May a member conclude their debate on a main motion by moving the Previous Question? Explain

Yes. A member can speak in debate and conclude by offering a secondary motion such as the Previous Question.

If there are 30 members at a meeting how many have to vote in the affirmative to pass the previous question?


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