Primary sources

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Hymns to the Pharaohs: What's the main story line?

*See document

Code of Hammurabi: When was it written?

1750 BCE

Genesis: How does it relate to its context?

Ancient Hebrew

Book of the Dead: What type of document is it?


Enuma Elish: How does the source relate to its context?

It came from Ancient Mesopotamia

Epic of Gilgamesh: How does the source relate to its context?

It came from Ancient Mesopotamia

Book of the Dead: How does it relate to its context?

It is from the Egyptian period of the Middle Kingdom

Book of the Dead: Is this source/document reliable and/or accurate?

It is reliable in the sense that it gives us insight into the beliefs of the Egyptians and their expectations of the afterlife

Code of Hammurabi: What assumptions are made in the source?

King Hammurabi was speaking the word of the God of Justice

Hymns to the Pharaohs: Why was it written?

O The hymn to Ramesses IV: To thank the gods for sending Ramesses to them, and to thank them for bringing them out of those troubling times. O The hymn to a deceased Pharaoh To let the Egyptians in mourning that the Pharaoh is not dead that he lives on because he is not a mortal. * It is also written to ask the gods to accept their Pharaoh in the heavens.

Genesis: What type of document is it?

Religious text

Book of the Dead: Main story line?

The Book of the Dead is made up of texts that are placed in the tombs of the deceased. These texts lay out a guideline for how to deal with obstacles one may face in the afterlife. In the text: The Declaration of innocence, it details what sins not to commit. By reading The Declaration of Innocence, you are able to see what Egyptians found to be acceptable social behavior.

Genesis: Are there any assumptions made in the source?

The Hebrews believed that God made all of the things to be enjoyed by humans, and that humans were not put on the earth to serve God but to be in his likeness. They also, believed that God gave them all of these things to be enjoyed, but if one goes against God like Adam and Eve they shall be punished.

Epic of Gilgamesh: Who were the intended audience?

The Mesopotamian/Sumerian people

Genesis: Who is the intended audience?

The audience is all those who believe in this all powerful God (Hebrews)

Code of Hammurabi: What is the main story line?

The code of Hammurabi believed heavily in 'an eye for an eye'. The law code details the laws of the Babylonian people and the consequences faced for breaking the laws. The laws are very detailed so the citizens know exactly what the can and cannot do. An example of 'an eye for an eye' is "if a seignior came forward with false testimony concerning grain or money, he shall bear the penalty of that case"

Enuma Elish: Who were the intended audience?

The people of the Sumerian society

Book of the Dead: Why was it written?

To detail how a dead person should deal with obstacles in the afterlife

Genesis: Why was it written?

To pass on through generations how the earth was created, how the animals and creatures of the sea were created, and how man and women came to be. It also, provided an explanation to why things were they were. Why men were above women, and why things were not always happy because of Adam and Eve's sin.

Hymns to the Pharaohs: Is this an accurate and reliable source?

Yes, it's reliable. Comes from the time period and tells about their beliefs

Code of Hammurabi: Is this an accurate and reliable source?

Yes, these are the laws the Babylonian people had to follow

Book of the Dead: What can I learn about the society/person who created this source/document?

You can learn that Egyptians heavily believed in an afterlife

Genesis: What can I learn about the society/person who created this source/document?

You can learn the beliefs that the Hebrews had of how the Earth was created and how all things came to be. You can also learn about the God they believe in and how they believe him to be all powerful. How they believe they are made in the likeness of God, and that the explanation for pain and suffering is due to Adam and Eve's mistake.

Hymns to the Pharaohs: When was it written?

• 1st Hymn (Ramesses IV) - 1166 BC • 2nd Hymn (To A Deceased Pharaoh) - 2600 BC

Hymns to the Pharaohs: How does the source relate to its context?

• 1st Hymn (Ramesses IV) - New Kingdom of Egypt • 2nd Hymn (To A Deceased Pharaoh) - Old Kingdom of Egypt

Epic of Gilgamesh: Is this an accurate and reliable source?

• Historically there is a Gilgamesh but the Epic itself is not literal • The relationships with the King and Gods + afterlife can be accurate

Epic of Gilgamesh: What assumptions are made in the source?

• Hunting is important • Gods determine everything • Kings have restrictions and is held by a standard

Epic of Gilgamesh: What is the main story line?

• King Gilgamesh (a demigod) works his subjects too hard so the people go to the Gods for help. • Aruru (creation goddess) creates Enkidu who is an image of Anu, the god of heavens and father of all the gods. • Gilgamesh and Enkidu become friends who slay Humbaba. • Gods become furious and kill Enkidu. • Gilgamesh doesn't find mortality (he was searching for it) and so the Gods tell the King that he is just a human that he is there to serve the Gods.

Enuma Elish: What assumptions are made in the source?

• Man is created to serve the God • King has "direct communication" to the God • Gods control the irrigation and if they don't have enough water, then they assume the God is angry • Gods are violent so fear is placed on the people • They eat shellfish; can be assumed by "he split her like a shellfish into two parts" so they must know about it • Lived in reed huts and they don't have marsh lands • "released the arrow" - combat styles

Epic of Gilgamesh: Why was the document created?

• To show that kings are just like humans; no one is above God • Entertainment

Epic of Gilgamesh: When was it created?

2000 BCE - when we started to see clay tablets

Enuma Elish: When was it created?

2000-1000 BCE

Book of the Dead: When was it written?

2100-1800 BCE

Genesis: When was it written?

950-400 BCE

Code of Hammurabi: Why was the document created?

As a set of laws for the Babylonian people to follow

Code of Hammurabi: What type of document is it?

Code of law

Code of Hammurabi: How does the source relate to its context?

Comes from Ancient Mesopotamia during the Babylonian period

Enuma Elish: What type of document is it?

Creation myth

Hymns to the Pharaohs: Who wrote it?

Egyptian priest

Book of the Dead: Who wrote it?

Egyptian priests

Book of the Dead: Who is the intended audience?

Egyptians who are in the afterlife

Epic of Gilgamesh: What type of document is it?

Epic - grand narrative/tale of heroism

Hymns to the Pharaohs: What type of document is it?


Enuma Elish: Why was the document created?

It was written to offer an explanation, an understand and even comfort to the Sumerian people who did not understand the mysteries of the natural world.

Code of Hammurabi: What can I learn about the person/ society this source came from?

King Hammurabi believed heavily in 'an eye for an eye' and ruled his people according to the notion.

Code of Hammurabi: Who wrote it?

King Hammurabi wrote it from the "word" of the God of Justice

Genesis: Who wrote it?


Enuma Elish: Is this an accurate and reliable source?

Not accurate but it is reliable; The document itself provides insight into the beliefs of the Sumerian people. It is believable that the Sumerians who had no knowledge of the natural world believed the Creation Myth because they wanted an understanding. The myth itself is not believable because today we know a lot more about nature, and have evolution theories the Sumerians did not.

Hymns to the Pharaohs: Who's the intended audience?

O Both of these hymns are intended to be heard by the gods. O The hymn to a deceased Pharaoh was also intended for the Egyptians who were mourning the loss of their Pharaoh.

Hymns to the Pharaohs: What can I learn about the person/ society this source came from?

O The hymn to Ramesses IV describes the times before Ramesses took the throne and it describes how the Egyptians believed that by the gods putting him in charge made things better. O The hymn to a deceased Pharaoh describes what the Egyptians believe happened in the afterlife to their Pharaoh. It shows their relationships with these two Pharaohs, also it showed the way they talked to their gods.

Genesis: Main story line?

See document

Epic of Gilgamesh: Who is the author?

Sumerian or Mesopotamian scribe

Enuma Elish: Who is the author?

Sumerian scribe

Book of the Dead: Are there any assumptions made in the source?

That once you die you will have an 'afterlife'

Code of Hammurabi: Who were the intended audience?

The Babylonian people who the King ruled over

Epic of Gilgamesh: What can I learn about the person/ society this source came from?

They didn't think their Kings were Gods rather they served the Gods

Genesis: Is this source/document reliable and/or accurate?

This document is believed by many people as the story of creation, but it is not for certain factual. It is what the Hebrews believe to be how the earth came to be.

Enuma Elish: What is the main story line?

• Origins of the earth, heavens, and life • The world is created by one God ripping apart another God • One God created the world from the body of another God In depth: This creation myth describes the struggle between Sea- Goddess Tiamat (mother of all the gods) and the Sun-God Marduk. Marduk defeats Tiamat is defeated when Marduk releases an arrow that strikes her in her belly. The arrow cuts through her insides and splits her heart. Once she is dead, Marduk splits her in two. He sends one half of her into the sky; where he pulls down a bar and places guards telling them to not let her waters escape. Marduk then addresses his father (Eu) asking him to impart the plan he has in his heart. Marduk: "Blood I will mass and cause bones to be." He then says he will create a savage named man, and man's purpose will be to serve the gods so they might be at ease.

Hymns to the Pharaohs: Assumptions?

• Priests are literate; can read and write • "High Niles have come from their sources, that they may refresh the hearts of others" a. Rivers are very important: for irrigation, drinking, etc • Reincarnation/afterlife (there is a section in the textbook; direction of the king's tomb)

Enuma Elish: What can I learn about the person/ society this source came from?

• They believed that they were servants to the Gods • They are fearful of their Gods • Their kings were friends of the Gods "A Mesopotamian Creation Myth" teaches the belief that the Sumerian people had regarding the creation of man and the world. It provides the names of the gods that they believed in and what they were the gods of.

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