Principles of Private Security: Exam 3

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-Employees can actively contribute to preventing workplace violence by: Accepting and following an employer's preventive policies and practices; Being aware of and reporting violent or threatening behavior by coworkers; Following procedures outlined in the workplace violence prevention program -Employees are responsible for: Interacting responsibly with fellow employees, supervisors, and clients; Being familiar with the organization's policy regarding workplace violence; Promptly reporting actual or potential acts of violence; Cooperating fully in investigations of workplace violence; Being familiar with services provided for victims of workplace violence; Informing appropriate personnel about restraining or protective court orders related to; and domestic situations so that assistance can be offered at the work site -Mangers and supervisors are additionally responsible for: Informing employees of policies and programs addressing workplace violence; Taking all reported incidents of workplace violence seriously; Timely investigation of all acts of violence, threat, and similar disruptive behavior and taking appropriate action; Providing feedback to employees regarding the outcome of their reports; Requesting, where appropriate, assistance from functional area expert(s); Being aware of situations that can provoke violent behavior and promptly addressing them; Encouraging employees who show signs of stress or domestic violence to seek assistance; and assuring Assuring, where needed, that employees have time and opportunity to attend training for topics such as conflict resolution and stress management


Assessing the Threat of Terrorism: -Terrorism Threat Assessments- systematic effort conducted to identify and evaluate existing or potential terrorist threat to a jurisdiction and its assets; provides only general information -These look at natural disaster, criminal activity, major accidents, and terrorist activities -Includes: type of adversary, category of adversary, objective of each type of adversary, number of adversaries expected for each category, target selected by adversaries, type of planning activities required to accomplish the objective, most likely or "worst case" time an adversary could attack, range of adversary tactics, capabilities of adversary -Threat levels may be assigned based on the degree to which combinations fo these factors are present: existence, capability, intent, history, targeting, security environment -If chemical, biological, or radiological attack were to take place in the US, it is more likely that it would come from a right-wing extremist or anarchist than an Islamist terrorist


The Goals of Homeland Security: -Ranges from preventing terrorist attacks to controlling immigration and managing cyberspace Practicing Homeland Security: -Practice controlled and shaped by three main concepts: security, resilience, and customs and exchange -These keys concepts control areas of activity that define the homeland security mission: prevent, protect, respond, recover, ensure resilience, and facilitate customs and exchange Private Homeland Security: -Heavily engaged in homeland security activities -Need a plan to work directly with law enforcement, state and local leaders, community-based organizations, private sector and international partners Private/Public Cooperation: -Routine cooperation with private and public sector in achieving the mission goals of homeland security -Private companies can augment the total homeland security workforce faster than the government acting alone, providing a solution to the need for more personnel in homeland security positions


Report writing: -include name of the subject, the appropriate file number, the type of case investigated, the status of the case, the reporting investigator, and the date of the report; include summary information and a more detailed narrative -Five basic steps to report writing- gathering the facts, recording the facts, organizing the facts, writing the report, and evaluating and editing the report as necessary -most corporations will have a management Information system - computer-based and can monitor variety of details related to security - become more popular/common -protection at point of sale- issues are common w/ thieves, often times done w/ a customer and person working point of sale (worker) - usually partners and split rewards - accepting bad checks, credit card fraud, refund and exchange fraud, counterfeit $, theft form register, altering price tags, and undercharging w/ relatives or friends -lose $______ billion from shoplifters in a year -manual cash registers only mechanism need to make safe - electronic now (1960s come into use), electronic cash register coupled w/ computer and manage more operations and can store large amounts of data that can be accessed any time by management


-Surveillance - primary purpose is to obtain information about the subject or subjects under investigation -Surveillance methods - loose, close, and a combination of the two; combo of two works best -Surveillance types - stationary and mobile are the two types -Undercover operations - Five phases: planning and preparation, information gathering, verification and analysis, disciplinary and corrective action, prevention and education -Intelligence Cycle: Taking, collection, evaluation, collation, analysis, inference development, dissemination -_______ _______ _______ ___ __ ______ - prohibited the standard use of a pre-employment polygraph examination; allows polygraph examinations to be used in connection with jobs in security if reasonable suspicion that the employee was involved in the theft or other conduct triggering the investigation -_____ ______ ______- a systemic evaluation of a subject's verbal and nonverbal behavior during a structured interview; investigators using this technique are able to carefully observe both verbal and nonverbal responses from the subject of interest - telling truth/liar -Sources and other information resources - Radio, newspaper, television, and internet-based news outlets; non-news internet sources; local court filings and records; files from CJ agencies; organizational files and records; regulatory and tax-related documents; motor vehicle records; financial records; victims, witnesses, first responders, subject matter experts, and informants

Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988, Behavior Analysis Interview

-Criminal investigations - will sometimes be the first to investigate so need to be familiar with the requirements, good relationship with LE --White-collar crimes; Fraud investigations - most common: Insurance fraud, Medical and health care fraud, Workers' compensation fraud; Product counterfeiting -_______ investigations - Fires, personal injury, product liability, property damage, losses, medical malpractice, missing persons, sexual harassment, unethical conduct, wrongful death, conflicts of interest, employee theft, misuse of organizational resources, workplace violence, substance abuse. Also due diligence, accidents, and theft of trade secrets and economic espionage Interviewing and interrogating: -_______ skills among the most basic and essential tools for PS -Interrogation more planned and structured than an interview -Interview types - depends on situation and the person to be interviewed; canvass, victim, witness, and suspect -Nonverbal communication -Listening skills - lead to better customer satisfaction, greater productivity, fewer mistakes, increased sharing of information, and more creative and innovative work; maintain eye contract, be natural and attentive, be open-minded, visualize what is being said, don't interrupt, wait for the speaker to naturally pause before you ask a clarifying question, ask questions only for understanding, try to understand what the speaker is feeling, give feedback, pay attention to what isn't said -Taking notes - done to assist in memory

NonCriminal, interviewing

-Effective customer service is a great deterrent - staffing, greeting, be attentive, receipts, stay focused, bag check, service calls, helping hand Shoplifter Identification: Profiling: -More leery of shoppers who: seem more attentive and focused on store employees instead of shopping, wear coats or heavy clothing during warm weather or when otherwise unnecessary, walk as if they are concealing stolen items, leave the dressing room with (apparently) fewer items than they entered with, appear nervous perhaps picking up random items and feigning interest, enter the store multiple times yet never make a purchase -Profiling Problems - Some will misuse profiling techniques by identifying suspects based on their personal bias -Racial or ethnic profiling can lead to personal and organizational civil liabilities -Changing Behavior - It's hard to change the biased racial and ethnic stereotypes in security officials selection of potential shoplifters ______ Retail Crime: -Traveling groups of organized criminals and gangs who steal for their livelihood have been in operations for decades -____% of the retail organizations surveyed reported that they had been a victim of organized retail crime in the past year -Credit card, gift card, and check schemes; hijack and steal truck or rail cargo; collude w/ dishonest employees to steal from manufacturers and distribution centers

Organized, 93.5%

-most common charge against a PS is assault (verbal and graded; person charged intended to cause harm and within striking range to be charged and credible) and/or battery (illegal touching) -confront assaults - need to be imminent threats -simple and aggravated battery -civil liability primarily dealing w/ 4th, 5th, and 14th to determine whether or not. behavior has risen to the level that is chargeable -SA is a type of _______ -using force and don't have authority to use it going to be considered excessive force and a civil liability will be attached -PS agent they are going to have constitutional issues if they don't know the rules when applied to security -can be charged for false imprisonment if take people into custody - some call cops instead to detain suspects -________- of a person within a fixed boundary w/ the plaintiff being aware that they are not free to leave -restricting someone's liberty and locomotive cannot be done by PS - false arrest and false imprisonment -intentional infliction of emotional distress - intent to frighten and punish a person, designed to cause emotional distress -needs to be evident to person being held -PS defined by company who hires them and by companies that pay for them to come in -guilty of tort/civil wrong - does not have to be intentional behavior

battery, confinement

Chapter 10: -______ _____-______ ______- Fiercely nationalistic, anti-global, suspicious of centralized federal authority, reverent of individual liberty (especially their right to own guns, be free of taxes), believe in conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to national sovereignty, and/ or personal liberty. They believe that their personal and/or national "way of life" is under attack and is either already lost or that the threat is imminent and that they need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism. -______ _____-_____ _____- want to bring about change through violent revolution rather than through established political processes -______ ______- Seek to engage in battle with the purported enemies of God and other evildoers, impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists), forcibly insert religion into the political sphere. -_____-________/______ ______- Regionally concentrated minority groups, whose goal is political autonomy. The Basques in Spain, IRA in Ireland, and Tamils in Sri Lanka at one time engaged in terrorist activity to secure a homeland. -______-_____ ______- Obsessively focus on very specific or narrowly defined causes on all sides of the political spectrum (e.g., antiabortion, anti-Catholic, antinuclear, anti-Castro). -________- Activities that involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (li) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (ili) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.

extreme right-wing terrorists, extreme left-wing terrorists, religious terrorist, ethno-nationalist/separatist terrorists, single-issue terrorist, terrorism

-Employees experiencing the largest number of assaults are those in the ______ occupation Types of Workplace Violence: -Violent acts by criminals who have no other connection to the workplace, but enter it in order to commit robbery or another crime -Violence directed at employees by customers, clients, patients, students, inmates, or any others for whom an organization provides services -Violence against coworkers, supervisors, or managers by a present or former employee -Violence committed in the workplace by someone who doesn't work there, but has a personal relationship with an employee, like an abusive spouse or domestic partner Indicators of Potential for Workplace Violence: -Poor work organization, organization restructuring, coercive leadership, aggressive cultures, and poor accommodations for increases in activity Domestic Violence in the Workplace: -Signs- disruptive phone calls and emails, poor concentration, unexplained bruises or injuries, frequent absences and tardiness, use of unplanned personal time, and disruptive victis from current or former partners


Fire (chemical reaction): -needs 3 components -_____, _______, _______ -take one of three away no fire anymore -While fire does need all three it is not enough as temperatures and other aspects have to be correct -normal air 21% oxygen - fire needs _____% to start -smoke 1 of the by products of fire, most buildings have a high filed load so fuel overloading -most buildings/homes have built in elements that can start a fire - electrical, heating, gas, stored flammables (especially in garage) -excessive/overloaded wiring another way fire start - circuit overload -most fire-related deaths are caused by _______ ______ -fire consumes oxygen and when oxygen reaches 6% instead of 21% - 8 min to live -smoke from fires contains carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, acetic acid, and formaldehyde -large forest fires can create their own _______ -1st line defense for most fires are fire extinguishers (Class A,B,C,D) --Class A (water): wood, paper, some plastics, and most clothes --Class B: flammable liquids (gas) --Class C: electrical --Class D (dry powder that can smother it): combustible metals -heat generated by fire also creates explosions, back drafts -300 degrees F a person will become unconscious and die within minutes -most smoke is poisonous to humans

heat, fuel, oxygen (air), 16, smoke inhalation, weather

Chapter 10: -______ _____- a concerted national effort to protect the nation and ensure that it is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards -______ _______- violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping. Occurs primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of a specific country, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum -______ ______ _______- a person of any citizenship who has live and/or operated primarily in a specific country or its territories who advocates, is engaged in, or is preparing to engage in ideologically motivated terrorist activities (including providing support to terrorism) in furtherance of political or social objectives promoted by a foreign terrorist organization, but is acting independently of direction by a foreign terrorist organization -______ ______- those actions that appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping. Differs from a homegrown violent extremist in that the former is not inspired by and does not take direction from a foreign terrorist group or other foreign power

homeland security, international terrorism, homegrown violent extremist, domestic terrorism

Fuel Sources (Fire Load - small or big): -furniture, paraffin stoves, gas bottles, cooking equipment, timber walls, cladding, plastic layers, insulation, clothing, bedding, electrical appliances, and combustible metals --combustible metals like magnesium burns at such a high temp that it can't be put out with water --combustible metals burn the ______ of any of the fuel -fuel source have to be sufficient to maintain a fire - applies the same for oxygen and heat -each source has an ignition temp where it will catch on fire Influences on heat retained: -type and thickness of walls and roof construction, thin steel sheets allow heat to radiate out faster than timber boards -ventilation as below Influences on ventilation: -number and position of doors and windows; spaces between floors, walls, and roof; changes occur due to windows breaking, walls opening, people intervening, structure collapsing, etc -heat transfer to oxygen and fuel which keeps the fire going which keeps the heat going continuing the cycle


Active Shooter Situations: -Most people who have been identified as active shooters were organization _____ or were otherwise known by their victims -They often use violence against others b/c of a perception that they've lost control -Typically spontaneous, random, and unplanned events -The first response to an active shooter incident is to figure out what is occuring. Escaping the building as fast as possible is the best option. But if escape is not possible, both advise getting behind a barricade. Sometimes the only alternative is concealment. Individuals should disperse b/c it is easier to inflict a greater number of casualties when shooting at a group or a cluster of people. Ongoing communication with fellow employees is critical The Workplace Violator: -Specific behaviors related to potential workplace violators include sadness, depression, threats, menacing or erratic behavior, aggressive outbursts, references to weapons, verbal abuse, an inability to handle criticism, hypersensitivity to perceived slights, and partaking in offensive commentary or jokes referring to violence -Typical characteristics of a workplace troublemaker: disgruntled chronic complainer, caucasian, late 30s to early 40s, avoids responsibility, difficult to supervise, etc.


Chapter 7: -_______ ______- the unique security requirements of specific organizations, foundations, and associations; most organizations or agencies have this -_____ ______- encompasses many practices to secure the workplace, such as risk management, physical security, cybersecurity, and loss prevention practices -______ ______- any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation or other disruptive behavior, ranging from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and homicide that occurs at the workplace. Acts of violence at the workplace can range in seriousness from simply raised voices and profanity to violent crimes like robbery or homicide -_____ ______- a pattern of physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological abusive behavior used to gain or maintain power and control over another in a relationship -______ _____- an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. Active shooters arrive on the scene with the specific intent to commit mass murder. Unlike other mass killings or mass shootings, active shooter situations do not include incidents such as bank robberies or drug deals that may turn lethal

institutional security, workplace security, workplace violence, domestic violence, active shooter

-PS talking about harm to a private citizen and normally trying to address negative relationships that are not often criminal but are heading that way (bothersome) -intentional behavior (intends to be done) v. non intentional behavior (not intended to be done but happens) -all evidence has to be fact based Different types of torts: -________ _____- specific intent to cause harm -_______- failure to take proper care/reasonable care (a duty) which results in damage or injury to another; breach of a reasonable standard of care when obligated to do so, usually contractual agreement -_______ _____ ______- you do it you're guilty; a standard of liability under which a person is legally responsible for the consequences flowing from an activity even in the absence of fault or criminal intent on the part of the defendant. -reasonableness standard -with a negligence case in civil court plaintiff must show 3 of the following: a) duty existed on part of the defendant, b) breach of the duty occurred, and c) that breach of that duty was the proximate cause of the resulting harm -_______ v. ________ ______- 1982 PS used to sweep parking lots and shooting occurred where someone done; Mississippi held McDonald's not negligent and that the only responsibility they had was calling the police; cannot legislate in PS and saying this is their job especially when it might be illegal

intentional tort, negligence, strict liability tort, Kelly v. McDonald's Restaurant

Chapter 8: -_______- the process of examining, studying, or inquiring into the particulars of a specific subject in much detail -______-______ _____- committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of the person's occupation. The term covers the full range of crimes committed by business and government professionals within the scope of their job or the job held by subordinates, including bribery, exploitation, fraud, chiseling, embezzlement, and other crimes involving business enterprise -______-_______ _____- federal legislation created to provide balance to the American financial system and help it recover from the criminal fraud scandals. The act requires top management in large, publicly traded corporations to individually certify the accuracy of financial info. Penalties for fraudulent activity are increased under the act, as is the independence of outside auditors who review financial statements -______- the intentional use of deception and deceit to obtain goods illegally. Involves many individual acts, ranging from identify theft to forgery -_____ _______- the practice of manufacturing goods, often with inferior quality, and selling them under a brand name without the authorization of the brand owner -_____ _______- Reasonable steps and investigations taken by a person in an investigation of a business or person prior to signing a contract, purchasing property, or engaging in a business venture. It is seen as the level of activity expected from a reasonably prudent person, given the circumstances of a particular case, the goals of the investigation, and the available information.

investigating, white-collar crimes, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, fraud, product counterfeiting, due diligence

-transaction can be manipulated - someone they know working, workers can avoid scanning products, give discounts, or not charge full amount -less change than owe or more change than owe - short change -scanning and wanding - require human intervention to enter data or maintain data entry -CCTV and undercover operations (PS agent in store w/ ear piece who watches people discretely) -people shoplift for different reasons: peer pressure, thrills, environmental temptations, economic need -________- is the recurrent inability to resist urges to steal items that you generally don't really need and that usually have little value. -juvenile segment that steal from stores and drug abusers -shoplifter on site and have stolen merchandise - _______ security -some organizations much more likely to be victims while others able to avoid it - gas stations -domestic violence can occur in workplace - spouse comes to place of work - criminal action or cause embarrassment -variety form of shooters - makes it difficult to choose correct security, some businesses can't afford security -healthy communication system helps in the workplace -major institutions changing and impact security # different ways - drug crimes - pharmacies common target as well as veterinarian clinics

kleptomania, reactive

Domestic Terrorism and Law Enforcement: -Primary focus when it comes to law enforcement and private security -Should be a priority for policymakers bc: level of activity, use of nontraditional tactics, exploitation of the internet, decentralized nature of the threat, and prison radicalization -Terrorism is not random violence for its own sake, but it is guided by an ideology that provides the rules for one's behavior Ideology - rules an individual will follow and that help to regulate and determine behavior Bombings and Bomb Threats: -Many identified terror groups have used bombs or other explosives when delivering their message -Bomb threats should be treated as _____ warnings every time, until there is sufficient evidence to the contrary Fires, Bombs, and Explosive Devices: -Fires can be caused by natural events, accidents, or arson; fire, smoke, heat, poisonous gas (carbon dioxide), and panic that make it dangerous -Each organization should have a fire plan


-Security Professionals responsible for: Providing security and helping to defuse violent situations at the workplace; Providing technical advice and support regarding security matters; Maintaining an ongoing security awareness program; Assisting with or conducting investigations of threats or incidents of violence; Requesting, where appropriate, assistance from functional area expert(s); and Providing liaison with local law enforcement -____ refers to the loss of people, money, productivity, or materials and may occur from incidents of crime, fire, accident, natural disaster, error, bad investment or poor managerial decision -Various methods of loss prevention include: use of security officers, safety measures, and audits -Asset protection involves the following considerations: providing a safe and healthy environment is a central goal, both the current and future risk environments must be considered, liability reduction/management is an important component, both tangible and intangible assets must be considered, a key objective is maintaining smooth business operations, and post-incident business or mission continuity is important


-security guards and agents do not have to accept any jobs # Different Ways Civil Liability and can be sued: -______ _______- a type of employment related claim in which a plaintiff asserts that an employer failed to discharge an employee who management, or should have known, had a propensity toward violence, sexual harassment, or dishonesty -______ ______ ___ _______- entrusting of a dangerous article to who is reckless or too inexperienced or incompetent to use it safely -______ ________- someone who has a legal responsibility to supervise others fails to do so in a responsible manner -_____ _______- employer fails to provide sufficient training to allow an employee to perform their job safely -security agency cannot afford many of these types of settlements before they have to shut down -______ v. _______ _____ ______- negligent retention; In Easley, an armed security guard used a passkey to enter the plaintiff's apartment and then assaulted her; The jury found Apollo guilty of willful and wanton misconduct in hiring the guard. Count II alleged that Apollo was responsible by statute for the conduct of its employee - liability -_______ v. ______ _______ _______ ______ ______- 1982, negligent assignment or entrustment; security held liable for failing to protect society and the other workers -_______ _____ ______ _____ v. ____ _______- 1975, negligent supervision; supervisors must use all of the resources that are available to ensure that proper training and/or management occur

negligent retention, negligent assignment or entrustment, negligent supervision, negligent training, Easley v. Apollo Detective Agency, Williams v. The Brooklyn District Telephone Company, National Labor Relations Board v. J. Wineguarden

-many places are _____ _______ security - relies on a single deterrent to address security needs - cameras, locks, guard - easily defeated -_______ security- security survey, various types of security, guards, dog, camera, locks; measures of security added in a reactive manner w/ no comprehensive plan to integrate w/ other plans -_______ security- security tailor made to specific loss events - alarms, sensors-security pros big on selling packaged security - buy it even though don't need most of it; hand-in-hand w/ piecemeal but only responds to specific loss events Relevant Risk Management Alternatives: 1) ______ ______- the elimination of hazards, activities and exposures that can negatively affect an organization and its assets 2) ____ _______- involves reducing the financial consequences of a loss. This encompasses a whole range of things including reducing the severity of a loss, reducing its frequency, or making it less likely to occur overall 3) _____ ______- a business strategy employed by insurance companies. It involves selling insurance covering the same risk in one period or selling a huge number of policies with different coverage in many areas; one part production one building and another part in another place, not having eggs all in one basket 4) _____ ______- risk management and control strategy that involves the contractual shifting of a pure risk from one party to another. One example is the purchase of an insurance policy, by which a specified risk of loss is passed from the policyholder to the insurer. 5) _______ ______ ____ ______- Put aside x amount of money in case it happens - not always. paying for it

one dimensional, piecemeal, reactive, risk avoidance, risk reduction, risk spreading, risk transfer, self assumption of risk

Planning for Prevention: -The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) established policies, processes, and protocols that organizations can adopt to identify and prevent threatening behavior and violence affecting the workplace. ANSI also facilitates their ability to better address and resolve threats and violence that have occurred. The standard's recommendations are intentionally broad in order to provide organizations the flexibility they need to implement prevention and intervention strategies appropriate for their workplace. -Prevention of workplace violence begins with _______ -Any organization, large or small, will be far better able to spot potential dangers and defuse them before violence develops if it has a strategy to deal with it. -There must be support from the top, There is no one-size-fits-all strategy, A plan should be proactive, not reactive, A plan should take into account the workplace culture, Planning for and responding to workplace violence requires varied expertise, Managers should take an active role in communicating the workplace violence policy, The plan should be practiced, Reevaluate, rethink, and revise. Prevention Strategies: -Measures include: Designated security personnel to respond to requests for assistance; Employee photo identification badges and coded keys for secure area access; On-site security guard services; --Security assistance in registering, badging, and directing visitors in larger facilities; Other appropriate security measures (such as metal detectors).


Combat Organized Retail Crime: -Large groups coming in: Product placement, cameras, staff, safety -Counter problems associated with ORC: educate, document, share information (internally), prioritize -Another method: diverse hiring, intergroup cooperation, technology, partnerships Employee Theft/Theft from Within: -Employee theft is the _____ cause of inventory shrinkage - 37% of all theft -_____ business failures each year can be connected in some way to employee theft and other employee crime -Most common ways are larceny, skimming, and fraud -Motivations - Inadequate pay, benefits, job security, and promotional opportunities; lack of recognition for good work, loyalty, longevity, and effort; lack of periodic audits and inspections; tolerance of indifference toward antisocial behavior; bias or unfairness in selection, promotion, compensation, or appraisal; failure to screen applicants thoroughly for sensitive positions before appointment; and general job-related stress or anxiety -Conspiracies with Outsiders - Fraudulent techniques are: counterfeit coupons, self-checkout fraud, sweet-hearting, building a bank (in the register), and refund fraud

primary, 1/3

-history of crime that goes along w/ private security -how interpret constitution guidelines that need to be considered -private sector abuse of citizens needs to be considered -the person violating security what do you do w/ them - call police -there are many different types of security arrangements need to be made: mass private business: Mall of America -security personnel and public- dealing w/ personnel is an expensive thing for businesses to do especially if high risk Private v. Public Investigators: -____- criminal investigations after crime already occurred; goal gather evidence to identify, prosecute, and convict a criminal defendant -_____- serve primarily to protect the interest of their employer; more likely to be proactive than reactive; design security procedures to counteract crimes before they occur -Qualifications of private investigators - Need a license, professional qualifications, personal traits, degree of formal education, advanced training and certification (need to keep learning), actual experience The investigation process and the investigative mind-set Investigative mind-sets brings order to the way investigators make decisions -Investigative mind-set has five principles: understanding the source of material, planning and preparation, examination, recording and collation, evaluation -Conducting effective investigations - Effective and reliable investigation has 5 qualities: objectivity, thoroughness, relevance, accuracy, and timeliness

public, private

Religious Extremism: -Willing to kill because they embrace specific theologies that sanction violence in the service of their god -No sympathy for their victims because they view those victims as enemies of their god -Christian Identity groups: Aryan Nationism; Covenant, Sword and Arm of the Lord (CSA); The Order; Phineas Priesthood Jewish Defense League and Muslim Identity Becoming an Extremist: -Characterized as polarized, absolutist, threat-oriented, and hateful -Extremist recruit goes through the process of radicalization found in many religious, ethnic, and cultural populations -________ process individuals begin to identify, embrace, and engage in furthering their growing extremist ideology and goals -Fostering environment for radicalization is characterized by widespread feelings of inequality and injustice, where a very acute sense of marginalization and humiliation exists


-Historically, retail security departments have focused primarily on apprehending shoplifters and dishonest employees to deter further losses -Today directed toward loss prevention professionals which plays a vital role in the profitability and financial success of retail organizations, help protect the company's assets, minimize and prevent merchandise shrinkage, reduce fraud and prevent theft -shrinkage describes the losses that occur during the merchandise production-distribution-sales process -_____ shrinkage is defined as a reduction in inventories not accounted for through sales or other legitimate activity -Shrinkage occurs in two ways: malicious (someone intentionally divests an organization of goods, cash, or services without proper compensation) and nonmalicious (events are those in which loss is unintentionally caused through routine business practices, design mistakes, and other systematic problems) -More concerned with malicious events -Shrinkage is attributed to employee theft (44%), shoplifting (26%), organized retail crime (12%), and administrative error (12%)


Chapter 9: -______ _____- retail loss prevention and/or asset protection, generally the process of reducing theft and shrinkage in a retail organization. It involves the process in which goods are securely sold to the public for both the consumer and store proprietor, preventing theft or harm -_____ _______- any method used by individuals or organizations to increase the likelihood of preventing and controlling a loss of business or profits from an adverse event -______ _______- an aspect of retail security that involves managing and protecting both physical property and information storage capacity. This involves providing a safe and healthy environment & maintaining smooth business operations -______ _______- the losses that occur during the merchandise production-distribution-sales process. It is a reduction in inventories not accounted for through sales or other legitimate activity, & represents the difference between physical inventory that is actually available for sale and what the records say should be available for sale -_______- the theft of merchandise from commercial public display areas by a person posing as a legitimate customer -______ ______- focusing on those people believed to present the greatest risk of committing crime based on traits and characteristics of known criminals. The technique uses what is known about crime and criminals to more efficiently and accurately identify potential criminals

retail security, loss prevention, asset protection, retail shrinkage, shoplifting, offender profiling

-basics of defense - based on risk analysis which most commonly used with threat analysis -different types of loss prevention -most often way security added is done in _______ - after a crime already occurred -create a comprehensive and integrated form for security issues -loss prevention - business sense - goods, people -packaged security- person gets this security for a business may/may not be good as proscribing a remedy w/o a diagnosis, often times not all used but someone has to always come back and update it; can include equipment, personnel, audio visual, CCTV, fire prevention, employee security including the correct equipment required to do a comprehensive job -proprietary security- in-house security department of any person, if the security department has as its general purpose the protection and security of its own property and grounds, and if it does not offer or provide security services to any other person -assess threats- security professional go through business to and make recommendations -for each business/institution work w/ their needs so will vary -security specialists do threat assessment, threat evaluation and make list of probable weaknesses and how to manage them


Accident Prevention: -Accident always has a cause so need to determine it -_____ ______ should address the types of workplace accidents and health hazards exposures that could happen -Each employee needs to know that no employee is expected to undertake a job until he or she has received job instructions on how to do it properly and is authorized to perform that job and no employee should undertake a job that appears unsafe -Vandalism, Burglary, and Robbery - common w/ businesses -Burglary - Most common and most costly crimes affecting businesses Homeland Security: -Patriot Act - An Act to deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and across the globe, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes. -Homeland security is found in terrorism, all hazards (human-created and natural dangers), terrorism and catastrophes, jurisdictional hazards, meta hazards, and national security -Place their focus on what are seen as the activities with the most destructive consequences should they be ignored or unattended

safety plan

Chapter 8: -_____ __ _____- Describe any person, document, or activity that provides information of an investigative nature is a source. Victims, witnesses, first responders, subject matter experts, and informants will provide some form of information that may assist in an investigation. -_______- Information that has been processed, evaluated, analyzed, or interpreted to give it meaning within a particular context. The term also describes information that is acquired, exploited, and protected by the activities of law enforcement and security organizations to decide upon and support their investigations. -____ ____- measure the truthfulness of a person's statements by tacking bodily functions such as blood pressure respiration and perspiration -_________- a witness's sworn out-of-court testimony, used by prosecutors, plaintiffs, and defense attorneys to gather information during the discovery process -_______- The process in which prosecutors in criminal court must provide the defendant with copies of all the materials and evidence that the prosecution intends to use at trial. This process extends from the time the case begins to the time of trial. If the prosecutor does not provide the defendant with documents and other information, the prosecutor can be fined or sanctioned by the court. -______ _____- A form of testimony provided by an expert witness, a person who can provide insight as to the significance of the evidence collected in criminal and civil trials. Expert witnesses are generally qualified based on their qualifications or expertise, the acceptance of their theories or opinions, and the relevance of their theories or opinions to the case. -________- intentionally acquainting oneself with a diverse group of professionals and using those acquaintances to the benefit of all -______- communicating with other professionals for the purpose of establishing, maintaining, and improving mutual understanding and cooperation

sources of information, intelligence, polygraph machines, disposition, discovery, expert testimony, networking, liaison

Preventing Employee Theft: -Positive work environment, internal controls (ensures effective operations, legal and regulatory compliance, asset protection, and accurate reporting of finances), restrict personal belongings, background checks, employee awareness, focus your efforts, anonymous reporting systems, perform audits, keep watch, investigate everything, sign-in procedure, set the example New Loss Prevention: -Loss Prevention Pyramid combines a variety of factors, and involves all levels of the organization in the lost prevention posture Brings together strategic, organization, and operational factors Commitment from senior management and empowered security professionals at the foundation, organizational communication and collaboration with a loss prevention focus through the organization in the middle, and store management responsibility for balancing sales and security at the top -It is the ability to create, sustain, and embed awareness of, and commitment to, correcting the problem of shrinkage throughout the organization -________- Used to help deter theft, avoid loss or property, record or prevent safety issues, and satisfy employee concerns -Emerging Forms of Theft: Cyber and E-money - credit card and credit card skimmers


Shoplifting: -Costs $15 billion annually -Average shoplifter caught with about ______ in stolen merchandise in their possession -Professional shoplifters- highly skilled and difficult to identify, focus on products that are sought after by consumers and easy to sell, familiarize with the store in advance to facilitate the crime, work in teams -Amateur shoplifters- may steal based on impulse or driven by addiction, are often clumsy or erratic in their behavior, may be easier to detect, may simply steal for the thrill of it, often expect store owners and courts to go easy on them, may enter stores in groups in an attempt to intimidate team members, work alone, more violent if caught -Types of Products Targeted for Theft- Concealable, removable, available, valuable, enjoyable, and disposable Preventing Shoplifting: -Apprehension of shoplifters and dishonest employees, awareness of nonsecurity employees through asset protection awareness training, auditing as a protective measure, area focus including collecting data to focus protective efforts, and additional duties as assigned like safeguarding bank deposits en route, ensuring general safety, and assuming various rules during emergencies -Four elements necessary for a successful loss prevention plan: total support from top management, positive employee attitudes, maximum use of all available resources, and a system that establishes both responsibility and accountability for loss prevention through evaluations that are consistent and progressive


_______ Terrorists: -Animal rights extremists, environmental rights extremists, anti-abortion extremists, lone offenders, anarchist extremists, milita extremists, sovereign citizen extremists, black supremacist extremists, racist skinhead extremists, and white supremacist extremists -Been divided into left-wing, right-wing, and single-issue terrorism Terrorist Activity in the US: -Seen everywhere but primarily large, metropolitan areas -Hotspots of terrorism seem to change as ideological motivation of the areas change -Terrorists engage in traditional criminal activities -May see a collaboration with terrorists and traditional criminals Terrorism outside the US: -There are terror groups that have a goal of subverting the government and replacing it with one that relefects their religious or moral beliefs -The Islamic State (IS) - Was formerly Al Qaeda, in Iraq, Popularity grew in part from opposition to the continue presence in the Middle East of U.S. forces -Boko Haram - Western education is forbidden, formed in Maiduguri in 2002, western education corrupts moral values of Muslims, pledges allegiance to the Islamic State -Al-Shabaab - Somalia, associated with Al Qaeda


Chapter 10: -______ _____ ______- individuals or groups that oppose any individual and/or institutional entity (e.g., corporations, government agencies) perceived to be exploiting or abusing animals -______ ______ ______- oppose people, businesses, or government entities destroying, degrading, or exploiting the natural environment -____-_____ _______- believe that the practice of abortion should end and therefore oppose abortion providers and their related services -______ ______- terrorists motivated by one or more extremist ideologies and, operating alone, support or engage in acts of violence in furtherance of that ideology or ideologies -______ _____- believe that (a) all forms of institutional globalization designed to maximize business profits should be opposed and (b) government institutions are unnecessary and harmful to society -______ ______- who profess belief that the government deliberately is stripping Americans of their freedoms and is attempting to establish a totalitarian regime -______ ______ ______- who claim belief that legitimacy of US citizenship should rejected; almost all forms of established government, authority, and institutions are illegitimate; and that they are immune from federal, state, and local laws -_____ ______ _______- and white supremacist extremists, who both claim to believe that Caucasians are intellectually and morally superior to other races and that the government is controlled by Jewish persons.

animal rights extremists, environmental rights extremists, anti-abortion extremists, lone offenders, anarchist extremists, militia extremists, sovereign citizen extremists, racist skinhead extremists

Workplace Violence: -affects employees, clients, customers, and visitors to the workplace -Nearly 2 million Americans report being victims of workplace violence each year -Simple and aggravated _______ comprising the largest portion -Security professionals must be prepared for events that are both planned and unexpected, and be adaptable to a variety of situations that threaten the workplace -Takes many different forms and hard to predict -Occurs between employees, between an employee and someone otherwise unaffiliated with the organization, or between two people without any employment connection (like customers) -No employer is immune to workplace violence - can't totally prevent it and it is costly -Costs about $192 million yearly -Impacts physical, mental, and emotional health and can impact a decline in work -High risk for homicide in workplace include those with late-night operations, contact with the public, exchange of $, delivery (taxis and couriers), working with unstable people, guarding valuable property, and working in community-based treatment settings


Chapter 9: -_______ ___ ______ (in the register)- The unauthorized practice by a cashier of taking the money paid for an item(s) and voiding the order after the customer leaves. The cashier puts money in the drawer, keeps track of how much he or she is banking, and embezzies the money as the shift ends. -______ ______- When a sales associate gets an item off the rack, processes the refund for the sale amount, and then puts the money on a gift card which is largely untraceable. -______-______ _______ (RFID) _____- Wireless, no-contact tracking labels attached to objects. The tags use radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data and contain electronically stored information. -_______- Any deliberate act that damages or defaces property. Common vandalism targets for retailers include store lights, signs or windows, and placing graffiti on walls or other surfaces. -_______- The act of using force, violence, or threat of force or violence to steal. Victims of robberies may suffer actual physical harm or psychological distress; they are put in fear.

building a bank, refund fraud, radio-frequency identification tags, vandalism, robbery

-security survey- complete detailed physical examination of business/institutions and give a map w/ weaknesses and what they would do to fix it -security includes physical security and deals w/ security of employees - safe parking lots, bathrooms, etc. -contain risks that are going to happen and prevent risks that could happen when pick security -inspection look at what they have and what they need - total security program -security can also pertain to keeping owners from losing money through things that are preventable -multiple ways avoid risk and can be expensive and not expensive -common risks taken for security purposes - thefts, violence, and accidents -security only as good as the people who install and/or use it -private sector not same as public sector although ps agents for LE or military so learn new skills/rules for ps -not wise to do _______ arrests, PS do arrests, search and seizure, right to counsel - can vary in PS compared to public -providing security that could/does negatively impact persons, places, or things may set self up for criminal and/or civil liability


International Homeland Security: -Work closely with international parters, including major organizations and global businesses, to strengthen the security of the networks of global trade and travel -Work with their international counterparts to identify known or suspected terrorists and cyber threts, take down organized crime rings, and stop the proliferation of dangerous weapons. Bans drugs and human smuggling The Threat of Terrorism: -Terrorist organizations can be placed into two mjaor groups: homegrown violent extremists (those mostly influenced by foreign groups or individuals) and domestic terrorists (formed and influenced by groups or individual within the country). Homegrown Violent Extremists: -Characteristics: intolerance and superiority, otherism, absolutism, generalizations lacking foundation, doomsday scenarios and conspiracy theories, and code speak -______ has been defined as a radical expression of one's political values. It is a precursor to terrorism, used by terrorists to justify their violent behavior -Extremism involves following particular ideologies and it also includes using criminal activity to advance these ideologies


Terrorist Planning and Preparation: -Terrorist activity occurs along a continuum with four major activities: (1) recruitment, (2) preliminary organization and planning, (3) preparatory conduct, and (4) terrorist acts -Preliminary organization and planning and preparatory conduct may show suspicious behavior to the police or agencies -Conspiracies do not frequently become known to law enforcement agencies until after the completion of the act or other arrests are made so nonovert acts such as meeting and phone calls may not come to the attention of local LE agencies either Terrorist Motivation: -Terrorists are categorized by their _______ motivation -Extreme right-wing, extreme left-wing, religious terrorists, ethno-nationalist/separatist, and single-issue terrorist


Chapter 8: -______- Conducted to gather information that is relevant to the investigation, and include (a) finding who, what, when, where, how, and why things events unfolded; and (b) assessing the credibility of the source of the information. -________- conducted to learn the truth about the details of the crime from a suspect -______ _______- Includes signals such as facial expressions, voice tone and pitch, body language, and the distance maintained between people who are communicating. Nonverbal messages allow people to modify what they said in words, convey information about their emotional state, provide feedback to the other person, and regulate the flow of communication. -_______- the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages -_______- The covert observation of individuals, places, or objects for the purpose of gathering information or intelligence. Surveillance techniques are used to identify criminal activity associated with terrorism, organized crime, drug and contraband trafficking, and serious crimes. -_______ ______- Describe the process of taking on a covert role to gain needed information unavailable by other means. During an undercover operation the investigator conceals his or her true identity but not his or her presence, giving the impression they are ready to join in an illegal group or activity. -_______- Knowledge in raw form or raw data of any type. Security professionals will likely encounter many sources of information in their daily routine. Information can be provided by and gathered from other employees, law enforcement personnel, anonymous sources, and other means.

interviews, interrogations, nonverbal communication, listening, surveillance, undercover operations, information

Chapter 9: -______ ______ _____- the activity of theft or fraud conducted with the intent to convert illegally obtained merchandise, cargo, cash, or a cash equivalent into financial gain (not personal use). This includes theft of fraud and involves multiple items, over multiple occurrences, or in multiple stores, or in multiple jurisdictions, by two or more persons, or an individual acting in dual roles -______ _____ ______- when a group of people coordinate the arrival of a crows to overwhelm a retail outlet and steal merchandise -_______- the authorized taking and carrying away of the personal property of another by an individual who intends to permanently deprive the owner of its possession -________- the embezzlement of cash before it is recorded on the company's books, typically when the customer pays an employee in cash for goods or services -________ ________- include billing schemes, payroll schemes, register disbursement schemes, expense reimbursement schemes and check tampering. Salespersons can charge a customer one amount, ringing up a receipt for less and pocketing the difference -_____-_______ _____- occurs when customers use self-checkout systems as an opportunity to steal it -_____-______- When a customer goes through the checkout line with an expensive item, and a confederate running the register runs through a bar code for a much less costly item they had obtained beforehand.

organized retail crime, criminal flash mobs, larceny, skimming, fraudulent disbursements, self-checkout fraud, sweet-hearting

Countering Terrorism with Private Security: -PS industry necessary to counter a ______ threat -Close relationships between the private sector, local police departments, and private security to ensure that there are mechanism to share information are necessary -DHS is partnering with a variety of entities including: transportation systems, universities, states, cities, sports leagues, and local law enforcement -Only report criminal behavior not beliefs that may come about from a person's race, ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation Executive and Protection Services: -Personal protection services include a combination of advance travel preparations, timely intelligence and information, liaison with local authorities, and the use of highly trained protection professionals


Controlling Workplace Violence: -More often, an incident of workplace violence is a robbery gone ____ -Once an assessment of the workplace's vulnerability to violence is conducted, security professionals should take steps to implement a workplace violence prevention program. - For this program to work, it must be supported by all levels of employees. It addresses physical security, hiring and firing practices, and employee vulnerabilities; Promoting sincere, open, and timely communication among managers, employees, and union representatives; Offering opportunities for professional development; Fostering a family-friendly work environment; Maintaining a process for complaints and concerns and allowing them to be expressed in a nonjudgmental forum that includes timely feedback to the initiator; Promoting "quality-of-life" issues such as up-to-date and welcoming facilities and job satisfaction; Maintaining impartial and consistent discipline for employees who exhibit improper conduct and poor performance.


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