Project Management Stewart final

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Stephen Covey's 7 Habits

1. Be proactive 2. Begin with the end in mind 3. Put first things first 4. Think win-win 5. First understand, then be understood 6. Synergies 7. Sharpen your saw

definition of Quality

conformance to requirements, *Fitness for use*

progressive elaboration

continuously improving. allows a project management team to define work and manage it to a greater level of detail as the project evolves.

For ERP implementations, ____determines if you can go live, _____ determine how your first week goes, and _______ determines how well your first month goes

conversions, interfaces, training

Project Budget formula

cost baseline + management reserve

__________ is a person's legal or moral responsibility to promote the best interest of an organization or other person with whom they are affiliated

duty of loyalty

stages of team development

forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning (bruce tuckman)

Scientific Management

fredrick taylor. management would set rules of thumb. workers produced so much each day, no more, no less. believed the production process could be more efficient and employed "scientific management". break a task down into smaller tasks and study it to find the best way to do it. did not sit well with labor unions because many.

The first thing to consider when faced with an ethical dilemma would be _________

gather the facts

you've been assigned as the PM for a large project in the pacific. in the first meeting the client brings you an expensive gift and one for your husband. this is considered an acceptable custom when doing work in this country. you should:

gracefully accept both gifts and report them both

Scope grope, creep, leap

grope- a project team's inability to define the project's scope creep- increasing small but time consuming features leap- big change in the in the scope

who is responsible for individual risk?

identified stakeholder

murphys law

if something can go wrong, it will


a marker- did we get there or not. 0 duration or cost.


a marker. 0 duration came from romans milestone markers

3 types of People

people who MAKE change happen people who LET change happen people who WONDER what happened


persons and organizations such as customers, sponsors, performing organization and the public that are actively in the project, or whose interests may be POS OR NEG affected by EXECUTION or COMPLETION of the project. They may also exert influence over the project and its deliverables.

Project metrics

qualitative measurement of some attribute of the project. project metrics should focus on these areas: scope schedule budget resources quality risk

Early humankind:

quality = survival

Monte Carlo

quantitative risk analysis technique that provides a probability distribution for outcome values for the whole project. Use 3 point estimate and info for each activity

Careers in PM

rapid growth

Rise of Japan continued

Joseph Juran viewed quality as "fitness for use". invited Japan to conduct seminars in the 1950s. Quality does not happen by accident, must be planned.

Vilfredo Pareto

turn of the century french italian economist. "80% of the wealth is controlled by 20% of the people" -the vital few and trivial many. - the vital few and the useful many


uncertain event that can be negative or positive

5 steps of team development

forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

Herzberg theory of motivation

*HYGIENE FACTORS*- company policies, quality of supervision, relations with others, personal life, rate of pay, job security, working conditions. *MOTIVATION FACTORS* - achievement, career advancement, personal growth, job interest, recognition, responsibility

Herzberg's Two Factor Theory

*HYGIENE FACTORS*- company policies, quality of supervision, relations with others, personal life, rate of pay, job security, working conditions. *MOTIVATION FACTORS* - achievement, career advancement, personal growth, job interest, recognition, responsibility

5 Process Groups (be able to list)

*I*nitiating -> *P*lanning -> *E*xecuting -> *C*losing. Monitor/Control throughout

Managing Conflict

*Avoidance* retreat/withdraw/ignore *AccommodatiOn* appease the parties in conflict *Forcing* dominant authority resolves conflict *Compromise* bargaining *Collaboration* confronting and attempting to solve problem by incorporating diff ideas/views/perspectives

Quality Systems ISO 9000 Principles

*Customer Focus* - leadership, involvement of people. *Process Approach*- system approach to management, continual improvement, factual approach to decision making, mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Mythical Man Month- Frederick Brooks

"Our techniques of estimation are poorly developed. More seriously, they reflect an unvoiced assumption which is quite untrue i.e., that all will go well. Our estimating techniques fallaciously confuse effort with progress, hiding the assumption that men and months are interchangeable."

Duration equation!!

*D=W/E* Duration = Work / Effort (work is 12 days. 2 people working on it. =6 days. if we add a person, its 12 /3 = 4 days.)

Vroom's Expectancy Theory

*Effort x Performance x Rewards.* Will my efforts lead to high performance? Will my performance be rewarded? Do I value those rewards?

*Project Planning Framework (word bank)*

*G*oal, *S*cope, *P*hases, *T*asks, *R*esources/*S*equence/*T*ime Estimates *B*udget/*S*chedule

project planning framework (will have word bank)

*G*oal, *S*cope, *P*hases, *T*asks, *R*esources/*S*equence/*T*ime Estimates *B*udget/*S*chedule

Luke 14:28-30 & how it applies

"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, 'This person began to build and wasn't able to finish.'

Why is MOC important?

"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, then to take the lead in introducing a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new." - machiavelli

Machiavelli quote on change

"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, then to take the lead in introducing a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemiesall those who have done wellunder the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new."

The Communication Dilemma

"i know you think you understood what you thought i said, but what you don't understand is what i said isn't what i meant." The Vulcan "mind meld" only happens on tv or in the movies. What do "easy to use, quick response, high security, or quality deliverable" mean?

Jack T. Marchewka quote

"when it comes to projects, *no one likes surprises*. Nothing can diminish a project manager's credibility faster than the surfacing of unexpected situations that should have been identified some time before.

Know how to do a Project Network

(review homework examples)


(to-complete performance index) what level do i need to perform at to make the grade?

Agile Manifesto

*Individuals and interactions* over processes and tools; *Working software* over comprehensive documentation; *Customer collaboration* over contract negotiation; *Responding to change* over following a plan.

Agile Manifesto

*Individuals and interactions* over processes and tools; *Working software* over comprehensive documentation; *Customer collaboration* over contract negotiation; *Responding to change* over following a plan.

6 sigma roles and responsibilities

*Master black belts* People within the organization who have the highest level of technical and organizational experience and expertise. Master black belts train black. *Black belts* Should be technically competent and held in high esteem by their peers. They are actively involved in the Six Sigma change process. *Green belts* Are Six Sigma team leaders or project managers. Black belts generally help green belts choose their projects, attend training with them, and then assist them with their projects once the project begins. *Champions* Leaders who are committed to the success of the Six Sigma project and can ensure that barriers to the Six Sigma project are removed. Usually a high-level manager who can remove obstacles that may involve funding, support, bureaucracy, or other issues that black belts are unable to solve on their own.


*Matthew 6:24* No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. *Mark 6:4* A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home. *Luke 14:28* Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? *John 8:32* then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. *Romans 5:3-4* Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. *Romans 12:1-2* Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

key communication skill 3

*Meeting Management.* ensure meeting is necessary, the needed parties attend, follow an agenda, encourage participation, silence is not agreement, record ACTION ITEMS- owner, date.

Kick-Off Meeting

*Officially kick-off the work on the project* Brings closure to planning phase Communicates to all what the project is about Energizes *stakeholders* Engenders positive attitudes Breakdown barriers/build bridges

kick off meeting

*Officially kick-off the work on the project* Brings closure to planning phase Communicates to all what the project is about Energizes *stakeholders* Engenders positive attitudes Breakdown barriers/build bridges

DEFINITIONS (be able to match definition with term)

*Project Management- the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.* Process- inputs, outputs, techniques Phase- a distinct stage in project management *Project- temporary and unique* Operation- An ongoing and repetitive effort Program- A group of projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually. Portfolio- A manageable component of a project, often contracted to an external enterprise or to another unit in the performing organization Project Sponsor-Person in management who approves &supports the project Senior management role- determine triple constraints, identify project sponsor, select project manager, develop a business case, review processes/expectations, determine if it should be divided into smaller projects

Juran's Quality Planning Road Map

*Quality Planning*- identify customers, determine their needs, translate needs, develop product, optimize product features. *Quality Improvement*- develop a process that is able to produce the product. optimize the process. *Quality Control*- prove that the process can produce the product under operating conditions. Transfer the process to Operations.

Tips on Fighting the Communication Dilemma

*Recognize it is the first step.* Do not demonize recipient. Put yourself in THEIR SHOES. Check for understanding-encourage active listening. Silence does not mean understanding or agreement.


-"List the risk below in the order you would adress them" multiply numbers (PxI) and list from HIGHEST to lowest. -How much should you budget for contingency reserve? multiply each, then add them all, that number is your answer. -Decision Tree- set up trees and multiply them, dont forget negatives for the losses. subtract the lower number from each higher number. then choose which option youd recommend

Jesus as a PM (CEO)

*SELF MASTERY* He Stuck to His Mission He Did the Difficult Things He Said Thank You He Was Constantly in a State of Celebration He Owned It He Had a Passionate Commitment to the Cause He Worked Through His Fears He Was Keenly Aware of His Resources He Felt a Sense of Destiny He Did Not Despise the Little Things. *STRENGTH OF ACTION* He took Action He had a Plan He formed a Team He trained his replacements. *STRENGTH OF RELATIONSHIPS* He held them Accountable He set an example He acknowledge d them in public and private He urged them on He served them He defended them He gave them authority He played with them

Types of Reports

*Status Reporting*- Describes present state of the project. Compares actual progress to baseline plan. Like a snap shot of the project at a specific time. *Progress Reporting*- what has the team accomplished? actual vs planned. *Forecast Reporting*- predicting the project's future status or progress.

Leadership Triangle

*T*echnical PM Skills *S*trategic & Bus. Man. Skills *L*eadership Skills

2 major types of ways to do projects

*T*raditional/*P*redictive/*W*aterfall *A*gile/*A*daptive/*I*terative/*I*ncremental

2 major ways to do a project

*T*raditional/*P*redictive/*W*aterfall *A*gile/*A*daptive/*I*terative/*I*ncremental

Views of Conflict

*Traditional*- conflict is NEGATIVE/should be avoided *Contemporary*- conflict is inevitable/natural and can be pos or neg *Interactionist*- conflict is important and necessary ingredient for performance

McGregor's Theory X & Y

*X* people need close supervision, will avoid work and responsibility when possible, desire only money, must be pushed to perform. *Y* people want independence in work, seek responsibility, motivated by self fulfillment, naturally want to work, will drive themselves to perform

how does MOC help?

*accelerates* the achievement of the desired business result. improves the *quality* of the solution. helps ensure the *sustainability* of the business result helps employees move to the required level of *commitment* for a successful change minimizes the thrash to the organization


*chance favors the prepared mind-louis pasteur* history is bunk- henry ford *if you know somebody who has worked in different cultures, bounce ideas off of them- jake stewart* let my house not be walled up on 4 sides, let all the windows be open, let all the cultures blow in, but let no culture blow me off my feet- ghandi *...their policy is to act first and plan afterward, usually overlooking completely essential details...-lindbergh* relativity applies to physics, not ethics - albert einstein *to a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail- mark twain* those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayanaz *vision without execution is a hallucination- thomas edison* we have come this far by faith, let the ships burn - steven curtis chapman if you dont know where you're going you'll wind up somewhere else-yogi berra in the future all work will be project work- yogi berra effective teamwork begins and ends with communication-mike krzyzewski there is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't mind who gets the credit- ronald reagan efficiency is doing things right, effectiveness is doing the right things - drucker management is doing things right, leadership is doing right things - drucker

3 options to pull the project in when its behind? only for CRITICAL PATH

*crash* - increase the resources/increased cost *fast track* - removing dependencies/increases risk or last resort, *reduce scope*

Know answer to things like "Which needs to be crashed/ fast tracked? Which has the most float? Whats the critical path? Whats the duration of the project?" (multiple choice)

*fast-tracking*- activities are rescheduled to perform crashing- you add additional resources to the activities to finish them early *float*- amount of days or hours that tasks can be delayed without pushing the project back. The critical path, by definition, has no float. *critical path*- longest distance between the start and finish of your project, including all the tasks/their duration, which gives you a clear picture of the project's actual schedule. *duration*- how long it will take from start to finish

Types of Contracts

*fixed price/lump sum*- fixed price for a well defined product or service (low risk for buyer bc price is predetermined) *cost-reimbursable*- payment to the seller for direct and indirect actual costs (salaries, cost of work space) *time and material contracts*- hybrid of fixed price and cost reimbursable contracts

Communication channel equation

*n (n-1)/2*

McLelland's Theory of Needs

*need for achievement*- drive to excel, achieve in relation to a set of standards, strive to succeed. *need for power*- to control others, to get desired things done. *need for affiliation*- friendship, good relationship.

Mclelland's Theory of Needs

*need for achievement*- drive to excel, achieve in relation to a set of standards, strive to succeed. *need for power*- to control others, to get desired things done. *need for affiliation*- friendship, good relationship.

Key communication skill 1

*providing staff direction.* check for understanding!

key communication skill 2

*providing staff feedback.* begin with good news. communicate EARLY and OFTEN. if bad news, identify what the performance problem is. Praise often, chastise seldom. Praise in public, critique in private.

Different types of estimating (matching w/ characteristics)

*top down*- what a project should cost and how long it should take as decreed by a member of top management who thinks those parameters are appropriate. May be a response to the business environment. but may lead to a death march. *bottom up*- Most common form of project estimation-Divide project into small modules and directly estimate time and effort in person-hours, weeks, or months for each module. *analogous*- requires expert judgment, is generally less costly, but can be less accurate. use actual cost of a previous similar project to estimate. *poker planning*- Variation of Delphi Technique! Uses a deck of cards that represents an estimate in days. Moderator describes particular task, feature, deliverable, or user story to be estimated. Attempts to reach consensus in a few rounds of "play" *time boxing*- allocate a certain amount of time to an activity in advance and then complete the activity within that time frame. One example is to plan a meeting agenda and determine up front, how long you want to work on each topic.

Estimating techniques

*top down*- what a project should cost and how long it should take as decreed by a member of top management who thinks those parameters are appropriate. May be a response to the business environment. but may lead to a death march. *bottom up*- Most common form of project estimation-Divide project into small modules and directly estimate time and effort in person-hours, weeks, or months for each module. *analogous*- requires expert judgment, is generally less costly, but can be less accurate. use actual cost of a previous similar project to estimate. *poker planning*- Variation of Delphi Technique! Uses a deck of cards that represents an estimate in days. Moderator describes particular task, feature, deliverable, or user story to be estimated. Attempts to reach consensus in a few rounds of "play" *time boxing*- allocate a certain amount of time to an activity in advance and then complete the activity within that time frame. One example is to plan a meeting agenda and determine up front, how long you want to work on each topic.

The Change Management Plan

- Assess Willingness, Readiness, and Ability to Change - Develop or adopt a strategy for change - Implement change management Plan and track progress - Evaluate experiences and develop lessons learned

A Good Project Metric must be

- Understandable (Intuitive) - Quantifiable (Objective -> no bias) - Cost Effective (Easy and inexpensive to create) - Proven (What gets measured gets done) - High Impact (Otherwise why bother?)

12 Steps to Leading Change

-Have a Clear Vision of What you Want to Achieve -Build Alliances -Lead by Example -Communicate, and then over communicate -Educate Workers about How the Change will Improve Their performance -Divide the Change into digestible Pieces and then take Time to Implement them -Keep it Simple S______ -Look to Past Experiences and Colleagues for Guidance -Sustain Change by Providing the Right Tools -Solicit Feedback -Acknowledge Progress to keep Momentum -make the Necessary commitment


-Neal Whitten- "Micromanaging, consensus management, and democratic rule all can be highly ineffective leadership styles" -Neal Whitten- "A Benevolent Dictator leads by actively soliciting information and opinions from project members and others - listens, then demonstrates the leadership, courage, and boldness to personally make the right decision and stand accountable for that decision." -Ronald Reagan- "There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't mind who gets the credit." -Mike Krzyzewski- "Coaches draw plays. Players make plays,"

"what gets measured gets improved"

-Peter Drucker

which are the more agile of the two?

-clear drawn authority and specialization vs *well organized teams* -comprehensive documentations vs *working software* -*customer collaboration* vs contract negotiation -following a plan vs *responding to change* -*fixed cost and time*, flexible scope vs fixed scope, estimate cost and time -*individuals and interactions* vs processes and tools -effort peaks and high risks vs *smoother effort and less risks*

FROM BOOK (the art of doing twice the work in half the time)

-stories, examples -people, what they're famous for/ what he said about them (matching them up) -some short answer questions - some examples from book, How SCRUM works

See Slides for How West was won


show different graphs/tools, recognize what they are


7 habits of highly effective people (stephen r covey)

1. Be proactive 2. Begin with the end in mind 3. Put first things first 4. Think win-win 5. First understand, then be understood 6. Synergies 7. Sharpen your saw

Kubler-Ross Model

1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance

7 deadly sins of outsourcing activities and projects

1. outsourcing activities that should not be outsourced 2. selecting the wrong vendor 3. writing a poor contract 4. overlooking personnel issues 5. losing control over it 6. overlooking hidden costs 7. failing to plan an exit strategy

PMI was founded in


you can build a house in

3 hours


3 roles- *product owner, scrum master, development team.* 1- product backlog 2- sprint backlog 3- sprint 2-4 weeks, daily meetings 4- sprint results in a useful product

SCRUM (know 3 roles and the steps)

3 roles- *product owner, scrum master, development team.* 1- product backlog 2- sprint backlog 3- sprint 2-4 weeks, daily meetings 4- sprint results in a useful product

Scrum Roles and Steps

3 roles- *product owner, scrum master, development team.* 1- product backlog 2- sprint backlog 3- sprint 2-4 weeks, daily meetings 4- sprint results in a useful product

Balanced Scorecard Approach

A *top-down* management system that organizations can use to clarify their vision and strategy and transform them into action. *financial, customer, internal processes, innovative & learning perspectives*

Contributions to communication

7% words only 38% tones and inflection 55% other nonverbal

what is a project?

A *temporary* endeavor undertaken to create a *unique* product, service, or result.

fast tracking

A schedule compression technique in which activities or phases normally done in sequence are performed in parallel


A specific competency that must exist in an organization in order for it to execute PM processes and deliver PM services and products. An incremental step leading to one or more best practices.

OPM3 capabilities

A specific competency that must exist in an organization in order for it to execute PM processes and deliver PM services and products. An incremental step leading to one or more best practices.

cost baseline

A time-phased budget that project managers use to measure and monitor cost performance

Agile vs Waterfall

AGILE- short term planning scale, short distance between customer and developer, short time between specification and implementation, short time to discover problems, low project schedule risk, high ability to respond quickly to change WATERFALL- long term planning scale, long distance between customer and developer, long time between specification and implementation, long time to discover problems, high project schedule risk, low ability to respond quickly to change

the PMI Code of ethics and professional conduct applies to

ALL OF THE ABOVE (pmps, all pmi members, non members holding pmi certification or volunteering)

Project Charter

HOW we're going to manage the project. *3 most important things- *A*uthority *S*cope *S*takeholders' agreement

Ultra-lite backpacking is comparable to what trend in PM?


Closing Process

All project documents should be reviewed and marked as final versions, and the lessons learned register should include lessons learned during the closing process Final product, service, or result transition : Project sponsors are usually most interested in making sure that the final products, services, or results are delivered and transitioned to the appropriate part of the organization. A final project report and pres

_________ PMs as compared to other PMs spend almost twice as much time planning, enjoy their work more, and believe they have more authority and personal impact on project success

Alpha PMs

Social Styles of Wilson Learning

Analytical, Driver, Amiable, Expressive. L-R- Ask directed -> tell directed assertiveness. T-B- Task Directed -> people directed responsiveness.

PMI code of ethics and professional conduct is based upon

Aspirational Standards and Mandatory Standards

Approaches for managing conflict

Avoidance-retreat, withdraw, or ignore conflict Accommodation-appease the parties in conflict Forcing- dominant authority resolves conflict Compromise- bargaining Collaboration- confronting and attempting to solve the problem by incorporating different ideas, viewpoints, and perspectives.

3 MOC requirements and their 4 Levers

Awareness- Communication Skill Development- Training Motivation- Incentives/Rewards and Org. Alignment


BAC - where we EXPECT to finish at EAC- where we really think we will finish at based on how we're doing NOW ETC- how much do we need to DO in order to finish?

6 rules of thumb for doing business across cultures

Be Prepared. Slow Down. Establish Trust. Understand the Importance of Language. Respect the Culture. Understand Components of Culture.

leadership styles

Benevolent Dictatorship • Consensus Management • Democratic Rule • Micromanaging

most effective leadership style?

Benevolent dictatorship

entering the workforce directly out of college, what would be the best certification for your pursuit of the PM profession?


Project Communications Plan

Can be formal or informal depending on the needs of the stakeholders and project size. Who has specific information needs? What are those needs? How will these needs be met? When can they expect the information? How will this information be received?

7 Basic Tools of Quality (ASQ)

Cause/Effect Diagrams Check sheets Control charts Histograms Pareto Charts Scatter Diagrams Stratification

Leave No Trace can be compared to what aspect of PMI?

Code of Ethics

Importance of Communication Skills

Communicating is one of your most important roles as a project manager. Project management IS communication. 90%

Points on Communication

Communication Channels n (n-1)/2 Therefore tradeoff with larger teams Effective Project Manager 90% of time 50% with team Relative Contribution to Communication 7% Words only 38% Tones and inflection (Parlingual) 55% Other nonverbal

Categories of Conflict

Conflicts associated with the goals, objectives, or specifications of the project. Conflicts associated with the administration, management structures, or underlying philosophies of the project. Conflicts associated with the interpersonal relationships among people based on work ethics, styles, egos, or personalities.

project charter

HOW we're going to manage the project. *A*uthority *S*cope *S*takeholders agreement

Cost Baseline Equation (BAC equation)

Cost Baseline = WorkPackages + Contingency Reserve

Deming's 14 points

Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of products and services, with the aim to become competitive and to stay in business, and to provide jobs. Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic arena. Western management must awaken to the challenge, must learn their responsibilities, and take on leadership for change. Cease dependencies on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into the product in the first place. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag. Instead minimize total cost. Move toward a single supplier for any one item, on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs. Institute training on the job. Institute leadership Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company. Break down barriers between departments. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the workforce asking for zero defects and new levels of productivity Eliminate work standards (quotas) on the factory floor. Substitute leadership. Eliminate management by objective and by numbers. Create pride in the job being done. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.

Duration equation

D=W/E ex: 12 days of work/ 2 people = 6 days duration

Decision Tree

Decision trees allow project managers to distinguish between decisions where we have control and chance events that may or may not happen. It takes account of the costs and rewards of decision options as well as the probabilities and impacts of associated risks.

Six Sigma framework (DMAIC cycle)

Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

Ouchi's Theory Z

Democratic. in between x and y. "involved workers are the key to an increase in productivity"

Theory Z

Democratic. in between x and y. "involved workers are the key to an increase in productivity"

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Developed by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in 1986. Framework to assess and evaluate the capability of *software processes* and their maturity.

Media Snapshot- 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake

Didn't go well, greeks made fun of critics by having workers pretend they were still working on the stage. the greek government suffered a huge financial deficit bc the games cost more than twice the planned budget.

Philip Crosby (the quality movement)

Do it right the fist time. Zero defects. Quality is free. Non conformance costs organizations money.

DISC Profile (Wiley)

Dominance Influence Conscientiousness Steadiness

forecasting with Earned Value Management

Earned value management (EVM) is a project performance measurement technique that integrates scope, time, and cost data Given a baseline, project managers and their teams can determine how well the project is meeting scope, time, and cost goals by entering actual information and then comparing it to the baseline The baseline information includes: Scope data (WBS tasks) Time data (start and finish estimates for each task) Cost data (cost estimates for each task) Note that you can use earned value management at either a detailed or a summary level

Study on EVM Practice

EVM is used worldwide, and it is popular in the Middle East, South Asia, Canada, and Europe Most countries require EVM for large defense or government projects Project budget size appears to be the most important factor in deciding whether or not to use EVM

Earned Value Management

Earned value management (EVM) is a project performance measurement technique that integrates scope, time, and cost data Given a baseline, project managers and their teams can determine how well the project is meeting scope, time, and cost goals by entering actual information and then comparing it to the baseline The baseline information includes: Scope data (WBS tasks) Time data (start and finish estimates for each task) Cost data (cost estimates for each task) Note that you can use earned value management at either a detailed or a summary level

Forecasting with Earned Value Management

Earned value management (EVM) is a project performance measurement technique that integrates scope, time, and cost data Given a baseline, project managers and their teams can determine how well the project is meeting scope, time, and cost goals by entering actual information and then comparing it to the baseline The baseline information includes: Scope data (WBS tasks) Time data (start and finish estimates for each task) Cost data (cost estimates for each task) Note that you can use earned value management at either a detailed or a summary level

Vroom's Expectancy Theory

Effort x Performance x Rewards or Expectancy x Instrumentality x Valance Will my efforts lead to high performance? Will my performance be rewarded? Do I value those rewards?

Negative Risk

Escalation of the risk -Risk avoidance -Risk acceptance -Risk transference -Risk mitigation

Positive Risk

Escalation of the risk -Risk exploitation -Risk sharing -Risk enhancement -Risk acceptance

4 types of Dependencies

FS: When A finishes, B may start. most common FF: When A finishes, B may finish SS: When A starts, B may start SF: When A starts, B may finish

4 types of dependencies

FS: When A finishes, B may start. most common FF: When A finishes, B may finish SS: When A starts, B may start SF: When A starts, B may finish

When bad things happen to good projects

Failure to Deliver Early Tangible Results Half-life of a project is 6 months Everything is a High Priority Old Performance Measures Block Change Failing to Connect the Dots Voice of Customer is Absent Voice of Employee is Absent "What's In It For Me" is Unclear WIIFM Same Old Horses, Same Old Glue

Core values of quality programs proposed by Shewhart, Deming, Juran, Ishikawa, and Crosby include:

Focus on the customer

Tuckman's Ladder 5 stages of team development (know order)

Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

From bottom to top: physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self actualization

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory

From bottom to top: physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self actualization

#1 Communication Tip

Get out of your office! MBWA- manage by walking around

Project Status Colors

Green- on time, budget, scope Yellow- some issues Red- serious issues Blue- project complete Black- project cancelled Gray- project on hold

traffic light colors

Green-On Time, Budget, Scope Yellow-Some Issues Red-Serious Issues Blue-Project Complete Black-Project Cancelled Gray-Project On Hold


Henry Ford, SPONSOR. world's wealthiest man. first US company to create large scale rubber plantation in the Amazon. "moses of the 20th cent will turn amazon into the promised land" the fundamental goal of lessons learned is change. spent over 20 million. Fordism=providing cheap goods and high wages to the masses RESPECT/KNOW THE CULTURE

_________ was used as an example of the importance of honesty and how to deal with ________ , while ____________ was used as example of why we should strive for best practices

John 8:32, stress, colossians 3:23

chinese proverb about paradox principles

If you are planning for one year grow rice. If you are planning for 20 years, grow trees. If you are planning for centuries, grow men.

Interpreting Earned Value Numbers

In general, negative numbers for cost and schedule variance indicate problems in those areas Negative numbers mean the project is costing more than planned or taking longer than planned Likewise, CPI and SPI less than one or less than 100 percent indicate problems

interpreting Earned Value Numbers

In general, negative numbers for cost and schedule variance indicate problems in those areas Negative numbers mean the project is costing more than planned or taking longer than planned Likewise, CPI and SPI less than one or less than 100 percent indicate problems

Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

Initial Repeatable Defined Managed Optimizing (boxes going up to the right)

5 PM Process Groups

Initiating, Planning, Executing, (Monitoring and Controlling), and Closing

5 PM Process Groups

Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing

Project Quality Management

Key outputs of quality control include quality-control measurements, verified deliverables, work performance information, change requests, project management plan updates, and project documents updates Outcomes are acceptance decisions, rework, and process adjustments

OPM3 Cycle

Knowledge, Assessment, Improvement

Email tips

Lack context, so tend to read "hot" If sent to too many it will tend to be ignored Never send what you would not say publicly Beware the "I-sent-it-so-they-must-have-read-it-and-understood-it" trap Don't let it become a substitute for face-to-face communication Avoid communicating bad news via email

Leadership Styles (be able to match)

Laissez-faire- hands-off approach Transactional- achieving goals offering rewards/punishment Servant leader- relationships first, leadership second Transformation- work with/empower others and guide changes through inspiration Charismatic- lead based on enthusiasm and confidence Interactional- combo of transactional, transformational, charismatic

Boston's Big Dig Project

Leaks in the 8-to-10 lane underground expressway that took over 14 years and $14 billion to build. Did the project overseers cut corners to save time and money? Representative Stephen F. Lynch believes yes, and that at some point, pressure to get the project done distracted Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff from getting the project done right


Management of change

which country did dr stewart NOT manage a project in?

Mexico (he did in brazil, china, germany, singapore)

Change requires new behaviors

New technology, New Process, New behaviors. ALL 3 ARE CRITICAL to achieve desired business results.

Communications Monitoring

Not enough to simply put info out there. Useful to check to see if receivers are getting the information they want when they want. Common to generate useless reports or hold wasteful meetings. "Is anybody reading this?"

Triangular Estimate equation PERT Equation

O + M + P / 3 O + 4M + P / 6

Triangular Estimate PERT Weighted Average

O+M+P / 3 O+4M+P / 6

paradox principle quotes

One person with a belief is the social power equal to 99 with an interest. John Stuart Mill The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and will to carry on. Walter Lippmann When you manage those who manage large projects... emphasize the carrot, not the stick When you listen to those who propose large projects... emphasize the stick, not the carrot


Organizational Project Management Maturity Model. the *degree* to which an organization *practices* organizational PM. reflected by the combination of Best Practices achieved within the domains: *Project, Program, and Portfolio*

What is OPM3?

Organizational Project Management Maturity Model. Standard developed by the project management institute. consistent with PMBOK. developed over 6 years. 27 contemporary maturity models. over 800 PM practitioners from 35 countries.

70% of 25 large organizations reported negative experiences with outsourced projects and brought projects back in house.

Outsourcing is itself a project, so following a PM approach makes sense for improving the likelihood of success. \

Fast Track

Overlapping tasks that are now sequential Change FS to SS or FF; or use lag and lead

Deming Learning Cycle

PDCA plan do check act


PMBOK- pm body of knowledge PMI - pm institute PMO- pm office RAM - responsibility assignment matrix RACI - Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed CCPM - critical chain pm WBS - work breakdown structure WIIFM - whats in it for me? KISS - keep it simple stupid PMP - pm professional CAPM - certified associate in pm MBWA - manage by walking around


PMO- project management office PMP- project management professional PMI- project management institute PMBOK- project management body of knowledge

which implementation approach is usually the MOST expensive and LEAST risky?


Tools/alternatives for evaluating projects

Payback, Breakeven, ROI, NPV, Scoring Model

Cost-Reimnursable Contracts

Payment or reimbursement is made to the seller to cover the seller's actual direct costs and indirect costs. may include incentives or penalties.

which implementation approach allows for implementation of modules in different locations?


Deming Cycle

Plan > Do > Check > Act > (continuous cycle)

How to Run an Effective Meeting

Plan in advance Cover the logistics Set a clear agenda Select a facilitator Establish ground rules Reinforce with visual aids Keep a meeting/minute record Evaluate

Earned Value terms

Planned Value- authorized budget assigned to the scheduled work. Actual Cost - the realized cost incurred for the work performed Earned Value - measure of work performed expressed in terms of the budget authorized for that work. Budget at Completion - approved total budget EAC - forecast of how much it will cost on completion.


Portfolio, Projects, programs

Paradox Principles

Positive Change Requires Significant Stability To Build an Enterprise, Focus on the Individual Focus Directly on the Culture, Indirectly True Empowerment Requires Forceful Leadership In Order to Build, You Must Tear Down

Identify Stakeholders

Positively or Negatively impacted by the execution or completion of a project

Lewin's Force Field Analysis

Present state -> transition state -> desired state. driving forces, resisting forces. unfreezing, changing, refreezing.

Lessons Learned- Continuous Improvement

Preserving and passing on all that new knowledge and wisdom is what the concept of 'lessons learned' is all about. Effective project managers take lessons from current projects forward into planning and executing future projects, thereby enabling continuous improvement.

PIM score (how to find contingency reserve)

Probability x Impact (after multiplying, you want to address the highest number first)

PIM Equation

Probability x Impact Score

RAM and RACI and why youd use it

RAM- Responsibility Assignment Matrices. Matrix that maps the work of the project as described in the WBS. Define roles/stakeholders. RACI- Responsibility, Accountability, Consultation, Informed. who does work, who signs off, who has information, who needs to be notified etc.

Spirit of St Louis

RISK orteig prize insanity=doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. "challenge of managing projects today is to combine the technology of the near future with the lessons of the past"-mark kozak-holland. Lindbergh learned from other projects, tolerance for risk to minimize triple constraints.

In resource usage view, resources in the color _____ are over allocated


Having the team review the project scope, schedule, budget, and quality objectives would most likely occur in the:


Hoodwink is an example of why we perform the following in PM


Return on Investment- higher is better Payback analysis- shorter is better Net Present Value- higher is better

Return on Investment- higher is better Payback analysis- shorter is better Net Present Value- higher is better

the key reason for the success of the spirit of St Louis is due to this knowledge management


Biblical Principle for Change Management

Romans 12:1-2 - "Therefore I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. * Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."*

10 Knowledge Areas (be able to list)

Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Risk, Integration, Communication, HR, Procurement, Stakeholders

Reporting Performance and Progress

Status reporting- present state of project Progress Reporting- what has been accomplished Forecast reporting- predicting the future status or progress


Studied under Deming. Believes quality is a continuous process that relies on ALL LEVELS of organization. advocated the use of easy to use statistical tools. Fishbone diagram, pareto diagram, flow charts

PMI Talent Triangle

Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic and Business Management

Budget at Completion (BAC)

The budget at completion (BAC), or the approved total budget for the project, can be divided by the cost performance index to calculate the estimate at completion (EAC), which is a forecast of how much the project will cost upon completion. This calculation assumes you will be spending at the same rate as your current level of spending. Likewise, the approved time estimate for the project can be divided by the schedule performance index to calculate when the project will be completed. Earned value, therefore, provides an excellent way to monitor project performance and provide forecasts based on performance to date.

Possible Results of False Beliefs

The change may not occur. People will comply for a time and then do things to get around the change. Users will accept only a portion of the change. The full benefits of the project are never realized or are realized only after a great deal of time and resources have been expended.


The degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements. "an inherent or distinguishing characteristic, a property having a high degree of excellence". fitness for use. conformance to requirements. dependent on needs and expectations of customer.

Project Integration Management

The main monitoring and controlling processes performed as part of project integration management include monitoring and controlling project work and performing integrated change control. These are crucial processes that must be done well to ensure project success.

EV Terms

The planned value (PV) is the authorized budget assigned to scheduled work The actual cost (AC) is the realized cost incurred for the work performed on an activity during a specific time period The earned value (EV) is the measure of work performed expressed in terms of the budget authorized for that work. It cannot be greater than the authorized PV budget for a component as it is calculated as the sum of the PV of the completed work

Earned Value Terms

The planned value (PV) is the authorized budget assigned to scheduled work The actual cost (AC) is the realized cost incurred for the work performed on an activity during a specific time period The earned value (EV) is the measure of work performed expressed in terms of the budget authorized for that work. It cannot be greater than the authorized PV budget for a component as it is calculated as the sum of the PV of the completed work

Eli Goldratt famous for

Theory of constraints project buffer

Triple Constraints (be able to draw)

Time, Cost, Scope. (L, R, bottom) Quality in middle. (There are tradeoffs.)

Different Views of conflict

Traditional -conflict is negative and should be avoided Contemporary -conflict is inevitable and natural and can be positive or negative Interactionist-conflict is an important and necessary ingredient for performance. Romans 5:3-5 Suffering -> Perserverence -> Character -> Hope

Each conflict situation is UNIQUE and the choice of an approach to resolve it depends on:

Type of conflict and its relative importance to the project. Time pressure to resolve the conflict. Position of power or authority of the parties involved. Whether the emphasis is on maintaining the goals or objectives of the project or maintaining relationships.

IT Project Quality Plan Validation

Validation- *product-oriented* activities that attempt to determine if the system or project deliverables meet the customer or client's expectations. Testing- does the system function as intended and meet the scope and requirements? *"Did we build the right product?"*

IT Project Quality Plan Verification

Verification- focuses on *process related* activities to ensure that the products and deliverables meet specified requirements before final testing. Technical, business, and management reviews. "Are we building the product the *right way*?"

The Rise of Japan

W Edwards Deming worked with Shewart at Western Electric. management treated the worker as a cog in the machinery. final inspection used to control quality. worker not directly responsible. scrap and rework reduced per piece rate. Invited to give series of day-long lectures in Japan in the 1950s.

what is the bridge between scope and project plan?

WBS (work breakdown structure)

Impact of Change

Whether we view change as *positive (anticipation) or negative (dread)*, there is a certain amount of *stress* that accompanies each change. *Assimilation* is the process of adapting to change and determines our ability to handle current and future change


Yogi Berra- if you dont know where youre going youll wind up somewhere else Tom Peters- in the future all work will be project work JFK- we want to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade and bring him back safely Mark? Collin

Time and Materials (T&M) Contracts

a HYBRID of cost re-imbursable and fixed price contracts. the buyer pays the seller for both the time and materials required to complete the work.

who is the only one who likes change?

a baby with a wet diaper

Fixed Price or Lump Sum Contracts

a total or fixed price is negotiated or set as the final price for a product or service. may include INCENTIVES for meeting certain performance objectives or PENALTIES if not met

Risk Strategies

accept avoid mitigate transfer

Risk Strategies

accept, escalate - both avoid, mitigate, transfer - negative exploit, share, enhance - positive

gantt chart view

add a task

How will OPM3 benefit my organization?

advance organization's strategic goals through PM principles and practices. best practices/capabilities, which area to pursue improvement. guidance on prioritizing and planning improvements.

the reason to use a WBS

all of the above

Project measurement system should...

allow the team to gauge its own progress. be designed by the team. adopt only a handful of measures. track results and progress.

which of the following is NOT a step in Retrospective process?

approve budget

multitasking is...


gold plating is

bad! avoid it

individual performance review

begin with them evaluating their own performance focus on specific BEHAVIORS, not the individual. be consistent and fair. Review should provide a consensus on improving performance

Project Procurement Processes Plan Purchases and Acquisition

begins by determining which project needs can be *fulfilled internally* by the project team. Focuses not only WHAT can best be filled but HOW, WHEN, HOW MANY, WHERE. Similar to a MAKE or BUY decision

most effective leader style?



best estimate based on what we know NOW

Risk techniques

brainstorming nominal group delphi cause and effect

models for analyzing project alternatives

breakeven npv - higher is better payback analysis - shorter is better roi - higher is better scoring


came from prison that shot people if you cross the line.

what was the completion status of the great escape?



critical chain project management (key is buffers)


critical chain scheduling considers limited resources when creating a project schedule and includes buffers to protect the project completion date


critical path method (project network). used to predict total project duration. and show amount of schedule flexibility on the paths.


critical path method (project network). used to predict total project duration. and show amount of schedule flexibility on the paths.

excess overtime can lead to

death march, cost overruns, undertime

per dr. stewart's research, which of the following were found to be significant in determining project success?

dedicated employees performing PMO functions

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

derived from greek word isos= equal. formed in 1947. has over 130 members today to facilitate the international coordination and unification of industrial standards. Standards make up the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 families.

Project network

diagram, forward pass, backward pass, float, CP, analysis


direct indirect sunk contingency reserve management reserve learning curve

which implementation approach usually entails the greatest level of RISK?

direct cutover

direct cutover, parallel, phased

direct cutover- old system shut down and new turned on. appropriate when quick delivery is critic al, or old system is so poor it must be replaced ASAP. can cause more pressure and stress. parallel- old and new systems run concurrently. appropriate when problems or the failure of the system can have a major impact on organization- provides a safety net. takes longer and requires more resources. Phased - system introduced in modules incrementally. experience can make it go smoother later. takes longer and may cost more than direct

TCO (total cost of ownership)

direct, ongoing, and indirect costs

7 Levels of change

doing the right things doing things right doing things better stopping doing things doing things other people are doing doing things no one else is doing doing things that cant be done

Definition of Insanity

doing the same thing the same way over and over again and expecting different results

Leavitt's Diamond

every organizational system is made up of four main components— *people, tasks, structure, and technology* with an interaction among the four components so that any change in one of these elements will necessitate a change in the other three elements.


exponential growth

olde curmudgeon quote

failure to define what's part of the project

Peter Drucker

father of management

IT Project Quality Plan Quality Philosophies and Principles

focus on *customer satisfaction* *prevention not inspection* *improve the proess* to improve the product. quality is *everyone's responsibility* fact based management


focuses on project's PRODUCTS. focuses on project PROCESSES.

why do companies want to use a matrix?

for best utilization/allocation of resources. problem- ? ex: DBA

Interpreting Earned Value Numbers

in general, negative numbers for cost and schedule indicate problems in those areas- it is costing more or taking longer than planned. CPI and SPI less than one or 100% indicate problems.


in the middle ages guilds regulated: who could sell what in a particular town, ensured standardized pricing and quality, supported members and their families when they could no longer work. Regulated forms of labor- masters owned the shop. apprentices bound to a master and learned the trade. journeyman completed training and waiting for a job opening.

what can you expect if you have more than one critical path?

increased risks

TBO (total benefits of ownership)

increasing high value work improving accuracy and efficiency improving decision making improving customer service

Discussing team members' next assignment is generally a part of:

individual performance review

what to do when project sponsor wants to make a major change when the work is mostly complete

inform them of the impact of the change

PMBOK processes are described in terms of

inputs, outputs, tools & techniques

Ways to Close or Terminate a project

integration addition extinction starvation

which of the following is NOT one of the PMI code of ethics and professional conduct sections?



interests may be pos or neg affected by execution or completion of project. may exert influence over project


key performance indicator. criterion by which an organization can determine whether the outcome associated a capability exists or the degree to which it exists. Can be a direct measurement or an expert assessment


key performance indicator. criterion by which an organization can determine whether the outcome associated a capability exists or the degree to which it exists. Can be a direct measurement or an expert assessment

Lag and Lead

lag- when an activity requires a gap in time before it can start lead- when an activity can overlap a preceding one

lag and lead

lag- when an activity requires a gap in time before it can start lead- when an activity can overlap a preceding one

heuristic size of work package

less than or equal to 2 man weeks

work packages

less than or equal to 2 man weeks

rearranging resources until they are constant is called


Appalachian Trail

longest hiking trail in the world. "vision without execution is hallucination" *PM Myron Avery.* a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique result. triple constraint

An ethical leader could be described as someone who ________.

makes it clear that bottom line results are important, but only if they can be achieved in an ethical manner

different Costs (Reserves are calculated by taking 10% of the subtotal for the estimate)

management reserve- unknown unknown (extra money). upper management in charge in case something unexpected happens. contingency reserve- based on known risks. controlled by project manager. direct- goes into the project indirect- overhead costs sunk- already spent

What has better quality- fancy french restaurant or mcdonalds


Balanced Scorecard

measurement of organizational performance in four equally important areas: *F*inances *C*ustomers *I*nternal operations *I*nnovation and learning

Stacey diagram

method to select the appropriate management actions in a complex adaptive system based on two axes: Vertical axis =the degree of certainty. Horizontal axis = level of agreement on the issue in question

______________ is a defined and repeatable process to be used throughout the organization. can be used to deliver a project and promote the use of best practices...will increase a project's probability of success


Lewin's Force Field Analysis

model of system-wide change that helps change agents diagnose the *forces that drive and resist* change

list at least 3 of the functions of a PMO

monitor/control teach manage

When analyzing Fredrick Herzberg's theory:

motivators goes with the top two on the maslow pyramid. hygiene go with the bottom three of the maslow pyramid.

critical path is shown on the

network diagram

Milestones have ____ duration

no. used by the Romans as mile markers

technique for identifying risks where you rank/prioritize ideas in round robin fashion

nominal group technique


number of workdays or hours required to complete an activity

the most important requirement for project closure under normal circumstances is?

obtaining the project sponsor's acceptance of the project

Project Procurement Processes Select Sellers

once a seller is selected, the buyer and seller enter into a contract that defines the terms and conditions of the relationship. a CONTRACT is a document signed by the b and s as a legally binding agreement

Best practice

optimal way currently recognized by industry to achieve a stated goal or objective

OPM3 best practices

optimal way currently recognized by industry to achieve a stated goal or objective

3 point estimate

optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic estimates

OPM3 bridges the gap

organizational strategy -> OPM3 BRIDGE -> successful projects

Key difference between outsourcing and procurement management

outsourcing = strategic procurement man.= tactical

which is true of best practices?

part of OPM3

McGregor's Theory X

people need close supervision, will avoid work and responsibility when possible, desire only money, must be pushed to perform

Critical Chain PM (CCPM) is based on

people often inflate/add cushioning to their time estimates

McGregor's theory Y

people want independence in work, seek responsibility, motivated by self fulfillment, naturally want to work, will drive themselves to perform

the part of a methodology that helps you take corrective action is:

phase exit review

Peter Drucker quote

plans are only good intentions ...

Burn-down chart

popular in agile software development methods like scrum or XP. Shows how the scope, features or functionality, or work is being completed over time. Visually displays the amount of work that can be delivered in a single iteration. helps to PREDICT when project work will be completed

Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator

popular tool for determining personality preferences and helping teammates understand each other. You want a variety of types on your team.

contingency plans

predefined actions that the project team will take if an identified risk event occurs

What two dimensions should you use when evaluating project risks?

probability and impact

Change agents

project manager and team.

Outsourcing (subcontracting)

project teams can be outsourcing buyers and sellers. is the procurement of products or services from an external source. outsourcing is similar to project procurement management.

project oriented vs product oriented deliverables

project- focus on the completion of procedural based tasks in the process leading up to the actual launch product- pertain to the product itself, focused on the end user/customer

PM improvement accountability act does all of the following EXCEPT

provide a professional code of conduct (it DOES: job series and career path in the federal govmt, developing a standards bsaed program management policy across the federal gvmt, recognize the essential role of executive sponsorship and engagment)

Tussle's Risk Classification Scheme

puppy- high probability, low impact tiger- high probability, high impact kitten- low probability, low impact *alligator- low probability, high impact*

what impact does leveling have on MP schedule?

push completion date out

you are preparing a proposal in response to a "request for proposal". the sales person in your company working on it tells you to lie to enhance the company's chance of winning the contract. You should:

report the matter to your superior, project sponsor, or corporate

Gantt Chart

reporting a project's progress. This chart lists the tasks to be performed on the vertical axis, and time intervals on the horizontal axis. The width of the horizontal bars in the graph shows the duration of each activity.

Gantt chart

reporting a project's progress. This chart lists the tasks to be performed on the vertical axis, and time intervals on the horizontal axis. The width of the horizontal bars in the graph shows the duration of each activity.

after every project we should do a _____ and gather ______ from which we can create ______ to add to our ______

retrospective lessons learned best practices methodology

Resource usage view

see a resource allocated

Change management Iceberg

see slide

what is NOT required to create a project budget


Kubler Ross model of grief

shock, denial, frustration, depression, experiment, decision, integration


should be anticipated from the outset of the project can be either overt or covert Once the change is compromised, management and the project team will lose credibility, and the organization may become resistant to all future changes. May arise for valid reasons May occur even when those resisting know the change will be beneficial Is a natural part of any change process Change agents dealing with resistance should: listen not argue clearly communicate boundaries of change understand that empathizing is not necessarily agreeing

Contract Administration

signed contract mean the b and s have entered a relationship where they must fulfill their contractual obligations. the contract administration process ensures that parties are doing this

Realities of Outsourcing

some people lose jobs but many new higher paying ones are created. organizational change management plays an important role in successful outsourcing relationships. according to Drucker, if *developing people* is the most important task in business, then the trend towards outsourcing can reduce an organization's ability to gain competitive advantage in a knowledge economy.

based on agreement on requirements and certainty of technology axes recommends if you should use traditional waterfall or agile

stacey diagram

strategic and tactical deliverables

strategic- views all the projects together as components of a portfolio and makes strategic choices in their support. tactical- execution of individual projects and programs, management by objectives

Forlandia is an example of having a _________ project sponsor and ______ project manager with a __________ appreciation of culture

strong, weak, lack of

Chaos Studies

success- had 3 constraints challenged - got something tangible but missed some of constraints fail - didnt work. Standish Group - measures project success rates and project management best practices

Chaos studies

success- had the triple constraints challenge- got something tangible out of it, but missed some of the triple constraints fail- didn't work/finish


taking time to review a past experience to learn from it. to improve future projects, to increase competence of participants through knowledge sharing

OPM3 outcomes

tangible or intangible result of applying a Capability. in OPM3 a capability may have multiple outcomes. The degree to which an outcome is achieved is measured by a KPI.


tangible or intangible result of applying a Capability. in OPM3 a capability may have multiple outcomes. The degree to which an outcome is achieved is measured by a KPI.


technique for making cost and schedule trade-offs to obtain the greatest amount of schedule compression for the lowest cost


the *degree* to which an organization *practices* organizational PM. reflected by the combination of Best Practices achieved within the Project, Program, and Portfolio domains


the amount of time an activity may be delayed without delaying a succeeding activity or the project finish date

slack or float

the amount of time an activity may be delayed without delaying a succeeding activity or the project finish date

Organizational Project Management

the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to organizational activities to achieve the aims of an organization through projects.

The Quality Movement

the industrial revolution. eli whitney invented the cotton gin but also invented mass production. developed interchangeable parts where men could operate the machines. took 10 years to deliver the last rifle, but the concept worked


the process of adapting to change and determines our ability to handle current and future change

critical path

the series of activities that determine the *earliest* time by which the project can be completed, the *longest* path through the network diagram and has the least amount of slack or float.

targets of change

the users

10 Knowledge Areas

time, cost, quality, scope, Risk,Integration, Communications, HR, Procurement, Stakeholders

triple constraints

time, cost, scope quality in middle if its good

Resource sheet view

to add a resource

the best way to reduce conflict

to confront it- Verma, 1998

3 types of organizations

traditional functional project ties (matrix in the middle)

3 types of organizations

traditional, functional, project ties

Monitoring and Controlling the Project

unexpected events will happen and require adjustments to the project schedule and budget. a PM will not lose credibility because an unexpected event or situation arises. but they can lose or gain credibility in terms of how they handle a particular situation.

Over time

use over time sparingly on the most critical tasks

3 types of matrix

weak balanced strong (stronger project manager's authority)

The Impact of Change

whether we view change as positive or negative, there is a certain amount of stress that accompanies each change (planning a wedding)


work breakdown structure. bridge between scope and budget/schedule. basis for a project cost estimate if you plan to create a cost baseline and use earned value management as part of monitoring and controlling costs

Parkinson's Law

work expands to fill the time allowed

parkinsons law

work expands to fill the time allowed.


work that needs to be accomplished to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified features and functions.

Walter Shewhart

worked for western electric company (bel telephones). quality improvements needed for underground equipment. applied statistical theory to control production processes.

Fielder's Contingency Theory

your effectiveness as a leader is determined by how well your leadership style matches the situation. The theory is based on the premise that each of us has one and only one leadership style

critical path tasks have a float of _____


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