Prokaryote Exams 1 and 2

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Using the provided standard reduction potential tower, which of the following would provide the most energy for a bacterium

CH4 +MnO2

Nitrogenase is required for the ability of some prokaryotes to reduce _ to NH4+


Which of the following is typically the electron acceptor directly used by the ETS in bacteria using oxygenic photosynthesis?


Which of the following would most likely directly accept electrons during the oxidation of an organic compound by an enzyme?


which of the following can be used to describe the metabolism of the bacterium in condition 1?

both b and c -organotrophic and aerobic respiration

Prokaryotes that only produce lactate as an end product during the catabolism of glucose would most likely use which of the following pathways to directly produce oxaloacetate and ketoglutarate for biosynthesis?

branched TCA

The majority of prokaryotes conserve energy by oxidizing which of the following?

electron donors

Which of the following is incorrect about the bacterial flagellum?

energy for movement is directly provided by the hydrolysis of ATP -CORRECT: may rotate counterclockwise, may rotate clockwise, required for chemotaxis, synthesized from protein, PMF provides energy

Which of the following is required by all prokaryotes to grow?

energy, electron, carbon source

All of the following except _ can directly provide the energy to support active transport by a bacterium


Which of the following is not a biofuel that is produced by the metabolism of prokaryotes?


Which of the following could be found as part of the cell envelope in bacteria?

glycocalyx, peptidoglycan, S-layer, cytoplasmic membrane, cell wall -envelope is cytoplasmic membrane and all outer layers

Which of the following is NOT classified as a prokaryote?

herpes virus -Prokaryotes include bacteria and archaea

If a bacterium is using methane as a carbon source then it is a


Which of the following best describes a bacterium that uses acetate as its carbon source?


What is the best choice for the term that describes layer G of the cell envelope?

nucleoid -nucleic acid

Which of the following is NOT involved in the process of binary fission by a bacterial cell (growth)?

nucleus separation (prokaryotes dont have a nucleus!) -ARE involved: FtsZ ring formation, DNA replication, an increase in cell size/mass

which of the following would most likely produce CO2?


Which of the following can significantly affect the growth of bacteria?

osmolarity, temperature, oxygen, water activity

Which of the following are most likely an autotroph?

-A bacterium that is a lithotroph -A bacterium that is a phototroph -use CO2

Which of the following is most likely CORRECT about cellular life on earth for the first 2-2.5 billion years?

-all organisms were microbes -all organisms were anaerobes

Which of the following are INCORRECT about the cell walls of archaea?

-may be comprised of peptidoglycan -may be comprised of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate TRUE: -may be comprised of an S-layer -may be comprised of pseudomurein -may be comprised of polysaccharides -B 1,3 glycosidic bonds -L-amino acids

which condition would the bacterium likely produce atp by substrate-level phosphorylation?


Which of the following is most likely NOT a possible temperature range/profile for growth of a single species of bacterium? (can one bacterium grow across the temperature range listed?)


Methanococcoides burtonii, which is a psychrophile, would most likely have the fastest growth rate at which of the following temperatures

20C wants <20C -not 10 bc growth rate doubles at every 10C increase, so would want higher side of range?

The internal pH of a bacterium that is an acidophile is most likely between


Which of the following is found in every species of bacteria?

ATP synthase

Which of the following is INCORRECT about glycolysis?

Acetyl-CoA is a product -CORRECT: NADH is a product, Atp is produced by SLP, does not require O2

which of the following would most likely provide the energy for a bacterium to directly produce an atp by substrate level phosphorylation?


Vancomycin would inhibit growth of some species


some are pathogenic


all species have a nucleoid

Bacteria and Archaea

some are anaerobes

Bacteria and Archaea

some species are motile

Bacteria and Archaea

If all other factors are equal, which of the below bacteria with different surface area (s) to volume (v) ratios would most likely grow at the fastest rate? Bacterium A: 30.0 Bacterium B: 15.0 Bacterium C: 3.0 Bacterium D: 0.03

Bacterium A

Which of the following is INCORRECT about interspecies H2 transfer?

CH4 is produced by one prokaryote and consumed by another -CORRECT: involves fermenting bacterium, involves lithotropic archaeon, is an example of syntropy

A bacterium that conserves energy by oxidizing NH4+ using anaerobic respiration would most likely rely on which of the following as an external source of carbon for biosynthesis?


A bacterium that uses dihydrogen as the energy source would most likely use which of the following as the carbon source?


If a bacterium is growing with lactate by anaerobic respiration, then the primary end product that lactate is converted to is


Which of the following is NOT a product of glycolysis during the metabolism of glucose?


Which of the following would most likely be found inside a carboxysome?


Which of the following is INCORRECT about lithotropic respiration?

CO2 is typically a product

If you wanted to determine whether a chemical was an attractant or repellant to a bacterium, which of the following assays would you most likely use?

Capillary tube assay

What is the best choice for the term that describes layer A of the cell envelope?

Capsule -also called glycocalyx -outermost polysaccharide layer

Which of the following is NOT a domain of the current universal tree of life?

Euryarchaeota -3 domains: Eukarya, Bacteria, Archaea

E coli contains FtsZ, MinCDE, and MreB. Of the genes encoding these proteins, which genes could we NOT delete/remove from chromosome of ecoli

FtsZ -can't delete it bc necessary for cell division -FtsZ: forms "z" ring for division -MreB: helps elongate cells -MinCDE: inhibits Z ring, usually on sides of cells so divisome forms in middle

Which of the following could serve as the energy source for a bacterium growing by lithotrophy?


A fermenting bacterium would most likely NOT use which of the following?

H2 (provided from the environment)

A strain of E coli that is a tyrosine auxotroph would most likely NOT be able to grow in which of the following types of media?

M9 medium -can grow in Luira Bertani (LB) medium -LB: rich medium, preformed organics, doesnt need to synthesize anything -M9: minimal medium

A bacterium with coccus-shaped cells would most likely NOT have which of the following?

MreB -would have peptidoglycan, FtsZ, ribosomes, cytoplasmic membrane

Which of the following organisms would most likely NOT be affected by penicillin?

Mycoplasma species, Planctomycetes, Mycoplasma, Methanogen -archaea are insensitive to penicillin

Which of the following would most likely contain lipopolysaccharide in its cell wall?

None of the above: E coli (gram-), bacillus subtilus (gram+), methanogen (archaeon) -LPS is located in outer membrane of gram -

If we provide E coli glucose and all substances listed below which substance would it consume first, in addition to glucose?


___ are a prokaryotic appendage that is important in facilitating attachment to surfaces


Which of the following is typically NOT be considered a bacterial virulence factor (a component which impacts the ability to cause disease) ?

Poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate -pili, flagella, and capsule are all virulence factorsm glycocalyx, LPS

Which of the following would most likely NOT be found in the cytoplasmic membrane of a bacterium?

Porins -found in outer membrane -protein, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and hopanoids could be found

some species are classified as thermophiles

bacteria and archaea

Which of the following would typically use the calvin cycle?

a bacterium carrying out oxygenic photosynthesis

if you want to isolate a lithotropic bacterium from the sediment of a pond, which of the following would you nOT want to add to your isolation medium?


Pyruvate dehydrogenase would most likely be used during metabolism of glucose when a bacterium is using

aerobic and anaerobic respiration

A bacterium that is growing with lactate by aerobic respiration is likely using lactate as

all of the above carbon, energy, and electron source

Which of the following is INCORRECT about quinones in bacteria?

all of the above are correct

Which of the following would likely NOT use an ETS?

all of the above would

A bacterium that grows optimally at pH of 3, but can still grow in an environment where pH is 7 is most accurately called

an acidophile

Which of the following is likely most sensitive to high levels of oxygen?

anaerobic bacterium

Bacteria growing by respiration with glucose and sulfate are most likely using SO42-

as an electon acceptor

Where is lipopolysaccharide typically located?

associated with the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria

Bacteria that are repeatedly grown in complex medium in a laboratory will most likely stop producing which of the following?

capsule, S-layer, flagella

Which of the following would typically NOT be found in gram negative bacteria that are anaerobes?

catalase -cytoplasmic membrane, peptidoglycan, FtsZ, and lipopolysaccharide would be -catalse protects against oxygen toxicity, so wouldnt be in anaerobe

Which of the following is INCORRECT about pyruvate carboxylase?

catalysis produces NADH

Bacterial rods that lack functional MinCDE will likely produce which of the following during during growth?

cells that are smaller than normal -cant control where divisome is forming

which condition would the bacterium likely be using autotrophy?

condition 2

which condition would the bacterium likely be using lithotropy?

condition 2

which condition would the bacterium likely NOT produce ATP by oxidative phosphorylation?

condition 5

which condition would the bacterium likely be using anaerobic respiration?

conditions 2 and 4

Which of the following is incorrect about the involvement of O2 in the metabolism of bacteria?

consumed during oxygenic photosynthesis

Which of the following is INCORRECT about ATP in bacteria?

consumption requires an electron acceptor

Which of the following is not considered part of central metabolism?

cytochrome oxidase (ETS enzyme)

What is the best choice for the term that describes layer D of the cell envelope?

cytoplasmic membrane -lipid and protien layer right next to cytoplasm

Sequencing of non-essential genes from different organisms generates phylogenetic trees that are reticulated (networked), which is most likely a result of ____

extensive horizontal/lateral gene transfer among bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes

A bacterium that metabolizes glucose by anaerobic respiration would likely produce acids/alcohols as end products


All species of bacteria are members of either gram negative or gram positive phylogenetic groups


An inorganic electron acceptor can serve as the energy source for some prokaryotes


Bacteria growing by fermentation with glucose would most likely use the reductive TCA cycle to produce biosynthetic precursors


Bacteria metabolizing glucose by fermentation would most likely produce some ATP by oxidative phosphorylation


It is NOT possible for a bacterium to use glucose as a carbon, electron,, and energy source


Some archaea cause disease in animals


Some extremophilic archaea lack a cytoplasmic membrane


The majority of bacteria contain a cell envelope comprised of only peptidoglycan


bacteria growing by anaerobic respiration primarily use atp synthase to consume atp in order to pump protons out of the cell to generate a proton gradient


borrelia burgdorferi uses siderophores to scavenge iron from the environment


fermenting bacteria produce alcohols primarily as a way to get rid of energy


metabolic enzymes affect the energetics of a chemical reactions


some species of archaea are capable of anoxygenic photosynthesis


the bacterium can grow by respiration but not fermentation


the bacterium is likely using the oxidative tca cycle in condition 5


methanogens contributed to the warming of early earth by producing O2 as a metabolic end product

false -CH4

The cell wall is the strongest permeability layer for the entry/exit of molecules in/out of bacteria and archaeal cells

false -cell membrane is

VAncomycin weakens bacteria cells by inhibiting synthesis of the cytoplasmic membrane

false -cell wall

Respiring proteobacteria are hypothesized to be the precursors to chloroplasts in modern eukaryotes

false -cyanobacteria are precursor?

Bacteria synthesize pili by producing a filament composed of a polymer of polysaccharide

false -protein filament

Microcompartments (ex: carboxysome) are found in both bacteria and archaea

false -think they are unique to bacteria

Ammonia (NH3) is an example of a micronutrient used by prokaryotes

false -trace elements: iron, copper, etc

The first cellular organism on Earth (last Universal Common Ancestor) was most likely a Eukaryote

false -was prob an archaea?

The cell envelope of gram positive bacteria typically contain 2 membranes

false -gram + only has inner membrane, gram - has inner and outer

Lysozyme causes bacterial cells to lyse by breaking the ester bonds in glycerophospholipids in the cytoplasmic membrane

false -ruins cell wall not membrane

Species of hyperthermophilic bacteria currently define the upper temperature limit for cellular life on earth

false -thermophile goes up to 113C while hyper only 105?

Based on these data, which organic acid is a repellant?


which of the following reactions would be used by a bacterium to directly release the energy stored in ATP?


Which of the following would most likely contain a cytoplasmic membrane comprised of a monolayer?

hyperthermophilic archaeon

A bacterium would produce compatible solutes (proline) in response to being placed in an environment that is


Which of the following is most likely NOT required for a bacterium to carry out fermentation?

inorganic electron donor -REQUIRED: organic electron donor, organic electron acceptor, pyruvate formate lyase, NAD

which of the following is incorrect about the electron source when a bacterium is growing by aerobic respiration?

it can be O2

which of the following is the primary energy source when the bacterium is growing in conditions 1?


In batch culture, during which phase would E Coli cells most likely be the largest?

log phase

Of the four phases of bacteria in bath culture, which phase would you most likely observe the highest rate of cell division?

log phase

A bacterium that primarily grows in the human nose is most likely a

mesophile -20-45C

Which of the following would Salmonella Enterica most likely need to use in order to metabolize ethanolamine?


What is the best choice for the term that describes layer F of the cell envelope?

microcompartment -protein

which of the following enzymes would most likely be found in heterocysts of a cyanobacterium?


which of the following is incorrect about atp synthase in bacteria?

not used by fermenting bacteria

What is the best choice for the term that describes layer B of the cell envelope?

outer membrane lipid, polysaccharide, protein -S-layer only composed of protein

What is the best choice for the term that describes layer C of the cell envelope?

peptidoglycan -polysaccharide and protein

Where is transpeptidase most likely located in E coli?

periplasm -contains hydrolytic enzymes -transpeptidase is enzyme in cross-bridge formation

Which of the following is unique to bacteria?

phosphotransferase system

Magnetotaxis by bacteria requires all of the following except

pili -requires flagella, membrane-enclosed magnetite (Fe3O4), PMF, Earth's magnetic field

Which of the following is directly involved in the ability of bacteria to move (motility)?

pilus and flagellum

Which of the following would NOT be found in the cytoplasmic membrane of a bacterium?

porins -porins are found in outer membrane -COULD find: cardiolipin (phospholipid?), hopanoid, transport protein, phospholipids

Which of the following is INCORRECT about the Wood-Ljundahl pathway?

produces glucose as end product

Which of the following is NOT a primary function of the cytoplasmic membrane of a bacterium?

protection from turgor pressure -primary functions include: selective permeability barrier, site of generation of the PMF, serve as protein anchor -cell wall protects against turgor pressure

Which of the following macromolecules comprises the majority of an E. coli cell?

proteins -then nucleic acids > lipids > polysaccharides

Which of the following would most likely have the most fluid (least rigid) membrane at 37C?

psychrophilic bacteria <20C

Which of the following is NOT a component of the ETS?

pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase -turns pyruvate to acetyl-coA -quinones, heme (cytochromes), substrate oxidoreductase, terminal reductase are

The first phylogenic tree that showed archaea formed a separate domain of life were based on the sequencing of which gene?

rRNA -previously grouped things structurally, bacteria and archaea are similar structurally -rRNA used bc found in every cellular organism, conserved essential process

The proton motive force can be used for all of the following EXCEPT

reduce quinones

a bacterium that consumes co2 during growth would most likely contain which of the following?

reductive tca cycle -co2- acetyl coa

In an effort to maintain the fluidity of the cytoplasmic membrane as the temperature increases, a bacterium would likely increase the amount of ___ in the membrane

saturated lipids

which of the following is incorrect about autotrophs?

some use light as an electron source

What is the best choice for the term that describes layer E of the cell envelope?

storage granule -organic acid polymer

A prokaryote that produces H2 as a waste product during metabolism of glucose would most likely synthesize the majority of ATP by

substrate-level phosphorylation

which of the following is the primary electron source when the bacterium is growing in condition 2?


Which of the following enzymes produces molecular oxygen (O2)?

superoxide dismutase and catalase -both are protective enzymes against ROS

Which of the following is NOT found in the cytoplasm of bacteria?

teichoic acid IS found: carboxysome, nucleoid, poly-B-hydrocybutyrate, sulfur granules -teichoic acidbinds to peptidoglycan layer and cell membrane in gram+ bacteria

Which of the following is INCORRECT about bacterial microcompartments

the compartment is part of the cell envelope CORRECT: not found in archaea, compartment shell is composed of protein, contain metabolic enzymes, aid in retention of volatile metabolites

All archaea have a cell envelope


All bacteria and archaea are prokaryotes


The bacterium is likely using heterotrophy in condition 1


The optimum growth temperature for a bacteria is always closer to the maximum growth temperature than to the minimum growth temperature


The oxidative TCA cycle produces ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation


The oxidative TCA cycle produces Co2


a bacterium using methane as a carbon, energy, and electron source is a heterotroph


is it possible for a chemical reaction that has a positive charge in gibbs free energy under standard conditions to provide energy for a bacterium under non-standard conditions


only prokaryotes are capable of nitrogen fixation


stationary phase cell are typically smaller than log phase cells of the same species


the majority of nutrients enter a bacterial cell by active transport


the metabolism of prokaryotes is important to the global C,N and S cycles on EArth


Bacteria that are in a nutrient rich environment would typically contain a high amount of Poly-B-hydroxybutyrate

true -PHB: form polymers for carbon storage

It is NOT possible for an archaeon to use CO2 as a carbon, electron, and energy source

true -can only serve as carbon source bc it is completely oxidized

When would E coli most likely use pyruvate formate lyase?

when growing by fermentation

Which of the following is incorrect about prokaryotes growing using the strickland reaction?

would use the oxidative tca cycle

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