Psy 2120: Brain and behavior
What is the correct order of information processing in the visual system? (Match the order)
1. Rods cones 2. Bipolar cells 3. Ganglion cells 4. LGN neurons
What is the function of the cornea?
Allows photons to travel into the eye
Match each term with the correct description Rods Myopia Scotoma 'what' "where" or "how"
Associated substance Rhodopsin Nearsightedness Gap in visual field Ventral stream Dorsal stream
Accommodation is controlled by which component(s) of the eye?
Ciliary muscles
Which of the following is incorrectly paired? Bipolar cells; graded potentials Ganglion cells; action potentials Photoreceptors; graded potentials Horizontal cells; action potentials
Horizontal cells; action potentials
Where are cones concentrated in the eye?
In the fovea
Which of the following represents the route by which visual information is transmitted?
Optic nerve → optic tract → optic radiations
Which pathway accurately describes the route for the passage of visual information?
Optic nerve, optic tract, optic radiations
The human eye transduces visible light through the use of
Which statement regarding visual fields is true?
The right visual field projects to the eyes and then to the left cerebral hemisphere.
__________ is to hearing as __________ is to vision. The retina; the cochlea all of these are true. The eye; the ear Tonotopy: retinotopy
Tonotopy: retinotopy
The primary visual cortex is also known as:
Single-cell recordings in the primate temporal cortex have revealed that many neurons there respond to
a combination of many different visual features.
Stimulation of a photoreceptor results in the generation of _______ in the receptor.
a graded hyperpolarization
The sharpness with which an image can be resolved by the visual system is called
If we wear glasses that turn the image of the world upside down, the brain
after several days will suddenly turn the world so it is right side up again.
The way we see that world can be influenced by prior experiences. injuries. All of the above knowledge.
all of the above
__________ is to hearing as __________ is to vision. The medial geniculate nucleus; the lateral geniculate nucleus all of these are true. Tonotopy: retinotopy The cochlea; the retina
all of these are true.
The optic nerve is made up of the _____ of retinal ganglion cells.
The primary somatosensory (touch) cortex lies just posterior to the ____ sulcus.
The _______ muscles are essential for accommodation.
The relationship between the number of visual receptor cells and the number of ganglion cells demonstrates a _______ of information.
After photons enter your eye, they are focused onto the iris by the lens.
The optic nerves are only located on the left side of the brain.
The neural signals that result from the processing of visual input in the retina converge on the _______ cells.
The pupil is located
in the center of the iris, behind the cornea, and in front of the lens.
The colored part of the eye is called the
Compared with retinal ganglion cells, cells in V1 have _____ receptive fields.
The process that acts to enhance the boundaries of visual objects is called
lateral inhibition.
The process that enhances the boundaries of visual objects is called
lateral inhibition.
The _______ focuses light onto the retina.
The part of the eye that looks like a cocktail onion is the _____.
Hawks have much better visual acuity than humans because they have
more densely packed cones in the fovea.
Cortical area V5 has many cells that respond preferentially to
Cells in the dorsal stream are sensitive to
In the optic chiasm, information from the _____ retinas crosses to the opposite side, whereas information from the _____ retinas stays on the same side.
nasal; temporal
The primary visual cortex is located in the _____ lobe.
Almost all somatosensory information ends up on the ______ side of the body from where it originated.
The most likely effect of damage sustained to the dorsal stream is
optic ataxia
The point at which two optic nerves meet and half of the fibers cross to the opposite side is the
optic chiasm.
Retinal ganglion cells form the
optic nerve
Once the nerve bundles of the eyes enter the brain and have been sorted into two visual fields they are referred to as
optic tracts.
The dorsal stream projects to the
parietal lobe and participates in the analysis of movement
Rods are found primarily in _____, whereas cones are found primarily in _____.
peripheral vision; the fovea
The optic chiasm
provides each hemisphere with visual information.
Ocular dominance columns
receive input from each eye.
The light-sensitive surface in the back of the eye is called the:
A second main visual pathway (in addition to the geniculostriate system) is organized as follows
retina, superior colliculus, pulvinar, other visual areas.
What type of map is associated with the visual system?
Quanta of light that enter the eye are captured in rod cells by
An object located in your left visual field will be processed in your
right hemisphere.
Which of the following sequences is correct?
rods & cones, bipolar, ganglion, lateral geniculate, simple cortical cells
Destruction of ____ neurons would eliminate the brain's ability to process signals from the outside environment.
To see a distant dim star, it is best to look _______ of your visual field.
slightly off center
Which of the following is NOT a type of retinal neuron? stellate cells bipolar cells amacrine cells horizontal cells
stellate cells
Amblyopia is best treated with
surgical correction and an eye patch.
Sensory transduction is the process of
taking signals from the outside world and turning them into electrochemical signals.
The ventral stream includes the [BLANK] lobe.
If an individual were to experience bilateral damage in the ventral occipitotemporal junction, a likely result would be loss of
the ability to recognize common objects.
The optic chiasm is the point at which
the two optic nerves meet and half of the fibers cross over.
The process by which our sensory systems transform stimulus energies into neural impulses is called _________.
Objects viewed by your right eye may be located in either your right visual field or your left visual field.
Rods are more sensitive to light than cones.
The blind spot is in an area of the retina where there are no photoreceptors.
The [BLANK] stream of visual processing may be said to process the "what" information in visual inputs.
The dorsal stream is the [BLANK] stream while the ventral stream is the [BLANK] stream.
where; what
Lateral inhibition is a phenomenon
whereby contrast is produced at the edges of regions.