psy 321 test 1

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in a national poll conducted by ABC news, men reported an average of __ sexual partners and women reported an average of __ sexual partners.


Institutional Review Board (IRB)

A committee at each institution where research is conducted to review every experiment for ethics and methodology.

intrinsic motivation

A desire to perform a behavior for its own sake

between-subjects design

A research design in which different groups of participants are randomly assigned to experimental conditions or to control conditions.


A research method in which an investigator manipulates one or more factors to observe the effect on some behavior or mental process

Aimee is moving to a new state and has looked at numerous houses. She is avoiding making a decision on which one to purchase because she knows once she chooses, she may find a better house she would have loved even more. What best explains Aimee's decision avoidance?

Anticipation of regret

In the 1950s and 1960s, psychology was divided between what two camps?

Behaviorist and psychoanalytical camps

Joe has a big Spanish exam coming up next week. Will it help him if he visualizes himself acing the exam? What about if he visualizes himself studying really hard for the exam?

Both of these things will help him—but visualizing himself studying really hard (which will likely lead to him actually studying harder) will help more than visualizing himself acing the exam.

which of the following researchers would be classified as a "basic researcher"?

Dr. brain studies memory processes

Who said that he spent his entire life studying social psychology because he had a "basic curiosity about people"?

Edward E. Jones

Most social psychological studies use participants from which continent?

North America

which of the following is not an explanation given for the fundamental attribution error?

People are high in need for cognition

The earliest social psychological experiments were conducted in the late 1800s by researchers such as Max Ringelmann and Norman Triplett. What was the topic of these early studies?

Presence of others on individual performance


Strategy in which people create obstacles and excuses to avoid self-blame when they do poorly

which of the following correlations shows the strongest relationship between the variables?

The correlation between time spent partying and grades among college students is r= -.80

overjustification effect

The effect of promising a reward for doing what one already likes to do. The person may now see the reward, rather than intrinsic interest, as the motivation for performing the task.

independent variable

The experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied.

dependent variable

The outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable.

extrinsic motivation

a desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment

consent form

a form provided to the participants at the beginning of a research study to obtain their consent for the study and to explain the study's purpose and risks, and the participants' rights as participants

social cognition

a movement in social psychology that began in the 1970s that focused on thoughts about people and about social relationships

correlational approach

a nonexperimental method in which the researcher merely observes whether variables are associated or related


a person who is given a role to play in a study so that the social context can be manipulated


a quantitative literature review that combines the statistical results from all studies conducted on a topic

interdependent self-construal

a self-concept that emphasizes what connects the self to other people and groups

independent self-construal

a self-concept that emphasizes what makes the self different and sets it apart from others

self-knowledge (self-concept)

a set of beliefs about oneself

stroop test

a standard measure of effortful control over responses, requiring participants to identify the color of a word (which may name a different color)

operational definition

a statement of the procedures used to define research variables

correlation coefficient

a statistical index of the relationship between two things (from -1 to +1)


a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

cognitive misers

a term used to describe people's reluctance to do much extra thinking


a type of study in which the researcher can manipulate an independent variable but cannot randomly assign participants to conditions

what are the components of the ABC triad?

affect, behavior, cognition

Joni wants to see an R-rated movie with some friends. However, Joni is only 14, and her parents forbid her to go. Which of the following responses could be predicted from Brehm's psychological reactance theory?

all of the above

which of the following is a positive illusion that people hold?

all of the above

which sequence of six coin flips is least likely to occur?

all of the above

margin of error

an amount (usually small) that is allowed for in case of miscalculation or change of circumstances.

according to the current view, people think in order to find___

an answer that will be persuasive to others

field experiment

an experiment conducted in the participants' natural environment

within-subject designs

an experimental design in which the same participants respond to all types of stimuli or experience all experimental conditions

looking-glass self

an idea that people learn about themselves by imagining how they appear to others


an unpleasant emotional response that people often experience when someone is trying to restrict their freedom

Masako asked two friends to estimate the number of people living in Tokyo. The correct answer, according to the 2000 census, was just over 12 million. She asked the first friend whether it was more or less than 8 million. She asked the second friend whether it was more or less than 16 million. The first friend guessed 9 million people, whereas the second friend guessed 15 million people. The difference in estimates can best be explained using the _____ heuristic.

anchoring and adjustment

which of the following fields is MOST concerned with understanding different human cultures?


demand characteristics

any clues in a study that suggest to participants what the researcher's hypothesis is

dr.hon is a researcher who studies methods for increasing condom usage among sexually active teens, Dr.Hon would probably be BEST described as___

applied researcher

Simple desire to learn the truth about oneself is called the ____ motive


Consider the self enhancement motive, the consistency - motive, and the appraisal motive. According to research, which motive appears to be the weakest when conflicts arise between motives?

appraisal motive

compared to other people, narcissist___

are not as loyal to their relationship partners


attention directed at the self

According to Gordon Allport, what is the most important concept in psychology?


habits are largely controlled by the __ system


People tend to furnish a very positive image of themselves, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. This tendency is called

automatic egotism

what system is mainly responsible for the cognitive errors that people make?

automatic system

People's greater fear of flying than of driving can probably best be explained by the ________ heuristic.


you and i work on a joint project, and it succeeds. in describing our relative contributions to the project, you assume that your contribution is greater than mine, but i assume that my contribution is greater than yours. this illustrates the____

believe that sarina does, at least to some extent, favor capitol punishment

as discussed in the textbook, peoples explicit attitudes are not always complicit with their implicit attitudes. this can occur as a result of___

both self presentation and lack of awareness

unlike other animals, humans___

can recognize themselves in a mirror

"abnormal" behavior is to "normal" behavior as ___ psychology is to ___ psychology

clinical; social

social psychology has most heavily borrowed methodological tools from what other psychology branch?


what type of participants do most social psychologist use in their studies?

college students

7th step of experiment

compare measures of the dependent variable between groups of subjects

"if only i had decided to take a different route home, i wouldn't have hit that stupid tree and ended up getting a huge ticket! argh!" this thought is an example of___

counterfactual thinking

3rd step of experiment

create an operational definition, if needed

Mark is comparing two jobs. One pays $70,000 per year, but will be very stressful. The other pays $60,000, but will be less stressful. According to research presented in your text on Money Matters, Mark will ____.

decide to take the 70,000 job but the $60,000 job would probably make him happier

Alcohol has been shown to __________ self-awareness.


the so called "certainty effect" in decision making refers to tendency for people to give greater weight to___ than to ____

definite outcomes; probabilities

Gustov gets in an accident in which his new car is totaled, but he received only minor injuries. Gustov thinks to himself, "At least I'm still alive. I could have died." This type of thinking illustrates which of the following concepts?

downward counterfactual

Sally lives in a middle class neighborhood. It really isn't anything special, but most of Sally's friends live in smaller homes in lower class neighborhoods, so Sally thinks of herself as well-off. When Sally compares her home to the homes of her friends, she is making a(n) ____.

downward social comparison

following the collapse of the soviet empire in 1989, social psychology's focus on conflict___

emphasized racial/ethnic conflict

When she visited San Francisco, Letitia bought several handcrafted necklaces for $10 each. When she got home, her sister offered to buy one for $10, but Letitia refused. She wanted $15 for it instead. This example illustrates the ___ effect


researchers have found that people tend to ___ as little as possible

engage in conscious processing

George loves to play football because of all the attention it gets him from his peers, parents, and teachers. He also likes that it might provide a way to pay for college. George is ____ motivated to play football.


suppose that sergej has just asked georgia whether she would like to study with him for an upcoming english exam. Georgia is struggling in the class and she knows that sergej is an excellent english student, so she enthusiastically agrees. meanwhile sergej interprets her enthusiasm as a sign that she has a crush on him, and therefore suggest they should get food before studying. Georgia is clueless and just thinks he's being nice. the fact that sergej and georgia interpret things so differently here is most consistent with___

error management theory

depressed people___ how favorably other people regard them, whereas normal people ____ how favorably other people regard them.

estimate accurately; overestimate

what research methodology do most social psychologist use?

experimental studies

dr.khanmohamed is conducting a research project with young children to examine the effect of the exposure to different cultural groups on the developmental of empathy. The independent variable in this research is___

exposure to different cultural groups

construct validity of the effect

extent to which the dependent variable is a valid representation of the theoretical response

construct validity of the cause

extent to which the independent variable is a valid representation of the theoretical stimulus

according to the textbook, human intuition is typically an excellent guide to understanding human behavior__


people would make better decisions if they would focus more on the quantitative aspects than the qualitative aspects of the decision___


the two main reasons for self defeating behavior are____

faulty knowledge; tradeoffs

which of the following standard views of heuristic thinking may be incorrect based on the current evidence?


1st step of experiment

form a hypothesis based on previous research

Fatima seems obsessed with achieving the goal she is working toward. She can't seem to focus on anything else, even other goals. This is called _____.

goal shielding

With random assignment, each participant___

has an equal chance of being exposed to each level of the independent variable

Since about the 1970s, it appears that self-esteem in the U.S. ____.

has been increasing (for everyone)

compared to the general population, college students____

have less crystallized self concepts

suicidal people are___

high in self-awareness

what creatures intentionally kill themselves?


research on suicide among humans and non human animals has shown that___

humans are apparently the only animals that engage in suicide

a testable prediction about the conditions under which an event will occur is called___


2nd step of experiment

identify the independent and dependent variables

Research on self-esteem indicates that ____.

if anything, self-esteem in the U.S. (for everyone) is unrealistically high

Gamblers who throw dice softly to get low numbers and who throw harder to get high numbers are demonstrating

illusion of control

the tendency for people to overestimate the link between variables that are related only slightly or not at all is known as the___

illusory correlation

the presence of a mirror has been shown to___ self awareness


a social psychologist is usually interested in studying the ___


Probably the best account of the origins of selfhood is that the self comes into being at the interface between ____ and ____.

inner biological processes; a sociocultural network

The current view of attributions assumes that people try to explain the behavior of others start by focusing on ____________ actions

intended vs. unintended

According to Bertram Malle, what is the most important dimension people use when making attributions about the behavior of others?

intentional and accidental

research suggest that the basic distinction people make in attributions is between___

intentional and unintentional behaviors

according to research on the actor-observer effect, people have the tendency to make relatively more__ for their own behaviors but relatively more ___ for other behaviors

internal attributions; external attributions

according to self determination theory, people need to feel that activities are motivated by___

internal factors

in bargh, chen and burrows (1996), participants who were in the "rude" priming condition were more likely to___

interrupt the experimenter to get instructions

what type of motivation leads to the best goal outcomes?


freuds notion that most people have a "death wish" that impels them to persue their own downfall and death____

is apparently wrong


knowledge structures that represent substantial information about a concept, its attributes, and its relationships to other concepts

who proposed the idea that behavior is a function of both the person and the situation in the first half of the 20th century?

kurt lewin

research on conformity and attribution reveals that people are ___

largely unaware that they conform

private self-awareness

looking inward on the private aspects of the self, including emotions, thoughts, desires, and traits

public self-awareness

looking outward on the public aspects of the self that others can see and evaluate

5th step of experiment

manipulate the independent variable

two essential features that differentiate an experiment from a correlational study are __

manipulation of the independent variables and random assignment

6th step of experiment

measure the dependent variable

a literature review that averages together the statistical results from different studies conducted on the same topic is called__

meta analysis

the analysis of cognition is called___


the experience of learned helplessness is___

more likely to occur for an entity theorist than an incremental theorist

self presentation concerns often influence people to engage in ____ actions than they would otherwise engage in

more risky

what body part does willpower most resemble?


as a rule, social psychologist are MOST interested in__

normal adult human beings


occurs when the two effects of variables cannot be separated

theory preservance is the idea that___

once the mind draws a conclusion, it tends to stick with it, even if evidence points to the need for a change


organized sets of concepts that explain phenomena

A teacher promises one of his preschool students a candy bar for finger painting, a task the student loves to do. The reward is likely to produce

overjustification effect

believing that one can exert control over stressful events makes them more tolerable, even if one has no control. this is called the___

panic button effect

suppose that ted and ed are both very high in public self-awareness. this means that they both tend to

pay a lot of attention to how they are perceived by others, and what others may think of them

What topic do people spend the greatest amount of time thinking about?


According to Kurt Lewin's formula, behavior is a function of what two variables?

person and situation

What term when translated means "love of wisdom"?


the paradoxal effects of thought suppression have been linked to psychological disorders, especially___

phobias, panic disorders and post traumatic stress disorder

people are often overly optimistic about what they can accomplish. this is called the___

planning fallacy

during their first year of medical school, many medical students begin to think that they and other people they know are suffering from serious illness. this phenomenon, known as the medical student syndrome, is probably due to ____


social psychologist use the term___ to refer to a process by which a given stimulus activated mental pathways, thereby enhancing their accessibility


random assignment

procedure whereby each study participant has an equal chance of being in each treatment group

people who believe in free will are more___ than people who do not believe in free will


Unconscious forces are to reinforcement histories as _____ is to _______.

psychoanalysis and behaviorism

Which type of graduate training that teaches statistical reasoning is most effective in reducing cognitive errors?


social psychologist generally refer to two types of self awareness. they are ___

public self awareness and private self awareness

basic research

pure science that aims to increase the scientific knowledge base

4th step of experiment

randomly assign subjects to one of the groups

when people want to suppress a thought, the deliberate mind works to___

redirect attention away from the unpleasant thought

If you scored 99 out of 100 on your first social psychology exam, you are likely to score lower on the second exam, even if you are equally knowledgeable about the material on both exams. This is an example of ___________.

regression to the mean

which of the following is not one of the elements that distinguishes automatic from deliberate processes?


What concept allows science to be self-correcting over time?


the strategy of judging the likelihood of things by how well they match particular prototypes constitutes the ___ heuristic


deception studies

research studies that withhold information from participants or intentionally mislead them about the purpose of the study

the main weakness with correlational research (as opposed to experimental research) is that_

researchers cannot draw conclusions about cause and effect

Organized beliefs we have about stimuli in our social world are known as


what is the primary approach that social psychologists use to uncover the truth about human social behavior?

scientific method

applied research

scientific study that aims to solve practical problems

self regulation is most similar to which of the following concepts?

self control

research indicates that ___ and ___ are two main motivations underlying the self serving bias

self enhancement; self presentation

"do i like parades? well, each year there have been several parades in town, and i haven't gone to one yet. i must not like parades" which theory explains this internal dialogue?

self perception theory

the comedian billy crystal used to say "it is more important to look good than to feel good!" this concern with looking good to others is called___

self presentation

self knowledge is also known as___


the term self-regulation essentially refers to__


A person's overall self-evaluation or sense of self-worth constitutes his or her___


the night before an important test, boozer drinks all night instead of studying. this is an example of___


when jason starts college, he comes from a very conservative religious background. He strongly feels that homosexuality is "wrong" and "immoral", although he has never actually met anyone who is a homosexual. At college, he meets lots of new friends, a few of whom are homosexual. He really enjoys them and as he spends more time with them he decides "i must not really think homosexuality is wrong, after all several of my best friends are gay and i don't think they are immoral" Which theory can BEST explain jason's change in attitude about homosexuality?

self-perception theory

John is a young gang member who wants to look tough to his fellow gang members. This concern about looking tough is called___


The finding that we recall information better when it is relevant to the self is called the ____.

self-reference effect

When Frank does well on a test, he claims responsibility for the success, but when he does poorly on a test, he denies responsibility and blames his professor for writing a difficult test with ambiguous items. This is an example of ___.

self-serving bias

which of the following fields is the LEAST focused on what happens in the brain, nervous system, and other bodily processes?

social neuroscience

a researcher is interested in studying how the annual divorce rate changes as a function of the unemployment rate. this researcher is probably a ___


which of the following fields is BEST defined as "the study of human societies and the groups that form those societies"?


entity theorists are to incremental theorists as ___ are to ____

stable traits; unstable traits

which of the following refers to a concept or ideas of how things could be?


in everyday terms, self defeating behavior is defined as___ behavior


Mohammed is 4 years old. His mother, a social psychologist, asks whether he would rather have one cookie today or three cookies tomorrow. Mohammed chooses the one cookie today. This illustrates

temporal discounting

mundane realism

the degree to which the experimental situation resembles places and events in the real world

social roles

the different roles a person plays, as in a play or a movie


the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to

internal validity

the extent to which changes in the independent variable caused changes in the dependent variable

experimental realism

the extent to which study participants get so caught up in the procedures that they forget they are in an experiment

external validity

the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to other situations and to other people's

jacob is taking his economics final exam. He answers question #31 with "D" but isn't sure about it. After answering all the questions he goes back to 31 and starts to believe that perhaps "c" was the correct answer. He decides to stick with "d" most likely because___

the first instinct fallacy

interpersonal self (public self)

the image of the self that is conveyed to others

what is the main factor that separates philosophy and psychology?

the methods used to study problems

which of the following is an operational definition of racial prejudice?

the number of negative traits the person selects from a list of traits when doing the list for his or her own race versus another race

agent self (executive function)

the part of the self involved in control, including both control over other people and self-control


the post-experimental explanation of a study, including its purpose and any deceptions, to its participants

during the korean war, the chinese found it easier to brain wash american; prisoners when___

the prisoners were kept separate


the process by which a person examines the contents of his or her mind and mental states


the process people use to control and change their thoughts, feelings and behaviors


the relationship or association between two varibales

Kendall was always the class clown. When he goes to university far from home, though, he really changes who he is. He becomes very studious and interested in research, and starts to run around with "smart" kids instead of kids who party all the time (like he did in high school). Kendall's experience at university BEST illustrates ____.

the role of the social world in revising self-knowlege

social psychology

the scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another

replication is an important part of___

the self-correcting nature of science

consider the self enhancement motive, the consistency motive and the appraisal motive. according to research which of these 3 motives appears to be the strongest when conflicts arise between motives?

the self-enhancement motive

appraisal motive

the simple desire to learn the truth about oneself, whatever it is

Much of the time, people are interested in keeping their options open rather than making restrictive, final decisions. Two biases that help them avoid making decisions are ____.

the status quo bias and the omission bias

this text introduces revolutionary research in social cognition by mercier and sperber (2011), who studied ___

the tendency for people to argue, in the sense of trying to influence others to their point of view

omission bias

the tendency to take whatever course of action does not require you to do anything (also called the default option)

Claudia is waiting in line to see a movie on the first day it is released. Just as she gets close to the ticket booth, the person in the booth announces that the movie is sold out. Rather than wait in line for the next show, Claudia leaves, but she spends the rest of the day thinking about the movie. This illustrates ____. A) entity theory B) incremental theory C) the planning fallacy D) the Zeigarnik effect

the zeigarnik effect

Freudian Psychoanalysis

theoretical approach that seeks to explain behavior by looking at the deep unconscious forces inside the person


theoretical approach that seeks to explain behavior in terms of learning principles, without reference to inner states thoughts or feelings

Which common household device best illustrates a feedback loop?


In one of the first social psychological experiments ever conducted, researcher Norman Triplett built a "competition machine," in which children wind up a fishing reel. He found that the children were able to wind more quickly when ____.

they worked as a group side by side than when they worked alone

suppose you show up for a paid experiment and receive $10. the researcher says you can double your earnings if the outcome of a coin toss is a head, or lose the earnings if the outcome of the coin toss is a tail. what does research show that most people would do?

they would not flip the coin and keep the $10

is intelligence or IQ related to self esteem? compared to people with low self-esteem, people with high self esteem___

think they are smarter, but score no more highly on IQ test

two key reasons that people engage in self-defeating behaviors are because of __ and because of___

trade offs (good and bad outcomes are often linked) ; faulty knowledge or strategies

when people work on a task jointly with someone else (ex. putting together a large bookcase), each person tends to put in less effort than he or she would if working alone____


according to the standard view, people think in order to find


according to self awareness theory, a self aware state is___


8th step of experiment

use inferential statistics to determine the statistical significance of the difference between your groups

stimulus sampling

using more than one exemplar of a stimulus (e.g., more than one violent video game)

goals are the meaningful link between___

values and actions

People make fewer cognitive errors when they are making decisions about

very serious matters (e.g., survival and reproduction)

When a bad event happens to a person, if it is extremely unpleasant people remember it as being ___, and if it was mildly unpleasant people remember it as being ____.

worse than it was; better than it was

suppose that you want your brother to remember the word "conniving" would he remember the word better if you asked him if he was ever conniving?

yes, because of the self reference effect, regardless of how he answered, your brother would probably remember the word better after associating in with himself

one advantage of being an incremental theorist rather than a entity theorist is that___

you are more likely to persist in the face of challenges and setbacks

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