Psy 341 Final

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why do we categorize

1. Our need to understand and anticipate the behaviors of others 2. Our cognitive system is limited; thus, cannot process all the available information simultaneously

how many hate groups are in the us


homosexuality was considered a mental illness until


what year was the Jena 6 case in


IV of the Attribution Value Model: DeJong (1980) study

4 conditions (1) overweight female (thyroid condition or not) (2) avg. weight female (thyroid condition or not)

when do children begin to recognize or identify with a race or ethnicity


what were the results of the Tilcsik (2011) study

40% less likely to get invited to interview if listed volunteering for gay organization

when do children begin to perceive similarity or differences


when do children begin cognitive categorization


Babies can detect the difference between men and women by

9 months

dependent variable

A response or behavior that the researcher measures

an independent variable is

A variable the researcher directly manipulates to determine its influence on behavior

what Can be a good way to assess how stereotypes might be changing

Adjective-Generation Technique

traits associated with males are called

Agentic traits

Egalitarianism believes

All individuals should be treated equally Equal opportunity Concern for the well-being of others

how to account for discrimination in self report questionnaires

Ask participants how they have behaved in the past

what was the DV of the Fast Friends Simulation study

Attitudes before and after the experiment towards gay men and lesbian women interpersonal closeness

attribution error is

Attributing negative behavior of our ingroup to a situation and Attributing negative behavior of our outgroup to personal characteristics

stereotypes are considered

Beliefs about characteristics, attributes, or behaviors of members of a particular group

Old Fashioned Prejudice is

Blatant Clear expression explicit

who first introduced the term ageism

Butler (1969)

disadvantages of Physiological measures

Cannot distinguish between different types of emotions (fear, anger, disgust) that have similar physiological responses Expensive and time consuming (costly to the researcher, requires training to operate)

what is used in prejudice suppression

Cognitive process: planning, behavior control

traits associated with women are called

Communal traits, or expressive traits

what were the results of the Merritt and colleagues (2013) study

Compared to those in the heterosexual or control condition, participants who thought the actor was gay rated that actor's performance as significantly less masculine

what were the results of the Colorism: Uzogara et al. (2015) study

Darker skin = more experiences of bias from race based outgroup Light and dark skin tones can experience bias from racial ingroups

what were the results of the King et al. (2006) study on discrimination

Did not received more overt discrimination (no diff. in greetings or actually being helped)

discrimination is considered

Differential treatment towards people based on their membership in a social category or group

Intergroup Anxiety is

Discomfort felt when interacting with outgroup members

what was the DV of the Sechrist & Stangor (2002) study

Discrimination How far would white students sit from a black student while in a waiting room?

Factors that lead to a lack of restraint in controlling prejudice


discrimination in Healthcare includes

Disparities in access, treatment, and health outcomes

advantages of a self report questionnaire

Efficient Easy to administer and collect data quickly Cover many topics Objective Lower Cost than other methods

Internal Stressors

Expectations of rejection from others

what was the IV of the Fast Friends Simulation study

Experimental condition versus control condition Fast friends with someone who identifies as a gay man or lesbian woman

how has prejudice changed

For types of prejudice like racism and sexism, prejudice has gone "underground"

when was marriage legal for same sex couples

Friday June 26th 2015

Physiological Measures can include

Heart rate and blood pressure Small movements of facial muscles (Facial EMG) Activity in certain areas of the brain (fMRI)

results of the Dasgupta & Rivera (2006) study

Higher prejudice scores → less friendly

what was the DV of the (Blanchard, Lilly, Vaugh, 1991) study

How participants answered the questions

what Can be used to test associations


what is Based on responses that are beyond intentional control and awareness; taps into automatic processing


Components of Binegativity

Illegitimate/Unstable Sexual Irresponsibility Hostility

what were the results to the Moskalenko, McCauley, & Rozin (2006) study

Importance of country increased after attacks, but returned to normal after 18 months

what are the criticisms of evolutionary theory

It doesn't provide an explanation for why some people are not prejudiced Ingroup favoritism doesn't automatically lead to outgroup derogation

disadvantage of an experimental design

It's not a natural situation, people may not act naturally

what are the downsides to the bogus pipeline

Labor intensive More technologically savvy people wouldn't be fooled

who Measured how participants characterized a Chinese woman in a short video

Macrae, Bodenhausen, and Milne (1995)

what was the IV of the Merritt and colleagues (2013) study

Male actor was mentioned as being heterosexual, gay, or no mention of sexual orientation

Laurie Larwood (1988; 1998) found

Managers (both male and female) →more likely to select a man for an important assignment

who Investigated whether knowing someone's sexual orientation affects perceptions about that person

Merritt and colleagues (2013)

A person's beliefs regarding the stereotype that outgroup members hold about their group are considered


External Stressors

Microaggressions, bullying, violence, & job discrimination

Subtle form of prejudice that is only expressed when the individual believes it is easily rationalizable and seems not to be related to racism/prejudice is considered

Modern-Symbolic Racism/Prejudice

Contemporary Prejudice is

Modern-symbolic Aversive Ambivalent

When cognitive control resources are depleted

More likely to rely on or use prejudice More likely to use stereotypes in descriptions

what were the results of the Fast Friends Simulation study

More positive attitudes (pre to post test) Increased feelings of interpersonal closeness

is our motivation "Accuracy-oriented" or "expectancy-confirming"

Most people perceive in an "expectancy-confirming" manner

who created the IAT

Nosek, Banaji, and Greenwald (1998)

what was the DV of the Doleac & Stein (2013) study

Number of offers & $ offer for the Ipod

what were the results of the Wapman & Bell (2014) study

Only 15 percent of the children and 14 percent of the college students came up with the mom's-the-surgeon answer.

what were the results of the Attribution Value Model: DeJong (1980) study

Overweight (no Thyroid condition) Rate more negatively on self control measures Rated as less likeable

what were the results of the Kaiser & Miller (2001) study

Panel of 50% or fully prejudice: Fewer references to stereotypically feminine topics niceness, family Essays rated more negatively

what is the Adjective-Generation Technique

Participants generate adjectives on their own about a target group

what were the results of the Kleck & Strenta (1980) study

Participants in the facial scar condition reported more behavioral discrimination and negativity reported less eye contact Saw more tenseness in actions of confederate Felt that the other person was less talkative More patronizing responses

what was the IV of the Sechrist & Stangor (2002) study

Participants learn that • 81% agreed with racial attitudes (social support) OR • 19% agreed with their racial attitudes

who Examined how one's goals or motivation influence categorization and subtyping

Pendry & Macrae (1996)

criticisms of multiculturalism

Places too much emphasis on group differences Foster separatism

Group Relative deprivation includes

Prejudice Hostility towards outgroups

treatments for homosexuality included

Psychotherapy Aversive Conditions, Hormone Treatments Lobotomy

results of the Grofman & Muller (1973 study

RG & RD participants = support political violence for change

what were the results of the (Blanchard, Lilly, Vaugh, 1991) study

Racist remark → participant responded to Q's ins similar way Anti-racist remark → participant responded to Q's in a similar way

what was the DV of the Kaiser & Miller (2001) study

Ratings of essays, extent of conforming to stereotypes

what was the DV of the Merritt and colleagues (2013) study

Ratings of how masculine the performance was

Robbers Cave study (Sherif 1960's) is an example

Realistic Conflict Theory

limitations to self report questionnaire

Responses are restricted Participants don't always provide their true attitudes Social desirability bias

what is the DV of the Steele & Aronson (1995) study 2

Score on the verbal ability task

what was the DV of the Steele & Aronson (1995) study 1

Score on the verbal ability task

What factors influence social identity salience?

Self-categorization Threat to the Group Chronic Social Identities

DV of the Attribution Value Model: DeJong (1980) study

Self-control Measure of likeability

why do children categorize

Simplify the environment Make sense of the social world

Stereotype threat is more likely when...

Situation is important and tied to an individual's self-esteem Identity is closely tied with membership in a particular group The task/test is difficult

Factors related to reducing the negative effects of discrimination on outcomes?

Social Support Positive Role Models Positive Coping Techniques

Internalization of stereotypes across the lifetime is what theory

Stereotype Embodiment Theory

what was the IV of the Steele & Aronson (1995) study 1

Stereotype Threat Condition (Diagnostic) or No Threat Condition (Non-diagnostic)

what is the IV of the Steele & Aronson (1995) study 2

Stereotype Threat Condition (Race salience) Non-Threat condition

what were the results of the Steele & Aronson (1995) study 1

Stereotype threat condition: White students scored higher than Black students No-threat condition There were no significant differences between students score by race

what are the results of the Steele & Aronson (1995) study 2

Stereotype threat condition: White students scored higher than Black students No-threat condition: There were no significant differences between students score by race

advantages of Physiological Measures

These physiological responses are not under conscious control Even when participants can attempt to control responses recording equipment can detect small changes

why are race, gender, and age the basic social categories

They are most immediate and obvious features

what study Sent resumes out in response to 1,800 job postings

Tilcsik (2011)

Underrepresentation of people of color in:

Undergraduate Level → STEM fields Doctoral Programs across fields

The purpose of the IAT

Uses word associations Measures social knowledge (social attitudes and beliefs)

what was the IV of the Doleac & Stein (2013) study

Varied race in photos provided in the ad

what was the DV of the Word, Zanna, & Cooper (1974) study

Verbal / Nonverbal behavior of interviewers

what as the IV of the Kaiser & Miller (2001) study

Were told panel was prejudiced men, 50% prejudiced men, men who were not prejudiced

in what study did White male participants (college students) acted as "interviewers"

Word, Zanna, & Cooper (1974)

Can television influence attitudes towards certain groups?

Yes if characters are likeable and shown in positive light.

advantages of an experimental design

You have control over the situation Can assess cause and effect relationships

Relative Gratification Theory believes

Your ingroup is doing better than other groups

Assessing the body's responses to a particular stimulus is considered

a Physiological Measure

Group or organization whose central principles focus on hostility towards racial, ethnic, and religious minority groups is considered

a hate group

where did the Jena 6 case take place

a high school in Louisiana

what is the bogus pipeline

a phony lie-detector device that is sometimes used to get respondents to give truthful answers to sensitive questions

Prejudice against people with disabilities


who updated Piaget's theory to reflect research findings


what was the Tilcsik (2011) study measuring for

access discrimination

what component is prejudice


treatment discrimination is

after hiring

Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination based on age


which racist ideology Hold both positive and negative attitudes towards minority racial groups


if you are Isolating the cause and effect relationships by manipulating the variable(s) of interest then you are using what kind of study

an experimental design

if you manipulate variables that interest you, while other variables are kept under control then you are using what kind of study

an experimental design

according to aboud very young children have

anxiety about strangers

the Jena 6 case

as a response to racialized hate 6 black teenagers where on trial for beating a white classmate when the white classmates were hardly punished at all when they jumped multiple black students

what are the implicit categorizations children do

attractiveness, gender and age

which racist ideology experiences discomfort/uneasiness towards outgroup


which racist ideology support for social programs


a simplified speech register with exaggerated intonation. (primary vs. secondary)

baby talk

according to piaget at ages 7-10 children

begin to focus on own social group

what component is discrimination


Changing behaviors in ways to disconfirm stereotypes to avoid discrimination

behavioral compensation

views of older adults as kind and views of older adults as dependent is considered

benevolent ageism

Protective paternalism is apart of

benevolent sexism

Romanticized view of women, Need and desire to protect women, and Patronizing is apart of

benevolent sexism

the societal stigmatization of bisexuals and bisexuality


Overt, visible and intentional are what kind of discrimination


are attitudes examined using implicit or explicit levels


is ageism on actual or perceived age

can be both

The classification of people into groups on the basis of common attributes is considered


biological sex matches gender identity and gender expression


what component is stereotypes


what theory believes Prejudice is inevitable among children because they lack the skills necessary to view people as individuals

cognitive developmental theory

what theory is a contemporary approach to prejudice

cognitive developmental theory

Allocating privilege or disadvantage on the basis of the lightness or darkness of one's skin is considered


Homelessness, Substance abuse and Being overweight is seen as controllable or uncontrollable


IV of the Dasgupta & Rivera (2006) study

conversation with either a gay or heterosexual college student

how to reduce prejudice in children

cooperative learning educational intervention

Outward Bound Wilderness Training is an example of

cooperative learning in order to decrease prejudice

jigsaw classroom is an example of

cooperative learning in order to decrease prejudice

psychological disengagement and behavioral compensation are forms of

coping strategies

statistical measure of the relationship between two variables.

correlation coefficient

which method determines how well you can predict one variable from another


When it isn't ethical to manipulate a variable of interest like victims of domestic violence you use what kind of study

correlational design

When you can't manipulate the predictor variable because of naturally occurring groups like gender or age you use what kind of study

correlational design

assessing the relationship between two or more variables is what method

correlational method

Hidden; purposeful and malicious intent is what type of discrimination


tokenism is a form of what discrimination


what were the results of the Doleac & Stein (2013) study

dark skin hand= 20% fewer offers & $ offered was 12.5% less (compared to light skin hand)

according to piaget children ages 10-15

decline their self focus

when is comes to self report questionnaires what purpose does allowing for maximum privacy have

decreasing the influence of social desirability

when is comes to self report questionnaires what purpose does assuring anonymity have

decreasing the influence of social desirability

when is comes to self report questionnaires what purpose does using filler items have

decreasing the influence of social desirability

Psychologically detaching from or de-emphasizing the importance of certain domains/tasks where one could fail. Often includes


A response or behavior that the researcher measures

dependent variable

Communal traits, or expressive traits include

desire to foster relationships, to be sensitive, and to get along with others

Individual is rewarded for behaving in a certain way

direct teaching

Differential treatment towards people based on their membership in a social category or group is considered


if you are asking a participant how they would behave in a given situation you are most likely testing for


social distant scale tests


what is the behavioral component


what is a limitation of cognitive behavioral theory

does not explain individual differences in prejudice

portrayal of women in media

emphasis on the whole body of women or even parts of women's bodies with less focus on the face

Two people who have the same qualifications, experience, education, dressed the same but only differ by race it considered

employment audit

what theory Claims that prejudice and discrimination are nearly inevitable

evolutionary theory

how do motivations develop

experiences in childhood

what are three research designs

experimental correlational meta-analysis

Social pressure from others to control prejudice is considered

external motivation

Greater facial prominence of depictions of men in the media


In the U.S. do children become aware of gender differences or racial/ethnic differences first


what was the IV of the Pendry & Macrae (1996) study

goal given to participants

what was phase 2 of the Robbers Cave study study

groups competed against each other in sporting events; during this phase they were competing for "scarce resources" (money, pocket knives)

what is the Protestant Work Ethic (PWE)

hard work leads to success

Evidence of anti-gay prejudice

hate crimes

cultural belief that heterosexuality is the norm


societal hostility towards and discrimination against non-heterosexual individuals


access discrimination is


ambivalent sexism involves

hostile and benevolent sexism

Belief in traditional gender roles and Exploitation of women (e.g., sex objects) are apart of

hostile sexism

Dominant paternalism is apart of

hostile sexism

Justification of male dominance & power is apart of

hostile sexism

intersectionality is considered

how social categories are interconnected

what were the limitations of the doll technique

how the questions are phrased implies that there is a mean doll and a nice doll (prejudice built into the questions) Forces choice; children have to pick one doll (no middle ground)

what was the DV of Pendry & Macrae (1996) study

how they categorized the women in the video

overestimating the association between variables that are in fact only weakly correlated or not correlated at all is considered

illusory correlation

Indirect measures of attitude, beliefs, and behavior are

implicit measures

when interacting with a member of an outgroup, stereotypes and attitudes (prejudice) are activated unconsciously this is

implicit prejudice

A variable the researcher directly manipulates to determine its influence on behavior

independent variable

a group we identify with and belong to is considered


tendency to favor, have positive feelings (affect) toward, and attribute more positive characteristics to one's ingroup is

ingroup bias or favoritism

belief that older persons are like children, because of their perceived inferior mental and physical ability.


Holocaust, Genocide, Race relations in the United States, Northern Ireland (Protestant/Catholic) are examples of

intergroup conflict

Personal beliefs that prejudice is wrong is considered

internal motivation

what are the three types of discrimination

interpersonal organizational institutional

categories have a strong influence on our _______ of other information about a target person


how social categories are interconnected is considered


what was the DV of the Tilcsik (2011) study

invitation to interview or not?

if one group has privilege that that means the other

is disadvantaged

overt prejudice in which older people are regarded as worthless and predicts overt, explicit ageism is considered

malignant ageism

Unpredictability, Dangerous and Beliefs of Controllability are stereotypes of

mental illness

Investigating large-scale patterns beyond the scope of individual experiments is considered


Quantitative approach for systematically combining results of previous research to arrive at conclusions about the body of research is considered


Synthesizing results once a large body of work has been conducted is considered


A group of people standing in line at a bus stop is a

minimum group paradigm

Assigning individuals to group based on T-shirt color is a

minimum group paradigm

Groups formed on arbitrary or random criteria are

minimum group paradigm

People who dip french fries in ketchup is a

minimum group paradigm

denial of discrimination against women is apart of

modern sexism

hostility toward equality for women is apart of

modern sexism

unsupportive of programs and legislation designed to help women is apart of

modern sexism

what Predicts subtle or covert sexism

modern sexism

a Belief in Egalitarian Values belongs to which racist view

modern symbolic

a Belief that discrimination no longer a problem belongs to which racist view

modern symbolic

which racist view believes in the PWE

modern symbolic

which racist view is Less likely to support affirmative action & similar programs

modern symbolic

Women with higher gender identity and higher degree of personal activism in reducing sexism are more or less likely to confront a sexist individual


do Heterosexuals have more or less negative attitudes toward bisexuals than Lesbian/Gay individuals


what were the results of the Doll Technique (Clark & Clark, 1947) study

most children preferred a white doll

processes that energize and direct behavior toward a goal


Give attention to race, ethnicity, and culture Appreciate diversity, celebrate differences


prejudice is considered

negative attitudes directed towards an individual or people simply because they are members of a particular social group

if people have group privilege are they usually aware that they have it


is the process of categorization a slow over time thing

no it is fast and basically automatic

DV of the Dasgupta & Rivera (2006) study

non verbal behaviors

what measure represents true attitudes


when was the term race used

not until the 1600's

good research must be

objective well controlled replicated

Imitating attitudes or behavior

observational learning

characterized by endorsement of traditional gender roles

old fashioned sexism

differential treatment of women and men is apart of the beliefs in

old fashioned sexism

what predicts overt sexism

old fashioned sexism

how you will define and measure a variable is considered an

operational definition

how does prejudice grow

out of a lack of personal, positive contact among members of different groups

a group with which we do not identify is considered


belief that members of outgroups are more similar to each other ("they all look alike") is

outgroup homogeneity

a type of behavior by younger individual toward older persons, in which the younger person is overly polite and speaks louder and in simpler sentences is considered

over accommodation

who is the most influential on children


who are childrens influences

parents peers media

initilization is considered

patronizing behavior

baby talk is also

patronizing language

what were the results of the Levy, Slade, Kunkel, Kasl (2003) study

people with more positive self-perceptions of aging lived 7.5 years longer

who was the first psychologist to address prejudice in children


negative attitudes directed towards an individual or people simply because they are members of a particular social group is considered


what is the affective component


what did the Doll technique: Clark & Clark (1947) study measure

prejudice among children

Psychologically detaching from or de-emphasizing the importance of certain domains/tasks where one could fail. Often includes Deidentification

psychological disengagement

Historically what term wasn't used in the English language until the 1600's


Central points for developing stereotypes are

race gender and age

what are the primary categories for judgement

race gender and age

what was the IV of the Word, Zanna, & Cooper (1974) study

race of interviewee

basic social categories include

race, gender, and age

why do people join hate groups

racial attitudes looking for answers

what was the IV of the (Blanchard, Lilly, Vaugh, 1991) study

racist response, anti-racist response, neutral response

what was the DV of the Macrae, Bodenhausen, and Milne (1995) study

reaction time to stereotypic words

after suppressing stereotypic thoughts for a period of time, the stereotypic thought will return in greater strength

rebound effect

what was the IV of the Tilcsik (2011) study

referenced volunteering for gay organization or not

When individuals try to control their prejudices, but end up expressing these prejudices

regressive prejudice

Comparison to one's own past or to other people is

relative deprivation theory

what theory believes Women evaluated more negatively once they're in leadership role compared to men

role congruity theory

what theory believes that women → less success than men in leadership roles

role congruity theory

in the Word, Zanna, & Cooper (1974) study When interviewing black applicants, the interviewers:

sat further away made more speech errors terminated the interview sooner

according to piaget at ages 4-7 children are

self centered

what is the most popular method of assessing prejudiced attitudes, stereotypes, and discrimination in psychology

self-report questionnaire

what was phase 1 of Robbers Cave study (Sherif 1960's) study

separated the boys into groups ("Eagles" and "Rattlers"); team building, ingroup bonding

Prejudice directed towards an individual due to their sexual orientation (non-heterosexual behavior, identity, relationship or community)

sexual prejudice

what was the result of phase two of the robbers cave study

showed hostility towards the outgroup (prejudice and stereotyping), other group was "sneaky"

what influences categorization

situation level of prejudice

why do we have a tendency to look for correlations

so we can expect and predict future events

is race a social or biological category


ability is considered a

social category

age is considered a

social category

class is considered a

social category

gender identity is considered a

social category

race/ethnicity is considered a

social category

sexual orientation is considered a

social category

Identification with a group that's been incorporated into the self concept is considered

social identity

direct teaching, observational learning and vicarious learning are forms of

social learning theory

general rules about conduct/behavior and attitudes that are established by society or groups are considered

social norms

Base what we think are characteristics of individuals, on the roles they play is

social role theory

implicit prejudice is influenced by

socialization in early childhood

are people who join hate groups recruited by strangers or someone they trust

someone they trust

a correlation coefficient is a

statistical measure of the relationship between two variables.

Skills, characteristics that are viewed as being necessary for particular jobs and are also stereotypically associated with certain groups are considered

stereotype fit

Performance boost that arises from the belief that an outgroup is inferior to one's own

stereotype lift

Trying to push unwanted thoughts out of the mind and replacing them with other more acceptable thoughts

stereotype suppression

Beliefs about characteristics, attributes, or behaviors of members of a particular group are


what is the cognitive component


Historical accounts of start of the gay rights movement in the 1960's

stonewall uprising

Unpleasant state of arousal that arises when we perceive that the demands of an event threaten our ability to cope effectively


Less obvious/visible and can be unintentional are what kind of discrimination


microaggressions are a form of what kind of discrimination


Patronizing language is considered

subtle discrimination

Process whereby a new category is created to accommodate stereotype-inconsistent members of a group about which on holds negative stereotypes


what is motivational of the rebound effect

suppressing a stereotype creates a need to use that stereotype

what is the cognitive effect of the rebound effect

suppressing thoughts takes cognitive effort, depletes cognitive resources and eventually suppression fails

Agentic traits include

task orientation, assertiveness, and a striving for achievement

what is the priming of the rebound effect

telling someone to suppress certain thoughts actually primes them to think about those exact thoughts

Differential treatment of white versus black students by the criminal justice system shown at a high school in Louisiana is

the Jena 6 case

Artificial barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that prevent qualified individuals from advancing in their organization into upper management positions

the glass ceiling

'quick promotion' of men in traditionally female fields

the glass escalator

as a response to racialized hate 6 black teenagers where on trial for beating a white classmate when the white classmates were hardly punished at all when they jumped multiple black students

the jena 6 case

race, gender, and age are considered

the primary categories for judgement

presenting oneself and one's attitudes as very positive, in order to give the most socially acceptable attitude/behavior, even if it deviates from one's true attitudes is considered

the social desirability bias

are stereotypes positive or negative

they can be either

what is a major reason for workplace discrimination

tokenism or symbolic diversity

negative attitudes towards transgender individuals


Race and Certain medical conditions or disabilities are seen as controllable or uncontrollable


how can discrimination manifest

verbal physical denial of opportunity

Observing someone else being rewarded for a behavior

vicarious learning

what was the IV of the Macrae, Bodenhausen, and Milne (1995) study

video context

what is the most common hate group

white supremacy

what is the most common form of racism in the us

workplace discrimination

can children categorize ieven if they cannot verbalize


can different measured predict different behaviors


can their be multiple operational definition for each variable


do views on race and social groups change over time


does one's age categorization changes throughout one's life


is it ideal to use different measures within a study


what were the results of the Sechrist & Stangor (2002) study

•Low prejudice → sat closer •High prejudice → sat further away •Social Support: For high prejudice students ONLY •Perceived agreement w/ their attitudes → sat even further away

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