PSY 350 Midterm 2 (ch.5-9)

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Professor McManus studies parent-teen interactions. In a recent study, Professor McManus replicated previous research and found that between the ages of 14 and 18, the proportion of time that teens spend with their families _____.

drops from 25 to 15 percent

Girls become MOST self-conscious about their developing bodies:

during puberty.

When do MOST people master learning strategies such as rehearsal and selective attention?

elementary school

Why does self-esteem decline during elementary school?

the get a realistic view of themselves

Diana realizes that her mother does not know the thoughts inside her head. As a result, she has recently started lying. Diana has developed ______ and is roughly _____ years old

theory-of-mind abilities; 4

Children who pick on others, get picked on, and then pick on others again are:


When asked to explain why Josie is her best friend, Samantha answers, "Because she makes me laugh and is nice to me." These girls are MOST likely _____ children because they describe their friendship in terms of _____.

elementary school-age, internal qualities

Rising levels of adrenal androgens stimulate an individual's first feelings of sexual desire by about _____ years of age.

9 or 10

During puberty, the cephalocaudal and proximodistal trend reverses, meaning that the:

hands, feet, and legs mature before the trunk and head.

Paula's IQ is 114, yet she reads on a third-grade level in seventh grade. Paula MOST likely:

has a learning disability

Youth development programs strive to do all of the following EXCEPT:

have teens focus on improving academics

Ten-year-old Ramon will feel _____ if he fails to resolve the Eriksonian psychosocial task of middle childhood.


Because Iris thinks that it is moral to break the law in some circumstances, such as to save a human life, Kohlberg would place her moral reasoning at the _____.

postconventional stage

Begin with parents doing the "remembering" when toddlers begin to speak

past-talk conversations

Judith Harris proposed that the main force shaping children's behavior is their _____ rather than their parents.


Mark has difficulty noticing what is missing in scenes. This will have the LARGEST impact on the ______ portion of his WISC score.

perceptual reasoning

Jarrud thinks he needs to obey his teachers only if they are carefully watching him closely. Lawrence Kohlberg would suggest that Jarrud's belief demonstrates _____ moral reasoning.


Kohlberg believed individuals who use their own moral guidelines apart from society are in which stage of development?


Having well-developed fine-motor skills can predict which of the following?

predict later performance on school-related memory and speed-oriented cognitive tests

Creative intelligence

the ability to deal with new and different concepts and to come up with new ways of solving problems

Practical intelligence

the ability to use information to get along in life and become successful

_____ indicates a steady rise in overall performance on IQ tests that has been occurring around the world during the past century.

the flynn effect

The facet of adolescent egocentrism called _____ refers to teenagers' belief that everyone is watching everything they do.

the imaginary audience

Arrest rates are the HIGHEST for which age group?

the late teens and early twenties

Collaborative pretend play involves ______ and develops around age _____

two children fantasizing together; 4

LuAnn has anorexia nervosa. When she reaches _____ of her ideal body weight, the doctor hospitalizes her to ensure her survival.


Taylor has a cat named Rudy. One day on a walk, Taylor's mother says, "See that cat?" Taylor replies, "That not cat, that not Rudy!" Taylor's mistake is called a(n) _____.


Ten-year-old Bella has a best friend named Sophia. Which would be Bella's MOST likely description of why Sophia is her best friend?

"I can tell her anything, and I know she will stand up for me."

Sally uses induction in disciplining her child. After witnessing her daughter teasing a playmate, what does she say?

"Think of how terrible that child feels being teased."

About 1 in _____ adolescents report having intercourse outside of a committed relationship.


Middle childhood


Professor Rawlins wants to conduct a study on anorexia nervosa in the city in which she lives. If the city has a population of 100,000 women, she can expect that approximately ______ women in that city will have anorexia.


Penny is an obese 10-year-old. Her weight is at or above the ______ percentile, based on national norms.


The top-ranking health disorder among U.S. children today, affecting 1 in 10 children, is:


Bulimia involves which of the following?

Binging and purging

An innovative critique of the standard notion that the teenage brain is immature was put forth by _____.


In 1904, a psychologist named _____ echoed the views of Aristotle and Shakespeare in emphasizing adolescents' emotionality and impulsivity.

G. Stanley Hall

Pick the factor that did NOT help to make adolescence a distinct life stage.

High school made teenagers want to rebel

Which of the following is NOT an attribute of formal operations?

It is a milestone reached by every adult.

________ approach emphasized broad stages of cognitive development.


Which of the following is NOT a tip for making school more intrinsically motivating?

Reward the children who do well with special prizes

Lee is 10 years old. According to Piaget, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Lee's cognition?

abstract thinking

An early-maturing girl may choose a more "adult" social group than her peers. This exemplifies a type of gene-environment interaction termed a(n) _____ force.


Darien is experiencing his first conscious sexual feeling. This is the result of _____.

adrenal androgens

Who is LEAST likely to be influenced by the media's thin ideal?

an African American girl who does not identify with mainstream Western ideas about beauty

According to the research by Gardner and Steinberg (2005), who is probably the MOST cautious driver?

an emerging adult driving alone

James is a 16-year-old boy. Which activity that he does now will BEST predict James's competence, confidence, and occupational success in adulthood?

being involved in school-related clubs

Raedon is in seventh grade. The BEST predictor of his eighth-grade grades is MOST likely his:

best friend's GPA

Popularity becomes a prominent concern of children during Piaget's _____ stage.

concrete operational

During Piaget's _____ children can reason about the world in a logical, adult way but cannot yet think abstractly.

concrete operational stage

when children are about 12 years old, they transition from _____ to _____ in Piaget's theory

concrete operations; formal operations

Joining a "bad crowd":

encourages at-risk teens to further act out

What causes adolescent girls' breasts to grow and hips to widen?


Think back to psychology's broad theoretical perspectives. The text suggests that adolescent social sensitivity and risk-taking make sense from a(n) _____ perspective.


Which type of play involves running and chasing each other and exercises children's physical skills

exercise play

Caleb is 8 years old, and he lives in an abusive home. Caleb's autobiographical memories are likely to be _____.

false or absent

In early childhood many _____ motor skills, such as buttoning shirts, writing with a pencil, and cutting food, are mastered as long as children have the opportunity to practice.


Mike is 5 years old and loves to draw. His kindergarten teacher loves to collect his art work and believes that he has a very special gift. His ability for art represents

fine motor skills

Leon is solving a syllogism. "Some A are B. Some B are C," he reads. Leon's ability to determine whether the conclusion "Some A are C" may be drawn logically from these premises depends on whether he has attained Piaget's _____ stage.


Postconventional moral reasoning is based on abstract thinking and thus is based on the attainment of Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

_____ is comprised of neurons and synapses.

gray matter

The talents involved in running, jumping, and climbing are _____ skills

gross motor

Pick the primary sexual characteristic.

growth of the penis

intitiave is _______ as _________ is to inferiority

guilt; industry

Pruning in the frontal lobes starts _____.

halfway through middle childhood

Many immigrant children do well in school even though they may be attending poor schools and living in poverty with parents who don't speak the language. This is referred to as the _____ paradox.


Testosterone is produced

in both boys and girls

When is a teen MOST likely to take risks?

in emotionally charged situations with friends

The WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) is given:

individually by a psychologist

Nine-year-old Warren is in middle childhood and faces the psychosocial task that Erikson called _____.

industry vs inferiority

Which approach to cognitive development emphasizes dividing thinking into component steps?

information processing

Theorists who chart the development of how memory, concentration, and one's ability to plan one's actions are using:

information processing perspective

Four-year-old Tate is playing soccer for the first time. He is energetically chasing the ball and running around the field. Erik Erikson says that Tate's mission is to achieve _____.


Professor O'Hare explains to his psychology class that the overall term for all acts that endanger children's emotional and physical well-being is _____.


Theory of mind and autobiographical memory appear to depend on slightly different areas of the _____ frontal cortex.


When Westerners are asked to recall autobiographical memories, this part of their brain is activated

medial frontal cortex

A female's first menstruation is called:


Ellen is 7 years old. She is in the _____ stage of life.

middle childhood

Cutting, burning, or purposely injuring one's body to cope with stress is:

non-suicidal self-injury

In collectivist cultures, parents put more emphasis on _____ than parents in individualistic cultures.


When 3-year-old Charlie's dad asked his son what happened during the day, Charlie replied, "I sawed two deers." Charlie's language mistakes are called _____.


Nolan, a 10-year-old, is the envy of his classmates because he doesn't have a set bedtime and is free to stay up as late as he wants. Nolan is a well-adjusted child who feels that his parents love him. Based on this description, his parents are MOST likely:


Professor Daniels explains that the ______ caregiving style is associated with high warmth or love, but few rules and little discipline.


Which is NOT a risk factor for teens to get into serious trouble?

permissive parents

When infants begin to speak, they use


_____ children are frequently named in the most-liked category and never appear in the disliked group. They also stand out as being really liked by everyone


The internal and external changes related to physically becoming an adult are called:


A coming-of-age ritual in traditional cultures is called a(n):

puberty rite

Brigid is almost 13. Her mother is planning an elaborate bat mitzvah to mark Brigid's coming-of-age. This celebration may be seen as a contemporary reflection of the ______ found in traditional societies.

puberty rites

Being obese or having a high BMI predicts _____.

reaching puberty at a younger age for girls

These parents are low on structure and love.


_____ refers to the parenting style that is low on structure and low on love; in this worst-case scenario, parents are missing in action in children's lives.


Children who have experienced abuse often have memory failure when it comes to their autobiographical memories. Freud would call this


Play that mimics aggression, but with no intent to harm, is called _____ play


A child's ability to filter out extraneous information and focus on what he or she needs to know is called:

selective attention

_____ refers to the capacity to examine one's own actions and abilities from an outside frame of reference and to reflect on one's inner state.


Name the language facet that improves throughout life.


Early maturation is associated with MORE problem behaviors in girls from _____.

sexually permissive societies

The analogies portion of the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) is in the _____ section of the test.


Terrence hangs out with his clique. Jerome spends time with a crowd. Terrence is in a _____ peer group, and Jerome is in a _____ peer group.

smaller; larger

From an evolutionary standpoint, why is it developmentally logical for Donna to start adolescence with risk-taking tendencies and an emotional "engine" in high gear?

so she is pushed to leave home and venture forth into the world

Pamela is a 14-year-old girl. Statistically, her first sexual experience will MOST likely occur:

within a steady relationship.

According to Erikson, children in middle childhood learn to _____.

work for what they want

____________ emphasized the social underpinnings of cognition.


In Kohlberg's terms, legal reasoning is part of ____ reasoning


Over _____ million children are raised by their grandparents alone.


For every 100 parents in the United States, _____report spanking their children "often."


About _____ percent of children are subject to chronic harassment by a bully.


The term "adolescence" was first coined in _____.


In the United States, childhood obesity started to become a serious problem:


Peter is at the peak age for physical aggression. Peter is about age:

2 1/2

How many countries around the world have completely banned spanking children?


Which of the following statements is true about bulimia?

Its victims often weigh within the normal range.

Effective interventions to reduce bullying center on:

Making bullying a socially unacceptable activity

What might be a tip-off that a teen boy or girl wants to become sexually active?

The teen gravitates to sexually explicit media.

Professor Stein is conducting an experiment where participants are told "go" or "don't go" by a smiling face on the computer screen. Which participant is MOST likely to "go" when a smiling face is saying "don't go"?

Maria, who is 16

As a new elementary school teacher, Chloe is trying to figure out how to be a more effective scaffolder. Which recommendation would NOT help her

Stick to the recommended curriculum for every child

For immigrant teens, the task of separating from one's parents may be more difficult because of issues related to:


Analytical ability

analyzing problems and generating different solutions

Jeremy's mother asks her son where he put his new dump truck. Jeremy replies, "It is sleeping." Jeremy is showing signs of _____, and he is probably _____

animism; in preschool

Jeremy's mother asks her son where he put his new tractor. Jeremy replies, "The tractor is sleeping." Jeremy is showing signs of _____ and is probably _____.

animism; in preschool

Latino parents are often


Eleven-year-old Frankie tells his best friend Alex his recollection of a bicycle crash he had while riding down a steep hill last summer. Frankie's recollection of this event is an example of a(n) _____ memory.


Girls' play often involves

cooperating and collaborating in small groups

In Sternberg's framework, successful intelligence includes analytical, practical, and _____ abilities.


Jeremy is celebrating his third birthday. Which life stage has he just entered?

early childhood

Jeremy is celebrating his third birthday. Which life stage is he entering

early childhood

Characterized by excessive restlessness and distractibility, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is MOST commonly diagnosed among _____ with _____ being affected MOST often.

elementary schoolers; boys

Raquel has a natural ability to understand other people. Gardner would view Raquel as high in _____ intelligence.


When is an eating disorder MOST likely to develop?

late teens or early twenties

Research has shown that being suspended from school results in _____.

later delinquency

Which substance is critically involved in the onset of puberty?


The ingredients of a problematically aggressive child do NOT include ______.

moral disengagement

People who feel sympathy rather than empathy for others are _____ likely to help those in need because _____

more; empathy makes people anxious and want to run away

Jenny says, "Me going car." This sentence has four _____.


A security guard is shot during an attempted robbery of a jewelry store. The guard's shooting exemplifies the thieves' _____ aggression.


When Alice is shown a list of symbols corresponding to each letter of the alphabet she can quickly decode words presented as symbols. This means she will likely score high on the ______ portion of her WISC score.

processing speed

Amy is jealous that her friend Beth is getting to know a new girl at school. Amy doesn't want Beth to like the new girl better than her, so in the hopes that this will end the relationship, she starts a rumor that the new girl has been talking badly about Beth behind her back. This type of behavior is called _____ aggression.


Anna is no more stressed while with her parents than while with her peers. Anna is MOST likely from _____.

southern Europe

Feeling upset for a person in distress exemplifies a state called _____.


What comes first empathy or sympathy?

sympathy because it doesn't require you to actually feel the emotion

Scaffolding involves

tailoring teaching to a student's level

Vygotsky emphasized the vital importance of _____ in propelling children's mental growth


Piaget used _____ to assess whether children had reached formal operations.

the pendulum exercise

How well a child adjusts to the parents' divorce depends primarily on:

the quality of care the custodial parent provides

Which statement is true about popular children as they move into middle school?

they will not be as liked

Evolutionary psychologists believe that the reason humans have advanced intellectually when compared to other animals is because humans have the capacity to _____.

think about other people's minds and decode their intentions and thoughts

Vocabularies can be expected to continue to grow

throughout the lifespan

Elementary schools that are "beating the odds," or exceeding expectations, do NOT:

use worksheets to drill students for standardized tests.

Crystal and Jeremy are divorcing due to Jeremy's affair. Crystal has frank discussions with her children about the reasons for the divorce and about what to expect afterwards. She never misses an opportunity to put the blame for the divorce on Jeremy and to suggest that her children should be angry with their father. Crystal needs to know that:

using her children as pawns to express her anger is detrimental to them.

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