PSY 428 Exam 2 Review

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My definition of reinforcement is_________

??? (not "all stimuli that follows a behavior and increases the behavior)

When Aunt Carrie called the correct twin "mary" the twins were very appreciative. When she called the wrong twin "mary", they ignored her. Gradually she came to always call the correct twin "mary". What procedure accounts for the change in her behavior:

??? (not differential reinforcement)

Janel helped her friend Lori how to throw a frisbee. Janel praised lori when threw with a flick of her wrist. Janel did not praise her if she threw with her arm. Soon Lori was an expert frisbee thrower. What procedure did janel use to teach lori to throw the frisbee with her wrist?

??? (not reinforcement)

Peter was learning how to use a clutch for driving a car. Every time he let the clutch out slowly the car would start moving. When he let the clutch out too quickly the car would lurch forward and then die. Soon peter was always letting the clutch out slowly. What behavioral concept accounts for Peter learning how to use the clutch correctly:

??? (not reinforcement) approximation?

I defined environment as all___________

??? (not stimuli that changes behavior at a given time)

At preschool chuck took toys from other kids, spilled paint, screamed during nap time, bit and kicked the teachers. Whenever chuck acted this way, one of the teachers explained to him why his behavior was wrong. Chuck's bad behavior increased. What procedure did the teacher use?

??? (not unknown)

John's study behavior was observed during randomly picked intervals five seconds long. it was not observed between these intervals. What method of observation was used: _____________ recording

??? (not variable-interval recording) FIXED INTERVAL

Curt used to frown most of the time. But Linda wanted to change that. She kissed him whenever he smiled and she ignored him when he frowned. Soon curt was smiling and frowning less. What procedure did linda use to change curt's smiling and frowning behavior?

Differential reinforcement

If martha stopped reinforcing her daughter for putting her clothes away, her daughter stopped putting her clothes away, what "schedule of reinforcement" would we say her daughter is on:


Howard's swearing bothered his friend, Barbara. So every time that he swore, she gave him a look designed to singe his eyebrows. Howard's rate of swearing increased dramatically. What procedure did Barbara use by giving howard her look:


John's teacher helped him overcome being a loner. at first she paid attention only when he looked at other children, then only when he was near them, finally only when he was playing with them. What procedure did the teacher sue to modify John's loner behavior?


Wanda tried to be a good mother. At first she lavished attention on Bobby when he made any attempt to say Dad. Later she reserved her attention for syllables that had tat least a "da" sound in them. Still later she paid attention only when Bobby said "dad". Bobby learned to say dad remarkably quickly. What procedure did Wanda use to help Bobby learn to say "Dad"?


Sue encouraged tom to speak more loudly as a step toward helping him to become more assertive. at first, sue praised tom if she could hear him at all; later only if she could hear him five feet away; and still later, only if she could hear him from 10 feet waway. tom speaking loudly enoiugh to be heard from 5 feet away would be called a(n) ___________ to the ultimate goal


A statement that specifies exactly the behavior is to be observed is called a(n)

behavioral definition

Ken's statement that "assertiveness is the behavior of engaging in eye contact, speaking loud enough to be heard, and making one's wishes known" would be an example of a(n)

behavioral definition

If you say that a child's lack of paying attention and sleeping occurs because she lacks motivation and the only evidence for the lacks of motivation is her lack of paying attention and sleeping, this is called a __________ explanation


Name the 4 principles that govern the effectiveness of a reinforcer

contingencey immediacy size deprivation

By paying Bob five dollars when and only when he mows the yard, Mr. Wells is using what principle of effective reinforcement:


Fran tried to increase the amount of study time put in by her daughter melanie, so she frequently asked melanie whether she had been studying. If she said yes, then fran immediately gave melanie a special snack. Melanie loved the snacks, in fact she would do anything to get one. She never got too much of the snack. Trouble was that melanie did not study as nearly as much as she told her mother that she did, so her overall study time was not affected by given the snack. What, if any, principle reinforcement was failing to employ:


List 4 characteristics (principles) that contribute to the reinforcer effectiveness, plus the one I added in class

contingency size immediacy deprivation ???

What is the best generic schedule of reinforcement to use when differentially reinforcing approximations to the target behavior in the shaping procedure where it is important that no correct approximations are extinguished: ___________ schedule


Flora's parents thought she watched TV too much. So when they found her reading they paid attention to her and asked many questions about the story. They never asked about the TV stories. Flora came to read more often and watch TV less often. What procedures did her parents use:

differential reinforcement

Whenever AL would play his guitar, people would stop talking and listen to his music. However, when he put his guitar down and started playing the harmonica, people would begin talking. After this had happened a few times, Al quit playing the harmonica and only played his guitar. What procedure accounts for Al now playing his guitar but not his harmonica?

differential reinforcement

Young Jason couldn't for the life of him "zucchini" correctly. Instead he said "zucky". once in a while he got lucky and said the word correctly. His dad praised the rare correct pronounciation and ignored the "zucky"s. pretty soon Jason was susually saying the word correctly. What procedure did his dad use?

differential reinforcement

David recorded his studying by promptyly writing the starting time and edning time in a notebook. This approach to observing behavior is called ___________ observation. Dough kept track of his studying by sitting down at the end of the week and writing down the approximate hours he had studied each day. This is an example of the approach to observing behavior called __________ observation

direct; self-report

Behavior analysis is the science that develops and tests methods for using ___________ events to __________ behavior

environmental; cause

The problem with using private events to try to explain behavior is that we must still ________ those events


Ben used to have an argument with his parents every sunday about going to church. ben got tired of arguing and started ignoring his parents when they would begin to thell him about how bad he was for not going to church. pretty soon ben's parents quit bothering ben about going to church. what procedure accounts for the parents no longer arguing with ben about church?


Intermittent schedules of reinforcement create a greater resistance to __________ than do continuous schedules. (Satiation is not the answer)


Tommy used to nag his mother t let him watch TV. Finally, after constant nagging she would give in and let hum watch TV. Then one day she decided that no matter how much Tommy nagged, she was not going to let him watch TV until he was done. First, tommy nagged even louder and longer, called an __________ but when he found that it no longer worked, he quit. What procedure did Tommy's mother use to get tommy to quit nagging?

extinction burst; extinction

If the probability of a response decreases because an event that used to follow it has been stopped or withheld, we say that the response is being ____________


Mom would not give doris a snack the first that she asked because mom wanted to be sure that Doris really wanted the snack and was not asking just out of habit. However, if doris asked for a snack second time, mom would gladly give it to her. What schedule of reinforcement is Doris' asking behavior on: __________ schedule


List two schedules of reinforcement that produce a pasue after reinforcement: _____________ and _____________ schedule

fixed-ratio, fixed interval

Randy wanted Cory to be more included in conversations. So anytime that he saw her talking when they were out, he noted it and told her about it when they got home. He never told her that she had been talking unless she really had. Cory appreciated his praise and she did not get it so often that she tired of it. What principle of effective reinforcement, if any, did Randy neglect:


The generic name for all schedules in which some responses produce a reinforcer and some do not is _______


Ms. Kingman agreed to let frankie more her lawn. As soon as he was done, she praised his neightborliness lavishly. frankie who lived for such praise, but didn't get it often. Ms. Kingman praised frankie's neighborliness only when he mowed her lawn. Soon he mowed her lawn all the time. What if any, principle of effective reinforcement did Mrs. Kingman ignore?


Amundson and Associates determined the water use of a middle class family that they studies by reading a water meter. What method of observation did they use: __________ recording

outcome recording

Kenny tracked mud into the house after coming home from school. his mother finally got tired of it and whenever kenny tracked in mud she dent him right off to his room for an hour. unfortunately, the result was that he did it even more. What procedure did his mother use:


Mary talked with John each time he had a problem, so John complained more and more about his problems. The change in his behavior occurred as a result of what procedure:


Stephanie was working outside in her yard one day when Mrs. Kingman came by and started complaining about how loud and trashy her neighbors were. Stephanie listened very patiently and said that it was too bad that the neighbors were like that. As a result of stephanie's listening patiently and making sympathetic comments, mrs. Kingman now comes over and complains more and more. The procedure of listening patiently and making sympathetic comments in this case would be an example of what behavioral concept:


The procedure of allowing ted to play with the video games for half an hour after cleaning his room, if the rate of room cleaning increased, is called __________


Extinction requires that an event that followed a behavior be ___________ and that the rate of the behavior ____________

stopped; decreases

Barry never made his bed. Barry's father decided to praise barry every time he made his bed. Barry still does not make his bed. What procedure did barry's father use:


Fred's mom told him that he had to start taking out the garbage every day. Fred's rate of carrying out the garbage immediately increased and mom often thanked him. his rate of carrying out the garbage stayed high until he married and left home. mom used what procedure to increase fred's rate of carrying out the garbage:


Kenny never cooperated with his mother. As a result, she began to pay more attention to him when he did cooperate. He cooperates even less since his mother started her new approach. What procedure did his mother use to change Kenny's rate of cooperation?


Mr. williams got tired of phil always complaining about the grading of his tests. Mr. Williams decided to ignore phil whenever he complained about the grading on his tests. Phil still complains about the grading on his tests. What procedure did mr. williams use?


What two schedules of intermittent reinforcement produce uniform rates of responding __________ and __________ schedule

variable ratio; variable interval

When fred fished, he would sometimes have to wait a half hour for a fish to bite his bait. other times he would have to wait only a few moments. on average, he waited 15 minutes between bites. what schedule of reinforcement was fred's fishing behavior: _____________ schedule


Ben was learning how to roll his own joints. He would get a joint that would smoke without failing apart on average of about one out of four attempts. Ben's joint-rolling behavior is on a ____________ schedule of reinforcement


If a response produces reinforcement after differing numbers of responses, the schedule of reinforcement would be a(n) ________ schedule


Raymond had an old, dependable lawn mower. It would never start the first pull of the starting rope, but it always started on average every third pull. If each pull on the starting rope is considered a response, what schedule of reinforcement is raymond's starting the mower on: __________ schedule


Every time that Jim's dog Spot jumped on somebody, Jim would say "no, bad dog". As a result, Spot jumped on people more often. What would you all the event of Jim saying "no bad dog" in this instance:


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