PSY 873 - Chapter 7, 8, 9, 6

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manages several projects that all come together from across various groups; manages projects within a single group

"A simple difference between a program manager and a project manager is that a program manager __________, whereas a project manager ______________."


"Acacia recently complained that as soon as she gets to work, she is bombarded with questions, tasks that have be completed that day, and disagreements with her co-workers. Since her work used to be more manageable, this recent flurry at work has been unusually stressful. However, once she leaves work, she finds she can relax. Most likely Acacia suffers from _______ stress. "

strain-based conflict

"After a long day at work in a manufacturing plant, Jasmin is experiencing some moderate back pain. Her son loves piggy-back rides and demands one as soon as she gets home. Unfortunately, Jasmin's back pain prevents her from fulfilling her son's request due to __________."

"people have expectations based on traits, regardless of whether they are accurate."

"Although the trait approach has limited utility in that you can't easily change someone's personality or facial structure, the implications of research findings on traits and effective leadership are that "

clusters of characteristics

"Although the trait approach to leadership fell out of favor for many years, it has been resurrected because researchers have been finding ________ that seem to predict leader emergence."

stimulus; response

"Although there is not an agreed upon definition of occupational stress, most definitions include _________ and ________ as defining features."

managerial grid

"Among the many skills required of a manager, balancing people management with task management seems to be one of the most important. The ___________ illustrates a variety of management styles that result from an emphasis on either concern for people or concern for production, or an equal emphasis on both. "

job insecurity

"Angel is happy to have her current job. As a contract nurse, she shifts from clinic to clinic during busy times. Although there is a demand for nurses like Angel, she worries about ________ because she has a family to support."


"As a ________ leader, you display charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. "


"As a new lawyer, Gordon is allowed to select the clients he works with and the cases he pursues. However, he must work extremely long hours to impress his difficult clients and multiple bosses. According to the job demands-control model, Gordon is in a(n) __________ job."


"Axel works with a negative and verbally abusive coworker who insults and criticizes him every day. Because his coworker is a senior partner, Axel has no choice but to put up with it. Axel has tried various ways to get around working with the coworker, but there's no solution in sight. Axel finds the day-to-day, month-to-month stress exhausting. We would probably characterize Axel's stress as "


"Barry has several __________, including being a manager, a student, a husband, and a father."

episodic acute

"Bethany complains about her overall job as a tax accountant. During tax season, she is in constant meetings, has too much to do on a regular basis, works every weekend even though her kids need to be shuttled back and forth from sports practices, and worries about not getting everything done. Once the tax season ends, however, Bethany gets a bit of a break from the crazy work schedule. Bethany most likely suffers from _______ stress."

task force

"Bobby is on a team that solves small issues as they come up, like how to assign shared work space or find a solution for a new budget challenge. The recommendations from Bobby's group are just advisory - the management team decides later whether to implement the recommendations. Bobby is a member of a "

succession plan

"Chaoxing is a mid-level manager at his organization, and would like to move up to the executive levels. The best way for Chaoxing's organization to prepare him for the next level job is to complete their _________, which will determine what targeted experiences he needs and whether he has been identified as a potential candidate for filling one of those roles as they are vacated. "


"Charles is part of an army troop whose mission is to ensure that base morale is great. Aiden is in charge, but no one agrees on what exactly they are supposed to be doing. As a result, Charles suggests that he take charge to form a plan. According to Tuckman, the army troop may best be described in the _______ stage of group development?"

primary; tertiary

"Cory Stables, a large horse boarding organization values its employees and their well-being. To manage their stress levels, the organization has put in place employee assistance programs. It would seem that even though they espouse caring about employee well-being, rather than implement a ________ intervention that would reduce the sources of stress, they have implemented a _________ intervention that simply deals with stress after it has occurred. "

legitimate; compliance

"Dr. Jose wants to stop Peter from acting out in class. He can use ____ power base, but most likely, he will only get ______ as a response. "

less; right

"Enrique works on a virtual team for a large global technology organization. He is convinced that his team is _____ productive than his friend's team, which is co-located, just because his team is virtual. Enrique is probably _______."


"Even though Jim is not a janitor, Jim's boss asked him to sweep his office. Jim refused. As a result, Jim's boss demoted him. The boss displayed _________ power."

high potential

"Felicyta has been identified as a(n) _______; someone the organization has determined that if given targeted assignments, challenge, and opportunity, can become a very successful leader. In other words, she's a star and they want to position her for promotion."

"structure, strong leader, executive support, human resource practices"

"Gary has been asked to put virtual teams in place. Turning to the literature on virtual teams, Gary has determined there are four categories of best practices for successfully implementing virtual teams. These four categories include"

shift tolerant

"Gary is a pilot for Lufthansa, a German-based airline. His international flights take him all over the world and he loves the job. Even though his flight times vary, causing him to wake-up and sleep at different times and across time zones, he seems to handle it extremely well. His co-pilot, James, in contrast, doesn't handle the shift changes so well - always complaining about being tired and unable to sleep. We can say that Gary is ________."

teams are ineffective when you combine too many dominant members

"Gordon has been part of Granger-Feed for many years and how they are talking about implementing teams; after all, everyone else seems to be implementing teams. But Gordon has taken a class in organizational behavior/psychology and recognizes that teams are not always effective and you shouldn't always implement them. He shares the following with his bosses in an attempt to avoid a company disaster. "

quality circle

"Goscia works in manufacturing at Toyota, and a part of her responsibilities is to serve on a _____ group, where she and her team members focus on achieving zero defects."

"new manager training, mentoring, and role playing"

"Gracie is a human resources director responsible for leadership development training programs. From what we know about leadership training, Gracie should implement _______ in order to have the most effective training program."

prefer to work with people; prefer to work with ideas

"In general, we can argue that managers are different from leaders in that managers ________, whereas leaders _______."


"In your review of group effectiveness models, you note that they nearly all have the same thing in common. What they have in common can be easily described as the ______ model. "

"Joseph ensures the project tasks are completed, whereas Liza establishes what the overall projects are"

"Joseph is a manager, whereas Liza is a leader. The difference between Joseph's work and Liza's is that ... "

time-based conflict

"Juanita works as a sales manager, which sometimes requires flights across country with little advance notice. Her husband complains often about these unexpected trips because she isn't home to do her share of taking care of the kids and the house chores. Her boss also complains, however, whenever Juanita tries to get out of taking one of these last minute trips to be at home with the family. Juanita arguable struggles with "

primary appraisal; secondary appraisal

"Kim has a ton of upcoming exams, papers, and course assignments that are all due at the same time at the end of the semester. Once she takes a moment to consider them, she will be able to evaluate how she will cope with the situation effectively. Kim's process of assessing her situation and how she will cope is an example of _________ and _________."

role overload

"Lisa is an undergraduate student hoping to get into graduate school. Her academic advisor demands that she present research at conferences, maintain a 4.0 GPA, and assist with research in three different labs. Lisa is doing her best, but is probably experiencing __________."

managing facts; generating emotions

"Managers must transition from _________ to _______, when making the moving from management to leadership."

one-minute manager

"Managing employees' performance can be challenging, and giving feedback tends to be one of those areas that consumes a lot of a manager's time. Although not much empirical evidence supports the ________ approach, anecdotal evidence suggests this form of praise, recognizing performance as it occurs, and correcting mistakes immediately, really works."

management by objective

"Managing employees' performance can be challenging. Although not much empirical evidence supports the ________ approach, anecdotal evidence suggests this form of focusing on final results as opposed to how results are achieved, and on assuming that workers are capable and able to accomplish the task as long as goals are clear, is effective."


"Manu is a relatively new manager who takes the development of his subordinates seriously - he really believes they can be coached to higher performance levels. By applying the _______ model, Manu may effectively identify and solve problems hindering his subordinates performance."

"sharing a work-related goal, and interdependence among members"

"Most people seem to know what a work team is, but Jody still thinks that her and her mother are a team because they occasionally work together at their volunteer group. To clarify, you explain that teams have specific characteristics that include"

flexible; unpredictability

"New leadership theories, such as complexity and strategic, capture the important notion that leadership must be _______ to accommodate the _________ of today's businesses. "

"stimulus, evaluation/appraisal, response"

"Not all occupational stress models agree on the same definitions. However, they generally follow a __________ process."

focuses on performance and morale

"Radhiya is a 5,5 manager. According to the managerial grid, this means she"

"feedback, training, rewards, goal-setting"

"Researchers have studied effective performance management for years, and in particular, how to give feedback. Conclusions from years of study suggest that _____________ is the best combination for giving feedback and expecting improved performance as a result."

struggle to interact effectively

"Smith, Jones & Trebech, a fast growing law firm, has decided to implement teams. There are a number of features of teams that they need to attend to, if they are to have high-functioning teams. Their first thought is to make groups of at least 20 people, since large teams will then have all the resources they need. One concern they should have, however, is that large teams"

each person on the team handles one part of the task, and one person on the team is responsible for the entire project

"Smith, Jones & Trebech, a fast growing law firm, has decided to implement teams. There are a number of features of teams that they need to attend to, if they are to have high-functioning teams. They believe that using a vertical division of labor is the best structure because it ensures that ________."

diversity of members

"Smith, Jones & Trebech, a fast growing law firm, has decided to implement teams. There are a number of features of teams that they need to attend to, if they are to have high-functioning teams. To ensure each project can be handled properly, they consider the composition of the team, which includes"

make sure there are at least two minority members, and argue the position consistently over time

"Sometimes in group decision-making, the minority wants to sway the majority to its point of view. The best ways for a minority to do so are to "

role ambiguity

"Steve has just been hired as a student assistant in the Psychology Department's front office. On his first day, his boss steps out of the office. Just then, the department phone starts to ring. Steve is probably experiencing __________ because he was not trained on when he should answer the phone and how he should respond to inquiries. "


"Steven is characterized as a leader who creates a vision, focuses on the organization's core competencies, grows human capital, shapes the culture, is highly ethical, and balances control with flexibility. We would say that Steven demonstrates ___________ leadership. "


"Team members in the ""Eat-Dirt"" team are finally figuring out their roles in the group. We would identify this group in the ________stage of Tuckman s model of group development. "

do not learn how to improve

"The disadvantage of employees not getting feedback on their weaknesses or poor performance, as well as getting positive feedback, is that under-performing employees"

"charismatic, transactional, and transformational; ethical"

"The latest approach in leadership theories combines ______ to create the full range theory, which attempts to move leadership towards more ______ leadership."


"The sales people at a local car dealership indicate that they are experiencing work-family conflict. The dealership is willing to implement some changes to reduce this conflict. Which method targets work-family conflict and is, therefore, best for reducing work-family conflict for employees?"

legitimate; compliance

"Though you dislike your supervisor and feel little respect for her because of how she treats you and your coworkers, you do what she asks because of her _______ power. Sadly, her effectiveness is limited to _______. "

vertical dyad linkage

"When leaders form a special relationship with some of their employees but not others, those in the special relationship group begin to also treat the ""outsider"" employees differently as well. This division of groups associated with the leaders' relationships is known as _____ leadership. "

Conservation of Resources

"When people stockpile resources to offset anticipated stressors, aiming to experience more pleasurable states, we can explain their behavior using _______ theory. "

interdependence and a common goal

"While discussing your class with your uncle, you end up discussing groups and your uncle is curious about what really defines a group. You remember a number of defining characteristics of groups but you decide it would be best to mention the two most important ones. These are:"

ensure that the self-motivated self-directed employees are trained on communication skills

"With so many organizations downsizing, their tendency is to eliminate layers of high-priced managers. In large organizations with many teams, this has ultimately led to a lot of self-managed teams. To ensure these groups are successful, organizations need to "

primary appraisal; secondary appraisal

"Wynn has several project deadlines approaching that will all fall within one day of each other. Once he takes a moment to consider them, he will be able to evaluate how he will cope with the situation effectively. Wynn's process of assessing the situation and how he will cope is an example of _________ and _________."

"defining, planning, executing, terminating"

"Xuan is a project manager for Glacier-Warming, an environmental watch group. To manage the projects, he follows a sequence of stages or steps, which according to the text include"

Transformational - idealized influence

"You are a consultant hired to examine the current leadership climate at Jack-Trading Outdoor Gear. You find that subordinates consistently rate their leaders as role models, displaying strong ethical principles and valuing the group gains over individual benefits. What type of leaders would you guess work there?"

McGrath's input-process-output model

"You have recently been asked by a company to help them begin using teams. Since this is a small company, they haven't had to use teams until now. Which of the following is a good high level model you could use to implement teams in this setting? "


"You practice ______ leadership when you tend towards task-orientation, with a focus on task completion and direction, and the use of reward and punishment."

management responsibilities are shared amongst team members

"You've been hired into your first job and have just met your teammates. When you asked to meet the manager, the team indicated they are self-managing. This means that"

Each includes a set of psychological responses

"Your new boss asks you what approach you can use to address some issues of stress in the workplace. When comparing the ISR model, McGrath's Process Model, and Beehr & Newman s model of stress, you decide to use one of these as your framework because they all have the following in common."

person-environment misfit

"Zoe works for the local steakhouse. However, Zoe is a hard-core vegan, who opposes the slaughter of animals for food. Zoe most likely experiences __________."

considerate; job centered

A number of leadership models in the behavioral approach suggest that managers are either _____ or _____ and that these behaviors can be trained.

how the leader protects the internal organization from external pressures

Boundary management refers to

people's strengths in order to fortify their areas of weakness

Freddy wants to implement a new way of handling performance feedback. He has heard that the Strength-Based Performance Appraisal system might be a good approach namely because it focuses on


Group __________ reflects a shared belief among members of a team that they will be effective as a team.

it describes what organizations could use to enhance group performance rather than what has been done.

Hackman's normative model of group effectiveness is different from the other team models discussed in the text because

Vroom-Yetton-Jago Model

Kathy thinks the biggest consideration when making decisions in regards to her subordinates is considering the situation in which she is making the decision. Which is the best model/theory to describe Kathy's approach to leadership?

managing performance is her responsibility

Saundra has to give one of her employees some negative feedback. She has been putting it off because she's afraid of how her employee will react. Saundra needs to keep in mind that

Three times more happy emotions than negative

The 3:1 principle refers to

hierarchical chart

The illustration or depiction of an organization's management chain of authority is achieved using a

leaders have styles and they must pick the situation that matches their style

The main contribution of Fiedler's Contingency Model was that ...

clarify how to be successful in goal achievement and increase the valence for goals

The main contribution of Path Goal Theory is that leaders ...

contingency; interaction between the leader and situation

The most recent trend in studying leadership can best be described as the _____________ approach. This approach considers the _____________.

independence; group problem solving

The shift in management principles from the early 1900s to today can be characterized as a shift from ______ to _______.

Leader-member exchange

_________ says that how you view the leader and how the leader views you depends on if you are in his/her in-group or out-group.


__________ interdependence relates to the degree to which team members receive common feedback regarding their efforts.


__________ occurs when team members build upon each other s ideas to produce something greater than would be possible by combining the contributions of individual members.

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