PSY Final

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The oldest of support groups, ____, reported having 2.1 million members in 115,000 groups worldwide


Which cognitive therapist sought to reverse clients' negativity about themselves through gentle questioning?

Aaron Beck

____ sought to revers people's catastrophizing beliefs about themselves through the use of gentle questioning

Aaron Beck

_____ focused on revealing the absurdity of people's self-defeating ideas through a more confrontational approach

Albert Ellis


Egas Moniz is most famous

What can cause seizures and memory loss?

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

Group and Family: Therapy Aim

Heal Relationships

What information would help a researcher determine if a psychological disorder were genetic in origin?

It is observed in all cultures

Gerald suffers from bipolar disorder. Likely to be prescribed _____ to combat the highs and lows of this disorder


Psychodynamic: Therapy Aim

Reduce anxiety through self-insight

What has no side effects other than perhaps a headache?

Repetitive transcranial stimulation (rTMS)

Although no more effective in controlling schizophrenia symptoms, many of the newer-generation antipsychotics, such as _____ and zyrexa, have fewer side effects


______ conducted a study examining the biasing power of diagnostic labels


Group and Family: Presumes Problem

Stressful relationships

At one time, people w psychological disorders were simply warehoused in asylums. Asylums have been replaced by psychiatric hospitals, where attempts are made to diagnose and cure people suffering from psychological disorders. Illustrates one of the beneficial consequences of:

The Medical Model

Cognitive-Behavioral: Presumes Problem

Self-harmful thoughts or behaviors

Brain Stimulation: Presumed Problem

Severe, treatment-resistant depression

According to a 2004 World Health Organization study, the lowest rate of reported mental disorders was in the city of ______


stimulus ______ may occur when a person who is attacked by a fierce dog later develops a fear of all dogs


Sigmund Freud described _____ disorder as free-floating anxiety

generalized anxiety

Thomas is continuously tense and plagues by muscle tension, sleeplessness, and an inability to concentrate. Suffers from ______ disorder

generalized anxiety

the percentage of Americans who reporting suffering from _____ disorder in 2008 was 3.1 percent

generalized anxiety

Schizophrenia patients with positive symptoms- the presence of inappropriate behaviors- may experience..

hallucinations, talk in disorganized and deluded ways, and exhibit inappropriate laughter, tears, or rage

Schizophrenia and dopamine

have found an excess number or dopamine receptors

psychotic disorders are marked by

irrationality, distorted perceptions, and lost contact with reality

In Rogers' client-centered therapy, the therapist listens, without judging or interpreting. What therapy is this?


people who are troubled by repetitive thoughts or actions are suffering from _____ disorder

obsessive- compulsive (OCD)

Antidepressant drugs have a different effect on mild vs severe depression because:

people with mild depression are likely to spontaneously improve

Greg is an impoverished African-American teen who finds school stressful but performs at a moderate level academically. He has no relationship with his father but has a close relationship with his mother and grandma. What would MOST increase his vulnerability to developing a mental disorder?


Cognitive-behavioral: Therapy Aim

promote healthier thinking and adaptive behaviors

Cognitive: Therapy Aim

promote healthier thinking and self-talk

If a patient suffers from uncontrollable seizures, physicians can destroy specific nerve clusters that cause or transmit the convulsions. Best illustrates the procedure:


schizophrenia is the chief example of a

psychotic disorder

For a person recovering from alcohol use disorder, Alcoholics Ananymous may be beneficial because the group meetings:

reduce isolation

Psychosurgery: Therapy Aim

relieve severe disorders

More than 100 million Americans belong to small ___ groups that meet regularly.

religious, interest, and self-help

Psychosurgery: Therapy Technique

remove or destroy brain tissue

Mrs. Higgins believes that aliens from another planet have removed her stomach and are watching to see how long it takes her to grow another. Suffering from:


_______ is a mental disorder that is most likely to lead to poverty


if a man has ___, his identical twin's chances of similarly being afflicted are about 6 in 10 if they shared a placenta


some studies suggest there may be an anxiety gene that affects brain levels of:


the brain of a person who suffers from depression tends to have low levels of ______


anti-anxiety drugs

such as Xanax or Ativan, depress central nervous system activity (often used in combination with psychotherapy)


summarizing another's words into your own


surgery that removes or destroys brain tissue

in _______, the goal is to substitute a positive response for a negative response to a harmless stimulus

systematic desensitation


train people to counter self-harmful thoughts and act out their new ways of thinking

At a therapy session, Nia became agitated t her therapist, saying that he was controlling and domineering, just like her father. Nia's behavior illustrates _____.


Clinical psychologist

treating people with psychological disorders

dissociative identity disorder (DID)

two or more distinct identities- each with its own voice and mannerisms- seem to control the person's behavior

Psychodynamic: Presumed Problem

unconscious conflicts from childhood experiences

Deep Brain Stimulation

undergoing ECT, calms the area of the brain normally overexcited in people who are depressed

insight therapies

use a variety of techniques that aim to improve psychological functioning by increasing a person's awareness of underlying motives and defenses

_____ exposure theory progressively exposes people to stimulations of their greatest fears, such as flying spiders, or public speaking

virtual reality

To be diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, the symptoms must last for two or more ______


acute schizophrenia

when previously well-adjusted people develop schizophrenia rapidly following particular life stresses (recovery is more likely)

chronic schizophrenia

when schizophrenia is a slow-developing process (recovery is doubtful)

explanatory style

who or what they blame for their failures

Spencer has been diagnose with schizophrenia. His parents have a difficult time understanding him because his speech is fragmented and bizarre. He jumps from one idea to another, sometimes within sentences, creating a :

word salad

antidepressant drugs

work by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine or serotonin, which evaluate arousal and mood and are scarce when a person experiences feelings of depression or anxiety

What do family therapists do?

work with multiple family members to heal relationships and to mobilize family recourses

Flat Affect

zombie-like state of apparent apathy (associated w schizophrenia)

Schizophrenics have disorganized speech, theorists suggest that people with such disorganized speech may have

a breakdown in selective attention

According to the text, one reasearch team has identified _____ genes that appear to be associated with typical anxiety disorder symptoms


the symptoms of major depressive disorder begin to appear at a median age of:


Therapeutic Lifestyle Change: Therapy technique

Alter lifestyle through adequate exercise, sleep, and other changes

In _____, the goal is to substitute a negative response for a positive response to a harmful stimulus

Aversive Conditioning

A person suffering from bipolar disorder wanting to control manic episodes would take:


Bulimia Nervosa

Episodes of overeating (typically high-calorie foods) followed by vomiting, laxative use, fasting, or excessive exercise

______ see dissociative disorders as ways of coping with anxiety

Learning theorists

Cognitive: Presumes Problem

Negative, self-defeating thinking

Drug therapies: Presumed Problem

Neurotransmitter malfunction

the anterior cingulate cortex is especially likely to be hyperactive in people who suffer with:


Symptoms that can be incorrectly perceived as those of a heart attack are most characteristics of ________


Because she mistakenly believes the herbal remedy she is using will help her lose weight, Mrs. Redding is feeling considerable reduction in her appetite due to the _____ effect


Cognitive: Therapy technique

Train people to dispute negative thoughts and attributions

Behavior: therapy technique

Use classical conditioning (via exposure or aversion therapy) or operant conditioning (as in token economies)

Active Listening

a form of empathic listening

dissociative disorders

a person's conscious awareness separates from painful memories, thoughts, and feelings


a trained therapist uses psychological techniques to assist someone seeking to overcome difficulties or achieve personal growth

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) goal

aims not only to alter the way people think but also alter the way they act

Brain Stimulation: Therapy Aim

alleviate depression that is unresponsive to drug therapy

Drug Therapies: Therapy Technique

alter brain chemistry through drugs

Bipolar disorder

alternates between depression and overexcited hyperactivity

A 37 yr old woman was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.She currently appears to be experiencing an episode of mania. When the doctor orders blood work and a PET scan, it will likely show...

an abnormally high level of activity across the brain

Stefanie meets with her therapist once a week to talk about her marriage and her relationship with her parents. In addition to helping Stefanie gain insight into these relationships, Stefanie's therapist prescribes medication. Ex of:

an eclectic approach

continued significant dieting after weight loss of more than 15% of normal body weight is common in individuals with _______ nervosa


Antidepressant drugs are used to treat what disorders (besides depression)

anxiety disorders, OCD, PTSD

____ share the common problem of emotion regulation

anxiety, depressive disorders, and bipolar disorder

Twin and adoption studies indicate that biological relatives of those with antisocial personality disorder:

are at increased risk for antisocial behavior

cognitive therapies

assume that our thinking colors our feelings

the treatment that associates an unpleasant state (such as nausea) with an unwanted behavior (such as drinking alcohol) is called

aversive conditioning

in considering the factors that may contribute to the process of healing, a ____ approach to therapy may be most useful


the approach to understanding and classifying psychological disorders that is MOST likely to minimize stigma for the afflicted is the:

biopsychosocial approach

Constance suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder and Steven suffers from depression. What class of drugs are they likely perscribed?

both will receive antidepressants


can be adaptive when it helps us focus intently on a problem, thanks to the continuous firing of an attention-sustaining frontal lobe area


characterized by an irrational fear of a specific object or situation

Karen's therapist encourages her to think about her strengths rather than her weakness and to develop a habit of thanking others when they compliment her or provide emotional support. This approach is:

cognitive-behavioral therapy

Drug Therapies: Therapy Aim

control symptoms of psychological disorders

Mr. Harlan incorrectly believes that people are constantly laughing at him and that FBI agents are trying to steal his savings. Mr. Harlan is suffering from _______


like alcohol, anti-anxiety drugs work by:

depressing central nervous system activity

_____ is the most common reason people seek mental health services


Group and Family: Therapy Techniques

develop an understanding of family and other social systems, explore roles, and improve communication

Post-traumatic stress Disorder

disorder characterized by symptoms that include haunting memories and nightmares, jumpy anxiety, social withdrawal, and insomnia

What is one of the hallmarks of schizophrenia?

disorganized speech

Finn has been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. What problems might he be exibiting

distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulsivity

Behavior: Presumed Problem

dysfunctional behaviors

Cognitive therapists are most likely to:

emphasize the importance of client's personal interpretations of life events

Sigmund Frued

emphasized the importance of transference in the therapeutic process

Client-Centered: Therapy Aim

enable growth via unconditional positive regard, genuineness, acceptance, and empathy

Invite clarification

encourage the person to say more or expand

Megan's mother suffered from the flu during her pregnancy with Megan. Statistically, this increases Megan's risk of developing schizophrenia later. This is an example of an _______ factor, meaning a heritable change that is not due to DNA


Systematic desensitization is a form of:

exposure theory

Reflecting on how the definition of the psychological disorder has changed in history, one can see that societal views greatly impact the definition of a psychological disorder by:

framing what is percieved as the source of the disorder

During a psychoanalytic therapy session, Max focuses on several intrusive thoughts that have been bothering him. The therapist tells Max to report any ideas or memories stimulated by these thoughts. Max's therapist is using a technique known as:

free association

Mary's therapist is non-directive and refers to her as a client. Mary's therapist is operating from a ______ perspective



hyperactive, overly talkative, wildly optimistic state

psychotherapy consists of

interactions between a trained therapist and someone seeking to overcome psychological difficulties or achieve personal growth

Psychodynamic: therapy technique

interpret patients' memories and feelings

Tardive dyskinesia

involuntary movements of his facial muscles and tongue

Behavior: Therapy Aim

learn adaptive behaviors; extinguish problem ones

Bipolar Disorder is much ____ common than major depressive disorder, but is often more dysfunctional


Major Depressive Disorder characteristics:

lethargy, feelings of worthlessness, and loss in interest in family, friends, and activities.

Client-centered therapy: technique

listen actively and reflect clients' feelings

research on deep brain stimulation has revealed that the source of depression can be ____ in the brain


Bipolar disorder strikes less often among those who rely on precision and ______


What happens after a person with bipolar disorder experiences a depressive episode?

mania follows

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

manipulates the brain by shocking it

The ______ assumes that mental disorders have physical causes that can be diagnosed and treated

medical model

reflect feelings

mirroring what is sensed from the person's body language and intensity

Susan Mineka performed an experiment that demonstrated that wild _____ transmit their fear of snakes to their watchful offspring


family therapy assumes

no person is an island

Biomedical therapy

offers medication or other biological treatments

It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy because clients:

often enter therapy in crisis, and these crises often pass without professional help

If you want to improve communication in your own relationships, these three Roger-inspired hints may help.

paraphrase, invite clarification, and reflect feelings

Unconditional positive regard

people may accept even their worst traits and feel valued and whole

Psychodynamic therapy is based on the premise that:

people unconsciously avoid issues that are painful

Biomedical Therapy

physically changing the brain's functioning by altering its chemistry with drugs; affecting its circuitry with electric stimulation, magnetic impulses, or psychosurgery

major depressive disorder

prolonged state of hopelessness depression

A client abruptly changing the subject would suggest


in psychoanalysis, _____ is the blocking from consciousness of anxiety-laden material


Therapeutic Lifestyle Change: Therapy Aim

restore healthy biological state

group therapy beneifts

saves both, therapist and clients, time and money, offers a social lab for exploring social behaviors and developing social skills, enables people to share their problems, provides feedback

During depression, serotonin is ____ or _____

scarce or inactive

Because suicide is _____, enivronmental barriers can save lives

so often impulsive

Schizophrenia can be misunderstood as multiple personalities rather than the correct :

split from reality

Brain Stimulation: Therapy Technique

stimulate brain through electroconvulsive shock, magnetic impulses, or deep brain stimulation

Therapeutic Lifestyle Change: Presumed Problem

stress and unhealthy lifestyle


study of the effects of drug on mind and behavior

antipsychotic drugs

such as Thorazine, reduce patients' overreactions to irrelevant stimuli


the personal strength that helps most people cope with stress and recover from adversity and even trauma

Amanda blames herself for her recent job loss. Her therapist suggests that she is depressed because she blames herself rather than the slumping economy. Best illustrates:

the social-cognitive perspective

active listening

the therapist echoes, restates, and clarifies what the client has expressed verbally or nonverbally

cognitive-behavioral therapy

the widely practiced integrative therapy that aims not only to alter the way people think but also alter the way they act

Believing that human brains and bodies were designed for physical activity and social engagement, Stephen Ilardi has promoted training in:

therapeutic lifestyle change


these therapists specialize in problems arising from family relations

what is the goal of humanistic therapy

to reduce the inner conflicts that are impeding natural development and growth by providing clients with new insights

research on emotion has shown that emotion has a guiding influence on people's lives. What is the purpose of sadness?

to slow down and examine one's situation

Schizophrenia patients with negative symptoms- the absence of appropriate behaviors- may experience...

toneless voices, expressionless faces, or mute and rigid bodies

Major depressive disorder is characterized by at lease ____ signs of depression


What percentage of Americans reported suffering from social anxiety disorder in 2008?


On average, _____ percent of all Afghanistan veterans who had been in combat developed PTSD


Group therapy sessions generally last for ____ minutes a week


Client-centered: Presumed Problem

Barriers to self-understanding and self-acceptance

Psychosurgery: Presumed Problem

Brain malfunction

Nanci's therapist is an active listener, who often paraphrases what she says. He does not judge her and is quite open to her exploration of her weaknesses. He gives her appropriate validation and encourages her to reflect on her feelings. He wants to deepen her self-understanding. Her therapy is most likely:

Client-centered therapy

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