PSY101 Final Exam Review (13-15)

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Cattell's research and use of factor analysis essentially scaled down many, many different ways of describing aspects of personality into __________ source traits.


Surveys suggest that about _________ percent of women and _________ percent of men have at least one sexual dysfunction.

40 to 45; 20 to 30

Jasmine is a teenager who has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. What percentage of individuals with anorexia that receive treatment make a recovery?

40 to 60 percent

Several studies have found nearly a _________ percent rate of heritability across several cultures with respect to the five-factor model of personality.


What disorder seems to hold an association with bipolar disorder?


What, if anything, have adoption studies taught us regarding the relationship between heredity and personality?

Adoption studies have confirmed that personality can be strongly influenced by genetics

Catherine runs a weekly meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, and several dozen members come every week. In addition, each week some new members show up to see what the group is all about, and some members who were there the previous week do not return. Which of the following is most likely true about Catherine?

Catherine has likely experienced some problems with alcohol in her past and is probably not a professional therapist

Which of the following clients would probably get the least benefit from a humanistic therapy?

Cody, who has a hard time putting thoughts and feelings into words in a logical manner

How would the Greek physician Hippocrates have typically dealt with someone suffering from mental illness?

He would focus on correcting the imbalance of bodily fluids, or humors

Which of the following characteristics best describes differences between bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa?

Individuals with bulimia may have a normal body weight, whereas those with anorexia tend to be severely under their expected body weigh

Which of the following statements concerning the self-concept is false?

It is formed based solely on what a person believes about himself or herself

Who is most likely to be diagnosed with a phobic disorder?

Jennifer, who is morbidly afraid of snakes and refuses to even look at a picture of a snake

You have walked in late to class, and your psychology professor is explaining how one personality theorist sees personality as a relatively stable set of potential responses to various situations. You know immediately that your professor is talking about the theories of

Julian Rotter

Which neo-Freudian believed personality was mostly a product of dealing with anxieties during childhood?

Karen Horney

Which of the following personality assessments might be best suited for objectively identifying abnormal patterns of behavior or thinking?


Which of the following cases would a humanistic approach probably be least effective as the first choice of treatment?

Miranda, a corporate executive who suffers from marked delusions and active auditory hallucinations

Which of the following is not an accurate portrayal of antisocial personality disorder?

Most people with this disorder are female

What differentiates motivational interviewing from person-centered therapy?

Motivational interviewing has specific goals of reducing ambivalence about change and increasing intrinsic motivation to bring changes about, while traditional person-centered therapy does not.

The _________ is based on the five-factor model, while ____________ is based on the work of Raymond Cattell.

NEO-PI-3; 16PF

One of the first therapists to begin a movement towards the humane treatment of patients was

Philippe Pinel

Which of the following is not one of the main types of therapy noted by your textbook that helps people improve their overall functioning?

Regressive therapy

What is the major difference between dissociative amnesia and retrograde amnesia?

Retrograde amnesia patients often suffer from some form of physical brain trauma

Which of the following is an example of a halo effect?

Shawn unknowingly tends to rate his new client's behavior slightly higher during testing after noticing the client is wearing a class ring from his own alma mater

Colleen found herself attracted to her psychology instructor. She would frequently go by his office just to be near him. When he didn't respond to her advances, Colleen eventually told him that she had thoughts of killing herself so that he would spend time trying to counsel her. What personality disorder best describes Colleen's thinking and behavior?

borderline personality disorder

What is a primary advantage of the social-cognitive view of personality over the psychodynamic view?

The social cognitive view has concepts that can be tested scientifically

As examples of what might be required as parts of specific projective tests, the _______________ asks clients to look at a picture and tell a story while the ____________ asks clients to report everything they see in an ambiguous figure.

Thematic Apperception Test; Rorschach

Studies show that _________ personality disorders occur more frequently in women while ___________ personality disorders happen more often in men.

borderline; antisocial

Personality neuroscience is an emerging field offering evidence of a possible relationship between various aspects of personality with

brain structure and function

According to Rogers, a mismatch between the real and ideal self

can result in anxiety and neurotic behavior

Trait theories are less concerned with ________________________ and more concerned with ______________________.

changing personality; predicting personality

Neuroimaging studies examining potential causes of schizophrenia have discovered that an area of the brain called the ________ appears to have significantly less myelin coating on the axons of its neurons in people with schizophrenia compared to those without the condition.

cingulum bundle

Elliot became widowed after nearly 40 years of marriage. He has convinced himself that no one will ever love him again. His irrational thinking has caused him to suffer from depression, and he rarely leaves his house. What perspective might best explain his behavior?


Dr. Spiegelman believes that Dina's dissociation disorder may be due to her apparent enhanced ability to think about things other than those associated with her traumatic childhood. What psychological perspective is Dr. Spiegelman applying?

cognitive/behavioral perspective

Mia's parents told her that they expected her to become a doctor, like her father and grandfather before her. They told her that if she chose any other career, they would no longer support her or respect her choice. According to Rogers, Mia's parents were giving her

conditional positive regard

Dr. Hill is constantly late for meetings. She often arrives to her classes 5 to 10 minutes late and leaves students waiting at her door during office hours for up to 30 minutes. Using the five-factor model, which dimension would show a very low score for Dr. Hill?


Maria sat down with her daughter, Zoe, and together wrote out a list of things that Zoe was expected to do each day and the rewards she would get if she accomplished them, as well as the penalties she would face if she did not do them. This is most like which technique?

contingency contracting

Which of the following concepts is not specifically associated with the DSM-5 examination of culture-related disorders?

cultural binding

Dissociative amnesia is different from retrograde amnesia because

dissociative amnesia is typically psychological in origin

Binge-eating disorder is different from bulimia in that individuals with binge-eating disorder

do not typically purge the food they eat

Typical antipsychotic drugs work by blocking what neurotransmitter?


What neurotransmitter was first believed to be the cause of schizophrenia?


DeWayne has decided to seek psychotherapy for some personal difficulties he has been having. While on the telephone with one possible clinician, he asks her to describe the kind of treatment approach that she uses with clients. "I don't limit myself to a single theory or approach," the therapist answers. "Instead I operate in a(n) _________ fashion, integrating various treatment approaches based on the specific needs of each client."


Through the use of ____________, a person-centered therapist conveys they are trying to understand the experience of the person they are working with.


Letty works hard at her job because she believes it will increase her chances for a promotion. According to Julian Rotter's theory, her effort is an example of what he calls


Ginger believes that fate will help her find the right man with whom to live her life. According to Rotter, she has a(n)

external locus of control

For both children and adults, and for many undesirable behaviors, the use of ___________ or some form of "time-out" can be quite effective.


In the Big Five theory of personality, "E" stands for


Erika and William, along with their children Maximilian and Stella, are all seeing a psychologist to help work through some difficulties that have been occurring in their home. From time to time, their therapist opts to work with one of them instead of all four at once. This group of individuals is receiving ________ therapy.

family therapy

Aaron has suffered from schizophrenia for many years and now resides in a group treatment facility. One day a nurse approaches him and quietly tells him that his sister, who has been fighting cancer for many months, died that morning. Aaron has no appreciable facial reaction, and in a very monotone voice says, "okay." The nurse is not surprised by Aaron's lack of response to the awful news, because she knows that _________ is one symptom often seen in those suffering from schizophrenia.

flat affect

Rodney has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He rarely smiles and often shows little emotion in any situation. Psychologists refer to this characteristic as

flat affect

To overcome her fear of balloons, because of the loud sound they might suddenly make should they pop, Riley must sit in a room filled with balloons while the therapist pops each one. After a while, Riley realizes that her fear is unjustified and even begins to pop balloons herself. This technique is known as


Studies have suggested the increased rates of major depressive disorder in women may have a basis in __________.

gender roles, social factors, and emotional processing

Researchers believe that 40 to 60 percent of the risk for anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder is due to

genetic factors

Which perspective of psychology focuses on the role of each person's conscious life experiences and choices in personality development?


Motivational interviewing is an alternative therapy to what therapeutic approach?

humanistic therapy

According to Freud, which part of the personality is totally buried within each individual?


Which of the following is an example of cultural relativity?

While Dr. Gambon knows that his patient, Aki, believes her anxiety has a biological explanation, in learning more about her family of origin, he suspects it has a psychological cause

Ria experienced a sudden attack of intense fear when she was boarding a plane with her friends to fly to Mexico for spring break. Ria's heart raced, she became dizzy, and she was certain she would die in a plane crash if she boarded the plane. Subsequently she did not go on her trip, and the plane arrived safely in Mexico 3 hours later. Ria experienced

a panic attack

In bilateral anterior cingulotomy,

a thin wire electrode is used to destroy a small area of brain tissue

Behavior-based therapies are ____________ based, while psychodynamic and humanistic therapies are ____________ based.

action; insight

Sandy took part in the April 2013 Boston Marathon, where two bombs were detonated near the finish line, killing three spectators. For approximately 2 weeks after the marathon, Sandy was unable to sleep or concentrate and often found herself reliving the moment she heard the bombs explode. What disorder might Sandy be diagnosed with?

acute stress disorder

Sienna hates to go to restaurants for fear that she will be seated in the far back of the restaurant and be unable to get out in case of an emergency. This may be a symptom of


Calvin is terribly worried that his college education was wasted when he doesn't get his dream job. Furthermore, Calvin believes he ruined his future when he did poorly in his job interview. Calvin explains, "I had to ace the interview. It had to be perfect, and it wasn't!" How might a cognitive-behavioral psychologist classify this distorted thought process?

all-or-nothing thinking

Individuals with bulimia often rationalize that since they have had a single treat, their diet is ruined and therefore they might as well go ahead and eat excessively. Such irrational thinking is an example of the cognitive distortion known as

all-or-nothing thinking

Tony wakes up on a cot in a homeless shelter in another town. He doesn't know where he is or how he got there, and he's confused when people say he has been calling himself Michael. This is most likely an episode of dissociative

amnesia with fugue

Dissociative symptoms and features can be found in many different cultures. For example, in Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander cultures, people sometimes experience a trancelike state called ___________ that is associated with increased agitation and violent tendencies.


Your professor explains how all females have an inner masculine side that adds to their personality. This concept is known as a(n)


A new therapeutic technique known as deep brain stimulation (DBS) is showing promise in the treatment of

anorexia nervosa where other treatments have failed

Karen Horney's study of one's personality focused on

anxiety during childhood

Stephan gets a text message from his girlfriend saying that she will have to work overtime tonight. Stephan immediately assumes his girlfriend is seeing someone else at work. Beck would say that Stephan has engaged in what type of distorted thinking?

arbitrary inference

Depersonalization/derealization disorder is a type of dissociative disorder that has been found to have possible __________ foundations for the experience of detachment.


According to Freud, the ___________________ works off of the pleasure principle, while the ___________________ is often perceived as the executive director of your personality.

id; ego

Four-year-old Brandon has watched his father as he has mowed the lawn. This year, Brandon has asked for a lawn mower of his own for his birthday. Freud would say that Brandon is beginning the process of _________ as a way of resolving his Oedipal conflict.


Dr. Collins uses exposure-based therapies to treat many of her patients. Client A is actually confronted with the situation that causes her anxiety, while Client B is asked to think about and visualize the frightening situation. Client A's treatment method would be described as ____________, while client B's treatment method is ____________.

in vivo; imaginal

Jenna is going to a therapist to gain a better understanding of why she has self-destructive relationships with all her friends. This type of therapy is known as ____________ therapy.


Psychotherapies that attempt to increase the understanding of a client's motives are known as __________ therapies.


Due to the types and degree of emotions often experienced by people with borderline personality disorder, their personal relationships are often characterized by __________.

intense emotions, impulsivity, and relative instability

Beverly appreciates compliments about her new photography business but really values constructive criticism, as she can then address particular issues. According to Julian Rotter, Beverly has a(n)

internal locus of control

As part of the medical treatment trial she is participating in for severe and suicidal depression, Aldina was given __________________, which is being investigated due to its seemingly immediate, although short-term, effects.


The hidden meaning of a dream is the ____________ content, according to Freud.


Behavioral theorists link depression to ___________________, whereas social cognitive theorists point to ___________________.

learned helplessness; distortions in thinking

According to the behavioral theory, personality primarily consists of

learned responses

One suggested physiological cause of antisocial personality disorder is that people with this condition have:

lower-than-normal levels of stress hormones

Melanie has just received an exam grade in her psychology class. She earned a grade of 89 percent, which is a B. All of her work during the semester thus far has earned A grades, and she is very upset about the exam score. "This is the worst thing that could possibly have happened," she laments to her best friend, Keesha, who just rolls her eyes. A cognitive psychologist would suggest that Melanie is employing the cognitive distortion called _________.


Jorge finds himself feeling depressed most of the day. He is constantly tired yet he sleeps very little. He has feelings of worthlessness that have come on suddenly and seemingly have no basis in reality. What might Jorge be diagnosed with?

major depressive disorder

Which type of depression is the most common type of mood disorder?

major depressive disorder

Lisa has just been fired from her new job for consistently arriving 2 hours late for work. Lisa tries to explain that she must often drive back home to ensure that all the doors are locked and that no appliances have been left on. Lisa's condition is abnormal from the __________ definition.


Biological explanations of disordered mood have focused on the effects of several different brain chemicals, and medications used to treat these disorders are designed to work on these various neurotransmitter systems. Which of the following is not one of the chemicals that has been implicated in mood disorders?


Frequency counts and rating scales are especially helpful in assessing

observable behaviors

Research shows that African American clients prefer a therapist ____________ while Asian men prefer a ___________ therapist.

of the opposite sex; male

How many axes does the DSM-5 use to aid mental health professionals in making a diagnosis?


Sexual dysfunctions and problems can be caused by

organic, psychological, and sociocultural factors

According to Adler, firstborn children with younger siblings tend to be


Dr. Haldol has several patients with schizophrenia who appear to exhibit excessive or distorted characteristics in relation to what one might consider normal functioning. Specific symptoms include varied hallucinations and multiple delusions. According to the DSM-5, these are referred to as

positive symptoms

Survivors of natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy in 2012 may experience higher incidences of

posttraumatic stress disorder

Although the term may apply to many therapies, "transference" is typically associated with ____________ therapies.


What is a major cause of sexual dysfunction?

psychological stress

With regard to treatment of psychological disorders, many psychological professionals believe medications work best in combination with


Sydney tends to blow negative events out of proportion to their importance (magnification) while ignoring relevant positive events (minimization). What therapeutic technique may work best to help Sydney?

rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)

Which therapy style requires the therapist to actively confront a client's irrational beliefs?

rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)

You are shocked to hear that two of your coworkers who seemingly hated one another are now getting married. According to Freud, what defense mechanism best explains their prior behavior?

reaction formation

Dean believes that characters in a popular science fiction show are secretly sending him messages. This would be an example of a delusion of


An old motto of the U.S. Army was, "Be all you can be." This concept fits well with Carl Rogers's theory of

self-actualizing tendency

In Rogers's viewpoint, what is the striving to fulfill innate capacities and needs called?

self-actualizing tendency

Albert Bandura considers ____________________ as a person's expectancy of how effective his or her efforts to accomplish a goal will be in any particular circumstance.


Which of the following may be an effective option for some concerns if there isn't a therapist available in your local community?

self-help group

Today's electroconvulsive shock therapy is often quite useful in the treatment of

severe depression

Many of Jonathan's friends like to dress up on Halloween as devils, vampires, and zombies. According to Carl Jung's theory, what archetype is being expressed?


In 1972, a jet carrying a rugby team from Peru crashed high in the snow-covered Andes Mountains. Many of the players survived for more than 2 months by eating the remains of those who died. Psychologists justified their cannibalism because that was the only way they could have survived so long without food. By what definition might their behavior best be classified?

situational context

Trypanophobia, also known as a fear of receiving an injection, is an example of

specific phobia

Studies of the heritability of personality traits have found

strong evidence to support some personality traits can be passed on by genetics

A colleague at work is asked to describe you to the new manager. Most likely, the traits they will use in their description are examples of

surface traits

Dr. Kali works with clients to help them learn deep relaxation. Next, he has them list their fears from least to most anxiety provoking. Finally, Dr. Kali slowly exposes his clients to each of their fears and assists them in gaining control of their anxiety. His approach is best known as

systematic desensitization

Anton has been on an antipsychotic drug for many years to control his schizophrenia. He has developed repetitive, involuntary jerks and movements of the face, lips, legs, and body. These side effects make up a syndrome known as

tardive dyskinesia

Prolonged use of antipsychotic medication can lead to a side effect called ________, which is characterized by involuntary facial and tongue movements (e.g., grimacing, constant chewing), or repetitive involuntary jerks or dance-like movements of the arms and legs.

tardive dyskinesia

If you are describing characteristics of your child such as irritability or adaptability, psychologists would say you are not describing their personality but rather their


Which of the following traits or characteristics were NOT found to be more similar in identical twins when compared to fraternal twins in the Minnesota twin study?

tendency to divorce

To explain an individual's personality, trait theorists would look to

the constellation of personality characteristics possessed by the person

Why are antidepressants taking the place of many antianxiety drugs in the treatment of anxiety disorders?

Antianxiety drugs may be addictive and have more side effects

Makawee has recently given birth to her first child. She mentions that she often goes into her baby's bedroom to check if he is still breathing. Would this qualify as an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

As long as Makawee is not compelled to check on her baby and does not suffer from severe anxiety if she is unable to do so, then this is not an OCD.

Barbara's therapist tells her that she is applying arbitrary inference to her thinking, which ultimately is causing her to be depressed. Which of the following is an example of arbitrary inference?

Barbara tends to jump to conclusions with little or no evidence to support her beliefs

What is a major shortcoming in the field of behavioral genetics in terms of their studies on human personality traits?

Behavioral geneticists are unable to conduct controlled research studies on human subjects

What do studies show about the overall effectiveness of cybertherapy?

Cybertherapy can be effective for people who otherwise might be unable to get to a therapist

If Dr. Kelly uses an eclectic approach to her work as a therapist, what specifically is she doing?

Dr. Kelly uses one or a combination of any number of therapeutic treatments depending on the situation

Dr. Kirby has been meeting with 9-year-old Loren, whose family lost everything in a tornado. In her initial visit, Loren was diagnosed with acute stress disorder. During a 2-month follow-up with Dr. Kirby, Loren is still exhibiting many of the same symptoms. What should Dr. Kirby do?

Dr. Kirby will revise Loren's diagnosis from ASD to posttraumatic stress disorder

_________ refers to techniques or interventions that have produced desired outcomes, or therapeutic change in controlled studies.

Evidence-based treatment

Dr. Ellington is directive in his approach with clients. He pays close attention to body language and often focuses on a client's denied past. What type of therapeutic approach is Dr. Ellington using?

Gestalt approach

Which of the following is not a noted advantage of group psychotherapy?

Group therapy is appropriate for anyone, so it is more "available" to those with personal struggles

Dr. Cavendish is trying to establish what is known as a therapeutic alliance with her clients. What specifically should she do to accomplish this goal?

She should be more empathetic and caring when working with her clients

What did Carl Rogers mean by the term "fully functioning person"?

Someone who is experiencing a match between his or her real and ideal self and who is also trusting of their innermost intuitions and urges.

Megan's daughter Kayla was afraid of dogs. Megan took Kayla to a therapist to help her overcome her fear but was surprised when the therapist brought a dog into the room. At first Kayla was asked to watch from across the room as the therapist showed her how to approach and pet the dog and not grab its tail. Eventually, Kayla was asked to come over and mimic the behavior she had observed. After just a few sessions, Kayla was no longer fearful of dogs. What technique did the therapist use with Kayla?

participant modeling

On your first call as a paramedic, you enter the house of a man who has covered his walls and ceiling in aluminum foil to keep the government from spying on him and stealing his ideas. This is an example of a __________ delusion.


If you are asked to describe your best friends by explaining how they act, typically feel, and what they think about, you would be describing their


Which type of assessment would be the most reliable?

personality inventory

Aidan's wife comes home angry from her job, and he immediately assumes that he has done something wrong. Such irrational thinking is an example of


The awakening of sexual curiosity and interest in the genitals is the beginning of what Freud termed the

phallic stage

Family therapy is a form of group therapy in which

the entire family participates as no one person is seen as the problem

In the United States, "insanity" is a term typically used by

the legal system

What is the function of a validity scale?

to determine if a person is giving an accurate response

What was the most likely reason that someone would perform an exorcism?

to release evil spirits

Which of the following therapies has been successful across multiple settings in the establishment of desirable behaviors and modification of problem behaviors?

token economies

According to Freud, the ___________________ mind was the most important determining factor in human behavior and personality.


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