Psyc 110 quiz 4

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vicarious reinforcement or punishment

(dont need direct experience) reinforcement or punishment experienced by models that affects the willingness of others to perform the behaviors they learned by observing those models

variable-ratio schedule

1 reinforcer for average of X responses

fixed-ratio schedule

1 reinforcer for every X responses

unconditioned stimulus

A stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response without previous conditioning

cumulative recorder

creates a graphic record of responding and reinforcement in a Skinner box as a function of time


makes reinforcers more effective

evaluative conditioning

refers to changes in the liking of a stimulus that result from pairing that stimulus with other positive or negative stimuli

negative reinforcement

remove an aversive stimulus to increase response rate

negative punishment

remove appetitive stimulus to decrease response rate


remove something, subtract


undesired, unpleasant

necessary conditions for cc

1. CS before US (want predictor) 2. CS and US close in time 3. CS should uniquely predict US 4. CS must provide new info about occurrence of US

conditioned stimulus

A previously neutral stimulus that has, through conditioning, acquired the capacity to evoke a conditioned response.

operant conditioning

Learning based on the consequences of responding.


The species-specific biological predisposition to learn in certain ways but not others. (afraid of snakes but not stoves)

higher-order conditioning

a conditioned stimulus functions as if it were an unconditioned stimulus

conditioned response

a learned response to a conditioned stimulus

schedule of reinforcement

a specific pattern of presentation of reinforcers over time

classical conditioning

a type of learning in which an organism comes to associate stimuli. A neutral stimulus that signals an unconditioned stimulus (US) begins to produce a response that anticipates and prepares for the unconditioned stimulus. Also called Pavlovian or respondent conditioning.

secondary reinforcer

acquires reinforcing qualities by being associated with primary reinforcer

unconditioned response

an unlearned, naturally occurring response to an unconditioned stimulus

what happens when there are multiple CS

blocking effect. original cs blocks second cs. bell is predictor because when bell is present there is always food.


decreases response rate


desired, pleasant


drawn forth

continious reinforcement

every instance of designated response is reinforced

fixed interval

first response after X seconds is reinforced

variable interval

first response after an average of X seconds is reinforced


increases response rate

latent learning

learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it

Are UR and CR always the same?


escape learning

organism acquires a response that decreases or ends aversive stimulation

avoidance learning

organism acquires response that prevents aversive stimulation from happening

positive reinforcement

present appetitive stimulus, leads to increase in response rate

positive punishment

present aversive stimulus to decrease response rate


present something, add


reinforcement of closer and closer approximation of desired response

primary reinforcer

satisfies a biological need

renewal effect

sudden reemergence of a conditioned response following extinction when an animal is returned to the environment in which the conditioned response was acquired

reinforcment contingencies

the circumstances or rules that determine whether responses lead to the presentation of reinforcers

spontaneous recovery

the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response

stimulus generalization

the tendency to respond to a stimulus that is only similar to the original conditioned stimulus with the conditioned response

observational learning

watch, memorize, mimic. bandura bobo dolls

intermittent reinforcement

when only some of the responses made are followed by reinforcement

stimulus discrimination

when organism that has learned a response to a specific stimulus does not respond in same way to new stimuli that are similar to original

mirror neurons

when we observe something, subset of sensory neurons "practice" what we observed. fires when animal acts and observes same action

are there biological constraints on learning

yes. brelands raccoon study. innate behavior was incompatible with new desired response.

can fear be learned socially

yes. monkeys with snake

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