psyc test 4

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Tipah lives in a small village in Malasia. according to the local villagers, Tipah suffers from a mental disorder. he often experiences sudden, uncontrolled outbursts of anger. Tipah has attacked & injured many people during these fits of rage. His family claims that Tipah usually seems emotionally withdrawn before the onset of these attacks. which fits


Naomi, a psychologist, conducts 2 sessions a week for patients who are addicted to alcohol. in these session, the patients share their experiences with each other. these sessions are collectively termed

a group therapy

Matthew is addicted to marijuana. he starts taking surfing lessons hoping that it will give him the same rush that Marijuana does. according to the stages of change model. Matthew is in the stage


Emma is shocked when her teacher announced that there is a pop quiz on the reading material that was assigned the day before. Which of the following stages of the general adaptation syndrome will Emma be experiencing first?


Jackie, a young American, is obsessed about losing weight. she is paranoid about consuming calories & often starves herself. despite being dangerously underweight for her age, Jackie refused to eat as she is terrified of the possibility of gaining weight. which of the following culture- related disorder best fits the description of jackies condition?

anorexia nervous

in the context of the influences on health decision making, refers to the feeling that individuals will strongly look back on their decision with negative emotion

anticipated regret

David is a successful, but immoral, business man. he feels no remorse in exploiting other people for his own personal gain. He would do whatever it take to get what he wants. even if it involves cheating, lying, or hurting others. in the contexts of personality disorders, it can be inferred that David is exhibiting the symptoms of

antisocial personality disorder

Robert's teacher, Martha, has complained about his behavior on several occasions. According to Martha, Robert cannot focus in class and is constantly distracted. She also mentioned that Robert is extremely active and very impulsive by nature. If Robert were to be taken by his teacher to Dr. Miller, a psychiatrist, he is likely to be diagnosed with

attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder.

If a therapist gives Henry, who is suffering from alcoholism, a drink laced with a nausea-inducing drug so that he will become ill after drinking the alcohol, the therapist is using

aversive conditioning

Jenna constantly experiences feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. Jenna's doctor, Jacob, advises her to start taking antidepressant drugs that contain serotonin and dopamine. According to Dr. Jacob's diagnosis, Jenna's depression is a result of the imbalance and improper functioning of the neurotransmitters in her brain. In the context of the theoretical approaches to psychological disorders, this diagnosis conforms to the

biological approach

Dr. Wren is in the process of diagnosing Lily's psychological disorder. After asking Lily a few questions about her symptoms, Lily reveals that she experiences alternating episodes of euphoria and distress. On some days, Lily claims that she feels like she is capable of doing anything in the world. During this phase, she can't sleep; feels restless, and is extremely excitable. On the other days, Lily feels utterly worthless and miserable. During this phase, Lily lies in bed all day and is troubled by morbid thoughts. In the context of disorders involving emotion and mood, it can be inferred that Dr. Wren is likely to diagnose Lily with

bipolar disorder

Kelly experiences a great deal of anxiety over her physical appearance. She believes that her head is too big and her nose is asymmetrical. This troubling preoccupation with her physical features interferes with Kelly's occupational and social functioning. She spends hours in front of the mirror and isolates herself from her friends. In the context of OCD-related disorders, Kelly can be most likely diagnosed with

body dysmorphia disorder

Simone feels insecure & needy in any relationship. she can switch from idolizing a person to completely disliking the person. she often threatens to kill herself & has emerged in self- mutalation on multiple occasions

borderline personality disorder

in the context of the humanistic approach to psychotherapy, the goal of the client centered therapy is to help clients

bring their actual self closer to their ideal self

asha is a health expert. in the context of becoming physically active, she is most likely to state that

children must exercise for 60 minutes on most, preferably all, day of the week

• Ashley was required to submit, within two days, her designs for a fashion show scheduled in a week. She perceived this event to be challenging rather than threatening. She made a plan on how to submit the design within the shortest time possible. Ashley's interpretation of this event is called A. Resistance plan B. Cognitive appraisal C. Social loafing D. Transcendence

cognitive appraisal

Leanne is being treated for depression after a breakup with her boyfriend. Her therapist points out that her thoughts, and not the situation itself, are the cause of her illness. This information suggests that Leanne's therapist practices

cognitive therapy

Pete has been smoking for several years. he is finally thinking about quitting because he often has trouble breathing. he makes a list of the pros and cons of quitting smoking. Pete is at which of the following stages of change model.


Laura is depressed about the fact that she didn't score well on her biology paper in school. which will ruin her chances of getting into medical school. her therapist asks her to reexamine this conclusion. which technique is used.


Elizabeth visited a psychiatrist who, after interviewing her, recommended either Paxil or Prozac. From this scenario, it can be inferred that Elizabeth is most likely suffering from


Caleb, a mercenary, was tortured for days in an underground cell. When he was rescued by Special Forces, a month later, Caleb could not remember the events of the previous month. To Caleb, it felt like he had just gone to war and, minutes later, was being pulled out of an underground cell. The doctors attributed Caleb's memory loss to the extensive psychological trauma that he experienced during his imprisonment. In the context of dissociative disorders, which of the following best describes Caleb's psychological disorder in this scenario?

dissociative amnesia

Ivan is suffering from a severe episode of major depressive disorder. According to the biological methods, which of the following treatment approaches will be useful in reducing his symptoms in the short-run and provide rapid relief to the person's mood?

electroconvulsive therapy

Britney's dog Dino dies. her mother tells her don't worry she's in a better place now isn't that more important? which of the following types of social support is Britneys mom providing?

emotional support

todd, who has been under a lot of stress lately, experiences a heart attack @ his workplace. according to the general adaptation syndrome GAS, Todds body is most likely in the

exhaustion stage

Kylie is a cognitive psychologist. In this case, Kylie is most likely to treat Jamal, who suffers from anxiety disorder, by

getting him to recognize & identify irrational & self defeating beliefs

Mark is excited about the big presentation he is going to give the board of directors this morning. Although he stayed up most of the night perfecting the presentation, he feels energized and ready to go. Mark is exhibiting


Gabriella has been diagnosed with depression and is currently under medication. Her doctor has prescribed her selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. According to this information, which of the following side effects will be experienced by Gabriella as a result of taking this medication?


an individual suffering from generalized anxiety disorder

is likely to have problems in regulating the sympathetic nervous system.

harry is abstaining from drinking. to help him overcome his alcohol addiction, he has joined a running club. he meets them everyday after work, he also has begun giving excuses to avoid meeting his coworkers for drinks. harry is most likely in the ------- stage of his change model


Cathy is worried about her mental health. She visits Dr. Henderson, a psychiatrist, to seek treatment for her condition. When Dr. Henderson asks her questions about herself, Cathy reveals that she is unhappy and feels worthless most of the time. She doesn't eat or sleep well and has even contemplated suicide. Dr. Henderson also learns that Cathy has been experiencing these distressing symptoms for almost three weeks. In the context of disorders involving emotion and mood, it can be inferred that Dr. Henderson is likely to diagnose Cathy with

major depressive disorder

Luke is suffering from schizophrenia & has been administered risperdal, an atypical antipsychotic medication. according to this info. which of the side affects is he most likely to experience as a result of the intake of this drug?

metabolic syndrome

Alex cannot control his impulse to wash his hands every five minutes. He washes his hands almost 100 times a day because he is terrified of being contaminated by germs. If Alex doesn't wash his hands, he experiences overwhelming anxiety. In the context of anxiety and anxiety-related disorders, it can be inferred that Alex is most likely to be diagnosed with

obsessive compulsive disorder

in 1973, Rosenhan performs a study in which eight healthy adult were admitted to a psychiatric hospital, what dis this study demonstrate?

once a person has been labeled with a psychological disorder, that label colors how others perceive everything else he or she does.

Lola often experiences abrupt, brief episodes of overwhelming fear. She does not know what triggers them, but she has these attacks in the grocery store, in busy restaurants, and even while driving. During these attacks, Lola's heart pounds and she has difficulty breathing. She fears that she may go crazy or have a heart attack. In the context of psychological disorders, it can be inferred that Lola may have

panic disorder

Jack has started a new diet program. He wants to lose thirty pounds. His wife is supporting him and he feels that the weight loss is under his control. His change in behavior reflects the theory of

planned behavior

Gerald wants to wake up early every day so he can go for a morning walk. he requests his friends to help him wake up. his friends call & wake him up. he feels like he can't wake up if they don't call him. which component is missing.

positive attitude

Since the war eight months ago, Henry, a 35-year-old soldier, has been experiencing flashbacks that causes him to relive the grievous experiences that he went through during the war. Henry is terrified of these flashback episodes and tries to avoid all reminders of the war. He refuses to talk about his feelings and avoids looking at his uniform. This anxiety interferes with Henry's sleep and social functioning. In the context of anxiety and anxiety-related disorders, it can be inferred that Henry is exhibiting the symptoms of _____.

post tramatic stress disorder

gina is a chain-smoker. when her friends tell her that she is addicted to cigarettes, she disagrees with them saying that she can stop smoking whenever she feels like it. according to the stages of change model, gina is most likely in the

precontemplation stage

Janets psychiatrist prescribes benzodiazepines to treat her anxiety disorder. Janet is worried that she will develop an addiction to the drug. her psychiatrist tells her that her concerns

prescribes beta blockers

Lydia just realized that her diamond necklace is missing. she immediately starts searching her house & then files a complaint about her missing necklace. which of the following types of coping is Lydia exhibiting in this scenario

problem- focused

Jane, a psychologist, asks her patient, Keith, to narrate his dreams so she can understand his unconscious motives by interpreting his dreams

psychodynamic therapies

Zainab completed her training to become a medical


gemma has not smoked a cigarette for four months. however, after hearing about the death of a close friend, she went to a store, purchased a new pack, & smoked many cigarettes on her way home. which of the following terms describes gemmas decision to smoke again


once individuals get over the initial stress associated with their first exam of finals week, the fact that they have several more exams will likely lead their body to enter ---- stage of the general adaptation syndrome


Derek is suffering from a severe mental illness that is characterized by distorted thought and perception. He hears voices in his head and is convinced that aliens are trying to communicate with him. Derek's belief is so strong that he sits on the roof for hours having conversations with no one in particular. Derek is also in the habit of writing words that make no sense and refrains from interacting with other people. In the context of dissociative disorders, it can be inferred that Derek is most likely suffering from _____ in this scenario.


Eric has an extreme fear of being humiliated in public. As a result, he avoids public gatherings and functions. The thought of speaking in front of the crowd induces panic in him. Which of the following best describes Eric's disorder?

social phobia

Alison had sustained severe injuries after being brutally attacked by a mad dog as a child. Following that incident, Alison has been experiencing an overwhelming sense of fear and paralysis every time she sees a dog. The fear is so intense that it keeps Alison from leaving her house. Alison believes that as long as she's inside her house, the chances of encountering a dog are slim. In the context of psychological disorders, Alison is most likely to be diagnosed with

specific phobia

sharon has irrational fear of dogs, she visits Jake, a behavioral psychologist to overcome her fear. which of the following techniques is Jake most likely to use to treat Sharon

systematic desensitization

which of the following individuals will cope most successfully with stress?

tara, who exercises regularly

Ryan is depressed about the fact that he has been fired from his job so he visits a cognitive therapist. his therapist encourages him to pursue his hobby as a career option. according to this info

turning adversity to advantage

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