Psyc1010 Ch5

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manifest content

consists of the plot of a dream at the surface level. the latent content refers to the hidden or disguised meaning of the events in the plot

lucid dreams

dreams in which people can think clearly about the circumstances of waking life and the fact that they are dreaming, yet they remain asleep in the midst of a vivid dream


drugs that tend to increase central nervous system activation and behavioral activity


encompasses a variety of beverages containing ethyl alcohol

physical dependence

exist when a person must continue to take a drug to avoid withdrawal illness

psychological dependence

exists when a person must continue to take a drug to satisfy intense mental and emotional craving for the drug


occurs when a person arises and wanders about while remaining asleep


or narcotics, are drugs derived from opium that are capable of relieving pain


or opiates, are drugs derived from opium that are capable of relieving pain

mind wandering

people's experience of task-unrelated thoughts

electrooculograph EOG

records eye movements

electromyograph EMG

records muscular activity and tension


refers to a family of practices that train attention to heighten awareness and bring mental processes under greater voluntary control


refers to a progressive decrease in a person's responsive to a drug


the hemp plant from which marijuana, hashish, and THC are derived

latent content

the hidden or disguised meaning of the events in the plot

wish fulfillment

Carl had his mid-term exam in geography last Wednesday, and on Tuesday night he kept dreaming about taking the exam and getting a high mark. According to Freud, what does his dreaming about a high mark represent? a. cognitive integration b. wish fulfillment c. problem solving d. synthesis

about 15 percent

What percentage of the population are exceptionally good hypnotic subjects? a. fewer than 2 percent b. about 15 percent c. close to 25 percent d. over 40 percent

because our brains have evolved to navigate our bodies through the middle sized world

According to Richard Dawkins, why do our brains perceive crystals and rocks as sold things although they are indeed almost entirely composed of empty space? a. because human vision is limited to certain frequencies of light b. because our brains have evolved to navigate our bodies through middle-sized world c. because our vision is taken over by our tactile perception d. because we can't move our eyes fast enough e. all of the above

between 10 and 20 percent

According to research on hypnotic susceptibility, what percentage of the population does NOT respond well to hypnosis? a. fewer than 2 percent b. between 10 and 20 percent c. close to 25 percent d. over 40 percent

she is deeply relaxed

An EEG is currently recording Helen's brain-wave pattern and the printout shows predominantly alpha waves. Based on this information, what is Helen most likely doing? a. She is sleeping lightly. b. She is sleeping deeply. c. She is deeply relaxed. d. She is alert and awake.

kylee is most likely sleeping deeply

An EEG is currently recording Kylee's brain-wave pattern and, as you watch the printout, delta waves are predominant. Based on this information, what should you conclude? a. Kylee is most likely deeply relaxed. b. Kylee is most likely sleeping lightly. c. Kylee is most likely sleeping deeply. d. Kylee is most likely alert and awake

approximately one day for each time zone crossed

As a rule of thumb, how long does it take to readjust after flying across several time zones? a. one day, regardless of the number of time zones crossed b. approximately one day for each time zone crossed c. approximately two days for each time zone crossed d. two days per time zone when flying east, and one day per zone when flying west


As mentioned by Haidt the "staircase" can be found in all the following except for a. psychedelic drugs b. war c. hypnosis d. dancing e. all of the above

San Francisco Giants who fly east to play in Washington

Based on research into the effects of jet lag on professional baseball teams, which of the following teams is most likely to win their "away" game if they fly during the 12 hours before the game? a. New York Mets, who fly west to play in San Francisco b. Boston Red Sox, who fly south to play in in Miami c. Florida Marlins, who fly north to play in New York d. San Francisco Giants, who fly east to play in Washington

New York Mets fly west to play in San Francisco

Based on research to determine the effects of jet lag on professional baseball teams, which of the following visiting teams is most likely to win their away game if they fly during the 12 hours preceding the game? a. San Francisco Giants fly east to play in New York b. Toronto Blue Jays fly south to play in Miami c. Florida Marlins fly north to play in Montreal d. New York Mets fly west to play in San Francisco

circadian rhythm

Biological rhythms can follow the annual pattern of the changing seasons, the phases of the moon, or the daily alternation of light and darkness. What is the term for a biological cycle that runs for approximately 24 hours? a. biorhythm b. circadian rhythm c. diurnal cycle d. monocycle

the activation synthesis model of dreaming

Clarice believes that when she dreams her brain is simply trying to make sense of random patterns of activation in the lower brain centres. Which perspective does this belief most closely match? a. the problem-solving view of dreaming b. the wish fulfillment view of dreaming c. the activation-synthesis model of dreaming d. the lucid model of dreaming

alpha and theta

During meditation, brain-wave patterns change. Which waves become more prominent? a. alpha and beta b. beta and delta c. alpha and theta d. delta and theta


What sleep disorder is characterized by sudden and irresistible onsets of sleep during normal waking hours? a. insomnia b. sleep apnea c. sleep deprivation d. narcolepsy

stage 1

During what stage of sleep do brief muscular contractions, known as "hypnic jerks," occur most frequently? a. Stage 1 b. Stage 2 c. Stage 3 d. Stage 4


Heather is taking a prescription drug to control her back pain and finds that when she takes the drug she experiences some short-term drowsiness and nausea. What has she likely been prescribed? a. a hallucinogen b. a sedative c. a stimulant d. a narcotic

as a stream on consciousness

How did William James conceptualize personal awareness? a. as a circle of thoughts b. as a garden of ideas c. as a house with many rooms d. as a stream of consciousness

it decreases

How does body temperature change as people become drowsy and drift off to sleep? a. It decreases. b. It increases. c. It stays the same. d. There is no predictable change

it blocks the reuptake of DA NE and serotonin synapses

How does cocaine affect the neurotransmitters in the brain? a. It blocks the reuptake of DA, NE, and serotonin synapses. b. It increases the release of DA and NE in presynaptic neurons. c. It interferes with the reuptake of DA and NE from synaptic clefts. d. It allows increased serotonin release, resulting in a feeling of calm.

the story of the boy who fell through ice and got trapped under water for 45 minutes

In David Blaine's "how i held my breath for 17 minutes" what interesting story inspired David to attempt to hold his breath for longer than his personal record of 3 minutes? a. the story of a man who had trained himself to scuba dive without an oxygen tank b. the story of a boy who fell through ice and got trapped under water for 45 minutes c. the story of Houdini being buried alive d. the story of a prisoner pretending to be dead to escape from prison

attempting to escape from handcuffs while holding his breath

In David Blaine's "how i held my breath for 17 minutes", what critical mistake did David make when he attempted to hold his breath for longer than the world record of 8 minutes a. attempting to escape from handcuffs while holding his breath b. not eating before holding his breath c. panicking under pressure while holding his breath d. not doing enough research about hold his breath e. not hydrating himself enough before the task

having himself hypnotized

In David Blaine's "how i held my breath for 17 minutes", what ideas did David Blaine NOT attempt in order to allow himself to hold his breath for longer than 3 minutes? a. immersing himself in freezing cold water b. having a tube from home depot with a balloon ductaped to it inserted into his body c. liquid breathing d. having himself hypnotized

none of the above

In Iceman, Wim Hof said his breathing method and mental fortitude enabled him to withstand cold tempertures and ? a. fast for prolonged periods of time b. walk on hot coals c. not to bleed from open wounds d. all of the above e. none of the above

15 to 20 percent

In a typical night, approximately how much time do young adults spend in slow-wave sleep? a. 15 to 20 percent b. 40 to 50 percent c. 60 to 65 percent d. over 80 percent

mesolimbic dopamine

Increased activity in which neural pathway is associated with drug abuse? a. suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) b. lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) c. ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) d. mesolimbic dopamine

the wish fulfillment view of dreaming

James was recently laid off from his job. Since that time, he often dreams of running large companies and being in charge of thousands of employees. What theory best explains the content of James' dreams? a. the wish fulfillment view of dreaming b. the activation-synthesis model of dreaming c. the cognitive, problem-solving view of dreaming d. the evolutionary, adaptive model of dreaming

beta waves

Larry is working through a complex mathematical proof for his advanced calculus class. Which EEG waves would dominate the recording as he worked through the problem? a. beta waves b. alpha waves c. theta waves d. delta waves

James Braid

What is the name of the 18th century physician who popularized the term "hypnosis"? a. Hermann von Helmholtz b. Franz Anton Mesmer c. James Braid d. Roger Sperry


On Sunday, after a two-week Hawaiian vacation, Darlene travelled home and crossed five time zones during the flight. Using the rough rule of thumb for how long it takes for our biological clocks to adjust to jet lag, when do you anticipate that Darlene will be back in "sync"? a. Monday b. Wednesday c. Friday d. Sunday

ascending reticular activating system ARAS

consists of the afferent fibres running through the reticular formation that influence physiological arousal

like a fly in the middle of the next sports stadium

Richard Dawkins introduced a familiar illustration of an atom. Assuming certain size of an atom the nucleus of the next atom is? a. like a fly in the middle of the next sports stadium b. a size of butterfly on the other side of the Earth c. a size of a pinhead on the moon d. a size of a soccer ball in the center of the sun

her interest would cause her to stay focused in this class

Sam is taking a fourth year seminar class in developmental psychology and finds the topic so interesting that she is considering applying to graduate programs in this area. What best describes her attention in this class? a. She would be prone to daydreaming and mind wandering. b. Her interest would cause her to stay focused in this class. c. Her brain waves would consist predominantly of theta waves. d. Her stream of consciousness would be disrupted during class.

mind wandering

Sarah is in her psychology lecture and she finds her thoughts become focused on topics that are unrelated to psychology. What is this phenomenon called? a. mind wandering b. unconscious contemplation c. unfocused attention d. subconscious ideas

he most likely suffers from sleep apnea

Several times a night Joshua experiences reflexive gasping for air during sleep, which frequently wakes him up. What does this description suggest about Joshua's sleep problem? a. He most likely suffers from somnambulism. b. He most likely suffers from night terrors. c. He most likely suffers from sleep apnea. d. He most likely suffers from narcolepsy.

strong evidence against the view that hypnosis involves elaborate role playing

Some brain-imaging studies show that hypnotized participants experience changes in brain activity, and this appears to be consistent with their reports of hypnosis-induced hallucinations. What do these findings provide? a. strong evidence against the view that hypnosis involves elaborate role playing b. strong evidence against the view that hypnosis involves a dissociation in consciousness c. strong evidence for the view that hypnosis involves elaborate role playing d. strong evidence for the view that hypnosis is an unconscious form of wish fulfillment

theta waves

Travis just drifted off to sleep and it would be easy to wake him up. If an EEG were recording Travis' brain wave pattern during this light sleep, what type of brain waves would likely dominate the recording? a. beta waves b. theta waves c. alpha waves d. delta waves

we have a coherent sense of self when we dream

What is the one universal element of dreams? a. We have a coherent sense of self when we dream. b. Women report remembering more of their dreams than men. c. We often dream about current events that affect where we live. d. We dream more during times of stress and less when we are relaxed.

Franz Mesmer

What 18th-century Austrian physician used a form of hypnosis? a. Roger Sperry b. Hermann von Helmholtz c. James Braid d. Franz Mesmer

impaired coordination and mental functioning

What are some short-term side effects of narcotics, sedatives, and alcohol? a. lethargy and drowsiness b. emotional swings and depression c. impaired coordination and mental functioning d. nausea and constipation

pons and adjacent areas of the midbrain

What area of the brain appears to be most critical for the generation of REM sleep? a. ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) b. pons and the adjacent areas of the midbrain c. hypothalamus d. medulla


What brain waves are prominent in EEG recordings of someone in slow-wave sleep? a. theta b. alpha c. delta d. beta


What class of drugs has the lowest risk for physical and psychological dependence? a. stimulants b. sedatives c. narcotics d. hallucinogens


What class of drugs is associated with a low risk of a lethal overdose? a. cannabis b. sedatives c. narcotics d. alcohol

both heart rate and skin conductance decline during meditation

What describes the physiological changes associated with meditation? a. Both heart rate and skin conductance increase during meditation. b. Both heart rate and skin conductance decline during meditation. c. Heart rate declines during meditation, but skin conductance increases. d. Heart rate increases during meditation, but skin conductance declines.

muscle activity and attention

What does the electromyograph (EMG) record in sleep study participants? a. eye movements during REM b. muscle activity and tension c. number of theta waves d. minutes spent in REM sleep


What group of practices attempts to train attention, heighten awareness, and bring mental processes under voluntary control? a. dissociation b. meditation c. hypnosis d. lucid dreaming


What hormone appears to play a key role in the adjustment of our biological clock? a. insulin b. gonadotropins c. acetylcholine d. melatonin

increased longevity

What is NOT a long-term effect that is associated with meditation? a. reduced anxiety b. increased longevity c. improvements in blood pressure d. increased creativity and intelligence

eating food

What is NOT one of the basic dream themes that appear to be nearly universal? a. eating food b. falling c. being chased d. having sex

enhanced immune response

What is a benefit of regular meditation? a. longer life expectancy b. enhanced immune response c. increased test performance d. increased alertness

age regression back to childhood

What is not associated with hypnosis? a. sensory distortions and hallucinations b. anesthesia and pain reduction c. age regression back to childhood d. disinhibition of social norms

decreased fertility

What is not associated with night or rotating shiftwork? a. high blood pressure b. higher incidence of cancer c. decreased fertility d. lower mental well being

it aids in planning including the formation of creative thoughts

What is one of the benefits of mind wandering? a. It aids in planning, including the formation of creative thoughts. b. It allows our mind to rest during times of heightened arousal and stress. c. It allows unconscious attentional modes to promote behavioural change. d. It allows the brain to multi task and facilitates the completion of multiple tasks.

13 to 24 cycles per second

What is the frequency of beta waves? a. less than 4 cycles per second b. 4 to 7 cycles per second c. 8 to 12 cycles per second d. 13 to 24 cycles per second

4 to 7 cycles per second

What is the frequency of theta waves? a. fewer than 4 cycles per second b. 4 to 7 cycles per second c. 8 to 12 cycles per second d. 13 to 24 cycles per second

24 hour

What is the length of the biological cycle known as a circadian rhythm? a. 8 hours b. 24 hours c. 28 days d. 365 days

people who are hypnotized are fully awake during the hypnosis session

What statement best describes people's responses to hypnosis? a. People who are hypnotized lose control of themselves and their actions. b. People who are hypnotized can perform impossible feats of strength and endurance. c. People who are hypnotized are fully awake during the hypnosis session. d. People who are hypnotized will not remember what happened during the session.

suprachiasmatic nucleus SCN in the hypothalamus

What structure in the brain appears to play a central role in regulating our biological clock? a. suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus b. lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in the thalamus c. superior colliculus in the midbrain d. medulla in the hindbrain

being chased

What was the most common dream reported by Canadian college students? a. being chased b. having sexual experiences c. finding money d. being late for an appointment or exam


Which class of drugs has the highest risk for psychological dependence? a. cannabis b. stimulants c. hallucinogens d. alcohol


Which class of drugs has the lowest risk for physical dependence? a. narcotics b. cannabis c. alcohol d. sedatives

increase in sex drive

Which condition is not a long-term effect associated with meditation? a. improvement in overall health b. reduction in levels of stress c. improvement in overall mood d. increase in sex drive


Which drug has the greatest number and most diverse negative effects on physical health? a. heroin b. barbiturates c. cocaine d. alcohol

individuals who meditated had increased thickness in brain areas associated with pain

Which of the following best describes the relation between mediation and pain? a. Individuals who meditated had lower pain tolerance than non-meditators. b. Meditators and non-meditators have similar pain experience and tolerance. c. Individuals who did not meditate were able to handle more pain than meditators. d. Individuals who meditated had increased thickness in brain areas associated with pain.

during the adult years the percentage of time spent is slow wave sleep increases dramatically

Which of the following statements does NOT reflect the general course of development of sleep patterns from infancy to adulthood? a. Compared to infants, adults have fewer but longer sleep periods. b. The total amount of sleep time decreases from infancy through to adulthood. c. The percentage of time spent in REM sleep increases from infancy through to adulthood. d. During the adult years, the percentage of time spent in slow-wave sleep increases dramatically.

hypnotized subject can refuse to comply with suggestions

Which statement best describes hypnosis? a. Hypnotized subject can refuse to comply with suggestions. b. Hypnotic states are comparable to deep, restful sleep. c. Hypnosis can allow people to re-experience past events. d. Hypnotized individuals often perform feats of great strength.

it is at its lowest during REM sleep

Which statement best describes muscle activity during sleep? a. It is at its lowest during REM sleep. b. It is at its highest during REM sleep. c. It is at its lowest during alpha wave sleep. d. It is at its highest during theta wave sleep.

the content of dreams can be affected by external stimuli

Which statement best describes the content of dreams? a. The content of dreams can be affected by external stimuli. b. The content of dreams has little to do with what goes on in one's waking life. c. Dream content is exactly the same in all cultures. d. People's dreams rarely involve family, friends, and colleagues.

both oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide elimination decline during meditation

Which statement best describes the physiological changes associated with meditation? a. Oxygen consumption increases during meditation, but carbon dioxide elimination declines. b. Both oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide elimination decline during meditation. c. Both oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide elimination increase during meditation. d. Oxygen consumption declines during meditation, but carbon dioxide elimination increases.

seconal is sedative and caffeine is a stimulant

Which statement best describes the relationship between Seconal and caffeine? a. Seconal is an opiate and caffeine is a hallucinogen. b. Seconal is a hallucinogen and caffeine is an opiate. c. Seconal is a stimulant and caffeine is a sedative. d. Seconal is a sedative and caffeine is a stimulant.

people who are hypnotized make more memory related errors as non hypnotized people

Which statement best supports the role-playing theory of hypnosis? a. People who are hypnotized have no control over their actions. b. People who are hypnotized make more memory-related errors as nonhypnotized people. c. People who are hypnotized do not remember the hypnosis session. d. People who are hypnotized can be successfully regressed to earlier times in their lives.

attention focuses on the present moment

Which statement describes the open monitoring approach to mediation? a. Attention focuses on a sound or sight. b. Attention focuses on the present moment. c. Attention focuses on a memory. d. Attention focuses on a problem.

activation synthesis view

Which theory of dreaming suggests that dreaming is a side effect of the neural activity that occurs during REM sleep? a. analysis of latent content b. dreams as wish fulfillment c. problem-solving view d. activation-synthesis view

hypnosis is essentially role playing

Which view of hypnosis is closely associated with Theodore Barber and Nicholas Spanos? a. Hypnosis involves wish fulfillment. b. Hypnosis creates dissociation in consciousness. c. Hypnosis involves a distinctive brain-wave pattern. d. Hypnosis is essentially role playing.

Margaret Ann which is in a light sleep

While Mary is meditating, researchers are recording her brain waves. Who will have similar brain waves? a. Margaret Ann, which is in a light sleep b. Judy, who is awake and alert but not thinking about anything in particular c. Signe, who is awake and alert and working on a complex problem d. during a prolonged period of deep sleep

Robert McCarley and J Allan Hobson

Who developed the activation synthesis view of dreaming? a. Sigmund Freud b. David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel c. Rosalind Cartwright d. Robert McCarley and J. Allan Hobson

Rosalind Cartwright

Who developed the problem-solving model of dreaming? a. Robert McCarley and J. Allan Hobson b. Sigmund Freud c. Rosalind Cartwright d. David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel

because brain activity during REM sleep is similar to that observed in wide awake people

Why is REM sleep sometimes considered a paradox? a. because individuals in REM sleep are deeply asleep but extremely easy to awaken b. because muscular tension during REM sleep is similar to that observed in wide-awake people c. because brain activity during REM sleep is similar to that observed in wide-awake people d. because the eyes are open and alert in spite of the fact that the person is sleeping

to have his abilities to be scientifically tested

Wim Holf, said he was the first to do what? a. withstand cold temperatures b. develop a breathing method to alter his state of consciousness c. to have his abilities to be scientifically tested d. all of the above e. only a and b

MDMA ecstasy

a compound drug related to both amphetamines and hallucinogens, especially mescaline

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

a device that monitors the electrical activity of the brain over time by means of recording electrodes attached to the surface of the scalp


a disease marked by sudden and irresistible onsets of sleep during normal waking periods


a splitting off of mental processes into two separate, simultaneous streams of awareness


a systematic procedure that typically produces a heightened state of suggestibility

group selection

according to the talk by Haidt religion is a product of a. natural selection b. temporal lobe epilepsy c. group selection d. war e. mind control

night terrors

are abrupt awakenings from NREM sleep, accompanied by intense autonomic arousal and feelings of panic


are anxiety arousing dreams that lead to awakening, usually from REM sleep

psychoactive drugs

are chemical substances that modify mental, emotional, or behavioral functioning


are diverse group of drugs that have powerful effects on mental and emotional functioning, marked most prominently by distortions in sensory and perceptual experience

biological rhythms

are periodic fluctuations in physiological functioning


are sleep inducing drugs that tend to decrease central nervous system activation and behavioral activity

circadian rhymths

are the 24 hour biological cycles found in humans and many other species


awareness of internal and external stimuli

slow wave sleep SWS

consists of sleep stages 3 and 4, during which high amplitude, low frequency delta waves become prominent in electroencephalogram recordings

sleep apnea

involves frequent, reflexive gasping for air that awakens a person and disrupts sleep

REM sleep behavior disorder RBD

is marked by potentially troublesome dream enactments during REM periods

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