Psych 201 Final Exam

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According to Erikson's theory of socioemotional development, establishing ________ is the key challenge of adolescence. A. an identity B. intimacy with a partner C. generativity D. integrity


According to Freud, which of the following statements is true of the manifest content of a dream? A. It expresses a wish in disguised form. B. It is the dream's hidden content. C. It is the dream's true meaning. D. It involves the dream's unconscious meaning.


According to ________, people who have rst agreed to a small request tend to comply later with a larger request. A. the foot-in-the-door technique B. the door-in-the-face-technique C. the bystander effect D. the social facilitation effect


According to the ve-factor model of personality, which of the following individuals exhibits the trait of openness to experience? A. Sarah, who resigns from her well-paid job and sets up her own business B. Phoebe, who donates generously to programs sponsored by her church C. Yuna, who experiences more negative states than positive states D. Maya, who dresses fashionably and attends weekend parties with her friends


Development is best described as A. the pattern of continuity and change that occurs throughout the course of life. B. a person's environmental and social experiences. C. a person's lifelong ability to recover from or adapt to difcult times. D. the changes in emotions, personality, and relationships with other people that occur over time.


Endorphins are A. neurotransmitters that function as natural opiates in producing pleasure and pain. B. believed to be released mainly in the synapses of the fast pathway. C. hormones that are exclusively involved in the kinesthetic sense. D. hormones that are solely involved in the vestibular sense.


Freud developed psychoanalysis to work with patients who had physical symptoms that had no physical cause, which was otherwise referred to as A. hysteria. B. ego. C. reinforcement sensitivity. D. compensation


In Pavlov's experiment, the dog automatically salivated to food because food is a(n) A. unconditioned stimulus (US). B. conditioned stimulus (CS). C. unconditioned response (UR). D. conditioned response (CR).


Motivated behavior is A. energized, directed, and sustained. B. excitatory, disoriented, and dynamic. C. logical, analytical, and unmanageable. D. reexive, reective, and adaptive.


Psychological research involves studying a sample of participants in order to make generalizations about the population from which the sample is drawn. This is an example of A. inductive reasoning. B. deductive reasoning. C. algorithms. D. articial intelligence.


Psychology began as a science in the discipline of A. Philosophy B. Physics C. Chemistry D. Sociology


Sexual orientation is best viewed as A. a continuum. B. genetic. C. static. D. unchanging.


The eld that studies the nervous system is called A. neuroscience. B. immunology. C. physiology. D. ethnoscience.


Which of the following is a primary focus area of behavioral medicine? A. social factors B. emotional factors C. cognitive factors D. motivational factors


Which of the following is one of the criteria that distinguish abnormal behavior from normal or typical behavior? A. behavior that is deviant B. behavior that is adaptive C. behavior that is consistent D. behavior that is personally conventional


Which of the following refers to each person's tendency to exert less effort in a group because of reduced accountability for individual effort? A. social loafing B. social facilitation C. deindividuation D. reciprocity


Which of the following therapies stresses the importance of the unconscious mind, extensive interpretation by the therapist, and the role of early childhood experiences in the development of an individual's problems? A. psychodynamic therapies B. humanistic therapies C. social learning therapies D. biological therapies


________ is the area of psychology that integrates science and theory to prevent and treat psychological disorders. A. Clinical psychology B. Humanistic psychology C. Abnormal psychology D. Anomalistic psychology


A high-school football player received a head injury during a game. Following recovery, he was unable to remember anything that happened before the injury. However, he was able to form new relationships and new memories. In the context of forgetting, his condition best exemplies A. anterograde amnesia. B. retrograde amnesia. C. the primacy effect. D. the recency effect.


Cognitive psychology is the study of A. emotions and sensations. B. mental processes. C. the abnormal functioning of one's physiology. D. social relationships.


Depression is associated with low levels of which neurotransmitter? A. acetylcholine B. serotonin C. dopamine D. oxytocin


George Miller's classic research showed that the average capacity of short-term memory is between ________ units of information. A. 2 and 7 B. 5 and 9 C. 7 and 12 D. 9 and 12


In classical conditioning, organisms learn the association between two A. organizations. B. stimuli. C. motives. D. considerations.


In the context of personality characteristics, ________ is associated with taking the right steps toward a long, healthy life. A. an external locus of control B. a sense of personal control C. strong extrinsic motivation D. Type A behavior


The chemical messengers produced by the endocrine glands are known as A. neurotransmitters. B. hormones. C. axons. D. stem cells.


The main goal of psychoanalysis is to A. persuade clients to abandon their irrational, misery-inducing beliefs. B. help people gain insight into the unconscious conicts that are the source of their problems. C. train clients to avoid maladaptive patterns of behavior through modeling of appropriate behaviors. D. demonstrate unconditional positive regard toward the client.


Which of the following is a belief of the psychodynamic perspectives on personality? A. A person's personality can be truly understood by focusing exclusively on their behavior. B. The enduring patterns that make up personality are largely unavailable to an individual's conscious awareness. C. Individuals have the ability to control their lives and to achieve what they desire. D. Personality consists of broad, enduring dispositions that tend to lead to characteristic responses.


Xanax, Valium, and Librium are benzodiazepines that are commonly used for treating A. mood disorders. B. anxiety disorders. C. schizophrenia. D. dissociative disorders.


________ is a subfield of psychology that emphasizes psychology's role in establishing and maintaining fitness and preventing and treating illness. A. Cognitive psychology B. Health psychology C. Counseling psychology D. Forensic psychology


________ refers to the retention of information or experience over time. A. Learning B. Memory C. Priming D. Amnesia


According to Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences, who among the following is most likely to score high on spatial intelligence? A. Conor, a speaker B. Lorenzo, an accountant C. Charlie, an artist D. Andrea, a dancer


According to Maslow, self-actualization is possible A. immediately after the needs for safety and protection have been fullled. B. immediately after the physiological needs have been fullled. C. only after the needs relating to esteem, safety, physiology, and love have been met. D. once people undergo training on how to attain it.


According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the rst stage of cognitive development, which lasts from birth to about two years of age, is the ________ stage. A. preoperational B. concrete operational C. sensorimotor D. formal operational


An alcoholic who believes that he is just being a typical college student and does not think his drinking is a problem is most likely in the ________ stage of change. A. determination B. contemplation C. precontemplation D. preparation


Researchers usually should submit their ndings to a journal for review by their colleagues, who make a decision about whether to publish the paper, depending on its scientic merit. This process is known as A. publishing review. B. literature review. C. peer review. D. subject review.


When treating a client with a psychological disorder, a therapist makes the assumption that the person's difculties stem primarily from the context in which a person lives. This therapist most likely identies with the ________ to psychological disorders. A. biological approach B. psychological approach C. sociocultural approach D. cognitive approach


Which approach to psychology emphasizes unconscious thought? A. behavioral approach B. Sociocultural approach C. Psychodynamic approach D. Evolutionary approach


Which of the following therapies represents the application of operant principles to psychological disorders? A. systematic desensitization B. flooding C. applied behavior analysis D. aversion therapy


________ in classical conditioning is the weakening of the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is absent. A. Generalization B. Discrimination C. Extinction D. Latent learning


Developmental psychologists have used a procedure called the false belief task to examine children's A. theory of activation-synthesis. B. theory of mechanism. C. theory of relativity. D. theory of mind.


Drugs, trauma, fever, and sensory deprivation are among the things that can produce A. automatic processing. B. sleep apnea. C. higher-level consciousness. D. altered states of consciousness.


If Howard, a student, has the most common form of color blindness, he will have trouble distinguishing A. red from certain combinations of blue and white. B. white from certain combinations of red and green. C. orange from certain combinations of red and blue. D. green from certain combinations of blue and red.


Which of the following is a cognitive therapy technique whereby clients rate their emotions in order to gain a perspective of their situation? A. distraction B. questioning the evidence C. labeling of distortions D. scaling


Which of the following is an effect of nicotine? A. It slows down the brain's activities. B. It decreases the activities of the central nervous system. C. It leads to drowsiness and confusion. D. It leads to a pleasurable and reinforcing experience.


Which of the following is true of sensory receptors? A. Sensory receptors are specialized cells that are not selective. B. Sensory receptors send information to the environment, creating local electrical currents. C. Not all sensation begins with sensory receptors. D. Sensory receptors are the openings through which the brain and nervous system experience the world.


________ is a psychological disorder, commonly diagnosed in childhood, in which an individual exhibits one or more of the following symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. A. Borderline personality disorder B. Autism spectrum disorder C. Major depressive disorder D. Attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder


________ is the scientic study of how people think about, inuence, and relate to other people. A. Social Darwinism B. Social analytics C. Socialism D. Social psychology


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