PSYCH 2100 TESTS 1,2,3

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All of the following statements about Bronfenbrenner's social economic context are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Crime rates and inflation rates are excluded. b.All the immediate environments like family, peers, school, neighborhood and playground are included. c.It includes people and things that influence the child's development with which the child has no direct contact. d.It includes social institutions like local, state and national governments, health-care systems and organized religion.


All of the following statements about a critical/sensitive period are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.It does not depend on biology. b.Prenatally, drugs, viruses and x-rays can do insurmountable damage. c.If crossed eyes are not corrected before the age of 3, then the ability to focus will be permanently impaired. d.Prenatally, drugs, viruses and x-rays can be unnoticed depending on critical periods of developing organs.


All of the following statements about adolescent cognitive development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Attention is an unlimited resource. b.Adolescents have more of their capacity freed for higher level thinking. c.As they mature, teens pay attention to the contexts and situations that make personality variable. d.Contributing to increased processing speed are more practice and less time searching for information.


All of the following statements about adolescent puberty are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The hypothalamus becomes more sensitive to the sex hormones. b.Adolescents agree with the values of parents and society more than they outwardly appear. c.The onset of puberty begins at conception and progresses gradually. d.Puberty alters self-concept by making an adolescent more modest and self-conscious.


All of the following statements about adolescent risk-taking are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Adolescents differ from adults in decision-making capabilities and sense of invulnerability. b.The difference in risk-taking behavior between adolescents and adults may be explained by their differential regard for the consequences. c.Teens may not have an accurate idea of consequences due to less experience. d.Adolescents during puberty have neurons that are more sensitive to excitatory neurotransmitters.


All of the following statements about adolescent self-esteem are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Baseline self-esteem fluctuates from moment to moment. b.Egocentrism is more common in early adolescence and contributes to the fluctuations in barometric self-esteem. c.Teens with little self-esteem tend to tease, name-call and gossip more. d.Adolescents must be confirmed by significant others who notice and value their contributions and competence.


All of the following statements about attachment are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Children with secure attachments secrete above normal levels of cortisol when in a scary situation. b.Anxious attachments appear to be the result of parents who are either physically or emotionally inaccessible. c.Attachment is a reciprocal, lasting relationship between baby and caregiver. d.Securely attached infants may have wide variances in temperament.


All of the following statements about autism spectrum disorder are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Intensive behavior modification programs if begun after kindergarten can have very good results. b.Autism is very difficult for parents and educators because of deficits in language and social relations. c.Autism is a pervasive neurological disability that can have varying degrees of severity and is evident within the first 30 months. d.B6 and magnesium benefits half of victims of autism.


All of the following statements about baby nutrition are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Mothers who do not breastfeed should be ashamed of themselves. b.For 6 months, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, all a baby needs is breast milk or iron enriched formula. c.Babies need twice as many calories per pound as adults do to sustain their energy needs and rapid growth. d.The baby needs to associate warm fuzzy feelings of getting full with a loving parent. Feedback


All of the following statements about biological aging are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Reduced vital lung capacity is noticed even at rest. b.Physical changes that accompany biological aging include cardiovascular, respiratory, motor performance, and immune system changes. c.The aging heart performs normally and meets the oxygen needs of the body except when stressed under exertion. d.Immune system deficits are governed by genetics but are intensified with endocrine system changes.


All of the following statements about child-rearing are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Since consistency is so important, one parent should comply with the other even if the other is authoritarian. b.Parental feeling for a child cannot be faked and is more important than the discipline chosen. c.Parents must not only accept but must encourage a child's autonomy and questioning. d.Giving attention only when bad reinforces misbehavior with attention.


All of the following statements about cognitive development and memory are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Piaget stressed the potential of learning if given mediated help, called the zone of proximal development. b.IQ test scores are good at predicting school achievement of school-aged children. c.Infantile amnesia may be due to the immaturity of the hippocampus and other memory structures or may be due to the absence of the necessary connections. d.The cognitive neuroscience approach focuses on the brain's memory structures using the technology of MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and PET (positron emission tomography).


All of the following statements about disciplining toddlers are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Toddlers need only simple commands not more words to explain. b.Control without guidance leads to escalation of misbehavior. c.Special care needs to be taken when disciplining toddlers. d.The toddler feels bad down to the toes when punished.


All of the following statements about early childhood growth and eating are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Children should be rewarded for cleaning their plates. b.Growth hormone influences body size everywhere except for the nervous system and the genitals. c.Children should not be forced to eat when they are not hungry. d.Genes control hormone production which triggers growth.


All of the following statements about egocentrism are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Egocentrism needs to be corrected with lessons. b.The child believes everyone shares the same feelings, perspectives and reactions that he/she does. c.Transduction is attributing personal cause where none exists. d.While children are still egocentric, they have a primitive ability to understand the feelings and emotions of other people.


All of the following statements about fairness and learning are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.An adult concept of fairness means treating everyone the same. b.Giving up, even though success is possible, happens when a child experiences too much failure with little control. c.Mastery, the opposite of learned helplessness, is developed if teachers and parents emphasize effort rather than innate ability. d.The general strategy of bilingual teachers is to use codeswitching.


All of the following statements about vocational choice are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.In the fantasy period, a child considers vocations that fit interests and are practical and possible. b.Gender stereotypes continue to limit the number of women who seek male-dominated vocations. c.Adolescents attempt to match personality with a job that complements personality. d.Apprenticeships and vocational training need to be implemented to provide marketable skills to the non-college bound.


All of the following statements about weight and eating factors are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.At puberty there is an increase in the basal metabolism rate (BMR), or the rate at which the body uses energy. b.Exercise is a weight factor which increases the metabolic rate helping to burn calories. c.CCK is a hormone that plays a role in signaling that you are full and no longer hungry. d.Efficient metabolism means calories are left over to deposit.


All of the following statements about behavioral autonomy are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Concepts that are not easily defined, like love, intelligence and justice, are understood better. b.Perspective taking considers the opinions of others without their biases or vested interests. c.Parents, who are either super strict or extremely permissive, are more likely to have teens who conform more to the wishes of peers. d.The teen has new cognitive tools which enable better decision-making.


All of the following statements about brain development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Stimulated neurons will form synapses or connective gaps that allow communication between neurons without touching each other. b.Neurons provide structure and remove wastes by engulfing and digesting them. c.As an infant's brain matures, glial cells multiply and coat neuronal axons with myelin, an insulating fatty sheath. d.The cerebral cortex is what sets humans apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.


All of the following statements about classical conditioning are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Most of human emotions are produced by stimuli that have acquired significance through classical conditioning. b.A conditioned stimulus automatically produces an emotional or physiological response without learning. c.Classical conditioning goes beyond Pavlov's dogs and physiological responses. d.Watson classically conditioned fear into baby Albert by pairing a loud frightening noise with a white furry rat. Feedback


All of the following statements about early prenatal development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The human brain begins developing at 2 weeks after conception. b.The spot on the ovary from where the ovum is released is called the blastocyst. c.Developing males are more vulnerable to damage and spontaneous abortion. d.The early prenatal development of brain cells and their migration to the appropriate brain areas are critical steps.


All of the following statements about emotional autonomy are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.An emotionally autonomous adolescent will not deliberately break rules. b.Parents should not be expected to listen to their teens' views if radically different from their own. c.As teens progress through adolescence and no longer feel compelled to conform, they reach emotional autonomy from their peers as well as parents. d.An emotionally autonomous teen has less negativism, rebelliousness and susceptibility to peer pressure.


All of the following statements about emotional development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.By about age 2, children show signs of emotional regulation. b.Children of preschool age are good at reading negative emotions. c.Preschoolers have trouble telling apart what people really feel from what they appear to feel. d.An ability to tolerate frustration increases by kindergarten.


All of the following statements about exceptionalities are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Youngsters with Down syndrome are often pleasant, easy-going, and delightful. b.Learning disability is a form of cognitive deficiency (formally referred to as mental retardation). c.Gifted/talented students should be encouraged with abstract thinking, creativity and independence-- not just learning more facts. d.ADHD is a disability but does not have to be a disaster.


All of the following statements about happiness are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Of pleasure, engagement, and meaning, smiley-face pleasure is the least influential. b.The prime place in the brain responsible for happiness is the right association cortex. c.If something ends well, this reflection will color your actual happiness level at the time of the event. d.Happiness is not a fixed, static state.


All of the following statements about identity states are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Teens with the identity state of foreclosure are the closest to their parents, and are the most prejudiced and rigid. b.It is advisable for parents, using their advanced experience and knowledge, to choose life goals of their children. c.Teens in the identity diffusion state are the ones with the most psychological and relationship problems. d.There is an oppositional, defiant attitude in the negative identity state. Feedback


All of the following statements about moral development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Autonomous morality says that people make rules and can change them rather than rules are absolute. b.Moral dilemmas have a clear right answer though it may be difficult. c.According to Kohlberg, until a person is able to perspective-take, then he/she is unable to have a mature sense of right and wrong. d.Heteronomous morality says that breaking 10 plates accidentally is a worse transgression than breaking 1 plate on purpose.


All of the following statements about obesity are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Children, whose weight to height is higher than that of 95% of children the same age and sex, are considered obese. b.Being able to eat all you want without gaining weight is a sign of an efficient metabolism. c.Metabolism, which is inherited, plays a crucial role. d.Obesity is a problem involving both nature and nurture.


All of the following statements about preschool development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Fantasy play gives them a sense of power in an adult-controlled world. b.Group competitive games increase initiative. c.If success is tasted often enough, the child grows in self-efficacy. d.Through peer relationships, preschoolers learn fairness and mutual give and take.


All of the following statements about reciprocity are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The emotional states of the parents and of the baby feed on each other, also known as reciprocity. b.Reciprocity cannot alter or change temperament. c.Psychological support from a spouse will allow a caregiver to parent better with more pleasure and less stress. d.Difficult, whiny toddlers are disciplined more and given more negative responses.


All of the following statements about self-concept and self-esteem are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.If children high in self-esteem feel strongly about something, they will risk making people angry. b.Boys are more gender flexible in their thinking and girls are more rigid. c.The self-concept of children in middle childhood becomes more psychological and describes inner thoughts and feeling. d.Gender appropriate behavior is for the most part stricter for boys and more flexible for girls.


All of the following statements about self-regulation are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Self-consciousness, shame, guilt, and the ability to delay gratification develop alongside self-regulation. b.Self-regulation is committed compliance that allows a toddler to comply with a parent's rules and depends on parental presence and control. c.Toddlers are sensitive to rules and the expectations of adults. d.Emotional control to restrain self begins at 16 to 18 months and takes years to complete.


All of the following statements about Piaget's concrete operational stage are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The child understands that B can be larger than A but smaller than C. b.Children know that certain characteristics of an object remain the same despite changes in appearance. c.Children are limited by centration or the ability to focus on only 1 aspect of an object at 1 time. d.Child can solve concrete hands-on problems. Feedback


All of the following statements about Piaget's preoperational stage are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Delays in language development occur in 3% of normal preschoolers. b.Deferred imitation is repetition of an observed action after time has passed. c.The child can reverse and visualize the pieces of a broken cookie pasted back together. d.Learning is based on appearances with no apparent logical connections between concepts.


All of the following statements about Vygotsky's theory are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.It emphasizes the importance of language in cognitive development. b.It explains the cultural differences we find in cognitive development. c.It shows how children can develop maximally without environmental manipulation. d. It stresses the potential of learning if given mediated help.


All of the following statements about adolescent cognitive development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.There is a surge of interest in science fiction and fantasy role-playing computer games. b.Later adolescent thought seeks for more of a balance between idealism and realism. c.Adolescents are in Piaget's concrete operational stage of cognitive development. d.Adolescents no longer accept the views of others automatically without question.


All of the following statements about adult cognitive development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Experiencing flow will elevate mood and is the best state of existence. b.Those highest in cognitive-affective complexity are capable of tolerance and are open-minded. c.Dualistic thinking increases and relativistic thinking decreases in young adulthood. d.Adults who have reached commitment within relativistic thinking, seek out opposing viewpoints in order to refine their own views.


All of the following statements about aggression are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.A toddler may be aggressive to get something called instrumental aggression. b.Hostile aggression includes criticizing, ridiculing, and name-calling. c.A preschooler who understands self and has a concept of fairness is not capable of aggression that is aimed at hurting someone else. d.The intent to cause physical or psychological harm does not appear until representational thought is possible.


All of the following statements about cognitive development in middle adulthood are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Crystallized intelligence skills increase throughout middle adulthood. b.General facts, procedural knowledge in how to do things, and facts related to occupation do not change or they change for the better. c.Fluid intelligence and speedy recall begin to increase in the 20's. d.In mid-life, adults are in their intellectual prime.


All of the following statements about development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Rene Spitz in the 1940's found that early nurturing and stimulation are essential. b.Neurons, nerve cells, are remarkably plastic. c.Each experience imprints neural circuits and modifies the present but not future sights, sounds and thoughts. d.Brain tissue is molded by experience—sight, sounds, thoughts.


All of the following statements about disease in middle adulthood are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.25% of deaths which occur in mid-life are due to cardiovascular disease. b.Men are affected more than women with cancer due to occupation and to delay of seeing a doctor. c.The amount of stress you face is more important than the way you deal with it. d.Nature, nurture and biological aging all interact to cause cancer.


All of the following statements about dying are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.People cope with dying similarly to the way they coped with the stresses involved in living. b.Dying is as multidimensional and multidirectional as any other lifespan development. c.Medical personnel should distort the truth to ease pain. d.The 5 Kubler-Ross stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.


All of the following statements about early childhood are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Left-handed children are not naturally more clumsy. b.Exposure to second-hand smoke alters the ability of children to fight the bacteria in tooth decay. c.Parents should try to switch a left-handed child to use the right hand. d.Children have all 20 of their primary teeth by age 3 years.


All of the following statements about early childhood health and safety are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Unintended injury is the number 1 cause of death among US children. b.Be strict about sticks and sharp objects. c.Airbags in the front seat can be helpful for young children. d.Fireworks for home use should be forbidden. Feedback


All of the following statements about family changes in the social economic context are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.2-parent families with a stay-at-home mom are superior to 2-parent families with a working-outside-the-home mom. b.Physical discipline can lead to child abuse; too much reasoning can lead to unmanageable guilt. c.Poverty is more of a factor in the developmental problems of children than single parenthood. d.Divorce that ends the conflict between parents is better than a conflict-filled marriage.


All of the following statements about friendships are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Neglected children are those who are actively disliked. b.The best predictor, of a rejected child becoming a delinquent or school dropout during adolescence, is being aggressive to peers in grade school. c.By high-school, friendships are based on who agrees with you on what is cool and who can be trusted with a secret. d.First friendships are based on physical proximity.


All of the following statements about information processing are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Contingent truth is sufficient for conservation. b.Memory and other processing skills are focused upon. c.Contingent truth is knowledge that is dependent on information gathered through the senses. d.Necessary truth is knowledge that can be validated without resorting to sensory observations.


All of the following statements about intelligence are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Psychologists agree that intelligence is a collection of several abilities. b.Modification of the environment can appreciably influence intelligence. c.Contextual intelligence includes street smarts and practicality. d.What is considered a mark of intelligence in 1 culture may not be considered so in another.


All of the following statements about sense of gender are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Males and females are free to choose among the different gender roles in society. b.Gender is what it means to be male or female. c.Due to the appearance-reality problem found commonly among 3-year-olds, gender constancy is not evidenced before age 4. d.Children grow in self-esteem when they act gender-appropriately.


All of the following statements about sensory deficits in old age are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.With age, protein may clump and cloud a small area of the lens causing a macula. b.Less light reaches the retina due to scattering and to loss of cells in the retina and optic nerve. c.Hearing deficits are greatest at high frequencies and low decibel levels of soft sounds. d.The elderly have less sensitivity to taste and odor and less enjoyment of food.


All of the following statements about sexual differentiation are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Males and females look different even in the 1st weeks of prenatal development. b.Pre-natal hormones do more than affect the development of genitals. c.In the 7th week, the Y chromosome triggers differentiation into testes. d.Prenatally, a human is programmed to behave in certain ways.


All of the following statements about social redefinition in the United States are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Adolescents are launched into adult roles after much preparation and training. b.New privileges and freedoms are accompanied by new responsibilities, but expectations are not crystal clear. c.Poverty makes the social transition from childhood to adulthood much more difficult. d.It can be difficult due to inconsistencies like being old enough to serve in the military but not old enough to buy a drink.


All of the following statements about social theories of aging are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Activity theory says that increasing the sheer number of social contacts contributes to a stronger psyche. b.Disengagement theory says that the elderly are no longer needed as much, so society misses them less when death comes. c.Socioemotional selectivity theory states that the emotional maturity of the elderly avoids conflict and enables harmony. d.Continuity theory states that to be content, the elderly must preserve personal history by doing familiar things with familiar people.


All of the following statements about the sensorimotor stage of development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.An infant pulling up to a chair to reach a teddy bear that is there is an example of a tertiary circular reaction. b.Picking up a stick and swinging it like the tennis racquet he saw his mother swing earlier is an example of deferred imitation. c.An example of a primary circular reaction is a thumbsucker learning to suck his/her thumb. d.An example of a secondary circular reaction is a baby shaking a rattle again and again to hear the noise.


All of the following statements about toddlers are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.With a move toward independence and autonomy, toddlers need more physical closeness. b.Terrible 2's period is normal testing of the new notion that they are individuals and have some control. c.If handled correctly, a toddler will grow in self-esteem and will have more self-control capabilities. d.Doubt and shame help toddlers recognize the need for limits.


All of the following statements about treatment of alcohol abuse are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The Rational Recovery program stresses a reliance on spirituality and God. b.Antabuse causes horrible vomiting if alcohol is taken with it. c.Detoxification may require hospitalization. d.Drugs to decrease cravings for alcohol, work better if used with cognitive behavioral treatment.


All of the following statements about value autonomy and moral development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.With internalization, the teen behaves morally because someone is around to enforce and punish or reward. b.Adolescents approach things more objectively and decide for themselves. c.According to Gilligan's theory of moral development, responsiveness to the needs of another is more prominent than individual rights. d.According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, right and wrong are determined by whether everyone is treated fairly by the outcome.


All of the following statements about education laws are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.IDEA stresses early intervention and free, appropriate public education for all from ages birth to 21 years. b.Children with mild/moderate disabilities were first to be included in normal classes but on a part-time basis. c.Inclusive education is the same thing as mainstreaming. d.Public Law 94-142 requires that each special needs student be educated in the least restrictive environment according to an individualized education program.


All of the following statements about evolutionary heritage are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Human behavior is impacted by a built-in tendency to be social. b.Humans have an innate propensity for learning, speech, inquisitiveness and inventing. c.Human behavior is not dependent on biological timetables. d.Human behavior is affected by a strong pre-disposition to explore and master the environment.


All of the following statements about gender interest are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Homosexuals do not choose their orientation any more than heterosexuals choose theirs. b.In middle childhood, children are having the beginnings of mutual attraction and curiosity. c.Sexual attraction does not occur until the adrenal glands mature way after puberty. d.Sexual orientation is well-established before adolescence begins.


All of the following statements about genes are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Even at the cellular level, there is an interaction of biology and environment, nature and nurture. b.Genes are always influenced by the environment and by the person's developmental history. c.Genes program the quality of brain development; the sequence of brain development is programmed by environment. d.Genes do their jobs by sending recipes for making proteins into the cell's cytoplasm.


All of the following statements about genetic abnormalities are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.In Tay-Sachs disease, there is an increased amount of glycolipid in cells of the nervous system causing them to swell, rupture and die. b.PKU must also be accompanied by the environmental agent of phenylalanine. c.Germline mutations are not passed on to future generations via DNA. d.In sickle cell anemia, deformed, fragile red blood cells clog vessels depleting oxygen.


All of the following statements about hardiness and stress are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Associating only with like-minded people who agree with you, is an attempt to avoid stress. b.Trying to avoid stress by conforming to what others and society expect all the time, can lead to boring emptiness. c.Stress impedes and never adds to the meaning of life. d.Hardiness is the ability to tackle stress and profit from it.


All of the following statements about lasting romantic love are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Warmth, tenderness and concern exist along with an expectation that the other will return such. b.Companionate love is quiet intimacy, predictability, shared values, affection, caregiving, respect and trust. c.Partners expect the other to guess or already know their thoughts and feelings. d.Passion may be the more intense component at first.


All of the following statements about late adulthood are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Ego transcendence vs ego preoccupation involves making life worthwhile for future generations and finding meaning in nature, art and relationships. b.A higher level of spirituality is reached by the more reflective elderly who are aware that their own set of beliefs is only 1 of many. c.Body transcendence vs body preoccupation involves rising above the physical limitations of aging with begrudging despair. d.Ego differentiation vs work-role preoccupation involves finding self-worth in substitute endeavors after retirement.


All of the following statements about mnemonics are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The loci method is being used when linking the items in a familiar room with a list of things you need to remember. b.Chain mnemonics uses rhyming or auditory cues. c.The order of operations in the multiplication of binomials called FOIL is an example of acrostics. d.Mnemonics are strategies that make encoding, storage and recall easier.


All of the following statements about motor development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Babies who skip crawling and go right into walking are not any less intelligent than those who crawl 1st. b.Babies can turn over accidentally even before 3 months, so should never be left alone on an elevated surface. c.Before 6 months of age, a baby is skilled at voluntarily grasping and letting go of things. d.Two of the most accomplished motor feats in the 1st year are the pincer grip and walking.


All of the following statements about nurture are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Nurture leans towards the view that change is possible with new experiences. b.Even though children may be raised in the same family, each child's family experience can be quite different. c.Development is dependent on the biological inheritance with which we are born. d.Neither nature nor nurture alone can account for development.


All of the following statements about nutrition and growth in middle childhood are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.It is not advisable to give children significant amounts of artificial sweeteners. b.Girls are 2 years ahead of boys with their growth spurt. c.Children consume over 70 grams of protein daily but require much more. d.Sweets are not the notorious hype-up agents as is commonly believed.


All of the following statements about perception are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Binocular cues are depth cues that require information from both eyes working together. b.Depth perception in babies has been studied using a visual cliff apparatus. c.Size and shape constancy is strong in toddlers but disappears with growth and maturity. d.Once babies are able to sit unassisted, they can snare and handle objects using both hands thus acquiring even more haptic perception.


All of the following statements about prenatal exposure to alcohol are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.There is no known safe amount of drinking, so alcohol should be avoided even before conception. b.Alcohol interferes with the production and migration of neurons to their proper places in the embryo's brain. c.Women get drunk from less alcohol than men do because they are not as used to drinking and are more fragile. d.Even moderate drinking by the mother during pregnancy can increase the risk of behavioral disorders in the child.


All of the following statements about raising toddlers are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Toddlers need limits and rules. b.Give warning times before the end of play. c.Toddlers should be taught not to touch rather than remove temptation out of reach. d.Manipulate things so that success is inevitable.


All of the following statements about reciprocal determinism are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.External events play a large role in sculpting development. b.A child with musical talent may choose activities that further develop this musical tendency. c.The environment for each child is the same if the adults in it are the same. d.Children change their world as it also changes them.


All of the following statements about sensory development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The function of sensory organs is largely affected by early experiences. b.If normal sensory stimuli are not experienced or if distorted sensory stimuli are experienced, these will prevent the development of normal vision and hearing. c.It is the nose that smells, the eyes that see, the ears that hear, and the fingers that feel. d.The structure of the sensory organs and receptors is determined by genes or biological blueprints. Feedback


All of the following statements about sex chromosome abnormalities are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.In Turner's syndrome, there is only 1 sex chromosome. b.1 out of 400 babies are born with sex-chromosome (#23) anamolies. c.Girls with Klinefelter's syndrome are infertile and intellectually disabled. d.Fragile X syndrome only occurs when the damaged X chromosome is donated by the mother rather than the father


All of the following statements about social competence are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Understanding own emotions makes children more sensitive to the feelings of others. b.Satisfactory and successful peer relationships lead to social competence. c.Socially competent children know how to lead well but not how to follow. d.Peer leaders are not only socially competent but they know how to have fun.


All of the following statements about the developing self are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Self-esteem tends to be global and depends on adult approval. b.The ability to move back and forth among experiences that are not presently being experienced, expands the child's sense of self. c.At age 2 years, children have a clear understanding of the self as being continuous in time. d.Self-constancy is the perception of a stable self that endures despite varied behaviors and varied responses from others.


All of the following statements about the embryonic stage of development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.At 1 month, the tiny heart beats 65 times a minute. b.After the zygote is implanted, it is called an embryo. c.Major organs and body parts form but there are many exceptions. d.It involves prenatal development in weeks 2 through 8 after fertilization.


All of the following statements about the fetal stage of development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The fetus's immune system is not up for the task of protection for several months. b.Vernix protects the skin from chapping in the amniotic fluid. c.Male fetuses develop skeletally ahead of females. d.Preemie retinal damage, blamed on high oxygen concentration, may really be due to overexposure to light at wrong time. (retrolental fibroplasia)


All of the following statements about the generativity versus stagnation stage are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Generativity extends past the present generation. b.Helping other people is a way a person stays productive and reaps the positive outcome of generativity. c.It begins late in life after age 70 years old. d.Those who successfully resolve this crisis are more able to use humor without offending others.


All of the following statements about the information processing theory are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.According to information-processing theorists, the more able a baby is to differentiate between old and new stimuli, the more intelligent he/she is. b.Information processing is a cognitive theory of development that can be compared to a computer. c.Short-term memory is the same thing as working memory. d.Information processing would fit with the example of a seedling becoming a big tree.


All of the following statements about trust are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The crisis of Erikson's first stage is called trust/mistrust with trust being a positive choice and mistrust the negative alternative. b.Humans develop trust depending on early experiences. c.For healthy development only trust, not mistrust, needs to be experienced. d.A baby learns trust if her/his needs are met with sensitivity and comforting regularity.


All of the following statements are negative correlations except one. Which example does NOT belong with the others? Select one: a.Amount of crimes committed and the amount of years of education. b.Amount of clothes worn and the outside temperature. c.Amount of snowballs sold and the outside temperature. d.The height of a person and the distance between head and ceiling.


All of the following statements about controlled experimental research are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.A cross-sectional design is not able to show individual changes but shows group averages. b.A longitudinal study is subject to the threat of cohort effects which would not generalize from 1 time and place to another. c.Larger samples are more accurate. d.If a statistically significant difference occurs, then the differences found were due to chance.


All of the following statements about correlations are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.They are expressed in a decimal number called a correlation coefficient which ranges from +1.0 and -1.0. b.They can allow for general predictions to be made but they do NOT prove cause and effect. c.There may be another variable unaccounted for, which changes either or both of the 2 variables in the correlation. d.They are statistical descriptions of how closely the 4 variables in the specific correlation are related.


All of the following statements about cults are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.18-23 year olds are especially vulnerable to the influence of cults. b.Cults attempt to cut off prospective members from their past and family. c.Cults tend to have 1 authoritarian leader who disciplines through fear. d.All cults are bad.


All of the following statements about daycare in infancy are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.There should be 1-on-1 interaction with a familiar daycare adult often and not just for feeding and diaper changing. b.Daycare is not a voluntary option, it is an economic necessity. c.The focus should be on finding good quality daycare, regulating it and making it accountable rather than decry the existence of daycare. d.Attachments do not form securely for the primary caretaker when an infant is placed in daycare. Feedback


All of the following statements about death are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Preceding death, a dying person will move and talk less and show little interest in eating or drinking. b.Irreversible brain death, including the brainstem, has occurred in the mortality phase. c.75% of elderly do not die suddenly. d.Anxiety about death increases in late adulthood.


All of the following statements about divorce are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Divorce is more difficult for younger children who tend to blame themselves. b.Divorce is not all bad if it ends parental conflict in the home. c.Parents who really enjoy being with their children have a better chance at parenting successfully whether married or divorced. d.The structure of the family, whether it has 2 parents or not, is the key to healthy adjustment.


All of the following statements about early childhood motor development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Skipping is even harder than going up or down stairs. b.Artistic motor development progresses with gains in small muscle coordination and eye-hand coordination. c.Young children need to have access to safe climbing and jumping on equipment that is appropriately sized. Artistic motor development progresses with gains in small muscle coordination and eye-hand coordination. d.Catching a ball well is easier than throwing a ball well.


All of the following statements about internalization are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Catch the child being good and point out why he/she deserves to be congratulated. b.Guilt can be felt because there is a sense of having failed an internalized standard. c.Always point out the reasons behind any rules if you want to establish internalization. d.Internalization is aided more with stopping bad behavior than with substituting good behavior.


All of the following statements about social and emotional development in late adulthood are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Ego integrity vs despair is the 8th and final crisis in Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory. b.In old age, people with ego integrity have self-acceptance along with hope. c.Feelings of acceptance of self and feelings of fulfillment come with being able to look back with pride at life accomplishments. d.Mental illness after age 65 is much more prevalent than at any other life period.


All of the following statements about social learning theory are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.According to social learning, the causes of behavior are the interactions between the world and the mind. b.Bandura found that traditional behavioral theories of learning were incomplete. c.Watching others get rewarded or punished will help someone decide to do or not to do the same behavior. d.Children are not selective and copy whatever they observe.


All of the following statements about temperament are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Temperament can be substantially modified by experience. b.Temperament can be described as easy, difficult and slow to warm up. c.Children with different temperaments will choose different experiences. d.Babies are born with predispositions of temperament which are solely responsible for personality.


All of the following statements about the end of life are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Hospice is a middle ground approach that does not try to prolong life but to enhance the quality of what is left. b.Hospital and medical settings are impersonal and infringe on privacy. c.The level of care needed at life's end can not often be handled at home. d.Music therapy is not effective, palliative care when dying as hearing is the first sense lost.


All of the following statements about the history of Developmental Psychology are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Erikson was one of the first researchers to stress the importance of the entire lifespan. b.Darwin believed humans could understand selves best by studying their origins as individuals and as a species. c.Freud believed that child-rearing should exclude neglect at 1 extreme and instant gratification at the other extreme. d.Binet and Simon made an intelligence test intended to measure intelligence and to predict life success.


All of the following statements about the immune system and aging are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Stress weakens the immune response and makes the person more vulnerable to disease. b.T and B cells produce proteins called antibodies to destroy specific antigens. c.Fighting off infection or antigens gradually declines with age. d.After age 20 years, the thymus gland begins expanding.


All of the following statements about toddlers are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Toddlers can take the facial expression or tone of voice from another person to guide their own behavior. b.Toddlers enjoy playing in the same general area in close proximity with one another. c.When toddlers share newfound discoveries, they are demonstrating the beginning ability to take another person's perspective. d.Toddlers need authoritarian parenting.


All of the following statements about wisdom and cognition in old age are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Emotional maturity, introspective reflection and true altruistic concern for others are pillars of wisdom. b.Cognitive declines happen less in those elderly who still feel they have personal control. c.Cognitive declines happen less in those elderly who remain mentally and physically active. d.There is an age limit to enjoying the inherent benefits of new learning.


All of the following statements are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Pretend play, language, and using gestures are all representational skills. b.Not until the words are used to stand for something not present, is language symbolism being employed. c.Early gestures reflect the function of an object rather than its physical form. d.Calling every man "daddy" is an example of underextension. Feedback


All of the following statements are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Sperm live up to 4 days inside a woman's reproductive tract. b.Conception results in a single cell called a zygote. c.A girl is born with all 400,000 of her ova onboard. d.Identical twins have identical prenatal experiences. Feedback


All of the following statements about internal harmony are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.In the masculinity/femininity task, women add more compassion to their behavior and men add more assertiveness. b.In the engagement/separateness task, career-minded people pay more attention to relationships and caretakers pay more attention to the community or to an advanced degree. c.In the destruction/creation task, middle-aged adults concentrate on building a legacy instead of hurtful behaviors. d.In the young/old task, mid-life adults must reconcile not being young anymore.


All of the following statements about learning are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Rewarding 2-day-old babies with music when sucking increases, is an example of classical conditioning. b.Babies can be classically conditioned. c.Babies are born able to learn from experience using their senses. d.It's primary function is to develop behaviors that are adaptive to an ever-changing environment. Feedback


All of the following statements about memory development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Memory in early childhood is practiced and deliberate. b.Long-lasting memory for a unique personal event is uncommon before 3 years of age. c.Memory retention is dependent on language ability to place memory into words. d.Implicit or unconscious memory develops before explicit, intentional, or consciously aware memory develops.


All of the following statements about mid-life relationships are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Mid-lifers are less selective with their choice in friends and have more of them. b.Women focus on feelings and sharing of problems, and men focus on sports, business and politics. c.Marriages tend to become better if mid-lifers consider that each is the other's best friend. d.Women generally assume the role of kinkeeper to keep the children and the grandparent generation together and in touch. Feedback


All of the following statements about newborns and birth are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The stool of a new baby is composed of vernix caseosa which is stringy and greenish-black. b. To provide temperature constancy for self, the newborn is helped by a layer of fat and increased activity. c.The baby is bluish for moments at birth as circulation through the pulmonary system becomes established. d.It takes about 10 days for the heartbeat and blood pressure to become more uniform or stable.


All of the following statements about nicotine abuse are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Those most likely to beat nicotine addiction are younger and healthy. b.A burning cigarette releases more than 6800 different chemicals, many of which are cancer-causing. c.Smoking accelerates risks of retina deterioration, premature wrinkling, poor wound healing, hair loss, bone density loss, earlier menopause, sexual impotency, heart attack, stroke, leukemia, melanoma, cancer of mouth, throat, larynx, lungs, esophagus, pancreas, stomach, bladder and kidneys. Hint—This one is true. d.Children of smokers suffer more than children of non-smokers from asthma, bronchitis, ear infections and colds.


All of the following statements about optimism are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Optimism is a pleasant but not necessary trait. b.Some are born with a predisposition for optimism as part of their temperament. c.Optimism nourishes hope and expectation. d.Optimism is the serum for an effective psychological innoculation.


All of the following statements about optimism are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Unconditional praise increases the self-esteem of children. b.Provide a non-threatening atmosphere where mistakes are okay as long as you learn from them. c.Children should be convinced that there is absolutely no behavior of theirs that would erase their parents' love. d.Allow choices to be made whenever possible.


All of the following statements about physical development in middle adulthood are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Glaucoma appears to have a strong genetic component and has noticeable symptoms. b.Forehead lines occur in the 30's, crow's feet lines at the eyes in the 40's, and age spots in the 50's. c.Ability to focus on close objects, color discrimination and night vision all decline with age. d.Ability to hear decreases 1st with high frequencies and happens twice as fast in men.


All of the following statements about physical development in middle adulthood are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Middle-aged women are more susceptible than men to major illnesses. b.Fertility decreases in middle adulthood and is called climacteric. c.Hostility and anger, which magnify stress, are personality factors that contribute to vulnerability to illness and disease. d.Women, after menopause, no longer have the protective feature of estrogen on bone mineral absorption.


All of the following statements about pregnancy and birth are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.5 to 10% of pregnant women experience toxemia in the last half of their pregnancies but this problem with blood pressure is not an immediate concern. b.Low-birth weight babies have a mortality rate that is twice as high as the rate for heavier babies. c.Magnesium sulfate given to mothers suspected of carrying a very low birthweight baby, may decrease the risk for cerebral palsy by 90%. d.Fathers can donate a sperm that has become altered in response to lead, alcohol, cocaine, radiation or pesticides.


All of the following statements about prenatal exposure to drugs are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Tylenol is no better than aspirin or ibuprofen. b.Newborns with prenatal exposure to nicotine may be less attentive to sounds, more prone to colic and may have more muscle tension. c.Fetal exposure to THC has been linked with altered visual and startle responses in newborns, behavior deficits in school-aged children, and verbal and memory deficits in 4 year olds. d.Nicotine increases the risks of prematurity and low birth weight.


All of the following statements about regular exercise are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.It helps to alter cholesterol by increases in low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) and decreases in high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). b.It reduces stress, anxiety and depression. c.It improves mood, alertness and energy levels. d.It enhances the immune system.


All of the following statements about adolescent physical development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Breast and voice changes occur both in girls and in boys. b.New hormones appear at adolescence to usher in adolescent puberty. c.All the parts of the body do not grow at the same time or rate giving adolescents a gawky appearance. d.Adolescents experience a growth spurt which is followed 1 to 2 years later by puberty.


All of the following statements about adult development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Chromosomes with repeated cell duplications have their DNA ends shortened until not enough is left to duplicate. b.Physical changes in early adulthood (ages 20's and 30's) are much noticed. c.Genes for longevity may work their magic by fighting against free radicals. d.Diet and exercise are the 2 best ways to slow the effects of biological aging.


All of the following statements about Bronfenbrenner's theory and poverty are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.For minority families struggling in poverty, there are the added social and economic barriers presented by cultural attitudes about race. b.The quality of parenting a child receives depends on the parent not the child. c.Cities are transforming from manufacturing centers to information-processing centers requiring more technological training. d.Poverty subjects families to a string of small and large crises with little time to recuperate before the next crisis hits. Feedback


All of the following statements about Erikson's identity/role confusion crisis are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.It is advisable that no permanent decisions be made during the crisis. b.A search for a more accurate view of self is enabled by comfort and absence of distress. c.Too large a discrepancy between real and ideal selves leads to maladjustment. d.With healthy identity development, an adolescent will become flexible, adaptive, and open to future changes. Feedback


All of the following statements about Erikson's industry vs inferiority stage are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The willingness to work hard as a child is a strong predictor of success as an adult. b.Children get pleasure from a job well-done and do not need adult confirmation. c.Authoritative parenting helps the development of industry. d. Children should have more household chores and more responsibility.


All of the following statements about IQ tests are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Individually administered IQ tests are more reliable than group administered ones. b.IQ tests appear able to measure and predict intelligence and life success. c.Timed IQ tests equate intelligence with speed, which appreciably handicaps the child who works best slowly and deliberately. d.IQ tests appear able to measure and predict academic achievement and school success.


All of the following statements about sensory development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Infants have a keen sense of smell early and prefer the smells that are associated with their mothers. b.Before circumcision, newborns do not need to be treated with painkilling cream because they do not feel pain. c.The inability of babies to hear human speech sounds properly may contribute to autism and the inability to relate emotionally to people. d.A patch over the good eye, to force a weaker eye to strengthen, can compensate for the amblyopia that results from strabismus.


All of the following statements about societal responsibility are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.To successfully age, adults need more than an optimistic attitude, friends and active lifestyle. b.There is economic justification for a country to demand its elderly provide for themselves. c.Society needs to do its part to contribute to the dignity of growing old. d.It is a very sad commentary on our society to have elderly forced to choose daily between meals and medicine since they cannot afford both. Feedback


All of the following statements about the elderly are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.At age 85 years, for every 100 women there are only 41 men. b.They are less sexually active at age 71 years than they were at 46 years. c.They are quite cognitively productive though a bit slower. d.Elderly who have a positive attitude live longer.


All of the following statements about the fetal stage of development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.By 13-15 weeks, the fetus can taste with adult-like taste buds. b.Movement begins in the fetal stage. c.With appearance of the first bone cells, the embryo enters the fetal stage of development. d.The developing fetus takes on a visibly human form. Feedback


All of the following statements about the psychoanalytical approach are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Defense mechanisms allow for coping, and are okay as long as they are just temporary fixes. b.The mind and the brain are the same thing. c.The Ego must balance between primitive urges of the Id and learned morals of the Superego. d.It emphasizes the importance of unconscious processes.


All of the following statements are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.It is best to allow children to solve own problems unless anger is intense, or there is a victim or abuse. b.The longest-lasting relationships are between parents and children. c.Spend time alone with each child. d.Positive self-evaluation, embarrassment and shame are much more prevalent among toddlers who are able to recognize themselves in a mirror.


Which one of the following examples do NOT illustrate negative reinforcement? Select one: a.Child agrees to take bath and is allowed out of the corner. b.Child is grounded for a bad report card until the next one comes. c.Loss of television privileges remain until chores are done. d.Time-out continues until aggressive offender makes other child feel better. Feedback


All of the following statements about Down syndrome are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Less genetic material is involved with the mosaic pattern, and the symptoms are not as severe. b.In most cases, there are 3 copies instead of 2 for chromosome #21. c.All babies with Down syndrome are severely cognitively disabled. d.There are high risks for heart and intestinal defects, leukemia and eye cataracts.


All of the following statements about Piaget's cognitive development theory are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.In the sensorimotor stage, sensing and movements are used to make sense of the world. b.Children are not just adults who know less; adults are not just children who know more. c.Trying to pick up a cheerio using the whole hand to grasp is an example of accommodation. d.Adaptation is accomplished in infants using the processes of assimilation and accommodation.


All of the following statements about Alzheimer's disease are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Diabetics in late adulthood have a 65% chance of also developing Alzheimer's. b.In the beginning of Alzheimer's disease, the patient has a harder time concentrating, forgets things, and is irritable. c.Familial Alzheimer's runs in families and occurs before age 65 while sporadic Alzheimer's doesn't run in families and has a later onset. d.Drugs that keep serotonin around longer in the synapses by delaying its breakdown, are used to treat Alzheimer's.


All of the following statements about Erikson's 6th psychosocial stage are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.There is a willingness to relate to another person on a much deeper level than mutual need. b.Intimacy is the positive choice and isolation is the potentially negative alternative. c.People without a strong identity are poor marriage risks. d.Total surrender of personal self is needed.


All of the following statements about Vygotsky's theory are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Vygotsky stressed the critical importance of culture and language in the cognitive development of a child. b.Children develop their intellects by imitating those around them and bouncing ideas off of them. c.The transition from audible private speech to silent inner speech is a fundamental phase of cognitive development. d.Private speech is a sign of cognitive immaturity.


All of the following statements about adolescent health risk factors are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Metabolism, body weight, and amount of alcohol determine the intensity of symptoms of alcohol use. b.Powerlessness and hopelessness stemming from poverty contribute to poor health behaviors. c.Knowing the bad effects of smoking are not enough to prevent the habit. d.Nicotine is the most widely used drug among adolescents in the US.


All of the following statements about brain specialization are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.About 95% of all adults use the left side of the brain for speaking, writing, and understanding language. b.Negative emotions like anger and fear are seated in the right hemisphere. c.Sensory information from both eyes is sent to both hemispheres. d.The cerebral hemispheres are symmetrical in shape and function.


All of the following statements about continuity are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Continuity occurs through additions to development already established and does not require stages. b.Continuity involves quantitative change. c.Development takes place continually after weeks and months of growth and practice. d.An example of continuity would be a caterpillar suddenly becoming a butterfly.


All of the following statements about language are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a. To support the environmentalist view, the more a parent talks to a baby, the larger the baby's vocabulary will be at 17 months old. b.The sign language of people with hearing impairments is a genuine language even without speech or audible words. c.Infants clearly prefer child-directed speech (CDS) by age 1 month becoming more attentive, excited, happy and interested. d.Language acquisition device (LAD) programs children's brains to analyze the language they hear as well as the social contexts of language.


All of the following statements about language are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Canonical babbling is similar for all babies around the world including babies with deafness. b.Children appear to automatically search for language rules and regularities. c.Toddlers can understand what they hear more than they can reproduce the sounds. d.Language development is tied to vocal cord maturation rather than to brain maturation. Feedback


All of the following statements about marriage are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Good marriage risks include partners with similar SES, religion, education and age. b.Healthy adjustment of the dual-earner marriage depends on the satisfaction level of the working mothers and on the attitudes of the father and children. c.Average age of 1st marriage in the US is 25 years old for women and 27 years old for men. d.Egalitarian marriages where the work is evenly divided and both partners have equal decision authority are more numerous than traditional marriages.


All of the following statements about physical development in old age are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.The brain and nervous system become more sensitive to certain medicines as we get older. b.The elderly have a harder time dealing with temperature changes and dealing with extremes in cold and in heat. c.The elderly have more trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or sleeping soundly. d.The hippocampus takes a heavy hit by losing one-fourth of its neurons accounting for loss of balance and coordination.


All of the following statements about physical disabilities in old age are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Primary aging is biological aging and affects everybody even healthy people. b.Diabetes can be inherited but a sedentary lifestyle along with abdominal fat increase the risks. c.10 to 20% of osteoporosis victims die within a year of a broken hip. d.Cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke and pneumonia are caused by advanced age.


All of the following statements about play are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Children who play with imagination are more popular and happier. b.Play provides an escape valve for being bad without reprisals. c. Play does something about conflict rather than deny it. d.Playing with imaginary friends is a sign of maladjustment. Feedback


All of the following statements about prenatal development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Skin color is controlled by 3 or more sets of genes on 3 different chromosomes. b.It is possible for 2 blue-eyed parents to have a brown-eyed child. c.Only 31% of all conceptions survive prenatal development; 69% do not survive it. d.Recessive alleles mask the presence of dominant ones.


All of the following statements about prenatal exposure to stress are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.A mother experiencing intense anxiety again and again, has less oxygen and nutrients going to the baby. b.Hormones released in response to high stress impact the fetus making the infant more active and more irritable. c.Intense anxiety is linked to pyloric stenosis and cleft palate. d.The emotional response to stress is less aversive to the pregnancy than the stressor event itself.


All of the following statements about preschool education are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Preschools should not be miniature real-schools. b.Plenty of opportunity for supervised free-play should be provided. c.The prevailing attitude should be that school and learning are fun. d.The goals of preschool education are universal and shared across cultures.


All of the following statements about psychometric testing are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Temperament perceived by parents can influence IQ scores. b.Giving reasons behind rules and using authoritative parenting can raise IQ scores. c.The more risk factors present (like poverty) the lower the IQ scores. d.IQ scores are reliable predictors of intelligence and academic achievement.


All of the following statements about school are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Sarcasm and name-calling are harmful to students. b.Classrooms that are cooperative and diverse promote more self-esteem among children. c.Children who were held back in an earlier grade, tend to have more behavior problems than children of similar abilities who were not detained. d.Teachers tend to treat boys and girls the same in corrections and attention.


All of the following statements about schools for adolescents are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.College is a huge transition requiring even more depersonalization. b.Bridging the gap between school and work for non-college bound students can reduce the drop out rate. c.Teens achieve more and behave better in small schools. d.To reform public education, we need more tests.


All of the following statements about sexual orientation development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.Hormonal pathways are organized prenatally to favor certain patterns of sexual orientation. b.Sexual orientation is extremely resistant to change. c.Sexual attraction feelings are possible once the adrenal glands mature before puberty. d.It is a voluntary choice.


All of the following statements about sexually transmitted disease are true except one. Which statement is FALSE? Select one: a.75% of people will develop genital herpes after only 1 exposure with an infected partner. b.HIV/AIDS progresses faster among smokers, the very young, in people over 50, and in women. c.Education is not enough since people who know the risks take them anyway. d.Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis cannot be cured with antibiotics.


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