PSYCH 2314 Chapter 4, 5, & 6 Study Guide

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Research suggests that obesity has epigenetic roots. Child are more likely to be obese if they are ________ at birth, premature and excessively ____________, or ________ weight gain during infancy or early childhood.

Large; small; excessive

When the class norm supports bullying, _____________ is prone to bullying. That's why school programs focus on changing the _______-group norms.

Everyone; peer

Is it necessary to learn to be good at church or other religious institutions?


Children with ADHD learn better in _________ environments. It may be helpful to provide white background noise.


What is a hostile attributional bias?

The tendency of highly aggressive children to see motives and actions as threatening when they are actually benign.

What ages are considered toddlers?

1-2 years old

Name and describe the three forms of insecure attachment.

1. Avoidant attachment - An insecure attachment style characterized by a child's indifference to a primary caregiver at being reunited after separation. 2. Anxious-ambivalent attachment - An insecure attachment style characterized by a child's intense distress when reunited with a primary caregiver after separation. 3. Disorganized attachment - An insecure attachment style characterized by responses such as freezing or fear when a child is reunited with the primary caregiver in the Strange Situation.

By age ______, parents expect their children to be little adults, behaving at the table, not hitting, learning to share, etc.


At age ____ or _____ children can have past-talk conversations.

4 or 5

The hallmark of _____ is deficits in executive functions, problems with ____________ memory, inhibition, and difficulties with ___________ attention. They have trouble performing a ___________ of tasks under time pressure.

ADHD; working; selective; sequence

Children that spend too many hours in day care are at greater risk for "__________-______" issues as teenagers.


Highly physically aggressive children are at risk for getting into trouble during ____________ and in their _______ years.

Adolescence; adult

Causes of ASD's include genetic factors, environmental such as ____ pollution, maternal abuse, prenatal medication use, and _______ birth.

Air; premature

At four months, infants begin the transitional period, called ________-in-the-__________, where they prefer their primary caregiver but will go to another person.


_________ _________ _____________ (ASD's) are defined by deficits in theory of mind -the inability to have normal back-and-forth conversations, share feelings (be self-aware), and a lack of interest in relationships or friends.These are lifelong disorders.

Autism Spectrum Disorders

During Erikson's __________ versus Shame and Doubt stage, toddlers are more likely to want to dress themselves, throw tantrums; experience shame, doubt and embarassment.


________-cut attachment occurs around 7 months through toddlerhood, which explains why kids become scared of strangers.


Researchers found that a child's academic ability in math and writing skills can be determined by their ability at the age of 5 to _______ images and then _____________ designs displayed on another page.

Copy; reproduce

Poor children tend to have higher levels of the stress hormone __________, which may wear down the body and promote premature illness and death.


__________ is worse than regular bullying because bullies can be anonymous and it is emotionally easier.


Prosocial behavior, sacrificing to do good, naturally appears at what point in life?


What ages comprise early and middle childhood?

Early childhood: 3 to 6 years Middle childhood: 6 years to puberty

What is the difference between empathy and sympathy?

Empathy - Feeling the exact emotion that another person is experiencing. Sympathy - A state necessary for acting prosocially, involving feeling upset for a person who needs help.

Children with internalizing tendencies are hypersensitive to ____________ cues, which may cause them to read failure into events where it is not true. They are at risk for developing __________ __________________, the feeling that they have no control over what happens.

Environmental; learned helplessness

How boys and girls feel they need to act is influenced not just by biology, but by the media, teachers, and peers. Define the gender schema theory.

Explanation for gender-stereotyped behavior that emphasizes the role of cognitions; specifically, the idea that once children know their own gender label (girl or boy), they selectively watch and model their own sex.

Children with externalizing problems may ignore ______ problems and have ______ self-esteem that is unrealistic.

Failure; inflated

The one quality that researchers have found predicts competence at age 40, is having been rated ____________ during the first year of life. With the right _______-_________ fit, a difficult toddler can turn into a prosocial hero.

Fearless; person-environment

Because children with ADHD struggle with delayed gratification, is is helpful to give __________ small reinforcers for good behavior.It is also good to involved them in high energy activities such as games or sports.


The brain region responsible for thinking through our actions is called the _____________ lobes.


Research has shown that _________-of-fit is an effective parent strategy that involved arranging a child's environment to suit with their temperament (exuberant or shy) so that they are exposed to things they are strong in and avoiding areas of vulnerability.


Being poor during the first four years of life puts a child at greater risk for not ______________ from high school.


Boys are better at _________ motor abilities and girls are better at __________ motor tasks.

Gross; fine

Boys compete in _______, but girls play ______________.

Groups; collaboratively

Erik Erikson's early childhood psychosocial stage is initiative versus ___________. At this age children courageously test their _______ in the wider world.

Guilt; abilities

Erikson's middle childhood stage is called __________ versus ________ -the need to manage our emotions and work for what we want to ____________ (industry).

Industry versus inferiority; achieve

In Vygotsky's theory, called _______ speech, the way in which humans learn to control their behavior and master cognitive challenges, through silently repeating what they are told, or talking to themselves.


Children that are "difficult" tend to be punished more harshly. But regular spanking of a young children _________ that child's risk of developing externalizing problems, leading to being labeled "antisocial" in school, thus being rejected by peers and teachers.


_______ __________ of utterance (MLU) is the average number of morphemes per sentence.

Mean length

Are young children more or less likely to live in poverty than other age groups?


_______ is the smallest unit of meaning in a particular language, such as boys contaings two -boy and the plural suffix s.


Studies suggest there may be a poisonous two-step, _______-plus-_________ pathway to being labeled as a highly agressive child.


To avoid obese children, the mother should _____ gain excessive weight while pregnant, limit __________ feeding during first year of life, and families should play a part in therapeutic interventions/diet plans.

Not; excessive

__________ is the attachment hormone that causes people to bond.


________ is the sound units that convey meaning in a given language, cush as c for cat and b for bat.


The __________ assertion socialization strategy is ineffective at handling kids that are bouncing off the walls. Parents attempt to control behavior by yelling, screaming, or hitting their children.


The zone of ___________ ________________ (ZPD) is the gap between a child's ability to solve a problem totally on his own andhis potential knowledge if taught by a more accomplished person.

Proximal development

Although the attachment response is programmed to emerge during our first years of life, __________-seeking behavior, or need to make contact with an attachment figure, kicks in when our survival is threatened at __________ age.

Proximity; any

Developmentalist Susan Harper believes that when children reach concrete operations, they can realistically evaluate their abilities._____-__________ is the tendency to feel good or bad about ourselves.This first becomes a major issue in ___________school.

Self-esteem; elementary

____________ is understanding word meanings. Our vocabularies continue to grow throughout life.


Around two months the _________ smile, an automatic reflex, occurs.


__________ referencing is when a baby or person of any age checks back and look for signs that their behavior is acceptable.


The recommended treatment for ADHD is psycho-____________ medications combined with parent and teacher trainings (therapeutic interventions).


____________ is the biological or inborn behavioral style of approaching the world.


Girls that are exposed to high levels of _____________ before birth show more masculine interests as teens as emerging adults.Some speculate this can be a cause for homosexuality.


Define synchrony

The reciprocal aspect of the attachment relationship, with a caregiver and infant responding emotionally to each other in a sensitive, exquisitely attuned way.

________ of mind is the concept that other people have different beliefs and perspectives from your own.


Parent training involves teaching adults to target ____________ behaviors, pay attention to ____________ acts, consistently use time ______, and offer children concrete rewards for behavior.

Upsetting; positive; out

___________ memory is where we keep information in awareness and act to either process it or discard it. This kind of memory is made up of limited-capacity __________ bins. It also consists of an "_____________ ______________", which allows us to focus on what we need to remember as wells as to manipulate the material in _________ memory to prepare it for permanent storage.

Working; holding; "executive processor"; working

Others strategies for combatting ADHD include helping children enhance _________ memory, and limiting the child's intake of additives or ________-laced foods.For some children, dietary changes are successful.

Working; sugar

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