Psych 273 Exam 3

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People diagnosed with sleep apnea show all of the following symptoms except

An abundance of REM sleep

Lesioning the central nucleus of the amygdala in a rat results in

An increase in freezing behavior in response to a conditioned fear stimulus.

Which of the following hormones causes blood vessels to constrict?

Angiotensin II

According to Charles Darwin, facial expressions

Are used as first means of communication.

The polygraph does not detect lies, it detects


The pattern of sleep in elderly people is characterized by increases in


A drop in extracellular volume is detected by specialized


In fear conditioning, the lateral nucleus of the amygdala transmits information through the _______ to evoke hormonal responses.

Central nucleus of the amygdala

According to some researchers, the universal properties of facial expressions may be masked by

Cultural conditioning

The traditional understanding of steroid hormones is that they exert their effects by

Entering cells and altering gene expression

Given the hypertonic solution of the sea, marine mammals are able to survive in seawater by

Excreting excess salt via salt glands

Glands that secrete their products outside the body are referred to as _______ glands.


Paul Ekman and colleagues have proposed the existence of facial expressions for eight emotions that are recognized across all societies. Which of the following is not one of them?


Which of the following pairs of hormones have opposing effects on NPY neurons?

Ghrelin and PYY3-36

The modern field of stress research was launched by

Hans Selye

One of the selective advantages of endothermy appears to be

Increased capacity to sustain a high level of muscular activity

Under conditions of prolonged food deprivation, fat can be converted into glucose and a secondary form of fuel, called


In the testes, the _______ cells produce testosterone under the influence of _______.

Leydig; LH

A hormone that is normally found only in males is

None of the above

Studies involving transections at different levels of an animal's nervous system have suggested that REM sleep

Occurs in whichever part of the transected brain contains the

The response to a decrease of cellular water content is called _______ thirst.


Male mice with knockouts of the _______ gene display "social amnesia," failing to recognize previously encountered females.


The hormone ________ controls the milk letdown reflex and plays a role in formation of social bonds.


Lesions to which of the following brain regions would impair physiological temperature regulation in endotherms?

Preoptic area

Thermoregulation is considered a negative feedback system because

Restoring the desired temperature turns off the response

Which of the following are the organs derived from the wolffian duct system?

Seminal vesicles, vas deferens, epididymis

Which of the following represents the correct order of the stages of reproductive behavior?

Sexual attraction, proceptive behavior, copulation, postcopulatory behavior

Which of the following behaviors would not be expected in a patient with bilateral damage to the amygdala?

Showing a startle response to a sudden loud noise

Neuronal and hormonal communication both involve

Specialised receptor molecules

A child wakes suddenly after sleeping for a couple of hours, is terrified and shows significant autonomic activity, such as a racing heart rate and dilated pupils. When questioned, the child cannot remember what frightened her. It is likely the child has just woken from _______ sleep.

Stage 3

In humans, somnambulism usually occurs during _______ sleep.

Stage 3

Sleep enuresis is associated with _______ sleep.

Stage 3

Decorticate rage refers to

Sudden, intense, poorly directed rage that lacks a clear direction

The complete androgen insensitivity phenotype in an XY adult would include which of the following?

Testes, labia, clitoris

Men rooting for a sports team will produce more _______ if their team wins.


The evidence that testosterone affects aggressive behavior in humans is inconsistent. This inconsistency may be attributable to the fact that

Testosterone appears to have less of an effect on human aggression than it does on aggression in other species.

Experimental evidence suggests that the biological role of REM sleep may be related to

The consolidation of perceptual learning

"Fake it until you make it" is most consistent with

The facial-feedback hypothesis

The sudden attacks of sleep that occur in narcolepsy are characterized by

The immediate onset of REM

The type of diabetes called _______ is characterized by a cessation of insulin production early in life.

Type 1 diabetes

The type of rhythmicity characterized by the regular, predictable onset of a particular behavior every six hours is called a(n) _______ rhythm.


The sleep of dolphins and some birds is similar in that both display

Unilateral sleep

One of the reasons we know that glucose cannot be the only cue for satiety is that

Untreated diabetics are hungry

Dreams experienced during REM sleep are characterized by

Vague visual imagery

The receptors that detect drops in extracellular volume are located in the

Vascular system

One of the primary causes of eating disorders is believed to be

A cultural that emphasizes thinness as being attractive.

Which of the following conditions causes a genetic female to develop an anatomical appearance resembling a male?

A high level of androgen during fetal development

Which of the following would be considered the "low road" response to a bear appearing at your picnic?

A huge surge of adrenaline

When deprived of time cues, people tend to show activity cycles that are

A little more than 24 hours long

Who is most likely to develop a cold when exposed to a virus?

A student staying up late to cram for an exam

Which of the following demonstrates ectothermic behavior?

A turtle basking on a sunny log

Destruction of the SCN _______ circadian rhythms of hormone secretion.


The essential feature of tropic hormones is that they

Affect the secretion of other endocrine glands

Diminished cerebrospinal concentrations of serotonin metabolites are correlated with

Aggression and violence

Some flowers attract bees by releasing _______ into the air.


Which of the following regions is highlighted by Klüver-Bucy syndrome?


According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotions, emotional experience and autonomic response

Are simultaneously triggered by emotional stimuli.

In order to condition a rat to associate a particular tone in context A with a shock, one would play a tone

At the same time as administering a shock in context A

Electrical stimulation of the reticular formation leads to immediate


In the absence of Sry protein, the indifferent gonad

Becomes an ovary

Peptide hormones typically affect cellular processes by

Binding to membrane-bound receptors on the cell surface.

Which of the following is incorrectly paired?

Bulimia nervosa; malnutrition

Epigenetic regulation involves

Changes in gene expression rather than a change in the encoding region in a gene

The type of rhythmicity characterized by the regular, predictable onset of a particular behavior once a day is called a(n) _______ rhythm.


Which statement is about the molecular clock is false?

Clock and Cycle proteins eventually break down and the 24 hour cycle begins again

A diurnal animal will likely feed during the


Papez's circuit provides a model of the relationships of different regions in the limbic system involved in

Emotional expression

Animals whose body temperature is regulated mainly by internal bodily processes are called


The process by which an animal slowly shifts its circadian rhythm to synchronize with the time of sunrise each day is called


Amino acids that are not manufactured by our bodies are classified as


In the body's synthesis of steroids, _______ is (are) synthesized from _______.

Estrogens; androgens

Feelings of disgust at the sight of body fluids may have evolved to help humans avoid

Exposure to germs

Patients with damage to the amygdala do poorly at interpreting facial expressions as indicators of


The hypothalamic-pituitary portal system is essential for the production of

Follicle-stimulating hormone

When a hamster or a person continues to display an activity cycle without any external cues about the time of day, the cycle is said to be


Sperm and ova are known as _______, and when they fuse they form a(n) _______.

Gametes; zygote

Which pancreatic hormone promotes the conversion of glycogen to glucose?


Which of the following would be considered the "high road" response to a bear appearing at your picnic?

Grabbing pots and pans to make lots of noise

Cells located in the _______ synthesize oxytocin and vasopressin and transport these hormones to the _______.

Hypothalamus; posterior pituitary

The theory of stress _______ holds that early, mild stressful experiences early in life may reduce susceptibility to stress in adulthood


Sleep that immediately follows a period of learning has the apparent effect of

Improving long-term retention

Stressful exam periods produce a(n)

Increase in norepinephrine secretion

Sry protein is produced in the

Indifferent gonads

The ovarian (menstrual) cycle is a(n) ________ rhythm.


What is the effect of injecting of anandamide into the hypothalamus?

It stimulates eating

Behavioral regulation of body temperature, like moving closer to the fire, is especially affected by lesions of the

Lateral hypothalamus

Which of the following hormones monitors the body's longer-term energy reserves in the form of fat?


If the SCN is transplanted from animal A to animal B, animal B's rhythmicity will

Match the donor's rhythm

The stress immunization seen in rat pups appears to be attributable to

Maternal comfort after stress

In the brain of the male rat, the region especially important for reproductive behavior is the

Medial preoptic area

Which hormone has been especially implicated in informing the brain about daylight?


Compared to neurotransmitters, hormone effects are generally

More widespread in the body

Leptin inhibits the secretion of _______ neurons, which work(s) in opposition to POMC neurons.


Which of the following circumventricular organs contains osmosensory neurons?

Organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT)

People with a BMI of 25-30 are in the body weight category of


Which of the following about anorexia nervosa is true?

People with anorexia think about food a great deal

Which of the following are two of the three major classes of hormones?

Peptide and steroid

The James-Lange theory of emotions argued that emotions are the

Perception of bodily changes provoked by particular stimuli

In an experiment with hamsters, if a light with a timer is adjusted so that the light switches on and then off 6 hours earlier than they did originally, the animals will show

Phase shift

The _______ system is responsible for promoting REM sleep


Flaccidity in the large muscles of the body is associated most commonly with _______ sleep.


Nightmares are associated with ______ sleep


REM behavior disorder (RBD) may be reduced by drugs that

Reduce anxiety

The Coolidge effect is the

Resumption of sexual activity by a male animal when exposed to a novel female

Slow, large-amplitude waves are seen in the EEG records of people who are in _______ sleep.

Stage 3

Which of the following is consistent with the fraternal birth order effect?

The more older biological brothers a boy has, the more likely he is to develop a homosexual orientation.

Which of the following correctly describes osmotic pressure?

The tendency of a solvent to move across a membrane in order to equalize the concentration of solute on both sides of the membrane

When an animal loses a lot of blood, there is a tendency of baroreceptors to signal


Research has shown that in the forebrain system, SWS is promoted through the actions of GABA on the _______, while in the brainstem system, the _______ projects axons to the brain, promoting wakefulness.

Tuberomammillary nucleus; reticular formation

Which of the following is known as antidiuretic hormone?


The external cue that animals use to discern the time of day is called a


The stimulus (usually the light-dark cycle) that entrains circadian rhythms is called a(n)


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