psych 303 exam 4

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a emtiomal disorder characterized by a lack of remorse, empathy, anxiety, and other social emotions (master of manipulation)

psychotic BPDO

paranoid and fierce need to defend ideas and thoughts distant, flat affect, apathy disconnected to reality disconnected to body and mind

paranoid PDO characteristics

pattern of distrust and suspiciousness victim mentality (shocked by loyalty, assume exploitation, harm, deception, very controlling)

Cleckley's Mask of Sanity (1941)

people with psychopathy hide their mental disorder by perfectly mimicking a normal person (lack of true emotions)

cognitions- BPDO

perceived abandonment (and frantic efforts to stop it)

why does treatment not work for antisocial pdo

they get burnt out

callous subtype- APDO

unemotional group has increased risk of becoming psychotic (very rare) (much more calculated aggression) (behave solely to harm others)

emotions- BPDO

unstable and last for minutes to days (emptiness, intense anger)


whatever they're experiencing from the environment gets told to them it didn't really happen (from a trusted caregiver)

Callous-unemotional presentation- CD

young person with characteristics like an adult with psychopathy

what is cluster A for PDO

odd eccentric (paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal)

BPDO diagnosis (number of symptoms)

NEED to meet 5 or more symptoms out of 9 (247 permutations, can look different)

what is the most common PDO


Cluster C personality disorders (anxious)

avoidant dependent obsessive-compulsive

what do personality DOs do

cause distress (pervasive and inflexible) (high comorbidity with other PDOs)

when is the onset for PDO

childhood (must have trait over lifetime)

cognitive (dialectical) theory- BPDO

childhood abuse/ trauma invalidation emotion dysregulation and self-invalidation

conduct disorder

children who violate society's norms

treatment for dependent pdo

cognitive and behavior therapies graduated exposure

how is avoidant pdo different than social phobia

have these feelings will all relationships

what is NPDO comorbid with

histrianic and antisocial pdo

associated features- psychopathy

impulsivity, reckless, poor family upbringing (same as antisocial pdo)

symptoms of schizotypal pdo

mild schizophrenia

dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)

mindfulness emotional regulation interpersonal effectiveness distress tolerance

who do dependent PDO people get along well with

narcissistic (people)

dependent PDO

need to be cared for deny all thoughts and actions that might displease others cant make everyday decisions

do schizoid pdo people have goals

no (goals)

is there a medication for all symptoms of BPDO

no medication for all of BPDO

adolescent onset type- CD

no onset of (CD) symptoms before age 10

treatment for cluster C

only avoidant PDO is treatable

restricted affect- Schizoid PDO

no pleasure from relationships and interactions (lack of sensory pleasure, no hobbies, no joy, do not reciprocate smiles or waves to others)

grandiosity- NPDO

not psychotic, but overestimate self, boastful, preoccupied with fantasy (inflated sense of ego)

first 2 parts of PDO diagnosis

(A) significant impairment in sense of self and relationships (B) 1 or more pathological personality domains or traits facets

how id OCDPDO different than OCD

(OCDPDO) has obsession over all areas

average amount of meds for BPDO

(about) 10

BPDO symptoms are all related to what

(all related to) instability

childhood onset type- CD

onset of one symptom before age 10

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

orderly and perfectionist inflexible rigid emotionally blocked dogmatic argumentative

antisocial PDO prevalence

.2-3.3% higher in males

Schizoid PDO prevalence


histrionic PDO prevalence

1.8 % (higher in females)

PDO prevalence

14% (1/6) people

how many parts are there in Cleckley's list?

16 (parts)

how many spectrums of BPDO

2 (psychotic and neurotic coexist)

paranoid PDO prevalence


avoidant pdo prevalence

2.4% higher in females

schizotypal personality disorder prevalence


dependent PDO prevalence

4.9% higher in females

borderline PDO prevalence

5.9% more females (from presentation)

narcissistic PDO prevalence

7.7% higher in male

OCDPDO prevalence

7.9% no gender difference

BPDO risk of suicide

75% attempt once 60% attempt more than once 10% complete

BPDO risk of self harm


what are the schizotypal patterns marked by

acute discomfort in relationships (aware people think they're weird) cognitive and perceptual distortions eccentrics in behavior (dress weird)

when do you get diagnosed with PDO?

adulthood (once personality traits are set)

neurobiological theory- BPDO

amygdala= high activity hippocampus= high activity (negative experiences) prefrontal cortex- low activity (impulsive)

what is the only personality disorder that decreases over a lifetime

antisocial pdo

who do dependent PDO people not get along with

antisocial pdo

what is histrionic pdo comorbid with

anxiety and somatic (disorders)

what is psychopathy comorbid with?

anxiety, depression, substance abuse, ADHD

what is cluster C for PDO

anxious fearful (avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive)

covert- APDO

cant see person coming (waiting until they're asleep to slash their tires)

behavioral treatment for HPDO

decrease reinforcement for helpless behavior increase reinforcement for independence

what is schizotypal comorbid with


what 3 non PDO disorders is PDO comorbid with?

depression anxiety substance abuse

what is the main feature of Schizoid PDO

detatchment (lack of desire for relationships)

relationships- BPDO

devalue and idealize

associated features- antisocial PDO

dont conform to social norms deceitfulness impulsive (overt and covert)

histrionic PDO description

drama queen extreme need to be center of attention shallow, fleeting, shifting emotions sexually provocative no insight in relationships

what is cluster B for PDO

dramatic emotional interpersonal (borderline, antisocial, histrionic, narcissistic)

onset of psychopathy

early childhood (some argue that it's at birth)

(T/F) there is a formal diagnosis of psychopathy in DSM 5

false (no formal diagnosis in DSM 5)

early risk factors- APDO

family with inconsistent parental discipline criminal history post birth maternal difficulties cognitive deficits temper hyperaction rejection from peer

neurotic BPDO

intense need for relationships and approval of others high emotionality, unstable moods impulsive and erratic intense self-focus and self-criticism

factor 1 for psychopathy

interpersonal affective component (narcissistic) (callous= unemotional) (lack of remorse) (interpersonally manipulative) (graniose sense of worth)

invalidation correlation with psychopathology

invalidation leads to higher risk of developing disorder (not from the trauma)

self- BPDO

lack of consistent identity and self image (identity changes all the time because of outside environment changing)

why is treatment not successful for NPDO

lack of insight

antisocial PDO description

lack of regard for society's moral or legal standards (cheat on wife, lying, stealing)

etiology of HPDO

largely unknown (etiology) some form of reinforcement to keep behavior for life lack of social skills (variant of antisocial personality)

why does antisocial PDO decrease over a lifetime

less testosterone go to jail die

what needs to be present in PDO diagnosis

maladaptive/ deficits in 2 or more areas (ex: home, work, emotions, thoughts, etc)

are males or females more likely to have paranoid PDO

males (more belligerent and aggressive)

do more males or females have schizotypal pdo

males (schizotypal)

what must be ruled out before diagnosing APDO

manic episode schizophrenia psychosis

exploitation- NPDO

manipulate situation to better themselves; unintentional

schizotypal pdo diagnosis

pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficit

is the prognosis good or poor for PDO

poor (they have very ingrained characteristics )

superstition or preoccupation with paranormal phenomena- schizotypal

reference= read magical meaning in unconnected events (not a coincidence) comply with magical rituals perceptual alterations (sensing another person is present or hear their name murmured)

causes for avoidant pdo

reinforcement for being shy by parents

Behavior for paranoid PDO (PPDO)

sarcastic and blame others (many legal battles, veiled grandiose ideas, need simple straightforward situations)

overt- APDO

see the person coming (getting punched)

behaviors- BPDO

self-harm, suicidal, impulsive, sex, spending

when are schizoid pdo people shy

shy in childhood

avoidant pdo characteristics

social inhibition feel inadequate hypersensitive to negative evalutation

what is personality

stable thoughts perceptions and interations

NPDO description

strong need for admiration high levels of entitlement lack of empathy exploitative

Behavior based associated features- APDO

suicide homicide accidents assault interpersonal problems

what is in Cleckley's checklist

superficial charm absence of delusion not nervous (during act of crime) unreliable untruthful lack of remorse antisocial behavior poor judgement pathological grandiosity poverty of affect loss of insight no response to interpersonal relationships alcohol addiction suicide is rare sex life is trivial dont act on life plan

schizotypal people have that is odd

tangential speech behaviors (walking) mannerism (dressing)

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