Psych 305 Exam 2 Part 2: Chapter 6 & 7

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Pacinian corpuscles respond best to __

A rapid mechanical pressure

Vigorous use of fast-twitch fibers results in fatigue because the process is ____


What type of muscle controls movements of the heart?


The scala media makes up part of the ____.​


Pitch is a perception related to which aspect of sound?​


The ____ of a sound is the number of compressions per second.​


The current view of how we perceive sounds less than 100 Hz is based on ____

Frequency of action potentials

The fact that the refractory period limits the firing rate of a neuron is problematic for which of the following?

Frequency theory only

A Golgi tendon organ responds to ____.

Increase in muscle tension

The stretch reflex ____.

Is caused by a stretch

If a new species were found with legs composed almost completely of fast-twitch muscles, what could we infer about its behavior?

It could chase prey only over short distances

What is the major problem for the frequency theory of sound perception?​

It requires that neurons respond as quickly than they are able to do.

What is the perception of the intensity of a sound wave called?​


In the auditory system, hair cells are specialized receptors that respond to ____.​

Mechanical displacement

What does the vestibular system detect

Movement of the head

Mirror neurons are active when ____.

Playing the piano

A physician who asks you to cross your legs and then taps just below the knee is testing your ____ reflexes.


A muscle spindle responds to the ____.

Stretch of the muscle

People with posterior parietal damage ____.

Will not step over an obstacle, although they can accurately describe it​, have trouble converting vision into action

Which activity is an example of a motor program in a human?


What is a dermatome

an area of the skin innervated by a given spinal nerve

Which muscle is "antagonistic" to a flexor muscle in the right arm?

an extensor muscle in the right arm

Moving a leg or arm back and forth requires opposing sets of muscles called ____

antagonistic muscles

A tonotopic map refers to a(n) ____

auditory cortex map of sounds

According to the frequency theory, the ____.​

basilar membrane vibrates in synchrony with a sound, producing action potentials at the same frequency

Large-diameter pain axons ____.​

carry sharp pain information

46. ​Central pattern generators ____.

contribute to rhythmic patterns of movement

Damage to the primary auditory cortex results in ____.​

difficulty in responding to sequences of sounds

Damage to the prefrontal cortex is most likely to result in ____.

poorly planned movements​

A proprioceptor is sensitive to the ___

position and movement of a part of the body​

The role of the Golgi tendon organs is to ____.

prevent extreme muscle contractions

A ballistic movement ____.

proceeds automatically once it has been triggered​

What kind of receptors detect pain, warmth, and cold?​


​Just thinking about the intention to put your arm around your attractive date would activate which motor areas?

supplementary motor cortex​

What experience is similar to losing proprioception?

walking on a leg that has "fallen asleep"​

The ability to hear a note and identify it perfectly is called ____.​

Absolute pitch

What is the intensity of a sound wave?


Loudness is to ____ as pitch is to ____.​


The scala vestibuli makes up part of the ____.​


​In movement, the ____ muscle straightens the arm.


Which muscles are especially important when running up a flight of stairs at full speed?

Fast twitch

During aerobic exercises such as dancing, as glucose is used by the muscles, ____.

Glucose use decreases

Vibrations in the fluid of the cochlea causes ____.​

Hair cells to displace

Watching another person shoot a basketball is most likely to activate ____ neurons in the brain of the person who is watching.


A sudden stretch of a muscle excites a feedback system that opposes the stretch. This message starts in the ___

Muscle spindles

What process is predicted by the gate theory of pain?

Non-pain information can inhibit pain information.

​The eye muscles have a ratio of about ____ axon(s) per ____ muscle fiber(s)


The brain chemicals known as endorphins produce effects similar to which substance?


The tympanic membrane connects to three tiny bones that transmit the vibrations to the ____. ​

Oval window

Somatosensory information travels from the thalamus to which area of the cortex?​

Parietal lobe

The structure that we commonly refer to as the ear (on the outside of the head) is formally known as the ____.​


What occurs to a tone as the frequency increases?

Pitch gets higher

The fact that the various parts of the basilar membrane are tightly bound together is problematic for which of the following?​

Place theory only

The absence of acetylcholine will cause a muscle to ____.


Exercising at a high altitude where there is less oxygen is most likely to affect ____.

Slow twitch fibers

Morphine is effective in relieving

Slow, dull pain

What type of muscle controls movements of internal organs?


Stimulation of a touch receptor opens ____ channels in the axon.​


Muscle spindles respond to changes in muscle ____; Golgi tendon organs respond to changes in muscle ____


What type of muscle is responsible for the movement of your body through the environment?


What neurotransmitter is released by axons that carry pain information to the brain?

Substance P

To what lobe of the cerebral cortex is auditory information sent


The somatosensory system involves sensation of ____.​

The body and its movements

What is the relationship between the motor neuron axons and muscle fibers?

The fewer muscle fibers a single axon innervates, the more precise the movements

. Which statement is TRUE of various types of somatosensation?​

They are at least partly distinct all the way from the receptors to the cerebral cortex.

Three small bones connect the tympanic membrane to the oval window. What is the function of these bones?​

They convert airwaves into waves of greater pressure

The eardrum is also known as the ____.​

Tympanic membrane

The eighth cranial nerve contains both a(n) ____ component and a ____ component.​

auditory; vestibular

The eye muscles can be moved with greater precision than the biceps muscles because ____.

eye muscles have a lower ratio of muscle fibers to axons​

Which action is an example of a motor program in chickens with featherless wings

flapping wings if suddenly dropped

A mild degree of pain releases the neurotransmitter ____. A more intense pain also releases ____.​

glutamate; substance P

The premotor cortex ____.

is active during preparations for a movement and less active during movement itself​

The posterior parietal cortex ____.

keeps track of the position of the body relative to the world​

A motor program is a ____.

movement that, once triggered, continues automatically until its completion​

A boxer's ability to sense the position of his arm and hand before planning a punch is dependent on the sense of ____.


Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, relieve pain by ____.​

reducing the release of chemicals from damaged tissues

The prefrontal cortex ____

responds to lights, noises, and other signals for a movement.​

In order to elicit movement, the motor cortex ____

sends axons to the brainstem and spinal cord

. Pain receptors of the skin are ____.

simple, bare neuron endings

Most auditory information is sent to which hemisphere of the brain?​

the contralateral side

Which ability would be most impaired with damage to the vestibular senses?

visually tracking an object while dancing

How do sound waves ultimately result in the production of receptor potentials?​

​Hair cells in the cochlea vibrate, causing ion channels to open in their membrane.

Why is it important for sound vibrations to be amplified as they pass through the ear?​

​More force is needed to create waves in fluid.

An individual with damage to the primary somatosensory cortex would most have problems with ____.​

​ability to locate where they are being touched

Each spinal nerve has ____.​

​both a sensory and a motor component

Along each strip of somatosensory cortex, different sub-areas respond to ____.

​different areas of the body

Meissner's corpuscles are ____.​

​elaborate neuron endings for touch

Ruffini's endings are ____.​

​elaborate neuron endings for touch

Studies with placebos and studies using hypnotism suggest that much of the reduction in pain is the result of decreased activation in the ____.​

​emotion areas of the brain sing

Perception of a low tone is to ____ as perception of a high tone is to ____.​

​frequency theory; place theory

Morphine and other opiate drugs decrease sensitivity to pain by ____.

​mimicking the effects of endorphins at the synapses

What is the name given to the synapse where a motor neuron's axon meets a muscle fiber?

​neuromuscular junction

Where are the auditory receptor cells located?​

​on the basilar membrane

In the otolith organs, the otoliths are calcium carbonate particles that ____.​

​push against hair cells when moved

Which two structures provide information about vestibular sensation

​semicircular canals and otolith organs

The sensory aspect of pain activates the ____ cortex, whereas the emotional aspect activates the ____ cortex

​somatosensory; cingulate

An acceleration of the head at any angle causes ____.

​the jelly-like substance in one of the semicircular canals to push against hair cells

When mechanical pressure bends the membrane of a Pacinian corpuscle, ____.​

​the membrane's resistance to the flow of sodium ions decreases

The eardrum vibrates at ____.​

​the same frequency as the sound waves that hit it

The current view of how we perceive high frequencies is based on ____.​

​where along the basilar membrane neurons fire most rapidly

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