Psych 310 Cooper Quiz Questions

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Which of the following is NOT true of fixed action patterns?

they develop only after the animal has had lots of experience with the eliciting stimulus

Of the following schedules which one would produce behavior that is the most resistant to extinction (on which of these schedules would extinction take the longest)?

FR 100

Birthday gifts are best described as examples of reinforcers that are received on a(n) ____ schedule.


For a student, seeing a large 'A' at the top of a marked paper or exam could be considered

a conditioned reinforcer. a secondary reinforcer, and a generalized reinforcer

Noncontingent reinforcement may sometimes result in

a decrease in maladaptive behavior, superstitious behavior, and laziness

For effective punishment one needs to

be sure the punishment is contingent on a specific, identifiable behavior

During the Second World War, a major predictor of whether children developed an intense fear of air raids was whether their mothers

displayed a fear reaction themselves

For the pigeons in question one the S+ of 800 is producing

excitatory conditioning

Watch a couple minutes of this video of a dog packing a suitcase

he has been trained with reinforcement to do each behavior shown in each clip

If a self-injurious behavior is reinforced by escaping a demand then you would expect ___ rates during the demand session and ____ rates during the toy play/control session.

high, low

If a self-injurious behavior is reinforced with attention you would expect _____ rates in the attention session, ______ rates in the tangible session, and _____ rates in the toy play/control session.

high, low, low

The reinforcers for exhibiting an impulsive behavior are more ___ than the reinforcers for exhibiting self-control


Having many other sources of reinforcement available can

increase self-control

Which of the following explanations, for why my cat is rubbing my leg, is the most parsimonious?

it has been about 10 hours since she last ate and now has a physiological need for food that creates a hunger drive that motivates her to engage in behavior that results in food. So when I feed her she stops rubbing my leg.

which of the following choices is an operational definition of a nice car?

it has leather seats

According to the Premack Principle, food can serve as a reinforcer because

it is higher probability behavior

In blocking, the presence of a ____ prevents conditioning of a second potential CS.

previously conditioned CS

Food usually functions as a(n) ____ reinforcer while a light that has been paired with food functions as a(n) ____ reinforcer.


I am playing a video game and know that as soon as I kill 20 aliens I will progress to the next level.


For pigeon A in question 1, if he does have peak shift which of the following might represent where his behavior peaks?


The two process theory of avoidance relies on which two processes?

a conditioned fear and negative reinforcement of behavior that reduces that fear

At least a minute must pass between each response before the reinforcer will be delivered. This sounds like an example of a ____ schedule.


I am at the theater to see the new Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson movie and am excited for it to start. I know I have to sit through (exactly) 20 minutes of previews before I will be reinforced for having come to the theater.


You need a clean glass and all the dishes are in the dishwater, so you turn it on and 40 minutes later are rewarded with a clean glass. (Can you turn on the dishwasher more quickly and get your clean glass sooner? (no, so is this ratio or interval?) Is the time you wait predictable or unpredictable?)


Which of the following is an example of how the Premack principle would explain why punishment decreases behavior?

If you watch an hour of TV then you must spend 30 minutes studying

During a CER experiment a suppression ratio of .1 indicates _____ learning than a suppression ratio of .4.


Everyday that Annie gets her homework done before dinner without her mother asking her to do, she is rewarded by not having to clean up after dinner. This is an example of (ok, if you don't get this question correct the first time - and know exactly WHY you got it correct - then it means you do not understand how to do these and you should ASK me about it!)


If an aversive stimulus is used in such a way that behavior increases then it must be an example of....


Jake had some homework to do that he wasn't excited about, but he really loves Poeye's chicken sandwiches. So he made himself a deal and said if he got his homework done first, then he could go to Popeye's and get a chicken sandwich. Assuming Jake found this reinforcing (he was more likely to finish his homework in the future) this is most consistent with which theory of reinforcement?

Premack Principle

Fundamentally where do all cognitive abilities initially come from?

They are a product of evolution by natural selection

The first trial of an overshadowing procedure begins with the pairing of

The first trial of an overshadowing procedure begins with the pairing of

In the summer the local library has a Summer Reader's program and each week they give a prize to the kid who has read the most books that week. I'm never sure how many books it will take to win "best reader" each week, sometimes 8 books, sometimes 12 or more, so I read like crazy in order to win the prize. (The fact that there is a weekly winner makes this a conjunctive schedule, but ignore that fixed interval aspect of it for now, what other schedule is the reader on to be that week's winner?)


If a rat is trained that pressing a lever when he hears a S+ 600 hz tone gets him food but pressing a lever when he hears a S- 580 hz tone does NOT get him food then the peak shift effect would predict that the rat would later press the lever most when he hears

a 610 hz tone

Aversive stimuli may

cause behavior to increase or decrease

Kendra's dog was chewing on a shoe so Kendra said "No!" loudly and scared the dog. As a result the dog hid under the table because it was too scared to do anything else. This most matches which theory of punishment?

conditioned suppression theory of punishment

Each time the dog scratches at the door, its owner lets it outside. In technical terms, this is an example of a(n) ____ schedule of reinforcement.


In operant conditioning, behaviors are

controlled by their consequences

Same story as above but what if THIS had happened: The observer's attention was drawn to the door just before the food by watching the demonstrator so when the observer was put in the tank with the task it immediately went up to the side of the task where the door was and started exploring that end of the task - he did this sooner then octopi who had never observed another octopus solving the task and that's all we can really say about it and we're not sure if he even learned what the goal was. What could we call this?

stimulus enhancement

In this we see dolphins using what your book refers to as (language section ch 13)


In the toy play/control session which of the following happens?

the child is given attention, tangible reinforcement, and no demands are made

Ed has a class where he sits near a good looking and friendly woman. He often gets to class a little early so he can be sure he has a few minutes to talk to her about class notes or an upcoming exam and enjoys the attention she gives him. Even when his day is not going so well his mood becomes a bit cheery when he is walking into the classroom. What is the US in this example?

the positive attention from the woman

If a punishment procedure results in the increase of a behavior, which of the following might be true?

the punishment is a signal for reinforcement

Identify which temporal arrangement of stimuli is used in each of the following examples. Lightning flashes and 8-10 seconds later thunder roars.

trace conditioning

The concept of noncontingent reinforcement seems closely related to Carl Rogers' humanistic concept of

unconditional positive regard

A fox can catch more mice in field A (it is the better option) then field B, but field A is close to a kid's house who sometimes might try and shoot the fox with a BB gun, so the fox spends less time in field A and more time in field B then predicted by matching. This situation produces _______________.


According to the matching law, the percentage of responses emitted on the green key should have been 70% (that means it must be paying out 70% of the total reinforcement.) But the pigeon spends 60% of its time on the green key - what do we call this?


Deprivation usually increases the ______ of a stimulus.


Jake has a busy schedule. Most days he has classes, work, homework, practice, and he has to find time to eat, sleep, do his laundry and spend time with his girlfriend. If Jake could ignore all those things and just spend his time however he chooses, we would say he has reached his ____________________________.

bliss point

You may choose to watch TV, study, or scoop the cat litter whenever you please for how long you please. This statement illustrates

bliss point

The goals of ABA include

both reducaing the maladaptive behavior and increasing a replacement behavior

Fatima promises to give her son a cookie for each hour that he studies math. Unfortunately because this is a tangible and expected reinforcer, her son could well become

less interested in math

Young children are likely to have ________delay functions (value discounting curves) for larger delayed rewards than older children.

more deeply scalloped or steep

On a generalization gradient a flatter line indicates

more generalization

According to the text, learning is a ________ in behavior that results from some type of experience.

relatively permanent change

Your dog jumps up and down when you get home from class. Which of the following would be an explanation that infers a theory of mind on the part of the dog?

your dog believes you might be headed for the couch and the TV but if he jumps on you he thinks you will realize he wants to be pet and so you will stop and pet him

According to the matching law, on a concurrent VI-15-sec VI-60-sec schedule of reinforcement, what percentage of responses should be emitted on the VI-60-sec schedule?


According to the matching law, if a pigeon recieves 40% of its reinforcers on the yellow key, it will emit _____ of its responses on the yellow key.


In the Ed example, Ed's change in mood when walking into class would be the


Disinhibition in classical conditioning is the reappearance of a ____ following the presentation of a novel stimulus after ____.

CR; extinction

During a conditioned supression experiment once the CR fear is learned the rat stops pressing the lever during the presentation of the _______.


A form of classical conditioning in which the ____ is the passage of time is ____.

CS; temporal conditioning

Chandra's tendency to ignore her roommate's requests that Chandra help out keeping the apartment clean has several consequences - which of the following consequences is an example of negative reinforcement for Chandra's behavior of "not helping keep the apartment clean"?

Chandra gets out of having to spend time cleaning

Dr. Walter Mischel from Stanford University found that young children who used appropriate strategies to manage a delay of gratification task (the marshmellow test) were more likely as teenagers to

Cope well with frustrations AND Get along well with their peers

When I go to eat at Tomato Head in Market Square and I bring a coupon, they will remove some of the charges from my bill. So I am likely to keep bringing in coupons.


Annie lives in a noisy dorm. If she waits until 10pm to start doing her homework (instead of doing it at 4pm) it takes her twice as long to finish because she is constantly interrupted by her hallmates. Behavior: do homework at 10pm instead of 4pm Consequence: interruptions by hallmates This consequence is an example of: (don't read anything into it, don't think about the consequences of being interrupted, don't think about lost time, just label the interruptions themselves that are happening at 10pm (that don't happen at 4pm)-THAT is the consequence, the occurrence of interruptions)


One of my favorite singers is playing at the Tennessee Theater. I paid $80 for a ticket, drove downtown and paid $15 for parking, shuffled through a crowd of people and get my foot stepped on, waited 20 minutes in line to use the bathroom, sat next to someone who sneezed germs all over me, and listened to the concert. The music was awesome and I can't wait till the band comes again next year so I can do it all over. So apparently the awesome concert served as ____ for all the behavior I did to get myself to the concert.


When I decide to give a quiz my class is happy because they know it is a chance to improve their grade, I like making students happy so I give them more quizzes. (I am the learner)


When I eat at Tomato Head in Market Square the food is always delicious, so I am likely to eat there again.


What has the most bearing on which cognitive abilities any particular species has?

The specific selective pressures in their ecological niche

According to the matching law, a bluebird should have spent 30% of its time in the meadow when there were fewer insects there compared to its own territory, and 70% in the meadow when it had more insects then its own territory. In reality the bluebird spent 40% when the meadow had fewer insects and 80% when the meadow had more insects. What could explain this? (notice there are two completely different situations being described.)

This is bias, maybe the meadow had tastier insects compared to the insects in its own territory

After being slightly bitten by one of her lab rats, June became slightly fearful of them. Then one day at home, she accidentally jabbed a needle right through her finger, after which she became MUCH more fearful of rats. This is an example of a conditioning phenomenon known as

US revaluation

When Battu is practicing piano, his mother rewards him by occasionally giving him a hug. This is best described as an example of a _____ schedule.


On a(n) ____ schedule, reinforcement is contingent upon the first response following an unpredictable period of time.


On a ____ schedule, reinforcement is contingent upon an unpredictable number of responses.


Which of the following scenarios is most likely?

a fairly quiet, low pitched noise will get your attention when it begins but you will probably habituate to it

Alex got a call from home with bad news. The family dog was not doing well and his mom wanted to prepare him that the vet may need to put the dog down (that means kill it nicely). Alex was quite upset and cried awhile after the phone call. A few hours later he was still upset but no longer crying. The next afternoon his mom called to say the dog just had an infection and was on antibiotics and was going to be ok. Alex was elated (really happy) for the rest of the day, and later that week he was back to his normal self. According to the opponent process theory what is happening when Alex first heard the news and was crying?

a process was working alone

When a behavior acts to discontinue an aversive stimulus that is currently being experienced it is ________; when the behavior acts to prevent the occurrence of the aversive stimulus in the first place it is ___________________.

an escape response; an avoidance response

If you attempt to pet a rat during an experiment, it is most likely to bite you during _________________ because the schedule or procedure elicits aggression.

an extinction procedure

Curtis finds that his girlfriend is being uncommunicative today - she is giving him "the silent treatment." Given what we know about the effects of extinction on behavior which of the following would we expect to see from Curtis?

an initial increase in his attempts to communicate with her

Researchers in the field of comparative cognition are mostly interested in animal behavior that does not appear to be the result of associative learning processes. (Associative learning includes classical and operant conditioning, because associations between stimuli, or between behavior and consequences, are learned.) Many studies in animal cognition are attempts to rule out associative learning processes as explanations in order to show that the animal is solving a task using some other cognitive ability. If the goal is to show the animal solved a task without the benefit of learning from initial attempts at solving the problem, which of the following would allow a researcher to do this and claim the animal instead had solved the task with a non-associative cognitive process?

animal solves the task on the first attempt

Sam knew his roommate would be angry if he caught Sam using his computer, so he decided to do something else (watch TV, or get a snack) so he wouldn't feel anxious about getting caught by his roommate suddenly arriving home.This most fits which theory of punishment?

avoidance theory

Sam likes to go out with Marc and David, but Marc is usually more fun so he goes out with Marc more. In fact even when Marc is in a bad mood and not so fun to hang around Sam still spends more time with Marc because he prefers him. This is most like


Thinking "Oh, how disgusting," when you see your roommate eat something she dropped on the floor is an example of a(n) ___________ response. While scrunching up your face when you see her do that is an example of a(n)__________ response.


Previous experience with extinction is likely to ______ persistence of responding when an extinction procedure is suddenly implemented.


I want my cat to associate the sound of a bell with feeding time so I start ringing the bell and then put the food in front of her while I am still ringing it.

delayed conditioning

Sarah stayed up late until 2am surfing the web on her computer. As a result, the next morning she was really tired and felt terrible as she dragged herself out of bed to go to class. The punishment (being really tired) for Sarah's staying up late behavior is

delayed. neutral, primary

Skinner (1948) found that pigeons exposed to an FT schedule of reinforcement

developed ritualistic patterns of behavior

Romeo finds that girls pay attention to him when he smiles but not when he burps. He now smiles a lot, and rarely burps, when girls are present. This is an example of the effect of

differential reinforcement

Jake was hungry. He pulled into Popeye's, ate a chicken sandwich and wasn't hungry anymore. Assuming Jake found this reinforcing (he is likely to go to Popeye's in the future) this example is most consistent with which theory of reinforcement?

drive reduction

If I measure how long you spend answering questions on the first exam, I am measuring the ___________ of your behavior. If I measure how long it takes you to finish answering all 50 questions I am measuring the ___________ of your behavior.


An octopus watches another octopus maneuver an obstacle course to get a food prize: the demonstrator has to open the end of a tunnel, go through it, turn left to go around a barrier (if he went right the way would be blocked), turn a latch clockwise to open a door and then get his food reward. The observer octopus watches this once and then is placed in the tank with the task. IF the observer octopus does the following what would we call it? The observer noticed the demonstrator got to the end of the tube and also got food at one part of the cage. The observer wants to also get that food so now he explores the tube a bit eventually going to the end of it, he then starts to go right, but turns and goes left, then explores the door awhile eventually turning it counterclockwise which opens the door and he gets his food.


The basic process involved in flooding appears to be


The rat must press the lever continuously for 10 minutes to earn a pellet of food. This is an example of a _____ schedule.

fixed duration

According to the incentive motivation idea of reinforcement, food can serve as a reinforcer because

food contains qualities we like (it is tasty)

The prime example of behavior maintained on a variable ratio schedule is


The most clear thing we see demonstrated about Kanzi's language ability is

he clearly understands spoken English

Same story with the octupus above BUT what if instead when the demonstrator got a chance to do the task THIS is what happened: He went directly to the end of the tube, turned left to get around the barrier, turned the latch clockwise (just like the demonstrator) and got his food completing each step in the same way the demonstrator did each step. What would we call this?


Jake heard that Popeye's chicken sandwiches were really good and everyone was running to buy one. He thought they must be the most amazing sandwhich ever made so he pulled into Popeye's to get one so he could try this amazing sandwich. Assuming Jake found this reinforcing (he is likely to go to Popeye's in the future) this example is most consistent with which theory of reinforcement?

incentive motivation

The availability of other sources of reinforcement can

increase self-control

Rebecca finds that if she persistently pesters her mother to buy her a toy, she sometimes gets what she wants. Rebecca's pestering behavior is being reinforced on a(n) ____ schedule.


One of the major difficulties with the structuralist approach to psychology was the fact that the method of _____ was unreliable.


Sensory preconditioning can be considered as a demonstration of ________________________ because an association that was previously made is not expressed until later.

latent learning

I have a student struggling on my exams so I give her advice and her next grade is 10% pts higher! Now it could just be that the second exam was easier, but I give the same advice to another student and their grades improve too! Then I try it with another student and his grade goes up too. I'm gaining confidence in this advice I give students. What type of design does this match?

multiple baseline across people

Joel likes to go to Noodles for lunch and he also likes to go to Chipotle. Then Chipotle started giving out free guacamole with every order so Jeff is going to Chipotle more and Noodles less. This is an example of

negative behavioral contrast

I got up early and made it to class on time so my students were NOT upset and glaring, meaning the threat of being glared at was avoided/removed. I am likely to get up early in the future. (again I am the learner)

negative reinforcement

Sally really likes Jon and goes on a date with him whenever he asks. She likes Sam less and only sometimes accepts his invitations for a date. Then she falls in love with Bob and tells Jon and Sam that she can't see them anymore. While Jon quickly stops asking her out, Sam persists in asking her out for several months. This is an example of

partial reinforcement extinction effect

Kathy decided she would ignore her daughter's daily temper tantrums and after 1 week of this she found that her daughter's tantrums occurred at about half the rate as before. Her daughter's tantrums were:

partially extinguised

Elisa wants to stop checking her social media all the time. In order to help her control her own behavior she deletes those apps from her phone. This is an example of (according to Skinners ideas on self control)

physical restraint

Kim spends some time every day checking her Twitter feed and some time reading posts on Facebook. She finds her friends on Facebook are posting more annoying cat memes then usual so for a few days she ends up spending more time on Twitter and less time on Facebook. This is an example of

positive behavioral contrast

Garcia's bright noisy tasty water experiment is evidence for


People in general more easily acquire a fear of snakes than birds. This is an example of _________. But certain individual people more easily acquire a fear of snakes than other people. This is an example of the effect of ____________.

preparedness; temperament

Jack works extremely hard at whatever task he is assigned. According to learned industriousness theory, working hard is which sort of reinforcer, for Jack?

primary and secondary reinforcer

Horst desperately wanted to be a writer. He sent out hundreds of short-story manuscripts but sold only two. He no longer tries to be a writer. This is best described as an example of

ratio strain

Which design is illustrated in this example: I want to demonstrate that to get my friend to not be late I have to tell her to be somewhere 20 minutes before she actually needs to meet me. So on Friday I text her to meet me at 3 even though I won't arrive until 3:20. On Monday I tell her the correct time to meet me. On Wednesday I give her a meeting time 20 minutes before the true meeting time. On Friday I tell her the real time to meet me. I find that on the days I give her the real time to meet me I end up waiting about 15 minutes for her to arrive, on the days I give her a fake meeting time - 20 minutes ahead of when I will actually arrive - i don't have to wait. This is most like a __________ design.


A(n) ____ reinforcer is one that has become a reinforcer because it is associated with some other reinforcer.


Little fears can grow into big fears through the process of

selective sensitization, incubation, and US revaluation

Over time, Jim gradually becomes more and more efficient at cleaning his apartment. This improvement is most likely an example of what type of process?


I want to condition you to like broccoli so I tell you lots of funny jokes while you are chewing your broccoli.

simultaneous conditioning

Faced with a choice between 2 pellets of food in 2 seconds or 3 pellets of food in 12 seconds, a rat who is impulsive will choose the _____ alternative. But if he has to wait 200 seconds to get 2 pellets of food and 210 seconds to get 3 pellets of food the rat will now likely choose the ____ alternative.

smaller; larger

Toward the end of a day in which she wrote several exams in a row, Susan felt none of the test anxiety that she typically feels. According to the process of _______, she might still feel some degree of anxiety at the start of another test the following week.

spontaneous recovery

A rat presses a lever in the presence of a 1000hz tone (which is an SD) but not in the presence of a 990 or 1010hz tone. The generalization gradient for this rat's behavior is relatively ______ indicating ______ discrimination.

steep; strong

Leaving the house when you see the clock say 7:40 am is an example of

stimulus control

Which of the following choices would be the closest explanation for this observation of a bird's behavior: Your pet chickadee is watching a wild chickadee outside on your front porch. The wild chickadee lands on top of a milk bottle that has been delivered and uses his feet to tear off the top of the milk bottle and takes a drink. The next day your bird gets out (who has never played with milk bottles before) immediately lands on top of a new milk bottle and uses his beak to tear off the top and get a drink.

stimulus enhancement

During a functional assessment the data show that Janie's head banging behavior occurs at high rates during the tangible session (when she was reinforced with being allowed to color for a minute), low rates during the demand session, and low rates during the toy play session. This suggests that Janie's SIB is maintained by what kind of reinforcer?

tangible (getting to color)

Same set up with the octopi but THIS time: The observer and demonstrator are in the same tank - the demonstrator goes thru the tube then waits for the observer to catch up, the demonstrator then turns left and again waits for the observer to follow. The demonstrator then opens the latch and lets the observer go in and eat the food reward. Once the observer accomplished the whole task on his own the demonstrator never again waited for the observer or opened the latch for him. What would we call this?


Sara got a voicemail congratulating her on being hired by a company where she had recently had an interview. She was excited about the news and quickly told her friends and family. After a few hours her initial excitement had decreased some but she was still very happy. The next day she got a call from the company telling her the assistant who left the voicemail had made an error and the job had actually been offered and accepted by another applicant. Now Sara felt extremely depressed, though eventually she got over it and went back to being her old self. According to the opponent, what was happening at the point in this story where Sara is still very happy but her initial excitement has decreased somewhat?

the a and b process are working at the same time

What about this video leads us to conclude that the dolphin understands it is looking at its own reflection?

the dolphins do behavior in front of the mirror that they do not normally do

On a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement, the reinforcer is delivered after

the first response following a fixed period of time.

If Samantha earns 70% of her sales from Customer A and 30% from customer B but she prefers talking to Customer B and meeting B for lunch, we would predict that she will spend more than 30% of her time with customer B (and thus less than 70% with Customer A) which is an example of


On a concurrent VI-15-sec VI-45-sec schedule, the pigeon should respond three times as much on the VI-15 compared to the VI-45 (3:1 ratio). If instead the pigeon only spends twice as much time on the VI-15 compared to the VI-45 (2:1) then he would be


Errorless learning might require a therapist to

use full physical prompts in the beginning and then fade to partial prompts

This schedule produces a moderate, steady rate of response with little or no post-reinforcement pause.

variable interval

According to the response deprivation theory, food can serve as a reinforcer because

we can't have it unless we do something first

In order to develop a treatment protocol an ABA therapist is going to rely most heavily on

what the data are from the child's functional analysis sessions

in Japan. They show the most footage of a chimp doing a task with numbers that are masked and he has to touch them in order. This particular task is designed to test the chimp's _____________.

working memory

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