Psych EXAM 2 (9,10, Readings #2,3,4)

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psychological safety

people can express themselves and feel free to take risks or be creative without fear of negative consequences. organization values learning and growth rather than punishment for mistakes

turnover (job withdrawal)

percentage of employees that leave the job over a specific time period

Entity mindset

-(fixed) -failures and criticism are personal attacks and opportunities to receive them should be avoided (taking easier teacher to avoid lowering gpa) -Effort is useless (you cant teach and old dog new tricks, a leapard never changes its spots) -I failed a stats test because i will never e good at math

incremental mindset

-(growth) -failures are opportunities to learn and grow (didnt do well on test so i adjust study habits) -challenges should be embraced (taking a tougher teacher to learn more) -dividing world into learners and non learners

Type A behavioral pattern

-Achievement striving -impatience/irritability -hostility -time urgency

Challenge stressors

-Inherent to job -stressful but necessary -provide potential gains EX: exams in classes, finishing a proposal on time, fighting fires for fire fighters

Five areas of job satisfaction assessed by the JDI

-Job in General (global satisfaction w/ the work itself) -satisfaction w/ supervision -satisfaction w/ co-workers -satisfaction w/ pay -opportunities for promotion

three categories of work outcomes affected by psychological contract breach

-affect (contract violation & mistrust) -attitudes (job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment) -performance (turnover, OCB, task performance)

Understand what the experience sampling method is

-allow researchers to take mulitple assessments of participants each day to capture fluctuations in experiences. -often participants are notified to keep records in diary-describes interaction between person and event -takes into account the interactions between moods and events

understand what psychological contracts are

-beliefs that people hold regarding terms of an exchange agreement between themselves and the organization. beware of job hopping & staying at the job too long

Spillover hypothesis

-engagement at work can lead to a more positive work-family relationships. -employees who are more engaged at work are also more engaged in their personal and family relationships. -employees however also need psychological detachment from work. Recovery at night in off-work hours is more positively correlated with daily engagement the next day. can describe the difference between workaholics and engaged employees.

4 types of social support

-instrumental (direct, practical help) -emotional (empathy, active listening) -informational support (provide useful information to help solve a problem) -appraisal (feedback that enhances self-esteem & self-efficacy)

Hindrane stressors

-job demands that interfere w/ work achievement EX: office politics, unnecessary meetings, sexual harrassment, lack of job security, red tape

Primary prevention strategies

-modifying or reducing stressors -increasing job resources, removing hindrance EX: autonomy, flexible work environment

Secondary prevention strategies

-modifying responses to inevitable stressors -EX: cognitive behavioral skills training, exercise, biofeedback

organizational identification (OID) 3 main tenets:

-people value and seek self-esteem -group memberships play a role in a person's self-concept -individuals seek to maintain favorable distinctions for their in-groups better than outgroups

Understand the 4 elements of core self-evaluations

-self-esteem -self efficacy -locus of control -emotional stability

Tertiary prevention strategies

-symptom-directed focused on healing the negative effects (strains) caused by stressors -employee assistance programs

Understand three ways that an incremental mindset should increase employee engagement

1) Facilitating more positive benefits about effort 2) Prompting more attention to task-relevant information 3) identifying useful information to improve from setbacks

Understand the three main advantages of using work diary research rather than once a year surveys

1) Reduce retrospective bias (less subject to memory error or socially desirable responding) 2) Take into account the situational context 3) Allow us to examine proximal predictors (what helps on a specific day?)

Understand two ways that an entity mindset may diminish employee engagement

1) diminishing enthusiasm for development 2) diminishing positive interactions with others

five ideas for developing an incremental mindset

1) highlighting the brain's growth potential 2) elicit counter-attitudinal reflection 3) elicit counter-attitudinal advocacy 4) induce cognitive dissonance 5) role play replacing entity with incremental mindsets

two ways that taking time to recover from work can improve well-being and performance capacity in employees

1. Builds social and psychological resources that increase well-being 2. interrupt the negative effects of work demands and stress

Understand the three main fears that prevent employees from using vacation time

1. Fear of work piling up while they are gone 2. fear that nobody else can do the work when they are gone 3. fear of being preceived as lazy

five main benefits that result from employees who successfully achieve psychological detachment, relaxation, and mastery

1. higher work engagement 2. higher job performance 3. increased creativity 4. initiative taking 5. increased OCB

Karasek's demand-control model

1. low strain job 2. passive job 3. active job 4. high strain job

Understand the 4 tenets of Affective Events Theory (AET)

1. people have natural dispositions that influence their general moods (positive & negative affect) 2. specific events interact w/ moods leading to emotional reactions in the workplace 3. emotional experiences fluctuate over time and can be measured 4. emotional experiences are multidimensional

·five organizational strategies that can enable employees to recover effectively

1. reduce stressors-use primary prevention techniques such as job crafting and job redesign 2. encourage employees to take vacations. create policies that dont allow employees to rollover or get paid benefits for unused vacation days 3. reinforce norms for recovery through leadership-modeling, encourage support for people who go on vacations instead 4. creating policies and norms for technology use 5. allowing flexible scheduling

exhaustion stage

overall resistance is lowered and burnout, severe physical or mental problems occur

In which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) does a person's heart rate increase and stress hormones are released?

A.) Alarm reaction

According to Karasek's demand/control model of stress, an active job would be one that is:

A.) High in both control and demands

Distinguish between the three types of organizational commitment

Affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment

the three stages of general adaption syndrome (seyles GAS)

Alarm stage, resistance stage, exhaustion stage

1. An employee is offered a higher-paying job in another company. However, the hours are longer and it would involve relocating the person's family, so the employee decides to remain with her current organization. This is an example of:

Continuance commitment

Which of the following is NOT a benefit from vacation time when people successfully achieve psychological detachment, relaxation, and mastery?

Decreased CWB

Margaret is a college student who is stressed out by having a lot of work to do in a short time and not knowing how to study effectively. Margaret's friend directs here to a website on effective study habits for college students. Her friend is providing:

Emotional support

What are the three main fears that prevent Americans from using their vacation time?

Fear of work piling up while they are gone Fear that nobody else can do the work when they are gone Fear of being perceived as lazy

What are the five main research benefits of recovery experiences?

Improved work engagement Increased job performance Increased creativity Increased initiative taking Increased OCB

Low strain job

Low demand, high control


Meaningfulness of work. Does my work provide something valuable?

Brief and Weiss (2002) believe that the low correlation between job satisfaction and job performance is due to:

Measuring job satisfaction as an attitude instead of a feeling

Jim takes a 15-minute walk outside in the middle of his shift. This would be an example of which type of recovery experience?


Identify the three main components of work engagement

Vigor, dedication, absorption

interval contingent

a fixed interval that is predetermined based on time (write how you feel about your job every day at 2:00 pm)

Fixated job (dis)satisfaction

a person feels dissatisfied with the job. Maintaining the level of aspiration, a person does not try to master the situation by problem-solving. Problem-solving seems unattainable. Individual gets stuck with his or her problems.

Progressive job satisfaction

a person feels satisfied with work. by increasing the level of aspiration, a person trys to achieve an even higher level of satisfaction.

presenteeism (work withdrawal)

a person is at work, but functionally absent (too sick, tired, unmotivated to perform quality work on the job; reduced inputs)

absenteeism (work withdrawal)

a person is not at work due to either sickness or lack of desire to be ther

Constructive work dissatisfaction

a type of dissatisfaction that energizes individuals and is beneficial for motivating them to join attempts at organizational change

Resigned work satisfaction

a type of satisfaction associated with reduced work effort and a reduced willingness to change or adapt

event contingent

participants record data when a specific event occurs. need to clearly define the event (when a co-worker makes you angry)


absenteeism, presenteeism, turnover

the component of employee engagement that refers to losing one's self in the work and is also present in workaholism


When a friend provides feedback that can enhance self-esteem, such as "you're a very good person and will be successful at your job even though it may be challenging at the moment", this would be an example of this type of social support.

appraisal support

signal contingent

beeping or text to notify participants to record data at random intervals (how satisfied are you w/ your work at 10,12,2 then 9, 11:45, 3:15 the next day)

continuance commitment

believing one must stay with an organization due to time, expense, and effort put into it or the difficulty of finding another job.

alarm stage

body is mobilized to cope with stress. Heart rate increases, hormones are released

When Meredith is asked about her job, she says that she does not like it that much right now. However, she feels confident that she will be able to report the issues that annoy her, such as no opportunities to work over time, to her manager and that things can improve in the future. According to Bussing, Meredith is showing:

constructive work dissatisfaction

When a person does not like their job but stays at it because they are scared of applying for new jobs, this would be an example of this type of organizational committment

continuance commitment


control commitment challenge

when an employee does not like their job but works proactively with their supervisor to improve conditions, this would be an example of which type of work satisfaction or dissatisfaction according to bussing

contructive work dissatisfaction

1. If an individual feels that she cannot understand or identify with others' problems, she is suffering from which dimension of burnout?

low personal accomplishment

Dr Busath is stressed from work so he signs up for an art class even though he's terrible at art so that he can learn more about it. This would be an example of this type of recovery experience.


psychological detachment

mentally disconnecting from work; refraining from work-related thoughts, activities, and emotions during nonwork time

When employees are asked to identify somebody they care about who is struggling with their confidence to complete a task (e.g., their child is struggling with math homework), the manager asks them to write a message that can help the other person improve (e.g., listing what you would say to the child to help the child succeed on their math homework), this would be an example of using this technique to change from an entity to an incremental mindset

eliciting counter-attitudinal advocacy

A student complains to their stats teacher that they can't ever understand math and need to quit the class and their major. The teacher tells them to write down an experience from their past where they didn't believe they could accomplish something and they managed to do it. The teacher is using this strategy to change the student from entity to incremental mindset

eliciting counter-attitudinal reflection

three components of burnout

emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, low personal accomplishment

Job demands were not correlated with:

employee engagement

Employee engagement that is thought (wrongly according to the authors of Reading #2) to be a stable construct over time and is typically measured in once a year surveys is this type of employee engagement.

enduring employee enagagement


engage in low-activation activities such as taking a walk or reading


negative physical, behavioral, or psychological responses.

normative commitment

feeling obligated to the organization and feels they must remain w/ the organization

psychological meaningfulness

feeling worthwhile useful, and valuable

person moderators

hardiness type A behavioral pattern

psychological availability

having the physical, emotional, or psychological resources to engage in work at a particular moment. Organizations that encourage vacations, breaks, and opportunities to refresh will do better.

active job

high demand and high control (lowest probability of dying earlier)

high strain job

high demand, low control (highest death rates)

Not being able to send permission to add codes and help students enroll in classes because the teacher does not have access to their schedules before students are allowed to enroll in classes would be an example of this type of stressor.


Distinguish between four variations of identification

identification, disidentification, ambivalent identification, neutral identification


identifying by not having the attributes (I hate NAU w/ a passion; I never want to tell anyone i went here)


identifying oneself in terms of the organization (i love NAU; hail NAU)

Ambivalent Identification

identifying some aspects of the organization, but hate others. (classes are cool, but admin is a pain)

A person who demonstrates a high level of frustration with others slowing them down and having a low tolerance for mediocre workers would be displaying this Type A behavioral pattern subcomponent.


passive job

low demands and low control

neutral identification

neither activity liking or disliking (i have no strong feelings about NAU, I can stay or leave)

Margaret has got sick with a severe contagious cold, but she fears being criticized for taking a sick day, so she comes to work even though she cannot concentrate and do a good job. Assuming the company loses money from her decreased work performance, this would be an example of:

presenteeism which is a type of work withdrawal


psychological presence or "being there". Fully concentrated; not day dreaming or counting down the hours till the end of the work day.

Feeling free to express one's opinions at work and be their authentic self without fear of repercussions

psychological safety

Enduring work engagement

refers to how employees feel about their job in general. (measured either at just one point in time or once a year in longitudinal studies)

Daily work engagement

refers to how engagement may vary from day to day (a professor may be more engaged in a writing research article and teaching one day, then less engaged at the faculty meeting the next day)

momentary work engagement

refers to how engagement may vary from time to time within the same day (student may be more engaged studying job satisfaction and employee engagement rather than research methods)


refers to how stimulating their work experiences are. how exciting do I find my work, is it something to which I truly want to devote my time and effort?

resistance stage

resistance to stressor takes up resources lowering resistance to other stressors


seeking out activities that pose a challenge or present an opportunity for learning

core self-evaluation

shows that perceptions are more important than objective factors in evaluation job satisfaction. correlated w/ life & job satisfaction

experience sampling method

signal contingent, event contingent, interval contingent

Job resources are consistently found to be:

the strongest predictor in employee engagement


variables that buffer the stressor-strain response

affective commitment

wanting to remain w/ the organization, caring about the organization and willing to work on its behalf.


work, occupational, organizational, and other external conditions

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