Psych Exam (mypsychlab)

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neurodevelopmental disorder

A disorder that involves an impairment of brain function or development and affects the child's psychological, cognitive, social, or emotional development is called a __________.

Waxy flexibility

A feature noted with some schizophrenic forms of catatonia is _________, which involves adopting a fixed posture into which they have been positioned by others

Tardive dyskinesia

A major risk of long-term use of neuroleptics is the potential for developing _____, a disorder involving involuntary movements that often is irreversible

Social (pragmatic) communication disorder

A newly recognized disorder in DSM-5 is ________. This diagnosis applies to children who have continuing and profound difficulties communicating verbally and nonverbally with other people in their natural contexts—in school, at home, or in play

minor or major neurocognitive disorder

HIV can invade the central nervous systems and cause a cognitive disorder called ___________.


Hallucinations linked to a higher risk of violent behavior


Hallucinogens, also known as ___________, are a class of drugs that produce sensory distortions or hallucinations, including major alterations of color perception and hearing

the problem of leaping from the general to the specific

Harry is a loud-mouthed executive who uses violent language when he talks about how he will deal with his business rivals. But in 30 years, he has never harmed anyone. Which factor in the prediction of violence does this portray?

Schizophreniform disorder

Harry went from relatively normal functioning to developing hallucinations, illogical thinking, and bizarre behavior within a period of a few weeks. This is characteristic of an acute onset of

Excessive emotionality and an overwhelming need to be the center of attention

Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by

Prefrontal cortex

If Kevin's clinician believes that his personality disorder is rooted in a brain abnormality, it is likely in the __________, which is involved in processing emotional responses and forming new memories.

Dependent personality disorder

If Tina is extremely fearful of being alone, lets others make her decisions, and avoids ever being truly responsible, it is likely that she has

Physical dependence

If a person's body has changed because of regular drug use such that the body now needs a steady supply of the drug, the person has developed

Schizoid; histrionic

Illustrative of the sexist biases underlying many personality disorders, clinicians tend to view men as having __________ personality disorder and women as having __________ personality disorder, even if they have the same symptoms


In _________ aphasia, people have difficulty understanding written or spoken language, but can express themselves through speech.


In __________ aphasia, the ability to express thoughts through speech is impaired, but the person can understand spoken language.

immediate hospitalization; 72

In an emergency situation in which a person is deemed a present threat to themselves or others, the court can authorize ___________ for a period of up to ___________ hours until a formal commitment hearing can be held.

REM sleep behavior disorder

In cases of _________ muscle paralysis is absent or incomplete and the person may suddenly kick or flail the arms during sleep, potentially causing injuries to the self or the bed partner

High-risk situations

In relapse-prevention training, clients learn to cope with _________, such as negative mood states, interpersonal conflict, and socially conductive situations, without turning to alcohol or drugs

Profoundly affected by cultural beliefs

In sexual behavior, as in other types of behavior, the lines between the normal and the abnormal are

Much less common; have national access to media via the internet

In support of the sociocultural model, evidence shows that eating disorders are _________ in non-Western countries that do not _________

Addington v. Texas; clear and present danger to themselves or others

In the case of __________, the U.S. Supreme COurt ruled that an individual cannot be hospitalized in a psychiatric facility without being judged both mentally ill and a __________.

excitement is achieved consistently and then followed by a sequence of other sexual activities

In the treatment of arousal disorders and performance anxiety, a couple typically reengages in sexual intercourse after __________________________.

Two months of progressive sexual build-up

In treatment of arousal disorders and performance anxiety, a couple typically reengages in sexual intercourse after

Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder (MHSDD)

Men diagnosed with _______ persistently have little, if any, desire for sexual activity or may lack sexual or erotic thoughts or fantasies

out number women by about 3-to-1; female-to-male

Men seeking sex reassignment _________. Postoperative adjustment tends to be more favorable for ___________ reassignment.

Outwardly; inwardly

Men with borderline personality disorder tend to express physical aggression ________, whereas women with the same diagnosis tend to express aggression ________

mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

Mild neurocognitive disorder is a new name for a clinical syndrome widely identified as ____________.

Heterosexual; domination and control

Most men who engage in rape are _________. Their motives often include _________


Most of the research on the biological perspective of personality disorders has focused on ________ personality disorder.

Rarely present with behaviors suggesting they're suicidal

Most young people who kill themselves

Nicotine replacement therapy

Nasal sprays, transdermal patches, and prescription gun are all forms of


Nearly __________ of Parkinson's disease patients will eventually develop dementia over the course of the illness.

Social (pragmatic) communication disorder

New to the DSM-5 is a diagnosis for children who have continuing and profound difficulties communicating verbally and nonverbally with other people in settings such as in school, home, or play. This diagnosis is called

Sleep-wake disorders; during sleep or at the threshold between sleep and wakefulness

The DSM-5 uses the term _________ rather than the earlier diagnostic term, so as to underscore the fact that these disorders involve problems that occur

Jones v. United States

The Supreme Court ruled that persons who are criminally committed can be confined to mental institutions until they regain sanity and are not longer a danger to themselves or others in the case of _________.

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

The assessment used in a sleep center for evaluating sleep problems is termed _________ recording because it involves simultaneous measurement of diverse physiological response patterns


The atypical antipsychotic drug ________ carries a risk of a potentially lethal disorder in which the body produces inadequate supplies of white blood cells

Tarasoff v. the Regents of the University of California

The case of _________ established a legal basis for a therapist's "duty to warn".

Cognitive learning

The theory that autistic children possess perceptual deficits that limit them to processing only one stimulus at a time comes from the _______ perspective


The twitches related to Huntington's disease are termed ___________.

Due to pressures to conform or to soothe negative feelings

The two subtypes of college students who appear most clearly to be at risk of becoming problem drinkers are those who drink mostly for social or enjoyment purposes and the who drink


The type of paraphilia characterized by sexual fantasies centered on receiving humiliation or pain


The type of paraphilia involving heterosexual males who experience sexual urges involving dressing in female clothing


The type of paraphilia involving sexual attraction to children

Appears to have a genetic and emotional component

The underlying cause of stuttering, which is now known as childhood-onset fluency disorder,

Classical; higher

The urine alarm method of treatment for enuresis that relies on _____ conditioning has a ______ success rate than psychiatric drugs

Amphetamine psychosis

The use of amphetamines can include ___________, a psychotic state characterized by hallucinations and delusions

Improves academic performance

The use of drugs for ADHD increases attention and reduce restlessness in school, but it is unclear if drug therapy

improves academic performance

The use of drugs for ADHD increases attention and reduce restlessness in school, but it is unclear if drug therapy ____________.

A desire for

The word anorexia is derived from the Greek root orexis, meaning


There are two general types of amnesia, anterograde amnesia and __________ amnesia.

lucid intervals

Tibeo has delirium, but his states of confusion and disorientation vary. He fluctuates between confused periods and periods of clarity, also called _________.


Tina sometimes believes Tom Hanks loves her, but at other times, she believes her friends are trying to poison her. Occasionally she complains that bugs are eating her from the inside out. Most likely Tina suffers from ______ type of delusional disorder

16; 5

To be diagnosed with pedophilia, a person must be at least __________ years old and at least __________ years older than the child toward whom the person is sexually attracted to or has victimized

the gradual exposure method

Treatment for vaginismus may include a combination of behavioral methods, including relaxation techniques and ________________

Cross-fostering; environmental

__________ studies tease out genetic from ______ influences in the development of schizophrenia

Secondary enuresis

___________ is apparently not genetically influenced and characterizes children with occasional bed-wetting who developed the problem after having established urinary control.

Cybersex addiction

___________ is not yet recognized as an official diagnostic category in the DSM, although evidence points to compulsive behavior, the building of tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms.

Sexual identity; gender dysphoria

___________ is the psychological sense of being male or female. __________ applies to people who experience significant personal distress or impaired functioning as a result of a conflict between their anatomic sex


Maternal smoking and emotional stress during pregnancy are _______ factors that may increase the risk of a child developing ADHD.


Max has cognitive deficit marked by an impaired ability to comprehend and/or produce speech. This deficit is called ________.


The themes of hallucinations and delusions in schizophrenia tend to differ by


A ___________ theorist would focus on the roles of operant and classical conditioning in studies on the development and treatment of substance abuse

Strong feelings of disgust and personal distress about one's sexual anatomy

A clinical diagnosis of gender dysphoria in childhood includes: preference for playmates of the opposite sex, participation in activities considered stereotypical of the other sex, preference for wearing clothing stereotypical of the other sex, and


A clinician who views personality disorders as maladaptive versions of neuroticism, extraversion, and openness to experience, agreeableness, or conscientiousness would be a proponent of the ________ model of personality?

criminal commitment

A person who is acquitted of a crime by reason of insanity and placed in a psychiatric institution for treatment is an example of __________.

8%; 20%

A recent internationally study revealed _______ of men and ______ of women suffered froms sexual abuse before the age of 18.

cerebrovascular accident

A stroke is also called a(n) ___________.

Learning theory

A theorist from which perspective would view paraphilias as the inadvertant pairing between some object or activity with sexual arousal, which then causes the object to elicit arousal?

Limbic system

Abnormalities in the ___________ in the brains of schizophrenic individuals may explain why they experience problems with working memory.

Fourth leading

Accidental overdoses are the ___________ cause of accidental death in the US, accounting for more than 27,000 deaths annually

Maintain composure in stressful situations

According to Hervey Cleckley, people with antisocial personalities can do what better than most individuals?


According to Kernberg, ________ personality disorder stems from a childhood failure to develop a sense of constancy and unity in one's image of oneself and others.


According to the US Department of Justice, more than four out of five rapes are _________ rapes. Even if a police report is filed, this type of rape may be treated as "misunderstanding" or "lovers quarrel," rather than violent crime


According to the text, upwards of _____ of older adults report sleep problems.

inflammation in the brain

According to your text, _______ appears to play a key role in the development of AD.

delirium tremens

After being admitted to a detoxification program to treat his alcoholism, Howard began to experience terrifying hallucinations that felt like insects crawling under his skin. What condition could be causing Howard's hallucinations?


Alcohol is classified as a depressant because it has the same biochemical effects similar to those of a class of anti-anxiety agents or ___________ known as benzodiazepines

Negative symptoms

An individual with schizophrenia who exhibits a loss of motivation, loss of pleasure in normally pleasant activities, social withdrawal or isolation, and limited output of speech is said to be experiencing

Hypersomnolence disorder

Angie frequently sleeps 9 or more hours a hight but does not feel refreshed upon awakening. With what sleep disorder might Angie be diagnosed?

16 and 20

Anorexia nervosa usually develops between the age of


Autistic children sometimes parrot back things they hear in a high-pitched monotone, this is known as ___________.

thinner prefrontal cortex

Based on MRI imaging, it is noted that children with ADHD tend to have a __________ as compared to other children.

autism and autism spectrum disorder

Beatrice, age 7, does not relate to others. She lacks speech, and exhibits disturbed motor behavior, intellectual impairment, and tantrums if objects in her room are moved or there is a change in her daily routine. Beatrice's behaviors most closely meet criteria for a(n) _____________.


Because other behaviors can be non-chemical addiction, the DSM-5 introduced a new diagnostic category, Substance Use and Addictive Disorders, that includes both substance use disorders and ___________ disorder

Primary; secondary; primary

Bed-wetting that is persistent in a child who has never established urinary control is ______ enuresis, and occasional bed-wetting after attaining urinary control is ______ enuresis. The most common form of enuresis is ______ enuresis

based their diagnoses on their own personal impressions of what people were experiencing

Before the development of the DSM, practitioners ______________.


Behaviorists using self-control training with their clients focus on strategies for modifying three different components of substance abuse. These components are known as the "ABCs", which stands for antecedent cues, behaviors, and

Refractory period

Biological investigators have found evidence that men with paraphilias might have higher-than-average sex drives, given their shorter _________ after masturbation

neither psychologists or psychiatrists can reliably predict violent behavior

Both the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association have stated that _____________.


Charles is a child who purposely engages in patterns of antisocial behavior, violates social norms and the rights of others, and does not feel remorse for these deeds. Charles would most likely receive a diagnosis of __________ disorder.

Gender dysphoria

Chaz was born a biological female; he always felt that he was a male. This knowledge has always been a source of distress for him. He was most likely diagnosed with

Spanish or French; high

Children living in _______ speaking countries are more likely to experience dyslexia as result of the _____ ratio of sounds to letter combinations

speech sound disorder

Children with __________ may omit, substitute, or mispronounce certain sounds - especially ch, f, l, r, sh, and th, which mos children articulate properly by the time they reach the early school years.

Delusional disorder

Clare believes her neighbors are trying to destroy her reputation and physically harm her, but the neighbors do not even know her. If Clare shows no other clear signs of psychosis and these beliefs persist for years, she would most likely be diagnosed with

savant syndrome

Clinicians use the label ________ to refer to someone with severe mental deficiencies who possesses some remarkable mental abilities.

Irrational beliefs and attitudes

Cognitive psychologist Albert Ellis suggested that ________ can contribute to sexual dysfunctions

By offering alternative explantations to delusional beliefs

Cognitive-behavioral therapy has proven effective in the treatment of schizophrenic delusional thinking

covert sensitization

Cognitive-behavioral treatments of paraphilias include a number of specific techniques, such as aversive conditioning, __________, and social skills training.


Compulsive gamblers and alcohol-dependent patients share similar deficits on neuropsychological tests, suggestive of brain dysfunctions in the

African American

Cross-cultural studies of expressed emotion reveal a paradox. The warmth of ________ families tends to result in a more positive outcome for their family members with schizophrenia, even though these families tend to be high on expressed emotion

African American families view schizophrenia as a temporary and curable condition

Cross-cultural studies reveal schizophrenic patients from African American families with high levels of expressed emotion had better outcomes despite the high level of expressed emotion. These studies reveal

Alcohol dependence

Dan drinks a lot. At parties, he drinks more than he intends to. His efforts to cut back on drinking have not been successful and his wife recently left him because of this. According to DSM-5 criteria, Dan would be diagnosed with

Communication deviance

Darlene's son has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. A researcher studying family influences in the development of the disorder may identify Darlene's habit of verbally attacking her son and inability to focus on what he is saying and to interrupt him to tell him what he "really" thinks as a form of

Paraphilic disorder

David suffers from exhibitionism and is unable to control his impulse to expose himself. Although aroused and sexually gratified when he exhibits, he later feels remorse and is fearful he will be arrested. According to the DMS, David's diagnosis would suggest he has

Having an excessive need to be taken care of by others

Dependent personality disorder is characterized by what trait?


Depressed children may not be able to label their feelings as depressed because children are not usually capable of recognizing internal feeling states until about the age of _____.

family problems and conflicts

Depression and suicidal behavior in childhood are frequently linked to

false negative

Dr. Johnson failed to predict the suicide of his patient. This is an example of a __________.

due process; attorney

During civil commitment proceedings, the individual has a right to __________ and to be assisted by a(n) ___________.

Residual; prodromal

During the _______ phase of schizophrenia, the behavior of the person typically returns to the level observed during the ________ phase of the disorder

Classical conditioning

Every day for a month, Nikita underwent a form of _________ where she was electrically shocked while holding an alcoholic drink with the hopes that this treatment would cause an unpleasant emotional reaction and keep her from drinking again

The conditioning model

Every time Stephan walks by a liquor store or smells the aroma of whiskey he feels an intense craving for drinking. This points to the power of ___________ in understanding drug cravings

Binge-eating/purging; anorexia nervosa

Frequent episodes of binge-eating and purging are characteristic of the _________ subtype of _________


Frotteurism is also known as


Increased availability of the neurotransmitter _______ has a side effect of delaying ejaculation and can be helpful in treating men with premature (early) ejaculation

Durham versus United States

Jack, who has paranoid schizophrenia, mistakenly stabs his brother believe that he is a monster who is attacking him. Later, a jury rules that Jack is "not criminally responsible" for stabbing his brother because the stabbing was a product of Jack's paranoid delusions, a "mental defect." This jury made their insanity defense decision using the ruling of _______________.

Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome

Jamal experiences a complete obstruction of breathing during sleep and frequently snores. He likely has the sleep disorder known as

Criminal dimension

Jamal has antisocial personality disorder, but he has not ever gotten into trouble with the law. Thus, he is said to show evidence of the personality dimension and not the ___________ of the disorder


Janice has an anxiety disorder, but she feels that her sense of nervousness is not a part of her self-identity. In other words, she views the anxiety as ego


Jeannie has been diagnosed with a binge-eating disorder. If she seeks the treatment of choice for this disorder, she will undergo

Brief psychotic

Jerry is in the Army and his best friend is killed in front of him by a roadside bomb. For several days afterward, Jerry appears to be in a stupor and he holds a pose as if he were shooting his rifle. After a couple of weeks, he returns to normal. The most likely diagnosis is _______ disorder

Conduct Disorder

Jimmy, who is 11-years-old, continually breaks his younger brother's toys and then laughs when his brother cries. This behavior is typical of _______ disorder in a child of this age.


Jorge believes he is being spied on and followed by his neighbors. Jorge appears to have a ______ type of delusional disorder


Kernberg refers to rapid shifts between viewing others as either "all good" or "all bad" as

Binge-eating disorder

Kim has a normal body weight but she is excessively concerned with her body shape. She feels out of control with her eating habits and often consumes large quantities of high calorie foods. She has the characteristics of

civil commitment

Legal placement of people in psychiatric institutions against their will is called ____________.

Childhood separation from the mother figure

Mahler built her psychodynamic explanation of personality disorders around


Major neurocognitive disorders are commonly called _________.

sexual arousal disorder

Male erectile disorder, or ED, is a type of what sexual disorder?


Many drugs of abuse produce pleasurable effects by increasing the availability of which neurotransmitter?


Marijuana is classified as a

Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea

Marrisa's father has emphysema and has also been diagnosed with central sleep apnea. Some of his sleep apnea breathing problem can be traced to his lung disease. The type of sleep apnea Marissa's father suffers from is


Martin, age 85, has hypoglycemia. He experiences difficulty concentrating, is often disoriented, and misinterprets sensory stimuli. The state of extreme mental confusion he is experiencing is known as __________.

reaction time

Older people need more time to respond to stimuli, whether they are driving or taking an intelligence test. Formally, this time is called ___________.

A tendency for the medication to suppress REM sleep

One of the major drawbacks of sleep medications for the treatment of insomnia is

Nonconsenting partners

Paraphilias are sexual deviations or types of disorders in which an individual experiences sexual urges involving nonhuman objects, __________, or situations producing pain or humiliation

Substance-induced disorders

Patterns of abnormal behavior induced by use of psychoactive substances are called

a transgender identity

People with ________ have the psychological sense of belonging to one gender while possessing the sexual organs of the other.

Transgender dysphoria

People with ____________ have the psychological sense of belonging to one gender while possessing the sexual organs of the other

No compensatory behavior afterward to reduce weight

People with binge-eating disorder (BED) have repeated binge-eating episodes but unlike bulimia nervosa, there is no

Personality disorders

People with impulse control disorders often have other psychological disorders, especially __________, which leads some investigators to question if impulse control disorders should be classified within a broader spectrum.

go to prison, but receive treatment while incarcerated

Persons convicted under the "guilty but mentally ill" statute usually ______________.


Persons with _______ disorder do not exhibit confused or jumbled thinking, and when hallucinations occur, they are not as prominent

Experiences physical abuse and neglect

Peter, age 10, often comes to school unkempt. He is an underachiever at school, gets along poorly with his classmates, and is frequently absent. He was recently caught torturing kittens and is known to pick fights with children smaller than him. The combination of these behaviors suggests that he

40 to 60

Pick's disease most often becomes evident in people ________ years of age.

One in five

Presently, about _________ children and teens in the US are either overweight or obese

Addington v. Texas

Prior to the Supreme Court ruling of __________, people were often committed to psychiatric institutions for odd and eccentric behavior.

Token economy

Providing rewards on an inpatient unit that later can be exchanged for desired goods and privileges is known as


Recent work on measuring psychopathic traits shows they can be grouped in terms of four basic factors: an interpersonal factor, an affective factor, a _______ factor, and an antisocial factor.


Refers to shallow or reduced breathing that is not as severe as full apnea


Samantha is unable to achieve orgasm with a partner, but is able to alone. Samantha's sexual dysfunction would be classified as a _________ dysfunction.


Sarah, age sixteen is tall and weighs 78 lbs. She has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. She counts calories and exercises continuously. She has a rigid and controlled personality. With what type of anorexia nervosa would Sarah be diagnosed?

4% to 5%; girls

Separation anxiety impacts _____ of children and young adolescents, and the disorder occurs more often in _____.


Sexual dysfunctions are persistent problems with sexual interest, arousal, or

Paranoid personality disorder

Simmone is constantly suspicious and worried that her coworkers are out to get her fired. What personality disorder does she most likely have?


Statistics reveal the insanity is applied in less than _______ of felony cases, and it is successful in only a fraction of these cases.


Stephen is a heterosexual man who dresses in women's clothing because it arouses him sexually. He is demonstrating ____________.

Stimulus control

Strengthens the connection between the bed and sleep by restricting activities that occur in bed

more; more

Studies of geographic and ethnic differences in the risk of suicide indicate a young adult living in a rural setting is _________ likely to commit suicide than someone living in an urban setting, and a White American is _______ likely to commit suicide than an African-American.


Studies with monozygotic and dizygotic twins indicating concordance rates of 48% and 17%, respectively, strongly support the _______ underpinnings of schizophrenia

one college woman in four

Surveys show that as many as _________ reports being forced into sexual intercourse by a date.


Susan's son Bob, age 17, attends special classes at the local high school. He is able to read and perform arithmetic calculations on a third grade level. Bob is friendly, verbal, and can be guided in the area of social conformity. Bob's level of intellectual disability is

Ego syntonic

The DSM notes that people with personality disorders tend to perceive their traits as


The DSM relies on a _________ model of psychopathology, meaning that, in general, the decision about whether someone has a mental disorder is simply made on a yes/no basis.

specific learning disorder

The DSM-5 applies a single diagnosis of ___________ to encompass various types of learning disorders or disabilities involving significant deficits in skills involved in reading, writing, arithmetic and math, and executive functions.

Orgasm disorders

The DSM-5 classifies sexual dysfunction into three categories. These include problems with orgasmic response, pain during intercourse, and problems involving

Substance abuse

The DSM-5 classifies substance-related disorders into two main categories: substance use disorders and ________ disorders


The DSM-5 labels abnormal behavior patterns associated with partial or incomplete arousals as

irresistible impulse and "right and wrong"

The definition of insanity in Durham v. United States rejected the _________ standard(s) of legal insanity.

Asperger's and childhood disintegrative disorder

The diagnostic terms ______________ were used in the previous edition of the DSM to describe distinct disorders within the autism spectrum, but are now classified as forms of autism spectrum disorder if the diagnostic criteria for ASD are met

Exposure to environmental toxins and biological vulnerabilities

The diathesis-stress model views the development of schizophrenia in terms of an interaction or combination of a diathesis or

Terrasoff v. the Regents of the University of California

The duty-to-warn provision in ___________ poses ethical, legal, and practical dilemmas for therapists.

Sexist biases

The fact that there is a personality disorder to label a caricature of traditional feminine personality but there is no disorder to reflect an overly "macho male" persona is indicative of the _________ of personality disorders.


The finding that _________ personality disorder is reported most frequently among people from lower socioeconomic classes is suggestive of the sociocultural nature to personality disorders.


The first DSM was published in _______.


The first step in the common pathway to substance dependence is

overestimates; underestimates

The general public ___________ the proportion of defendants who are acquitted based on the insanity defense and ____________ the length of confinement in a mental institution after using the insanity defense.

Visual-parietal input from the environment

The genetic form of dyslexia appears to involve defects in the neural circuitry in the brain that readers use to process

Dopamine hypothesis

The leading biochemical model of schizophrenia

Applied behavior analysis

The learning-based approaches called _______ have had the best reported results in developing language skills and socially adaptive behavior in autistic children


The major medical application of opioids is the relief of pain, or

Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome

The most common form of breathing-related sleep disorders is

fragile X syndrome

The most common genetic cause of intellectual disability is ________. It is also the second most common form of intellectual disability overall.

Learning disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

The most commonly diagnosed psychological disorders in children between the ages of 6 and 17 years are

Down; 21

The most frequent cause of mental retardation is ________ syndrome, in which there is an extra chromosome on chromosome pair _____.

Goal-directed; voluntary

The overactive behavior of normal children is _____, and these children exert ______ control over their behavior.


The personality disorder marked by eccentricities of thought and behavior, but without clearly psychotic features, is termed ________________ personality disorder.

Klinefelter's; Turner's

The presence of an additional X chromosome in ________ syndrome affects only males, while a single X chromosome instead of two in ________ syndrome affects only females.

Youngberg v. Romeo

The right to minimally adequate training to help a person function free of physical constraints, if it can be provided in a reasonable safely, is addressed in the case of ___________.


The second generation of antipsychotic medications are referred to as ___________ antipsychotics and have largely replaced the earlier generation of antipsychotics


Used medically to decrease anxiety and relieve tension, dull pain, and treat epilepsy and high blood pressure. However, their use can quickly lead to psychological and physiological dependence


Usually a __________ makes the final decision as to whether a patient may be forcibly medicated after an independent review panel rules against the patient.

An involuntary response of the vaginal muscles

Vaginismus is the conditioned response in which penile contact with the woman's genitals elicits

Wernicke's disease

Victor's uncle Joe suffers from alcoholism and has a brain disorder caused by a Thiamine deficiency. Victor's uncle most likely has ___________.

Hypnagogic hallucinations

Visual, auditory, tactile, or kinesthetic sensations that can occur just prior to the onset of sleep during a narcoleptic attack are known as

uncontrollable shaking or tremors, rigidity, disturbances in posture, and lack of control over body movements

What is Parkinson's disease characterized by?

CBT produces better results in the long term than sleep medications

What is the advantage of CBT over taking a pill for insomnia?


What is the class of neurotransmitters that have pain-blocking properties similar to the of opioids (heroin)?


What is the name of a disturbance of sensory perception where there is a loss of "knowledge" associated with perception of a given sense such as vision?

Dialectical behavior therapy

What is the name of the technique created by Marsha Linehan that specifically treats people with borderline personality disorder using a combination of cognitive-behavioral and supportive therapy?

vascular neurocognitive disorder

What is the name of the type of neurocognitive disorder that results from repeated strokes?


What is the stimulant derived from the coca plant?

Casual use

What stage on the common pathway to substance dependence precedes the "addiction or dependence" stage?

Sleep terror

When Diana checked on her two-year-old before she went to bed, she found him sitting up in bed, sweating and extremely upset, but still asleep. He was experiencing

false positive

When a mental health clinician overpredicts the dangerousness of a patient, this decision is a ________.

Wyatt v. Stickney

Which case ruled that patients in mental hospitals do not have to perform work to maintain the facility?

Durham v. United States

Which court ruling recognized that criminal intent is a precondition of criminal responsibility?


Which drug helps treat moderate Alzheimer's disease by blocking the neurotransmitter glutamate?

Huntington's Disease

Which neurological disease is characterized by involuntary, jerky twitches and alternating mood states and impacts the body's basal ganglia?

The DSM overmedicalizes mild difficulties in adjustment by classifying them as mental disorders.

Which of the following is a criticism of the DSM?

frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder

Which of the following is a neurocognitive disorder characterized by deterioration (thinning of shrinkage) of brain tissue in the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex?


Which of the following is a nonstimulant medication used in the treatment of ADHD?

People should not be deprived of liberty because their behavior is perceived as socially deviant or disruptive

Which of the following is one of the arguments made against psychiatric commitment by the psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz?

Wyatt v. Stickney

Which of the following is the 1972 landmark federal court case that helped establish a minimum standard of care to be provided by hospitals for mental health treatment?

John is severely depressed. He engages in cutting behaviors and tells his friends he wants to die.

Which of the following meets the criteria for civil commitment?

Sexual Masochism

Which paraphilia is characterized by sexual fantasies centered on receiving humiliation or pain?

Antisocial personality disorder

Which personality disorder is characterized by irresponsible behavior and a lack of remorse for misdeeds?

Covert Sensitization

Which treatment techniques specifically involves pairing paraphiliac fantasies with adverse stimuli in a client's imagination?

Parkinson's disease

While deep brain electrical stimulations help block tremors in patients with ________________, they also carry a significant risk of adverse effect.

Momentary impulses

While the exact causes are unknown, people with kleptomania appear to be largely motivated by

It describes and classifies the different types of psycopathologies, allowing psychologists to assess their clients consensus-based definitions.

Why is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, so important to the field of psychology?

Childhood sexual and physical abuse

Women with bulimia nervosa are more likely that other women to have experienced

Higher; less

Women with schizophrenia tend to have a ______ level of functioning prior to the onset of the disorder, and the course of the disorder tends to be ______ severe than men


Zelda is dramatic, impulsive, engages in self-injury, and makes frequent suicidal references. Her behaviors most closely match the DSM-5 diagnosis of ____________ personality disorder.

Oppositional defiant; conduct; more

_______ disorder typically develops earlier than _______ disorder, which involves ______ delinquent behaviors.


_________ theorists see rape as an expression of men's desire to dominate and degrade women, to establish unquestionable power and superiority over them


_________ theory posits that girls who develop anorexia nervosa displace attention from family conflicts and marital tensions onto themselves


______________ is a type of paraphilia in which a person uses an inanimate object as a focus of sexual interest and as a source of arousal.

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